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International Symposium on Systems Optimization and Analysis: Rocquencourt, December 11–13, 1978 IRIA LABORIA Institut de Recherche d'Informatique et d'Automatique Rocquencourt — France PDF

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Preview International Symposium on Systems Optimization and Analysis: Rocquencourt, December 11–13, 1978 IRIA LABORIA Institut de Recherche d'Informatique et d'Automatique Rocquencourt — France

Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Edited by A V Balakrishnan and M.Thoma 14 International Symposium on Systems Optimization and Analysis Rocquencourt, December 11-13, 1978 IRIA LABORIA Institut de Recherche d'lnformatique et d'Automatique Rocquencourt - France Edited by A. Bensoussan and J. L. Lions Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1979 Series Editors h~ V. Balakrishnan. M. Thoma Advisory Board L. D. Davisson • A. G. J. MacFarlane • H. Kwakernaak • Ya. Z. Tsypkin Editors Prof. A. Bensoussan Prof. J. L. Lions IRIA LABORIA Domaine de Voluceau - Rocquencourt F-78150 Le ChesnaytFrance With 16 Figures ISBN 3-540-09447-4 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork ISBN 0-387-0944?-4 Springer-Verlag NewYork Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, re- printing, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to be determined by agreement with the publisher. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1979 Printed in Germany Printing and binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 2060/3020-543210 This symposium is organized by the Institut de Recherche d'Informatique et d'Automatique under the sponsorship of: • Association Fran~.aise pour la Cybern~tique Economique et Technique (AFCET) • International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Technical Committee of Theory Ce colloque est organis6 par l'Institut de Recherche d'Informatlquee t d'Automatique( IRIA) sous le patronage de: • Association FranCalse pour la Cybern~tique Economique et Technique (AFCET) • International Federation of Automatic (IFAC) Technical Committee of Theory Organicers - Organisateurs A. BENSOUSSAN J. L. LIONS Organization committee - Comit6 d'organisation A. BENSOUSSAN (IRIA/LABORIA) P. FAURRE (AFCET - IRIA/LABORIA) A. FOSSARD (AFCET) H. KWAKERNAAK (IFAC) J. LESOURNE (CNAM) J. L. LIONS (IRIA/LABORIA) Scientific Secretaries - Secr6taires Scientifiques P. NEPOMIASTCHY (IRIA/LABORIA) Y. LEMARECHAL (IRIAJLABORIA) Symposium Secretariat - Secr6tariat du Colloque Th. BRICHETEAU (IPdM Foreword This international symposium on analysis and optimization was the third of a series. Organized by IRIA with the co-sponsorship of AFCET and IFAC, it has gathered more than 200 participants from 18 different countries. Five sessions were essentially dedicated to the following topics: Economic models; identification, estimation, filtering; adaptative control; numerical methods in optimization; distributed systems. The conference was followed by a special two-day meeting on industrial applications, co-organized by AFCET and IRIA. For this reason the papers related with methodology were concentrated during the first three days and will be found in this book. The organizers wish to express their gratitude to IRIA for the support given to the conference, in particular to the Department of External Relations. Thanks should also be addressed to AFCET and IFAC for their sponsorship. This symposium is now regularly organized every two years in december. The large variety of fields covered by "Analysis and Optimization" allows the organizers to select and emphasize different topics at each symposium. The Springer-Verlag series "Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences" edited by Professor Balakrishnan and Professor Thoma has already published the proceedings of the second IRIA Symposium 1976. We are quite happy to see the proceedings of the third one published in the same series. May, 1979 Alain Bensoussan Jacques-Louis Lions Table of Contents - Table des matieres ECONOMICAL MODELS MODELES ~CONOMIQUES ............................................ An international agreement as a complementarity problem M.A. Keyzer (Netherlands) ...................................... Solving nonlinear economic planning models using GRG algorithms L.S. La~don, A. Meerau~ (USA) .................................. 17 Specification and estimation of econometric models with generalized expectations K.D. Wall (USA) ................................................ 34 Implementation of the model in codes for control of large econometric models A. Drud (Denmark) ............................................... 49 MODULECO, aide ~ la construction et ~ l'utilisation de modules macroe"c onomlques P. Nepomiastchy, B. Oudet, F. Rechenmann (France) .............. 61 IDENTIFICATION, ESTIMATION, FILTERING IDENTIFICATION, ESTIMATION, FILTRAGE ........................... 72 A calculus of multiparameter martingales and its applications E. Wong (USA) .................................................. 73 Orthogonal transformation (square root). Implementations of the generalized Chandrasekhar and generalized Levinson algorithms f. KaiZath, A. Vieira, M. Morf (USA) ........................... 81 Shortest data description and consistency of order estimates in arma-processes J. Rissanen (USA) .............................................. 92 Spectral theory of linear control and estimation problems E.A. Jonckheere, L.M. Silverman (USA) .......................... 9g Un algorithme de lissage M. CZerget, F. Germain (Prance) ................................ IiO Reduced order modeling of closed-loop nash games H.K. KhakiS, B.F. Gardner Jr., J.B. Cruz Jr., P.V. Kokotovie (USA) ............................................ 119 VII Quantum estimation theory S.K. Mitter, S.K. Young (USA) ................................. 127 ADAPTIVE CONTROL CONTROLE ADAPTATIF ............................................ 137 Piece,wise deterministic signals K.J. Astr~m (Sweden) .......................................... 138 Adaptive control of Markov chains V. Borkar, P. Varaiya (USA) ................................... 145 Resource management in an automated warehouse Y.C. Ho, R. Suri (USA) ........................................ 153 Dualit~ asymptotique entre les syst~mes de commande adaptative avec mod&le et les r~gulateurs ~ variance minimale auto-ajustables Y. Landau (France) ............................................ 168 NUMERICAL METHODS IN OPTIMIZATION MRTHODES NUMRRIQUES EN OPTIMISATION ........................... 178 On the Bertsekas' method for minimization of composite functions B.T. PoZjak (USSR) ............................................ 179 On e-subgradient methods of non-differentiable optimization E.A. Nurminski (Austria) ..................................... 187 Non-differentiable optimization and large scale linear programming J.F. Shapiro (USA) ............................................ 196 Algorithms for non-linear multicommodity network flow problems D.P. Bertseka8 (USA) .......................................... 210 A 2-stage algorithm for minimax optimization J. Hald, K. Madsen (Denmark) .................................. 225 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS SYSTEMES DISTRIBUES ........................................... 240 Certain control problems in distributed systems A.G. Butkovskiy (USSR) ........................................ 241 VIII Partitioning: the multi-model framework for estimation and control D.G. Lainiotis (USA) ........................................... 252 Water waves and problems of infinite time control D.L. Russel, R.M. Reid (USA) ................................... 291 Boundary stabilizability for diffusion processes R. Triggiani (USA) ............................................. 304 Spline based approximation methods for control and identification of hereditary systems H.T. Banks, J.A. Burns, E.M. Cliff (USA) ....................... 314 Stabilization of boundary control systems J. Zabczyk (Poland) ............................................ 321 ECONOMICAL MODELS MODELES I~CONOMIQUES AN INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT AS A COMPLemENTARITY PROBLEM M.A. Keyzer Centre for World Food Studies Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Abstract A general equilibrium model is presented which describes the operation of a buffer stock agreement on the world market. The model is reformulated as a complementarity problem and its solution through nonsmooth optimization is described. 1. A COMPETITIVE MODEL We consider an international economy as a system of commodity im- porting - exporting nations who react to international prices. In such an economy a competitive equilibrium can be defined as a system of prices such that imports do not exceed exports for any commodity. We take into consideration the full set of commodities the countries trade in, thus following a general equilibrium approach as opposed to a part- ial one. For each nation imports - exports are determined by a national model. The possible structure of such a model will not be discussed in this paper (cf. [6]).All that matters here is that the relation between imports - exports and international prices is assumed to have the fol- lowing characteristics, which closely follow the requirements set out in Arrow and Hahn Ch. i [I]. (a) A national model is considered as a set of net demand functions of world market prices. The functions are continuous for positive world market prices. For country h,h = I,...,L one has: z h = z h (pW,kh), defined for pW ~ 0 (i.i) W p n-dimensional vector of world market prices h z n-dimensional vector of net demand by nation h (net demand = demand - supply) k h deficit on the balance of trade of nation h. (b) National net demand is assumed to satisfy for all nonnegative world market prices the following balance of trade equation: pWzh = kh(pw ) 1 (1.2) k h is the nation's deficit on the balance of trade; kh(pw) is con- tinuous and homogeneous of degree one in pW. The deficits on the balances of trade are distributed over countries in such a way that: Z k h = 0 at all pW ~ 0 (1.3) h (c) Let d h be the nations vector of demand and yh the vector of supply then by definition: z h = d h - y h (1.4) We assume that: dh> 0 and yh> 0 o There exists a finite number c such that for i=l,..,n: y~ < C. i Price vectors are row vectors. Quantity vectors are column vectors.

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