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International police, detective, sheriff, constable and identification directory, 1921- PDF

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Preview International police, detective, sheriff, constable and identification directory, 1921-

'M OF ^#^ a45s(^-n£2J^ooA.,^oq-^ REKKRKNCE. Wv^ From the collection ofthe n m irrelinger a V Jj library P t San Francisco, California 2008 i. <i ^ INTERNATIONAL POLICE AND DETECTIVE DIRECTORY Copyright 1922 h m -0 PRICE $10.00 'SAX FRAXriHCo" '':'. CALIFO.KXIA / U. S.A. iNTi'iKN'ATI. I'oi,!(•]•: \- i»i:'i'K("ri\i-: DiiU'jr'i'oK'i TO THE PUBLIC AND TO OUR PATRONS From our timid debut in 1921 we are now in the full limelight of 1922, and we have come to say we will not weary the reader with a detail of our trials or our work, but will say that everything has been done in a thorough, — sys—tematic manner- sufficient to make this volume lust what it was intended for an unerring guide for those who follow—the line of investigation the world over. "Fools only make no mistakes" and as we don't l)9long in that class, mistakes may be found in our publication. But we will ask the critic "to not tell other people BUT TO TELL VS, and we will thank them for so doing. Many detective agencie—s have merged; some have disl)anded, and many changes have taken place but we have endeavored to keep pace, and our lists are as accurate as the authenticity of the data submitted to us by those in position to know, would permit. AS TO REPUTATION We will say that to the best of our ability, the long list—of individuals singly and collectively mentioned in this book are—of the best we will have nothing to do with one that isn't, if we know it but at the same time we advi—se our patrons to use the same business acumen they would in any other line make inquiries first. Human nature is varying all the time. We have a word of thaiiks for those patrons who saw the possibilities of this book and helped by th«^ir efforts t(i bring it from the critical, experi- mental stage into w.hat.it now <s, an indisfeivsable adjunct to those whose duty is the suppression of vice. — Some liave stood back; some have covertly sneered hut criticisms have been few. We say,.h(>^'ever, it's your boo.k-^-te',11 as what you want and we will try and make it to auit YOF; '.: , We invite criticism and desire your early co-operation for all data, etc., that can be supplied to make the 1923 edition exactly what you would wish it to be. INTERN.ATL I'OIJCK DETECTTVP. DIRECTUItV cV;- We are ardent advocates of co-operation and we direct the attentio.i ol" our patrons to the ample list we have of detectives and finger-print and - other experts listed in this book. These are graduates from the best institutions of learning and are in every way worthy of your patronage and support, and as they have placed . their name where you can see it give them a call. It is our idea to ^et people in touch. AGENCIES *^ are listed according to location and not alphabetically, as such an anaiiKe- -ment would necessitate a costly index of 20 or more pages, wliich is (luite an item in expense when the whole world, let alone the l'. S. is considered. Some people tliiiik we e.xaggerate when we say "around the world." But to these we will say that a fugitive who has committed murder in a little shack in the wilds of Arkansas, we will say. fle—es (it don't niattet* where) our agents will get him on some of our routes —Honolulu. Manila, Shangh—ai, Hongkong, Natal, Durban, London or Paris it doesn't matter where we are in touch with men who are willing to co-operate. Race and language are no ])arriers. TO (UK RITICS < You can facilitate matters pertaining to hearty co-operation by sending in any data on corrections or ideas on design immediately on receipt of thi.-^ volume, while they are fresh in your mind. This is youi- book and we are trying to please you. (IKNEKAJ. EFFICIENCY (M). INTEKNAT L POLICE & DETECTIVE DIRECTORY To tlu" profession everywhere, and to the general pul>lio, such as is interested in the subject of investij^-a- tion, this vohinte is respectfully dedicated. If it proves an aid on the weary routes of the long trail, then its conception is amply verified. INTERNATL POLICE DETECTIVE DIRECTOKY .v BUREAU OF CONSULTATION The young detective, just starting out, is in u quandary. He knows he has studied the game thoroughly, l)ut he gets the mistal<:en idea that the C—ollege, or some Agency, should give him a job immediately and he runs into snags, and hinders what might be a promising career, because he don't know who to appeal to for advice, and whom he can implicitly trust. Th's is a time "when a feller needs a friend." has l)een "stung" and ridiculed, and his rosy dreams, have been shattered, uiitrl life looks like a drearv waste. We receive letters from tliese young "Hawks" daily, and we never fail to point out where the difficulty is and start them right, as many of our operators today can testify. Many Agencies and Private Detectives could l)e kept—off the rocks l)y a little sound advice, at the proper juncture so we have decided in the future to open a Bureau of Information for those who need or feel the aid of one, whether it be those wMo have the yearning, which almost every human has at some time or another, to beco—me a detective, a student, a graduate, or even a professional who might desire co—nsulta- tion, or possibly an agency that is a))Out to go under when possil)ly some sound advice might alter their prospects entirely.., A few letters don't amount to much, as a matter of fact, l)ut the amount we receive daily forces us to charge at least $1.00 per letter for such services, where details are gone into, and a personal letter has to be written to fit each case. Rememl)er, all inquiries are held strictly confidential. GENERAL EFFICIENCY CO. 136 McAllister street San Francisco, Cal. INTEKNATL POLICE & DETECTIVE DIRECTORY mL111111Lrrmi111;111111111:tnrrriTig LOYALTY DETERMINATION WORK Phone Main 385.' AMERICAN PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY o52 Munsey Biiikliiig' Washington, D. C. Established 8 years by direct authority of Congress We specialize iu all kinds ol' detective work. We will investigate your representatives in Washington. References and rates liy request. JACK WATTS GERLIT/ S. J. General Manager Assistant Manager QIuiuuiJiiuiiiiiiiiTnTrrrnM inmil MiiiiiiiiiiiiiinTnTTnnminT^'itHrjS Phone 1884 - TERKITORTAL MERCANTILE] SERVKJE, Ltd J. C. SOUSA. Manager ! Collections of every nature everywhere; Territory of Hawaii special j Xo. 4 Brewer Buildinj> | Cor. P^ort and Merchant Sts. P. O. Box 666 HONOLriA', T. 11. j WILBUR TURNER F. Expert Examiner and Photographer (^ue.stioiied tSi.unnturt's. Krasiii-cs llandwritiuu' and Typewi-itiiii:- Boston.Mass. f)W((i2tam^™5m;nrmr^^mi™^^nm™^™m^m^M-iiTmmr^if^fef^

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