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/nternational Journal of SYSTEMS SCIENCE The Theory and Practice of Mathematical Modelling, Simulation Optimization and Control in relation to biological, economic, industrial and transportation systems VOLUME 24 Editor Professor B. Porter, Department of Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering, University of Salford, Salford MS 4WT, U.K. Editorial Cfiice Editorial Office, International Journal of Systems Science, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 4 John Street, London, WCIN 2ET, U.K. Editorial Board Professor S. Arimoto, Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan. Professor R. Gorez, Laboratoire d’Automatique et Dynamique des Systémes, Uni- versité Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Professor S. C. Gupta, Information and Control Sciences Center, Institute of Tech- nology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, U.S.A. Dr. M. K. R. Habib, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kuwait University. Professor M. Ito, Automatic Control Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan. Professor G. J. Klir, Department of Systems Science, Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering, Applied Science and Technology, State University of New York at Binghamton, U.S.A. Dr. V. Kuéera, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. Professor W. T. Lin, Department of Management Science and Systems, School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo, U.S.A. Dr. K. L. Mak, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Hong Kong. Professor R. Perret, Laboratoire d’Automatique, Université Scientifique et Médi- cale, Grenoble, France. Professor R. Rosen, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, The Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. Professor J. K. Sengupta, Department of Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara, U.S.A. Professor Ya. Z. Tsypkin, Institute of Control Sciences, Moscow, Russia, C.LS. Professor J. L. Willems, State University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium. Dr. R. K. Yedavalli, Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Ohio State University, Columbus, U.S.A. Subscription Information The International Journal of Systems Science (ISSN 0020 7721) is published monthly by Taylor & Francis Ltd, 4 John Street, London WCIN 2ET, UK Annual Subscription 1994: £671, US$1128. Second class postage paid at Jamaica, New York 11431. US Postmaster: send address changes to the International Journal of Systems Science, Publications Expediting Inc., 200 Meacham Avenue, Elmont, New York 11003. Air freight and mailing in the USA by Publications Expediting Inc., 200 Meacham Avenue, Elmont, New York 11003. Printed in the UK by Burgess Science Press, Rankine Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8PR, UK. 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CONTENTS OF VOLUME 24 NUMBER 1 Optimal production strategies for announced unit cost increases C. P. KoULAMAS Decentralized sensitivity of stochastic composite systems On the stabilizability, controllability and observability of linear hereditary systems with distributed commensurate delays a Ma tacks tlh nigel ignated Ncnsosee acdt ad tabs aaces Conditional entropy theorem for recursive parameter estimation and its appli- cation to state estimation problems N. MINAmMibDeE and P. N. NIkiIFORUK nS Economic development with accumulation of physical capital and human capital WEI-BIN ZHANG 65 Robustness optimization of discrete multivariable systems with non-linear time- varying unmodelled dynamics FENG-Hs!AG Hsiao 79 Adaptive decoupler for multivariable systems A. M. Wansa and M. A. SHEIRAH 97 Constructing rule-bases for multivariable fuzzy control by self-learning. Part 1: System structure and learning algorithms Be Feet PIN HIN BEINN FTI ics ncca sonceccesnsadesneanssseescccdentnsntacanaboucds 111 Constructing rule-bases for multivariable fuzzy control by self-learning. Part 2: Rule-base formation and blood pressure control application oe Bike nt IN UI IN nip csncsircncacensssconininainseascusescnecnsieesaie 129 Grey linear programming, its solving approach, and its application Cy UTI UNNI RN, NUON sc assascensccccniacnssnaienannetsinnsaneesesnnsns 159 Modelling and optimization of data assignment in a distributed information system DNAIe aR IAB ci ae secs allya va chad ous aha boas Gs deashnaasada ydlacesasscasuckecntetes 173 Model reduction of general queueing networks K. R. Ku-MAHAMoubD and A. T. OTHMAN Robust control system design with state constraints M. Zoupy, M. S. FApALi and A. ABDEL-WAHAB Routh approximation method applied to order reduction of linear MIMO systems D. P. PAPpADopouLos and D. V. BANDEKAS Determination of the transfer matrix of multidimensional!-singular systems G. O. GLentTis, G. E. ANToniou and S. E. MENTZELOPOULOU NUMBER 2 Rationalization and application of algorithms for integrated system optimiza- tion and parameter estimation J. E. Evtis, N. H. KANDAMBy and P. D. Roserts Frequency-domain conditions of discrete-time controllability and stabilizability for infinite-dimensional systems TOSHIHIRO KOBAYASHI Zeros of discrete-time infinite-dimensional control systems TOSHIHIRO KOBAYASHI Optimum ordering policies with age-dependent minimal repair and two types of lead times SHeY-Hue! SHeu and CHING-TIEN Liou Robust stabilization of uncertain linear dynamical systems HANSHENG Wu and Koicu! MIZUKAMI Variable structure control using an adaptive boundary of system uncertainty Ju-JANG LEE, YANGSHENG Xu and DonG SANG Yoo New technique for decoupling control Q. J. X1a, M. Rao, Y. X. Sun and Y. Q. YING Fuzzy adaptive control C. BATurR and V. KASPARIAN Adaptive control scheme for a robot manipulator: direct decoupler and PID controller i, Temes, G.. FP. Leeman ek Gy. OWI oa. sce scccisesscnesseonncossecennes On the assessment of social benefits derived from employment policies G. L. Gomez M State estimation of stochastic singular linear systems M. Darouacn, M. ZASsADZzINsKI and D. MEHDI Optimal control for linear periodic systems by using multirate piecewise constant sampled state feedback LaipING Su and KENICHI ABE Discrete variable structure control systems XINGHUO YU Finite-dimensional model reference adaptive control of a class of nonlinear distributed systems with quasi-sliding mode MorToFuMI SASAKI, YOSHIKAZU HAYAKAWA, SEIZO Fusil, KUNIO Koizumi and TosHIHIRO IWAKI Information theory and economic growth models J. K. SENGUPTA NUMBER 3 Stochastic robot forward dynamics with spatially distributed measurement noise KwANG-Soos Ko and R. K. READ Some models for developmental systems. Part XIII: Multilevel development by parallel programming J.-C. Gitte, S. WEGRzyYN and P. VIDAL 44] Accelerated time discrete event simulation in a distributed environment D. A. Cook and U. W. Poocu 451 Robustness of D-stability for discrete large-scale uncertain systems CuieN-Hua Lee, Tzuu-Hsenc S. Li and FAN-CHU KUNG 479 Decentralized model-based control of a class of large-scale interconnected systems hs Wee, DARIAN BUN TE, SEARO on cisccsscnsncsscsessvonssesuscevensevnecssscossonsess 499 The effects of market power on the stocks and prices of world coffee J. K. SENGuptA and E. C. WANG 515 Causes of finished goods inventory imbalances in industrial firms that utilize a channel of distribution: a structural equation approach R. B. RosEcKy 529 POC net, a subclass of Petri nets, and its application to timed Petri nets A. OuTA and T. HisAMURA 539 Performance evaluation of n-unit priority standby systems Ta i IS ks Ps UNG sinsciaiisc than nsveneteroet bicernieennsenitdocieaa. 553 Neighbouring optimal guidance for aeroassisted non-coplanar orbital transfer Identification of non-linear systems by recursive kernel regression estimates A. KRZYZAK Robust optimization of multivariable feedback systems with time-varying non- linear uncertainties MAAN-HUANG Tu, CHIH-MIN LIN and Yu-PING LIN NUMBER 4 Multi stage Monte Carlo optimization applied to a six hundred point travelling salesman problem Approximation of the departure process from G/M/1/K and M/G/1/K queueing systems B. PoURBABAI Existence, threshold and stability results for an age-structured epidemic model with vaccination and a non-separable transmission coefficient D. GREENHALGH Disturbances-utilizing optimal controller for discrete-time systems Tsu-TIAN LEE, CHEN-LANG Liu and WEN-JIEH WANG Multi-rate regulator design of two-time-scale systems via digital redesign method HISASHI KANDO, YOSIFUMI YONEMOTO and TETsUuO IwAZUMI Study of pulp cooking control using the systems approach N. HvaALa, J. CeRNETIC and S. STRMCNIK Fault detection in linear discrete dynamic systems by a reduced order generalized-likelihood-ratio method OG ne Robust implementation of sliding mode control schemes R. Davies and S. K. SPURGEON Improving delay estimates derived from least-square algorithms and Padé approximations Er-We! Bai and Donc H. CHyYUNG Diamond and simplex stability regions LonG WANG and LIN HUANG Canonical form observability for discrete-time affine non-linear systems D. J. KAzAKos A new algorithm for approximating the state of nonlinear systems Stochastic approximation method for solving the stochastic multiobjective programming problem N. Basa and A. Morimoto Robust design of discrete-time systems via optimization M. A. Zoupy, M. S. FApDAL! and J. Liu Correspondence Comments on ‘Parity vector approach for detecting failures in dynamic systems’ J. Y. KELLER, S. NowAkowsk! and M. DAROUACH NUMBER 5 New matrix method for multipoint Padé approximation of transfer functions T. N. Lucas Simulation applied to a three hundred degree polynomial Modelling the time-series variation of earnings response coefficients in the Finnish stock market T. MARTIKAINEN, P. YLI-OLLI and A. GUNASEKARAN Fault tolerant control with switching strategy ZEUNGNAM BIEN and HEEGYOO LEE Non-parametric approach to stochastic linear programming J. K. SENGUPTA Input—output decoupling of non-linear systems using a simple compensator of minimum order S. D. Votiotis and M. A. CHRISTODOULOU Closed-loop Stackelberg strategies for singularly perturbed systems: the recur- sive approach Koicu! MizukKAMI and FuMIHIRO SUZUMURA Eigenvalue clustering in subregions of the complex plane for interval dynamic systems ING-RONG HorNnG, HuEY-YANG Hornc and JyH-HorRNG CHou Dynamic state feedback control of two cooperative manipulators XIAOPING YUN Frequency domain criteria for strict aperiodicity of linear interval systems Robustness considerations for p-step matrix integrators with uncertainty in the continuous system model X1aoru Niu and J. A. De ABReu-GARCIA Application of physical system theory and goal programming to modelling and analysis of waste management in national planning SUSHIL State estimation schemes for fault detection and diagnosis in dynamic systems J. Korsicz, Z. FATHi and W. F. RAMIREZ State estimation of stochastic singular linear systems: convergence and stability M. Darouacn, A. BASSONG ONANA and M. ZASADZINSKI Quality locations for the constrained minimax location model S. JorJANI, C. H. Scott and T. R. JEFFERSON NUMBER 6 Eigenstructure assignment in robot tracking applications A. Swarup and M. Gopac Balanced input—output assignment W. GAwRONSKI and F. Y. HADAEGH Positively invariant sets for continuous-time systems with the cone-preserving property S. TARBOURIECH and C. BURGAT On identification of block oriented systems by non-parametric techniques A. Krzyzak and M. A. PARTYKA Robust stability for linear uncertain time-delay systems with delay-dependence Te-Jen Su and Pin-Lin Liu On eigenstructure assignability using parametric output feedback sidan nsahacianisuanectsicsceshCcuenehessesienlalilels healandeshianilcacsvisaabtssnpniasinisannaeanias Decentralized variable-structure adaptive controller synthesis of large-scale systems subjected to bounded disturbances CHIANG-CHENG CHIANG Stochastic differential equations with fractional Brownian motion input G. JUMARIE Relationship between the controllability grammian and closed-loop eigenvalues: the single input case S. PRADHAN, V. J. Mop and M. S. BHAT Near-optimum steady-state regulator for discrete singularly perturbed systems with a prescribed degree of stability QUUN XIA, XUEMIN SHEN, YIQUN YING and MING RAo Constructing control rules for a dynamic system: probabilistic qualitative models, lookahead and exaggeration T. UrBANCIC¢ and I. BRATKO Finite-dimensional decentralized VS-MRAC of non-linear interconnected distributed parameter systems MorToruMmI! SASAKI, YOSHIKAZU HAYAKAWA, SEIzO Fusil, KUNIO Koizumi and TosHIHIRO Iwaki Characterization and compensation of discrete-time non-minimum-phase systems for precision tracking control CuIA-HsIANG MENQ and J. ZHIJIE XIA Modified extended Kalman filtering for supervised learning GUANRONG CHEN and HALUK OGMEN Failure detection, identification and accommodation based on a new accom- modation filter J. RaGot and D. Maquin NUMBER 7 A job scheduling approach based on a learning automaton for a distributed computing system ZEN-KWE!I HUANG and SHENG-DE WANG Incentive and quality assurance: an agency theoretical perspective YEONG LING YANG Optimal treatment of cancer diseases A. Novak and G. FEICHTINGER Determination of optimal shipping policy by inventory theory CHIANG Kao, CHIA YON CHEN and JrsuNG Lyu Functioning of autonomous groups: the role of delayed information E. SzcZERBICKI Performance deterioration in optimum linear systems C. Y. Kaya and D. J. BELL Description of dynamic systems from the perspective of a network of inter- actions C. PAHL-WosTL Error bound on the solution of a linear differential equation in Chebyshev series J. E. Dzietski1 and T. A. DRISCOLL Multivariable adaptive control for a class of nonlinear systems Cun Wu Han, JING XIN ZHANG and XING YUAN GU Optimal capital accumulation paths for growth models with infinite planning horizon and non-convex technologies D. Kravvaritis, G. PANTELIDES and N. S. PAPAGEORGIOU Modelling the effect of demand variations on the performance of a production system A. GUNASEKARAN, T. MARTIKAINEN and P. YLI-OLLI Fuzzy chemical kinetics: an algorithmic approach D. SINGER and P. G. SINGER Microcontroller-based real-time digital control of slow processes with dead time S. M. Eu-SHAL and M. S. MAHMOUD Generalization of the matrix stability region placement method F. Mossayesi, J. A. DE ABreu-Garcia and T. T. HARTLEY Physical realizability of output feedback control laws A. TORNAMBE Rule-based artificial neural networks R. R. LEVARY Erratum NUMBER 8 Pulse width modulation control of robotic manipulators H. SIRA-RAMIREZ, M. ZriBI and S. AHMAD A simple method of recursive parameter identification for a class of distributed parameter systems W. MARSZALEK and H. UNBEHAUEN...............csscccssssccesecessseeessceceseseeeeees Four rendezvous problems for 1 non-identical simple-integral plants H. UNBEHAUEN and I. VAKILZADEH Numerical algorithms with condition and accuracy estimates for linear systems design P. He. PetKov and P. L. LAZAROV Self-organizing neural control system design for dynamic processes CHENG-LIANG CHEN and WEN-CHIH CHEN Modelling and identification of manufacturing systems: decomposition stage E. SZCZERBICKI State estimation with optimal selection of the output matrix for discrete-time linear systems L. CAROTENUTO, P. MURACA, P. PUGLIESE and G. RAICONI Method of designing windows based on spiine approximation KAZUO TORAICHI, RYUICHI KAWAMOTO, MASARU KAMADA, MAMORU IWAKI and ROKuYA ISHII Transformation of a continuous time-invariant linear system into a discrete one MoRISHIGE KIMURA Identification of a class of continuous time-varying linear systems via block pulse functions Z. H. JIANG and W. SCHAUFELBERGER Integral equation models for continuous dynamical systems S. MUKHOPADHYAY, A. PATRA and G. P. RAO Application of a multi-layered neural network to system identification C. S. Fu and M. Pocu Optimal testing policy for a computer system with fault margin SHEY-HUE! SHEU NUMBER 9 Active damping of flexible structures via saturating actuators WEWIAN ZHANG Reliability growth modelling for the procurement of flight hardware Multi-modal parameter optimization by the automata approach ZEN-KWE!I HUANG, SHENG-DE WANG and TE-SON Kuo Positively invariant sets for singular discrete-time systems S. TARBOURIECH and E. B. CASTELAN Frequency domain criteria for robust stability of perturbed systems with uncoupled variations in odd and even coefficients A state-space description for GPC controllers Fe I, i dacicsictthcawesndidietanieiaanecsenersntccnadendapenscaie Receding-horizon predictive control with exponential weighting TAINS WONG WUE TD. WE. CRAB a insissicissccccencscssiccicinacenssccesssniseensss Echelon stock formulation for multi-stage lot-sizing with component lead times A. R. CLARK and V. A. ARMENTANO The design of discrete linear time-dependent stochastic control systems C. Francos and Y. YAVIN Identification and adaptive control of SISO singular systems H. WanG and S. DALEY Three-degree-of-freedom joint H,/H,, optimal controllers A. CASAVOLA All unidirectional error-detecting code for universal applications J. VAIDEESWARAN and S. K. SRrIvATSsA Announcement Guest Editorial P. M. FRANK Fuzzy logic control J. RaGot and M. Lamotte Fuzzy control in process automation Fuzzy and quantitative model-based control systems for robotic manipulators Se ee I I acs sanensrie dtu capanlsasia iiapielahasenguaincncecaaunnesind 1863 Applications of fuzzy logic control in autonomous robot systems JIANWEI ZHANG Fuzzy control of steam turbines N. Kiupev and P. M. FRANK Fuzzy control of an inverted pendulum with fuzzy compensation of friction forces E. OsterTAG and M. J. CARVALHO-OSTERTAG Design of a fuzzy controller for a rotating oscillator T. BERTRAM Fuzzy supervision and application to lean production ees eee Re Its CARNE ENG WUT OSRED cdc ccsscaed acces codes tgacs<csncasesansvadaxencesctegvacsceeed 1935 Fault diagnosis and reconfiguration of systems using fuzzy logic: application to a thermal plant C. Ausrun, D. SAuTER, H. Noura and M. RosBert NUMBER 11 A fuzzy target recognition system with homomorphic invariant feature extraction NinG Fana, Hsiu-PING WANG and MING-CHIEH CHENG Microbial specific growth rate control via MRAC method F. Y. ZENG, B. DAHHou, M. T. NintitA and G. Goma Some experiments on human memory and a new neural model N. N. Biswas and S. K. BHATTACHARYYA Mixed H,/H.,. control under variance constraints R. T. BAMBANG, E. SHIMEMURA and K. UCHIDA Continuous robust controller guaranteeing ESL for second-order dynamical systems Kai Liu and F. L. Lewis Tracking and disturbance rejection: perfect and imperfect HAIMING Qiu, MING Rao and DAHAI WANG Generative languages, codes and parallel processing M. S. RESTON State observation of a fixed-bed reactor based on reduced bilinear models XIANG-MING HUA A generalized approach to the mean first passage time of a dynamic power system C. O. Nwanxpa, S. M. SHAHIDEHPOUR and Z. ScHuss Rule-based integration of autonomous multi-agent systems E. SZCZERBICKI Portfolio efficiency tests based on stochastic dominance and co-integration J. K. SENGuptA and Hyunc S. Park Measuring efficiency of dynamic input—output systems J. K. SENGUPTA Stabilization of uncertain time-delay systems with series nonlinearities FenG-HsiAG Hsiao An autoregressive model for a rotary cement kiln M. A. Doustari, H. NAKAMINE, N. SANNOMIYA, K. WATANABE and K. SHINMURA Autonomous switching mode resonant inverter as a limit cycle oscillator in disguise B. Z. KAPLAN and R. RABINOVICI Correspondence Comment and counter-example to ‘Perturbation bounds for root-clustering of linear discrete-time systems’ W. Bakker and J. S. Luo NUMBER 12 Formation of a sliding regime in an optimal variable structure stabilizer with uncertain parameters for a synchronous generator SHUN-YUAN WANG, CHIN-MING HONG, WEI-TZEN CHUN-CHANG Lit Cell Growth Simulation (CGS): the design philosophy S. Y. Apep, O. S. OzkuL_, M. M. At-Iprisi, S. Et-Assoutt and WORRIES soni ak ec ees coediases cxetusstc caus fentuserre cree wen es es Cota csp ats aand et anceatsdes ones 2219 Linear programming in the forecasting of optimal dynamic systems LALILI ETIL IEA R CI C OOL TE TT RD 2229 Decentralized iterative learning control methods for large scale linear dynamic systems DonG-HwaANn HwaAna, BYUNG Kook Kim and ZEUNGNAM BIEN..............- 2239 Recursive approach to assigning eigenstructure in linear systems Jun Liu and M. A. Zoupy

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