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Preview International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part A, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 1992: Vol 43 Table of Contents

Applied Radiation and Isotopes International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part A Volume 43, 1992 List of Contents and Author Index © PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD - NEW YORK - SEOUL - TOKYO APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION APPLICATIONS AND INSTRUMENTATION PART A EDITORS-IN-CHIEF H. SELIGMAN W. L. MCLAUGHLIN (Editor-in-Chief) (Editor-in-Chief for North America) c/o International Atomic Energy Agency, Radiation Physics Division, P.O. Box 200, A-1400, National Institute of Standards Vienna, Austria and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, U.S.A. CONSULTING EDITOR EMERITUS W. B. MANN, 5710 Warwick Place, Chevy Chase, MD 20815, U.S.A. EDITORS P. L. Airey, ANSTO, Lucas Heights Research Laboratories, Private Mail Bag 1, Menai, N.S.W. 5097, Australia G. A. BRINKMAN, NIKHEF-K, P.O. Box 41882, 1009 DB Amsterdam, The Netherlands C.G. CLAYTON, Sprole House, 125 Knights End Road, March, Cambridgeshire PE15 9QD, England B. M. Coursey, Center for Radiation Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, U.S.A. W. C. ECKELMAN, NIJH/Clinical Center, Building 10, 1C495, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892, U.S.A. E. A. EvANs, Group Patents Manager, Amersham International, Amersham Place, Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire HP7 9NA, England T. FLORKOwSKI, Institute of Physics & Nuclear Techniques, Academy of Mining & Metallurgy, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland M. GUILLAUME, Centre de Recherches du Cyclotron, Université de Liége, Bat. B30 Sart Tilman, B-4000 Liége, Belgium J. H. HuBBELL, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, U.S.A. D. M. LysterR, Division of Nuclear Medicine, Vancouver General Hospital, 855 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., Canada VSZ 1M9 D. M. TAyYLor, University of Wales, College of Cardiff, School of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry, P.O. Box 912, Cardiff CF1 3TB, Wales T. TOMINAGA, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan Published Monthly Copyright © 1992 Pergamon Press Ltd Publishing Office Pergamon Press Ltd, Pergamon House, Bampfylde Street, Exeter EX1 2AH, England (Tel. Exeter (0392) 51558; Fax 425370) Subscription and Advertising Offices North America: Pergamon Press Inc., 660 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591-5153, U.S.A. Rest of the World: Pergamon Press Ltd, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, England (Tel. Oxford (0865) 794141) Subscription Rates Annual Institutional Subscription Rate (1993): £540.00 (US$1026.00). Sterling prices are definitive. U.S. dollar prices are quoted for convenience only, and are subject to exchange rate fluctuation. Prices include postage and insurance and are subject to change without notice. Back Issues Back issues of all previously published volumes, in both hard copy and on microform, are available direct from Pergamon Press offices. Second class postage paid at RAHWAY NJ. Postmaster send address corrections to Applied Radiation and Isotopes, c/o Pergamon Press Inc., 660 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591-5153, U.S.A. CONTENTS OF VOLUME 43 Number 1/2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ICRM SYMPOSIUM ON LOW-LEVEL-RADIOACTIVITY MEASURING TECHNIQUES AND ALPHA-PARTICLE SPECTROMETRY Vil Preface IX Foreword GENERAL LOW LEVEL TECHNIQUES Gérard J. Ardisson l New radioactivities: exotic radioactivity or magic radioactivity? G. Heusser and M. Wojcik 9 Radon suppression in low-level counting M. T. Crespo, J. L. Gascén and M. 19 Procedures for the assay of alpha-particle emitters in water samples Matjaz Korun and Rafael Martinti¢ 29 Efficiency calibration of gamma-ray spectrometers for volume- source geometry G. Barci-Funel, J. Dalmasso and G. Ardisson 37 Comparative identification and quantification of transuranium elements and fission nuclides in a contaminated sediment sample D. Mouchel and R. Wordel 49 Measurement of low-level radioactivity in environmental samples by gamma-ray spectrometry F. Verrezen and C. Hurtgen 61 The measurement of technetium-99 and iodine-129 in waste water from pressurized nuclear-power reactors J. Dalmasso, G. Barci-Funel and G. J. Ardisson 69 Reinvestigation of the decay of the long-lived odd-odd '*®Lu nucleus O. Olsson, E. Holm and L. Bétter-Jensen 77 Development of a low level-low background beta-particle spec- trometer A. H. Kukoé, I. V. Anitin and P. R. Adzi¢é 83 The gamma contamination food factor RADON Jon Miles Quality assurance for passive radon measurements J. Tai-Pow, J. Lee, J. M. Bitanga and The determination of dissolved radon in water supplies by the K. Gilmer E-PERM system (Electret ionization chamber) Hans Mére and Huang Zhijian A direct reference method for measuring radon activity concen- trations in air by gamma ray measurement of radon in a Marinelli beaker Rolf Falk, Hans Mére and Leif Nyblom Measuring techniques for environmental levels of radon-220 in air using flow-through Lucas cell and multiple time analysis of recorded pulse events L. Johansson, B. Roos and C. Samuelsson 119 Alpha-particle spectrometry of large-area samples using an open- flow pulse ionisation chamber J. Cornelis, C. Landsheere, A. Van Trier, 127 Experiments on glass-absorbed polonium-210 H. Vanmarcke and A. Poffijn Isabel M. Fisenne, Andreas C. George 139 Effect of various parameters on radon-222 intercomparison results and Helen W. Keller ANALYTICAL QUALITY CONTROL E. L. Cooper, V. Valkovic, V. Strachnov, 149 Results of the intercalibration study of laboratories involved R. Dekner and P. R. Danesi in assessing the environmental consequences of the Chernobyl accident iii iv Contents of Volume 43 S. Ballestra, J. J. Lopez, J. Gastaud, 161 Twenty years of IAEA-ILMR radionuclide intercomparison P. Parsi, D. Vas and V. Noshkin programmes J. M. R. Hutchinson, J. Cessna, R. Collé 175 An international radon-in-air measurement intercomparison using and P. A. Hodge a new transfer standard S. M. Jerome 191 Environmental radioactivity measurement intercomparisons in the UK ALPHA-PARTICLE SPECTROMETRY , C. John Bland, Jean Truffy and 201 Deconvolution of alpha-particle spectra to obtain plutonium Thierry de Bruyne isotopic ratios E. A. Frolov 211 A precision facility for measuring alpha-particle energies and flux density C. John Bland, Alejandro Martin Sanchez, 223 An observed correlation between alpha-particle peak-fitting Feliciano Vera Tome and parameters Miguel Jurado Vargas Eduardo Garcia-Torafo 229 On the application of Fourier-transform-based methods to the analysis of alpha-particle spectra G. Bortels, D. Mouchel, 247 Alpha-particle-emission probabilities in the decay of **Pu E. Garcia-Torafio and M. L. Acefia Lindsay J. Martin 253 Estimates of bias and uncertainty in peak fitting of alpha-particle spectra OTHER AND COMPARATIVE TECHNIQUES Richard M. Lindstrom 263 High-sensitivity gamma-ray counting in activation analysis A. McCormick 271 Thermal-ionization mass spectrometry for small sample analysis of uranium and plutonium L. R. Kilius, A. E. Litherland, 279 Accelerator mass-spectrometric measurements of heavy long-lived J. C. Rucklidge and N. Baba isotopes Adam W. McMahon 289 An intercomparison of non-radiometric methods for the measure- ment of low levels of radionuclides SOFTWARE AND EVALUATION OF SPECTRA Wolfram Westmeier 305 Techniques and problems of low-level gamma-ray spectrometry Karin M. Decker and Colin G. Sanderson 323 A reevaluation of commercial IBM PC software for the analysis of low-level environmental gamma-ray spectra APPLICATIONS D. S. Popplewell, G. J. Ham and 339 Measurements of actinide gut-transfer factors in humans J. D. Harrison K. Hirose, Y. Sugimura and M. Aoyama 349 Plutonium and '’Cs in the western North Pacific: Estimation of residence time of plutonium in surface waters F. R. Livens, A. D. Horrill and 361 Sampling and measurement of transuranic elements in interstitial D. L. Singleton waters of sediments E. Holm, P. Roos and B. Skwarzec 371 Radioanalytical studies of fallout “Ni Number 3 JARI Medal Award Ill Hiroshi Miyahara and Chizuo Mori 377 Standardization of '*Ba by two-dimensional extrapolation Contents of Volume 43 Vv P. A. Grozev, E. I. Vapirev 383 Energy distribution of beta-particles transmitted through an and L. I. Botsova absorber George W. Kabalka, Zhe Wang, 389 Synthesis of isomerically pure nitrogen-13 labeled gamma-amino- James F. Green and Mark M. Goodman butyric acid and putrescine R. A. M. Rizk and E. A. Raouf 393 A new empirical formulation of absolute stopping powers for helium ions in solids H. A. Jahagirdar, B. Hanumaiah 399 A new direct method to determine total atomic photoelectric cross and S. R. Thontadarya sections at 123.6 keV Haimanti Chakrabarti and S. N. Changdar 405 Accurate measurement of tracer diffusion coefficients in aqueous solutions with sliding cell technique R. K. Batra and Bhupender Singh Effect of absorber—source distance on the transmission of beta particles in Al and Cu Issac K. Oommen, S. Sengupta and Lyoluminescence and ESR measurements on Pentaerythritol K. S. V. Nambi M. Borel, M. Rapp, R. Pasqualini, Synthesis of potential *"Tc nitrido tumor imaging disposition in J. C. Madelmont, D. Godeneche mice and A. Veyre F. Riche, R. Pasqualini, Etude de la complexation du coeur [”"TcO}] par le 2,4-dioxo- A. Duatti et M. Vidal 1,5,8,12-tétraazacyclotétradécane, le 2-oxo-1,5,8,1 2-tétraazacyclo- tétradécane, et leurs dérivés méthylés en position 3 J. Bigu Design and operation of an automated beta-particle counting system for the measurement of Rn (and **Rn) progeny L. J. Henry and M. S. Rosenthal Monte Carlo simulation of scatter in non-uniform symmetrical attenuating media for point and distributed sources G. Blessing, N. Lavi and S. M. Qaim Production of "Se via the ”Ge(«, n)-process using high current target materials Technical Notes Robert H. Martin and Neil A. Keller A measurement of the photon emission probabilities for the 161-, 303- and 384-keV y-rays in the decay of '*’Xe R. D. Smith, R. H. Mach, Optimization of [''C}CO, trapping efficiencies from nitrogen gas T. E. Morton, B. S. Dembowski streams and R. L. Ehrenkaufer Book Review Events Announcements Number 4 JARI Medal Award Ill Jiunn-Hsing Chao and Chien Chung 475 Radionuclide monitoring in environmental water body using an in situ gamma probe M. T. Olguin and S. Fernandez-Valverde 481 Real oxidation states of thallium in the synthesis of indium-thallium halides Christian Lemaire, Philippe Damhaut, 485 Synthesis of fluorine-18 substituted aromatic aldehydes and benzyl Alain Plenevaux, Robert Cantineau, bromides, new intermediates for n.c.a. ['*F]fluorination Leon Christiaens and Marcel Guillaume Johannes Rémer, Peter Miding Chemical synthesis of L-[”*Se]selenomethionine in a high-activity and Frank Résch scale F. Tarkanyi, Z. Kovacs, S. M. Qaim Production of *K via the *Ar(p, n)-process at a small cyclotron and G. Stécklin vi Contents of Volume 43 L. Barré, D. Debruyne, M. C. Lasne, 509 Synthesis and regional rat brain distribution of [''CJMDL 72222: F. Gourand, G. Bonvento, R. Camsonne, a SHT, receptor antagonist M. Moulin and J. C. Baron G. S. Bhandal and K. Singh Influence of the chemical composition on gamma ray attenuation by fatty acids @. Dugstad, T. Bjornstad and I. A. Hundere Construction of a slim-tube equipment for gas tracer evaluation at simulated reservoir conditions J. A. Oyedele Statistical errors in void fraction determinations in voided liquids employing radiation beams Osamu Takayasu Possible enrichment of the uranium hexafluoride isotope by ther- mal diffusion modified with the addition of both an inert gas and perfluoromethylcyclohexane D. H. Woods, S. A. Woods, M. J. Woods, The standardization and measurement of decay scheme data of '*I J. L. Makepeace, C. W. A. Downey, D. Smith, A. S. Munster, S. E. M. Lucas and H. Sharma Book Review Events Announcements Number 5 D. J. S. Findlay, T. V. Parsons 567 Experimental electron beam irradiation of food and the induction and M. R. Sené of radioactivity H. Kudo, M. Fujie, M. Tanase, 577 Preparation of pure tritium for a liquid D,/T, target of muon- M. Kato, K. Kurosawa, H. Sugai, catalyzed fusion experiments H. Umezawa, T. Matsuzaki and K. Nagamine M. Apparu, S. Drouillard, J. P. Mathieu, Mise en evidence de la formation de deux espéces (neutre et A. du Moulinet d’Hardemare, R. Pasqualini positive) lors de la complexation du ”™Tc par les diaminodithiols et M. Vidal N,N’-dialkylés M. Apparu, S. Drouillard, J. P. Mathieu, Obtention de complexes a coeur “"Tc=N par échange A. du Moulinet d’Hardemare, R. Pasqualini diaminodithiol-{TcNCl,]~ ou TcNCl,[P(CH,CH,CN),],. Etude et M. Vidal des espéces formées S. Croft and D. R. Weaver The additivity of the fast neutron and gamma-ray induced radio- photoluminescence and re-usability of Toshiba FD-7 and SEI High-Z RPL glass dosimeters G. Misra, K. J. S. Sawhney, G. S. Lodha, The application of energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spec- V. K. Mittal and H. S. Sahota trometry (EDXRF) to the analysis of cosmetic evidence in Indian nail polishes Shigemasa Enomoto, Kuniaki Nishioka, Measurement of salt surface density on polluted insulators using a Yoshio Higashiyama and Atsushi Sasaki simple x-ray fluorescence technique M. C. Lasne, Ph. Cairon and L. Barré Synthesis of no carrier added [1-''C]propenoic acid and derivatives Terushi Haradahira, Ayako Kato, Synthesis and biodistribution of a fluorine-18 labeled analogue of Minoru Maeda, Yoshikuni Torii, D-talose: 2-deoxy-2-['*F]fluoro-p-talose Yu-Ichi Ichiya and Koji Masuda Fumihiko Yamamoto, Shigeki Sasaki Positron labeled antioxidants: synthesis and tissue biodistribution and Minoru Maeda of 6-deoxy-6-['*F]fluoro-L-ascorbic acid Iwao Fujita, Koji Matsuda, Photo-emission from excited CF, radical by high energy electron Toshiyuki Kijima, Masaki Sakamoto irradiation of chlorofluorocarbons and Motoyoshi Hatada B. Singh and H. W. Taylor '% Au: half-life and emission probabilities Contents of Volume 43 vii N. Matsuoka, M. Okamura, Study on the environmental behavior of Chernobyl-derived radio- E. Hirai and Y. Takashima nuclides in Kyushu Island, Japan Takao Gotoh Application of digital image processing to a #-gauge for determining mass concentration of suspending particulate matter in atmosphere Reynaldo Pugliesi, Mario O. de Menezes Detection of aluminum corrosion products by neutron radiography and Marlete P. M. Assuncéo S. Selvi and N. Can Parameter estimation for hydrogen analysis by using transport method Marcian E. Van Dort, Michael R. Kilbourn, Iodine-125 and fluorine-18 labeled aryl-1,4-dialkylpiperazines: Pulak K. Chakraborty, Eric K. Richfield, potential radiopharmaceuticals for in vivo study of the dopamine David L. Gildersleeve and uptake system Donald M. Wieland R. A. M. Rizk and E. A. Raouf An empirical model to determine the helium ion range in host media, based on a new transmission parameter Technical Note S. Mirzadeh, D. E. Rice and Carrier-free '“Ir from an '“Os/'Ir generator—a new candidate for F. F. Knapp Jr radioimmunotherapy Book Review Events Number 6 H. Dougan and D. M. Lyster Meta iodophenylpentadecanoic acid (meta IPPA): occurrence as a contaminant of para IPPA Takao Kawano and Hiroshi Ebihara Error estimation for the sum-peak method by use of two “Co point sources in place of extended sources Emin N. Ozmutlu Sampling of angular distribution in Compton scattering Pao-Shan Weng, Shih-Hai Li, Pin-Chieh Hsu Response of thermoluminescent dosimeter CaF,:Dy to ionizing and Kun-Che Hsu and non-ionizing radiations Sharon Stone-ElCharinstedr eHarll,din , Remote-controlled production of [1-''C]-p-glucose and evaluation Bengt LangsGtunnrar éBlmomq,vi st of the effect of labelling position on loss of [''C}CO, and Lennart Widén M. Neves, A. Paulo, I. Castanheira and Studies on technetium-99m-labelled monophosphonates: 1,2-epoxy- L. Patricio propylphosphonic acid and its hydrolysed form M. Neves, A. Paulo and L. Patricio A kit formulation of ['*'I]meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) using Cu(I) generated “in situ” by sodium disulphite Mahmoud L. Firouzbakht, David J. Schyler Effect of foil material on the apparent yield of the '“Xe(p, x)!'*I and Alfred P. Wolf reaction J. Bigu Contamination of a-particle detectors by desorption of Rn progeny from metal surfaces M. J. Avila, S. D. Raaka, G. Barral, Emulsion scintillation spectroscopy of mixed alpha and beta A. C. Mishra,H .M ogaddedi and N. J. Parks particle emitters: radiochemical assays of *!*Pb (10.6 h) and ?"Bi (1.01 h) Hong-Ming Liu and Tien-Ko Wang A model for correcting for the effect of fluctuating voids in radiometric diagnosis of two-phase flow Istvan Csete Production of fluorescent x-rays from 8 to 100 keV A. Markowicz and N. Haselberger A modification of the emission-transmission method for the determination of trace and minor elements by XRF ARI 43/12—H viii Contents of Volume 43 H.-F. Beer, Sha Lin, I. Novak-Hofer, 781 Large scale preparation strategy for labelling of ['*I]-SCH 23982, P. Blauenstein and P. A. Schubiger a dopamine D1 receptor binding agent Shuddhodan P. Mishra and N. Srinivasu 789 Radiotracer technique in adsorption study—IX. Adsorption of iodide ions on titanium(IV) oxide powder Technical Notes Gary H. Kramer and Colin E. Webber 795 Evaluation of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) torso phantom by bone densitometry and x-ray A. P. Callahan, D. E. Rice, D. W. McPherson, 801 The use of alumina “SepPaks®” as a simple method for the S. Mirzadeh and F. F. Knapp Jr removal and determination of tungsten-188 breakthrough from tungsten-188/rhenium-188 generators S. B. Huang, U. Nilsson and S. Mattsson 805 Calibration of bone mineral and heavy metal measurements using doped wall-less gel phantoms of arbitrary form Deepak Anand and Walter Wolf 809 A new, semi-automated system for the micro-scale synthesis of ('™Pt]cisplatin suitable for clinical studies H. S. Hundal 815 Release of phosphorus from ™*P-labelled plant residue of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) added to Fatehpur sand J. L. Iturbe 817 Identification of **U in commercially available uranium com- pounds by alpha particle spectrometry M. V. R. Prasad, D. S. Suryanarayana and 819 Simultaneous spectrophotometric estimation of thorium and R. K. Jeevanram calcium in urine Toshihiro Takahashi, Tatsuo Ido and 822 Synthesis of 17-['*F]fluoro-5-methylheptadecanoic acid Ren Iwata Ruth G. Lyons, Graham A. Bowmaker 825 High or low? The optimal microwave power for determination of and Charmain J. O’Connor accumulated dose in ESR dating of speleothem calcite Events Number 7 A. Baeza, G. Corvo, M. Del Rio 833 The program ESPEC for the analysis of gamma spectra of environ- C. Miro and J. M. Paniagua mental samples Martin Tornai, Allyson Bishop, 841 Detection and quantitation of '’F formation during the cyclotron N. Satyamurthy and Jeffrey Kleck production of '°N M. C. Lépy, J. de Sanoit and A set of low energy x-ray sources including ion-exchanged R. Alvarez membranes as fluorescence targets: a qualitative study Makoto Takiue, Yohko Matsui, 853 Nuclide identification of pure-beta emitter mixtures with liquid Takashi Natake and Haruo Fujii scintillation spectrometry S. Wagqif Husain, M. Ghannadi Marageh 859 Use of radionuclides in cation-exchange studies of elements in and A. R. Khanchi mixed systems T. Kojima, L. Chen, Y. Haruyama, 863 Fading characteristics of an alanine-polystyrene dosimeter H. Tachibana and R. Tanaka R. Alberto, P. Blaiuenstein, I. Novak-Hofer, 869 An improved method for the separation of '''Ag from irradiated A. Smith and P. A. Schubiger natural palladium K. Siemon, R. A. Esterlund, J. van Aarle, 873 A new measurement of the gamma-ray intensities of *™Pa M. Knaack, W. Westmeier and P. Patzelt accompanying the decay of “*U P. Jean-Baptiste, F. Mantisi, 881 Design and performance of a mass spectrometric facility for A. Dapoigny and M. Stievenard measuring helium isotopes in natural waters and for low-level tritium determination by the *He ingrowth method B. R. Kerur, S. R. Thontadarya 893 A study on the range of non-validity of the Bragg’s additivity law and B. Hanumaiah for compounds at photon energies below 10 keV Contents of Volume 43 ix B. Noll, B. Johannsen, K. May and H. Spies 899 Preparation of the renal function and imaging agent °"Tc-MAG, starting from S-unprotected mercaptoacetyltriglycine Gunnar Antoni and Bengt Langstrém 903 Synthesis of ''C-labelled «,f-unsaturated nitriles Makhan Singh and Gurmel S. Mudahar 907 Energy dependence of total photon attenuation coefficients of composite materials Stephen M. Moerlein, William R. Banks Production of fluorine-18 labeled (3-N-methyl)benperidol for PET and David Parkinson investigation of cerebral dopaminergic receptor binding H. Rahimi and L. Baranyai Investigation of the carbon dioxide distribution in cement bound wood samples using the radioisotope tracer technique Neal Scherberg, Isac Bloch and Site-specific incorporation of ['*I]iododeoxyuridine into DNA Paul Gardner Neal Scherberg Differential elimination of radioiodine from single- and double- stranded '*I-DNA Technical Notes B. Kohler and D. M. Taylor A rapid radiochromatographic test for metal—ligand complex formation Rafeah Suppian, S. Vegandraj Measurement of radon/thoron and its daughter nuclides in room and S. Kandaiya air Josef Held, Siegmund Schuhbeck and A simplified method of “Kr measurement for dating young Werner Rauert groundwaters J. P. Norenberg, N. R. Simpson, B. B. Dunn Remote synthesis of [''C]acetate and D. O. Kiesewetter C. Prenant, C. Crouzel, J. M. Valois, Synthesis of [''C]LY 186126, an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase D. W. Robertson and D. Comar J.-J. Gostely A determination of the half-life of "Cs P. Goethals, J. Sambre, M. Coene, A remotely controlled production system for routine preparation K. Casteleyn and E. Poupeye of [methyl-''C}thymidine Corrigendum Events Number 8 Raymond Reilly, Nicole Lee, Sylvain Houle, In vitro stability of EDTA and DTPA immunoconjugates of John Law and Alexander Marks monoclonal antibody 2G3 labeled with indium-111 Dhanabalan Murali, Onofre T. DeJesus, ('*F]Fluoro-f -fluoromethylene-m-tyrosine analogs, potential PET John J. Sunderland and R. Jerome Nickles agents for presynaptic dopamine terminals: synthesis and spectroscopic characterization Srinivasan Rajagopal, T. K. Venkatachalam, Synthesis of '*C-labelled «-methyl tyrosine Terry Conway and Mirko Diksic Mohammad Namavari, Allyson Bishop, Regioselective radiofluorodestannylation with ['* FF, and N. Satyamurthy, Gerald Bida and ('*F}CH,COOF: a high yield synthesis of 6-['* F]fluoro-L-dopa Jorge R. Barrio Bakhshish Chand, J. Goswamy, Studies on the decays of '*Sm and '°Gd to '*Eu Devinder Mehta, Nirmal Singh and P. N. Trehan Manuel C. Lagunas-Solar, Omar F. Carvacho Cyclotron production of PET radionuclides: no-carrier-added and Peter M. Smith-Jones fluorine-18 (109.77 min; B+ 96.9%; EC 3.1%) with high-energy protons on sodium targets Hueisch Jy Ding and Si Jung Yeh Stability of dilute aqueous solutions of “Tc-HMPAO diastereo- isomers x Contents of Volume 43 S. J. Mills, G. F. Steyn and F. M. Nortier 1019 Experimental and theoretical excitation functions of radionuclides produced in proton bombardment of copper up to 200 MeV Mehmet N. Kumru 1031 Determination of radium-226 in environmental samples by the collector chamber method Alain Plenevaux, Christian Lemaire, 1035 Synthesis of non-activated '*F-fluorinated aromatic compounds Anthony J. Palmer, Philippe Damhaut through nucleophilic substitution and decarboxylation reactions and Dominique Comar V. N. Soyfer, V. A. Goryachev, 1041 Neutron emission during heavy water electrolysis A. N. Salyuk and A. F. Sergeyev Mervyn W. Billinghurst, Douglas N. Abrams 1045 A comparison of radiopharmaceutical labelling efficiency of chro- and Jackie Dupont matographic generator vs MEK extraction [”™ Tc]pertechnetate Technical Note Shivaramu and S. Baskar 1051 Escape-peak to photopeak ratios in Nal(T]1) crystals Letter to the Editors M. S. Berridge, E. H. Cassidy 1055 Simple automatic quality control for radiolabeled gases for PET and J. Koziorowski Events Number 9 Anna W. Sasaki, Alice Weaver, 1061 Importance of precise determination of technetium-labeled Fred Turner and Gerbail T. Krishnamurthy DISIDA concentrations for in vitro hepatocellular transport studies S. M. Qaim, F. Cserpak and J. Csikai 1065 Cross sections of '*'Eu(n,2n)'®™Eu and '’Tb(n,2n)'*Tb reactions near their thresholds E. Schénfeld, H. JanBen and U. Schétzig Decay data of '*'Ce K. Schwochau, K. H. Linse and Z. F. Su Synthesis, characterization and biodistribution of the cationic technetium(II) 1,10-phenanthroline chelate Ren Iwata, Claudio Pascali, Mitsuaki Yuasa, 1083 On-line [''Cjmethylation using [''C]methyl iodide for the Kazuhiko Yanai, Toshihiro Takahashi automated preparation of ''C-radiopharmaceuticals and Tatsuo Ido | Thomas Chaly, Dibyendu Bandyopadhyay, 1089 An update on the recovery of ['*O]water during the synthesis of Ralph Matacchieri and Donald Margouleff ('*FJFDG by a simple modification in the procedure Mark L. Dietz and E. Philip Horwitz Improved chemistry for the production of yttrium-90 for medical applications Jong Hwa Yi and David A. Miller Cross sections of ™Sb(p,x) reactions for 30-46 MeV protons Peter Gehringer, Emil Proksch, 1107 Remediation of groundwater polluted with chlorinated ethylenes Helmut Eschweiler and Walter Szinovatz by ozone-electron beam irradiation treatment L. F. Mausner, S. Mirzadeh and 1117 Improved specific activity of reactor produced ''™Sn with the S. C. Srivastava Szilard—Chalmers process M. S. Rosenthal and L. J. Henry 1123 Initial evaluation of a Gaussian scatter correction technique Rene Gail, Heinz H. Coenen, Kurt Hamacher ''C-Labelling of the analgesic Tramadol and its major metabolites and Gerhard Stécklin by selective O- and N-methylation R. Jayaraman and V. Visweswara Rao 1139 Total photon cross-sections of compounds in the energy range 145-1120 keV Jag J. Singh, Chih-Ping Shen and 1143 Gamma ray slush hydrogen monitor Danny R. Sprinkle A. Zastawny, J. Bialoh and T. Sosifiski Migration of 7'°Po in lead to the surface K. V. Katti, P. R. Singh, W. A. Volkert, 1151 A new neutral—lipophilic "Tc complex with a bis-hydrazide- A. R. Ketring and K. K. Katti phosphine (BHP) ligand

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