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International Journal of Quantum Chemistry Author Index—Volume 75 Albers, R. C. See Boettger, J. C., Bohr, F. Chelkowski, S. See Bandrauk, 911 —; Henon, E.; Garcia, I.; Castro, A. D., 951 Aono, S. M.: Theoretical Study of the Chen, J. See Gutle, C., 885 Theory of Optical Rotation, Fara- Peroxy Radicals RO, Self-Re- Chen, J.-Q. See Fan, P. D., 1 day Effect, and Inverse Fara- action: Structures and Stabi- Chen, J.-Q. See Ping, J.-L., 67 day Effect, 33 lization Energies of the Inter- Cheng, C.-K. See Seybold, P. G., mediate RO,R for Various R, 751 671 Bahar, I. See Jernigan, R. L., 301 Chun, P. W. Bopp, P. A. See Bakker, A., 659 Bakker, A. Uncovering the Innate Thermo- —; Hermansson, K.; Lindgren, J.; Bredow, T. dynamic Quantities in Pro- Probst, M. M.; Bopp, P. A.: Effect of Embedding and Cluster tein Unfolding, 1027 Size on the Ab Initio Study of Interaction of Aluminum (ID Cisneros, G. A. Potassium Adsorption at Ru- with Water. An ab initio —; Castro, M.; Salahub, D. R.: tile(110), 127 Study, 659 DFT Study of the Structural Bu, Y. See Zhang, D., 119 Bandrauk, A. D. and Electronic Properties of Buss, V. See Terstegen, F., 141 —; Chelkowski, S.; Corkum, P. Small Ni,, (nm = 2 — 4) Clus- B.: Measuring Nuclear Wave Butler, P. See Fan, P. D., 1 ters, 847 Functions by Laser Coulomb Clark, T. See Schirer, G., 17 Explosion Imaging, 951 Cammi, R. See Mennucci, B., 767 Corkum, P. B. See Bandrauk, Berlin, Y. A. See Grozema, F. C., Cammi, R. See Tomasi, J., 783 A. D., 951 1009 Cardenas-Lailhacar, C. Cruz, A. Bertsch, G. F. See Yabana, K., 55 —; Zerner, M. C.: Generalized —; Del Angel, G.; Poulain, E.; Beveridge, D. L. See Kombo, D. Symmetry-Adapted Interpo- Martinez-Magadan, J. M.; Coss lation Procedure for Finding Castro, M.: Theoretical Study Bhattacharjee, K. Transition States in Internal for the Pt, Au- and PtAu, Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Rotations, 563 -Ethylene Interaction, 699 Analysis of Stereoelectronic Carlsen, H. Cuan, A. See Martinez-Magadan, Properties May Explain In —; Sjoqvist, E.; Goscinski, O.: J. M., 725 Vitro Antileishmanial Activ- Quantal Trajectories for Adia- ity of Some Macrocyclic Bis- batic and Nonadiabatic Del Angel, G. See Cruz, A., 699 benzylisoquinoline Alkaloids, Regimes of Vibronic Systems, 995 409 Demirel, M. C. See Jernigan, R. L., 301 Bianco, R. Carter, E. A. See Terstegen, F., —; Hynes, J. T.: Theoretical Stud- 141 Dill, K. A. See Tang, K. E. S., 147 ies of Heterogeneous Reac- Castro, M. See Bohr, F., 671 Dobrowolski, J. Cz. tion Mechanisms Relevant for Castro, M. See Cisneros, G. A., —; Mazurek, A. P.: On the C,, Stratospheric Ozone Deple- 847 Carbyne Links (from 2; to 63), tion, 683 Castro, M. See Cruz, A., 699 839 Biskupic, S. See Lukes, V., 81 Castro, M. See Martinez- Dolgounitcheva, O. See Blaha, P. See Kurth, S., 889 Magadan, J. M., 725 Zakrzewski, V. G., 607 Boettger, J. C. Champagne, B. Dorfman, S. —; Jones, M. D.; Albers, R. C.: —; Perpete, E. A.: Bond Length —; Liubich, V.; Fuks, D.: Ab ini- Structural Properties of Crys- Alternation Effects on the tio Study of Energy Parame- talline Uranium from Linear Static Electronic Polarizability ters in Do, Phaseo f Fe—Al Combination of Gaussian- and Second Hyperpolarizabil- Alloy, 927 Type Orbitals Calculations, ity of Polyacetylene Chains, Dorfman, S. See Liubich, V., 917 911 44] Duong, T. See Sein, Jr., L. T., 623 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 75, pp. 1051-1056 (1999) 1052 AUTHOR INDEX Ebner, C. Grozema, F. C. Hynes, J. T. See Bianco, R., 683 —,; Sansone, R.; Hengrasmee, S.; —; Zijlstra, R. W. J.; Swart, M.; Probst, M.: Molecular Dy- Van Duijnen, Ph. Th.: Jagielska, A. namics Study of an Aqueous lodine-Benzene Charge- —; Moszynski, R.; Piela, L.: A Potassium Nitrate Solution, Transfer Complex: Potential Large Structural Polarization 805 Energy Surface and Transi- by Intermolecular Forces: Ab Edwards, M. See Vaz, R. J., 187 tion Probabilities Studied at Initio Theoretical Investiga- Several Levels of Theory, 709 tion of the H,N --- BH,CN Gutle, C. Fan, P. D. and H,N -:- B(CN), Interac- —; Savin, A.; Krieger, J. B.; Chen, —; Chen, J.-Q.; McAven, L.; But- tions, 177 J.: Correlation Energy Contri- ler, P.: Unique Euler Angles butions from Low-Lying Jankowski, K. and Self-Consistent Multipli- States to Density Functionals —; Kowalski, K.; Grabowski, L,; cation Tables for Double Point Based on an Electron Gas with Monkhorst, H. J.: Correspon- Groups, 1 a Gap, 885 dence Between Physical States Ferenczy, G. G. and Solutions to the —; Naray—Szab6, G.; Varnai, P.: Coupled-Cluster Equations, Quantum Mechanical Study Hagelberg, F. 483 of the Hydride Shift Step in Electron Nuclear Dynamics Stud- Jansen, S. A. See Sein, Jr., L. T., the Xylose Isomerase Cat- ies of H, and H;3, 367 623 alytic Reaction with the Frag- Hagmann, M. J. Jernigan, R. L. ment Self-Consistent Field Single-Photon and Multiphoton —; Demirel, M. C.; Bahar, I.: Re- Method, 215 Processes Causing Resonance lating Structure to Function Frank, A. See Lemus, R., 465 in the Transmission of Elec- Through the Dominant Slow Fuks, D. See Dorfman, S., 927 trons by a Single Potential Modes of Motion of DNA Fuks, D. See Liubich, V., 917 Barrier in a Radiation Field, Topoisomerase II, 301 Furuyama, M. See Manmoto, Y., 417 Jones, M. D. See Boettger, J. C., 961 Harris, F. E. 911 Computer Generation of Cou- Garcia, I. See Bohr, F., 671 pled-Cluster Equations, 593 Kafafi, S. A. Head, J. D. Garcia-Viloca, M. —; Kollman, P. A.: Molecular —; Shi, Y.: Characterization of —; Krauss, M.: Ab Initio Deter- Dynamics Simulations Can Fermi Resonances in Adsor- mination of the Structure of Reproduce the Subtle Differ- bate Vibrational Spectra Us- the Active Site of a Metal- ences in NADP and NHDP ing Cluster Calculations: loenzyme: Metal Substitution Binding to Isocitrate Dehy- Methoxy Adsorption on in Phosphotriesterase Using drogenase, 231 Al(111) and Cu(111), 815 Density Functional Methods, 289 Gedeck, P. See Schiirer, G., 17 Hengrasmee, S. See Ebner, C., Gorb, L. See Hovorun, D. M., 245 805 Kais, S. See Sergeev, A. V., 533 Goscinski, O. See Carlsen, H., Henon, E. See Bohr, F., 671 Kemmerer, M. D. See Sein, Jr., L. £7623 409 Hermansson, K. See Bakker, A., Gottschalk, M. See Schiirer, G., 659 Kidera, A. 17 Hirao, K. See Suzumura, T., 757 Smart Monte Carlo Simulation of Grabowski, I. See Jankowski, K., Hovorun, D. M. a Globular Protein, 207 483 —; Gorb, L.; Leszczynski, J.: From Kier, L. B. See Seybold, P. G., 751 Grosjean, H. See Sonavane, U. the Nonplanarity of the King, J. W. B.,.223 Amino Group to the Struc- —; Molnar, S. P.: Surface Area Grossfield, A. See Woolf, T. B., tural Nonrigidity of the Minimization in Small Pep- 197 Molecule: A Post- tide Folding, 1043 Grozema, F. C. Hartree-Fock Ab Initio Study Kiribayashi, S. —; Berlin, Y. A.; Siebbeles, L. D. of 2-Aminoimidazole, 245 —; Kobayashi, T.; Nakano, M.; A.: Sequence-Dependent Hsiao, Y.-W. Yamaguchi, K.: Self-Con- Charge Transfer in —; Zerner, M. C.: Calculating sistent-Field Calculations of Donor-DNA~Acceptor Sys- ESR G Tensors of Doublet Molecular Magnetic Proper- tems: A Theoretical Study, Radicals by the Semiempiri- ties Using Gauge-Invariant 1009 cal INDO / S Method, 577 Atomic Orbitals, 637 AUTHOR INDEX 1053 Kitagawa, Y. See Yamaki, D., 645 Lee, S.-L. See Mishra, R. K., 821 Mannschreck, A. See Yurtsever, Kizu, H. See Ohta, Y., 511 Leitner, D. M. M., 111 Klein, D. J. See March, N. H., 829 Influence of Quantum Energy March, N. H. Klimkans, A. See Larsson, S., 543 Flow and Localization on —; Klein, D. J.; Ray, A. K.; Wu, Kobayashi, T. See Kiribayashi, S., Molecular Isomerization in X.: Si,, Clusters: Surface En- 637 Gas and Condensed Phases, ergy Considerations for Large Kolinski, A. See Skolnick, J., 165 523 n and All-Electron Kollman, P. A. See Garcia-Viloca, Lemus, R. Hartree-Fock Calculations for M., 231 —; Frank, A.: General Anhar- n = 45, 829 monic Local Mode Approach Kombo, D. C. Martinez-Magadan, J. M. to Molecular Vibrations, 465 —; Ravishanker, G.; Rackovsky, Leon, V. M. See Palma, A., 11 —; Cuan, A.; Castro, M.: Theoret- S.; Beveridge, D. L.; Scheraga, ical Study of the n- Leszczynski, J. See Hovorun, D. H. A.: Computational Analy- M., 245 Heptane—HZSM-5 Ring sis of Variants of the Opera- Leszczynski, J. See Mach, P., 741 Structure Model Interaction, tor Binding Domain of the Lin, Y.-T. 725 Bacteriophase A Repressor, —; Lee, S.-L.: Structural Effects Martinez-Magadan, J. M. See 616: on the Low Cubic Hyperpo- Cruz, A., 699 Kominos, D. See Vaz, R. J., 187 larizability of C,9: A Scaling Matveev, A. Kowalski, K. See Jankowski, K., 483 of Conjugation in Three- —; Staufer, M.; Mayer, M.; Rosch, Krauss, M. See Kafafi, S. A., 289 Dimensional Curvature of N.: Density Functional Study m-Conjugation Systems, 457 of Small Molecules and Tran- Krieger, J. B. See Gutle, C., 885 Lindgren, J. See Bakker, A., 659 sition-Metal Carbonyls Using Krilov, G. See Randi¢, M., 1017 Liu, C. See Zhang, D., 119 Revised PBE Functionals, 863 Kristensen, L. M. See Larsson, Liubich, V. P. E., 449 Mayer, M. See Matveev, A., 863 —; Fuks, D.; Dorfman, S.: Inter- Kumar, A. See Saha, B. C., 385 stitial Boron in Tungsten: Mazurek, A. P. See Dobrowolski, J. Cz., 839 Kurth, S. Electronic Structure, Order- —; Perdew, J. P.; Blaha, P.: ing Tendencies, and Total En- McAven, L. See Fan, P. D., 1 Molecular and Solid-State ergy Calculations, 917 Mennucci, B. Tests of Density Functional Liubich, V. See Dorfman, S., 927 —; Cammi, R.; Tomasi, J.: Approximations: LSD, GGAs, Longo, R. L. Medium Effects on the Prop- and Meta-GGAs, 889 Charge-Dependent Basis Sets. I. erties of Chemical Systems: First Row Elements, 585 Electric and Magnetic Re- Lukes, V. sponse of Donor—Acceptor Larsson, P. E. —; Laurinc, V.; Biskupic¢, S.: Per- Systems within the Polariz- —; Kristensen, L. M.; Mikkelsen, turbative Calculation of the able Continuum Model, 767 K. V.: Studies of Hyperpolar- izabilities for para-Nitroani- Hartree-Fock Interaction En- Mennucci, B. See Tomasi, J., 783 ergy Using Orthogonalized line in the Charge-Transfer Micha, D. A. See Salam, A., 429 Orbitals, 81 State: Application of a Reac- Micha, D. A. See Thorndyke, B., tion-Field Response Method, 361 Mach, P. 449 —; Urban, J.; Leszczynski, J.: Mikkelsen, K. V. See Larsson, Larsson, S. Quantum Chemical Study of P. E., 449 —; Klimkans, A.: Superconduct- Ground-State Merocyanine Mishra, R. K. ing Currents from Molecular 540 Model Compounds, 741 —; Lee, S.-L.: Conversion of Theory, 543 Manaa, M. R. Edge-to-Loop and Loop-to- Laurinc, V. See Lukes, V., 81 Photodissociation of NaK: Ab Edge Technique Used to Lee, J. Initio Spin-Orbit Interactions Study [a2 + w*]and[m? + —; Scheraga, H. A.: Conforma- of the Na (3 *S) K (4 *P,) a*] Chemical Reactions, 821 tional Space Annealing by Manifold, 693 Mitani, M. See Nagao, H., 549 Parallel Computations: Exten- Manmoto, Y. sive Conformational Search of —; Tei, M.; Nogami, J.; Mohanty, D. See Skolnick, J., 165 Met-enkephalin and of the Furuyama, M.: Determination Molnar, S. P. See King, J. W., 20-Residue Membrane-Bound of Off-Center Displacements 1043 Portion of Melittin, 255 in NaBr:F~ by Nuclear Mag- Monkhorst, H. J. See Jankowski, Lee, S.-L. See Lin, Y.-T., 457 netic Double Resonance, 961 K., 483 1054 AUTHOR INDEX Mori, K. See Tachikawa, M., 497 Ortiz, J. V. Randic¢, M. Morin, A. See Sonavane, U. B., Approximate Brueckner Orbitals —; Krilov, G.: On a Characteriza- 223 in Electron Propagator Calcu- tion of the Folding of Pro- Moszynski, R. See Jagielska, A., lations, 615 teins, 1017 177 Ortiz, J. V. See Zakrzewski, Ravishanker, G. See Kombo, D. Mukherjee, P. K. V. G., 607 Saree Ji: —; Senent, M. L.; Smeyers, Y. G.: Ray, A. K. See March, N. H., 829 Half-Projected Hartree-Fock Paikeday, J. M. Resta, R. Macroscopic Polarization from Calculations for the Spectro- Effective Potential for e-Argon scopic Parameters, Frequen- and e-Krypton Scatterings by Electronic Wave Functions, cies, and Intensities of the DCS Minimization at Inter- 599 Torsional Mode of the Lowest Ritchie, B. mediate Energies, 399 Lying Singlet Excited States —; Weatherford, C. A.: Quantum Palma, A. of Hydrogen Peroxide, 631 Classical Correspondence in —; Leon, V. M.; Sandoval, L.: Nonrelativistic Electro- Murray, J. S. The Convolution Theorem dynamics, 655 —; Peralta-Inga, Z.; Politzer, P.: and the Franck—Condon Inte- Rosch, N. See Matveev, A., 863 Conformational Dependence gral, 11 Runge, K. See Thorndyke, B., 361 of Molecular Surface Electro- Pan, B. static Potentials, 267 —; Sundaralingam, M.: Mis- Sabin, J. R. See Ohrn, N. Y., 967 matched Base Pairing in RNA Saha, B. C. Nagao, H. Crystal Structures, 275 —; Kumar, A.: Low-Energy Sin- Pauncz, R. gle-Electron Capture Cross —; Mitani, M.; Nishino, M.; Shigeta, Y.; Yoshioka, Y., Review of The Story of Spin, by Sections in C°* /C**-Na(3s) Yamaguchi, K.: Theoretical Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, 133 and N’* /N°*—Na(3s) Colli- Studies on Anomalous Phases Pearlstein, R. See Vaz, R. J., 187 sions: Molecular State Ap- in Molecular Systems with Pearson, J. G. See Woolf, T. B., proach, 385 197 Salahub, D. R. See Cisneros, External Field: Possibility of Photo-Induced Superconduc- Peralta-Inga, Z. See Murray, J. S., G. A., 847 tivity, 549 267 Salam, A. Nagao, H. See Shigeta, Y., 875 Perdew, J. P. See Kurth, S., 889 —; Micha, D. A.: Nonlinear Opti- Perpete, E. A. See Champagne, cal Response of Metal Sur- Nagao, H. See Yamaki, D., 645 B., 441 faces with Adsorbed Nakajima, T. See Suzumura, T., 757 Piela, L. See Jagielska, A., 177 Molecules, 429 Ping, J.-L. Sandoval, L. See Palma, A., 11 Nakano, M. See Kiribayashi, S., 637 —; Chen, J.-Q.: Subgroup-chain Sansone, R. See Ebner, C., 805 Symmetry-Adapted Irre- Savin, A. See Gutle, C., 885 Nakano, M. See Yamaki, D., 645 ducible Matrices and CG Co- Scheraga, H. A. See Kombo, Naray-Szabo, G. See Ferenczy, G. efficients of Point Groups, 67 De. :315 G. 215 Politzer, P. See Murray, J. S., 267 Scheraga, H. A. See Lee, J., 255 Nishikawa, K. See Ohta, Y., 511 Schurer, G. Porter, L. E. Nishikawa, K. See Shigeta, Y., Modified Bethe-Bloch Stopping —; Gedeck, P.; Gottschalk, M.; 875 Power Parameters for Kap- Clark, T.: Accurate Nishino, M. See Nagao, H., 5 ton, 943 Parametrized Variational Cal- Nogami, J. See Manmoto, Y., 961 Poulain, E. See Cruz, A., 699 culations of the Molecular Electronic Polarizability by Probst, M. See Ebner, C., 805 NDDO-Based Methods, 17 Ohrn, NS YY. Probst, M. M. See Bakker, A., 659 Sein; jr.L.. T: —; Sabin, J. R.; Zerner, M. C.: —; Wei, Y.; Duong, T.; Introduction to the 39th An- Rackovsky, S. See Kombo, D. C., Kemmerer, M. D.; Jansen, nual Sanibel Symposium, 967 313 S. A.: Anomolous Failure Ohta, Y. Ramek, M. of Configuration Inter- —; Kizu, H.; Yamada, A.; Yoshi- —; Tomi¢, S.: Quantum Chemi- action—Singles (CIS) moto, T.; Nishikawa, K.: One cal Conformational Analysis Method in the Computation Approach to Adiabatic Popu- of the Auxin Phytohormone of the Electronic States of lation Transfer by Hiickel 4-Methyl-3-Indole Acetic N,N’-bis(4’-aminopheny])-1, Molecular Orbital Theory, 511 Acid, 1003 4-quinonenediimine, 623 AUTHOR INDEX 1055 Senent, M. L. See Mukherjee, Swart, M. See Grozema, F. C., Varnai, P. See Ferenczy, G. G., P. K., 631 709 215 Sergeev, A. V. Vaz, R. J. —; Kais, S.: Critical Nuclear —; Edwards, M.; Shen, J.; Pearl- Charges for N-Electron Tachikawa, M. stein, R.; Kominos, D.: Use of Atoms, 533 —; Taneda, K.; Mori, K.: Simulta- Electron Densities in Com- neous Optimization of GTF Seybold, P. G. parative Molecular Field —-; Kier, L. B.; Cheng, C.-K.: Au- Exponents and Their Centers Analysis (CoMFA): O—H rora Borealis: Stochastic Cel- with Fully Variational Treat- Bond Dissociation Energies in lular Automata Simulations ment of Hartree-Fock Molec- Phenols, 187 of the Excited-State Dynamics ular Orbital Calculation, 497 of Oxygen Atoms, 751 Taneda, K. See Tachikawa, M., Wang, C. Sezai Sarac, A. See Yurtsever, M., 497 —; Ye, S.: Theoretical Study on 111 Tang, K. E. S. the Insertion Reactions of Shen, J. See Vaz, R. J., 187 —; Dill K. A.: How Experiments Ti*(?F) with HF, HCl, H,O, Shi, Y. See Head, J. D., 815 See Fluctuations of Native H,S, NH,, PH,, CH,, and Shigeta, Y. Proteins: Perspective from an SiH,, 47 —; Nagao, H.; Nishikawa, K.; Exact Model, 147 Weatherford, C. A. 655 Yamaguchi, K.: Density Func- Tei, M. See Manmoto, Y., 961 Wei, Y. See Sein, Jr., L. T., 623 tional Theory without the Terstegen, F. Woolf, T. B. Born—Oppenheimer Approxi- —; Carter, E. A.; Buss, V.: Inter- —; Grossfield, A.; Pearson, J. G.: mation. II. Green Function conversion Pathways of the Indoles at Interfaces: Calcula- Techniques, 875 Protonated B-Ionone Schiff tions of Electrostatic Effects Shigeta, Y. See Nagao, H., 549 Base: An Ab Initio Molecular with Density Functional and Siebbeles, L. D. A. See Grozema, Dynamics Study, 141 Molecular Dynamics Meth- F. C., 1009 Tewari, R. See Sonavane, U. B., ods, 197 Sjoqvist, E. See Carlsen, H., 409 228 Wu, X. See March, N. H., 829 Skolnick, J. Thorndyke, B. —; Kolinski, A.; Mohanty, D.: De Xu, Z. R. See Varandas, A. J. C., —; Micha, D. A.; Runge, K.: Ac- Novo Predictions of the Qua- celeration Effects in Slow 89 ternary Structure of Leucine lon—Atom Collisions from a Zippers and Other Coiled Yabana, K. First-Principles Dynamics, Coils, 165 —; Bertsch, G. F.: Time-Depen- 361 Smeyers, Y. G. See Mukherjee, dent Local-Density Approxi- Tomasi, J. PLK. 631 mation in Real Time: Appli- —; Cammi, R.; Mennucci, B.: Sonavane, U. B. Medium Effects on the Prop- cation to Conjugated —; Sonawane, K. D.; Morin, A.; Molecules, 55 erties of Chemical Systems: Grosjean, H.; Tewari, R.: Yamada, A. See Ohta Y., 511 An Overview of Recent For- N(7)-Protonation Induced Yamaguchi, K. See Kiribayashi, mulations in the Polarizable Conformational Flipping in S., 637 Continuum Model (PCM), 783 Hypermodified Nucleic Acid Yamaguchi, K. See Nagao, H., Bases N°-(N-threonyl- Tomasi, J. See Mennucci, B., 767 549 carbonyladenine and its 2- Tomic¢, S. See Ramek, M., 1003 Yamaguchi, K. See Shigeta, Y., methylthio- or N(6)-methyl- 875 Derivatives, 223 Urban, J. See Mach, P., 741 Yamaguchi, K. See Yamaki, D., Sonawane, K. D. See Sonavane, Ustamehmetoglu, B. See Yurt- 645 U. B., 223 sever, M., 111 Yamaki, D. Staufer, M. See Matveev, A., 863 —; Kitagawa, Y.; Nagao, H.; Sundaralingam, M. See Pan, B., Nakano, M.; Yoshioka, Y.; 275 Van Duijnen, Ph. Th. See Yamaguchi, K.: Visualization Suzumura, T. Grozema, F. C., 709 of Two-Body Electron Densi- —; Nakajima, T.; Hirao, K.: Varandas, A. J. C. ties and Wave Functions of Ground-State Properties of —; Xu, Z. R.: Vibrational Spec- Magnetic Molecules, 645 MH, MCI, and M,(M = Cu, trum of Li, First-Excited Ye, S. See Wang C., 47 Ag, and Au) Calculated by a Electronic Doublet State: Geo- Yoshimoto, T. See Ohta, Y., 511 Scalar Relativistic Density metric-Phase Effects and Sta- Yoshioka, Y. See Nagao, H., 549 Functional Theory, 757 tistical Analysis, 89 Yoshioka, Y. See Yamaki, D., 645 1056 AUTHOR INDEX Yurtsever, M. J. V.: Improved Algorithms Zhang, D. —,; Ustamehmetoglu, B.; Sezai for Renormalized Electron —-; Bu, Y.; Liu, C.: Theoretical Sarac, A.; Mannschreck, A.: A Propagator Calculations, 607 Study of the Inner-Sphere En- Quantum Mechanical Ap- Zerner, M. C. See Cardenas- ergy Barrier of the proach to Electrochemical Be- Lailhacar, C., 563 Transition-Metal Complex havior of Spirochromics, 111 Zerner, M. C. See Hsiao, Y.-W., M(H ,O)2*/°* in Electron- 577 Transfer Process, 119 Zakrzewski, V. G. Zerner, M. C. See Ohrn, N. Y., Zijlstra, R. W. J. See Grozema, —; Dolgounitcheva, O.; Ortiz, 967 E.G, 709 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry Subject Index—Volume 75 Ab initio, 119, 127, 585, 839, 995, BOP, 757 Crystallographic point group, 67 1003 Boson operators, 11 Cubic hyperpolarizability, 457 Ab initio calculation, 47 Bronsted coefficient, 563 Currents, 543 Ab initio calculations, 659 Brueckner orbitals, 615 Ab initio Hartree-Fock method, de Broglie-Bohm model, 409 741 Debye-Waller factor, 147 Coo, 457 Ab initio molecular dynamics, Density functional, 289, 885, 889 141 Cadmium, 289 Density functional calculations, Ab initio post-Hartree-Fock, 245 Carbyne, 839 863 Ab initio structure, 289 Catalysis, 231, 699 Density functional theory, 741, Ab initio studies, 671 Catalytic cracking, 725 875 Activated water nucleophile, 289 Catenamer, 839 Density matrix, 361, 429 Additivity, 943 Catenanes, 839 DFT calculations, 847 Adiabatic, 511 Cation-7, 197 DFT study, 699, 725 Adiabatic averaging, 409 Cellular automata, 751 Dielectric polarization, 599 Adiabatic and vibronic states, 409 Charge dependent, 585 Differential scattering cross sec- Adsorbate vibrational spectra, Charge transfer, 709, 1009 tion (DCS), 399 815 Dimerization-coupled DNA- Charge-transfer state, 449 AIM interconversion, 245 binding activity, 313 Chemical graph theory, 821 Alkali-halide crystal, 961 Direct determination of singlet Cis, 623 Alloys, 927 excited states, 631 Clebsh—Gordan coefficient, 67 Direct methods, 607 Aluminum (IID), 659 Close-shell systems, 637 Disintegration of H,, 367 Alysidamer, 839 AM1, 17, 187 Cluster calculations, 815 Dissociative—ionization, 951 Cluster models, 127 DNA, 1009 AM1 method, 457, 821 Amine-capped trimer, 623 Cluster theory, 829 DNA binding proteins, 301 Coiled coil, 165 Double point groups, 1 Analytical derivatives, 783 Anharmonic model, 465 Cold denaturation, 1027 Anion electron detachment ener- CoMFA, 187 e-Argon, 399 gies, 615 Conformational dependence, 267 ECEPP /3, 255 Anions, 585 Conformational energy computa- Edge-loop & loop-edge conver- Anticodon, 223 tions, 313 sion, 821 Effective charge, 943 Aqueous potassium nitrate solu- Conformational plasticity, 147 Effective Hamiltonian, 429 tion, 805 Conformational space annealing, Atmospheric reactions, 671 255 Effective ionic radius, 961 e-Krypton, 399 Atomic charges, 585 Conjugated carbon molecules, 55 Electric field gradient, 961 Aurora borealis, 751 Core ionization energies, 615 Electrochemistry, 111 Correlation energy, 885 Electron affinities, 847 Coupled-cluster equations, 483, Bacteriophase A repressor pro- Electron correlation, 441 593 tein, 313 Electron correlation effects, 483 Bacteriorhodopsin, 141 Coupled-cluster method, 177 Electron density, 187 Base pairings, 275 Covariant perturbation theory, 33 Electron nuclear dynamics (END) Basis sets, 585 CPA, 917 theory, 367 Biradicals, 615 Critical nuclear charges, 533 Electron propagator, 607, 615 Bond length, 441 Crystal structures, 275 Electrons, 399 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 75, pp. 1057-1060 (1999) 1058 SUBJECT INDEX Electron transfer, 119 Heavy-element systems, 757 Leucine zippers, 165 Electronic states, 623 Helical geometry, 275 Li, first-excited electronic dou- Electronic structure, 917 Hellmann-Feynmann theorem, blet state, 89 Electrostatic potentials, 267 497 Links, 839 Energy gap, 885 Hermite polynomials, 11 Local random matrix theory (LRMT), 523 Energy loss, 943 Heterogeneous reaction, 683 Energy of mixing, 927 HF dimer, 81 Local spin density approxima- tion, 889 Energy surface, 1003 High-T, superconductivity, 549 Longuet—Higgins model, 409 Enzyme reaction mechanism, 215 H,O dimer, 81 Enzymology, 231 HOMO orbital, 177 Low-energy, 385 ESR G tensors, 577 Homotopy method, 483 ETF, 385 Huckel theory, 511 Macrocyclic bisbenzylisoquino- Ethylene chemisorption, 699 Hydration, 275 line alkaloids, 995 Euler angles, 1 Magnetic molecules, 645 Hydrogen peroxide, 631 Exchange-correlation, 889 Magnetic properties, 847 Hydrophobicity scales, 197 Excited states, 751 Many-body expansion potential- Hyperpolarizabilities, 449 energy surface, 89 HZSM-5 zeolites, 725 Maple V computer program, 593 Failure, 623 Matrix elements, 11 Faraday effect, 33 Indole, 197 MCYL potential, 805 FeAl, 927 INDO/S model, 577 Meissner effect, 543 Fe, Al, 927 Innate temperature-invariant en- Membrane bilayers, 197 Fermi resonance, 815 thalpy, 1027 Merocyanine 540 (MC540) model Ferroelectricity, 599 compounds, 741 Insertion reaction, 47 Field emission, 417 Interaction energy, 709 Metal ions, 215 Floquet, 417 Metalloenzyme active site, 289 FO theory, 821 Interfacial effects, 197 Intermediate complex, 47 Methane, 465 Folding, 1017 Minimum-residual filter diago- Force-bias method, 207 Intermediates, 671 nalization technique, 89 Franck—Condon, 11 Intermolecular interaction, 81 Mismatches, 275 Fully variational molecular or- Intermolecular perturbation the- MNDO, 17 bital (FVMO), 497 ory, 81 MO expansion, 385 Intermolecular potential func- Molecular dynamics simulation, tions, 659 805 Gauge-invariant atomic orbitals Internal rotation, 563 (GIAQOs), 637 Molecular dynamics simulations, Intramolecular vibrational redis- 231 Gaussian network model, 301 tribution (IVR), 523 Gaussian-type orbitals—fitting Molecular properties, 757 Inverse Faraday effect, 33 function (LCGTO-FF), 911 Molecular structure, 245 In vitro antileishmanial activity, Generalized gradient approxima- Molecular surfaces, 267 995 tion, 889 Molecular theory, 543 lodine-benzene complex, 709 Generalized gradient approxima- Molecular vibrations, 465 tion (GGA), 863 lonization potentials, 847 Molecules, 889 Geometry of molecules, 1017 lon-water interaction, 659 Moller—Plesset perturbation the- Global minimum-energy confor- Irreducible representation, 67 ory, 177 mation, 255 Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), Monte Carlo, 207 Globular proteins, 207 231 MP2 calculations, 709 Green function, 875 Multiphoton, 417 Green’s function, 33 Lamb shift, 655 Multiplication tables, 1 G tensors, 577 Large matrix diagonalization, 607 Laser Coulomb explosion imag- NADP, 231 Half-projected Hartree-Fock cal- ing, 951 Nak, 693 culations, 631 Lattice distortion, 961 Natural geminals, 645 Hammond postulate, 563 Lattice protein models, 165 NDDO, 17 SUBJECT INDEX N-electron atoms, 533 Protonated B-ionon Schiff base, Solids, 889 NHDP, 231 141 Solute-solvent effects, 449 NMR NOESY, 147 Pseudorotation of Hz ion, 367 Solvation methods, 783 Nonadditivity, 659 Solvent effects, 767 Non-Born-Oppenheimer, 951 QSAR, 187 Spin adaptation, 607 Non-Born—Oppenheimer treat- Quantal trajectories, 409 Spin correlation, 645 ment, 875 Quantum-classical correspon- Nonlinear substrate response, 429 dence QED, 655 Spin-orbit, 693 Northern lights, 751 Quantum ergodicity transition Spinor representation, 1 (QET), 523 Spiropyrans, 111 Nuclear magnetic double reso- nance, 961 Quantum mechanics, 111 Squeezed states, 11 Nuclear magnetic shielding, 767, Quantum mechanics for ex- Stability of atomic dianions, 533 783 tended systems, 215 Statistical quantities, 267 Quantum molecular dynamics, Stereoelectronic properties, 995 361 Off-center, 961 Stopping power, 943 Quantum transport, 1009 Optical absorption, 55 Quaternary structure prediction, Strand-helix transition, 1043 Optical Bloch equations, 429 165 Strictly localized molecular Optical rotation, 33 orbitals, 215 Orthogonalized basis sets, 81 Radicals, 577 Structural polarization, 177 Oxidation state, 543 Reactant—water cluster systems, Structure, 1003 Oxygen, 751 683 Structure—property relationship, Ozone depletion, 683 Reaction-field linear response 457 method, 449 Subgroup-chain adaptation, 67 Relativistic effects, 757 Substituent influence, 1003 Parallel computation, 255 RESC, 757 Superconductivity, 543 para-nitroaniline, 449 Resonance, 417 PCILO, 223 Response properties, 767 Surfaces, 889 Peptide folding, 1043 Rhodopsin, 141 Symmetry adaptation, 607 Peptide surface area, 1043 Rice—Ramsperger-—Kassel-— Symmetry-adapted perturbation Peroxy radicals, 671 Marcus (RRKM) theory, 523 theory, 177 Phosphotriesterase, 289 RNA, 275 Photochromic molecules, 111 Rugged energy landscape, 147 3-D model proteins, 1017 Photodesorption, 429 Time-dependent density func- Photodissociation, 693 Scaled-collective variable tional theory, 55 Photo-induced superconductiv- method, 207 Time-dependent Hartree-Fock, ity, 549 Scattering, 399 361 Photon-assisted, 417 Second-order perturbation energy, 885 Titanium oxide surface, 127 Piezoelectricity, 599 Self-consistent-field (SCF), 637 Topoisomerase, 301 Planck-Benzinger thermal work Self-exchange reaction, 119 Topological isomerism, 839 function, 1027 PLS, 187 Semiclassical close coupling Torsional structure of electronic approximation, 385 spectra, 631 PM3, 17 Semiempiric, 1003 Total energy calculations, 927 Polarizability, 17, 497 Semiempirical, 111, 215 Transition metal activation Polarizability and second hyper- Semi-empirical, 187 energy and reorganization polarizability, 441 Silicon clusters, 829 energy, 119 Polyacetylene chains, 441 Single-electron capture, 385 Transition metal carbonyls, 863 Polyenes, 55 Slow modes of motion, 301 Population transfer, 511 Transition state, 47 Small bimetallic clusters, 699 Potassium adsorption, 127 Small impurity, 961 Transition states, 563, 821 Transition state theory (TST), 523 Protein folding, 255 Small nickel clusters, 847 Protein folding dynamics, 1043 Smart Monte Carlo, 207 Translation, 223 Proteins, 1017 Sodium clusters, 829 tRNA, 223 Protein structure prediction, 165 Solid solutions, 917 Tungsten, 917 1060 SUBJECT INDEX Tunneling, 417 Vibrational circular dichroism, W—B, 917 2-aminoimidazole molecule 783 Water—water interactions, 805 enantiomers, 245 Vibrational and electronic hyper- Wave function, 89 Two-band model, 549 polarizabilities, 783 Wild-type A repressor protein, Vibrational and electronic polar- 313 Unitary molecular descriptors, izability and hyperpolariz- 1043 ability, 767 X-ray crystallography, 147, 231 Virial theorem, 497 Xylose isomerase, 215 VCD, 767 Visualization, 645 Zinc, 289

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