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International Journal of Quantum Chemistry Author Index—Volume 74 Aihara, J.-I. tem Made Up of Hydrogen Bywater, R. P. See Gkoutos, —; Sakurai, A.: Kinetic Stability and Antihydrogen, 645 G. V., 371 of C., Fullerene Isomers as Revealed by the Bond Reso- Cances, E. nance Energy Method, 753 Baccarelli, I. —; Defranceschi, M.; Le Bris, C.: —; Gianturco, F. A.; Schneider, Akhmatskaya, E. V. Some Recent Mathematical F.: Spatial Structures and —; Cooper, M. D.; Burton, N. A.; Contributions to Quantum Electronic Excited States of Masters, A. J.; Hillier, I. H.: Chemistry, 553 Small Protonated Helium Monte Carlo Simulations of Chaer Nascimento, M. A. See Clusters, 193 Water Clusters on a Parallel Da Silva, C. O., 417 Baeten, A. Computer Using an Ab Initio See Ramos, M. J., 299 Potential, 709 —; Tafazoli, M.; Kirsch-Volders, Chaudhury, P. M.; Geerlings, P.: Use of the Amos, A. T. —; Bhattacharyya, S. P.: Bound HSAB Principle in Quantita- —; Burrows, B. L.: A Note on States in Screened and Bare tive Structure—Activity Rela- Current Flow in Donor- Coulomb Potentials: A tionships in Toxicological Re- Bridge—Acceptor Systems, Nonorthogonal CI-Based search: Application to the 585 Route to Effective Hamiltoni- Genotoxicity of Chlorinated See Burrows, B. L., 559 ans for Two-Electron Sys- Hydrocarbons, 351 Amovilli, C. tems, 153 Belling, T. See Xiao, C., 405 —; Floris, F. M.; Mennucci, B.: Chen, C. Theoretical Modeling of the Belousov, A. V. —; Shyu, S.-F.; Hsu, F.-S.: Theo- Symmetric (C,,,) Electrophilic —; Kovarsky, V. A.; Yastrebov, retical Study of Salicylalde- Attachment of Chlorine to B. S.: Influence of the Polar hyde Conformal Isomers and Ethylene in Aqueous Solu- Medium Fluctuation on the Their Intramolecular Oxygen Nonradiative Electron Trans- tion, 59 and Hydrogen Relations, 395 See McWeeny, R., 572 fer in Molecules, 381 Chen, J.-Q. See Fan, P. D., 7 Aoki, Y. Bertini, L. Chen, K. X. See Wang, Q. M., ° —; Imamura, A.: A Simple Rule —; Bressanini, D.; Mella, M.; Chiang, L. Y. See Slanina, Z.., : to Find Nondisjoint NBMO Morosi, G.: Linear Expansions Contreras, R. See Pérez, P., 38 of Correlated Functions: Vari- Degenerate Systems for De- Cooper, D. L. See Ogliaro, F., signing High-Spin Organic ational Monte Carlo Case See Wilson, S., 71 Study, 23 Molecules, 491 Cooper, M. D. See Akhmatskaya, See Imamura, A., 761 Bhattacharyya, S. P. See Chaud- E. V., 709 See Rather, G., 35 hury, P., 153 Bielli, P. See Raos, G., 249 Arimoto, S. Da Silva, C. O. —; Fukui, K.; Zizler, P.; Taylor, Braiman, M. See Trindle, C., 291 —; Da Silva, E. C.; Chaer Nasci- K. F.; Mezey, P. G.: Structural Brandas, E. J. See Dunne, L. J., mento, M. A.: Pseudospectral Analysis of Certain Linear 617 Calculation of the Gas-Phase Operators Representing Bressanini, D. See Bertini, L., 23 Acidities of Aliphatic Alco- Chemical Network Systems Burrows, B. L. hols, 417 via the Existence and Unique- —; Moideen, F. M.; Amos, A. T.: Da Silva, E. C. See Da Silva, ness Theorems of Spectral Approximate Analytical Solu- C. O., 417 Resolution. V, 633 tions for Two-State Time-De- Datta, S. N. Armour, E. A. G. pendent Problems, 559 —; Shah, D.: Transport of Excita- —; Zeman, V.: Corrections to the See Amos, A. T., 585 tion Energy in a Three- Born—Oppenheimer Approxi- Burton, N. A. See Akhmatskaya, Dimensional Doped Molecu- mation as Applied to a Sys- E. V., 709 lar Aggregate. VII. Physical International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 74, pp. 771-774 (1999) AUTHOR INDEX Chemistry of Exciton Pro- C. A.: Evidence for Dimeriza- Koga, T. cesses in Thylakoid Mem- tion in the B,-Adrenergic Re- —; Matsuyama, H.: Explicitly brane, 357 ceptor from the Evolutionary Correlated Extracule Densi- Defranceschi, M. See Cances, E., Trace Method, 371 ties for Two-Electron Atoms, 553 Gomes, J. A. N. F. See Ramos, 455 Dias, J. R. M. J., 299 Komnios, Y. m-Electronic Structures of Small Gouldson, P. R. See Gkoutos, —; Nicolaides, C. A.: Erratum to Alternant Hydrocarbons to CG. Vi.) ‘Molecular Shape, Shape of Infinitely Large Polymeric Guo, X. See Randi¢, M., 697 the Geometrically Active Strips: The Aufbau Principle Gutman, I. Atomic States, and Hy- and End-Group Effects, 721 On the Hall Rule in the Theory of bridization,” 435 Dijkstra, F. Benzenoid Hydrocarbons, 627 Kovarsky, V. A. See Belousov, —; Van Lenthe, J. H.: Aromatic- A. V., 381 ity of Bent Benzene Rings: A Kruger, S. See Xiao, C., 405 Hall, G. G. VBSCF Study, 213 —; Rees, D.: A Theory of Special Kunne, L. Duch, W. See Meller, J., 123 Relations Between DFT and CI Points in Two-Dimensional Dunne, L. J. Approximation, 55 Solid-State Calculations, 601 —; Brandas, E. J.; Murrell, J. N.: Kumar, A. See Kushwaha, P. S., Recollections and Reflections, 439 D-Wave Condensate and Es- 271 He, F.-C. See Zhang, S.-W., 337 sential Phenomenological De- Kushwaha, P. S. Henriques, E. S. See Ramos, scription of Some Properties —; Kumar, A.; Mishra, P. C.: M. J., 299 of High T. Cuprate Supercon- Charge Distributions and Higgs, C. See Gkoutos, G. V., 371 ductors, 617 Molecular Electrostatic Poten- Hillier, I. H. See Akhmatskaya, tiais Around Amino Acids: E. V., 709 Famulari, A. See Raimondi, M., Usefulness of Hybridization 259 Hsu, F.-S. See Chen, C., 395 Displacement Charge, 271 Hudson, R. L. See Thorsteinsson, T., 231 Some Properties of Reduced- Fan, P.-D. Density Operators, 595 Le Bris, C. See Cances, E., 553 —; Chen, J.-Q.: Algebraic Solu- tions for the Octahedral Levine, R. D. On the Independence of Corre- Group: Group Chain O > C,, Imamura, A. 7 Sugiyama, H.; Orimoto, Y.; Aoki, lated Events, 467 Li, X. Floriano, W. B. See Ramos, M. J., Y.: Ab Initio Through 299 Space /Bond Interaction Anal- —; Paldus, J.: Size Dependence of the X'A, > 1'B, Excita- Floris, F. M. See Amovilli, C., 59 ysis on the Stereoelectronic tion Energy in Linear Fujimoto, H. Effect by Modifying the Ex- Polyenes, 177 —; Suzuki, T.: Quantum Theory ponents of the Basis Set, 761 Lipscomb, W. N. See Gerratt, J., in Organic Chemistry: Elec- See Aoki, Y., 491 83 tronic Structure and Chemical See Rather, G., 35 Reactivity of (7-Allyl) palladium Complexes, 735 Maggiora, G. M. Ji, R. Y¥. See Wang, Q. M., 315 Fukui, K. See Arimoto, S., 633 —; Mezey, P. G.: A Fuzzy-Set Jiang, H. L. See Wang, Q. M., 315 Approach to Functional- Geerlings, P. See Baeten, A., 351 Group Comparisons Based on Gerratt, J. Kakkar, R. an Asymmetric Similarity —+; Lipscomb, W. N.: Spin-Cou- —; Katoch, V.: AM1 Study of Measure, 503 pled Wave Functions for Proton-Transfer Reactions of Maigret, B. See Ramos, M. J., 299 Atoms and Molecules, 83 Barbituric Acid, 327 Manby, F. R. See McNicholas, Ghosh, T. K. See Tanaka, K., 661 Kaplan, I. G. 5. j.. 7 Gianinetti, E. See Raimondi, M., Nature of Binding in Small Metal March, N. H. 259 Clusters, 241 Many-Electron Theory: Density Gianturco, F. A. See Baccarelli, I., Karadakov, P. B. See Ogliaro, F., Functional Approach Gener- 193 223 alized to Treat Spin Eigen- Gkoutos, G. V. Katoch, V. See Kakkar, R., 327 functions and Relation to —; Higgs, C.; Bywater, R. P.; Kirsch-Volders, M. See Baeten, Spinless Low-Order Density Gouldson, P. R.; Reynolds, A., 351 Matrices, 163 AUTHOR INDEX Martin, I. rated-Bond Models: A Spin- Rees, D. See Hall, G. G., 601 Quantum Defect and Transition Coupled Survey for a Few Reuter, N. See Ramos, M. J., 299 Probabilities, 479 Organic and Inorganic Sys- Reynolds, C. A. See Gkoutos, Masters, A. J. See Akhmatskaya, tems, 223 GW E. V., 709 Orimoto, Y. See Imamura, A., 761 Rosch, N. See Xiao, C., 405 Matsuyama, H. See Koga, T., 455 Osawa, E. See Slanina, Z., 343 Roche, M. Mayer, M. See Xiao, C., 405 Numerical Integration of the MeNicholas, S. J. Kohn-Sham Equations: Inte- —; Manby, F. R.: State-Selective Paldus, J. See Li, X., 177 gral Method for Bound States, Core-Optimized Spin-Cou- Parra-Mouchet, J. See Pérez, P., 49 pled Theory, 97 387 McWeeny, R. Parry, D. E. Saito, K. See Takahashi, O., 515 —; Amovilli, C.: Locality and A ~*<#4X°~ Selection Rule for the Saito, Y. Nonlocality in Quantum Me- Collisions of Some Atomic —; Nagaoka, M.: Characteristics chanics: a Two-Proton EPR Ions with Diatomic of Numerical Realization via Experiment, 573 Molecules, 103 Stochastic Partial Differential An Ab Initio Form of Classical Pérez, P. Equation: An Application to Valence-Bond Theory, 87 —; Zapata-Torres, G.; Parra- Density Matrix Calculation, 653 Mella, M. See Bertini, L., 23 Mouchet, J.; Contreras, R.: Ba- Meller, J. sicity and Solvent Effects on Sakai, T. See Tanaka, K., 661 —; Duch, W.: SGA Derivation of Hydrogen Bonding in NR, Sakata, K. See Tachibana, A., 669 Matrix Elements Between --» HCOOH( R = H, CH) Sakurai, A. See Aihara, J.-I., 753 Spin-Adapted Perturbative Model Systems, 387 Schneider, F. See Baccarelli, L., 193 Wave Functions, 123 Prager, A. B. See Trindle, C., 291 Melo, A. See Ramos, M. J., 299 Shah, D. See Datta, S. N., 357 Shimomura, S. See Yamaguchi, Mennucci, B. See Amovilli, C., Raimondi, M. Y., 423 59 —; Famulari, A.; Gianinetti, E.: Shyu, S.-F. See Chen, C., 395 Mezey, P. G. See Arimoto, S., 633 See Maggiora, G. M., 503 Spin-coupled Study of Hy- Sironi, M. drogen-Bounded Systems: A New Procedure to Optimize Mishra, P. C. See Kushwaha, The Nucleic Acid Pairs, 259 Core Orbitals in the Spin- Po S22) See Thorsteinsson, T., 231 Coupled Wave Function, 145 Moideen, F. M. See Burrows, Be Ey 559 See Wilson, S., 71 Slanina, Z. Morisaki, T. See Tachibana, A., Ramos, M. J. —; Zhao, X.; Chiang, L. Y.; Osawa, E.: Biologically Active 669 —; Melo, A.; Henriques, E. S.; Fullerene Derivatives: Com- Morosi, G. See Bertini, L., 23 Gomes, J. A. N. F.; Reuter, N.; putations of Structures, Ener- Murrell, J. N. See Dunne, L. J., Maigret, B.; Floriano, W. B.; getics, and Vibrations of 617 Nascimento, M. A. C.: Model- C,9(OH), and C,.(NO,),, ing Enzyme-Inhibitor Inter- 343 60 actions in Serine Proteases, Nagaoka, M. See Saito, Y., 653 299 Sugiyama, H. See Imamura, A., 761 Nagasawa, Y. See Yamaguchi, Y., Randic¢, M. 423 Sutcliffe, B. T. —; Guo, X.: Resonance Energy of Nakamura, K. See Tachibana, A., Dipole Moment Surfaces and Giant Benzenoid Hydrocar- Spectroscopic Calculations, 669 bon C,,.H.,., 697 681 Nicolaides, C. A. See Komnios, Y., 435 Raos, G. The Born—Oppenheimer Correc- Nobutoki, H. —; Bielli, P.; Tornaghi, E.: Rota- tion Terms for a Triatomic Broken-Symmetry Orbitals for the tional Barriers of Amides and System in the Sutcliffe— Polyisocyanates: A Spin-cou- Tennyson Formulation, 109 Quasidiabatic Electronic pled Study, 249 States of Polymers, 745 Suzuki, T. See Fujimoto, H., 735 Rather, G. —; Aoki, Y.; Imamura, A.: Per- Tabata, K. See Yamaguchi, Y., 423 Ogliaro, F. formance of the Elongation Tachibana, A. —; Cooper, D. L.; Karadakov, Method with Larger Basis —; Nakamura, K.; Sakata, K.; P. B.: Bent-Bond Versus Sepa- Sets, 35 Morisaki, T.: Application of AUTHOR INDEX the Regional Density Func- of Amino Acid Side Chains in Xiao, C. tional Theory: The Chemical Proteins: Effects of Chloride —; Kruger, S.; Belling, T.; Mayer, Potential Inequality in the and Bromide Counterions on M.; Rosch, N.: Relativistic Ef- HeH* System, 669 Ethylguanidino Vibrational fects on Geometry and Elec- Tafazoli, M. See Baeten, A., 351 Frequencies, 291 tronic Structure of Small Pd, Takahashi, O. Species (1 = 1,2, 4), 405 —; Saito, K.; Yabushita, S.: Sim- Xu, W.-X. Van Lengthe, J. H. See Dijkstra, ple SCF Method with Spin- The Antiparallel Electron Corre- F., 213 Orbit Interaction: SOSCF lation Coefficient and Method, 515 Coulomb Hole Structure, 1 Tanaka, K. Wang, Q. M. —+* Ghosh, T. K.; Sakai, T.: CSF- —; Jiang, H. L.; Chen, K. X.; Ji, Yabushita, S. See Takahashi, O., Based Multireference Cou- R. Y.; Ye, Y.-J.: Theoretical 515 pled-Pair Approximation. IV. Studies on the Possible Reac- Yamaguchi, Y. Revision of Coupling Term tion Pathway of the Deacyla- —,; Nagasawa, Y.; Shimomura, S.,; and Application to tion of the AChE-Catalyzed Tabata, K.: Reaction Model for Rydberg-Valence Avoided Reaction, 315 Methane Oxidation on Re- Crossing in Lowest Two 'S* Wilson, S. duced SnO, (110) Surface, 423 Excited States of FH Molecule —; Raimondi, M.; Cooper, D. L.: Yastrebov, B. S. See Belousov, and Lowest Two Tl, States J. Gerratt, 1938-1997, 71 Ae V., 381 of F, Molecule, 661 Distributed Gaussian Basis Sets: Ye, Y.-J. See Wang, Q. M., 315 Taylor, K. F. See Arimoto, S., 633 A Stochastic Variational Ap- Thorsteinsson, T. proach for Diatomic Zapata-Torres, G. See Pérez, P., —; Famulari, A.; Raimondi, M.: Molecules, 547 387 A Spin-Coupled Investigation On the Application of Hierarchi- Zeman, V. See Armour, E. A. G., of the Electrophilic Addition cal Orthogonality Restrictions 645 of Hydrochloric Acid to Eth- to Spin-Coupled Wave Func- Zhang, S.-W. ylene, 231 tions, 135 —; He, F.-C.: Thermolysis Mech- Tornaghi, E. See Raos, G., 249 Woolley, R. G. anism of N-Acetylpropana- Trindle, C. Charged Particles, Gauge Invari- mide, 337 —; Braiman, M.; Prager, A. B.: ance, and Molecular Electro- Zhao, X. See Slanina, Z., 343 Modeling Vibrational Spectra dynamics, 531 Zizler, P. See Arimoto, S., 633 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry Subject Index—Volume 74 Ab initio, 709 Born—Oppenheimer correction, DFT, 55 Ab initio acidity calculations, 417 109 Diabatic states, 745 Ab initio calculations, 249, 491 Bridge, 585 Diatomic molecules, 103 Ab initio method, 35 BSSE, 259 Dimerization, 371 Ab initio MO, 735 Dipole moment surface, 681 Ab initio quality fuzzy electron C.. fullerene isomers, 753 Discretized generator coordinate CASVB, 223, 231 densities, 503 method, 153 Catalytic mechanism, 315 Ab initio VB calculations, 87 Distributed basis sets, 547 Acceptor, 585 Center-of-mass motion, 455 DNA nucleic acid bases, 259 Charge transfer, 559 Acetylcholinesterase, 315 Donor, 585 Chemical bonding, 241 Activation barriers, 327 Double Fourier series, 601 Chemical network systems, 633 Adrenergic-receptor sequences, Double-induced representation, 7 Chemical potential inequality 371 D-wave condensate, 617 principle, 669 *-algebra, 633 Chemical reactivity, 59 Aliphatic alcohols, 417 Chlorinated hydrocarbons, 351 Effective Hamiltonian for 2-elec- Alternant hydrocarbons, 721 CI, 55 : tron atoms, 153 Amides, 249 Clamped nuclei electronic struc- Eigenfunction method, 7 Amino acids, 271 ture calculation, 681 Electron correlation, 1 Amino acid side chains, 291 Cluster, 405 Electron-pair density, 455 Aminomethanol hybridized or- Complex events, 467 Electronic band structures, 745 bital, 761 Configuration state functions Electronic excitation, 103 Analytical, 559 (CSF), 1235 Electronic process, 669 Anti-periplanar, 761 Cooperative mechanism, 315 Electrons, 83 Antihydrogen, 645 Core-optimized, 97 Electrophilic addition, 231 Antioxidants, 343 Core-valence separation, 87 Electrostatic potential, 271 Aromaticity, 213 Correlated events, 467 Elementary events, 467 Asymmetric similarity measure, Correlated wave functions, 23 Elongation method, 35 503 Corresponding orbitals, 735 End-group effects, 721 Asymptotic analysis, 633 Coulomb hole, 1 EPR experiment, 573 Aufbau principle, 721 Coupling, 645 Equivalence restricted open-shell Avoided crossing, 661 Critical z for two-electron bound SCF method, 515 states, 153 Ethylene chlorination, 59 Barbituric acid, 327 Crystal orbitals, 745 Exchange and dispersion ener- Current, 585 gies, 241 (Bent) benzene, 213 Exchange-—correlation potential, Bent bonds, 223 Deacylation process, 315 163 Benzene and pyridine, 87 Decoherence, 573 Excitation energies, 177 Benzenoid hydrocarbon, 627 de Finetti’s theorem, 595 Excited electronic states, 193 Beryllium, 97 Density functional, 55 Excited state, 97 B,-adrenergic receptor, 371 Density functional calculation, Exciton transfer, 357 B-factor XIla, 299 405 Extracule density, 455 B3LYP /6-31G**, 395 Density functional theory, 1, 163, 291, 337 : Bond resonance energy (BRE), 753 Density matrix, 573, 653 Fermion, 595 Born—Oppenheimer approxima- Density matrix theory, 163 Few-electron systems, 23 tion, 103 Density operators, 595 Flow, 585 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 74, pp. 775-777 (1999) 776 SUBJECT INDEX Formaldehyde, 423 Kinoshita wave functions, 455 Orbital interactions, 735 Free energy, 299 Kohn-Sham equations, 49 Orbital optimization, 87 Frozen-core electrons, 145 Organic ferromagnetic sub- Function spaces, 601 LS and J./ coupling schemes, 479 stances, 491 Fused benzene rings, 697 LS-coupling, 515 Orthogonality restrictions, 135 Fuzzy-set methods, 503 LSCF, 299 Oxygen anion, 423 Large polymeric strips, 721 Gas-phase acidity, 417 Leptons, 645 Parallel algorithm, 709 Gauge invariance, 531 Lewis acid, 735 Perturbation theory, 177 Gauss~Markov approximation, Linear operator, 633 381 m-allyl complexes, 735 Linear polyenes, 177 Gaussian basis sets, 547 Localized hydrogen bonding a-electronic structures, 721 Gaussian cubature, 601 analysis, 395 Polar medium fluctuation, 381 General topology, 633 Polyisocyanates, 249 Genetic algorithm and electronic Projection operators, 7 Many-body forces, 241 structure, 153 Proteins, 271, 291 Many-electron theory, 163 Genotoxicity, 351 Proton transfer, 327, 337 Many-electron wave functions, 87 Giant benzenoid hydrocarbon Proton transfer potentials, 387 Mathematical analysis, 553 Cy3H,, 697 Pseudospectral calculations, 417 Graph theory, 627 Metabolites, 351 Metal clusters, 241 Ground electronic states, 193 Metal oxides, 423 QSAR, 351 Group chain O > C,, 7 Methane, 423 Quantum Monte Carlo, 23 Methanol, 423 Quantum methods, 299 Hall rule, 627 Hamiltonian matrix elements, 123 Model potentials, 241 Quantum theory of radiation, 531 Modern valence bond theory, 223 Hamiltonian operator, 83 Modern valence-bond theory, 231 He pressure, 753 Regional density functional the- Molecular aggregate, 357 Heisenberg Hamiltonian, 177 ory, 669 Hellmann-Feynman force, 669 Molecular electrodynamics, 531 Relations, 55 Hierarchical many-body meth- Molecular orbital calculations, Relativistic effective core poten- 423 ods, 135 tial, 515 Molecular orbital coefficients, 491 HSAB, 351 Relativistic effects, 405 Molecular resonance energy, 697 Hybrid Monte Carlo, 709 Rotation—vibration spectra, 681 Molecular similarity analysis, 503 Hybridization displacement ROQDO method, 479 charge, 271 Molecular structure, 271 MRCPA, 661 Hydrogen, 645 Hydrogen bond, 259, 343 Multireference-configuration in- Salicylaldehyde, 395 Hydrogen bonding, 387 teraction (MRD-CD calcula- Scalar relativistic formalisms, 479 Hydrogen-bonding systems, 35 tions, 193 SCF-MI, 259 Hydroxyfullerenes, 343 Selection rule, 103 N-acetylpropanamide, 337 Size consistency, 661 Integral method, 49 Nitrofullerenes, 343 Solvent effect, 59 Interaction density, 259 Nonbinding molecular orbital Solvent effects, 327, 387 Intermolecular interactions, 259 (NBMO) method, 491 Spatial structures, 193 Intramolecular oxygen and hy- Nonorthogonal CI, 153 Special points, 601 drogen relations, 395 Nonradiative transition rate, 381 Spin correlation, 573 Intrinsic reaction coordinate, 231 N-representability, 595 Spin coupled, 259 lon-atom system, 669 Nuclei, 645 Spin density waves, 745 Ion—molecule collisions, 103 Numerical integration, 49 Spin eigenfunctions, 163 Irreducible matrices, 7 Numerical quandrature, 601 Spin-coupled, 97 Numerical schemes, 653 Spin-coupled method, 249 jj-coupling, 515 Spin-coupled theory, 145, 231 Octahedral group, 7 Spin-coupled wave function, 223 Kekulé structure, 627 Onsager self-consistent reaction Spin-coupled wave functions, 83, Kinetic stability, 753 field, 291 135 SUBJECT INDEX Spin-orbit interaction, 515 Symmetry, 745 Transition states, 327 Spinless low-order density matri- Symmetry-adapted functions, 7 Triatomic system, 109 ces, 163 Symmetry reduction, 343 Trypsin, 299 State-selective, 97 Two-electron atoms, 455 Stepwise mechanism, 315 Two-state, 559 T. superconducting cuprates, 617 Stereoelectronic effect, 761 Stochastic partial differential Theoretical calculation, 337 Valence bond, 213 equations, 653 Thermolysis mechanism, 337 Valence-bond method, 177 Stochastic path-integral method Through space /bond interaction, Valence bond theory, 87 (SPIM), 653 761 Valence electrons, 145 Stochastic variational approach, Thylakoid membranes, 357 Variance optimization, 23 547 Time-dependent, 559 Variational Monte Carlo, 23 Substituent effects, 387 Topological analysis of electron VB analysis, 59 Superconducting condensation, density, 231 VBSCF, 213 617 Torsional barriers, 249 Vibrational spectra, 291 Surface reactions, 423 Total z-electron energy, 627 Sutcliffe-Tennyson formulation, 109 Transition intensities, 681 Water cluster, 709 Symmetric group approach Transition probabilities, 479 Wave function, 145 (SGA), 123 Transition state, 315 Wave functions, 123

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