(Contents continued from back cover) Investigation of the antinociceptive efficacy and relative potency of extended duration injectable 3-acylmorphine-6-sulfate prodrugs in rats D. Preechagoon, M.T. Smith, R.J. Prankerd (Australia) Notes Correlation between physicochemical characteristics, pharmacokinetic properties and transdermal absorption of NSAID’s C. Goosen, J. du Plessis, D.G. Miller, L.F. Janse van Rensburg (South Africa) The effect of a viscosity and an absorption enhancer on the intra nasal absorption of metoprolol in rats N. Kilian, D.G. Miiller (South Africa) X-Ray powder diffraction determination of the relative amount of crystalline acetaminophen in solid dispersions with polyvinylpyrrolidone M.M. de Villiers, D.E. Wurster, J.G. Van der Watt, A. Ketkar (South Africa, USA) A computerized artificial stomach model to assess sodium alginate-induced pH gradient J. Vatier, C. Célice-Pingaud, R. Farinotti (France) Book review Noticeboard Author index 33e YeeR eenssa e