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International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes, 107 (1991) 575—576 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam AUTHOR INDEX Adamezyk, B. 9 Gard, E. 91 Marcinkowska, E. 9 Adams, J. Rl Gautier, EA. 183 Mark, T.D. 127, 143 Alderdice, DS. 491 Gilbert, J.R. 247 Marrero, J.G. 183 Allison, J. 247, 553 Goldenberg, AM. R19 Marshall, AG. 49 Andre, J. 191 Gomory, A. 225 McCullough,S.M. 91, 545 Ann,Q.-H. R1 Gormally, J. 441 McEwan, MJ. 319 Armentrout, P.B. 29 Grice, §.T. 215 Meisels,G.G. 515 Grimsrud, E.P. 293 Michalak, L. 9, 475 Grosshans, P.B. 49 Mitchell, DW. 417 Baer, T. 30] Benguerba, M. R11 Bernath,G. 225 Harland, P.W. 215 Nibbering, N.M.M. 475 Bertrand,M.J. 515 Harrison, JA. 215 Nishimura, T. 515 Blais, J.C. 409, 531 Hayes,R.N. 333 Bolbach,G. 531 Heumann,K.G. 361 Ohgami,K . 393 Booze, J.A. 301 Opitz, J. 503 Botter, R. 165 Inada,K . 393 Bowie, JH. 333 Iraqi, M. 565 Peres, T. 565 Brenton, A.G, 349 Petrie, S. 319 Brincourt,G. 19] Phillips, J. 441 Jeske, F. 559 Prisse, T. 135,553 Jin, L. 205 Castleman, Jr, A.W. 127 Jones,A.D. 545 Catella, R. 191 Joret, H. RII Qi, H.-P. 205 Chan, T.-W.D. 491 Chirnside, T.J. 319 Ripoche, X. 165 Choe, J.-C. 103 Karpas, Z. 435 Colburn, A.W. 491 Kawano, H. 393 Kim, M.-S. 103 Sadat Kiai,§.M. 191 Kistemaker, P.G. 475 Schroder, D. 559 De A.e Souza, A.C. 83 Klein, R. 409 Shultz, R.H. 29 De Vries, A.E. 475 Komaromi,I. 225 Schwarz,H. 135, 369, 553, Della-Negra, S$. R11 Koppe,M. 361 559 Derrick, P.J. 491 Krishnakumar,E . 83 Schweikhard, L. 281 DeTar, MIM. 379 Servant,R.E. 183 Dimicoli, I. 165 Sheu, E.Y. 379 Dzhemilev, NKh. RIQ Le Beyec, Y. RII Simpson, R.W. 215 Lebrilla, CB. 91,545 Somogyi, A. 225 Lee, AR. 349 Enos, C.S. 349 Squires, R.R. R7 Leroi, G.E. 247 Srinivas,R. 369 Leyh, B. 453 Fareasiu, D. R7 Srivastava, SK. 83 Lifshitz, C. 565 Fischer, JE. 565 Stajer, G. 225 Lubman, D.M. 265 Foltin, M. 127 Steenvoorden, R.J.J.M. 475 Lustig,D.A. 265 Freeman,C.G. 319 Stefanson, T. 127 Storm, D.A. 379 Galera, R. 531 Maclagan, R.G.A.R. 215 Sulzle, D. 369 576 Tamas, J. 225 Wang, D.-N. R7 Zahran, N.F. 1 Wankenne, H. 453 Zerega, Y. 191 Veriovkin, I.V. R19 Waugh, RJ. 333 Zha, Q-M. 515 Verkhoturov,S.V. R19 Weiske, T. 369 Zook, D.R. 293 Volkening, J. 361 Weitzel, K.-M. 301 Zubarev, R.A. 17 Walder, G. 127 Xiao, Y.-K. 205 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and lon Processes, 107 (1991) 577—580 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam SUBJECT INDEX Acetic acid ions CH/CC bond activation Fragmentation of acetic acid ions with On the mechanism of Fe* -mediated CH/CC selected internal energies 515 bond activation as studied by intramolecular Acetylanisole isomers kinetic isotope effects 559 Elimination of methyl radical from acetyl- Revision of the mechanism of Co* -mediated anisole isomers by electron impact 1 CH/CC bond activation of n-hexanol inthe Alkyl halides gas phase 553 Subtle interplay of functional groups and CH,CHCN chain length effects in the Fe*-mediated The ion/molecule chemistry of CH,CHCN gas-phase chemistry of alkyl halides con- 319 taining double and triple bonds 135 Charge stripping Aromatic polymers Charge stripping as a probe to determine Selective resonance enhanced multiphoton the effects of ligation in metal ion com- ionization of aromatic polymers in super- plexes produced ina fast atom bombard- sonic beam mass spectrometry 265 ment source 545 Averaging methods Chlorine ions Averaging methods applied to quadrupolar Breakdown of spin conservation for FT-ICR perturbation problems 417 collisions of chlorine ions with atomic and molecular gases 349 BEBE tandem mass spectrometer Chlorobenzene cations Generation and characterization of neutral Unimolecular decay rates for laser induced and cationic 3-sila-cyclopropenylidene in Cl loss from energy selected chlorobenzene the gas phase. Description of an ew BEBE cations 165 tandem mass spectrometer 369 Clusters Biological molecules Free electron attachment to van der Waals Some second-order errors in average clusters 143 mass measurement of complex biological Cot molecules in time-of-flight particle desorp- Revision of the mechanism of Co* -mediated tion mass spectrometry 17 CH/CC bond activation ofn -hexanol inthe Bromine 10ns gas phase 553 Hydration of halide and bromine negative ions in a supersonic jet expansion 293 Céo Dictyostelium discoideum The reactivity of Cé, and C2¢ 565 Influence of target preparation in secondary Coo ion mass spectrometry: molecular mass The reactivity of Cé and C25 565 determination of a pterin isolated from Cadmium telluride Dictyostelium discoideum 409 Comparison of ion beam compositions of N,N-dimethylformamide radical cations cadmium telluride and a cadmium-—tellurium Anomalous kinetics in fragmentations of crossed electrode assembly obtained by N,N-dimethylformamide radical cations spark source mass spectrometry 183 Rl 578 Electron attachment Histidine Free electron attachment to van der Waals Collision induced dissociations of deproton- clusters 143 ated peptides. Dipeptides containing phenyl- Ethane loss alanine, tyrosine, histidine and tryptophan Threshold photoelectron photoion coin- 333 cidence study of the ethane loss from Hydrogen ion emission energy selected pentane ions cooled in a Hydrogen ion emission from a_ surface Supersonic expansion 30] bombarded by multiply charged ions at high (xO0.5MeVu'') and medium Fe* (~0.5 keV u')energies RII On the mechanism of Fe*-mediated CH/CC bond activation as studied by Ion mobility spectrometer intramolecular kinetic isotope effects 559 The performance of an ion mobility spec- Subtle interplay of functional groups and trometer for use with laser ionization 441 chain length effects in the Fe*-mediated vn-lodotoluene gas-phase chemistry of alkyl halides con- Dissociation dynamics of m-iodotoluene taining double and triple bonds 135 molecular ion: photodissociation and Field desorption metastable ion decomposition 103 Computer-controlled activation of 25yum Ton/molecule reactions diameter tungsten wire for field desorption Temperature effect of ion/molecule reac- 49] tions in a water molecular beam crossed by Fourier transform mass spectrometer an electron beam 9 A 3T extemal source quadrupole Fourier transform mass spectrometer for ion/ Mass spectral resolution molecule reactions and analysis 91 Can Fourier transform mass_ spectral resolution be improved by detection at Graphite harmonic multiples of the fundamental ion Investigation of thermal ion emission cyclotron orbital frequency ? 49 characteristics of graphite 205 Meta] ion cormple xes Charge stripping as a probe to determine the Halide ions effects of ligation in metal ion complexes Hydration of halide and bromide negative produced in a fast atom bombardment iOns ina supersonic jet expansion 293 source 545 Halogenated cations Methane elimination Influence of electronic excitation in the On the activation energy for methane charge reversal of halogenated cations elimination from the trimethyloxonium 453 cation R7 Helium Molecular weight distribution Experimental measurements and theoreti- Measurement of molecular weight distri- cal calculations of the mobility of the N* bution of a complex system using mass ionin helium 215 spectrometry 379 Hexanes Laser single photon ionization mass Nt spectrometry of linear, branched and cyclic Experimental measurements and theoretical hexanes 475 calculations of the mobility of the N* ion in n-Hexanol helium 215 Revision of the mechanism of Co*-smedsated N; CH/CC bond activation of n-hexanol in the Reactions of IN; with rare gases from gas phase 553 thermal to 10 eV center-of-mass energy: 579 collision-induced dissociation, charge trans- Quadrupole fer and ligand exchange 29 A 3T external source quadrupole Fourier Nitrogen cluster ions transform mass spectrometer for 1ion/ Metastable decay of stoichiometric and molecule reactions and analysis 91 non-stoichiometric nitrogen cluster ions Quadrupole detection FT-ICR 127 Theory of quadrupole detection Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance 281 Organic monolayer—metal systems Quadrupole ion trap Molecular sputtering and damage induced by Study of a quadrupole ion trap supplied kiloelectronvolt ions in organic monolayer— with a periodic impulsional potential 191 metal systems 531 Oxazinones Residual gas analyzers Mass spectrometric and MNDO study Modified residual gas analyzers as sources of electron impact induced fragmentation of mass-selected ion beams 247 of some norbornane- and _ norbornene- condensed pyrimidinones and oxazinones Sila-cyclopropenylidene 225 Generation and characterization of neutral and cationic 3-sila-cyclopropenylidene in Pentane ions the gas phase. Description of a new BEBE Threshold photoelectron photoion coinci- tandem mass spectrometer 369 dence study of the ethane loss from energy Silane selected pentane ions cooled in a supersonic Cross-sections for the formation of nega- expansion 301 tive ions by electron impact on silane 83 Phenylalanine Spin conservation Collision induced dissociations of deproton- Break down of spin conservation for collisions ated peptides. Dipeptides containing pheny]- of chlorine ions with atomic and molecular alanine, tyrosine, histidine and tryptophan gases 349 333 Potassium chloride Tantalum Thermal dissociation and positive ioniza- The influence of unimolecular cluster tion of potassium chloride on tungsten decompositions in the nanosecond time 393 range on the secondary ion mass spectrum Propynal of tantalum R19 Photoionization of propynal in the gas Thermal ion emission phase 503 Investigation of thermal ion emission Protonated ketones characteristics of graphite 205 The structure and mobility in air of Trimethyloxonium cation protonated ketones 435 On the activation energy for methane Pterin elimination from the trimethyloxonium Influence of target preparation in secon- cation R7 dary ion mass spectrometry: molecular Tryptophan mass determination of a pterin isolated Collision induced dissociations of deproton- from Dictyostelium discotdeurn 409 ated peptides. Dipeptides containing phenyl- Pyrimidinones alanine, tyrosine, histidine and tryptophan Mass spectrometric and MNDO study of 333 electron impact induced fragmentation Tungsten of some norbornane- and _ norbornene- Thermal dissociation and positive ioniza- condensed pyrimidinones and oxazinones tion of potassium chloride on tungsten 225 393 580 Tungsten isotope ratio determinations by ated peptides. Dipeptides containing phenyl- negative thermal ionization mass_spec- alanine, tyrosine, histidine and tryptophan trometry 361 333 Tungsten wire Computer-controlled activation of 25 um diameter tungsten wire for field desorption Unimolecular decay rates 491 Unimolecular decay rates for laser induced Tyrosine Cl loss from energy selected chlorobenzene Collision induced dissociations of deproton- cations 165

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