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internadonal Journal of b Mass Spectrometry ELSEVIER International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 206 (2001) 28 Author Index Aregbe, Y., 129 Hunter, E.J., 7 Poths, J., 129 Probst, M., 13 Ba®mann, C., 231 loanoviciu, D., 211 Barbieux-Flammang, M., 91 Rama Rao, V.V.K., 177 Becker, K., 13 Kappes, M.M., 63 Reif, J., 243 Bindal, S.N., 177 Kiasmeier, R., 231 Richter, S., 105 Boesl, U., 231 Kawai, Y., 1 Rogalewicz, F., 45 Kennedy, R.A., i Casares, A., 265 Ketkar, S.N., 7 Schlag, E.W., 191 Kholomeevy, A., 2 Schmid, R.P., 181, 243 De Biévre, P., 129 Kipphardt, H., 129 Schwieters, J.B., 105 Deutsch, H., 13 Knighton, W.B., 5 Scott, A.D., Jr., 7 Deyhle, A., 79 Kriuter, K.-O., 27: Selby, D.S., 201 Stoermer, C., 63 Flammang, R., 91 Lavendy, H., 153 Sudakov, M., 27 Franzen, J., 273 Lehr, L., 191 Suzuki, T., | Frey, R., 272 Friedrich, J., 63 Mamyrin, B.A., 249 Taylor, P.D.P., 129 Fujii, Y., | Mark, T.D., 13 Taylor, S.G., 137 Mason, P.B., 105 Terlouw, J.K., 91 Gerbaux, P., 91 Mayhew, C.A., i Tonnies, K., 243 Goldberg, S.A., 105 Mlynski, V., 201 Traina, A.J., 105 Goodings, J.M., 137 Murata, H., | Grimsrud, E.P., 53 Valkiers, S., 129 Grotemeyer, J., 179, 243 Nomura, M., | Guilhaus, M., 201 Norgaard, J., 129 Weickhardt, C., 181, 243 Guo, J., 137 Weinkauf, R., 191 Ohanessian, G., 45 Williamson, D.H., 53 Hayhurst, A.N., 137 Wollnik, H., 265 Holle, A., 273 Pascoli, G., 153 Hoppilliard, Y., 45 1387-3806/01/$20.00 © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved PIT $1387-3806(00)00239-6 internadonal Journal of 6b Mass Spectrometry ELSEVIER International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 206 (2001) 289-292 Subject Index Ab initio calculations Improvements of boron isotope analysis by positive Structures and fragmentations of zinc(II) complexes of thermal ionization mass spectrometry using static multi- amino acids in the gas phase. III. Rearrangement versus collection of Cs,BO, ions, 79 desolvation in the electrospray formation of the glycine- Current-voltage characteristics zinc complex, 45 Current-voltage characteristics in a flame plasma: analy- Alkaline-earth iodide sis for positive and negative ions, with applications, 137 Surface ionization of alkaline-earth iodides in double- filament system, | Anions Density functional theory Time-of-flight mass analyser for anion mass spectrometry Comparative ab initio studies of heteroatom-doped car- and anion photoelectron spectroscopy, 231 bon clusters C,X, (X = P, S;n + p = 3-6), 153 Associative ion-molecule reactions Desolvation Structures and fragmentations of zinc(II) complexes of Definitive characterization of some C.H.N” and C,H,N ~~ radical cations by associative ion-molecule amino acids in the gas phase. III. Rearrangement versus desolvation in the electrospray formation of the glycine- reactions, 91 Atmospheric pressure ionization mass _ spectrometry zinc complex, 45 Dissociation (APIMS) The use of proton-transfer reactions to detect low levels Surface ionization of alkaline-earth iodides in double- filament system, | of impurities in bulk oxygen using an atmospheric pres- sure ionization mass spectrometer, 7 Distonic ions Definitive characterization of some C.H<.N” and C,H,N™~ radical cations by associative ion-molecule Boron isotope analysis reactions, 91 Improvements of boron isotope analysis by positive Double filament thermal ionization mass spectrometry using static multi- Surface ionization of alkaline-earth iodides in double- collection of Cs,BO,; ions, 79 filament system, | Carbon Comparative ab initio studies of heteroatom-doped car- Effective potential bon clusters C,X,, (X = P, S;n + p = 3-6), 153 Effective potential and the ion axial beat motion near the Carbon clusters boundary of the first stable region in a nonlinear ion trap, Comparative ab initio studies of heteroatom-doped car- 27 bon clusters C,X, (X = P, S;n + p = 3-6), 153 Electron attachment Collision-induced dissociation A study of low energy electron attachment to trifluoro- Definitive characterization of some C;5H;N~ and methyl sulphur pentafluoride, SF;CF,: atmospheric im- C,H,N™” radical cations by associative ion-molecule plications, i reactions, 91 Electron capture mass spectrometry Recent progress in matrix-assisted laser desorption ion- Lewis acid-base interactions of SiF, with molecular ization postsource decay, 273 anions formed by electron capture reactions, 53 Cross-section calculations Electron-impact ionization Calculations of absolute electron-impact ionization cross Calculations of absolute electron-impact ionization cross sections for molecules of technological relevance using sections for molecules of technological relevance using the DM formalism, 13 the DM formalism, 13 Cs,BO,° ions Electrospray 1387-3806/01/$20.00 © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved PII $1387-3806(00)00240-2 290 Subject Index Structures and fragmentations of zinc(II) complexes of Lewis acid-base interactions of SiF, with molecular amino acids in the gas phase. III. Rearrangement versus anions formed by electron capture reactions, 53 desolvation in the electrospray formation of the glycine- Ion optics zinc complex, 45 Ion-optical properties of time-of-flight mass spectrome- snergy focusing ters, 211 Ion-optical properties of time-of-flight mass spectrome- Reducing grid dispersion of ions in orthogonal accelera- ters, 211 tion time-of-flight mass spectrometry: advantage of grids Envelope equation with rectangular repeat cells, 201 Effective potential and the ion axial beat motion near the Isotope amount ratio boundary of the first stable region in a nonlinear ion trap, A primary isotopic gas standard for krypton with values M4 for isotopic composition and molar mass traceable to the [xplosives Systéme International d’Unités, 129 Multiphoton ionization of nitrotoluenes by means of Isotope ratio mass spectrometry ultrashort laser pulses, 243 Linearity tests for secondary electron multipliers used in isotope ratio mass spectrometry, 105 Femtosecond laser excitation Isotopic composition Separation of neutral versus cationic dissociation pro- A primary isotopic gas standard for krypton with values cesses in an ultracompact double time-of-flight spectrom- for isotopic composition and molar mass traceable to the eter: first results on CH,I, 191 Systéme International d’Unités, 129 Flame ionization Current-voltage characteristics in a flame plasma: analy- Krypton sis for positive and negative ions, with applications, 137 A primary isotopic gas standard for krypton with values Flame plasma for isotopic composition and molar mass traceable to the Current-voltage characteristics in a flame plasma: analy- Systéme International d’Unités, 129 sis for positive and negative ions, with applications, 137 Gas isotope mass spectrometry Laser ablation A primary isotopic gas standard for krypton with values Observation of multiply charged cluster anions upon for isotopic composition and molar mass traceable to the pulsed UV laser ablation of metal surfaces under high Systéme International d’Unités, 129 vacuum, 63 Glycine-zinc complex Limit cycle Structures and fragmentations of zinc(II) complexes of Effective potential and the ion axial beat motion near the amino acids in the gas phase. III. Rearrangement versus boundary of the first stable region in a nonlinear ion trap, desolvation in the electrospray formation of the glycine- 27 zinc complex, 45 Linearity Gridless reflector Linearity tests for secondary electron multipliers used in Designing reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometers isotope ratio mass spectrometry, 105 with and without grids: a direct comparison, 181 Grids Mass resolution Reducing grid dispersion of ions in orthogonal accelera- Reducing grid dispersion of ions in orthogonal accelera- tion time-of-flight mass spectrometry: advantage of grids tion time-of-flight mass spectrometry: advantage of grids with rectangular repeat cells, 201 with rectangular repeat cells, 201 Mass selective scan High mass resolving power Effective potential and the ion axial beat motion near the Multipass time-of-flight mass spectrometers with high boundary of the first stable region in a nonlinear ion trap, resolving powers, 265 27 Mass spectrometry Inert gases Multiphoton ionization of nitrotoluenes by means of The use of proton-transfer reactions to detect low levels ultrashort laser pulses, 243 of impurities in bulk oxygen using an atmospheric pres- Surface ionization of alkaline-earth iodides in double- sure ionization mass spectrometer, 7 filament system, 1 Ion clustering Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization Subject Index 291 Recent progress in matrix-assisted laser desorption ion- Separation of neutral versus cationic dissociation pro- ization postsource decay, 273 cesses in an ultracompact double time-of-flight spectrom- Mechanisms eter: first results on CH,I, 191 Structures and fragmentations of zinc(II) complexes of Photoionization amino acids in the gas phase. III. Rearrangement versus Separation of neutral versus cationic dissociation pro- desolvation in the electrospray formation of the glycine- cesses in an ultracompact double time-of-flight spectrom- zinc complex, 45 eter: first results on CH,I, 191 Metal clusters Positive TIMS Observation of multiply charged cluster anions upon Improvements of boron isotope analysis by positive pulsed UV laser ablation of metal surfaces under high thermal ionization mass spectrometry using static multi- vacuum, 63 collection of Cs,BO; ions, 79 Molar mass Postsource decay A primary isotopic gas standard for krypton with values Recent progress in matrix-assisted laser desorption ion- for isotopic composition and molar mass traceable to the ization postsource decay, 273 Systeme International d’Unités, 129 Primary isotopic gas standard Molecules A primary isotopic gas standard for krypton with values Calculations of absolute electron-impact ionization cross for isotopic composition and molar mass traceable to the sections for molecules of technological relevance using Systéme International d’Unités, 129 the DM formalism, 13 Multiphoton ionization Rate constants Multiphoton ionization of nitrotoluenes by means of A study of low energy electron attachment to trifluorom- ultrashort laser pulses, 243 ethyl sulphur pentafluoride, SF;CF,: atmospheric impli- Multiply negatively charged ions cations, 1 Observation of multiply charged cluster anions upon Reflectron pulsed UV laser ablation of metal surfaces under high Designing reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometers vacuum, 63 with and without grids: a direct comparison, 181 Negative ions Secondary electron multiplier Current-voltage characteristics in a flame plasma: analy- Linearity tests for secondary electron multipliers used in sis for positive and negative ions, with applications, 137 isotope ratio mass spectrometry, 105 Negatively charged ions Semiconductor processing Time-of-flight mass analyser for anion mass spectrometry The use of proton-transfer reactions to detect low levels and anion photoelectron spectroscopy, 231 of impurities in bulk oxygen using an atmospheric pres- Nitrotoluenes sure ionization mass spectrometer, 7 Multiphoton ionization of nitrotoluenes by means of SF;CD, ultrashort laser pulses, 243 A study of low energy electron attachment to trifluoro- methyl sulphur pentafluoride, SF;CF,: atmospheric im- plications, i Orthogonal acceleration SI Reducing grid dispersion of ions in orthogonal accelera- A primary isotopic gas standard for krypton with values tion time-of-flight mass spectrometry: advantage of grids for isotopic composition and molar mass traceable to the with rectangular repeat cells, 201 Systéme International d’Unités, 129 Silicon tetrafluoride Photodetachment Lewis acid-base interactions of SiF, with molecular Time-of-flight mass analyser for anion mass spectrometry anions formed by electron capture reactions, 53 and anion photoelectron spectroscopy, 231 Small sample sizes Photoelectron spectroscopy Improvements of boron isotope analysis by positive Separation of neutral versus cationic dissociation pro- thermal ionization mass spectrometry using static multi- cesses in an ultracompact double time-of-flight spectrom- collection of Cs,BO, ions, 79 eter: first results on CH,I, 191 Static multicollection Time-of-flight mass analyser for anion mass spectrometry Improvements of boron isotope analysis by positive and anion photoelectron spectroscopy, 231 thermal ionization mass spectrometry using static multi- Photofragmentation collection of Cs,BO,; ions, 79 499 Subject Index Stretched trap lon-optical properties of time-of-flight mass spectrome- Effective potential and the ion axial beat motion near the ters, 211 boundary of the first stable region in a nonlinear ion trap, Multipass time-of-flight mass spectrometers with high 7 resolving powers, 265 Sub-ppb level impurities Recent progress in matrix-assisted laser desorption ion- The use of proton-transfer reactions to detect low levels ization postsource decay, 273 of impurities in bulk oxygen using an atmospheric pres- Reducing grid dispersion of ions in orthogonal accelera- sure ionization mass spectrometer, 7 tion time-of-flight mass spectrometry: advantage of grids Substituted nitrobenzenes with rectangular repeat cells, 201 Lewis acid-base interactions of SiF, with molecular Separation of neutral versus cationic dissociation pro- anions formed by electron capture reactions, 53 cesses in an ultracompact double time-of-flight spectrom- Surface ionization eter: first results on CH,I, 191 Surface ionization of alkaline-earth iodides in double- Time-of-flight mass analyser for anion mass spectrometry filament system, | and anion photoelectron spectroscopy, 231 Time-of-flight mass spectrometry (concepts, achieve- ments, and prospects), 249 Tandem mass spectrometry Traceability Definitive characterization of some C.H.N” and A primary isotopic gas standard for krypton with values C,H,N”™ radical cations by associative ion-molecule for isotopic composition and molar mass traceable to the reactions, 91 Systéme International d’Unités, 129 Recent progress in matrix-assisted laser desorption ion- Trajectory simulations ization postsource decay, 273 Designing reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometers Thermal electron detachment with and without grids: a direct comparison, 181 Lewis acid-base interactions of SiF, with molecular anions formed by electron capture reactions, 53 Ultra short laser pulses Time focusing Multiphoton ionization of nitrotoluenes by means of Ion-optical properties of time-of-flight mass spectrome- ultrashort laser pulses, 243 ters, 211 Time-of-flight mass spectrometry Velocity focusing Designing reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometers Ion-optical properties of time-of-flight mass spectrome- with and without grids: a direct comparison, 181 ters, 211

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