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INT. J. CONTROL, 1995, VOL. 62, NO. 6, 1523-1525 SUBJECT INDEX (Vol. 62) Adaptive control multivariable, with coloured noise at controller of a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems, output, variational approach to polynomial 303 optimization, 1037 of linear unstructured time-varying systems, optimal nonlinear continuous feedback type, of 527 systems with saturating actuators, 1209 Affine nonlinear systems with non-matching un- optimal, predictive, of continuous nonlinear certainties, variable-structure controller, 917 systems, 633 Algorithm, XY-centring, for the dual LMI prob- problems, time-optimal, for the swing and the lem, new approach to fixed-order control de- ski, 1409 sign, 1257 receding horizon type, and discontinuous state Algorithms feedback stabilization, 1217 a dual look at unit interpolation in H = , 813 robust fixed parameter type, self-tuning prediction and of discretized continuous systems using control of 2D processes, 65 theory of sliding modes, 209 power methods for calculating eigenvalues/ of MIMO nonlinear systems with mis- eigenvectors of spectral operators on Hilbert matched uncertainty, 961 spaces, 1117 time-delay type, of multimode systems, 1319 realizations for nonlinear input-output systems, saturation, closed-loop stability, 619 941 self-tuning, and prediction, for 2D processes square-root RTS smoothing type, 1049 fixed parameter algorithms, 65 parameter estimation, set-point tracking and offset handling, 239 Bifurcation analysis via harmonic balance in switching strategy for power system stabiliza- periodic systems with feedback structure, 1507 tion problem, 1021 systems, non-holonomic, from steering to stabi- Cayley—Hamilton theorem, generalized, for poly- lization with sinusoids, 849 nomial matrices with arbitrary degree, 1341 Controllability, regional, of distributed parameter Communication network with queues used for systems, 1351 closed-loop control, 493 Controller Continuous nonlinear systems PI optimal, of laboratory drive system, 511 optimal predictive control, 633 global sliding-mode type, for motor drive with parameter identification, PMGOP method, 349 bounded coniol, design, 1001 Continuous-time systems, nonlinear, identi- variable structure type, for affine nonlinear fication using Hartley modulating functions, systems with non-matching uncertainties, 1431 917 Control Controllers adaptive nonlinear, for optimal asymptotic robust per- of class of nonlinear discrete-time systems, formance, 1367 303 robust, for nonlinear uncertain systems, system- of linear unstructured time-varying systems, atic design, 871 $27 and parallel signal processing architectures, design, using graph reversal, 271 Descriptor systems, exact pole assignment with closed-loop, of systems over a communication regularity by output feedback, 379, 413 network with queues, 493 Design design, robust, for SISO systems, based on for model reference robust control using state- constrained optimization, 477 space techniques, 1061 digital, robust, of systems with time delay, of a global sliding-mode controller for a motor Smith predictor revisited, 325 drive with bounded control, 1001 fuzzy, decentralized, of multivariable systems of control systems, principle of matching, a by active decomposition of control laws, 781 necessary and sufficient condition for inputs internal model type with improved disturbance restricted in magnitude and rate of change, rejection, 983 893 model reference robust type, design using of fixed-order control, XY-centring algorithm state-space techniques, 1061 for dual LMI problem, 1257 multivariable, with coloured measurement -of high-gain feedback for nonlinear systems noise, polynomial optimization, variational with unmatched uncertainties, systematic, approach, 191 1471 1524 Subject Index (Vol. 62) of robust control, for SISO systems, based on Interactors, invariant properties, 1247 constrained optimization, 477 Inverse problem of linear dynamic system with of robust state analytical predictor for general noise, 1291 class of deadtime processes, 651 optimal feedback ioop-shaping for systems with LQ-optimization, a cautionary tale, 767 large parameter uncertainty via linear pro- Learning control reinforcement using intercon- gramming, 557 nected learning automata, | parallel control and signal processing architec- Linear dynamic system with noise, inverse prob- tures, graph reversal, 271 lem, 1291 systematic, of robust controllers for nonlinear Lyapunov functions derivation for nonlinear sys- uncertain systems, 871 tems, extended integral method, 717 Digital control, robust, of systems with time delay, Lyapunov-type equation, eigenvalues assignment, Smith predictor revisited, 325 1231 Discrete-time linear system, constrained, stabi- lization with assigned initial condition set, 601 Mapping nonlinear integro-differential equations Discrete-time systems, nonlinear, adaptive con- to a generalized describing function form, 1145 trol, 303 Matrices, interval type, robust stability, computa- Discrete-time universal regulator, 17 tional approach 1491 Discretized continuous systems, robust control MIMO nonlinear systems with mismatched uncer- using sliding mode theory, 209 tainty, robust control, 961 Distributed parameter systems, regional control- Model following, and robust tracking, for uncer- lability, 1351 tain time-delay systems, 589 Drive system for use in laboratory, practical Model reduction with balanced realizations, 33 identification and PI optimal controller, 511 Model validation tests for multivariable nonlinear models including neural networks, 749 Eigenvalues assignment by a particular Lya- Model-matching problem, simplified frequency- punov-type equation, 1231 domain approach to super-optimization, 1453 Models Fault diagnosis scheme, robust, based on signal linear periodic state-space type, identification modal estimation, 461 technique, 289 Feedback design, optimal loop-shaping for sys- nonlinear, based on term clustering, improved tems with large parameter uncertainty via linear structure selection, 569 programming, 557 Motor drive with bounded control, global sliding- Feedback, high-gain, for nonlinear systems with mode controller design, 1001 unmatched uncertainties, systematic design, Multimode systems, robust time-delay control, 1471 1319 Frequency-domain approach, simplified, to super- Multiple time-delay singularly perturbed nonlin- optimization, 1453 ear systems, global exponential stabilizability, Fuzzy control, decentralized, of multivariable simple criterion, 1197 systems by active decomposition of control Multivariable nonlinear models, validation tests, laws, 781 749 Multivariable systems, decentralized fuzzy con- Graph reversal and the design of parallel control trol by active decomposition of control laws, and signal processing architectures, 271 781 H~, a dual look at unit interpolation, 813 Neural networks Hilbert spaces, eigenvalues/eigenvectors of spec- multivariable nonlinear model validation tests, tral operators, power calculation method, 1117 749 parameter estimation by criterion minimization, Identification 1391 q-Markov Cover method, using pseudo-random Neural state space models used for nonlinear binary signals, 1273 system identification, applicable to robust con- closed-loop system, using the dual Youla trol design, 129 control parametrization, 1175 Nonlinear input-output systems, realizations of of a class of nonlinear continuous-time systems algorithms, 941 using Hartley modulating functions, 1431 Nonlinear system identification using neural state of nonlinear system using neural state space space models, applicable to robust control models, applicable to robust control design, design, 129 129 Nonlinear systems practical, and PI optimal controller of a labora- extended integral method to derive Lyapunov tory drive system, 511 functions, 717 technique for linear periodic state-space stabilization by qualitative feedback con- models, 289 trollers, 109 Integro-differential equations, nonlinear mapping structured dissipativeness and absolute stabi- to a generalized describing function form, 1145 lity, 443 Subject Index (Vol. 62) 1525 trajectory tracking via nonlinear reduced-order practical, with settling time via vector norms, observers, 685 173 Nonlinear/uncertain dynamic systems with robust bounded controllers, practical stabilization, 153 of interval matrices, a computational ap- proach, 1491 Observation functionals, admissibility, 1161 of sampled-data systems, computation- Observers, nonlinear, reduced-order, trajectory oriented expression of non-conservative tracking in nonlinear systems, 685 condition, 1085 Stabilizability Parameter estimation global, exponential, of nonlinear multiple time- overtraining, regularization and searching for a delay singularly perturbed systems, simple minimum, with application to neural net- criterion, 1197 works, 1391 test by constant output-feedback, 1239 set-point tracking and offset handling, self- Stabilization tuning prediction and control of 2D pro- by output feedback using variable structure cesses, 239 control, 831 Parameter identification for class of continuous constrained, with assigned initial condition set, nonlinear systems, PMGOP method, 349 601 Periodic systems with feedback structure, bifurca- discontinuous state feedback type, and receding tion analysis via harmonic balance, 1507 horizon control, 1217 Pole assignment, exact, with regularity, by output of nonlinear systems by qualitative feedback feedback, descriptor systems, 379, 413 controllers, 109 Polynomial matrices with arbitrary degree, gener- practical, of nonlinear/uncertain dynamic alized Cayley—Hamilton theorem, 1341 systems with bounded controllers, 153 Poorly-known systems, long-range prediction, robust, related to the Popov stability criterion, 227 1105 Power methods for calculating eigenvalues and sliding mode type, of uncertain systems, using eigenvectors of spectral operators on Hilbert only output information 1129 spaces, 1117 State-space formulas for computation of gap Power system stabilization problem, switching between graphs of rational transfer functions, control strategy, 1021 737 Prediction, long-range, for poorly-known sys- Super-optimization, simplified frequency-domain tems, 227 approach, 1453 Predictor, robust state, analytical, design for class Swing, time-optimal control problems, 1409 of deadtime processes, 651 q-Markov Cover identification using pseudo-ran- Time-invariant linear systems, finding transfer function without computing (s/ — A) ~ ' 1517 dom binary signals, 1273 Time-varying systems, unstructured, linear, adap- tive control, 527 Regulator Tracking, robust, and model following, for uncer- B-predictive type, 799 tain time-delay systems, 589 universal, discrete-time, 17 Trajectory tracking in nonlinear systems via nonlinear reduced-order observers, 685 Sampled-data systems, computation-oriented ex- Transfer function of time invariant linear system, pression of non-conservative condition for ro- bust stability, 1085 search without computing (s/ — A)~ ', 1517 Transfer functions, rational, computation of gap Self-tuning prediction and control for 2D pro- cesses between their graphs, state-space formulas, 737 fixed parameter algorithms, 65 parameter estimation, set-point tracking, offset Uncertain systems, sliding mode stabilization handling, 239 using only output information, 1129 Signal processing, and parallel control architec- Uncertain time-delay systems, robust tracking and tures, design using graph reversal, 271 model following, 589 SISO systems, robust control design based on constrained optimization, 477 Ski, time-optimal control problems, 1409 Variable structure control used for output feed- Sliding mode stabilization of uncertain systems back stabilization, 831 using only output information, 1129 Variational approach to polynomial optimization Stability of multivariable control with coloured measure- absolute, and structured dissipativeness, of ment noise, 191 nonlinear systems, 443 Variational approach to polynomial optimization closed-loop, in the presence of control satu- of multivariable control with coloured noise at ration, 619 controller output, 1037 INT. J. CONTROL, 1995, VOL. 62, NO. 6, 1527-1529 AUTHOR INDEX (Vol. 62) AckaA, J. K., Finding the transfer function of time Et Jai, A., Simon, M. C., ZERRIK, E., and invariant linear system without computing PRITCHARD, A. J., Regional controllability of (st — A)~', 1517 distributed parameter systems, 1351 AGARWAL, M., see Schenker, B. ERICKSON, M. A., SMITH, R. S., and Laus, A. J., AGuiIRRE, L. A., and BILLINGs, S. A., Improved Power methods for calculating eigenvalues and structure selection for nonlinear models based eigenvectors of spectral operators on Hilbert on term clustering, 569 spaces, 1117 BERNSTEIN, D. S., Optimal nonlinear, but continu- FLETCHER, L. R., see Goodwin, M. S. ous, feedback control of systems with saturating FRAGULIS, G. F., Generalized Cayley—Hamilton actuators, 1209 theorem for polynomial matrices with arbitrary BHATTACHARYYA, S. P., see Keel, L. H. degree, 1341 BILLINGS, S. A., see Aguirre, L. A. FRANK, P. M., see Gegov, A. E. BILLINGS, S. A., and ZHU, Q. M., Model validation tests for multivariable nonlinear models includ- ing neural networks, 749 Garcia, R. A., and D’ATTELLIS, C. E., Trajectory BLANCHINI, F., MESQUINE, F., and MIANI, S., tracking in nonlinear systems via nonlinear Constrained stabilization with an assigned ini- reduced-order observers, 685 tial condition set, 601 Gecov, A. E., and FRANK, P. M., Decentralized Borne, P., see Perruquetti, W. fuzzy control of multivariable systems by active BRYANT, G. F., and HALikias, G. D., Optimal decomposition of control laws, 781 loop-shaping for systems with large parameter Giazos, M. P., and ZAK, S. H., Practical stabiliza- uncertainty via linear programming, 557 tion of nonlinear/uncertain dynamic systems with bounded controllers, 153 Cual, TIAN-You, see Li, Zhong-Hua Goopwin, M. S., Exact pole assignment with Cuan, H., and Ozciner, U., Closed-loop control regularity by output feedback in descriptor of systems over a communications network systems—Part 2, 413 with queues, 493 GoopwiIn, M. S., and FLETCHER, L. R., Exact pole CHEN, Bor-SEN, see Peng, Hua-Jye assignment with regularity by output feedback CHEN, CHUNG-CHENG, A simple criterion for in descriptor systems—Part 1, 379 global exponential stabilizability of nonlinear GraBowskI, P., Admissibility of observation multiple time-delay singularly perturbed functionals, 1161 systems, 1197 Gruiic, Ls. T., see Pezruquetti, W. CHEN, JIAN-SHIANG, see Lu, Yu-Sheng Gu, Da-WEI, see Samar, R. CHEN, YUNG-CHANG, see Shyu, Kuo-Kai Gwunpes, A. N., see Yousefpor, M. Cuou, YI-SHYONG, see Wu, Wei Conca, LIQUN, and LANDERS, P. H., Robust control of MIMO nonlinear systems with mismatched Hai kias, G. D., see Bryant, G. F. uncertainty, 961 HEATH, W. P., and WELLSTEAD, P. E., Self-tuning Cook, P. A., see Lai, W. C. prediction and control for two-dimensional Crouch, P. E., LAMNABHI-LAGARRIGUE, F., and processes. Part 1: Fixed parameter algorithms, PINCHON, D., Some realizations of algorithms 65 for nonlinear input—output systems, 941 HEATH, W. P., and WELLSTEAD, P. E., Self-tuning prediction and control for two-dimensional processes—Part 2: Parameter estimation, set- Datta, K. B., see Patel, V. V. point tracking and offset handling, 239 D’ ATTELLIS, C. E. see Garcia, R. A. HEpRICK, J. K., see Lee, A. W. Davison, E. J., see Hu, Y. Z. HENCcH, J. J., A technique for the identification of Dawson, D. M., see Zhu, J. Y. linear periodic state-space models, 289 DE Does, J., State-space formulas for the compu- HENSON, M. A., see Meadows, E. S. tation of the gap, 737 Hess, R., see Yousefpor, M. De Moor, B. L. R., see Suykens, J. A. K. Hu, Y. Z., and Davison, E. J., A PMGOP method of parameter identification for a class of con- EATON, J. W., see Meadows, E. S. tinuous nonlinear systems, 349 Epwaros, C., and SPURGEON, S. K., Sliding mode Huanc, Hstao-PING, and You, HugI-SHYANG, stabilization of uncertain systems using only New robust state analytical predictor design for output information, 1129 a general class of deadtime processes, 651 1528 Author Index (Vol. 62) IWASAKI, T., and SKELTON, R. E., The XY-centring NEWMANN, M. M., ROBERTS, A. P., and PARKES, algorithm for the dual LMI problem: a new N.E., A variational approach to the polynomial approach to fixed-order control design, 1257 optimization of multivariable control with coloured measurement noise, 191 NEWMANN, M. M., see Parkes, N. E. Jia, F., see Jiang, J. NEWMANN, M. M., see Roberts, A. P. JianG, J., and Jia, F., A robust fault diagnosis Nyman, P.-O., A simplified frequency-domain scheme based on signal modal estimation, 461 approach to super-optimization, 1453 KaILaTH, T., see Park, Poogyeon Ox, SEUNGROHK, and KHALIL, H. K., Output KEEL, L. H., and BHATTACHARYYA, S. P., Robust feedback stabilization using variable structure stability of interval matrices: a computational control, 831 approach, 1491 OtsHi, Y ASUAKI, Computation-oriented expression KHALIL, H. K., see Oh, Seungrohk of a non-conservative condition for robust Koxortovic, P. V., see Yeh, Po-Chiang stability of sampled-data systems, 1085 OKyYAy, KAYNAK, see Tunay, I. ONYSHKO, S., see Wu, Q. Lal, W. C., and Cook, P. A., A discrete-time Ozctner, U., see Chan, H. universal regulator, 17 LAMNABHI-LAGARRIGUE, F., see Crouch, P. E. LanbAu, I. D., Robust digital control of systems PALAZOGLU, A., see Yousefpor, M. with time delay (the Smith predictor revisited), PARK, POOGYEON, and KAILATH, T., Square-root 325 RTS smoothing algorithms, 1049 LANDERS, P. H., see Cong, Liqun PaRKES, N. E., ROBERTS, A. P., and NEWMANN, Lang, P. G., The principle of matching: a necess- M. M., A variational approach to the poly- ary and sufficient condition for inputs restricted nomial optimization of multivariable control in magnitude and rate of change, 893 with coloured noise at the controller output, LauB, A. J., see Erickson, M. A. 1037 Lepwicn, G., see Yu, Xinghuo ParRKES, N. E., see Newmann, M. M. Lee, A. W., and HEpRICK, J. K., Some new results ParKES, N. E., see Roberts, A. P. on closed-loop stability in the presence of PATEL, V. V., and DatTTA, K. B., A dual look at unit control saturation, 619 interpolation in Hz, 813 LEE, BorE-KUEN, Closed-loop system PaTRA, A., and UNBEHAUEN, H., Identification of a identification using the dual Youla control class of nonlinear continuous-time systems parametrization, 1175 using Hartley modulating functions, 1431 Li, PINGKANG, see Guoming, Zhu PENG, HUA-JYE, and CHEN, Bor-SEN, Adaptive Li, Y., and Rocers, E., Graph reversal and the control of linear unstructured time-varying design of parallel control and signal processing systems, 527 architectures, 271 PEPERSTRAETE, J. A., see Vandeursen, J. M. Li, ZHONG-HuA, CHAI, TIAN-You, and WEN, PERRUQUETTI, W., RICHARD, J. P., Grusic, Li. T., CHANGYUN, Systematic design of robust con- and Borne, P., On practical stability with the trollers for nonlinear uncertain systems, 871 settling time via vector norms L1, ZHU, see Martin, C. F. PETERSEN, I. R., see Savkin, A. V. LIUNG, L., see Sjdberg, J. PEYTON Jones, J. C., Mapping nonlinear integro- Lu, PING, Optimal predictive control of continuous differential equations to a generalized describ- nonlinear systems, 633 ing function form, 1145 Lu, YU-SHENG, and CHEN, JIAN-SHIANG, Design of PiccarDi, C., Bifurcation analysis via harmonic a global sliding-mode controller for a motor balance in periodic systems with feedback drive with bounded control, 1001 structure, 1507 Lunze, J., Stabilization on nonlinear systems by Picco.i, B., Time-optimal control problems for qualitative feedback controllers, 109 the swing and the ski, 1409 PINCHON, D., see Crouch, P. E. PooLLa, K., and SHAMMA, J. S., Optimal asymp- Martin,C . F., and Li, ZHu, An inverse problem of totic robust performance via nonlinear con- a linear dynamic system with noise, 1291 trollers, 1367 MARTINDALE, S. C., see Zhu, J. Y. POSTLETHWAITE, I., see Samar, R. MATAUSEK, M. R., f-Predictive regulator, 799 PRITCHARD, A. J., see El Jai, A. Mau, Lin-Gwo, see Wang, Wen-June Meapows, E. S., HENSON, M. A., EATON, J. W., and RAWLINGS, J. B., Receding horizon control and RAWLINGS, J. B., see Meadows, E. S. discontinuous state feedback stabilization, 1217 RICHARD, J. P., see Perruquetti, W. MESQUINE, F., see Blanchini, F. RoBertTs, A. P., NEWMANN, M. M., and PARKES, MIaNI, S., see Blanchini, F. N. E., LQ-optimization: a cautionary tale, 767 Murray, R. M., see Teel, A. R. RosBerts, A. P., see Newmann, M. M. Mutou, Y., A note on the invariant properties of Roserts, A. P., see Parkes, N. E. interactors, 1247 Rocers, E., see Li, Y. Author Index (Vol. 62) 1529 SAMAR, R., POSTLETHWAITE, I., and Gu, DA-WEI, VADALI, S. R., see Singh, T. Model reduction with balanced realizations, 33 VANDEURSEN, J. M., and PEPERSTRAETE, J. A., SAVKIN, A. V., and PETERSEN, I. R., A method Internal model control with improved disturb- for robust stabilization related to the Popov ance rejection, 983 stability criterion, 1105 VANDEWALLE, J., see Suykens, J. A. K. SAVKIN, A. V., and PETERSEN, I. R., Structured dissipativeness and absolute stability of non- linear systems, 443 Wa tsi, G. C., see Teel, A. R. SCHENKER, B., and AGARWAL, M., Long-range WANG, WEN-JUNE, and Mau, Lin-Gwo, Eigen- prediction for poorly-known systems, 227 values assignment by a particular Lyapunov- SEPEHRI, N., see Wu,Q._.. type equation, 1231 SERAG, A. M., see Sharaf, S. M. WELLSTEAD, P. E., see Heath, W. P. SHAMMA, J. S., see Poolla, K. WEN, CHANGYUN, see Li, Zhong-Hua SHaraF, S. M., and SERAG, A. M., Practical Wu, Q. H., Reinforcement learning control using identification and PI optimal controller of a interconnected learning automata, 1 laboratory drive system, 511 Wu, Q., SEPEHRI, N., THORNTON-TRUMP, A. B., and Suyu, Kuo-Kai, and CHEN, YUNG-CHANG, Robust ONyYSHKO, S., An extended integral method tracking and model following for uncertain to derive Lyapunov functions for nonlinear time-delay systems, 589 systems, 717 Siwon, M. C., see El Jai, A. Wu, WEI, and CHou, YI-SHYONG, A new system- SINGH, T., and VADALI, S. R., Robust time-delay atic design of high-gain feedback for nonlinear control of multimode systems, 1319 systems with unmatched uncertainties, 1471 SIRA-RAMiREZ, H., see Yu, Xinghuo SJOBERG, J., and LUNG, L., Overtraining, regu- larization and searching for a minimum, with YEH, Po-CHIANG, and KokorTovic, P. V., Adaptive application to neural networks, 1391 control of a class of nonlinear discrete-time SKELTON, R. E., see Guoming, Zhu systems, 303 SKELTON, R. E., see Iwasaki, T. You, HuEI-SHYANG, see Huang, Hsiao-Ping Situ, R. S., see Erickson, M. A. YOuseEFPoR, M., GUNDES, A. N., and PALAZOGLU, SPURGEON, S. K., see Edwards, C. A., A test for stabilizability by constant output- SuYKENS, J. A. K., DE Moor, B. L. R., and feedback, 1239 VANDEWALLE, J., Nonlinear system identifi- Youserpor, M., PALAZOGLU, A., and Hess, R., cation using neural state space models, appli- Robust control design for SISO systems based cable to robust control design, 129 on constrained optimization, 477 Yu, XINGHUO, SIRA-RAMIREZ, H., and LeEDwIcH, TEEL, A. R., MuRRAY, R. M., and WALSH, G. C., G., Switching control strategy for the power Non-holonomic control systems: from steering system stabilization problem, 1021 to stabilization with sinusoids, 849 TESFAYE, ADDISU, and TOMIZUKA, MASAYOSHI, Robust control of discretized continuous Zak, S. H., see Glazos, M. P. systems using the theory of sliding modes, 209 ZERRIK, E., see El Jai, A. THORNTON-TRUMP, A. B., see Wu, Q. ZHU, GUOMING, SKELTON, R. E., and Li, PINGKANG, TOMIZUKA, MASAYOSHI, see Tesfaye, Addisu q-Markov Cover identification using pseudo- Tunay, I., and KAYNAK, OKYAY, A new variable random binary signals, 1273 structure controller for affine nonlinear systems ZHu, J. Y., MARTINDALE, S. C., and DAwson, with non-matching uncertainties, 917 D.M., A new design for model reference robust control using state-space techniques, 1061 UNBEHAUEN, H., see Patra, A. ZHU, Q. M., see Billings, S. A.

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