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INT. J. CONTROL, 1995, VOL. 61, NO. 6, 1473-1476 SUBJECT INDEX (Vol. 61) Actuator and sensor fault detection and isolation of flight, application of scheduling local non- using residual generator, 1423 linear control laws by exogenous signals, 759 Adaptive control based on special compensation of hybrid step motors via simplified lineariza- methods for time-varying systems subject to tion technique, 1143 bounded disturbances, 667 of low-speed tricycle-model steering, problem Algorithm formulation, 783 for decomposition of two-time-scale linear of mechanical systems, decentralized control systems via the relevant eigenspace, 549 and overlapping decomposition, 559, 571 for identification of smooth nonlinear systems of robots, robust, decoupled, adaptive, 309 based on parametrized linearization families, of submarine depth, system design, 279 1013 of turbo-alternator, predictive excitation con- for model predictive control, computational trol, 507 efficiency improvement using wavelet trans- of unknown plant, robust, IFAC 93 benchmark, formation, 859 589 for studying trade-offs between H ~ attenuation precision tracking type of non-minimum phase and uncertainty tolerance, 823 systems with zero phase error, 791 simple, for the stable/unstable decomposition of predictive excitation type, of turbo-alternator, a linear discrete-time system, 255 949 Asymptotic properties of the LQG feedforward robust self-tuner, 1169 of free-floating space robot systems, 261 Asymptotic stability regions estimation, trajectory optimal, 885 traversing method, 917 stochastic, robust, using internal model prin- Autonomous nonlinear systems, describing-func- ciple and internal model control, 809 tion based criterion for route to chaos, 211 systems, sampled-data feedback type, state covariance assignment, 719 theory, error actuated output feedback type, for Bilinear systems, repetitive control with applica- differential linear repetitive processes, 981 tions to semi-active isolation of vibration, 1265 Controllability, integral, and maximal stability of singularly perturbed systems, application of block Lyapunov sum, 47 Calculus of complex matrices, 749 Controller Chaos in autonomous nonlinear systems, describ- LQG feedforward self-tuner type, asymptotic ing-function based criterion, 211 properties, 1169 Computation of generalized H2 optimal con- design trollers, 999 for performance guarantees in uncertain Continuous-time system, digital identification, regulating systems, 127 149 parametric state feedback type, for multivari- Control able systems, 1457 H ~ type, generalized, with measurement noise, feed forward type, for periodic signals in lynomial solution, 443 non-minimum phase processes, 695 H ~-optimal, finite-dimensional, fixed order, of predictive, generalized, stability and con- infinite-dimensional discrete-time systems, vergence analysis based on_ state-space optimal projection equations, 641 modelling, 193 adaptive, based on special compensation Wiener—Hopf optimal three-degree-of-freedom methods for time-varying systems subject to type, numerical calculation, 757 bounded disturbances, 667 Controllers deadbeat, by measurement feedback, two-sided H2 optimal, reduced-order, design using a approach, 229 homotopy algorithm, 97 discrete-time, adaptive, of systems with un- H2-optimal, generalized computation, 999 known deadzones, | commutative, use of rational eigenvector ap- discrete-time, linear, use of neural networks, proximations, 333 1253 stabilizing, discrete, satisfying an H2 norm hierarchical, two-level strategy for robot bound, state-space formulae, 65 manipulators, 1201 model predictive type, computational efficiency improvement using wavelet transformation, Deadbeat control by measurement feedback, two- 859 sided approach, 229 of bilinear systems, repetitive, with application Dead-time estimation for process control, knowl- to semi-active isolation of vibration, 1265 edge-based approach, 1045 1474 Subject Index (Vol. 61) Decentralized control and overlapping decompo- Fault detection and isolation for sensors and sition of mechanical systems, 559, 571 actuators using residual generator, frequency Decentralized control design, uncertain systems domain approach, 1423 with strong interconnections, 1363 Fault diagnosis, optimal residual decoupling, 395 Decentralized control systems, robust perform- Feedback systems, linear sampled-data type, in- ance, by expanding sequential designs, 1297 herent design limitations, 1387 Decomposition of two-time-scale linear systems Filter, hybrid, optimal, duality with hybrid optimal via the relevant eigenspace, 549 regulator control, 1465 Deflation method, implicit, for ill-conditioned Filtering, robust Kalman type, QQ-plot approach, Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, 1119 837 Depth control system design, for submarine, 279 Flat systems, flatness and defect of nonlinear Describing-function based criterion for a route to systems, 1327 chaos in autonomous nonlinear systems, 211 Flexible beam laboratory adaptive control exper- Design iment, design for on-line identification, 525 H ~ control analysis for nonlinear systems, 459 Flight control, application of scheduling local limitations, inherent, for linear sampled-data nonlinear control laws by exogenous signals, feedback systems, 1387 759 of controller, for performance guarantees in Frequency response functions for nonlinear ratio- uncertain, regulating systems, 127 nal models, 1073 of decentralized control, uncertain systems with strong interconnections, 1363 37 -optimal control, finite-dimensional, fixed-or- of feedforward controller for periodic signals in der, of infinite-di ional discrete-time sys- non-minimum phase processes, 695 tems, optimal projection equations, 641 of observer in receding-horizon predictive H2-optimal controllers, generalized, computation, control, 171 999 of on-line identification for a flexible beam H>-optimization problem, structured, 1223 laboratory adaptive control experiment, 525 H.« attenuation and uncertainty tolerance trade- of reduced-order, H2 optimal controllers using offs study, algorithms, 823 a homotopy algorithm, 97 H.= control analysis and design for nonlinear of robustness of linear continuous-time sys- systems, 459 tems, Lyapunov stability robust analysis, H~ control problem, generalized, with measure- 1233 ment noise, polynomial solution, 443 of servomechanisms via H2-optimization, 475 H ~ distance problem and Hankel operator over a of submarine depth control system, 279 simply-connected domain, 897 Digital identification of a continuous-time system Hankel operator and H ~ distance problem over a and some related issues, 149 simply-connected domain, 897 Discrete-delay perturbed systems, D-stability analysis, 493 Identification Discrete nonlinear systems, stabilization analysis, digital, of continuous-time system, 149 1313 of smooth nonlinear systems based on para- Discrete-time adaptive control of systems with metrized linearization families, algorithm, unknown deadzones, | 1013 Discrete-time extensions of mixed-y bounds to on-line, design for a flexible beam laboratory monotonic and odd monotonic nonlinearities, adaptive control experiment, 525 423 recursive, using feedforward neural networks, Discrete-time infinite dimensional systems, finite- 533 dimensional fixed-order #?-optimal control, Infinite-dimensional discrete-time systems, finite- optimal projection equations, 641 dimensional fixed-order #?-optimal control, Discrete-time linear control, use of neural net- optimal projection equations, 641 works, 1253 Infinite-dimensional systems, robust PI-control- Discrete-time system, linear ler, 33 stable/unstable decomposition using simple algorithm, 255 Knowledge-based approach to dead-time esti- with structured perturbations, robust stability, 739 mation for process control, 1045 D-stability analysis of discrete-delay perturbed #2to Lx gains for sampled-data systems, 19 systems, 493 Linear continuous-time systems, Lyapunov stabil- ity robust analysis and robustness design, 1233 Load balancing systems, stability analysis, 357 Emitter waveform estimation in array signal Loop transfer recovery for linear systems with processing, 965 delays in the state and the output, 1099 Error actuated output feedback control theory for LQG feedforward self-tuner, asymptotic proper- differential linear repetitive processes, 981 ties, 1169 Estimation of asymptotic stability regions, trajec- Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, ill-con- tory reversing method, 917 ditioned, implicit deflation method, 1119 Subject Index (Vol. 61) 1475 Lyapunov stability robust analysis and robustness Robot manipulators, two-level control strategy, design for linear continuous-time systems, 1233 1201 Lyapunov sum, block structured, with applica- Robot systems in space, free-floating robust tions to integral controllability and maximal control, 261 stability of singularly perturbed systems, 47 Robots, robust decoupled adaptive control, 309 Robust Kalman filtering, QQ-approach, 837 Matrices, complex, calculus of, 749 Robust PI-controller for infinite-di ional sys- Maximum algebra, stability of linear systems, tems, 33 1191 Robust control MIMO OFT using non-diagonal controllers, 245 of an unknown plant, IFAC 93 benchmark, 589 Model predictive control algorithm, computa- of free-floating space robot systems, 261 tional efficiency improvement using wavelet Robust decoupled adaptive control of robots, 309 transformation, 859 Robust optimal control, 885 Modelling, robust stochastic control using internal Robust performance of decentralized control sys- model principle and internal model control, 809 tems by expanding sequential designs, 1297 Models, nonlinear, rational, frequency response Robust stability for linear discrete-time systems functions, 1073 with structured perturbations, 739 Motors, hybrid step type, control via simplified Robust stochastic control using internal model linearization technique, 1143 principle and internal model control, 809 Multirate sampled-data systems, ripple-free dead- beat tracking, 1437 Sampled-data systems Multivariable systems, parametric state feedback multirate, ripple-free dead-beat, tracking, 1437 controller design, 1457 #2to Lx gains, 19 Scheduling of local nonlinear control laws by Neural network, feedforward type, for recursive exogenous signals, application to flight control, identification, 533 Neural networks for discrete-time linear control, Sensor and actuator fault detection and isolation 1253 using residual generator, frequency domain Non-linear systems, flatness and defect, introduc- approach, 1423 tory theory and examples, 1327 Sensor array signal processing, emitter waveform Nonlinearities, monotonic and odd monotonic, estimation, 965 discrete-time extensions to mixed-y bounds, Servomechanisms, design via H2-optimization, 423 475 Non-minimum phase systems with zero phase Signal processing, emitter waveform estimation error, precision tracking control, 791 from array of receiving sensors, 965 Numerical calculation of the optimal three-de- Singularly perturbed systems, maximal stability, gree-of-freedom Wiener—Hopf controller, 757 application of block Lyapunov sum, 47 Stability analysis of load balancing systems, 357 Observer design in receding-horizon predictive Stability and convergence analyses of an adaptive control, 171 GPC based on state-space modelling, 193 Stability Optimal control, robust, 885 Optimization, H2-type, structured, 1223 of linear systems in maximum algebra, 1191 robust, for linear discrete-time systems with structured perturbations, 739 Parametric state feedback controller design of Stabilization analysis of discrete nonlinear sys- multivariable systems, 1457 tems, 1313 PI-controller, robust, for infinite-dimensional sys- Stabilization of non-holonomic vehicles under tems, 33 kinematic constraints, 933 Polynomial solution to the generalized H « control State covariance assignment for sampled-data problem with measurement noise, 443 feedback control systems, 719 Predictive excitation control of a turbo-alternator, Steering control problem formulation of low- 949 speed tricycle-model vehicles, 783 Process control, dead-time estimation, knowl- Submarine depth control system design, 279 edge-based approach, 1045 Sylvester and Lyapunov equations, ill-con- ditioned, implicit deflation method, 1119 QFT, MIMO, using non-diagonal controllers, 245 QQ-plot approach to robust Kalman filtering, 837 Time-delay linear systems with delay in the state and the output, loop transfer recovery, 1099 Regulator, hybrid, optimal, duality with hybrid Time-delayed process, zero-order hold equivalent optimal filter control, 1465 transfer function, 657 Repetitive control of bilinear systems with appli- Time-varying systems subject to bounded distur- cation to semi-active isolation of vibration, bances, adaptive control based on special 1265 compensation methods, 667 Ripple-free dead-beat tracking for multirate sam- Tracking control, precision, of non-minimum pled-data systems, 1437 phase systems with zero phase error, 791 1476 Subject Index (Vol. 61) Tracking, ripple-free dead-beat type, for multirate Uncertainty tolerance and H = attenuation trade- sampled-data systems, 1437 offs study, algorithms, 823 Tricycle-model vehicles, low-speed, steering con- trol problem formulation, 783 Vehicles, non-holonomic, stabilization under Turbo-alternator, predictive excitation control, kinematic constraints, 933 507, 949 Two-time-scale linear systems, decomposition via Zero-order hold equivalent transfer function for a the relevant eigenspace, 549 time-delayed process, 657 INT. J. CONTROL, 1995, VOL. 61, NO. 6, 1477-1479 AUTHOR INDEX (Vol. 61) ALDEEN, M., see Trinh, H. Dumont, G., see Elshafei, A.-L. ALDHAHERI, R. W., Decomposition of two-time- Durovic, Z. M., and Kovacevic, B. D., QQ-plot scale linear systems via the relevant eigenspace, approach to robust Kalman filtering, 837 549 ELNAGGAR, A., see Elshafei, A.-L. Bal, Er-WEI, Digital identification of a continu- ELsHAFEI, A.-L., DUMONT, G., and ELNAGGAR, A., ous-time system and some related issues, 149 Stability and convergence analyses of an adap- BAKULE, L., and RODELLAR, J., Decentralized tive GPC based on state-space modelling, 193 control and overlapping decomposition of ETXEBARRIA, V., and DE LA SEN, M., Adaptive mechanical systems—Part 1: System decompo- control based on special compensation methods sition, 559 for time-varying systems subject to bounded BAKULE, L., and RODELLAR, J., Decentralized disturbances, 667 control and overlapping decomposition of mechanical systems—Part 2: Decentralized Fever, A., see Goodwin, G. C. stabilization, 571 Fuiess, M., LEVINE, J., MARTIN, P., and ROUCHON, Bars, F. D., and DE KONING, W. L., The optimal P., Flatness and defect of non-linear systems: projection equations for finite-dimensional introductory theory and examples, 1327 fixed-order »#?-optimal control of infinite-di- FRANCHEK, M. A., and JAYASURIYA, S., Controller mensional discrete-time systems, 641 design for performance guarantees in uncertain BaSILIo, J. C., and KOUVARITAKIS, B., The use of regulating systems, 127 rational eigenvector approximations in commu- FREUDENBERG, J. S., MIDDLETON, R. H., and tative controllers, 333 BRASLAVSKY, J. H., Inherent design limitations BILLINGS, S. A., see Zhang, H. for linear sampled-data feedback systems, 1387 BRASLAVSKY, J. H., see Freudenberg, J. S. FusioKA, HIsayA, and HARA, SHINJI, State covari- Burcess, K. L., and Passino, K. M., Stability ance assignment for sampled-data feedback analysis of load balancing systems, 357 control systems, 719 CarRIER, A. C., State-space formulae for all the GERTLER, J. J., and KUNWER, M. M., Optimal stabilizing discrete controllers that satisfy an residual decoupling for robust fault diagnosis, H~ norm bound—Part |: Main results and the 395 full information problem, 65 Guavimi, A. R. and Laus, A. J., An implicit CasAvoLa, A., A polynomial solution to the deflation method for ill-conditioned Sylvester generalized H ~ control problem with measure- and Lyapunov equations, 1119 ment noise, 443 Goopwin, G. C., MAYNE, D. Q., and FEuER, A., CHEN, B. M., A simple algorithm for the stable/un- Correspondence: Duality of hybrid optimal stable decomposition of a linear discrete-time regulator and hybrid optimal filter, 1465 system, 255 Goopwin, G. C., see Lee, Sang Jeong CHEN, Y. H., see Han, M. C. GRASSELLI, O. M., JeTTO, L., and LonGui, S., CHIKKULA, Y., see Lee, J. H. Ripple-free dead-beat tracking for multirate Cuu, SANG-Hoon, and Ha, IN-Joonc, Control of sampled-data systems, 1437 hybrid step motors via a simplified linearization Gu, D. W., see Whidborne, J. F. technique, 1143 Gu, KEQIN, The algorithms for studying the CLARKE, D. W., see Yoon, Tae-Woong trade-offs between H = attenuation and uncer- Couuins, E. G., Davis, L. D., and RICHTER, S., tainty tolerance, 823 Design of reduced-order, H2 optimal controllers Gu, You-LIAnG, see Xu, Yangshen using a homotopy algorithm, 97 CorrEa, G. O., and DA SILVEIRA, M. A., On the Ha, IN-JOONG, see Chu, Sang-Hoon design of servomechanisms via H>-optimiza- Hac, A., Repetitive control of bilinear systems tion, 475 with application of semi-active isolation of CuLicK, F. E. C., see Lee, Ho-Hoon vibration, 1265 Happap, W. M., and KapiLa, V., Discrete-time DA SILVEIRA, M. A., see Corréa, G. O. extensions of mixed-j bounds to monotonic and Davis, L. D., see Collins, E. G. odd monotonic nonlinearities, 423 DE KONING, W. L., see Barb, F. D. HALIkiAs, G. D., The structured H2-optimization DE LA SEN, M., see Etxebarria, V. problem, 1223 DE Paor, A. M., and O’MALLEy, M. J., The Han, M. C., and CHEN, Y. H., Decentralized zero-order hold equivalent transfer function for control design: uncertain systems with strong a time-delayed process, 657 interconnections, 1363 1478 Author Index (Vol. 61) Hara, SHINJI, see Fujioka, Hisaya LoccuFIgR, M., see Noldus, E. Hema1 , A., Steering control problem formulation LonGuIl, S., see Grasselli, O. M. of low-speed tricycle-model vehicles, 783 Luo, J. S., JOHNSON, A., and VAN DEN Bosc, P. P. Heyns, L. J., and KRUGER, J. J., A describing-func- J., Lyapunov stability robust analysis and tion based criterion for a route to chaos in robustness design for linear continuous-time autonomous nonlinear systems, 211 systems, 1233 HOLMBERG, U., see Tsypkin, Ya. Z. Hon, SEOK-MIN, see Lee, Sang Jeong ManrtTIN, P., see Fliess, M. HUGHES, F. M., see Saidy, M. Mayne, D. Q., see Goodwin, G. C. McGraw, G. A., On-line identification design for Ito, HirosHi, OHMoRI, Hiromitsu, and SANO, a flexible beam laboratory adaptive control AkIRA, Robust performance of decentralized experiment, 525 control systems by expanding sequential de- MENQ, CHIA-HSIANG, see Xia, J. Zhijie signs, 1297 MIDDLETON, R. H., see Freudenberg, J. S. MurabD, G., see Whidborne, J. F. Jacosson, C., see Perev, K. MustaFA, D., Block Lyapumov sum with applica- JAYASURIYA, S., see Franchek, M. A. tions to integral controllability and maximal Jersi, H., see Xu, Cheng-Zhong stability of singularly perturbed systems, 47 JetTo, L., see Grasselli, O. M. JOHNSON, A., see Luo, J. S. NARENDRA, K. S., see Levin, A. U. JoLLy, M. R., Correspondence: On the calculus of NAssiRI-Toussl, K., and REN, WEI, On the asymp- complex matrices, 749 totic properties of the LQG feedforward self- JONCKHEERE, E., and L1, RONGSHENG, Hankel oper- tuner, 1169 ator and H= distance problem over a simply- No pus, E., and LoccuFigr, M., A new trajectory connected domain, 897 reversing method for the estimation of asymp- Jones, R. W., and SBARBARO, D. G., An approach totic stability regions, 917 to robust optimal control, 885 NunacaM, S., see Lee, T. H. KANTOR, J. C., see Lee, J. H. KapIiLa, V., see Haddad, W. M. O’MALLEY, M. J., see de Paor, A. M. KaTEBI, M.R., and ZHANG, Y., H « control analysis Oxmori, HIROMITSU, see Ito, Hiroshi and design for nonlinear systems, 459 OsMaN, H. S., and Roserts, P. D., A two-level KINNAERT, M., and PENG, Y., Residual generator control strategy for robot manipulators, 1201 for sensor and actuator fault detection and Owens, D. H., see Rogers, E. isolation: a frequency domain approach, 1423 Koxortovic, P. V., see Tao, Gang Pappas, G. J.,and KYRIAKOPOULOS, K. J., Stabiliza- KouvarITAKIS, B., see Basilio, J. C. tion of non-holonomic vehicles under kinematic Kovacevic, B. D., see Durovi¢, Z. M. constraints, 933 Krucer, J. J., see Heyns, L. J. ParK, K., and Youta, D. C., Correspondence: KuNWER, M. M., see Gertler, J. J. Reply to comment on ‘Numerical calculation of KYRIAKOPOULOS, K. J., see Pappas, G. J. the optimal three-degree-of-freedom Wiener— Hopf controller’, 757 LavB, A. J., see Ghavimi, A. R. PASSINO, K. M., see Burgess, K. L. Lee, Ho-Hoon, and Cutick, F. E. C., A robust PaTTON, R. J., see Liu, G. P. decoupled adaptive control of robots, 309 PENG, Y., see Kinnaert, M. Lee, J. H., CHIKKULA, Y., YU, ZHENGHONG, and PEREV, K., JACOBSON, C., and SHAFAI, B., An Kantor, J. C., Improving computational algorithm for identification of smooth nonlinear efficiency of model predictive control algorithm systems based on parametrized linearization using wavelet transformation, 859 families, 1013 LEE, SANG JEONG, HONG, SEOK-MIN, and Goop- PosTLEwalrtE, I., see Whidborne, J. F. win, G. C., Loop transfer recovery for linear systems with delays in the state and the output, 1099 REN, WEI, see Nassiri-Toussi, K. Lee,T .H ., WANG, Q.G., TAN, K. K., and NUNGAM, RICHTER, S., see Collins, E. G. S., A knowledge-based approach to dead-time Roserts, P. D., see Osman, H. S. estimation for process control, 1045 RODELLAR, J., see Bakule, L. Levin, A. U., and NARENDRA, K. S., Recursive Rocers, E., and Owens, D. H., Error actuated identification using feedforward neural net- output feedback control theory for differential works, 533 linear repetitive processes, 981 LEviNE, J., see Fliess, M. ROUCHON, P., see Fliess, M. Li, RONGSHENG, see Jonckheere, E. Rusio, J. E., see Wilson, D. A. LicEAGA-CASTRO, E., and VAN DER MOLEN, G., A submarine depth control system design, 279 Sarpy, M., and HUGHES, F. M., Predictive excita- Liu, G. P., and PATTON, R. J., Parametric state tion control of a turbo-alternator, 507, 949 feedback controller design of multivariable SANO, AKIRA, see Ito, Hiroshi systems, 1457 SBARBARO, D. G., see Jones, R. W. Author Index (Vol. 61) 1479 ScLABASSI, R., see Xu, Yangshen WHIDBORNE, J. F., MuRAD, G., Gu, D.-W., and SHAFAI, B., see Perev, K. POSTLETHWAITE, I., Robust control of an un- SKELTON, R. E., see Zhu, Guoming G. known plant—the IFAC 93 benchmark, 589 SODERSTROM, T., and Stoica, P., Emitter wave- WIson, D. A., and Rusio, J. E., Computation of form estimation in array signal processing, 965 generalized Hz optimal controllers, 999 STEPANENKO, Y., see Yang, Xueshan Wu, Yu-TE, see Xu, Yangshen STERNBY, J., see Walgama, K. S. Stoica, P., see Séderstrém, T. X14, J. ZHUIE, and MENQ, CHIA-HSIANG, Precision tracking control of non-minimum phase sys- TAN, K. K., see Lee, T. H. tems with zero phase error, 791 Tao, GANG, and Kokotovic, P. V., Discrete-time Xu, CHENG-ZHONG and JerBi, H., A robust PI-con- adaptive control of systems with unknown troller for infinite-dimensional systems, 33 deadzones, I Xu, YANGSHEN, GU, YOU-LIANG, Wu, Yu-TE, and TRINH, H., and ALDEEN, M., D-stability analysis of ScLaBASSsI, R., Robust control of free-floating discrete-delay perturbed systems, 493 space robot system, 261 TSYPKIN, YA. Z., and HOLMBERG, U., Robust stochastic control using the internal model YANG, XUESHAN, and STEPANENKO, Y., Stabiliza- principle and internal model control, 809 tion analysis of discrete nonlinear systems, Tu, FENGSHEN, see Wan, Lianggiao 1313 YANIv, O., MIMO QFT using non-diagonal con- VAN DEN Boscu, P. P. J., see Luo, J. S. trollers, 245 VAN DER MOLEN, G., see Liceaga-Castro, E. YOon, TAE-WOona, and CLARKE, D. W., Observer VAN DER Woupe, J. W., Deadbeat control by design in receding-horizon predictive control, measurement feedback: a two-sided approach, 171 229 You a, D. C., see Park, K. Yu, ZHENGHONG, see Lee, J. H. WALGAMA, K. S., and STERNBY, J., A feedforward controller design for periodic signals in non- ZENG, XIAO-JUN, Robust stability for linear dis- minimum phase processes, 695 crete-time systems with structured perturba- Wan, LIANGQIAO, and Tu, FENGSHEN, Stability of tions, 739 linear systems in maximum algebra, 1191 ZHANG, H., BILLINGS, S. A., and ZHU, Q. M., WANG, JIANLIANG, Scheduling of local nonlinear Frequency response functions for nonlinear control laws by exogenous signals—an appli- rational models, 1073 cation to flight control, 759 ZHANG, Y., see Katebi, M. R. WANG, Q. G., see Lee, T. H. ZHU, GUOMING G., and SKELTON, R.E., #2 to F « Warwick, K., A critique of neutral networks for gains for sampled-data systems, 19 discrete-time linear control, 1253 Zuu, Q. M., see Zhang, H.

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