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Preview International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 1994: Vol 26 Table of Contents

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL KINETICS Contents, Volume 26, 1994 No. 1, January 1994 Robert Back Memorial Issue Preface: In Memory of Robert Arthur Back J. Roscoe Selected Recent Publications and Colleagues of R.A. Back The Lifetimes of Gas Phase CO,°~ and N,O° Calculated from the Transition Probability of the Autodetachment Process ATW — A + e A. Rauk, D.A. Armstrong, and D. Yu The Flash Photolysis of Aqueous Solutions of Rhodizonic and Croconic Acids B. Zhao and M.H. Back Rate Constants for the Gas-Phase Reactions of O3 with a Series of Cycloalkenes and a, B-Unsaturated Ketones at 296 + 2 K C.R. Greene and R. Atkinson Gas-Phase Kinetic Study of the Silylene Addition Reaction to Acetylene and Acetylene-dz over the Temperature Range 291-613 K R. Becerra and R. Walsh The Nitrogen Pentoxide Dissociation Equilibrium H. O. Pritchard Synthesis and Pyrolysis of Perfluoroazo-2-propane K. V. Scherer, Jr., L. Batt, and P. H. Stewart Reactions of the Copper Dimer, Cuz, in the Gas Phase L. Lian, F. Akhtar, P.A. Hackett, and D. M. Rayner Isotope Effect in Ni + C2H, (C2D,) Association Reaction S.A. Mitchell Kinetics and Mechanisms of the Reactions of OH with Some Oxygenated Compounds of Importance in Tropospheric Chemistry S. M. Saunders, D.L. Baulch, K. M. Cooke, M. J. Pilling, and P. I. Smurthwaite Etching of GaAs (100) with Gaseous H/CHs; Mixtures P.F.A. Meharg and E. A. Ogryzlo Hetero-Homogeneous Pyrolysis of Isobutane and Platinum Wall-Effects in Conditioned or Unconditioned Reactors R. Zils, D. Perrin, and R. Martin Two-Color Multiphoton Decomposition of 1-Bromo 2-Fluoroethane G.A. McRae, M. Ivanco, and J. W. Goodale The Rate of Methyl Radical Decomposition at High Temperatures and Pressures J.Z. Su and H. Teitelbaum Study of the Kinetics and Equilibrium of the Benzyl-Radical Association Reaction with Molecular Oxygen F.F. Fenter, B. Noziére, F. Caralp, and R. Lesclaux A Kinetic Analysis of the Photolysis of Mixtures of Acetone and Propylene A. C. Kinsman and J. M. Roscoe CO, Laser-Induced Decomposition of Propan-2-ol, Butan-2-ol, Pentan-2-ol, Pentan-3-ol, and Hexan-2-ol M. Bishop, K.A. Holbrook, G. A. Oldershaw, and P. E. Dyer Relationship between Bond Dissociation Energies and Activation Energies for Bond Scission Reactions G. P. Smith, J.A. Manion, M. J. Rossi, A.S. Rodgers, and D. M. Golden Photochemistry of Formic Acid Monomer at 222 nm R.S. Irwin, D. L. Singleton, G. Paraskevopoulos, and R. McLaren No. 2, February 1994 Thermal Decomposition of Di-t-Butyl Peroxide in the Presence of (CH3)2C=CH2: Reactions of CH3, (CH3)2CCH2CH3, and (CH3)2CCH2C(CH3)2CH2CH3 Radicals L. Seres, A. Nacsa, and N. L. Arthur Infrared Multiphoton Decomposition of Higm, dt-Butyl Chloride-dg R. D. McAlpine, G. A. McRae, and J. W. Goodale A Spectrokinetic Study of CH2I and CH2IO2 Radicals J. Sehested, T. Ellermann, and O. J. Nielsen Improved Method for Fitting Falloff Data J.S. Poole and R. G. Gilbert 0(?P) Attack on Boranes. III. ByyHi4 H-Z. Cheng and S.H. Bauer Study of the Pseudo-Steady-State Kinetics of CO2 Hydrate Formation and Stability P.C. Lund, Y. Shindo, Y. Fujioka, and H. Komiyama Salt Effects upon Reactions of Different Charge Type Reactants: Peroxodisulphate Oxidations of Fe(CN)4(bpy)”~ ,cis-Fe(CN)o(bpy)2 and Fe(bpy),. and Iron(II) Oxidation by Co(NH3);Cl?* E. Miirioz, M. Del Mar Graciani, R. Jiménez, A. Rodriguez, M. L. Moya, and F. Sanchez Kinetic Studies of the N-Alkylation of Secondary Amines with 1,2-Dichloroethane H. Yang and F.C. Thyrion Call for Papers No. 3, March 1994 Kinetic Model for Hydrocarbon-Assisted Particulate Boron Combustion R.C. Brown, C. E. Kolb, S. Y. Cho, R.A. Yetter, F.L. Dryer, and H. Rabitz Structure—Reactivity Correlations for Gas-Phase Thermal Diels-Alder Reactions of Cyclohexa-1,3-Diene with Substituted Ethenes and Reverse Reactions G. Huybrechts and B. Van Mele Role of Resin-Manganese(II) Complexes in Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposition I.A. Salem Complex Dynamical Behavior in the Oxidation of Hydroxylamine by Bromate L. Adaméikovd, T. Vranovd, and I. Valent Does the HO, Radical React with H.S, CH;SH, and CH;SCH3? A. Mellouki and A. R. Ravishankara Rates of Reaction between the Nitrate Radical and Some Aliphatic Ethers S. Langer and E. Ljungstrém Communication Gas-Phase Thermal Decomposition of Peroxy-N-Butyryl Nitrate D. Grosjean, E. L. Williams, II, and E. Grosjean No. 4, April 1994 A Shock Tube Study of the OH + OH — H,O + O Reaction M.S. Wooldridge, R. K. Hanson, and C.T. Bowman Kinetics of Solvolysis of 2-Chloroquinoxaline R. D. Patel An Analytic Hindered Rotor Model for Calculating Microcanonical Variational Unimolecular Rate Constants from Reaction Path Properties W. L. Hase and L. Zhu Modeling the Thermal DENO, Process in Flow Reactors. Surface Effects and Nitrous Oxide Formation P. Glarborg, K. Dam-Johansen, J.A. Miller, R. J. Kee, and M. E. Coltrin On the Role of Transport in the Combustion Kinetics of a Steady-State Premixed Laminar CO + He + Op», Flame M.K. Mishra, R. Yetter, Y. Reuven, H. Rabitz, and M. D. Smooke Kinetics of the Acid and Alkaline Hydrolysis of Monofluorophosphite K. Dishman, L.A. Karnell, and J. W. Larson The CSP Method for Simplifying Kinetics S. H. Lam and D.A. Goussis Gas-Phase Thermolysis of Allyl Propargyl Amine, Allyl Cyanomethyl Propargy! Amine, Allyl Propargyl 2-Thiapropyl Amine, and Allyl Methanesulfonyl Propargyl Amine G. Martin, J. Ascanio, and J. Rodriguez No. 5, May 1994 Kinetic Study of the Oxidation of Ethanol by 3,4-Lutidine Chromium(VI) Peroxide in Dichloromethane Solution M.F. Mousavi, H. Firouzabadi, and M. Shamsipur Kinetics and Mechanism of the Thermal Decomposition Reaction of Acetone Cyclic Diperoxide in the Gas Phase L. F.R. Cafferata and J. D. Lombardo Kinetics and Mechanisms of the Gas-Phase Reactions of the NO; Radical with Aromatic Compounds E. S.C. Kwok, R. Atkinson, and J. Arey Rate Constant of the a-Pinene + Atomic Hydrogen Reaction at 295 K C. Vinckier and N. Van Hoof Error Analysis for Complex Kinetics Systems Methyl-Vinyl Cross-Radical Reactions A. Fahr and W. Braun Hydrolysis of 2-Aminoethanethiolsulfate Ions Z. B. Zheng, D. Littlejohn, S.G. Chang, and Y. H. Zhuang Yield of “OS 80 from the!8OH Initiated Oxidation of CS, in'®O, E. R. Lovejoy, A. R. Ravishankara, and C.J. Howard Vacuum Ultraviolet Photolysis of CCIF2CH2Cl T. Minamikawa, S. Ogura, T. Sakka, Y. Ogata, and M. Iwasaki Concerted Mechanism of the Aminolysis of 2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl O-Ethyl Dithiocarbonate in Aqueous Ethanol E. A. Castro, M. Cubillos, G. Mufioz, and J.G. Santos Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of Glycine, Alanine, and Threonine by Fluoride Coordinated Bismuth(V) in Aqueous HC1O,—HF Medium V. Devra, S. Jain, and P.D. Sharma Comment The Determination of Kinetic Data for the Reactions of Chromium(VI) with Glutathione and Other Thiols J. F. Perez-Benito, C. Arias, D. Lamrhari, and A. Anhari Erratum No. 6, June 1994 The Heterogeneous Propagation of the Chains in the Reaction of Aliphatic Aldehydes Oxidation R. H. Bakhchadjyan and I. A. Vardanyan Reactions of NO3-Naphthalene Adducts with O2 and NO» R. Atkinson, E.C. Tuazon, I. Bridier, and J. Arey Spectrokinetic Study of SF; and SF;O,2 Radicals and the Reaction of SF;02 with NO J. Sehested, T. Ellermann, O.J. Nielsen, and T. J. Wallington Kinetics of the Thermal Decomposition of Ferrocenyl Azide: Character of Ferrocenyl Nitrene C. Steel, M. Rosenblum, and A. S. Geyh Photoactivated a-Ketocarbenes: Formation and Isomerization Reactions. RRKM Calculations with Semi-Empirical Parameters (AM1, MNDOC) C. Bachmann and T. Y. N’Guessan Electron Transfer. 121. Oxidations by Rhodium-Bound Superoxide S.P. Ghosh, M.C. Ghosh, and E. S. Gould Liquid-Phase Autoxidation of Organic Compounds at Elevated Temperatures. Absolute Rate Constant for Intermolecular Hydrogen Abstraction in Hexadecane Autoxidation at 120—190°C R. K. Jensen, S. Korcek, and M. Zinbo No. 7, July 1994 Base Hydrolysis of (af S)-(o-Methoxy Benzoato) (Tetraethylenepentamine) Cobalt(III) Ion: A Comparative Study of the Role of Ion Pairs and Micelles A. N. Acharya and A.C. Dash Reactions of Cobalt(III) Complexes with Free Radicals Derived from Thymine S. Chakrabarti, P.C. Mandal, and S. N. Bhattacharyya The IR Multiphoton Decomposition of CF3I. The Effect of Inert and Reactive Gases C.A. Rinaldi, S.I. Lane, and J.C. Ferrero Kinetics of the Reactions of Cl Atoms with CH3;Br and CH2Bre T. Gierczak, L. Goldfarb, D. Sueper, and A. R. Ravishankara Methyl Isocyanide is an RRKM Molecule After All D. Shen and H. O. Pritchard Dissolution Kinetics of Copper(II) Oxide in Water Saturated by Sulphur Dioxide A. Cakici, S. Colak, Z. Ekinci, and S. Bayrakceken A Novel Correlative Relationship among Rates of Complexation of 11 Copper(II) Diketonates and Basicity of the Ligand J. Verdi and C. A. Blanco Flowtube Reactor Study of the Association Reactions of CHClz and CCls with O, at Low Pressure W.C. Nottingham, R. N. Rudolph, K.P. Andrews, J.H. Moore, and J. A. Tossell High-Temperature Ignition of Propane with MTBE as an Additive: Shock Tube Experiments and Modeling J.A. Gray and C.K. Westbrook Kinetics of the Reaction of CsHs with HBr and DBr T. Yu and M.C. Lin No. 8, August 1994 Pulsed Laser Powered Homogeneous Pyrolysis: A Computational Analysis M.T. Swihart and R. W. Carr Kinetics of the DS-Radical Reactions with CINO and NO», F.F. Fenter and J. G. Anderson Rates of Processes Initiated by Pulsed Laser Production of F Atoms in the Presence of HCl, CH,, and CF3;H C. M. Moore, I. W. M. Smith, and D. W. A. Stewart Thermal Decomposition of CF3;C(O)O2.NO2, CCIF2C(O)O2NOz2, CClzFC(O)O2NOz, and CClgC(O)O2NOz F. Zabel, F. Kirchner, and K. H. Becker Kinetics of Oxidation of Heterocyclic Secondary Alcohols byN-Chloro-r-2, c-6-Diphenyl-t-3 Methyl Piperidin-4-one (NCP) in Perchloric Acid Medium K, Selvaraj, V. Venkateswaran, and K. Ramarajan CO, Laser Excitation of Triethylsilane: Time Resolved Luminescence of Diethylsilyl Radical P. Papagiannakopoulos and Y. G. Lazarou No. 9, September 1994 Branching Ratio of the C,H, + O Reaction at 290 K from Kinetic Modelling of Relative Methylene Concentration versus Time Profiles in C2.H2/O/H Systems J. Peeters, W. Boullart, and I. Langhans Kinetics and Mechanism of the Reaction of CH3;0 with NO S. Débé, G. Lendvay, I. Szildgyi, and T. Bérces Micellar Catalyzed Redox Reactions of Bilirubin in CTAB Medium. A Pulse Radiolysis Study S. K. Adhikari, S.N. Guha, and C. Gopinathan Investigation of the Correlation between the Energy of the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) and the Logarithm of the OH Rate Constant of Hydrofluorocarbons and Hydrofluoroethers L. J. Bartolotti and E. O. Edney The Role of Water in Promoting the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane J.H. Lunsford, E. Morales, D. Dissanayake, and C. Shi Products of the Gas-Phase Reactions of Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Effect of NO2 Concentration R. Atkinson and S. M. Aschmann Formation Yields of Epoxides and O(°P) Atoms from the Gas-Phase Reactions of Oz with a Series of Alkenes R. Atkinson, S.M. Aschmann, J. Arey, and E. C. Tuazon Gas-Phase Kinetics of N-Substituted Diacetamide N.A. Al-Awadi and F.A. Al-Omran Iron(II)-Bis (Salicyladimine) Schiff-Base Complexes Catalyzed Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide I.A. Salem, M.Y. El-Sheikh, A. B. Zaki, and U. Nickel No. 10, October 1994 Micellar Effects upon the Reaction of Hydroxide Ion with 2-Phenoxyquinoxaline A. Cuenca and C. Bruno Kinetics of the Reactions of OH with Alkanes R. K. Talukdar, A. Mellouki, T. Gierczak, S. Barone, S. Y. Chiang, and A. R. Ravishankara Bistability in the Nitric Acid—Hydroxylamine CSTR System A. Horvath, G. Péta, and G. Stedman Kinetics and Thermochemistry of the Reaction of Acetylene and Nitric Oxide S. W. Benson Kinetics of Esterification of Succinic Anhydride with Methanol by Homogeneous Catalysis H. J. Bart, J. Reidetschldger, K. Schatka, and A. Lehmann UV Absorption Spectrum of CF;CFC1O, and Kinetics of the Self Reaction of CF3CFCl and CF;CFCI1O>, and the Reactions of CF;CFClO2 with NO and NO» J. Sehested General Base Catalysis in the Decomposition ofN-Cl-Valine in Aqueous Solution Ll. Abia, X. L. Armesto, M. Canle L., M. V. Garcia, M. Losada, and J.A. Santaballa No. 11, November 1994 Kinetics and Mechanism of H2O2 Decomposition by Cu(II)-, Co(II)-, and Fe(III)-Amine Complexes on the Surface of Silica-Alumina (25% Al2O3) M.A. Salem, I. A. Salem, and A. H. Gemeay Base Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Aerosol OT in Aqueous and Aquo-Dioxane Media K. Mukherjee, S. P. Moulik, and D.C. Mukherjee Ozonolysis of Trans- andCis-2-Butenes in Low Parts-Per-Million Concentration Ranges O. Horie, P. Neeb, and G. K. Moortgat Absolute Rate Constant for the Reaction of Phenyl Radical with Acetylene T. Yu, M.C. Lin, and'C.F. Melius Oxidation of Arginine by Manganese(III) in Pyrophosphate and Acetate Media: A Kinetic Study S. Chandraju, B.S. Sherigara, and N. M. Made Gowda Catalytic Activity of Manganese(II)-Gluconate Complex in Reactions of Hydrogen Peroxide C. Rocha and A. M. da Costa Ferreira N Reactivity vs. O Reactivity in Aqueous Chlorination X.L. Armesto, M. Canle L., M. V. Garcia, M. Losada, and J.A. Santaballa No. 12, December 1994 The Oscillating Reaction of Hydrogen Peroxide and Iodate with Butanone as Substrate I. Love The Study of Decomposition Reactions through the Exchange of Thermal Energy C. P. Constantinou The Nitrosation of Amino Acids R. Gil, J, Casado, and C. Izquierdo Kinetics of the 1,5—Dipoiar Cyclization of 2-Vinylpyridinium Ylides to Indolizines. Determination of Rate Parameters by Laser Flash Photolysis M.T.H. Liu, Y.N. Romashin, and R. Bonneau Rate Constants for the Gas-Phase Reactions of Ozone with Unsaturated Aliphatic Alcohols E. Grosjean and D. Grosjean Rate Constants for the Gas-Phase Reactions of O3 with a Series of Terpenes and OH Radical Formattion from the O3 Reactions with Sesquiterpenes at 296 + 2K Y. Shu and R. Atkinson Kinetic and Mechanistic Aspects of the NO Oxidation by Oy, in Aqueous Phase M. Pires, M.J. Rossi, and D.S. Ross Author Index Subject Index Compound Index Volume Contents y,

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