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International Journal of Cardiology, 37 (1992) 439-445 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 0167-5273 /92/$05.00 Subject Index Volume 37 Ablation Aortic constriction Implantable cardioverter defibrillator; Radiofrequency cur- Coronary circulation; Hypertrophy; Regression; Isolated heart rent; Ventricular tachycardia (Jordaens, L. (37) 118) (Sato, F. (37) 131) Accessory atrioventricular pathway Aortic valve area Catheter ablation; Radiofrequency (Chen, S.-A. (37) 199) Pulmonary valve area (Singh, B. (37) 73) Acute closure Atrial muscle abnormality Intimal dissection; Autoperfusion balloon (De Muinck, E.D. Intra-atrial catheter mapping; Prolonged and fractionated (37) 317) atrial electrogram; Sinus node dysfunction (Centurion, O.A. (37) 41) Acute myocardial infarction Q wave infarction; Non-Q wave infarction; Prodromal symp- Atrial septal defect toms; Unstable angina (Murphy, J.J. (37) 189) Lung function tests (Sulc, J. (37) 15) Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; Enalapril; Exercise; Atrioventricular block Hyperkalemia (Frost, L. (37) 401) Dipyridamole; Stress testing (Arrigo, F. (37) 415) Atrioventricular defect Acute severe ischemia Surgical repair; Sequelae, Shunt; Echocardiography (Chirillo, Ventricular arrhythmia; Variant angina; Ca antagonist (Okino, F. (37) 263) H. (37) 23) Atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia Allograft rejection Catheter ablation; Dual electrode configuration (Chen, S.-A. Time interval Te; Myocardial biopsy (Park, J.-W. (37) 351) (37) 51) Amlodipine Autoperfusion balloon Angina pectoris; Exercise testing (Meluzin, J. (37) 101) Acute closure; Intimal dissection (De Muinck, E.D. (37) 317) Angina pectoris Autopsy study Amlodipine; Exercise testing (Meluzin, J. (37) 101) Persistent truncus arteriosus; Congenital heart disease (De- shpande, J. (37) 395) Angioplasty Dynamic obstruction to left ventricular outflow; Myocardial Beta-blocker ischemia (Martinez-Useros, C. (37) 165) Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia; Antiarrhythmic drug treatment; Sotalol (Hohnloser, S.H. (37) 283) Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor Acute myocardial infarction; Enalapril; Exercise; Hyper- Bjork-Shiley prosthesis kalemia (Frost, L. (37) 401) Ultrasonic Doppler method; Velocity profile (Henneke, K.H. (37) 381) Ankylosing spondylitis Diastolic dysfunction; Ventricular relaxation; Doppler Blood pressure echocardiography (Sun, J.P. (37) 65) Microalbuminuria; Insulin; Obesity; Lipids; Cardiovascular disease (Woo, J. (37) 345) Antiarrhythmic drug treatment Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia; Beta-blocker; Sotalol Nigerian women; Pregnancy; Caucasian women; Longitudinal (Hohnloser, S.H. (37) 283) (Okonofua, F.E. (37) 373) 440 Bradykinin Congenital heart disease Diltiazem; Silent ischemia; Prostaglandin (Takase, B. (37) Persistent truncus arteriosus; Autopsy study (Deshpande, J. 177) (37) 395) Burkitt’s lymphoma Congestive heart failure Primary cardiac manifestation (Zyssman, I. (37) 421) Dopaminergic agent; Ibopamine (Van Veldhuisen, D.J. (37) 293) Ca antagonist Acute severe ischemia; Ventricular arrhythmia; Variant angina Constrictive pericarditis (Okino, H. (37) 23) Right atrial thrombus (Priestley, K.A. (37) 266) Calcitonin gene-related peptide Continuous wave Doppler echocardiography Vasodilator; Heart failure (Stevenson, R.N. (37) 407) Left atrial pressure; Cardiac catheterization; Mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; Mitral regurgitation (Ge, Z. (37) Cardiac abnormality 253) Heat stroke (Al-Harthi, S.S. (37) 151) Contraction-excitation feedback Cardiac catheterization Pressure-related ectopy; Mechanoelectrical association Continuous wave Doppler echocardiography; Left atrial pres- (Sideris, D.A. (37) 365) sure; Mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; Mitral regur- gitation (Ge, Z. (37) 253) Coronary angioplasty in the elderly (Buffet, P. (37) 33) Tetralogy of Fallot (Cullen, S. (37) 337) Coronary artery bypass surgery Internal mammary artery; Doppler echography (Krijne, R. Cardiac surgery (37) 61) Epicardial tumor; Lipoma (Eng, J. (37) 116) Coronary artery disease Cardiopulmonary bypass Right ventricular function; Heart transplantation; Thermodi- Free radical; Vitamin E (Barsacchi, R. (37) 339) lution (Burger, W. (37) 155) Cardiovascular disease Coronary circulation Microalbuminuria; Insulin; Blood pressure; Obesity; Lipids Hypertrophy; Regression; Isolated heart; Aortic constriction (Woo, J. (37) 345) (Sato, F. (37) 131) Catheter ablation Creatine kinase Atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia; Dual electrode Serum cortisol; Myocardial infarction; Heart failure; Progno- configuration (Chen, S.-A. (37) 51) sis (Bain, R.J.I. (37) 145) Radiofrequency: Accessory atrioventricular pathway (Chen, Cyanosis S.-A. (37) 199) Tetralogy of Fallot; Syncope; Mechanoreceptor (Kothari, S.S. (37) 1) Radiofrequency energy; Phase angle; Myocardial necrosis (Hoffmann, E. (37) 213) Cyanotic heart disease Hypoplastic right ventricle; Pulmonary stenosis (Prasad, K. Caucasian women (37) 270) Blood pressure; Nigerian women; Pregnancy; Longitudinal (Okonofua, F.E. (37) 373) Diastolic dysfunction Ankylosing spondylitis; Ventricular relaxation; Doppler Chinese patients echocardiography (Sun, J.P. (37) 65) Thrombolysis; Myocardial infarction (Woo, K.S. (37) 169) Diltiazem Cholesterol Silent ischemia; Bradykinin; Prostaglandin (Takase, B. (37) Consensus: Proceedings (Suppl. 1 (37) $1) 177) Complications Dipyridamole Thrombolysis; Resuscitation (Weston, C.F.M. (37) 195) Stress testing; Atrioventricular block (Arrigo, F. (37) 415) Dopaminergic agent Exercise testing Congestive heart failure; Ibopamine (Van Veldhuisen, D.J. Gallopamil; Stable angina (Vilchez, F.G. (37) 91) (37) 293) Amlodipine; Angina pectoris (Meluzin, J. (37) 101) Doppler echocardiography Ankylosing spondylitis; Diastolic dysfunction; Ventricular re- Floppy mitral valve laxation (Sun, J.P. (37) 65) Rheumatic heart disease; Endocarditis; Mitral incompetence (Agozzino, L. (37) 79) Doppler echography Internal mammary artery; Coronary artery bypass surgery Free radical (Krijne, R. (37) 61) Cardiopulmonary bypass; Vitamin E (Barsacchi, R. (37) 339) Dual electrode configuration Gallopamil Atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia; Catheter abla- Exercise testing; Stable angina (Vilchez, F.G. (37) 91) tion (Chen, S.-A. (37) 51) Heart Dynamic obstruction to left ventricular outflow Percussion; Physical examination (Karnegis, J.N. (37) 361) Myocardial ischemia; Angioplasty (Martinez-Useros, C. (37) 165) Heart failure Serum cortisol; Creatine kinase; Myocardial infarction; Prog- Echocardiography ¥ nosis (Bain, R.J.1. (37) 145) Mycotic aneurysm (Ozkutlu, S. (37) 112) Calcitonin gene-related peptide; Vasodilator (Stevenson, R.N. Mitral stenosis; Valvotomy (Prasad, K. (37) 247) (37) 407) Atrioventricular defect; Surgical repair; Sequelae, Shunt Heart transplantation (Chirillo, F. (37) 263) Right ventricular function; Thermodilution; Coronary artery disease (Burger, W. (37) 155) Thymoma; Pericardial effusion (Chow, W.-H. (37) 268) Heat stroke Tetralogy of Fallot; Surgery (Saraglar, M. (37) 329) Cardiac abnormality (Al-Harthi, S.S. (37) 151) Elastase Hydrochlorothiazide Polymorphonuclear leukocyte; Stable angina; Exercise; Super- Hypertension; Treatment (Stein, C.M. (37) 241) oxide (Guarnieri, C. (37) 301) Enalapril Hypercoagulable state Acute myocardial infarction; Angiotensin-converting enzyrne Mural thrombus; Endomyocardial fibrosis (Siwach, S.B. (37) inhibitor; Exercise; Hyperkalemia (Frost, L. (37) 401) 273) Endocarditis Hyperkalemia Floppy mitral valve; Rheumatic heart disease; Mitral incom- Acute myocardial infarction; Angiotensin-converting enzyme petence (Agozzino, L. (37) 79) inhibitor; Enalapril; Exercise (Frost, L. (37) 401) Endomyocardial fibrosis Hypertension Mural thrombus; Hypercoagulable state (Siwach, S.B. (37) Treatment; Hydrochlorothiazide (Stein, C.M. (37) 241) 273) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Epicardial tumor Myocardial bridging; Syncope (Achrafi, H. (37) 111) Cardiac surgery; Lipoma (Eng, J. (37) 116) Hypertrophy Exercise Coronary circulation; Regression; Isolated heart; Aortic con- Polymorphonuclear leukocyte; Stable angina; Superoxide; striction (Sato, F. (37) 131) Elastase (Guarnieri, C. (37) 301) Hypoplastic right ventricle Acute myocardial infarction; Angiotensin-converting enzyme Pulmonary stenosis; Cyanotic heart disease (Prasad, K. (37) inhibitor; Enalapril; Hyperkalemia (Frost, L. (37) 401) 270) 442 Ibopamine Mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure Congestive heart failure; Dopaminergic agent (Van Veldhui- Continuous wave Doppler echocardiography; Left atrial pres- sen, D.J. (37) 293) sure; Cardiac catheterization; Mitral regurgitation (Ge, Z. (37) 253) m-['3{Jiodobenzylg scintigraphy Mitral valve prolapse (Henneke, K.H. (37) 389) Mechanoelectrical association Pressure-related ectopy; Contraction-excitation feedback Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (Sideris, D.A. (37) 365) Ablation; Radiofrequency current; Ventricular tachycardia (Jordaens, L. (37) 118) Mechanoreceptor Tetralogy of Fallot; Cyanosis; Syncope (Kothari, $.S. (37) 1) Insulin Microalbuminuria; Blood pressure; Obesity; Lipids; Cardio- Microalbuminuria vascular disease (Woo, J. (37) 345) Insulin; Blood pressure; Obesity; Lipids; Cardiovascular dis- ease (Woo, J. (37) 345) Internal mammary artery Coronary artery bypass surgery; Doppler echography (Krijne, Mitral incompetence R. (37) 61) Floppy mitral valve; Rheumatic heart disease; Endocarditis (Agozzino, L. (37) 79) Intimal dissection Acute closure; Autoperfusion balloon (De Muinck, E.D. (37) Mitral regurgitation 317) Continuous wave Doppler echocardiography; Left atrial pres- sure; Cardiac catheterization; Mean pulmonary capillary Intra-atrial catheter mapping wedge pressure (Ge, Z. (37) 253) Prolonged and fractionated atrial electrogram; Sinus node dysfunction; Atrial muscle abnormality (Centurion, O.A. (37) Mitral stenosis 41) Mitral valvuloplasty (Martinez, E.E. (37) 7) Isolated heart Echocardiography; Valvotomy (Prasad, K. (37) 247) Coronary circulation; Hypertrophy; Regression; Aortic con- striction (Sato, F. (37) 131) Mitral valve prolapse m-{'*TJiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy (Henneke, K.H. (37) Left atrial pressure 389) Continuous wave Doppler echocardiography; Cardiac catheterization; Mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; Mitral regurgitation (Ge, Z. (37) 253) Mitral valvuloplasty Mitral sterosis (Martinez, E.E. (37) 7) Left ventricular function Obesity (Licata, G. (37) 233) Mural thrombus Hypercoagulable state; Endomyocardial fibrosis (Siwach, S.B. Legionnaires’ disease (37) 273) Myocarditis (Armengol, S. (37) 418) Mycotic aneurysm r Lipids Echocardiography (Ozkutlu, S. (37) 112) Microalbuminuria; Insulin; Blood pressure; Obesity; Cardio- vascular disease (Woo, J. (37) 345) Myocardial biopsy Time interval Te; Allograft rejection (Park, J.-W. (37) 351) Lipoma Cardiac surgery; Epicardial tumor (Eng, J. (37) 116) Myocardial bridging Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; Syncope (Achrafi, H. (37) 111) Longitudinal Blood pressure; Nigerian women; Pregnancy; Caucasian Myocardial infarction women (Okonofua, F.E. (37) 373) Serum cortisol; Creatine kinase; Heart failure; Prognosis (Bain, R.J.I. (37) 145) Lung function tests P Atrial septal defect (Sulc, J. (37) 15) Thrombolysis; Chinese patients (Woo, K.S. (37) 169) Myocardial infarction during sport Polymorphonuclear leukocyte (Ciampricotti, R. (37) 121) Stable angina; Exercise; Superoxide; Elastase (Guarnieri, C. (37) 301) Myocardial ischemia Dynamic obstruction to left ventricular outflow; Angioplasty Pregnancy (Martinez-Useros, C. (37) 165) Blood pressure; Nigerian women; Caucasian women; Longitu- dinal (Okonofua, F.E. (37) 373) Myocardial necrosis Radiofrequency energy; Catheter ablation; Phase angle (Hoff- Pressure-related ectopy mann, E. (37) 213) Mechanoelectrical association; Contraction-excitation feed- back (Sideris, D.A. (37) 365) Myocardial potassium Water distribution; Sorbitol; Na*-K* ATPase (Regan, T.J. Primary cardiac manifestation (37) 309) Burkitt’s lymphoma (Zyssman, I. (37) 421) Myocarditis Prodromal symptoms Legionnaires’ disease (Armengol, S. (37) 418) Acute myocardial infarction; Q wave infarction; Non-Q wave infarction; Unstable angina (Murphy, J.J. (37) 189) Na*-K* ATPase Myocardial potassium; Water distribution; Sorbitol (Regan, Prognosis T.J. (37) 309) Serum cortisol; Creatine kinase; Myocardial infarction; Heart failure (Bain, R.J.I. (37) 145) Nigerian women Blood pressure; Pregnancy; Caucasian women; Longitudinal Prolonged and fractionated atrial electrogram (Okonofua, F.E. (37) 373) Intra-atrial catheter mapping; Sinus node dysfunction; Atrial muscle abnormality (Centurion, O.A. (37) 41) Non-Q wave infarction Acute myocardial infarction; Q wave infarction; Prodromal Prostaglandin symptoms; Unstable angina (Murphy, J.J. (37) 189) Diltiazem; Silent ischemia; Bradykinin (Takase, B. (37) 177) Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia Pulmonary stenosis Antiarrhythmic drug treatment; Beta-blocker; Sotalol (Hohn- Hypoplastic right ventricle; Cyanotic heart disease (Prasad, K. loser, S.H. (37) 283) (37) 270) Obesity Pulmonary valve area Left ventricular function (Licata, G. (37) 233) Aortic valve area (Singh, B. (37) 73) Microalbuminuria; Insulin; Blood pressure; Lipids; Cardiovas- Q wave infarction cular disease (Woo, J. (37) 345) Acute myocardial infarction; Non-Q wave infarction; Prodro- mal symptoms; Unstable angina (Murphy, J.J. (37) 189) Percussion Heart; Physical examination (Karnegis, J.N. (37) 361) Radiofrequency Catheter ablation; Accessory atrioventricular pathway (Chen, Pericardial effusion S.-A. (37) 199) Thymoma; Echocardiography (Chow, W.-H. (37) 268) Radiofrequency current Persistent truncus arteriosus Ablation; Implantable cardioverter defibrillator; Ventricular Autopsy study; Congenital heart disease (Deshpande, J. (37) tachycardia (Jordaens, L. (37) 118) 395) Radiofrequency energy Phase angle Catheter ablation; Phase angle; Myocardial necrosis (Hoff- Radiofrequency energy; Catheter ablation; Myocardial necro- mann, E. (37) 213) sis (Hoffmann, E. (37) 213) Regression Physical examination Coronary circulation; Hypertrophy; Isolated heart; Aortic Heart; Percussion (Karnegis, J.N. (37) 361) constriction (Sato, F. (37) 131) 444 Resuscitation Surgical repair Thrombolysis; Complications (Weston, C.F.M. (37) 195) Atrioventricular defect; Sequelae, Shunt; Echocardiography (Chirillo, F. (37) 263) Rheumatic heart disease Floppy mitral valve; Endocarditis; Mitral incompetence Syncope (Agozzino, L. (37) 79) Tetralogy of Fallot; Cyanosis; Mechanoreceptor (Kothari, S.S. (37) 1) Right atrial thrombus Constrictive pericarditis (Priestley, K.A. (37) 266) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; Myocardial bridging (Achrafi, H. (37) 111) Right ventricular function Heart transplantation; Thermodilution; Coronary artery dis- Tetralogy of Fallot ease (Burger, W. (37) 155) Cyanosis; Syncope; Mechanoreceptor (Kothari, S.S. (37) 1) Sequelae, Shunt Surgery; Echocardiography (Saraclar, M. (37) 329) Atrioventricular defect; Surgical repair; Echocardiography (Chirillo, F. (37) 263) Cardiac catheterization (Cullen, S. (37) 337) Serum cortisol Thermodilution Creatine kinase; Myocardial infarction; Heart failure; Progno- Right ventricular function; Heart transplantation; Coronary sis (Bain, R.J.I. (37) 145) artery disease (Burger, W. (37) 155) Silent ischemia Thrombolysis Diltiazem; Bradykinin; Prostaglandin (Takase, B. (37) 177) Myocardial infarction; Chinese patients (Woo, K.S. (37) 169) Sinus node dysfunction Resuscitation; Complications (Weston, C.F.M. (37) 195) Intra-atrial catheter mapping; Prolonged and fractionated atrial electrogram; Atrial muscle abnormality (Centurion, O.A. (37) 41) Thymoma Pericardial effusion; Echocardiography (Chow, W.-H. (37) 268) Sorbitol Myocardial potassium; Water distribution; Na*-K* ATPase (Regan, T.J. (37) 309) Time interval Te Myocardial biopsy; Allograft rejection (Park, J.-W. (37) 351) Sotalol Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia; Antiarrhythmic drug Treatment treatment; Beta-blocker (Hohnloser, S.H. (37) 283) Hypertension; Hydrochlorothiazide (Stein, C.M. (37) 241) Stable angina 4 Ultrasonic Doppler method Gallopamil; Exercise testing (Vilchez, F.G. (37) 91) Bjork-Shiley prosthesis; Velocity profile (Henneke, K.H. (37) 381) Polymorphonuclear leukocyte; Exercise; Superoxide; Elastase (Guarnieri, C. (37) 301) Unstable angina Acute myocardial infarction; Q wave infarction; Non-Q wave Steroid elution infarction; Prodromal symptoms (Murphy, J.J. (37) 189) Ventricular pacing (Rhoden, W.E. (37) 209) Valvotomy Stress testing Mitral stenosis; Echocardiography (Prasad, K. (37) 247) Dipyridamole; Atrioventricular block (Arrigo, F. (37) 415) Variant angina Superoxide Acute severe ischemia; Ventricular arrhythmia; Ca antagonist Polymorphonuclear leukocyte; Stable angina; Exercise; Elas- (Okino, H. (37) 23) tase (Guarnieri, C. (37) 301) Vasodilator Surgery Calcitonin gene-related peptide; Heart failure (Stevenson, Tetralogy of Fallot; Echocardiography (Saraglar, M. (37) 329) R.N. (37) 407) Velocity profile Ventricular tachycardia Ultrasonic Doppler method; Bjérk-Shiley prosthesis (Hen- Ablation; Implantable cardioverter defibrillator; Radiofre- neke, K.H. (37) 381) quency current (Jordaens, L. (37) 118) Ventricular arrhythmia Acute severe ischemia; Variant angina; Ca antagonist (Okino, Vitamin E H. (37) 23) Cardiopulmonary bypass; Free radical (Barsacchi, R. (37) 339) Ventricular pacing Steroid elution (Rhoden, W.E. (37) 209) Water distribution Myocardial potassium; Sorbitol; Na-K * ATPase (Regan, T.J. Ventricular relaxation (37) 309) Ankylosing spondylitis; Diastolic dysfunction; Doppler echocardiography (Sun, J.P. (37) 65) International Journal of Cardiology, 37 (1992) 446-450 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 0167-5273 /92/$05.00 Author Index Volume 37 Achrafi, H. Biagini, A., see Barsacchi, R. (37) 339 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and myocardial bridging (37) Bilgic, A., see Ozkutlu, S. (37) 112 111 Bobbio, M. Agozzino, L., Falco, A., De Vivo, F., De Vincentiis, C., Letter to the Editor (37) 127 De Luca T.S., L., Esposito, S. and Cotrufo, M. Botker, H.E., see Frost, L. (37) 401 Surgical pathology of the mitral valve: gross and histologi- Bottcher, M., see Frost, L. (37) 401 cal study of 1288 surgically excised valves (37) 79 Bozer, A.Y., see Saraclar, M. (37) 329 Akhter, J., see Al-Harthi, S.S. (37) 151 Branzi, A., see Guarnieri, C. (37) 301 Al-Arfaj, H., see Al-Harthi, S.S. (37) 151 Buffet, P., Danchin, N., Juilliere, Y., Feldmann, L., Marie, Al-Harthi, S.S., Nouh, M.S., Al-Arfaj, H., Qaraquish, A., P.Y., Selton-Suty, C., Anconina, J. and Cherrier, F. Akhter, J. and Nouh, R.M. Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in pa- Non-invasive evaluation of cardiac abnormalities in heat tients more than 75 years old: early and long-term results stroke pilgrims (37) 151 (37) 33 Alaimo, G., see Licata, G. (37) 233 Burger, W., Hartmann, A., Herholz, C., Hummel, B., Olbrich, Allroggen, H., see Burger, W. (37) 155 H.-G., Allroggen, H., Cieslinski, G., Krause, E., Satter, P., Amiengheme, N.A., see Okonofua, F.E. (37) 373 Kaltenbach, M. and Kober, G. Anconina, J., see Buffet, P. (37) 33 Right ventricular volumes and hemodynamics after suc- Andrade, J.L., see Martinez, E.E. (37) 7 cessful orthotopic heart transplantation. A comparison to Angellini, J., see Martinez, E.E. (37) 7 coronary artery disease using thermodilution (37) 155 Arima, S.-i., see Okino, H. (37) 23 Armengol, S., Domingo, C. and Mesalles, E. Caldarera, I., see Guarnieri, C. (37) 301 Myocarditis: a rare complication during Legionella infec- Calvo, J.R., see Vilchez, F.G. (37) 91 tion (37) 418 Cantor, A., see Zyssman, I. (37) 421 Arrigo, F., Patané, S$. and Quattrocchi, G. Carvalho, A.C., see Martinez, E.E. (37) 7 Arrhythmias during dipyridamole test. Report of 3 cases Centurion, O.A., Fukatani, M., Konoe, A., Tanigawa, M., (37) 415 Shimizu, A., Isomoto, S., Kadena, M. and Hashiba, K. Avery, P., see Weston, C.F.M. (37) 195 Electrophysiological abnormalities of the atrial muscle in patients with sinus node dysfunction without tachyarrhyth- Bachmann, K., see Henneke, K.H. (37) 381 mias (37) 41 Bachmann, K., see Henneke, K.H. (37) 389 Cervi, V., see Guarnieri, C. (37) 301 Bahler, R.C., see Sun, J.P. (37) 65 Chan, A., see Woo, J. (37) 345 Bain, R.J.I., Fox, J.P., Jagger, J., Davies, M.K., Littler, W.A. Chang, M.-S., see Chen, S.-A. (37) 199 and Murray, R.G. Chang, M.-S., see Chen, S.-A. (37) 51 Serum cortisol levels predict infarct size and patient mor- Chen, J.-W., see Chen, S.-A. (37) 199 tality (37) 145 Chen, S.-A., Tsang, W.-P., Hsia, C.-P., Wang, D.-C., Chiang, Balogun, J.A., see Okonofua, F.E. (37) 373 C.-E., Yeh, H.-I., Chen, J.-W., Ting, C.-T., Chiou, C.-W., Baroni, M., see Barsacchi, R. (37) 339 Kong, C.-W., Wang, S.-P., Chiang, B.N. and Chang, M.-S. Barros, T.L., see Martinez, E.E. (37) 7 Radiofrequency catheter ablation for treatment of Wolff- Barsacchi, R., Pelosi, G., Maffei, S., Baroni, M., Salvatore, L., Parkinson-White syndrome - short- and long-term follow- Ursini, F., Verunelli, F. and Biagini, A. up (37) 199 Myocardial vitamin E is consumed during cardiopul- Chen, S.-A., Tsang, W.-P., Yeh, H.-I., Wang, T.-C., Hsia, monary bypass: indirect evidence of free radical genera- C.-P., Ting, C.-T., Kong, C.-W., Wang, S.-P., Chiang, B.N. tion in human ischemic heart (37) 339 and Chang, M.-S. Baysal, K., see Saraclar, M. (37) 329 Reappraisal of electrical cure of atrioventricular nodal Bennett, D.H., see Rhoden, W.E. (37) 209 reentrant tachycardia — lessons from a modified catheter Beyer-Mears, A., see Regan, T.J. (37) 309 ablation technique (37) 51 Cherrier, F., see Buffet, P. (37) 33 Falco, A., see Agozzino, L. (37) 79 Cheung, R., see Woo, J. (37) 345 Fan, D., see Ge, Z. (37) 253 Chiang, B.N., see Chen, S.-A. (37) 199 Farhat, A.Z., see Sun, J.P. (37) 65 Chiang, B.N., see Chen, S.-A. (37) 51 Feistel, H., see Henneke, K.H. (37) 389 Chiang, C.-E., see Chen, S.-A. (37) 199 Feldmann, L., see Buffet, P. (37) 33 Chiou, C.-W., see Chen, S.-A. (37) 199 Fox, J.P., see Bain, R.J.I. (37) 145 Chirillo, F., Totis, O. and Cuzzato, V. Frost, L., Bottcher, M., Botker, H.E., Kristensen, $.D. and Left-atrium-to-right-ventricle shunting after surgery for Norgaard, A. atrioventricular septal defect: an unusual sequel detected Enalapril and exercise-induced hyperkalemia. A study of by transesophageal echocardiography (37) 263 patients randomized to double-blind treatment with Chiu, S.-W., see Chow, W.-H. (37) 268 enalapril or placebo after acute myocardial infarction (37) Chow, T.-C., see Chow, W.-H. (37) 268 401 Chow, W.-H., Chow, T.-C. and Chiu, S.-W. Fukatani, M., see Centurion, O.A. (37) 41 Pericardial metastasis and effusion as the initial manifesta- Fusilli, L.D., see Regan, T.J. (37) 309 tion of malignant thymoma: identification by cross-sec- tional echocardiography (37) 268 Galve Basilio, E., see Martinez-Useros, C. (37) 165 Chung, H.K., see Woo, K.S. (37) 169 Ge, Z., Zhang, Y., Fan, D., Zhang, M. and Duran, C.M.G. Ciampricotti, R. and Taverne, R. Simultaneous measurement of left atrial pressure by Recurrent acute myocardial infarction during sport (37) Doppler echocardiography and catheterization (37) 253 121 Girbes, A.R.J., see Van Veldhuisen, D.J. (37) 293 Cieslinski, G., see Burger, W. (37) 155 Gokel, M., see Hoffmann, E. (37) 213 Gil, E., see Saraglar, M. (37) 329 Guarnieri, C., Melandri, G., Caldarera, I., Cervi, V., Sem- Cockram, C.S., see Woo, J. (37) 345 prini, F. and Branzi, A. Connell, P.A., see Murphy, J.J. (37) 189 Spontaneous superoxide generation by polymorphonuclear Cotrufo, M., see Agozzino, L. (37) 79 leukocytes isolated from patients with stable angina after Cullen, S. and Redington, A. physical exercise (37) 301 Editorial comment: tetralogy of Fallot (37) 337 Cuzzato, V., see Chirillo, F. (37) 263 Haberl, R., see Hoffmann, E. (37) 213 Halperin, J.L., see Rosenthal, M.S. (37) 277 Danchin, N., see Buffet, P. (37) 33 Hartmann, A., see Burger, W. (37) 155 Davies, M.K., see Bain, R.J.I. (37) 145 Hashiba, K., see Centurion, O.A. (37) 41 De Graeff, P.A., see Van Veldhuisen, D.J. (37) 293 Heinrich, K.-W., see Krijne, R. (37) 61 De Luca T.S., L., see Agozzino, L. (37) 79 Heinrich, K.W., see Park, J.-W. (37) 351 Demircin, M., see Saraglar, M. (37) 329 Henneke, K.H., Melling, A., Wang, Z., Durst, F., Kunkel, B. De Muinck, E.D., Van Dijk, R.B., Den Heijer, P., Meeder, and Bachmann, K. J.G. and Lie, K.1. Assessment of spatial and temporal velocity profiles distal Autoperfusion balloon catheter for complicated coronary of normally functioning Bjork-Shiley prosthesis by the angioplasty: a prospective study with retrospective controls Doppler method (37) 381 (37) 317 Henneke, K.H., Pongratz, G., Feistel, H., Kunkel, B., Wolf, F. Deng, M., see Park, J.-W. (37) 351 and Bachmann, K. Den Heijer, P., see De Muinck, E.D. (37) 317 Assessment of cardiac adrenergic supply in mitral valve De Paola, A.A., see Martinez, E.E. (37) 7 prolapse using m-[!Iiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy Desai, M., see Deshpande, J. (37) 395 (37) 389 Deshpande, J., Desai, M. and Kinare, S. Herholz, C., see Burger, W. (37) 155 Persistent truncus arteriosus — an autopsy study of 16 Hetzer, R., see Park, J.-W. (37) 351 cases (37) 395 Hoffmann, E., Haberl, R., Pulter, R., Gokel, M. and Stein- De Vincentiis, C., see Agozzino, L. (37) 79 beck, G. De Vivo, F., see Agozzino, L. (37) 79 Biophysical parameters of radiofrequency catheter abla- Dichiara, M.A., see Licata, G. (37) 233 tion (37) 213 Domingo, C., see Armengol, S. (37) 418 Hohnloser, S.H., Zabel, M., Van de Loo, A., Klingenheben, Dua, A., see Siwach, S.B. (37) 273 T. and Just, H. Duran, C.M.G., see Ge, Z. (37) 253 Efficacy and safety of sotalol in patients with complex Durst, F., see Henneke, K.H. (37) 381 ventricular arrhythmias (37) 283 H6ltgen, R., see Krijne, R. (37) 61 Eng, J., Ruiz, K. and Kay, P.H. Hsia, C.-P., see Chen, S.-A. (37) 199 Giant epicardial lipoma (37) 116 Hsia, C.-P., see Chen, S.-A. (37) 51 Esposito, S., see Agozzino, L. (37) 79 Hummel, B., see Burger, W. (37) 155 448 Indovina, A., see Licata, G. (37) 233 Maffei, S., see Barsacchi, R. (37) 339 Insa, R. and Sol, J.M. Mak, Y.K., see Woo, K.S. (37) 169 Letter to the Editor (37) 125 Marie, P.Y., see Buffet, P. (37) 33 Isomoto, S., see Centurion, O.A. (37) 41 Martin-Duran, R., see Vilchez, F.G. (37) 91 Isoyama, S., see Sato, F. (37) 131 Martinez, E.E., Barros, T.L., Santos, D.V., Carvalho, A.C., De Paola, A.A., Andrade, J.L., Angellini, J., Lima, V.C., Roberti, R.R., Portugal, O.P. and Sherman, W. Jagger, J., see Bain, R.J.I. (37) 145 Cardiopulmonary exercise testing early after catheter-bal- Jordaens, L., Vertongen, P. and Provenier, F. loon mitral valvuloplasty in patients with mitral stenosis Radiofrequency ablation of incessant ventricular tachycar- (37) 7 dia to prevent multiple defibrillator shocks (37) 118 Martinez-Useros, C., Galve Basilio, E. and Oller Cid, G. Juilliere, Y., see Buffet, P. (37) 33 Acute myocardial ischemia resulting in dynamic obstruc- Julinek, J., see Meluzin, J. (37) 101 tion to the left ventricular outflow relieved by successful Just, H., see Hohnloser, $.H. (37) 283 angioplasty (37) 165 Maruyama, T., see Takase, B. (37) 177 Kadena, M., see Centurion, O.A. (37) 41 Marx, R., see Krijne, R. (37) 61 Kadri, N., see Karnegis, J.N. (37) 361 Meeder, J.G., see De Muinck, E.D. (37) 317 Kaltenbach, M., see Burger, W. (37) 155 Melandri, G., see Guarnieri, C. (37) 301 Karnegis, J.N. and Kadri, N. Melling, A., see Henneke, K.H. (37) 381 Accuracy of percussion of the left cardiac border (37) 361 Meluzin, J., Stejfa, M., Novak, M., Zeman, K., Spinarova, Bs, Kay, P.H., see Eng, J. (37) 116 Julinek, J., Toman, J. and Simek, P. Khan, M.A., see Sun, J.P. (37) 65 Amlodipine in patients with stable angina pectoris treated Kinare, S., see Deshpande, J. (37) 395 with nitrates and beta-blockers. The influence on exercise Klingenheben, T., see Hohnloser, S.H. (37) 283 tolerance, systolic and diastolic functions of the left ventri- Kober, G., see Burger, W. (37) 155 cle (37) 101 Kodaira, T., see Takase, B. (37) 177 Merlino, G., see Licata, G. (37) 233 Kong, C.-W., see Chen, S.-A. (37) 199 Mesalles, E., see Armengol, S. (37) 418 Kong, C.-W., see Chen, S.-A. (37) 51 Meyer, T., see Zyssman, I. (37) 421 Konoe, A., see Centurion, O.A. (37) 41 Mizuno, K., see Takase, B. (37) 177 Kontoyannis, A., see Sideris, D.A. (37) 365 Mohan, J.C., see Singh, B. (37) 73 Kothari, S.S. Moulopoulos, S.D., see Sideris, D.A. (37) 365 Mechanism of cyanotic spells in tetralogy of Fallot — the Murphy, J.J. and Connell, P.A. missing link? (37) 1 Prodromal chest pains: clues to the pathogenesis of non-Q Krause, E., see Burger, W. (37) 155 wave acute myocardial infarction? (37) 189 Krijne, R., Lyttwin, R.M., Héltgen, R., Heinrich, K.-W., Marx, Murray, R.G., see Bain, R.J.I. (37) 145 R. and Sons, H. Combined two-dimensional and Doppler echographic ex- Nagayoshi, H., see Takase, B. (37) 177 amination of internal mammary artery grafts from the Nakamura, H., see Takase, B. (37) 177 supraclavicular fossa (37) 61 Nakao, S., see Okino, H. (37) 23 Kristensen, $.D., see Frost, L. (37) 401 Neill, P., see Stein, C.M. (37) 241 Kunkel, B., see Henneke, K.H. (37) 381 Nisioka, T., see Takase, B. (37) 177 Kunkel, B., see Henneke, K.H. (37) 389 Norgaard, A., see Frost, L. (37) 401 Kurita, A., see Takase, B. (37) 177 Nouh, M.S., see Al-Harthi, S.S. (37) 151 Kusemamuriwo, T., see Stein, C.M. (37) 241 Nouh, R.M., see Al-Harthi, S.S. (37) 151 Novak, M., see Meluzin, J. (37) 101 Lau, E., see Woo, J. (37) 345 Licata, G., Scaglione, R., Paterna, S., Parrinello, G., Indovina, O’Brien, S.P.M., see Okonofua, F.E. (37) 373 A., Dichiara, M.A., Alaimo, G. and Merlino, G. Okino, H., Arima, S.-i., Yamaguchi, H., Nakao, S. and Tanaka, Left ventricular function response to exercise in nor- H. motensive obese subjects: influence of degree and dura- Marked alternans of the elevated ST segment during oc- tion of obesity (37) 233 clusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery in Lie, K.I., see De Muinck, E.D. (37) 317 percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty: clinical Lie, K.1., see Van Veldhuisen, D.J. (37) 293 background and electrocardiographic features (37) 23 Lima, V.C., see Martinez, E.E. (37) 7 Okonofua, F.E., Balogun, J.A.,. Amiengheme, N.A. and Littler, W.A., see Bain, R.J.I. (37) 145 O’Brien, S.P.M. Llewellyn, M.J., see Rhoden, W.E. (37) 209 Blood pressure changes during pregnancy in Nigerian Lyttwin, R.M., see Krijne, R. (37) 61 women (37) 373

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