Index 2002-2003 ARTICLES BOTHWELL, ROBERT. Canada-United States relations: options for the 1970s (winter) 65 BOUTILIER, JAMES A. The Canadian Navy and the new naval environ- ment in Asia (winter) 181 BRECHER, IRVING. In defence of preventive war: a Canadian’s perspec- tive (Summer) 253 BUTLER, MICHAEL J. & MARK A. BOYER. Bosnian peacekeeping and EU tax harmony: evolving policy frames and changing policy processes (spring) 389 BYERS, MICHAEL. Canadian armed forces under United States com- mand (winter) 89 CHAPNICK, ADAM. The Ottawa process revisited: aggressive unilateral- ism in the post-Cold War world (summer) 281 COHEN, ANDREW. Seize the day (winter) 139 CULPEPER, ROY, DAVID EMELIFEONWU & LUIGI SCARPA DE MASELLIS. Architecture without blueprints: opportunities and challenges for the new prime minister in international development policy (autumn) 667 DAUDELIN, JEAN. Foreign policy at the fringe: Canada and Latin America (autumn) 637 FLICKER, CHARLES. Next year in Jerusalem: Joe Clark and the Jerusalem embassy affair (winter) 115 FRASER, JOHN M. Serbia and Montenegro: how much sovereignty? What kind of association? (spring) 373 GAGNE, GILBERT. The Canada-US softwood lumber dispute: a test case for the development of international trade rules (summer) 335 GRIFFITHS, FRANKLYN. The shipping news: Canada’s Arctic sovereignty not on thinning ice (spring) 257 HAGLUND, DAVID G. “Are we the isolationists?” North American isola- tionism in a comparative context (winter) | HART, MICHAEL. Lessons from Canada’s history as a trading nation (winter) 25 Autumn 2003 HARVEY, FRANK P. The future of strategic stability and nuclear deter- ence (spring) 321 HUEBERT, ROB. The shipping news part Il: how Canada’s Arctic sover- eignty is on thinning ice (summer) 295 LINDSEY, GEORGE. Potential contributions by the Canadian Armed Forces to the defence of North America against terrorism: the importance of overhead surveillance (summer) 309 LO, JAMES. Nuclear deterrence in south Asia: theory and practice (sum- mer) 395 LOCHER, ANNA & CHRISTIAN NUENLIST. Reinventing NATO: Canada and the multilateralization of détente, 1962-1966 (spring) 283 LONG, DAVID. Transatlantic relations and Canadian foreign policy (autumn) 59] MUNTON, DON. Whither internationalism? (winter) 155 POTTER, EVAN. Canada and the new public diplomacy (winter) 43 ROSS, DOUGLAS A. Foreign policy challenges for Paul Martin: Canada’s international security policy in an era of American hyperpower and continental vulnerability (autumn) 533 ROUSSEL, STEPHANE. “Honey, are you still mad at me? I’ve changed, you know...”: Canada-US relations in a post—Saddam/post- Chrétien era (autumn) 571 SANCHEZ, OMAR. The sanctions malaise: the case of Cuba (spring) 347 SLOAN, ELINOR. Beyond primacy: American grand strategy in the post—September I Tera (spring) 303 STAIRS, DENIS. Challenges and opportunities for Canadian foreign pol- icy in the Paul Martin era (autumn) 481 STAIRS, DENIS. Myths, morals, and reality in Canadian foreign policy (spring) 239 VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, JANIS. How (not) to sell big ideas: argument, identity and NEPAD (summer) 369 VIPOND, ROBERT. We all lost the Iraq War: reflections of aC anadian Fulbrighter in America (summer) 239 WATSON, WILLIAM. Memo to Prime Minister Paul Martin (autumn) 507 WOO, YUEN PAU. The re-emergence of the re-emergence of Asia and its implications for Canada-Asia relations (autumn) 615 750 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAI Autumn 2003 ESSAYS DE LOURDES DIECK-ASSAD, MARIA. Js there a NAFTA plus? (summer) 433 DODGE, DAVID. Economic integration in North America (summer) 419 HANDELMAN, STEPHEN. Whose border is it, anyway? Rethinking North America’s defences, from smart borders to smart missiles (summer) 455 HARPER, TIM. US ambassador Paul Cellucci (autumn) 711 HILL, CHARLES. Remembering—and defending—the international states system (autumn) 701 KINGSTON, PAUL. Avoiding globalization? The political economy of development in the Middle East and north Africa (winter) 201 MAXWELL, JUDITH. What do Canadians want in North America? Coming of age in Canada (summer) 429 MCDOUGALL, BARBARA. Foreword (autumn) 477 MCGOWAN, DAVID. The prospects of a North American project: an introduction (summer) 415 PERCY, SARAH. This gun’s for hire: a new look at an old issue (autumn) PA WESTELL, ANTHONY. What kind of North America do Canadians want? (summer) 443 YUSSUFF, HASSAN. Sovereignty or standard of living? (summer) 447 REVIEWS ANDREWS, DAVID M., C. RANDALL HENNING AND LOUIS W. PAULY, eds. Governing the World’ Moneyb y Nicholas Bayne (summer) 471 BARKER, JONATHAN. 7he No-Nonsense Guide to Terrorism by Lee-Anne Broadhead (summer) 473 BOOTH, KEN AND TIM DUNNE, eds. Worlds in Collision: Terror and the Future of the Global Orderb y Beth Fischer (winter) 224 BORSTELMANN, THOMAS. The Cold War and the Color Line: Race Relations in the Global Arena by Toby Zanin (winter) 235 BRENNER, MICHAEL AND GUILLAUME PARMENTIER. Reconcilable Differences: U.S.—French Relations in the New Era by David G. Haglund (winter) 228 Autumn 2003 751 BURGAT, FRANCOIS. Face to Face with Political Islam by Louis A. Delvoie (summer) 474 CAMERON, DAVID R. AND JANICE GROSS STEIN, eds. Street Protests and Fantasy Parks: Globalization, Culture, and the State by Walter C. Soderlund (winter) 220 COHEN, ANDREW. While Canada Slept: How We Lost Our Place in the World by Robert Bothwell (spring) 420 COOPER, ANDREW E., JOHN ENGLISH AND RAMESH THAKUR, eds. Enhancing Global Governance: Towards a New Diplomacy by Chandra Lekha Sriram (winter) 222 DONAGHY, GREG. Tolerant Allies: Canada and the United States 1963- 1968 by W. Thomas (spring) 418 DRAGOVIC-SOSO, JASNA. Saviours of the Nation: Serbias Intellectual Opposition and the Revival of Nationalism by John M. Fraser (spring) 429 FATTON JR., ROBERT. Haitis Predatory Republic: The Unending Transition to Democracy by Roy Thomas (summer) 467 FEIGENBAUM, EVAN A. China’ Techno-Warriors: National Security and Strategic Competition from the Nuclear to the Information Age by Michael Szonyi (autumn) 737 GARRETON, MANUEL ANTONIO AND EDWARD NEWMAN, eds. (Re) Constructing Political Society by Ana Maria Bergarano (winter) 233 GRIFFITHS, ANN L., ed. The Canadian Forces and Interoperability: Panacea or Perditionb? y Joseph R. Nunez (spring) 417 HELLEINER, ERIC. The Making of National Money: Territorial Currencies in Historical Perspectiveb y Francine McKenzie (autumn) 738 HENRY, CLEMENT M. AND ROBERT SPRINGBORG. Globalization and the Politics of Development in the Middle East by Marie-Joélle Zahar (spring) 422 HITCHCOCK, WILLIAM |. The Struggle for Europe: The History of a Divided Continent 1945-2002 by Margaret MacMillan (spring) 425 HOCKING, BRIAN AND DAVID SPENCE, eds. Foreign Ministries in the European Union: Integrating Diplomats by Greg Donaghy (summer) 469 752 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAI Autumn 2003 IVANOV, IGOR S$. The New Russian Diplomacy by Anne Leahy (winter) 237 JOB, CVIJETO. Yugoslavia’ Run: The Bloody Lessons of Nationalism: A Patriots Warning by John M. Fraser (winter) 226 LACKENBAUER, P. WHITNEY, ed. An Inside Look at External Affairs During the Trudeau Years: The Memoirs of Mark MacGuigan by Robert Bothwell (winter) 216 LARMOUR, PETER AND NICK WOLANIN, eds. Corruption and Anti- Corruption by Wesley Cragg (winter) 223 LEBOR, ADAM. Milosevic: A Biographyb y John M. Fraser (spring) 427 , BERNARD. What Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response by Louis A. Delvoie (winter) 230 MACMILLAN, MARGARET AND FRANCINE MCKENZIE, eds. Parties Long Estranged: Canada and Australia in the Twentieth Century by John Hilliker (summer) 465 MARKESINIS, B.S., ed. The British Contribution to the Europe of the Twenty-First Century by John Sutcliffe (winter) 227 MGBEOJI, IKECHI. Collective Insecurity: The Liberian crisis, unilateralism, and global order by Peter Arthur (autumn) 743 \MICHI. State Power and Multinational Oil Corporations: The oo: ; ; ; ; Political Economy of Market Intervention in Canada and Japan by Daizo Sakurada (winter) 219 NARINE, SHAUN. Explaining ASEAN: Regionalism in southeast Asia by David ( apie (summer) 47 RICHTER, ANDREW. Avoiding Armageddon: Canadian Militar) Strategy and Nuclear Weapons, 1950-63 by Patricia McMahon (winter) 213 RIPSMAN, NORRIN M. Peacemaking by Democracies: The Effect of State Autonomy on the Post—Cold War Settlements by David A. Welch (spring) 423 SLOAN, ELINOR C. The Revolution in Military Affairs: Implications for Canada and NATO by Dean F. Oliver (winter) 218 SODERLUND, WALTER C. Media Definitions of Cold War Reality by David Close (winter) 234 STOFFMAN, DANIEL. Who Gets In: Whats Wrong with Canadas Immigration System—and How to Fix It by Gerald Dirks (winter) 2D INTERNATIONAL JOURNAI Autumn 2003 = 753 rANGREDI, SAM J., ed. Globalization and Maritime Power by James A. Boutilier (autumn) 741 UNGER, JONATHAN, ed. The Nature of Chinese Politics: From Mao to Jiang by Fred Edwards (winter) 232 ZIMMERMAN, WARREN. First Great Triumph: How Five Americans Made Their Country A World Powerb y Toby Zanin (autumn) 740 REVIEWERS Arthur, Peter, (autumn) 743 Hilliker, John, (summer) 465 Bayne, Nicholas, (summer) 471 Leahy, Anne, (winter) 237 Berjarano, Ana Maria, (winter) MacMillan, Margaret, (spring) 233 425 Bothwell, Robert, (winter) 216, McKenzie, Francine, (autumn) (spring) 420 738 Boutilier, James A., (autumn) McMahon, Patricia, (winter) 74]\ 213 Broadhead, Lee-Anne, (summer) Nunez, Joseph R., (spring) 417 473 Oliver, Dean FE, (winter) 218 Capie, David, (summer) 472 Sakurada, Daizo, (winter) 219 Close, David, (winter) 234 Soderlund, Walter C., (winter) Cragg, Wesley, (winter) 223 220 Delvoie, Louis A., (winter) 230, Sriram, Chandra Lekha, (winter) (summer) 474 oe oe Dirks, Gerald, (winter) 215 Sutcliffe, John, (winter) 227 Donaghy, Greg, (summer) 469 Szonyi, Michael, (autumn) 737 Edwards, Fred, (winter) 232 Thomas, Roy, (summer) 467 Fischer, Beth, (winter) 224 Thomas, W., (spring) 418 Fraser, John M., (winter) 226, Welch, David A., (spring) 423 (spring) 427, (spring) 429 Zahar, Marie-Joélle, (spring) 422 Haglund, David G., (winter) Zanin, Toby, (winter) 235, 228 (autumn) 740 JOURNAI Autumn 2003