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International Handbook of Workplace Trauma Support PDF

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International Handbook of Workplace Trauma Support International Handbook of Workplace Trauma Support Edited by Rick Hughes, Andrew Kinder, and Cary L. Cooper Thiseditionfirstpublished2012 (cid:2)2012JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. Wiley-BlackwellisanimprintofJohnWiley&Sons,formedbythemergerofWiley’sglobal Scientific,TechnicalandMedicalbusinesswithBlackwellPublishing. RegisteredOffice JohnWiley&SonsLtd,TheAtrium,SouthernGate,Chichester,WestSussex,PO19 8SQ,UK EditorialOffices 350MainStreet,Malden,MA02148-5020,USA 9600GarsingtonRoad,Oxford,OX42DQ,UK TheAtrium,SouthernGate,Chichester,WestSussex,PO198SQ,UK Fordetailsofourglobaleditorialoffices,forcustomerservices,andforinformationabouthow toapplyforpermissiontoreusethecopyrightmaterialinthisbookpleaseseeourwebsiteat www.wiley.com/wiley-blackwell. TherightofRickHughes,AndrewKinderandCaryL.Coopertobeidentifiedastheauthors oftheeditorialmaterialinthisworkhasbeenassertedinaccordancewiththeUKCopyright, DesignsandPatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem, ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording orotherwise,exceptaspermittedbytheUKCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988, withoutthepriorpermissionofthepublisher. Designationsusedbycompaniestodistinguishtheirproductsareoftenclaimedastrademarks. Allbrandnamesandproductnamesusedinthisbookaretradenames,servicemarks, trademarksorregisteredtrademarksoftheirrespectiveowners.Thepublisherisnotassociated withanyproductorvendormentionedinthisbook.Thispublicationisdesignedtoprovide accurateandauthoritativeinformationinregardtothesubjectmattercovered.Itissoldonthe understandingthatthepublisherisnotengagedinrenderingprofessionalservices. Ifprofessionaladviceorotherexpertassistanceisrequired,theservicesofacompetent professionalshouldbesought. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationDataappliedfor AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. Wileyalsopublishesitsbooksinavarietyofelectronicformats.Somecontentthatappearsin printmaynotbeavailableinelectronicbooks. Setin10/12.5ptGalliardbyThomsonDigital,Noida,India 1 2012 Contents About the Editors ix List ofContributors xi A The Evolution and Development of Workplace Trauma Support 1 1 TheEvolution ofModels of Early Intervention for Adults: From Inspired Help Giving towardEvidence-based Pragmatism 3 Roderick J.Ørner 2 Evidence-basedTrauma Management for Organizations: Developments andProspects 17 Jo Rick and Rob Briner 3 Large-scale Trauma: Institutionalizing Pre- and Post-trauma Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment 30 Joyce A.Adkins and BryanM. Davidson 4 Commonalities and NewDirections in Post-trauma Support Interventions: From Pathology to the Promotion ofPost-traumaticGrowth 48 StephenRegel and Atle Dyregrov B The Legal and Business Imperatives to Manage Trauma Effectively 69 5 TheTrauma Impact on Organizations: Causes, Consequences, andRemedies 71 Ronald J.Burke vi Contents 6 ASSIST: A Model for Supporting Staff inSecureHealthcare Settings afterTraumatic Events That IsExpanding into OtherEuropean Territories 87 AnnetteGreenwood, CarolRooney, and Vittoria Ardino 7 SAV-T First:Managing Workplace Violence 105 Kate Calnan, E.K. Kelloway,and KathryneE. Dupre(cid:2) 8 TheOccupationalImplication of the ProlongedEffects of Repeated Exposureto Traumatic Stress 121 Alexander C. McFarlane 9 TheChallenge for EffectiveInterventions ina Violent Society: Boundaries and Crossovers betweenWorkplace and Community 139 MerleFriedman and Gerrit van Wyk 10 Adversity:Reconceptualizing the Post-trauma Response 154 Kevin Friery C New Understandings on Models of Trauma Support 165 11 TheRole and Natureof Early Intervention: TheEdinburgh Psychological First Aid andEarly InterventionPrograms 167 Chris Freemanand Patricia Graham 12 AnOrganizational Approach to the Management of Potential Traumatic Events: Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) – the Development of a Peer Support Process from the Royal Navy to the Police and Emergency Services 181 Neil Greenbergand Marilyn Wignall 13 Evidence-Based Support for Work-related Trauma: TheRoyalMail Group Experience 199 Jo Rick, Andrew Kinder,and StevenBoorman 14 TheDevelopmentof a Practice Research Network and Its Use in the Evaluationof the “Rewind” Treatment of Psychological Trauma in Different Settings 213 William Andrews and Scott Miller 15 TheEmergency Behaviour Officer (EBO):The Use of Accurate BehavioralInformation in Emergency Preparedness andResponse in Publicand Private Sector Settings 227 Mooli Lahad, Ruvie Rogel, and StevenCrimando 16 Trauma-related Dissociation inthe Workplace 240 Onno van der Hart,Xiao LuWang,and Roger M. Solomon Contents vii D The Theory and Practice of Post-trauma Support 257 17 Utilization of EMDR in the Treatment of Workplace Trauma 259 Roger Solomon and Isabel Fernandez 18 Trauma Inoculation: MindfulPreparation for the Unexpected 274 GordonTurnbull, Rebekah Lwin,and Stuart McNab 19 How Employee Assistance Programs(EAPs) Respond to Trauma Support andCritical Incident Management: An International Focus 295 Mandy Rutter 20 Training ResilienceforHigh-risk Environments: Towards a Strength-based Approach within the Military 313 Sylvie Boermans, Roos Delahaij, Hans Korteling, and MartinEuwema E The Organizational Response to Trauma Support 331 21 Preparing forandManaging Trauma within Organizations: How to Rehabilitate Employees Back to Work 333 Andrew Kinder and Jo Rick 22 Healing the TraumatizedOrganization: AnExploration of Post-trauma Recovery andGrowth in the Workplace Setting Using the Metaphor of the Nervous System as a Templateto Highlight Collective Learning 350 Tony Buckley and Alison Dunn 23 TheManagement of EmotionallyDisturbing Interventions in Fire and Rescue Services:PsychologicalTriageas a Framework for Acute Support 368 Erik L. J.L. De Soir 24 Working with TsunamiSurvivors in South India:The Problem Lies ina Four-letter Word 384 Sue Santi Iresonand Hash Patel 25 Turning Training into Reality: Considerations When Training Teams for Deployment to Disasters 401 Gail Rowntree and MarkAkerlund 26 Combating the Effectsof Post-traumatic Stress and Other Trauma Associated with theTheatre of War 416 Walter Busuttil viii Contents 27 Trauma Counseling and PsychologicalSupport in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) 436 XiaopingZhu,Zhen Wang, and Tony Buon 28 How Professionals can Help the Traumatized Organization 447 Pauline Rennie Peyton 29 Military Veterans’ Mental Health: Long-term Post-trauma Support Needs 458 Walter Busuttil 30 Post-trauma Support:Learning from the Past to Help Shapea Better Future 474 Rick Hughes, Andrew Kinder,and Cary Cooper Index 487 About the Editors RickHughesisLeadAdvisor,WorkplacefortheBritishAssociationforCounselling and Psychotherapy, the lead body for the therapeutic community in the United Kingdom with over 35000 members. Rick campaigns for, supports, and champions bestpracticeandeffectiveemployeesupportprovisionincludingtraumasupport.He hasworkedwithmostofthemajorUKemployeeassistanceprogram(EAP)providers. RickmanagedthetraumasupportforagroupofUKtrainoperatorswhilstemployedas a specialist at a major EAP provider. He has supported individuals, teams, and organizationsinarangeofcircumstancesincludingafter9/11,theLondonbombings, andtheAsiantsunami.RickisaformerDeputyChairoftheAssociationforCounselling atWork(ACW),nowBACPWorkplace,andhasbeentheirjournaleditorsince2003. His MPhil looked at the impact of emotions in the workplace and this led to his receiving an Honorary Research Fellowship from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. AndrewKinderisaCharteredCounsellingandCharteredOccupationalPsychologist, thePastChairoftheWorkplaceDivisionoftheBritishAssociationforCounsellingand Psychotherapy(BACP),andanAssociateFellowoftheBritishPsychologicalSociety andwasrecentlymadeFellowoftheBACPforhiscontributionstocounselinginthe workplace.Hehaspublishedwidelyandisparticularlyinterestedinthemanagementof stress and trauma within an occupational health context. Andrew is currently Chief Psychologistforalargeemployeeassistanceandoccupationalhealthorganization(Atos Healthcare, http://www.atoshealthcare.com) and specializes in delivering training, counseling, and coaching services to increase the psychological health of individuals andorganizations.Hehasbeeninstrumentalintheintroductionofearlyintervention programs in a number of large organizations relating to employee engagement and employeewellbeing.Hehasbeenactiveasaresearcherandhascollaboratedwithother leading organizations, including the British Occupational Health Research Founda- tion,whichwasgatheringevidencefororganizationalinterventionsusedfollowinga work-relatedtrauma.Heco-editedEmployeeWellbeingSupport:AWorkplaceResource, whichwaspublishedinMarch2008,withCaryCooperandRickHughes.Hehasalso co-writtenwithRickHughesGuidelinesforCounsellingintheWorkplace,whichwas x Aboutthe Editors publishedbytheBACP.HehasalsocarriedoutnumerousassessmentsforrealityTV andprovidedadviceonmanyhigh-profileshows.Moreinformationonhimisavailable at http://www.andrewkinder.co.uk. CaryL.Cooper,CBE,istheauthorofmorethan100booksandisoneofBritain’s most quoted business gurus. He is Distinguished Professor of Organizational Psy- chology and Health at Lancaster University Management School. He is a founding President of the British Academy of Management, a Companion of the Chartered ManagementInstitute,andoneofonlyfiveUKFellowsofthe(American)Academyof Management.HewastheFoundingEditoroftheJournalofOrganizationalBehavior, and is the Editor (with Professor Chris Argyris of Harvard Business School and ProfessorBillStarbuckofNewYorkUniversityasAssociateEditors)oftheBlackwell Encyclopedia of Management. He has been an advisor to the World Health Organi- zation, International Labour Organization, and European Union in the field of occupationalhealthresearchandwellbeing,wasChairoftheGlobalAgendaCouncil on Chronic Diseaseofthe WorldEconomic Forum,and isChair ofthe Academy of SocialSciences(comprising43learnedsocietiesinthesocialsciencesandover87000 members). Hewas awardedtheCBE bytheQueen in2001 forhiscontributionsto organizational health and safety.

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