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International Endodontic Journal (1995) 28, 309-311 Author Index Adams NS see Shah HN et al. Celletti R see Pecora G et al. Ahlberg KME, Assavanop P, Tay WM. A comparison of the apical dye Chandler NP see Osborne GE & Chandler NP penetration patterns shown by methylene blue and India ink in Chong BS. British Endodontic Society Spring Scientific Meeting, report, root-filled teeth, 30 228 Ahola RH see Tjaderhane LS et al. Conrads G see Brauner AW & Conrads G Al-Nazhan SA, Spangberg LW. Light and SEM observation of internal Cunnington § see Bailey GC et al. root resorption of a traumatized permanent central incisor, 133 Curtis RV see Bedford-Roberts E et al. Al-Omari MAO see Thompson SA et al. Czajka J see Rushton VE et al. Andreasen JO see Pitt Ford TR et al. Andrews DMA see Shah HN et al. Davarpanah M see Pecora G et al. Assavanop P see Ahlberg KMF et al. Devall R, Waplington M, Lumley PJ, Blunt L. Cutting characteristics of Aung Than HLA, Gulabivala K. Root canal morphology of Burmese a sonic root-end preparation instrument, 178 abs molar teeth, 177 abs Dorn SO see Pitt Ford TR et al. Dummer PMH see Lloyd A et al.; Thompson SA et al. Backman TK see Tjaderhane LS et al. Dumsha T, Hovland EJ. Evaluation of long-term calcium hydroxide Bailey GC, Cunnington S, Barber P, Setchell DJ. Ultrasonic condensa- treatment in avulsed teeth — an in vivo study, 7 tion of gutta-percha: quality of root canal filling, 177 abs Durcker DB see Gomes BPFA et al. Barber P see Bailey GC et al. Bartold PM, Moule AJ, Li H, Rigby P. Isolation and characterization of Edmunds DH see Pathomvanich S & Edmunds DH the proteoglycans synthesized by adult human pulp fibroblasts in Eriksen HM, Berset GP, Hansen BP, Bjertness E. Changes in endodontic vitro, 163 status 1973-1993 among 35-year-olds in Oslo, Norway, 129 Bartold PM, Schlagenhauf U. Localization of chondroitin sulphate and dermatan sulphate in human dental pulps — an immunohisto- Faus V see Pallarés A et al. chemical study, 19 Fava LRG. Single visit root canal treatment: incidence of postoperative Bedford-Roberts E, Curtis RV, Pitt Ford TR. Cutting pattern of pain using three different instrumentation techniques, 103 Flexogate instruments, 177 abs Filho MT see Berbert A et al. Berbert A, Filho MT, Ueno AH, Bramante CM, Ishikiriama A. The Foot NP, Thexton AJ, Pitt Ford TR. Jaw-opening reflex in the investiga- influence of ultrasound in removing intraradicular posts, 54, tion of pulpits, 178 abs 100 Berset GP see Eriksen HM et al. Gambarini G see Castellucci A & Gambarini G Biagioni PA see Hussey DL et al. Georgopoulou M see Kontakiotis E et al. Bishop K, Briggs P, Kelleher M. Sickle cell disease: a diagnostic Gharbia SE see Shah HN et al. dilemma, 297 Glennon JP, Gulabivala K, Setchell DJ. Factors associated with pain Bjertness E see Eriksen HM et al. and swelling during root canal treatment, 178 abs Blaskovic-Subat V, Smojver I, Marizi¢ B, Sutalo J. A computerized Glickman GN see Pallarés A et al. method for the evaluation of root canal morphology, 290 Gomes BPFA, Lilley JD, Durcker DB, Worthington HV. Differing Blunt L see Devall R et al. susceptibilities of members of the endodontic microflora to biome- Boersma J see Wu M-R et al. chanical procedures, 179 abs Bramante CM see Berbert A et al. Grosrey J see Lussi A et al. Brauner AW, Conrads G. Studies into the microbial spectrum of apical Gulabivala K, Sayed AA, Wilson M. The effect of retrograde cavity periodontitis, 244 design on microleakage of amalgam fillings, 204 Briggs P see Bishop K et al. Gulabivala K, Searson LJ. Clinical diagnosis of internal resorption: an Butler T see Whitworth JM et al. exception to the rule, 255 Gulabivala K, see also Aung Than HLA & Gulabivala K; Glennon JP Caliskan MK. Pulpotomy of carious vital teeth with periapical involve- et al.; Shah HN et al. ment, 172 Gutmann JL see Leonard JE & Gutmann JL; Lloyd A et al.; Roda RS & Cameron JA. Factors affecting the clinical efficiency of ultrasonic Gutmann JL endodontics: a scanning electron microscopy study, 47 Camps JJ, Pertot WJ. Machining efficiency of nickel-titanium K-type Hansen BF see Eriksen HM et al. files in a linear motion, 279 Hietala EL see Tjaderhane LS et al. Camps JJ, Pertot WJ. Torsional and stiffness properties of nickel- Holland R, Sakashita MS, Murata SS, Junior ED. Effect of dentine titanium K files, 239 surface treatment on leakage of root fillings with a glass ionomer Carrotte PV. British Endodontic Society Regional Meeting, Cambridge, sealer, 190 November 1994, report, 117 Hoppe W see Tepel J et al. Castellucci A, Gambarini G. Obturation of iatrogenically damaged root Horner K see Rushton VE et al. canals with injectable thermoplasticized gutta-percha: a case Hotz P see Lussi A et al. report, 108 Hovland EJ see Dumsha T & Hovland EJ © 1995 Blackwell Science Ltd 310 Author Index Hussey DL, Killough SA. A survey of general dental practitioners’ Pallarés A, Faus V, Glickman GN. The adaptation of mechanically approach to the restoration of root-filled teeth, 91 softened gutta-percha to the canal walls in the presence or Hussey DL, McCullagh HHP, Biagioni PA, Lamey P-J. Thermographic absence of smear layer: a scanning electron microscopic study, assessment of endodontic thermomechanical obturation and post 266 channel preparation, 179 abs Pathomvanich S, Edmunds DH. Variation in microleakage produced by four different techniques in root fillings in a simulated root Imura N, Zuolo ML. Factors associated with endodontic flare-ups: a canal model, 179 abs prospective study, 261 Payne AP see Saunders WP et al. Ishikiriama A see Berbert A et al. Pecora G, Kim S, Celletti R, Davarpanah M. The guided tissue regener- ation principle in endodontic surgery: one-year postoperative Jaoui L, Machtou P, Ouhayoun JP. Long-term evaluation of results of large periapical lesions, 41 endodontic and periodontal treatment, 249 Pertot WJ see Camps JJ & Pertot WJ Junior ED see Holland R et al. Peters LB, Wesselink PR, Moorer WR. The fate and the role of bacteria left in root dentinal tubules, 95 Kariyawasam SP see Pitt Ford TR et al. Pitt Ford TR, Andreasen JO, Dorn SO, Kariyawasam SP. Effect of Kelleher M see Bishop K et al. various zinc oxide materials as root-end fillings on healing after Khabbaz MG, Konstantaki MN, Sykaras SN. Dens invaginatus in a replantation, 273 mandibular lateral incisor, 303 Pitt Ford TR, see also Bedford-Roberts E et al.; Foot NP et al.; Ong EY & Khan AK see Whitworth JM et al. Pitt Ford TR; Sultan M & Pitt Ford TR Khan AQ see Whitworth JM & Khan AQ Killough SA see Hussey DL & Killough SA Ray HA, Trope M. Periapical status of endodontically treated teeth in Kim S see Pecora G et al. relation to the technical quality of the root filling and the coronal Koch KA see Weller RN & Koch KA restoration, 12 Konstantaki MN see Khabbaz MG et al. Reid JS see Williams CECS et al. Kontakiotis E, Nakou M, Georgopoulou M. In vitro study of the indirect Rigby P see Bartold PM et al. action of calcium hydroxide on the anaerobic flora of the root Roda RS, Gutmann JL. Reliability of reduced air pressure methods used canal, 285 to assess the apical seal, 154 Rushton VE, Shearer AC, Horner K, Czajka J. An in vitro comparison of 10 radiographic methods for working length estimation, Lamey P-] see Hussey DL et al. 149 Larmas MA see Tjaderhane LS et al. Leonard JE, Gutmann JL. Multidisciplinary aspects of root resection Sakashita MS see Holland R et al. failure: a case report, 137 Saunders WP, Whitters CJ, Strang R, Moseley H, Payne AP, Li H see Bartold PM et al. McGadey J. The effect of an Nd-YAG pulsed laser on the cleaning Lilley JD see Gomes BPFA et al. of the root canal and the formation of a fused apical plug, 213 Lloyd A, Thompson J, Gutmann JL, Dummer PMH. Sealability of the Saunders WP, see also Williams CECS et al. Trifecta™ technique in the presence or absence of a smear layer, 35 Sayed AA see Gulabivala K et al. Schafer E see Tepel J et al. Lumley PJ see Devall R et al. Schlagenhauf U see Bartold PM & Schlagenhauf U Lussi A, Messerli L, Hotz P, Grosrey J. A new non-instrumental Searson LJ see Gulabivala K & Searson LJ technique for cleaning and filling root canals, 1 Sen BH, Wesselink PR, Tiirkiin M. The smear layer: a phenomenon in root canal therapy, 141 McCullagh JJP see Hussey DL et al. Setchell DJ see Bailey GC et al.; Glennon JP et al. McGadey J see Saunders WP et al. Shah HN, Adams NS, Andrews DMA, Gulabivala K, Gharbia SE. Machtou P see Jaoui L et al. Energy assimilation by Prophyromanas_ endodontalis and Manogue M see Youngson CC et al. Peptostreptococcus micros as a model for studies of microbial Marici¢ B see Blaskovic-Subat V et al. activity in root canal system, 180 abs Messerli L see Lussi A et al. Sharkey SW see Williams CECS et al. Mileman PA see Stheeman SE et al. Shearer AC see Rushton VE et al. Moorer WR see Peters LB et al. Smojver I see Blaskovic-Subat V et al. Moseley H see Saunders WP et al. Soikkonen KT. Endodontically treated teeth and periapical findings in Moule AJ see Bartold PM et al. the elderly, 200 Murata SS see Holland R et al. Spangberg LW see Al-Nazhan SA & Spangberg LW Speirs AF see Youngson CC et al. Nakou M see Kontakiotis E et al. Stheeman SE, Mileman PA, van 't Hof MA, van der Stelt PF. Diagnostic Nattress BR see Youngson CC et al. confidence and the accuracy of treatment decisions for radiopaque periapical lesions, 121 Ong EY, Pitt Ford TR. Comparison of Radiovisiography with Strang R see Saunders WP et al. radiographic film in root length determination, 25 Sultan M, Pitt Ford TR. Ultrasonic preparation and obturation of root- Osborne GE, Chandler NP. Simulated resorptive defects and open end cavities, 231 apices using bovine and human teeth as teaching models, 111 Sutalo J see Blaskovic-Subat V et al. Ouhayoun JP see Jaoui L et al. Sykaras SN see Khabbaz MG et al. Pajari UH see Tjaderhane LS et al. Tay WM see Ahlberg KMF et al. © 1995 Blackwell Science Ltd, International Endodontic Journal, 28, 309-311 Author Index 311 Tepel J, Schafer E, Hoppe W. Root canal instruments for manual use: Wesselink PR see Peters LB et al.; Sen BH et al.; Wu M-R et al. cutting efficiency and instrumentation of curved canais, 68 Whitters CJ see Saunders WP et al. Thexton AJ see Foot NP et al. Whitworth JM, Khan AK, Butler T. Gallium Alloy GF, a mercury-free Thompson J see Lloyd A et al. alternative to amalgam in endodontic surgery? 180 abs Thompson SA, Al-Omari MAO, Dummer PMH. Assessing the shape of Whitworth JM, Khan AQ. Marginal leakage of Gallium Alloy root-end root canals: an in vitro method using microradiography, 61 fillings: an in-vitro assessment, 194 Tjaderhane LS, Pajari UH, Ahola RH, Backman TK, Hietala EL, Larmas Williams CECS, Reid JS, Sharkey SW, Saunders WP. In-vitro MA. Leaving the pulp chamber open for drainage has no effect on measurement of apically extruded irrigant in primary molars, the complications of root canal therapy, 82 221 Trope M see Ray HA & Trope M Wilson M see Gulabivala K et al. Tirkiin M see Sen BH et al. Worthington HV see Gomes BPFA et al. Wu M-K, Wesselink PR, Boersma J. A 1-year follow-up study on Ueno AH see Berbert A et al. leakage of four root canal sealers at different thicknesses, 185 van der Stelt PF see Stheeman SE et al. Youngson CC, Nattress BR, Manogue M, Speirs AF. In vitro van ‘t Hof MA see Stheeman SE et al. radiographic representation of the extent of voids within obturated root canals, 77 Waplington M see Devall R et al. Weller RN, Koch KA. In vitro radicular temperatures produced by injectable thermoplasticized gutta-percha, 86 Zuolo ML see Imura N & Zuolo ML © 1995 Blackwell Science Ltd, International Endodontic Journal, 28, 309-311 International Endodontic Journal (1995) 28, 312-315 Subject Index Amalgam Computerised analysis, A computerized method for the evaluation of Gallium Alloy GF, a mercury-free alternative to amalgam in root canal morphology, 290 endodontic surgery? 180 abst Coronal restoration, Periapical status of endodontically treated teeth in The effect of retrograde cavity design on microleakage of relation to the technical quality of the root filling and the coronal amalgam fillings, 204 restoration, 12 Anaerobic bacteria, In vitro study of the indirect action of calcium Cutting efficiency, Root canal instruments for manual use: cutting hydroxide on the anaerobic flora of the root canal, 285 efficiency and instrumentation of curved canals, 68 Anaesthesia, Sickle cell disease: a diagnostic dilemma, 297 Cutting pattern Apical extrusion and leakage, Sealability of the Trifecta™ technique in Cutting characteristics of a sonic root-end preparation instru- the presence or absence of a smear layer, 35 ment, 178 abst Apical leakage Cutting pattern of Flexogate instruments, 177 abst Effect of dentine surface treatment on leakage of root fillings with a glass ionomer sealer, 190 Decision making, Diagnostic confidence and the accuracy of treatment Reliability of reduced air pressure methods used to assess the decisions for radiopaque perapical lesions, 121 apical seal, 154 Dens in dente, Dens invaginatus in a mandibular lateral incisor, 303 Apical periodontitis, Changes in endodontic status 1973-1993 Dens invaginatus, Dens invaginatus in a mandibular lateral incisor, among 35-year-olds in Oslo, Norway, 129 303 Apical plug, The effect of an Nd-YAG pulsed laser on the cleaning of Dental pulp chamber, Leaving the pulp chamber open for drainage has root canal and the formation of a fused apical plug, 213 no effect on the complications of root canal therapy, 82 Apical seal, Marginal leakage of Gallium Alloy root-end fillings: an in Dentinal tubules, The fate and the role of bacteria left in root dentinal vitro assessment, 194 tubules, 95 Apicectomy, Marginal leakage of Gallium Alloy root-end fillings: an in Dermatan sulphate, Localization of chondroitin sulphate and vitro assessment, 194 dermatan sulphate in human dental pulps — an immunohisto- Avulsion, Evaluation of long-term calcium hydroxide treatment in chemical study, 19 avulsed teeth — an in vivo study, 7 Diagnosis, Diagnostic confidence and the accuracy of treatment decisions for radiopaque perapical lesions, 121 Bacteria Disinfectants, The smear layer: a phenomenon in root canal therapy, Studies into the microbial spectrum of apical periodontitis, 244 141 The fate and the role of bacteria left in root dentinal tubules, 95 DNA probes, Studies into the microbial spectrum of apical periodon- The smear layer: a phenomenon in root canal therapy, 141 titis, 244 Biomechanical procedures, Differing susceptibilities of members Drainage, Leaving the pulp chamber open for drainage has no effect on of the endodontic microflora to biomechanical procedures, 179 the complications of root canal therapy, 82 abst Dressing, Effect of dentine surface treatment on leakage of root fillings Bone defects, The guided tissue regeneration principle in endodontic with a glass ionomer sealer, 190 surgery: one-year postoperative results of large periapical lesions, Dye penetration, A comparison of the apical dye penetration 41 patterns shown by methylene blue and India ink in root-filled British Endodontic Society teeth, 30 Regional Meeting, Cambridge, November 1994, report, 117 Spring scientific meeting, abstracts and posters, 177 abst; report, EDTA, Factors affecting the clinical efficiency of ultrasonic endodon- 228 tics: a scanning electron microscopy study, 47 Burma, Root canal morphology of Burmese molar teeth, 177 abst Elderly, Endodontically treated teeth and periapical findings in the elderly, 200 Calcium hydroxide Emergency, Factors associated with endodontic flare-ups: a prospec- Evaluation of long-term calcium hydroxide treatment in avulsed tive study, 261 teeth — an in vivo study, 7 Endodontic failure, The fate and the role of bacteria left in root dentinal In vitro study of the indirect action of calcium hydroxide on the tubules, 95 anaerobic flora of the root canal, 285 Endodontic file, Torsional and stiffness properties of nickel-titanium K Pulpotomy of carious vital teeth with periapical involvement, 172 files, 239 Canal preparation and shape, Assessing the shape of root canals: an in Endodontic success, Periapical status of endodontically treated teeth in vitro method using microradiography, 61 relation to the technical quality of the root filling and the coronal Central incisor, Light and SEM observation of internal root resorption restoration, 12 of a traumatized permanent central incisor, 133 Endodontic surgery, The guided tissue regeneration principle in Chondroitin sulphate, Localization of chondroitin sulphate and endodontic surgery: one-year postoperative results of large dermatan sulphate in human dental pulps — an immunohisto- periapical lesions, 41 chemical study, 19 Endodontic treatment Cleaning, A new non-instrumental technique for cleaning and filling Changes in endodontic status 1973-1993 among 35-year-olds in root canals, 1 Oslo, Norway, 129 312 © 1995 Blackwell Science Ltd Subject Index 313 Factors associated with endodontic flare-ups: a prospective study, canal walls in the presence or absence of smear layer: a 261 scanning electron microscopic study, 266 Long-term evaluation of endodontic and periodontal treatment, Ultrasonic condensation of gutta-percha: quality of root canal 249 filling, 177 abst Endodontically treated teeth, Endodontically treated teeth and Iatrogenic errors, Obturation of iatrogenically damaged root canals periapical findings in the elderly, 200 with injectable thermoplasticized gutta-percha: a case report, 108 Endosonics, In-vitro measurement of apically extruded irrigant in India ink, A comparison oft he apical dye penetration patterns shown primary molars, 221 by methylene blue and India ink in root-filled teeth, 30 Energy, Energy assimilation by Prophyromanas endodontalis and Interappointment emergency, Factors associated with endodontic Peptostreptococcus micros as a model for studies of microbial flare-ups: a prospective study, 261 activity in root canal system, 180 abst Internal resorption Exacerbations, Factors associated with endodontic flare-ups: a Clinical diagnosis of internal resorption: an exception to the rule, prospective study, 261 255 Extrusion, In-vitro measurement of apically extruded irrigant in Light and SEM observation of internal root resorption of a primary molars, 221 traumatized permanent central incisor, 133 Intracanal temperature, In vitro radicular temperatures produced by Failure, Multidisciplinary aspecis of root resection failure: a case injectable thermoplasticized gutta-percha, 86 report, 137 Irrigant, In-vitro measurement of apically extruded irrigant in primary Fibroblast, Isolation and characterization of the proteoglycans synthe- molars, 221 sized by adult human pulp fibroblasts in vitro, 163 Files, Torsional and stiffness properties of nickel-titanium K files, 239 Jaw-opening reflex, Jaw-opening reflex in the investigation of pulpitis, Filing, Root canal instruments for manual use: cutting efficiency and 178 abst instrumentation of curved canals, 68 Filling(s) K-type files, Machining efficiency of nickel-titanium K-type files in a A new non-instrumental technique for cleaning and filling root linear motion, 279 canals, 1 Marginal leakage of Gallium Alloy root-end fillings: an in vitro Laser, The effect of an Nd-YAG pulsed laser on the cleaning of root assessment, 194 canal and the formation of a fused apical plug, 213 Periapical status of endodontically treated teeth in relation to the Lateral condensation, Sealability of the Trifecta !M technique in the technical quality of the root filling and the coronal restoration, presence or absence of a smear layer, 35 12 Leakage, A 1-year follow-up study on leakage of four root canal sealers Ultrasonic condensation of gutta-percha: quality of root canal at different thicknesses, 185 filling, 177 abst Length estimation, An in vitro comparison of 10 radiographic methods Variation in microleakage produced by four different techniques for working length estimation, 149 in root fillings in a simulated root canal model, 179 abst Lipopolysaccharide, The effect of retrograde cavity design on Flare-up, Factors associated with endodontic flare-ups: a prospective microleakage of amalgam fillings, 204 study, 261 Long-term evaluation, Long-term evaluation of endodontic and Flexogate instruments, Cutting pattern of Flexogate instruments, 177 periodontal treatment, 249 abst Louis Grossman Meeting, tenth, Pennsy!vania, October 1994, report, Fluid transport, A 1-year follow-up study on leakage of four root canal 118 sealers at different thicknesses, 185 Mandibular lateral incisor, Dens invaginatus in a mandibular lateral Gallium Alloy, Marginal leakage of Gallium Alloy root-end fillings: an incisor, 303 in vitro assessment, 194 Mercury-free alternative, Gallium Alloy GF, a mercury-free alternative Gallium Alloy GF, Gallium Alloy GF, a mercury-free alternative to to amalgam in endodontic surgery?, 180 abst amalgam in endodontic surgery?, 180 abst Methylene blue, A comparison of the apical dye penetration patterns Gerodontology, Endodontically treated teeth and periapical findings in shown by methylene blue and India ink in root-filled teeth, 30 the elderly, 200 Microbiology, Studies into the microbial spectrum of apical periodon- Glass ionomer, Effect of dentine surface treatment on leakage of root titis, 244 fillings with a glass ionomer sealer, 190 Microflora, Differing susceptibilities of members of the endodontic Glycosaminoglycan, Isolation and characterization of the proteo- microflora to biomechanical procedures, 179 abst glycans synthesized by adult human pulp fibroblasts in vitro, 163 Microleakage Guided tissue regeneration, The guided tissue regeneration principle in The effect of retrograde cavity design on microleakage of endodontic surgery: one-year postoperative results of large amalgam fillings, 204 periapical lesions, 41 The smear layer: a phenomenon in root canal therapy, 141 Gutta-percha Variation in microleakage produced by four different techniques In vitro radicular temperatures produced by injectable thermo- in root fillings in a simulated root canal model, 179 abst plasticized gutta-percha, 86 Microradiography, Assessing the shape of root canals: an in vitro Obturation of iatrogenically damaged root canals with injectable method using microradiography, 61 thermoplasticized gutta-percha: a case report, 108 Molar teeth Sealability of the Trifecta™ technique in the presence or absence In-vitro measurement of apically extruded irrigant in primary of a smear layer, 35 molars, 221 The adaptation of mechanically softened gutta-percha to the Root canal morphology of Burmese molar teeth, 177 abst © 1995 Blackwell Science Ltd, International Endodontic Journal, 28, 312-315 314 Subject Index Nickel postoperative pain using three different instrumentation Machining efficiency of nickel-titanium K-type files in a linear techniques, 103 motion, 279 Posts, A survey of general dental practitioners’ approach to the Torsional and stiffness properties of nickel-titanium K files, 239 restoration of root-filled teeth, 91 Non-instrumental technique, A new non-instrumental technique for Primary teeth, In-vitro measurement of apically extruded irrigant in cleaning and filling root canals, 1 primary molars, 221 Nonvital tooth, Single visit root canal treatment: incidence of post- Prognosis, Long-term evaluation of endodontic and periodontal treat- operative pain using three different instrumentation techniques, ment, 249 103 Prophyromanas endodontalis, Energy assimilation by Prophyromanas endodontalis and Peptostreptococcus micros as a model for studies of Obturation microbial activity in root canal system, 180 abst A new non-instrumental technique for cleaning and filling root Proteoglycans canals, 1 Isolation and characterization of the proteoglycans synthesized by In vitro radicular temperatures produced by injectable thermo- adult human pulp fibroblasts in vitro, 163 Localization of chondroitin sulphate and dermatan sulphate in plasticized gutta-percha, 86 human dental pulps - an immunohistochemical study, 19 In vitro radiographic representation of the extent of voids within obturated root canals, 77 Pulp Isolation and characterization of the proteoglycans synthesized by Periapical status of endodontically treated teeth in relation to the adult human pulp fibroblasts in vitro, 163 technical quality of the root filling and the coronal restoration, 12 Localization of chondroitin sulphate and dermatan sulphate Sealability of the Trifecta™ technique in the presence or absence in human dental pulps —- an immunohistochemical study, 19 of a smear layer, 35 Pulpal necrosis, Sickle cell disease: a diagnostic dilemma, 297 The adaptation of mechanically softened gutta-percha to the Pulpitis, Jaw-opening reflex in the investigation of pulpitis, 178 abst canal walls in the presence or absence of smear layer: a scanning electron microscopic study, 266 Pulpotomy, Pulpotomy of carious vital teeth with periapical involve- Thermographic assessment of endodontic thermomechanical ment, 172 obturation and post channel preparation, 179 abst Ultrasonic preparation and obturation of root-end cavities, 230 Radiography Osteogenesis, The guided tissue regeneration principle in endo- An in vitro comparison of 10 radiographic methods for working dontic surgery: one-year postoperative results of large periapical length estimation, 149 lesions, 41 Comparison of Radiovisiography with radiographic film in root length determination, 25 Pain Diagnostic confidence and the accuracy of treatment decisions for Factors associated with pain and swelling during root canal treat- radiopaque perapical lesions, 121 ment, 178 abst Endodontically treated teeth and periapical findings in the elderly, Single visit root canal treatment: incidence of postoperative pain 200 using three different instrumentation techniques, 103 In vitro radiographic representation of the extent of voids within Peptostreptococcus micros, Energy assimilation by Prophyromanas obturated root canals, 77 endodontalis and Peptostreptococcus micros as a model for studies of Radiolabelled lipopolysaccharide, The effect of retrograde cavity design microbial activity in root canal system, 180 abst on microleakage of amalgam fillings, 204 Periapical granuloma samples, Studies into the microbial spectrum of Radiovisiography, Comparison of Radiovisiography with radiographic apical periodontitis, 244 film in root length determination, 25 Periapical healing, Pulpotomy of carious vital teeth with periapical Replantation, Effect of various zinc oxide materials as root-end fillings involvement, 172 on healing after replantation, 273 Periapical radiograph, Diagnostic confidence and the accuracy of Resection, Multidisciplinary aspects of root resection failure: a case treatment decisions for radiopaque perapical lesions, 121 report, 137 Periapical repair, Obturation of iatrogenically damaged root canals Resorption with injectable thermoplasticized gutta-percha: a case report, Clinical diagnosis of internal resorption: an exception to the rule, 108 255 Periapical status, Periapical status of endodontically treated teeth in Evaluation of long-term calcium hydroxide treatment in avulsed relation to the technical quality of the root filling and the coronal teeth — an in vivo study, 7 restoration, 12 Light and SEM observation of internal root resorption of a Periodontal treatment, Long-term evaluation of endodontic and traumatized permanent central incisor, 133 periodontal treatment, 249 Restoration, Periapical status of endodontically treated teeth in Periradicular lesions, The guided tissue regeneration principle in relation to the technical quality of the root filling and the coronal endodontic surgery: one-year postoperative results of large restoration, 12 periapical lesions, 41 Retreatment, The influence of ultrasound in removing intraradicular Post channel preparation, Thermographic assessment of endodontic posts, 54, 100 thermomechanical obturation and post channel preparation, 179 Retrograde cavity design, The effect of retrograde cavity design on abst microleakage of amalgam fillings, 204 Post removal, The influence of ultrasound in removing intraradicular Root canal posts, 54, 100 A new non-instrumental technique for cleaning and filling root Postoperative pain, Single visit root canal treatment: incidence of canals, 1 © 1995 Blackwell Science Ltd, International Endodontic Journal, 28, 312-315 Subject Index 315 Assessing the shape of root canals: an in vitro method using Smear layer microradiography, 61 Effect of dentine surface treatment on leakage of root fillings with Root canal instrumentation a glass ionomer sealer, 190 Root canal instruments for manual use: cutting efficiency and Factors affecting the clinical efficiency of ultrasonic endodontics: instrumentation of curved canals, 68 a scanning electron microscopy study, 47 Single visit root canal treatment: incidence of postoperative pain Sealability of the Trifecta!M technique in the presence or absence using three different instrumentation techniques, 103 of a smear layer, 35 Root canal morphology, A computerized method for the evaluation of The adaptation of mechanically softened gutta-percha to the root canal morphology, 290 canal walls in the presence or absence of smear layer: a Root-canal preparation, The effect of an Nd-YAG pulsed laser on the scanning electron microscopic study, 266 cleaning of root canal and the formation of a fused apical plug, 213 The smear layer: a phenomenon in root canal therapy, 141 Root canal treatment Sodium hypochlorite, Factors affecting the clinical efficiency of ultra- A survey of general dental practitioners’ approach to the restora- sonic endodontics: a scanning electron microscopy study, 47 tion of root-filled teeth, 91 Sonic root-end preparation instrument, Cutting characteristics of a Factors associated with pain and swelling during root canal treat- sonic root-end preparation instrument, 178 abst ment, 178 abst Stiffness, Torsional and stiffness properties of nickel-titanium K files, Leaving the pulp chamber open for drainage has no effect on the 239 complications of root canal therapy, 82 Swelling, Factors associated with pain and swelling during root canal Sickle cell disease: a diagnostic dilemma, 297 treatment, 178 abst Simulated resorptive defects and open apices using bovine and human teeth as teaching models, 111 Teaching models, Simulated resorptive defects and open apices using Root-end filling bovine and human teeth as teaching models, 111 Effect of various zinc oxide materials as root-end fillings on Temperatures, In vitro radicular temperatures produced by injectable healing after replantation, 273 thermoplasticized gutta-percha, 86 Marginal leakage of Gallium Alloy root-end fillings: an in vitro Three-dimensional root reconstruction, A computerized method for assessment, 194 the evaluation of root canal morphology, 290 Root-end preparation, Ultrasonic preparation and obturation of root- Titanium end cavities, 231 Machining efficiency of nickel-titanium K-type files in a linear Root-filled teeth, A comparison of the apical dye penetration motion, 279 patterns shown by methylene blue and India ink in root-filled Torsional and stiffmess properties of nickel-titanium K_ files, teeth, 30 239 Root length determination, Comparison of Radiovisiography with Tooth abnormality, Dens invaginatus in a mandibular lateral incisor, radiographic film in root length determination, 25 303 Rotation, Root canal instruments for manual use: cutting efficiency Trauma and instrumentation of curved canals, 68 Evaluation of long-term calcium hydroxide treatment in avulsed teeth — an in vivo study, 7 Sealability Light and SEM observation of internal root resorption of a Reliability of reduced air pressure methods used to assess the traumatized permanent central incisor, 133 apical seal, 154 Treatment, see Root canal treatment: and specific headings Sealability of the Trifecta™ technique in the presence or absence Trifecta, Sealability of the Trifecta™ technique in the presence or of a smear layer, 35 absence of a smear layer, 35 Sealer Twist, Torsional and stiffness properties of nickel-titanium K files,2 39 A 1-year follow-up study on leakage of four root canal sealers at different thicknesses, 185 Ultrasonics, Ultrasonic preparation and obturation of root-end Effect of dentine surface treatment on leakage of root fillings with cavities, 231 a glass ionomer sealer, 190 Ultrasound The smear layer: a phenomenon in root canal therapy, 141 Factors affecting the clinical efficiency of ultrasonic endodontics: Sheep incisors, Marginal leakage of Gallium Alloy root-end fillings: an a scanning electron microscopy study, 47 in vitro assessment, 194 The influence of ultrasound in removing intraradicular posts, 54, Sickle cell crisis, Sickle cell disease: a diagnostic dilemma, 297 100 Simulated root canal model, Variation in microleakage produced by four different techniques in root fillings in a simulated root canal Vacuum, Reliability of reduced air pressure methods used to assess the model, 179 abst apical seal, 154 Simulation, Simulated resorptive defects and open apices using bovine Voids, In vitro radiographic representation of the extent of voids within and human teeth as teaching models, 111 obturated root canals, 77 Single-visit root canal therapy, Single visit root canal treatment: incidence of postoperative pain using three different instrumenta- Zinc oxide materials, Effect of various zinc oxide materials as root-end tion techniques, 103 fillings on healing after replantation, 273 © 1995 Blackwell Science Ltd, International Endodontic Journal, 28, 312-315

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