INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION AS AN ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE SOLVING MECHANISM AND ITS ROLE IN THE TURKISH JUDICIARY SYSTEM The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University by SİNAN ÖNCEL In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS in THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS BİLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA September 2006 I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in International Relations. ……………………………………….. Assistant Professor Nur Bilge Criss Supervisor I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in International Relations. ……………………………………….. Assistant Professor Pınar İpek Examining Committee Member I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in International Relations. ……………………………………….. Assistant Professor Aylin Güney Examining Committee Member Approval of the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences ……………………………………….. Professor Erdal Erel Director ABSTRACT INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION AS AN ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE SOLVING MECHANISM AND ITS ROLE IN THE TURKISH JUDICIARY SYSTEM ÖNCEL, Sinan Department of International Relations Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Nur Bilge Criss September 2006 Globalization has been leading to enormous changes in the world order and economy. Global market economy needs a legal system to define and protect the rights of both national and international investors against unjust competition and jurisdiction.As one of the main pillar of globalization, free movement of capital and security of capital is vital for the international investors. Legal aspect of securitization of capital is very significant especially when a dispute arise between foreign investors and state due to mistrust to local courts and complexity of the legal system. Hence, international commercial arbitration became an alternative dispute settlement mechanism. In this study, after introducing milestones for the development of international commercial arbitration in 20th century, main features and international arbitration institutions and their rules are focused to demonstrate international structure and arbitration models. On the basis of international dimension of the issue, the role and function of international commercial arbitration in Turkish Judiciary System is elaborated through focusing on Constitutional amendments, laws and legal interpretations. While concentrating on Turkish legal system, concession agreements will mainly stressed through some cases. In this study, concept of public interest and debate on “foreign element” are also covered. Key Words: Arbitration, Globalization, Legal Security of Capital, Turkish Arbitration System iii ÖZET UYUŞMAZLIKLARIN ÇÖZÜMÜNDE ALTERNATİF OLARAK ULUSLARARASI TİCARİ TAHKİM VE TÜRK YARGI SİSTEMİNDEKİ ROLÜ ÖNCEL, Sinan Uluslararası İlişkiler Yüksek Lisans Tez Danışmanı: Yard. Doç. Dr. Nur Bilge Criss Eylül 2006 Küreselleşme dünya düzeni ve ekonomisinde çok büyük değişikliklere öncülük etmektedir. Küresel piyasa ekonomisi, hem ulusal hem uluslararasi yatırımcıların adil olmayan rekabet ve yargılama karşısında haklarının belirli olduğu ve korunduğu bir yasal sisteme ihtiyicaç duymaktadır. Sermayenin yasal açıdan korunması özellikle yatırımcılar ve devlet arasında doğabilecek bir ithilaf durumunda yerel mahkemlere güven duyulmaması ve yasal sistemin karmaşıklığı nedenleriyle önem kazanmaktadır. Bundan dolayi uluslararası ticari tahkim ithilafların çözümü için alternatif bir mekanizma olmuştur. Bu çalışmada, uluslararası ticari tahkimin 20. yüzyildaki gelişimindeki kilomete taşlarının sunulmasından sonra uluslararası ticari tahkimin özellikleri, uluslararası kurumlar ve bu kurumların kuralları üzerinde uluslararası yapıyı göstermek için durulmaktadır. Konunun uluslararası boyutu esas alınmak suretiyle, uluslararası ticari tahkimin Türk Yargı Sistemi’ndeki rolü, işlevi de Anayasal değişiklikler, yasalar ve içtihat ile değerlendirilmektedir. Türk Yargı Sistemi’ne konsantre olunurken, esas olarak bazı örneklerle imtiyaz sözleşmeleri üzerinde durulmaktadır. Ayrıca bu çalışma kamu menfaati kavramını ve “yabancılık unsuru” tarışmalarını kapsamaktadır. ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Tahkim, Küreselleşme, Sermaye Güvenliği, Türk Tahkim Sistemi iv AKNOWLEDGEMENTS If this thesis could reappear after five years time, without a doubt, I owe to Assistant Professor Nur Bilge Criss who encouraged me to finalize this study. Her goodwill was the sole element to make this thesis a reality. Her incisive review of my study contributed to improve the quality of this thesis. I sincerely express gratitude to her for giving me energy and motivation to complete this study and for the opportunity to study with her as her student after many years. I also wish to thank Assistant Professor Pınar İpek and Assistant Professor Aylin Güney for their warm reception and constructive comments in the Examining Committee. Lastly, I am grateful to Müge Keller, who has been supporting and helping me personally and academically for almost ten years. Her patience and goodwill also contributed to make this thesis a reality. v TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT...................................................................................................... iii ÖZET................................................................................................................ iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS................................................................................ v TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................. vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................................ 1 CHAPTER II..................................................................................................... 7 21 The Development of International Commercial Arbitration in the 20th Century..................................................................... 11 CHAPTER III................................................................................................ 15 3.1 Features of International Commercial Arbitration.................... 15 3.2 Sovereign Immunity and International Arbitration ………….. 19 3.3 Major Models and Institutions in International Commercial Arbitration……………………………………………………. 21 3.3.1 UNCITRAL as a Model Law………………….. 23 3.3.2 International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration 27 3.3.3 International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes………………………………………... 29 CHAPTER IV……………………………………………………………….. 33 4.1 The Background of the International Commercial Arbitration in the Turkish Judiciary System……………………………... 33 4.2 The Regulation of the Turkish Constitution………………… 42 vi 4.2.1 Public Interest and Order……………………… 55 4.3 Turkish Laws and Procedures of the International Commercial Arbitration……………………………………………………. 59 4.3.1 The Statue on the International Private and Procedural Law (MÖHUK)……………………. 60 4.3.2 The Law on the Procedures of Application of International Arbitration in Administrative Concession Contracts (Law No. 4501) 64 4.3.3 The International Arbitration Law……………. 65 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION…………………………………………… 70 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………….. 76 vii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The role of economics in international relations is flourishing since the end of the Cold War. The new markets, resources and geographies have been integrating into the world system. Economic partnership and integration is at its peak at the end of the bipolar system. In the last twenty years globalization has been leading to enormous changes in the world order. Although there are many obstacles for the new global order as well as for liberalization of capital, foreign investment and capital have become the locomotives of globalization. Almost all states including the former socialist ones have opened up their economies to foreign investors and capital. The motives of the states are unemployment, insufficient national capital, minimizing the role of the state in the economy and integrating their economies to the new global order. On the other side, foreign investors have their own motives that are intersecting with the states’ motives. There is no doubt that profit is the most important motive of the capital owners. Security of capital and liberal capital movements are also vital for the international investors. There are multiple prerequisites for attracting foreign capital and investments but in this study the regulatory structure is our primary concern. 1 The legal aspect is very important especially in cases of disputes which may arise from the agreements between foreign investors and the state because of mistrust to the national courts due to the unfair advantage of states1. In this respect, the international commercial arbitration appeared as an alternative method for solving disputes between states and foreign investors as part of securitization of the capital. Arbitration is an ancient methodology for dispute solving especially in commercial matters. In basic terms international commercial arbitration is the settlement of a dispute based on the agreement of the parties of a contract by the authority of arbitrators.2 International commercial arbitration is not only applicable between private entities but also between private entity and sovereign states. When private entities and foreign governments interact commercially, and dispute arises, the predominant concern is that the state may claim immunity from private lawsuits based on the principle of sovereign immunity.3 However the absolute understanding of sovereign immunity has been changing along with globalization. From the beginning of the industrial revolution, state capitalism emerged due to the lack of capital for investments. In other words, states became the most 1 Hazel Fox, “ Sovereign Immunity and Arbitration” Contemporary Problems in International Arbitration Julian D.M. Lew (Martinus NiJhoff Publishers 1987), 323 2Peter Behrens, “Arbitration as an Instrument of Conflict Resolution in International Trade: Its Basis and Limits” Symposium on the Conflict Resolution in International Trade, (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellscchaft Baden-Baden, 1993), 14 3 Daniel J. Michalchuk, “Filling a Legal Vacuum: The Form and Content of Russia’s Future State Immunity Law Suggestions For Legislative Reform” Law and Policy in International Business Vol: 32 No: 3 (Spring 2001), 487 2 significant actors in the world economy. Through the mid-20th century, the role of state in national economies has been diminishing. The trend of liberalization of the national economies has been increasing since the end of the Cold War. Especially the developing states, including the former socialist ones, have insufficient capital to sustain their economic developments. Most of the East European former socialist states became EU member states which integrated them into the liberal economic order and western democracy. As an emerging market with a liberal-based economy, Turkey has opened up its economy to foreign investments with similar motives of the other open-market economies in the last twenty years. However, the idea of international arbitration has been considered as transferring the right of jurisdiction that is based on sovereignty of the Turkish state, to another legal framework. Debates on the legal role of the international commercial arbitration in the Turkish legal system continue. However, the legislature amended the Constitution, which was disabling international commercial arbitration especially in concession contracts between the state and foreign investors. The Turkish Grand National Assembly also enacted laws that recognize the role and effect of arbitration in case of disputes based on commercial and concession contracts. In the process of integrating Turkey into the new economic order and attracting foreign capital, restrictions for the international commercial arbitration 3