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INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES GROUP Annual report and accounts 2016 PDF

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INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES GROUP 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T A N D A C C O U N T S The is best yet to come Annual report and accounts 2016 Contents Strategic Report Financial statements Management report 2 Financial highlights 100 Consolidated income statement IAG is required to prepare a Management 3 Chairman’s letter 101 C onsolidated statement of other Report in accordance with Article 262 of 4 Chief Executive Officer’s Q&A comprehensive income the Spanish Companies Act and Article 49 of the Spanish Commercial Code. Pursuant 6 Our network 102 Consolidated balance sheet to this legislation, this management report 8 Chief Executive Officer’s review 103 Consolidated cash flow statement must contain a fair review of the progress 11 Business model and strategy 104 Consolidated statement of the business and the performance of of changes in equity the company, together with a description 12 Our strategy of the principal risks and uncertainties 106 N otes to the consolidated 14 Key performance indicators that it faces. In the preparation of this financial statements 16 IAG Platform for growth report, IAG has taken into consideration 154 Spanish Corporate the guide published in 2013 by the Spanish 18 British Airways governance report National Securities Market Commission 20 Iberia 216 Group investments (CNMV) which establishes a number of 22 Vueling recommendations for the preparation of Statement of Directors’ management reports of listed companies. 23 Aer Lingus Responsibilities The Management Report is contained in 24 Avios the following sections: 25 IAG Cargo Independent Auditors’ Report 26 Digital 11 Business model and strategy 27 Risk management Additional Information 12 Our strategy and principal risk factors 222 Glossary 14 Key performance indicators 33 Financial overview 224 Alternative performance measures 16 IAG Platform for growth 34 Economic landscape 227 Sustainability indicators 27 R isk management 36 Financial review 228 Operating and financial statistics and principal risk factors 45 Sustainability IBC Shareholder information 35 Financial overview 36 Economic landscape Corporate Governance 38 Financial review 54 Chairman’s introduction to Corporate governance 45 Sustainability 56 B oard of Directors 58 Corporate governance 58 Corporate governance 154 Spanish Corporate governance report 69 R eport of the Audit and Compliance Committee 72 Report of the Nominations Committee 75 Report of the Safety Committee 76 R eport of the Remuneration Committee Strategic report “ 2016 was a challenging year but S t r a t we’ve delivered a good result. e g ic r e There’s still more that we can po r t do, and quite honestly, the best C o r is yet to come. There are still po ra te g improvements that we can make o v e r n a and efficiencies that can be n c e delivered.” F in a n c WChiilelife E Wxeaclusthive Officer ial st a te m e n t s A d d it io n a l in fo r m a t io n The strategic report that follows contains a fair and balanced analysis, consistent with the size and complexity of the business in accordance with the expectations of the regulations of the Companies Act 2006. 2 Financial highlights Delivering good results towards our long-term goals Despite the challenging environment, we have made good progress toward achieving our long-term goal. Our unique Group structure has supported our group performance while promoting the value of our brands. We have been able to leverage our brands effectively in different market segments. We will build on our progress and continue to invest while reaping further benefits from the IAG platform. Equity Free Cash Flow (€m) Total dividend per share1 (€) +€574 million vly +17.5% vly 0 0 Targeting sustainable 2,500 Goal 2,5 0.30 dividends 5 05 35 2,000 2, 0.25 0 0.2 0 2 81 0.20 0. 1,500 1,4 0.15 1,000 0.10 500 0.05 8 2 1 0 0.00 2014 2015 2016 Long-term 2014 2015 2016 Long-term goals goals RoIC2 13.5% 23.1% 9.0% 7.3% +1.8pts +11.1pts -0.7pts -6.4pts ASK: 2.6% ASK: 9.6% ASK: 4.0% ASK: 11.2% IAG Platform INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES GROUP 13.6% +0.9pts 1 2016 includes recommended final dividend of €1 2.5 cent per share. 2 Definition included in Alternative performance measures section. The comparison to 2015 includes the annualised results of Aer Lingus. INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES GROUP Annual Report and Accounts 2016 3 Chairman’s letter A firm focus on long-term growth S t r a t e and sustainable returns g ic r e p o r t “A very warm welcome to our sixth Annual C o Report which charts r p o the start of a new ra te phase in our journey g o v e to secure a sustainable r n a and profitable future nc e for our airlines and for International Airlines F Group as a whole.” ina n c ia Antonio Vázquez l s t Chairman ate m e n t s 2016 was a challenging year for our where volatility – fuel price, terrorism, 2016 also saw our industry sign up to the business but one where once again weather, politics – is a fact of life. I am world’s first truly global carbon offsetting A we proved that the IAG business so proud that IAG is managing these scheme at the 39th International Civil d d model continues to be resilient and challenges so well that it can commit to a Aviation Organisation assembly – it highly effective. sustainable dividend policy as companies something we have long campaigned for. io n in more stable sectors do. a Our airlines carried over 100 million Our industry – which contributes about l in people last year, double the number Brexit has so far provided few certainties. 2 per cent of global CO emissions –has fo 2 r of passengers we carried when British We expect the button will be pushed on agreed to halve emissions by 2050 and m a Airways and Iberia merged six years ago. Article 50 in March, commencing two- to grow in a carbon neutral way from t io Although our results were hit by the years of divorce negotiations. Beyond 2020, despite expected strong growth in n Brexit vote and the subsequent sharp that very little is visible. passenger traffic. It’s a huge challenge, fall in the pound, we were still able to but one IAG intends to lead on. For our industry the big question is the report an impressive operating profit of future of the single market for aviation At the end of an eventful year I would €2.5 billion on revenues of €22.6 billion. in Europe. I trust that geography, safety, like to thank people across the Group On the morning after the UK Referendum security, consumers’ interests, and those who work every day to make IAG such we updated the market on the likely of our whole society to cut emissions, a successful business. I also thank short-term impact on our results. will prevail over politics or short- shareholders for their continued support. term interests. Despite the significant impact our share I hope after reading this report you will price suffered, we were able to re- Consolidation is in our DNA. Controls all share my strong conviction that the assure the financial community at our on foreign investment and competition Group is very well placed to achieve Capital Markets Day in November that regulations means that acquisition sustainable profitable growth in the years our long-term financial targets remain opportunities are relatively rare. But to come. These are complex but very largely unchanged – an investment grade we have the resources and a uniquely exciting times. message that was well received. flexible ‘plug-in and play’ system to fit new independent airline brands into our I believe investors understand that this existing hub of equities, with the promise business is being carefully and skilfully of huge and proven cost synergies when managed to achieve its promises on they do. long-term growth and sustainable shareholder returns. Alliances and joint business arrangements are also very important We were delighted once again this and we’re delighted that British Airways Antonio Vázquez year to honour our commitment to and Qatar have launched a joint business Chairman pay dividends. In addition, we intend while a similar tie up between Latam, to carry out a share buyback of Iberia and British Airways is awaiting €500 million during the course of 2017, clearance. They will provide great further increasing cash returns to our opportunities in the Middle East and shareholders. We are a cyclical industry South America. www.iairgroup.com 4 Questions and answers With Chief Executive Officer Willie Walsh IAG had a very strong year in 2016 despite some significant external challenges. Here Chief Executive Officer Willie Walsh explains how the business is tackling those short-term issues while keeping a firm and confident focus on the long-term sustainability of IAG. Willie Walsh Chief Executive Officer Q What impact has the UK’s EU So the combination of those three We’re also continuing to innovate referendum had on IAG’s financial factors – the translation impact of a and looking to take advantage of performance in 2016? weak pound, the transaction impact new markets. We’re launching new A The result of the Referendum vote of the pound and euro losing value longhaul flights out of Barcelona, on June 23 had three very specific against the dollar, and softer bookings for instance. “Longhaul, low-cost” is impacts on our business. from UK companies – have hit our the label everybody is putting on euro-reported profitability. this new initiative, but what we are The first comes because we report talking about is a new transatlantic our results in euros but we’ve got a longhaul service out of Barcelona, See pages 35 for more about the very big sterling revenue and profit impact of UK Referendum vote to using a new way of operating which base thanks to British Airways. When leave the EU. responds directly to changing we translate that sterling profitability consumer demands. into euros it’s now being done at a much lower rate, following the sharp Barcelona is a superb base for fall in the pound. Q How is IAG generating returns in this because it is fed by Vueling’s the current economic shorthaul network. That, we think, The second impact is that we environment? is an essential pre-requisite for have a lot of dollar expenses – it’s A Global growth has certainly slowed any successful low-cost, longhaul the currency we use to buy fuel down in 2016 and is, I think, likely to operation and other carriers in the and aircraft, for example. With the stay at a similar level in 2017. market agree. We will also consider devaluation of both the pound other locations in Europe for these and the euro against the dollar it In spite of that, we remain pretty flights in due course. makes those dollar-related costs optimistic about the global economic more expensive. environment and I think some areas So I think IAG needs to continue to be of weakness in 2016 – like Brazil, an both flexible and disciplined, and we The third impact became obvious to important market for IAG – will show are very well placed to do that. us in the lead up to the Referendum. signs of recovery in 2017. There was a slowdown and softening We need to recognise that we’re not in UK corporate activity as business But we do have to acknowledge that going to be able to rely on strong people were, temporarily, travelling a we’re going to be growing capacity at economic growth. We need to take bit less. a lower rate in the immediate future all of our investment decisions very and that means we need to focus on carefully to make sure we make a the profitable areas of our business sensible return. and, crucially, continue to improve our See pages 34 – 35 for more cost performance. about the economic landscape INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES GROUP Annual Report and Accounts 2016 5 S t r a t e g ic r e p o r t And, importantly, we have to remain Q How will the Hangar 51 start-up focused on the financial viability and accelerator benefit IAG? sustainability of IAG, balancing that A The Hangar 51 start-up accelerator is C short-term profitability against the a really exciting development for IAG. orp long-term needs of the business. o We recognise there are fantastic ra Q What will be the impact of a developments in the digital sphere. te g Heathrow third runway on We want to be up to speed with o v your business? those developments not only e r A The UK Government decided because some of these innovations na n in October 2016 to support the could challenge and disrupt our c e expansion of Heathrow with a third business, but also because we want runway. But I’m pleased to say that to identify technologies that will support comes with conditions. transform and enhance the way we F The most important condition, from work. ina n our point of view, is that the project So we’ve tapped into the best and c will only proceed if the cost for brightest developers out there and ial s consumers remains flat. That’s we’ve got them working inside IAG t a very important for us. to see if we can take advantage of te m some of their great ideas. If we can, We’ve got to look at an expanded we will use those ideas to change the ent Heathrow as an opportunity for IAG. s way we operate, for the benefit of our But that will only be true if the costs business and, more importantly, for of that expansion can be carried out the benefit of our customers. in a sensible way so that we’re not A d required to foot a disproportionate I think this is going to be really d amount of the bill and consumers, in exciting to watch. itio general, aren’t forced to pay more for n a the operation of Heathrow. See page 26 for more about l in our digital transformation initiative fo There are also significant r m environmental challenges that will a t need to be tackled before expansion io n can go ahead. So there are a lot of challenges that need to be overcome. But, overall, I’m quietly optimistic we will see the right result in the end. See page 10 for more about the third runway at Heathrow Watch the full interview on our website www.iairgroup.com www.iairgroup.com 6 Our network Our business around the world 100 + million passengers flown to 279 destinations on 548 aircraft Our brands See pages 18 – 19 for more See pages 20 – 21 See page 22 for about British Airways for more about Iberia more about Vueling INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES GROUP Annual Report and Accounts 2016 7 IAG combines the leading airlines in the See pages 12 – 13 for more about our strategic objectives S UK, Spain and Ireland. t r a t e g The airlines’ customers benefit from a larger ic combined network for both passenger re p and cargo. o r t C o r p o ra te g o v e r n a n c e F in a n c ia l s t a te m e n t s A d d it io n a l in fo r m a t io n See page 23 for more See page 24 for See page 25 for more about Aer Lingus more about Avios about IAG Cargo www.iairgroup.com 8 Chief Executive Officer’s review Ensuring the long-term viability of the business “2016 was a good year for IAG even though the external impact of the Brexit vote and the subsequent sharp fall in the pound took the shine off our results. Nevertheless, we are very confident about the future and convinced the best is yet to come.” Willie Walsh Chief Executive Officer In 2016 we continued to build on all the The plain fact is no company can control There are regulatory issues to be tremendous progress we have made in exchange rates. Although we do hedge addressed and, as the Chairman has the six years since IAG was first formed against fluctuations in our transactional indicated, many of these will not become and I think we can feel both proud of costs, we do not and would not hedge clear until the precise terms of Brexit our achievements to date and very against translation to our reporting are agreed and new arrangements are confident about the long-term future of currency – that is something that the in place. this business. investment community has to factor into But I do think there is a common its assessments of our performance. The year was not without its difficulties, interest on both sides of the Atlantic in of course, and a number of external As a result of these factors we reported maintaining an “Open Skies” environment factors took the gloss off what was a full year operating profit of €2.5 billion between the UK and the US and I fully otherwise another powerful performance compared with €2.3 billion in 2015. expect a new agreement to be put in by the Group, none more so than the Although that outcome is below our place once the current EU agreement unexpected UK vote to leave the EU and expectations, I believe it is still a very with the US comes to an end after Brexit. the subsequent sharp fall in the value of strong result given the considerable There is some more doubt over the future the pound. turbulence we faced during the year of the deregulated aviation market within and it’s one which we can still be very The impact of Brexit led us to conclude Europe. This is a real issue for carriers proud of. that we wouldn’t be able to deliver on our operating intra-EU services, but not one euro profit targets for the year and on the The long-term impact of Brexit for British Airways as all its flights are to morning after the vote we updated the The Brexit vote has created uncertainty and from the UK. market, which had a big impact on our and uncertainty is never welcome. But it’s important to say we are not share price. But longer term we do not think it will seeking competitive advantage from this During the year we looked for ways to undermine the fundamental strength of situation. We would never encourage the counteract that impact, but the scale of it our business. UK Government to take a protectionist was significant and we did not have the Indeed, we’ve already seen bookings by stance. Deregulation has delivered huge capacity to offset it completely. UK companies stabilise. I think there is benefits for consumers and I believe a genuine political will to make the UK politicians should and will act rationally a strong independent trading country, to protect those benefits. Preserving the a goal I’ve no doubt will be achieved. current liberalised market is the right People will continue to fly for business, way forward. for leisure and to visit friends and family, so the core of our business will not only remain strong but will continue to grow. INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES GROUP Annual Report and Accounts 2016

Despite the challenging environment, we have made good progress toward achieving our long-term goal very big sterling revenue and profit change. The chart below outlines the . departures from London than easyJet.
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