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Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids. Proceedings of The Third European Conference University of Manchester, England, 18–20 July 1980 PDF

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Preview Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids. Proceedings of The Third European Conference University of Manchester, England, 18–20 July 1980

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C. SMITH UMIST, England Sponsored by The Institute of Physics Materials and Testing Group PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · NEW YORK ■ TORONTO · SYDNEY ■ PARIS ■ FRANKFURT U.K. Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 0X3 OBW, England U.S.A. Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523, U.S.A. CANADA Pergamon of Canada, Suite 104, 150 Consumers Road, Willowdale, Ontario M2J 1P9, Canada AUSTRALIA Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., P.O. Box 544, Potts Point, N.S.W. 2011, Australia FRANCE Pergamon Press SARL, 24 rue des Ecoles, 75240 Paris, Cedex 05, France FEDERAL REPUBLIC Pergamon Press GmbH, 6242 Kronberg-Taunus, OF GERMANY Hammerweg 6, Federal Republic of Germany Copyright © 1980 Pergamon Press Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers. First edition 1980 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Internal friction and ultrasonic attenuation in solids. 1. Internal friction - Measurement - Congresses 2. Ultrasonic waves - Congresses I. Smith, C C 530.4Ί QC197 80-40935 ISBN 0-08-024771-7 In order to make this volume available as economically and as rapidly as possible the authors' typescripts have been reproduced in their original forms. This method has its typographical limitations but it is hoped that they in no way distract the reader. Printed in Great Britain by A. Wheaton & Co. Ltd., Exeter Third European Conference on Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids University of Manchester July 18-20, 1979 Sponsorship Institute of Physics, Materials and Testing Group. Conference Committee Prof. W. Benoit, Lausanne, Prof. J. De Fouguet, Poitiers, Prof. P. Feltham, Uxbridge, Prof. P.F. Gobin, Lyon, Dr. M.J. Lea, London, Dr. G.M. Leak, Manchester, Dr. D. Lenz, Aachen, Prof. K. Lucke, Aachen, Dr. F.M. Mazzolai, Rome, Prof. Ing. M. Nuovo, Rome, Dr. R.A. Petlrick, Glasgow, Prof. V.S. Postnikov, Voronezh, Prof. A. Seeger, Stuttgart, Dr. C.C. Smith, Manchester, (Conference Secretary). Preface Internal friction measurements provide a very sensitive technique for studying structural features such as point defects, dislocations, interfaces and second phases in solids and the processes by which these features contribute to energy dissipation. Topics studied range from point defect interactions to the establishment of high damping capacity materials for absorption of noise and vibration. Materials investigated include pure metals and their alloys, ceramics, glasses and polymers. These proceedings contain the contributions to the third European Conference held at Manchester University in July 1979. The European Conferences alternate every two years with a series of International Conferences. This year an effort has been made to increase the number of contributions on non-metallic materials. The editor would like to express his thanks to all who contributed to the success of the Conference, particularly Dr. G.M. Leak and the staff of the Institute of Physics. Thanks are also due to the Vice-Chancellor of Manchester University, to Professor J. Colhoun and to the staffs of the Schuster Building, Owens Park and the University Refectory. Finally thanks are also due to Mrs. Joan Colclough and Mrs. Lilian Ratcliffe for their invaluable secretarial assistance. Manchester C.C. Smith Xlll Dislocation Relaxation Peaks D. H. Niblett Physics Laboratory, The University, Canterbury, Kent, UK ABSTRACT A brief review is given of the internal friction peaks observed in face-centred cubic, body-centred cubic and hexagonal metals which have been attributed to dislocation relaxation processes. KEYWORDS Internal friction; metals; dislocation damping; relaxation processes. INTRODUCTION I have been asked by the organisers of this Conference to begin this first session with a general introduction to the papers to be presented in the session. The session is entitled "Dislocation Damping", but a closer inspection of the titles of the papers shows that they are dealing essentially with dislocation relaxation peaks in metals. Thus it would appear that a brief introduction to this subject would be appropriate, particularly for the benefit of those participants whose main interest is in other aspects of internal friction and ultrasonic attenuation. THE BORDONI PEAK Historically, the study of dislocation relaxation peaks began about thirty years ago, when Bordoni (1954) first observed a peak in the internal friction of a number of face-centred cubic metals at a temperature in the region 50 - 100K. This initial discovery was followed by a period, between about 1955 and 1960, in which many detailed investigations of the Bordoni peak were carried out, mainly on copper, at Cornell, Oxford, Rome and elsewhere, and the results have been reviewed by several authors (e.g. Niblett, 1966; De Batist, 1972). In particular, the dependence on plastic deformation and the insensitivity of the temperature of the peak to point defect concentration suggested that the Bordoni peak results from an intrinsic property of dislocations. The variation of the temperature of the Bordoni peak witfc frequency showed that it cpuld be attributed to a thermally- activated relaxation process, with an activation energy in the case of copper of about 0.12 eV. Seeger(1956) proposed that the mechanism responsible for the Bordoni peak is the 3 4 D. H. Niblett thermally-activated generation of pairs of kinks on dislocations. A dislocation lying along a crystallographic direction in the lattice may form a pair of kinks due to the combined action of thermal fluctuations and the stress field, the segment between the kinks being transferred into the adjacent valley of the Peierls potential. A relaxation peak occurs when the frequency of the applied stress is comparable to the frequency of generation of double kinks. This double-kink generation model was able to explain satisfactorily all the principal features of the experimental results, and is now generally accepted. Modifications have been introduced recently by Schlipf and Schindlmayr (1976) and Esnouf and Fantozzi (1978) to try to account for the fact that the peak is broader than that for a simple relaxation process. Theoretical and experimental work on the Bordoni peak is still in progress, and three of the papers at this session will be concerned with this topic, but interest during recent years has shifted towards other dislocation relaxation peaks. OTHER PEAKS IN FCC METALS It was soon discovered that the Bordoni peak was not the only internal friction peak which occurred below room temperature in plastically-deformed face-centred cubic metals. For example, in measurements by Niblett and Wilks (1957) on copper at about 1 kHz there appeared, in addition to the Bordoni peak at about 75K, two smaller peaks at about 32K and 200K. The lower-temperature peak generally behaves similarly to the Bordoni peak, and is believed to be due to a similar mechanism in a different type of dislocation. The peak around 200K has been investigated in detail, particularly by Hasiguti and co-workers in Japan. They showed that in this temperature region three separate peaks could be distinguished. These Hasiguti peaks, normally labelled P , P~ and P in order of increasing temperature, were reviewed by Benoit (1977) at the Tokyo conference. It is generally accepted that they result from an interaction between dislocations and point defects. Possible models include the thermally-activated breakaway of dislocations from point defects and the dragging of point defects by dislocations. The Hasiguti peaks in copper will be the subject of a paper by the Aachen group this afternoon. PEAKS IN BCC AND HEXAGONAL METALS So far we have been considering face-centred cubic metals. Somewhat similar effects have also been observed in body-centred cubic metals, and these have been studied in some detail. The early work was reviewed by Chambers (1966), who designated the principal relaxation peaks in body-centred cubic metals as a, 3 and γ in ascending order of temperature. For example, in niobium at torsion pendulum frequencies the α-peak occurs at about 120K and behaves rather like the Bordoni peak in face-centred cubic metals. The 3-relaxation is really a number of separate peaks occurring between 200K and 400K, and appears to be due to inter- action between dislocations and point defects, like the Hasiguti peaks in face- centred cubic metals. The γ-peak occurs at around 500K for niobium at about 1 Hz. Seeger and Wuthrich (1976) have attributed the γ-peak to double-kink formation on screw dislocations, with the α-peak ascribed tentatively to double-kink formation on non-screw dislocations. Several of the papers in this session are concerned with these relaxation peaks in body-centred cubic metals, so it will be interest- ing to see whether they provide confirmation for this interpretation. Very few measurements have been made on hexagonal close-packed metals, but a broad peak has been observed in the region of 150 - 200K in zinc and magnesium. Dislocation Relaxation Peaks 5 More experiments are needed on this group of metals: the paper by Fantozzi and co-workers on magnesium at this conference should help to rectify this situation. REFERENCES Benoit, W. (1977). Hasiguti peaks and interaction between dislocations and point defects. Proc. 6th ICIFUAS, Tokyo, 109-116. Bordoni, P.G. (1954). Elastic and anelastic behaviour of some metals at very low temperatures. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 26, 49 5-502. Chambers, R.H. (1966). Dislocation relaxations in body-centred cubic transition metals. In W.P. Mason (Ed.), Physical Acoustics, Vol. IIIA. Academic Press, New York. pp. 123-197. De Batist, R. (1972). Internal Friction of Structural Defects in Crystalline Solids. North-Holland, Amsterdam. Esnouf, C. and G. Fantozzi (1978). Theoretical aspects of the Bordoni relaxation. phys. stat. sol, (a), 47, 201-211. Niblett, D.H. (1966). Bordoni peak in face-centred cubic metals. In W.P. Mason (Ed.), Physical Acoustics, Vol. IIIA. Academic Press, New York. pp. 77-121. Niblett, D.H. and J. Wilks (1957). The internal friction of cold-worked copper at low temperatures. Phil. Mag ., _2 1427-1444. 9 Schlipf, J. and R. Schindlmayr (1976). The kinetics of double-kink rplaxation. Nuovo Cim., 33Β, 22-28. Seeger, A. (1956). On the theory of the low-temperature internal friction peak observed in metals. Phil. Mag., _1, 651-662. Seeger, A. and C. Wuthrich (1976). Dislocation relaxation processes in body-centred cubic metals. Nuovo Cim., 33B, 38-75. The Bordoni Peak in Copper Single Crystals at Kilohertz Frequencies H. Farman* and D. H. Niblett** *lran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran **Physics Laboratory, The University, Canterbury, Kent, UK ABSTRACT The internal friction of cold-worked single crystals of high-purity copper has been measured in the temperature range from 60 to 200K at frequencies between 12 and 22 kHz. The temperature, height and shape of the Bordoni peak were studied as a function of the magnitude of the resolved shear stress used to deform crystals of <100>, <920> and <110> orientations. The peak was found to be much larger for <110> crystals than for the other orientations; this difference is attributed to the different dislocation structure observed by electron microscopy. Most of the measurements were made without removing the ends of the crystal which had been gripped in the tensometer; removal of these ends had an unexpectedly large effect for the crystals of <110> orientation. KEYWORDS Internal friction; Bordoni peak; copper; dislocation damping; plastic deformation» INTRODUCTION Niblett and Wilks (1957) investigated the effect of different amounts of prior deformation on the temperature, height and shape of the Bordoni peak in poly- crystalline copper at „kilohertz frequencies. More recently, Brown and Niblett (.1973) measured the internal friction of copper single crystals of <111>, <100> and <110> orientations at kilohertz frequencies after prior extensions of 5%. The first two behaved very similarly to polycrystalline copper after a similar de- formation, but the Bordoni peak for the crystal of <110> orientation was much larger than for the other crystals, it occurred at a slightly higher temperature and it was relatively broad and asymmetric. This suggested the need for a more systematic investigation of the effects of prior deformation on the Bordoni peak in copper single crystals. EXPERIMENTAL The specimens used were high-purity (99.999%) copper single crystals, supplied by Metals Research Ltd. in the form of cylindrical rods 10 cm long and 6 mm in diameter. 7 8 H. Farman and D. H. Niblett The crystals were deformed by longitudinal extension at room temperature in a Hounsfield tensometer. It is customary, when using this method of deformation, to remove the ends of the crystal which have been gripped in the jaws of the tenso- meter before measuring the internal friction. However, this procedure shortens the crystal and is clearly not suitable for making a series of measurements on the same crystal after gradually increasing prior strains. Therefore we decided to make the internal friction measurements on the crystals without removing the gripped ends; the effect of the gripped ends was examined after the final de- formation. The crystals were orientated with their axes close to the <100>, <9 20> and <110> directions respectively. After each deformation the orientation was checked by the Laue back-reflection X-ray method and the crystal was left at room temperature for at least two days before its internal friction was measured. The internal friction was measured in the temperature range from 60 to 200K for longitudinal vibrations at frequencies between 12 and 22 kHz, using the technique described by Brown and Niblett (1973). RESULTS The internal friction of the copper single crystal of <100> orientation was measured at about 13 kHz after each of thirteen amounts of deformation, ranging up to a resolved shear stress of 68.5 N mm"2, which produced an extension of 24%. X^\ *° Xo (b) £ x° * \ x° 15 .Xo • χ°0 X ° o o o X o a X° o 10 X° uo X O X O 5 Xo Xo X °X 9 * * x ^ i 1 i 1 i 100 HO 180 60 100 HO 180 Temperature (K) Temperature (K) Fig. 1. The internal friction of a copper single crystal of <100> orientation. (a) 0 - 10 N mm"2; X - 20 N mm"2; · - 37 N mm"2; Δ - 58 N mm"2. (b) 68.5 N mm"2. X - with gripped ends; 0 - without gripped ends.

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