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Intermediate coupling model of cuprates: adding fluctuations to a weak coupling model of pseudogap and superconductuctivity competition R.S. Markiewicz, Tanmoy Das, Susmita Basak, and A. Bansil Physics Department, Northeastern University, Boston MA 02115, USA (Dated: January 31, 2010) Wedemonstratethatmanyfeaturesascribedtostrongcorrelationeffectsinvariousspectroscopies of the cuprates are captured by a calculation of the self-energy incorporating effects of spin and 0 charge fluctuations. The self energy is calculated over the full doping range from half filling to the 1 overdopedsystem. Inthenormalstate,thespectralfunctionrevealsfoursubbands: twowidelysplit 0 incoherentbandsrepresentingtheremnantofthetwoHubbardbands,andtwoadditionalcoherent, 2 spin-andcharge-dressedin-gapbandssplitbyaspin-densitywave,whichcollapsesintheoverdoped regime. The resulting coherent subbands closely resemble our earlier mean-field results. Here we n presentanoverviewofthecombinedresultsofourmean-fieldcalculationsandthenewerextensions a J intothe intermediate coupling regime. 1 3 Over the past few years evidence has been mounting overview of our ongoing work in this direction.[6, 9] ] that correlation effects in the cuprates are not as strong We begin with a brief recapitulation of the mean-field n as previously thought and that these materials may fall calculations,whichbythemselvescanprovideagoodde- o c into an intermediate coupling regime. If so, the transi- scriptionof the doping dependence of the low-energyco- - tiontoaninsulatorcouldbe describedintermsofSlater herent part of the electronic spectrum. The model is r p physics by invoking a competing phase with long-range nearly quantitative for electron-doped cuprates, where u magneticorder,ratherthanMottphysicsrequiringadis- the competing magnetic order is known to be (π,π) an- s orderedspinliquidphasewithnodoubleoccupancy. The tiferromagneticoverthe fulldopingrange. Suchamodel . t moststrikingevidenceinthisdirectionperhapsistheex- can describe many features of the hole-doped cuprates a m istence of quantum oscillations in underdoped cuprates as well, even though the competing order[s] are known associatedwithsmallFermisurfacepockets.[1,2]Strictly, to be more complicated.[10, 11] Within this model, for - d quantum oscillations have only been observed in strong electron-doped cuprates, the ground state at half-filling n magnetic fields, so that it is possible that the ordered is an antiferromagnetic insulator, doping simply shifts o phases are field-induced.[3] Nevertheless, it is clear that the Fermi level into the upper magnetic band produc- c [ a phase with long-range order lies close in energy to the ing an electron pocket near (π,0), and the magneti- groundstate. Additionalevidencecomesfromtherecent zation decreases with doping until magnetism collapses 1 calculation of the magnetic phase diagram of the half- in a quantum critical point near optimal doping. This 6v filled t−t′ −U model by Tocchio, et al.[4] They found quantum critical phase transition in fact involves two 0 that the ground state is either non-magnetic at small Fermi surface driven topological transitions[12], the first 1 U or possesses a long-range magnetic order, except for near x = 0.14−0.15 where the top of the lower mag- 0 a small pocket of spin-liquid phase at values of U and neticbandcrossestheFermilevelproducingholepockets . ′ 2 |t| too large to be relevant for the cuprates. Further, near (π/2,π/2), and a second transition near x = 0.18, 0 the high-energy spectral weight associated with the ‘up- where the hole and electron pockets recombine into a 0 per Hubbard band’ decreases with doping too fast to be single large Fermi surface. The model has been able to 1 consistent with strong coupling (no double occupancy) describe angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES),[13, 14] : v models.[5, 6] resonantinelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS),[15] and scan- i X There have been a number of recent attempts to ex- ning tunelling miscoscopy (STM)[16] spectra, and the r tend strong coupling calculations into the intermediate unusualpairingsymmetrytransitionwithdopingseenin a coupling regime. Yang, et al.[7] have introduced a phe- penetrationdepthmeasurements[17]. Recently,quantum nomenological self energy that is similar to that of an oscillations were observed in electron doped cuprates at orderedmagnetic phase,but with a specialsensitivity to severaldopings,showingacrossoverfromtheholepocket the magnetic zone boundary. Paramekanti,et al.[8] have atlowerdopingstothelargeFSatthehighestdoping.[18] carriedoutvariationalresonant-valencebond(RVB)-like Furthermore, the areas of the FS pockets measured by calculations where the requirement of no double occu- quantum oscillations are well predicted by the model for pancy has been relaxed. However,giventhat the ground the electron doped case, while hole doped cuprates re- state is close to being magnetically ordered, one could main controversialin this aspect. also approach intermediate coupling by including effects Fluctuationsmodifytheabovepictureinseveralways. of fluctuations in a weak coupling scheme, where the First, in two-dimensional materials, critical fluctuations lowest order (Hertree-Fock) solution already describes are well-known to eliminate long-range order and drive a long-range ordered state. This article presents an the antiferromagnetic transition temperature to zero in 2 accord with the Mermin-Wagner theorem, so that over the renormalizationparameter Z self-consistently. a wide range of temperatures only a pseudogapremains. Morespecifically,wewriteG0 intermsofthe unrenor- [The observed N´eel order is driven by small deviations malized LDA dispersion. Note that our tight-binding from isotropic two-dimensional magnetism.] These fluc- hopping parametersare not free parameters,but are the tuations can be accounted for in a self-consistent renor- bestrepresentationofthefirst-principlesLDAdispersion. malization scheme[19], and are necessary to describe the All renormalizations, giving rise to the experimental re- response of the system at higher temperatures. Fluctua- sults, are embedded in the computed Σ. W is the sum tions also modify the low-temperature physics at higher of the RPA spin plus charge susceptibilities calculated energies, leading to the high-energy kink or the water- using Gint rather than G0. The key lies in the choice of fallsseeninARPES[20–22],effectsoftheARPESmatrix G . Ourstrategyistoconstructthebestoneparameter int element nothwithstanding[23–27]. We have recently in- model for G (Z) with Z chosen to minimize G−G . int int troduced the quasiparticle-GW (QP-GW) scheme to ac- [G = G of course yields the full GW.] To motivate int count for these fluctuations.[6, 9] In this way, we have our choice, we recall that the main effect of Σ at low been able to describe the doping dependence of the op- energies is to renormalize the dispersion from the LDA tical spectra[28–30], including both the ‘Slater-like’ col- values to those observed in experiments (e.g., ARPES). lapseofthemidinfraredpeakwithdopingandthe‘Mott- This renormalization, which amounts to a factor of 2-3, like’persistenceofahigh-energypeakintotheoverdoped is relatively modest in that the mass does not diverge, regime. The model also quantitatively accounts for the and depends weakly on k.[34] That is, approximately anomalousspectralweighttransfertolowerenergieswith doping in the cuprates.[6] ǫk,ARPES =Zǫk,LDA. (2) In a GW-scheme, the self-energy is calculated from a variantofthelowest-order‘sunset’diagram,apropagator Hence,wechooseperhapsthesimplestGint whichrepro- −1 −1 dressed by the emission and reabsorption of a bosonic ducesthisdispersionrenormalization,Gint =G0 −Σint, operator, with Σint =(1−Z−1)ω, so that ∞ 1 dω Z Σ(k,σ,iωn)= ησ,σ′ pΓ(k,q,ωn,ωp) Gint(k,ω)= . (3) 2qX,σ′ Z−∞ 2π ω−Zǫk,LDA+iδ G(k+q,σ′,iω +ω )Im[Wσσ′(q,ω )], (1) The above expression refers to the paramagnetic phase, n p p but the extension to a magnetically ordered phase is Here, σ is the spin index. W ∼U2χ denotes the interac- straightforwardwhereG,χ,andΣbecome(2×2)tensors tion,whichinvolvestheHubbardU andthesusceptibility for the (π,π) antiferromagnetic order.[6, 31] χ in the random phase approximation (RPA)[31], and Γ is a vertex correction.[32] ησ,σ′ gives the spin degrees of freedom,whichtakesvalue of2 for transversespinand1 G x = 0.04 int for longitudinal andchargesusceptibility. The modelin- G with Γ =Z−1 volvesthreeGreen’sfunctions,thebareG0,thedressedG givenbyDyson’sequationG−1 =G−01−Σ,andaninter- nit) G with Γ=1 u nalGreen’sfunctionGint whichwillbedescribedfurther b. below. Anumberofdifferentvariantsofthe GWscheme r a can be constructed, depending on the specific Green’s S ( function usedin evaluating the G andthe W in the con- O D volution integral of Eq. 1.[33] Using the bare G0 in both G and W in the so-called‘G0W0’ scheme corresponds to lowest order perturbation theory. Using the dressed G in both G and W (i.e. the GW scheme) leads to fully −4 −2 0 2 4 renormalized propagator and interaction corresponding ω (eV) to aninfinite resummationof diagrams. However,this is still notthe exactself-energybecause ofthe missing ver- FIG.1: DOScomputedfrom Gint iscomparedwiththefully tex corrections. In fact, GW scheme often gives worse dressed DOS with a vertex correction Γ = 1/Z and without results than G0W0 version when the vertex corrections the vertex correction (i.e. Γ = 1) at a representative doping areomitted. Bearingallthisinmind,ourapproachisan of x=0.04 as discussed in thetext. intermediate one, in that it is based on the convolution of an intermediate coupling Green’s function and inter- Self-consistency is obtained by choosing Z such that action. In this sprit, we first calculate the self-energy of the low energy dispersion is the same for G and G . int Eq. 1 by using a parameterized G = G (Z), and then This is illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 1 compares the int calculateW exactlybasedonthisG ,anddetermine density-of-states (DOS) associated with G (red line) int int int 3 FIG. 2: Spectral intensity plots along the high symmetry lines for antiferromagnetic (AF) (x = 0.10), AF+d−wave super- conducting (SC) (x = 0.15), d−SC (x = 0.18), and the paramagnetic (PM) (x = 0.22) states. Full self-energy Σ is included in all cases. Antiferromagnetic order parameters are computed self-consistently.[6] Self-energy is computed including the an- tiferromagnetic gap, but does not incorporate the low energy superconducting gap. Black lines depict the dispersions that enterintoGint,butthecorrespondingspectralweight ofthebandisnotshown forsimplicity[14]. Anartificially large valueof superconducting gap (∆ = 30 meV) is used so that the effects of superconductivity can be visible on the energy scale of the figure.[35] Arrows mark thestart of thehigh-energy kink or thewaterfall in thespectrum below the Fermienergy. andG,eitherwith(blueline)orwithout(green)avertex superconducting phases evolve with doping, the over- correction in the antiferromagnetic state. As discussed all energy regime of the waterfall phenomenon remains further below, G and G −dressed DOSs clearly match fairly doping independent (marked by arrows in Fig. 2), int well with each other in the low energy regime where consistentwithexperiments.[21]Inthepseudogapregion both spectra show the spin density wave dressed upper (x=0.10,Fig.2(a)),the resulting ‘fourband’-likestruc- and lower magnetic bands, consistent with our earlier ture (two magnetic bands and the two Hubbard bands) mean-field results[14, 17, 35]. At high energies,however, agrees well with cluster[37] and quantum Monte Carlo G fails (by construction) to reproduce the incoherent calculations[38]. Near optimaldoping d−wavesupercon- int hump features associated with precursors to the upper ductivity coexists with the antiferromagnetic state in a and lower Hubbard bands. uniformphase[17, 35]resulting infurther splitting ofthe coherentbands as seen in Fig. 2(b). The coherentbands Fig.2comparesthe spectralweights,A=−Im(G)/π, approachthe Fermi level with increasing spectral weight with the corresponding dispersions ǫ (black lines) k,int as the pseudogap collapses at a quantum critical dop- thatenterintoG . Asnotedearlier,thelatterprovidea int ing near x = 0.17 in both the electron and hole doped very good fit to the low energy coherent features for the case[10]. On the other hand, the Hubbard bands move entire doping range in electron doped Nd2−xCexCuO4 towards higher energy as the doping increases and the (NCCO).Self-consistencyensuresthatG providesthe int spectral weight associated with these bands decreases, best approximation to the full G. As an added benefit, consistent with optical spectra.[28, 30] Z in general renormalizes ǫ to values close to those k,int Notably, the lifetime broadening of the quasiparticle found in our earlier mean-field studies[14, 17, 35]. The statesoriginatesfrommagneticscatteringintheQP-GW obtained self-consistent values of Z decrease almost lin- model. Thisbroadeninghasanon-Fermiliquidformwith early with doping, as seen in ARPES[36]. In this way, asignificantlinear-in-Tcomponent,particularlynearthe the QP-GW model reproduces the results of our earlier Van Hove singularity (VHS).[9] Furthermore, in describ- mean-fieldcalculationsinthelowenergyregion,whilere- ing broadening of ARPES features in the superconduct- vealingnew physicsathigher energies[e.g.,the waterfall ingstateinourearliermean-fieldmodel,wephenomeno- effect]. logicallyintroducedanelasticsmallanglescatteringcon- We now comment on some applications of the present tribution of similar non-Fermi-liquid form[35, 39, 40] QP-GW model. The waterfall physics seen in ARPES spectra of the cuprates is a direct consequence of the ω p ′′ self-energy correction, which introduces a peak in scat- Σ (ω)=sgn(ω)C0(cid:20)1+(cid:18)ω0(cid:19) (cid:21). (4) tering at intermediate energies below as well as above theFermilevelasseeninFig.2.[27]Thisscatteringsplits Here C0 = 100 meV and ω0 = 1.6 eV are determined thespectrumintoalow-energycoherentpartandahigh- from a fit to the ARPES energy distribution curves energyincoherentregion. Whilethenear-Fermi-leveldis- (EDCs). The exponent p is of physical significance in persion changes substantially as the magnetic and the determining quasiparticle character[41]. We found that 4 0.8 In order to better understand the susceptibility χ , int QP−GW a comparison with our earlier mean-field result, χ MF Small−angle scattering, Eq. 4 is instructive. Since G differs from G only by int MF an overall multiplicative factor of Z, χ differs from int V) χMF by a factor of Z2. This has important conse- e ( quences. Fermi liquid theory requires that both the dis- ω) 0.4 persion and the spectral weight be renormalized by in- ( ′′Σ teractions, and for a weakly k-dependent self energy, as − in the present case, Z ≃ Z . This is true for G disp ω int and G, but Z = 1 for G , which causes mean-field ω MF theory to overestimate the tendency towards instabil- ity. As the bandwidth decreases (Z → 0), the density 0.0 of states and susceptibility must increase as 1/Z, in or- −2 0 2 ω (eV) der to keep the total electron number fixed since there are no incoherent states in mean-field theory. Instability FIG. 3: Imaginary part of the self-energy for NCCO (red is controlled by the Stoner factor, Uχ0(q,ω = 0) = 1. line) is compared with the form used in Eq. 4. Note that Since χ0(q,0,MF) = χ0(q,0,LDA)/Z, a small Z en- themodelsmall angle scattering formulawas onlyapplied to hances the probability of instability. On the other hand, filled states, ω<0. for G or G only the low-energy quasiparticle degrees int of freedom contribute to the instability, as reflected in χ0(q,0,int) = Zχ0(q,0,LDA). Hence, large fluctua- p = 3/2[35, 39, 40] applies for electrons as well as hole tions (small Z) actually reduce the probability of con- doped cuprates in reproducing the ARPES spectra and densing into any one mode. Equivalently, if we rewrite quasiparticleinterference(QPI)patternseeninscanning the Stoner factor in terms of the LDA susceptibility, it tunneling spectroscopy. This scattering is particularly becomes Ueffχ0,LDA = 1, with Ueff = ZU. Thus t and important in that it allows a finite spectral weight near U should both be renormalized by factors of Z, leaving the Fermi level even in the presence of a pseudogap, t/U invariant. In our mean-field treatment, we had to thereby revealing the leading edge superconducting gap assume that the effective U was doping-dependent, and atallmomenta[10,35]. InFig.3we showthatthe imag- thisZ-correctionaccountsforpartofthatdopingdepen- inary part of the self-energy computed from Eq. 1 above dence. . reproduces this phenomenological form very well in the It should be noted that an accurate calculation of the low-energyregion,bothinmagnitudeandT-dependence, susceptibility and the resulting self-energy is fairly com- indicating that magnon scattering underlies the anoma- puterintensiveasitinvolvesathree-dimensionalintegral lous exponent p=3/2. (kx,ky,ω)forχ0 andasimilarthree-dimensionalintegral We emphasize that in our QP-GW model the bare over χ’s for Σ. Fortunately, we find that Σ has only a dispersion is taken directly from LDA, and the self- weak k-dependence, so we need to calculate it only over consistently determined Z renormalizes this into a dis- a few k-points and use the average. Clearly, this is not a persion which matches the bands seen in ARPES exper- limitation of the model, and the full k-dependence could iments. Hence, the model reproduces our earlier mean- be calculated. However, this would make accurate self- field results, but with fewer parameters, since the dis- consistentcalculationssubstantiallymoretimeintensive. persion is calculated self-consistently rather than being WehaveexploredtheuseofavertexcorrectionforΣ,but derived from experiment. theresultsarenottoosensitive. Wehavetypicallytaken As notedabove,the highenergyfeaturesareabsentin Γ = 1/Z, which puts somewhat greater weight into the G . This is also clear from Eq. 3: If we integrate the incoherent bands as seen by comparing blue and green int spectral weight A (k,ω) over all frequencies we get Z, curves at higher energies in Fig. 2. int not 1, so that G accounts for only the coherent part The present scheme can straightforwardly incorpo- int of G. The incoherent part of weight, 1−Z, is thus not rate the full k-dependence of the susceptibility based accounted for. Clearly, this could be done straightfor- on a realistic material specific band structure.[11] This wardlybyincludingapairofbroadenedLorentzians,but is important for delineating the nature of competing this will add additional parameters in the computation ordered phases, which are different for electron and of the self-energy, not to mention associated vertex cor- hole doped cuprates. Moreover, our self-energy pro- rections. Therefore, we have chosen to first explore the vides a tangible basis for going beyond the conventional QP-GWmodelwithoutthesecomplications. This is also LDA-based framework for realistic modeling of various the reason for calling our approach as QP-GW because highly resolved spectroscopies, providing more discrim- it focuses on the QP part of the spectrum in evaluating inating tests of theoretical models. In addition to the G . ARPES spectra discussed above, a note should also be int 5 made in this connection of the optical spectroscopy,[6] [12] Tanmoy Das, R.S. 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