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Interference Alignment with Quantized Grassmannian Feedback in the K-user Constant MIMO Interference Channel PDF

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Preview Interference Alignment with Quantized Grassmannian Feedback in the K-user Constant MIMO Interference Channel

1 Interference Alignment with Quantized Grassmannian Feedback in the K-user MIMO Interference Channel Mohsen Rezaee, Maxime Guillaud Institute of Telecommunications, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria – e-mail: {guillaud,mohsen.rezaee}@tuwien.ac.at 2 1 Abstract—A simple limited feedback scheme is proposed for the transmitter. [4] shows that the optimal design for such a 0 interference alignment on the K-user Multiple-Input-Multiple- codebookisequivalenttotheGrassmanniansubspacepacking 2 Output Interference Channel (MIMO-IC). The scaling of the problem. Some useful quantization boundson the Grassmann ul ntoumprbeesrervoef tfheeedmbauclktipbleitxsinwgigthainthtehattracnasnmbitepaocwhieerverdequunidreedr manifold are derived in [5], [6]. In [7], quantization of the J perfect channel state information (CSI) isderived. Thisresult is precoding matrix using a random vector quantization (RVQ) 0 obtained through a reformulation of the interference alignment codebooks is investigated which provides insights on the 3 problem in order to exploit the benefits of quantization on the asymptotic optimality of RVQ codebooks. Grassmannmanifold,whichiswellinvestigatedinthesingle-user In the interference channel the problem is explored in the ] MIMOchannel.Furthermore,throughsimulationsweshowthat T the proposed scheme outperforms the naive feedback scheme context of interference alignment over frequency selective I consisting in independently quantizing the channel matrices, in channels for single-antenna users in [8] and for multiple- s. the sense that it yields a better sum rate performance for the antenna users in [9]. Both references provide DoF-achieving c same number of feedback bits. quantization schemes and study the required scaling of the [ number of feedback bits. From another point of view, [10] 1 I. INTRODUCTION provides an analysis of the effect of imperfect CSI on the v Multiple-antenna transceivers improve the performance of mutualinformationoftheinterferencealignmentscheme.The 2 a wireless communication link compared to single-antenna authors in [11] proposed a method to reduce the quantization 0 9 systems. The increasing demand for high throughput and error w.r.t. the classical scheme; the method involves a 6 reliable transmission necessitates efficient use of Multiple- computationally heavy iterative algorithm which must be ran . Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems. The availability of for each codeword and for each channel realization. 7 0 channelstate information(CSI) at the transmitter is crucial in 2 orderto fullyexploitthe performanceimprovementofMIMO In this paper we present a simple feedback scheme 1 systems. based on a Grassmannian representation of CSI and we v: In scenarios where the channel is not reciprocal (such characterizetheproperscalingofthe numberoffeedbackbits i as frequency-division duplex systems) the CSI has to be with the transmit power in order to preserve the multiplexing X quantized and fed back to the transmitter. The mismatch gain achievable under perfect CSI. Using the structure r a between the true channeland the quantized channelresults in of the interference alignment equations, we remove the adegradationinperformance.Thisdegradationismoresevere redundant information in the channel quantization procedure. when it comes to multi-user systems because the channel Simulations are also provided to compare our proposed mismatch not onlyreducesthe effectivechannelgain butalso method to existing feedback methods. causes interference for the other users. Interference alignment (IA) is a precoding method that The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In achievestheoptimalmultiplexinggain(alsocalledthedegrees Section II, the system model is described. The reformulation of freedom, DoF) over the K-user interference channel when of the interference alignment problem is provided in Section perfect CSI is available at the transmitters [1]. This method III. The limited feedback method is presented in Section IV. designs the precoders such that the total interference at each The achievable rate is analyzed in Section V. Simulation receiver lies in a space with minimum dimensions so that results are presentedin Section VI and conclusionsare drawn the rest of the dimensions can be used for interference-free in Section VII. decoding. IA has been introduced for the K-user MIMO IC in [2]. Notation:Non-boldletters representscalar quantities,bold- Extensive research has been made on limited feedback face lowercase and uppercase letters indicate vectors and schemes for single-user MIMO systems [3, and references matrices, respectively. I is the N N identity matrix. The N × therein]. In [4], codebook design is investigated when the trace,conjugate,transpose,Hermitiantransposeofamatrixor receiver selects the best unitary precoder from a finite code- vector are denoted by tr(),() ,()T,()H respectively. The ∗ · · · · book and feeds back the index of the selected precoder to expectation operator is represented by E(). The determinant · 2 of a matrix (or absolute value of a scalar) is represented by of the receive subspace in the absence of alignment. A . The Frobenius norm of a matrix is denoted by solution to the IA problem exists (see [12] and more recently F |·| ||·|| while the two-norm(spectralnorm)of a matrix is represented [13], [14] for feasibility criteria – here we will assume that by . A block diagonal matrix is denoted by Bdiag() the dimensions and the considered channel realizations are 2 ||·|| · with the argument blocks on its diagonal. (0,1) denotes such that the problem is feasible) iff there exist full rank CN the complex Gaussian circularly symmetric distribution with precoding matrices V , j = 1,...,K and projection matrices j zero mean and unit variance. Finally, λ () denotes the U CN d, i=1,...,K such that max i × · ∈ maximumeigenvalueofa matrixandlog representsthelogari thm in base 2. UHH V =0 i,j 1,...,K , j =i, i ij j ∀ ∈{ } 6 (2) rank(UHH V )=d. II. SYSTEMMODEL i ii i AninterferencechannelisconsideredinwhichK transmit- The first condition can be written from the point of view of terscommunicatewith theirrespectivereceiversoverashared receiver i in the form medium. For the sake of notational simplicity, we consider UHH V =0 i 1,...,K (3) the symmetric case where each transmitter has M antennas i i −i ∀ ∈{ } while each receiver is equipped with N antennas, although in which V = Bdiag(V ,...,V ,V ,...,V ) and i 1 i 1 i+1 K the methodappliesto moregeneralnon-symmetricsettingsas H =[H ,.−..,H ,H ,...,H −] which is a N (K i i1 ii 1 ii+1 iK well. 1)M matrix. We co−nsider the thin QR decomposition×of HH−, i Each transmitter employs a precoding matrix to transmit d defined as HH = F C in which F is a (K 1)M N data streams to its respective receiver. The vector at receiver truncatedunitiarymatirixiand C is a Ni N matr−ix.Note×that i i reads in many cases of interest, such as when×the channel matrices have coefficients independentlydrawn from a continuousdis- y =H V x + H V x +n (1) i ii i i ij j j i tribution,H isfullrowrankwithprobability1,andtherefore 1 j K i ≤Xj=≤i Ci is invertible almost surely (a.s.). If we employ the filter 6 in which H CN M is the channel matrix between (C−i 1)H at the ith receiver before projecting the signal into ij × transmitterj and∈receiveri,V CM d andx Cd arethe theinterference-freesubspacethenwecansolvethealignment j ∈ × j ∈ problem at the transmitters based on FH instead of H , since precoding matrix and the data vector of transmitter j, respec- i i atitverelyc.eiFvuerrthi.erAmsosurem,innig∼ECxNx(H0,σ=2INP)Ii,s tjhe=a1d,d.i.ti.v,eKnoainsde UHi FHi V−i =0 ⇒ UHi C−i HCHi FHi V−i =0 (4) usingtruncatedunitaryprecojderjs,thedtradnsmitpowerforeach ⇒ (C−i 1Ui)HHiV−i =0. user is equal to P. The tr(cid:2)ansmit(cid:3)signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) This indicates that if the transmitters design is defined as σP2. ({Vi}Ki=1,{Ui}Ki=1) for {FHi }Ki=1, then we can suppress the interference at receiver i using the V ’s as precoders and i III. PROPOSED GRASSMANNIAN FEEDBACK SCHEME FOR (C−i 1Ui)H as the projection filter at receiver i. INTERFERENCEALIGNMENT The importanceof this observationis that Fi is a truncated unitarymatrixanditsstructureoffersareductionintheamount Let us consider the interference alignment problem of [2], ofrequiredfeedback.We nowshowthattheknowledgeofthe in which the channel state information is fed back from the columnspaceofF issufficienttocomputeprecodingmatrices receivers to the transmitters and the transmitters find the i that fulfill the alignment conditions. precoding and projecting matrices that satisfy the alignment ConsideringperfectCSIfeedbackontheGrassmannmanifold, conditionsbasedonthereceivedfeedback.Thisscenarioarises the feedback can be considered to take the form of a matrix when the receivers cannot share their channel estimates. The whose columns span the same subspace as those of F , and ith receiver estimates the channel matrices H , j = i and i ij 6 whichcanbewrittenasF U¯ withU¯ beingaunitarymatrix. feeds back the necessary information to all the transmitters i i i The transmitter finds the alignment solution based on F U¯ . so that every transmitter is capable of solving the alignment i i Therefore we have problem. Alternatively, one could consider a single central processing unitwhere the IA solution could be computedand U˜H(F U¯ )HV =0 (U¯ U˜ )HFHV =0. (5) subsequentlydistributedto thetransmitters.Thisdistinctionis i i i −i ⇒ i i i −i immaterial, as the results presented here apply to both cases. Letting U = U¯ U˜ and using the same argument as in i i i In this section we consider perfect CSI feedback in order to (4), the interference can be completely removed by using to highlightthe intuitionbehindourlimitedfeedbackscheme. the filter (C−i 1Ui)H = (C−i 1U¯iU˜i)H at receiver i. This Assuming that global CSI is available at a given location, meansthat the receiver shouldrotate the alignmentprojection the precoders V , i = 1...K can be designed to align the matrix (U˜ ) using the same rotation employed for feedback i i interference at each receiver into a N d dimensional space and then transform it by C 1. Assuming that the process Therefore, interference-free transmissi−on for d streams per of reconstructing F U¯ fro−im the fed back message is i i user becomes possible for a feasible setting. We will further deterministic and known to the receiver, F U¯ and therefore i i assume that (K 1)M N, which represents the cases U¯ can be assumedto be knownatthe receiver.U˜ , however, i i − ≥ of interest where interference would occupy all dimensions is not known at the receiver and must be communicated or 3 evaluated through other means. reads Li =tr(Ex(eieHi )) Itisobviousfrom(4)thattheCSIfeedbackprobleminthis K context is equivalent to feeding back a point (represented by P =tr( GHH V VHHHG ) the truncated unitary matrix F ) on the Grassmann manifold d i ij j j ij i i for each of the K users. In the next section, we j=X1,j6=i (9) cGo(Kns−id1e)Mr t,Nhe quantization of this CSI information. = Ptr(GHH V VH HHG ) d i i −i −i i i P = GHH V 2. d|| i i −i||F IV. QUANTIZED CSI FEEDBACK SCHEME Substituting GHi =(C−i 1FHi FˆiU˜i)H and Hi =CHi FHi gives In this section we consider the case where the alignment P eaquqautaionntiszeadrevesorslivoend obfasethdeoCnStIh,eu(seinrrgor-tfhreee)Grfaesesdmbaacnkniaonf Li = d||U˜Hi FˆHi FiC−i HCHi FHi V−i||2F (10) P representationoutlined in the previoussection. Let us assume = U˜HFˆHF FHV 2. d|| i i i i −i||F thatreceiveriperfectlyknowsitschannelsfromallinterfering transmitters and therefore can perform the QR decomposition Using the alignmentequationin (7) andthe factthatFˆHFˆ = i i HHi = FiCi. Receiver i quantizes the subspace spanned IN, yields U˜Hi FˆHi FˆiFˆHi V i = 0, therefore (10) can be by the columns of Fi using Nf bits and broadcasts the rewritten as − index of the quantized codeword to the transmitters or any P other processing unit in charge of computing the V ’s. We L = U˜HFˆH(F FH Fˆ FˆH)V 2. (11) i i d|| i i i i − i i −i||F further assume that the transmitters and receivers share a opfred2eNfifnetrduncocadteebdooukniStar=y m{Sa1tr,i.c.e.,sSo2Nffs}izewh(iKch is1c)oMmposeNd UXsing tahnedfaXctsYthat ||XX||F ≤Y ,rawnek(hXav)e.||X||2, ||X||2 ≤ − × || ||F || ||2 ≤|| ||2|| |p|2 andideallyisdesignedusingGrassmanniansubspacepacking. P ThequantizedcodewordistheclosestpointontheGrassmann L = U˜HFˆH(F FH Fˆ FˆH)V 2 manifold, i.e., i d|| i i i i − i i −i||F P U˜HFˆH(F FH Fˆ FˆH)V 2 ≤ || i i i i − i i −i||2 Fˆ =arg min d (S ,F ) (6) P U˜H 2 FˆH 2 (F FH Fˆ FˆH) 2 V 2 i Sx∈S c x i ≤=P||(FiF||2H|| iFˆ||2Fˆ||H)i2 i − i i ||2|| −i||2 (12) || i i − i i ||2 idnistwanhcicehbdectw(Xee,nYX) =and√12Y XXH −YYH[15F].is the chordal ≤P||(FiFHi −FˆiFˆHi )||2F (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)∈G(K−1)M,N (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) =2Pd2c(Fˆi,Fi). The interference alignment problem is then solved based on The second equality holds because U˜H, FˆH and each block FˆH K to find ( V K , U˜ K ) fulfilling i i { i }i=1 { i}i=1 { i}i=1 of V i are truncated unitary matrices which implies that the two-n−orm of these matrices is 1. U˜Hi FˆHi V−i =0, ∀i∈{1,...,K}. (7) Using[5,Corollary1]and[15,Theorem5],ifthecodebook isgeneratedusingthesphere-packingprocedure,themaximum At receiver i, let us define the (not necessarily unitary) valueofquantizationerrorintermsofthechordaldistancecan matrix U˘ = FHFˆ . Furthermore, inspired by the perfect be upper bounded as i i i feedback situation, we define the total receive filter as GH = i 2 w(Chi−en1UF˘iU˜liei)sHin=the(Csu−ib1spFaHiceFˆoiUf˜oi)nHe.oIftthsehocuolddebboeoknoetleedmethnatst ∆imax ≤ (c2Nf)N1G (13) i (i.e., d (Fˆ ,F ) = 0) then U˘ becomes a unitary matrix and will becequial tio U¯i from Secition III. ciniwshtihceh ∆coiemffiaxci=enmt aoxfFtih∈eG(Kba−l1l)Mv,oNludmc(eFˆii,nFtih)e, thGeracsosnmstaannnt Here we show that our limited feedback scheme preserves manifold which is given in [5, Theorem 1] and N = G the total multiplexing gain of the channel provided that the 2N((K 1)M N) is the real dimension of . (K 1)M,N number of feedback bits grows with the transmit power, and Therefor−e from−(12), (13) the leakage term Gcan−be upper we characterize the required growth rate. bounded as After applying the receive filter GH to (1), the interference i 8P leakage (due to imperfectCSI) at receiver i can be written as Li ≤2P∆i2max ≤ (c2Nf)N2G . (14) e = GHH V x . i i ij j j (8) In order to achieve the same multiplexing gain as in the 1≤Xjj=≤iK perfectCSIsituationwehavetoboundtheinterferenceleakage 6 withaconstantvalueindependentofthetransmitpowerwhile Therefore the power of the interference leakage at receiver i lettingP .From(14),itisobviousthatthisrequiresthat →∞ 4 22NNGf scalesat leastlinearlywithP. Therefore,we can bound The rate loss due to quantization reads the power of interference leakage by letting N grow as f ∆Ri =Ri Ri p− q Nf = N2G logP =N((K−1)M −N)logP. (15) =log Id+ σP2QiI −A (21) (cid:12) (cid:12) Therefore, at receiver i, after applying the receive filter GHi log(cid:12)(cid:12)I + P Qi(cid:12)(cid:12) to the received signal (1) we have ≤ (cid:12) d σ2 I(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) y¯i =H¯iixi+n¯i (16) where A = log Id+ σP2(Q(cid:12)(cid:12)iS+QiI) −(cid:12)(cid:12)log Id+ σP2QiS and the inequality follows from the fact that Qi is positive semi- in which y¯i =GHi yi, H¯ii =GHi HiiVi and n¯i =GHi ni+ei definite and there(cid:12)(cid:12)fore A>0. (cid:12)(cid:12) I(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) which has a bounded power independent of P. Note that ∆Ri can be further bounded as inter-stream interference is not considered here, since we P assume that H¯ is perfectly known at receiver i. ∆Ri log I + Qi ii ≤ d σ2 I (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) P redIutcsthioonulidnbtheenpootewderthoaft tthheesriegcneaivleoffilitnetrerGesHit. Hcaonwienvdeurctehias ≤dlo(cid:12)(cid:12)g(λmax(Id+(cid:12)(cid:12) σ2QiI)) (22) P will not affect the multiplexing gain, since it can be shown =dlog(1+ λ (Qi)) that H¯ 2 is proportional to FHFˆ 2 and this term can σ2 max I || ii||F || i i||F P be bounded below as =dlog(1+ GHH V 2) σ2|| i i −i||2 ||FHi Fˆi||2F =N −d2c(Fˆi,Fi)≥N −∆i2max, (17) where we have substituted for the interference covariance matrix as PQi = PGHH V VH HHG and used the and the desired power is written as fact that X 2I= λ (Xi XHi ).−Firo−mi eqis.(9i)–(12) we have E(tr(H¯iixixHi H¯Hii))=P||H¯ii||2F. (18) ||GHi HiV||−i||||222≤2dm2c(aFˆxi,Fi) which gives 2P Since ∆i2max scales with P−1, the reduction in the desired ∆Ri ≤dlog(1+ σ2d2c(Fˆi,Fi)). (23) signal power will be a constant value independent of P. Therefore we can conclude that the desired signal power is From (23) it is clear that the rate loss would be constant if of the order of P. Furthermore, it is clear from the definition thenumberof feedbackbitsisscaled accordingto(15) which ofthe d dmatrixH¯ thatitisalmostsurelyfullrank,since indicates that full DoF is preserved. ii H is i×ndependent of GH and V . Therefore, we conclude Another observation is that when the number of feedback ii i i that our scheme can achieve d DoF per user if the quantized bitsisscaledaccordingto(15),theupperboundoftherateloss CSI scales according to (15). in (21) will not change by increasing the power however the boundgetstighteraspowerincreases.Thedifferencebetween theupperboundandtheactualratelossin(21)whenP V. ACHIEVABLE RATEANALYSIS can be written as →∞ In this section we analyze the sum rate achieved by the proposedquantizationscheme.Inparticularweboundtherate lim A= lim log I +PQi(σ2I +PQi) 1 d I d S − loss incurred by the quantization to find a lower bound for P P →∞ →∞ (24) the achievable sum rate. Here also we will observe that the = lim log(cid:12)(cid:12)Id+QiIQiS−1 (cid:12)(cid:12) rate loss would be a constant value independentof the power P →∞ (cid:12) (cid:12) providedthat the numberof feedbackbits is scaled according which goes to zero sinc(cid:12)e Qi is full ra(cid:12)nk almost surely and (cid:12) S (cid:12) to (15) which reaffirms the achievability of the total DoF. when feedback scales according to (15) we have Qi 0 || I||2 → for P . Therefore the bound in (21) gets tight. This will →∞ help us to get a closer bound on the sum rate achievable by A. Rate Loss Due to CSI Quantization the quantization scheme as we will see later. Let us first consider the rate Ri achievable by user i (after Using the bound derived for the rate loss in (23), we can q filtering by GH at the receiver) with finite rate feedback: lower bound the rate achievable by the quantization scheme i as follows P P in Rwqih=ichlogQ(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)IiSd+=σ2(QGiSHi+HQiiViI)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)iV−iHloHgHi(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)iIGdi+ σan2dQiI(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)QiI (19=) Rqi ≥=RRppii −−d∆lRogi(1+ 2σP2d2c(Fˆi,Fi)). (25) GHH V VH HHG . For perfect CSI, the interference is totiallyire−miove−di anid (1i9) simplifies to Note thatthe boundin (25) holdsfor anyparticularcodebook and also for any realization of the channel matrices. We will P now considerthe averageloss in the achievablerate whenthe Ri =log I + Qi . (20) p d σ2 S channel and/or the quantization codebook are random. (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 5 B. Average Rate Loss under Random Vector Quantization VI. SIMULATION RESULTS If RVQ is used, the relevant performance metric is the A. Performance results using RVQ average sum rate over all possible codebooks and channel In this section, the performance of the proposed scheme realizations. Averaging the chordal distance over the channel is evaluated through numerical simulations. The performance matrices is equivalently performed by averaging over Fi. metric is the sum rate evaluated through Monte-Carlo simu- Therefore the average rate for user i reads lations employing the precoders designed using interference 2P alignment. ES,H(Rqi)≥EH(Rpi)−dES,Fi(log(1+ σ2d2c(Fˆi,Fi))) The achievable sum rate of the MIMO IC using interference 2P alignment precoders under the assumption that the input ≥EH(Rpi)−dlog(1+ σ2ES,Fi(d2c(Fˆi,Fi))) signals are Gaussian can be written as (26) K K wherethesecondinequalityfollowsbyapplicationofJensen’s R = log σ2I + H V VHHH rinepeqreusaelnittys ttohetheexpleocgtefdunvcatliuoen.oTfhtehetedrmistoErtSio,Fni(wd2ch(ilFˆei,uFsiin)g) sum Xi=1 (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) N Xj=1 ij j j ij(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) K (cid:12) K (cid:12) a random codebook, and can be further bounded using [15, log σ2I(cid:12) + H V VHHH (cid:12). (31) Theorem6],whichcanbesummarizedasfollows:forasymp- − (cid:12) N ij j j ij(cid:12) i=1 (cid:12) j=1,j=i (cid:12) totically large codebooksize, when using a randomcodebook X (cid:12) X6 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) for quantizing a matrix F arbitrarily distributed over the A three-user IC w(cid:12) ith two antennas per node a(cid:12)nd one data (cid:12) (cid:12) stream for each transmitter is considered. Entries of the Grassmannmanifold,thek-thmomentofthechordaldistance D(k) = E ,F(dkc(Fˆ,F)) to the quantized point Fˆ can be channel matrices are generated according to CN(0,1) and S the performanceresults areaveragedoverthechannelrealiza- bounded as tions. Our proposed method is compared to the naive method NG D(k) Γ(NkG) (27) where the interfering channel matrices toward a receiver are (NG+k)(c2Nf)NkG ≤ ≤ NkG(c2Nf)NkG independently vectorized and quantized based on the idea of composite Grassmann manifold [9] and finally the indices of where Γ() denotes the Gamma function. Using the upper thequantizedvectorsarefedbacktothetransmitters(denoted · bound in (27) for k = 2, the average rate of user i can be by ”Naive” in the figures). lower bounded as Figure 1 shows the achievable sum rate versus transmit 2P Γ( 2 ) SNR for Nf = 5 and 10 feedback bits when the precoders ES,H(Rqi)≥EH(Rpi)−dlog 1+ σ2 N2G(c2NNGf)N2G !. aorpetimdeasligsnuebdspbaacseedpaocnkitnhge qcuoadnetbizoeodk,feaedrabnadcko.mIncsotedaedbooofkthies (28) used where in our proposed method the codebook entries are independent (K 1)M N random truncated unitary − × C. Per-User DoF in a Multi-User System matrices generated from the Haar distribution. For the naive method, random unit norm vectors are used in the codebook An interesting consequence of the rate-loss analysis con- construction. Clearly the proposed scheme outperforms the ducted previously can be observed when each receiver uses itsownscalingoftheCSI quantizationcodebooksize withP. naive method for the same number of feedback bits. Formally, let Ni denote the number of bits used by receiver The sum rate in (31) is achievable when optimum receivers i to quantize Fif. Furthermore, assume that Nfi scales with P (not including the projection filters GHi ) are used at the re- ceivers.SincetheachievableschemeinSectionIVisusingthe such that projection filters GH, we evaluated the performanceachieved Ni i α , lim f (29) by this scheme, defined as i P N((K 1)M N)logP →∞ − − K K existsandisfinite.ThenDoFachievablebyuseri isgivenby R = log σ2GHG + GHH V VHHHG s′um (cid:12) i i i ij j j ij i(cid:12) dqi =dpi min(αi,1), (30) Xi=1 (cid:12)(cid:12) Xj=1 (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) TwhheereprdopiofisfothlleowacshiseivmapbllyeDfrooFmo(f2t5h)isbuysetrakwinitgh ptheerfelicmtiCtSoIf. − K log(cid:12)σ2G(cid:12)(cid:12)Hi Gi+ K GHi HijVjVjHHHijGi(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12). (32) i=1 (cid:12) j=1,j=i (cid:12) the lower bound when P , and therefore holds both for X (cid:12) X6 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) RVQ and for codebooks g→en∞erated using the sphere-packing Results are p(cid:12)rovided in Figure 2. (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) The slope of the curves on Figure 2 at high SNR gives us procedure. an indication of the DoF. It is clear from Figure 2 that the Practically, this means that the DoF achieved by each user slope of the rate curve with quantized feedback matches that is independentof the quality of the feedback provided by the of perfect CSI when the number of feedback bits is scaled other users. This result, obtained here for precoding based according to (15). We have used N =[0, 7, 13, 20, 26] bits on the IA criterion, is consistent with the scaling obtained in f 2Nf [16]forcentralizedschemesusingdifferentprecodingschemes and their corresponding powers (P = 2NG ) to generate the such as zero-forcing. curve which exhibits the achievable DoF. Simulations were 6 than n). According to [6], any other point on can be 2 Gn,p 12 representedinthebasisconstitutedbythecolumnsofaunitary matrix W having F as its first columns, i.e. W =[F Fc], as ] Hz 10 C s/ F¯ =W S , (33) s/   bit 8 0n 2p [ − e for some Fc spanning the nullspace of F and at r m- 6 cosθ 0 sinθ 0 Su NNff ==510,,NNaiavieve C= ... 1 ·.·..· ... , S= ... 1 ·.·..· ...  4 Nf =5,Proposed 0 cosθ 0 sinθ Nf =10,Proposed  ··· p   ··· (p34) PerfectCSI 2 for some θ1,...,θp. In this basis, F is trivially obtained as 0 10 20 30 40 I SNR [dB] F=W p . (35) 0 n p (cid:20) − (cid:21) Fig. 1. Sum-rate comparison of quantization methods, for the The squared chordal distance between the two points is 3-user MIMO IC, N =M =2 using (31). p r =d2(F,F¯)= sin2θ . (36) c i i=1 X 15 Inorderto generaterandomperturbationsofa certainchordal distance √r from F one can generate random values for the 0 z] anglesθ ,...,θ such that p sin2θ =r and computethe H 1 p i=1 i 0 s/ 10 perturbed matrix from (33), for some randomly chosen Fc. s/ P bit The histogram of the squared chordal distance between the [ actual F matrices and their quantized versions Fˆ obtained e i i at 5 through simulation of the RVQ quantizer suggests that the r - um Nf =5 Gaussian distribution is a good approximation for the prob- S Nf =10 ability density function. The parameters of this distribution 0 Nf =15 can be obtained from the moments in (27). Note that (27) Nf = N2GlogP only provides bounds on D(k), however since those bounds PerfectCSI areasymptoticallytightwhenthecodebooksize increases,we 0 5 10 15 20 arbitrarilychooseto usethe upperboundasan approximation of D(k), i.e. SNR [dB] Γ( 2 ) r¯, NG D(2) (37) Fig.2.Sum-rateaccordingto(32)oftheproposedmethodfor NG(c2Nf)N2G ≈ differentnumberof bits, for the 3-user MIMO IC, N =M = 2 2. is the average and Γ( 4 ) σ2 , NG r¯2 D(4) (D(2))2 (38) performed only up to SNR of 20dB due to the complexity r NG(c2Nf)N2G − ≈ − 4 associated to the exponential size of the codebook. is the variance. We propose generate the values for r according to the this Gaussian distribution truncated to B. Perturbations on the Grassmann manifold the interval (0,∆2 ). The process of generating random max In order to demonstrate the achievable sum rate according perturbations is summarized in Algorithm 1. to (15) for high power region (which corresponds to high number of feedback bits) we replace the quantization process The sum rate performance of the perturbation method is withaperturbationwhichapproximatesthequantizationerror. plotted against the actual quantization scheme in Figure 3. As will be seen, this approachgives us a good approximation We use the upper boundin (27) to evaluate the parameters of of the sum rate specially when the number of feedback the approximateddistribution and the difference in the results bits increases, while avoiding the prohibitively complex isnegligiblewhenweusethelowerbound.Itisclearthatthis simulation of RVQ schemes for very large codebooks. perturbationmethodeffectivelyapproximatesthe quantization process when the desired performance metric is the sum rate Consider a n p truncated unitary matrix F, representing specially at regimes that interference is not dominant. This a point on .×Clearly we can assume p n (otherwise, allows us to rely on the curves resulting from this method Gn,p ≤ 2 the same point can equivalently be represented by a matrix to analyze the sum rate for high power regime (in particular spanning the null space of F, which is of dimension lower when the number of feedback bits are scaled according to 7 Algorithm 1 Generating random perturbations around F 40 Drawarandomrealizationofthechordaldistancer from Nf =25,lowerbound • Nf =25perturbation (r¯,σ2) NIf r <0r or r >∆2 then generate a new sample 30 Nf = N2GlogP,lowerbound ••• aGsCnioed≤nmeSpr1auattaecencadtohrrPedanianpidn=gog1mtlosemisv(a=e3axcs4tr)oθris==si[ns−1,1·√··s,isapn]dsuccohnsthtrautc0t C≤ [bits/s/Hz] 20 NPefrfe=ctCN2SGI logP perturbation e Generate a random orthonormal basis Fc for the null at r • - space of F m 10 u C S Compute F¯ =[F Fc] S . •   0 0 n 2p −   0 10 20 30 40 15 SNR [dB] Fig. 4. Sum rate performance using the perturbation method comparedto perfectCSI andthe lowerboundderivedin (28), ] z H 10 for the 3-user MIMO IC, N =M =2. s/ s/ bit [ e performance compared to the naive feedback scheme for the rat 5 same number of feedback bits. - m u S Nf =5 Nf =10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Nf =15 The authors would like to thank Omar El Ayach from 0 Nf = N2GlogP UTAustinforhishelpfulcomments.Thisworkwassupported 0 10 20 30 40 bytheFP7projectHIATUS(grant#265578)oftheEuropean SNR [dB] CommissionandbytheAustrianScienceFund(FWF)through grant NFN SISE (S106). Fig. 3. Comparison of the perturbation scheme from Sec- tion VI-B (solid) to the real quantization method (dashed), REFERENCES for the 3-user MIMO IC, N =M =2. [1] V. Cadambe and S. Jafar, “Interference alignment and the degrees of freedom ofthe K user interference channel,” IEEETrans. Inf. Theory, (15) and RVQ has impractically high complexity) to observe vol.54,no.8,pp.3425–3441, Aug.2008. [2] T. Gou and S. A. 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