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Interfacing microwave qubits and optical photons via spin ensembles SusanneBlum,1 ChristopherO’Brien,2,3 NikolaiLauk,2 PavelBushev,4 MichaelFleischhauer,2 andGiovannaMorigi1 1 Fachrichtung 7.1: Theoretische Physik, Universita¨t des Saarlandes, D-66123 Saarbru¨cken, Germany 2 Fachbereich Physik und Forschungszentrum OPTIMAS, Technische Universita¨t Kaiserslautern, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany 3 Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A & M University, College Station TX 77843-4242, USA 4 Fachrichtung 7.2: Experimentalphysik, Universita¨t des Saarlandes, D-66123 Saarbru¨cken, Germany (Dated: January 26, 2015) A protocol is discussed which allows one to realize a transducer for single photons between the opticalandthemicrowavefrequencyrange. Thetransducerisaspinensemble,wheretheindividual 5 emitters possess both an optical and a magnetic-dipole transition. Reversible frequency conversion 1 is realized by combining optical photon storage, by means of EIT, with the controlled switching of 0 thecouplingbetweenthemagnetic-dipoletransition andasuperconductingqubit,whichisrealized 2 by means of a microwave cavity. The efficiency is quantified by the global fidelity for transferring n coherentlyaqubitexcitationbetweenasingleopticalphotonandthesuperconductingqubit. Wetest a various strategies and show that the total efficiency is essentially limited by the optical quantum J memory: It can exceed 80% for ensembles of NV centers and approaches 99% for cold atomic 3 ensembles, assuming state-of-the-art experimental parameters. This protocol allows one to bridge 2 the gap between the optical and the microwave regime so to efficiently combine superconducting and optical componentsin quantumnetworks. ] h PACSnumbers: 42.50.Ct,03.67.Hk p - t n I. INTRODUCTION a u q Hybridquantumnetworkscombinethelongcoherence [ timesofmicroscopicquantumsystemswiththestrongin- |a> teractionsandintegrationavailableinsolid-statedevices 1 [1]. Their realization requires the efficient interfacing of v 0 these constituent systems. In most designs information 6 transport is realized by means of low-loss telecom fibers |s> 8 [2], while promising candidates for information process- |b> 5 ing are superconducting quantum circuits, which work (a) (b) 0 in the microwave regime [3]. One quest is to be able to . 1 reversibly convert the frequency of a single photon from FIG. 1: (color online) Left panel: Setup of a quantumtrans- 0 the optical to the microwaveregime. ducer based on a spin ensemble. The optical photon (blue) 5 There are several proposals for optical-to-microwave and the control pulse (red) couple with the modes of a ring 1 transducers,whichmakeuse ofdifferentphysicalmecha- resonator, which in turn drive the Λ-level structure of atoms : v nisms. Onecandidatearenanomechanicaldevices,which or NV centers in a diamond matrix (Right panel). The pho- i strongly couple to both microwave and optical fields via tonisstored intoaspin excitation along themagnetic-dipole X transition b s viaEIT.Thetransitionisthencoupledto electro- and optomechanical forces, respectively [4–8]. | i→| i r a microwave stripline cavity, which in turn couples to a SC- a Proof-of-principleexperiments were recently successfully qubit. Thecouplingwiththemicrowaveresonatorisswitched performed [6–8]. One drawback of nanomechanical sys- onandoffeitheradiabatically orsuddenlybytuningthecav- temsisthattheirconversionbandwidthislimitedbythe ityand/orthequbitfrequency. Themultiplelinesofthelevel high quality factors of the mechanical resonances. scheme indicate the transitions which are inhomogeneously Analternativeroutetoconversioncouldberealizedby broadened when the spin ensemble is composed by NV cen- a spin ensemble, acting as a quantum memory and pos- ters. Furtherdetails are given in the text. sessing a magnetic dipole transition which strongly cou- ples to a microwavecavity [9]. The basic idea we pursue is the realization of a quantum memory for optical pho- magnetic dipole transition with a microwave resonator tons. The qubit state is then reversibly transferred from has been recently experimentally demonstrated [11–16]. the spin ensemble to a superconducting qubit (SCQ) by Such a great variety of spin ensembles exhibit different controllable switching on and off the coupling of both features, which require the application of adequate con- systems with a microwaveresonator,as proposedin Ref. version protocols [17]. Rare-earthdoped crystals, for in- [10]. Examples of spin ensemble are cold atomic gases, stance, are characterized by large optical depths, which Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centers in diamonds, and rare- makes them an attractive platform [18]. Their inho- earth doped crystals, of which the strong coupling of a mogeneous broadening, on the other hand, is such that 2 light storage protocols based on adiabatic transfer, such This spin excitation is then transferred into a SCQ ex- as storage based on Electromagnetically Induced Trans- citation via the coupling with the microwave resonator, parency(EIT)[19–21],becomeinefficient,sothataquan- which is switched on and off by engineering the cavity tum memory for optical photons shall be realized using and/or the qubit frequency as a function of time. methods based on photon echoes [22] and atomic fre- InthissectionweintroducetheHamiltoniangoverning quency combs [23]. In Refs. [10, 24] it was shown that thecoherentdynamics,whichisatthe basisofthe study control over these techniques can lead to single-photon presented in this work. frequency-conversionefficiencies that exceed 90%. Inthispaperweanalysetheefficiencyoffrequencycon- versionforotherplatforms,focusinginparticularoncold A. Hamiltonian atomic ensembles [11, 25, 26] and NV centers embedded in a diamond matrix [27–29]. These systems are char- Wefirstfocusonthecoherentdynamicsofthesystem, acterized by limited inhomogeneous broadening, which composed by the incident photon, the optical and the allows one to implement protocols based on adiabatic microwave cavity modes, and the collective transitions transfer. On the other hand, they also possess a low op- of the atoms, which are driven by external fields. We tical depth, so that the setup shall integrate an optical choosetheframerotatingatthecarrierfrequenciesofthe element increasing their coupling with the incident pho- drivingfields,sothattheexplicittimedependenceinthe ton, such as an optical resonator. terms describingthe coupling withthe lasersis dropped. The protocol we consider in this paper is sketched in Details of the transformation from the laboratory frame Fig. 1. The spin ensemble couples with the optical pho- to this frame are provided in Appendix A. tonviathedipoletransitionbetweentheelectronicstates The Hamilton operator is conveniently decomposed in b a , and stores the photon into a collective spin thetermsgivingrisetodifferentelementsoftheprotocol. | i → | i excitation via storage based on EIT [20, 21]. The ring We first consider a spin ensemble composed by N atoms resonator, within which the spin ensemble can be con- or NV centers, and denote the energy of the relevant fined, increases the opticaldepth of the medium. Coher- electronic transitions by enttransferofaspinintoaqubitexcitationisperformed by means of a microwave cavity, which couples to both N systems and which can be tuned on and off resonance. Hˆspin =~ δa(ib)σˆb(ai)†σˆb(ai)+δs(ib)σˆb(si)†σˆb(is) , (1) Ouranalysisfocusesonexperimentallyaccessibleparam- Xi (cid:16) (cid:17) eter regimes and identifies the requirements in order to where the subscript i=1,...,N labels the particles and reversibly transfer photonic to SCQ excitations. σˆ(i) = j l , such that σˆ(i)†σˆ(i) = j j is the projec- This article is structured as follows. In Sec. II the jl | iih | jl jl | iih | physical model is introduced. In Sec. III the strategies tionoperatortostate j ofatomiandσˆ(i)† =σˆ(i). Tran- | i jl lj considered in this paper for achieving the transfer from sition s a isoptical,thecorrespondingraising(low- optical to microwave are summarized and the efficiency ering)|oipe→ra|toir is given by σˆ(i) = σˆ(i)σˆ(i) (σˆ(i) = σˆ(i)†). isdeterminedusingparametersthatarecompatiblewith as ab bs sa as For NV centers in diamonds the detunings δ(i) and δ(i) existingexperimentalsetups. InSec. IVfurtherremarks ab sb dependontheposition~r ofthespiniwithinthesample. on the experimentalfeasibility are made and the conclu- i In the following, we assume that the transition b sions are drawn. The appendices report details on the | i → a coupleswiththedegeneratemodesofaringresonator, theoretical model which is at the basis of the results in | i while s a is driven by a classical laser pulse. The Section III. | i → | i corresponding Hamiltonian, describing the coupling be- tween spins and optical fields, reads II. MODEL N Hˆ = ~ g ei~k·~riσˆ(i)†cˆ +H.c. opt ab ba R The quantum transducer is a spin ensemble of either Xi=1h i NV centers in diamond or cold atoms, which possess an N optical transition between the electronic states b and +~ Ω(t)ei~kL·~riσˆ(i)†+H.c. . | i sa a coupling with the mode of an optical ring resonator. | i Xi=1(cid:16) (cid:17) State a also couples via an optical dipole transition to the sta|bile state s , so that b , a , and s form a Λ Here, cˆR annihilates a photon of the cavity mode which configuration of l|eviels, shown|iin F|iig. 1(b)|. iThe states propagatesin clockwise direction,~k is the corresponding b and s form a magnetic-dipole transition in the mi- wavevectors,andgab isthevacuumRabifrequency. The | i | i crowave regime, which couples with a microwave cavity. laser field drives the transition s a with spatially- | i → | i TheprotocolisillustratedinFig. 1(a): asingleoptical homogeneousstrengthΩ(t), whichis hereassumedto be photon is coupled to a mode of the ring resonator, and slowly-varying in time and such that Ω(t) = Ω0(t)eiφ, the qubit information it encodes is transferred via light with Ω0(t) = Ω(t). We denote the laser wave vector | | storage into a spin excitation of the transition b s . by~k , with ~k ~k k, which is fulfilled considering L L | i→| i | | ≈ | |≡ 3 that the frequency of the transition b s is in the a b ,...,a ,...,b =σ(i)† b , (4b) | i → | i | iie ≡| 1 i Ni ba | ie microwave range. The Hamiltonian term for the mode s b ,...,s ,...,b =σ(i)† b , (4c) propagatingintheanti-clockwisedirectionisgiveninthe | iie ≡| 1 i Ni bs | ie appendix and is included in the dynamics we evaluate. which compose the set of electronic states involved in Thecontrolledtransferbetweenthespinexcitationand the dynamics. Further, we denote by vac the vacuum the superconducting qubit occurs via the mode of a mi- | i state of the external field, such that one photon excita- crowave resonator at detuning ∆ , which couples with c tion in mode at frequency ω and propagating along the l the transition b s of the spins and with the tran- | i → | i positive direction of the x-axis reads 1(p) = d(p)† vac . sition g e of the qubit. We introduce the operator | l i l | i | i→| i Thecavity-modestateswhicharerelevanttothedynam- σˆ = g e and denote by δ the qubit detuning. The Q Q Hamilt|onihia|n for this element of the dynamics includes ics are |0ℓi and |1ℓi, with ℓ = R,L,cµ for the optical clockwise, anti-clockwise, and microwave cavity modes, also the quantum field of the microwave resonator and respectively. Wethenconvenientlywritethestatevector takes the form at time t in the form: Hˆ = ~δ σˆ†σˆ +~∆ aˆ†aˆ (2) mw Q Q Q c Ψ(t) = Ψ(t) 0 g + vac b 0 ,0 Ψ(t) ,(5) opt cµ e L R mw N | i | i | i| i | i| i | i| i +~ aˆ† GσˆQ+ κiσˆb(si) +H.c. , where Ψ(t) opt isdefinedintheHilbertspaceofexternal " i ! # field, o|pticail transitions and cavity modes, and reads: X whereaˆ† isthebosonicoperatorthatcreatesaphotonin Ψ(t) = η (t)1 0 ,0 b (6) opt l l L R e the microwave cavity mode, while G and κ denote the | i | i| i| i i l vacuum Rabi coupling with the qubit and with the spin X +vac (u(t)0 ,1 +v(t)1 ,0 )b at position~ri, respectively. | i | L Ri | L Ri | ie N We finally describe the incident photon and the cou- + vac 0 ,0 (a (t)a +s (t)s ), pling with the resonator. The incident photon is a su- | i| L Ri i | iie i | iie perposition of the modes external to the resonator and Xi couples with the clockwise cavity mode via a mirror, while Ψ(t) isdefinedintheHilbertspaceofthequbit mw as is assumed to propagate along the positive direction | i and of the mode of the microwave cavity: of the x-axis. The corresponding Hamiltonian includes the quantumelectromagneticfieldoutsidethe resonator, Ψ(t) =c(t)1 g +q(t)0 e . (7) mw cµ cµ | i | i | i | i| i with frequenciesω , detuning ∆ =ω ω , wavevector l l l co − k along the positive direction in the x axis, and corre- Weremarkthat,sincestate Ψ(t) isnormalizedtounity, l | i sponding annihilation and creation operators dˆ(+) and then opt Ψ(t)Ψ(t) opt +mw Ψ(t)Ψ(t) mw = 1. Accord- l h | i h | i ing to this notation, η (t) is the probability amplitude of dˆ(+)†: l l a photon in the free-field mode l, u(t) and v(t) are the probability amplitudes of a photon in the clockwise and Hˆ = ~ ∆ dˆ(+)†dˆ(+)+κ cˆ†dˆ(+)+H.c. , in−out l l l opt,l R l anti-clockwise mode of the ring resonator, si and ai are Xl h (cid:16) (cid:17)i the probability amplitudes that the ensemble is in state whereκopt,listhecouplingparameterbetweenthemodes |siie and |aiie , respectively, c(t) that the excitation is a of the optical cavity and the free field, while the mirror microwave cavity photon, and finally q(t) that the exci- wheretheycoupleisatthex=0plane. ThetotalHamil- tation is transferred in the qubit state e . | i tonian governing the coherent dynamics then reads The target is that, given the initial state Hˆ =Hˆspin+Hˆmw+Hˆopt+Hˆin−out. (3) |Ψ(0)i= ηl(+)(0)|1(l+)i|bie|0L,0Ri|0cµi|gi, (8) l X B. Target state with η(+)(0)2 = 1, then at a given time t the prob- l| l | ability q(t)2 = 1. Ideally, moderate fluctuations in the P| | We analyze the dynamics of an incident photon in the time t and in the parameters of the protocol shall not Schr¨odingerpicture,assumingthatthespinsareinitially significantlyaffectthisprobability,whichiswhatweaim (t=0)allinstate b andthe cavitiesmodes areempty. for. So far, the dynamics governed by Hamiltonian Hˆ i Inabsenceofother|soiurcesofexcitation,thevector Ψ(t) doesnotinclude detrimentaleffects,suchasdecayofthe describing the state of the system is composed b|y thei electronic and of the qubit state, dephasing of the inter- states which contain either one spin or qubit excitation, nalcoherences,andlossesofthe cavitymodes (including ora(microwaveoroptical)cavityphoton. Inthisregime alsocouplingoftheothermirrorstothe externalelectro- it is convenient to introduce the following notation for magneticfield). Alltheseeffectscontributeindecreasing the spin excitations [21]: the finalprobability oftransfer,andare hereincluded as loss terms in the equations of motion of the probability b b ,...,b , (4a) amplitudes, which are reported in Appendix B. e 1 N | i ≡| i 4 We observe that our analysis is sufficient to deter- creating high optical depth for the EIT-storage,because mine the fidelity of transfer of any initial state of the higher dopant densities lead to a higher number of un- external field of the form φ = αΦ(0) + β Ψ(0) paired nitrogen atoms and thus to shorter pure optical f (α2+ β 2 = 1), where Φ(0|)Ψi(0) =|0 andi state| Φ(0)i dephasing times (T∗) [34]. A way to get rid of this in- | | | | h | i 2 does not couple with the spin ensemble. This holds as homogeneous broadening was proposed in Ref. [35] by long as the transfer process is coherent, as we assume in preselecting the optimal spectral portion of NV centers our model. Losses and decoherence in general lower the and transfering the restto an auxiliary state. This leads probabilityoftransferofanyinitialstateofthiskindinto to a decrease in the spectral width. At the same time it a qubit excitation, and thus the total fidelity. also leads to a decrease of about 5 103 in the number × of spins, which can be partially compensated by means of the amplified coupling induced by a resonator, as we III. PROTOCOLS FOR A QUANTUM consider here. TRANSDUCER Underthesepremises,wereviewinthissectiontheba- sic steps of an EIT-based storage protocol, followed by an adiabatic transfer of the spin excitation to the qubit In this section we discuss strategies for achieving the by slowly switching the microwave cavity. The transfer reversible transfer of a single optical photon into a SCQ is sequential and aims at maximizing the fidelity of the excitation. In general, the problem can be formulated individual steps. For a sequential protocol, the total fi- in terms of optimization, where the various parameters delity canbe then writtenasthe productofthe fidelities such as detunings and fields are varied as a function of of the individual steps of the sequence: time in order to perform the coherent transfer with unit fidelity. Thus, given the system properties the control = , (9) EIT mw parameters are the shape and the intensity of the laser F F F pulse coupling the transition a s , the detunings of where is the fidelity of the light storage protocol, EIT | i→ | i F theindividualtransitionsofensembleandqubit,andthe and according to our model it corresponds to the proba- frequency of the microwave cavity mode [30–32]. While bility of mapping the incident photon into a spin excita- suchgeneralanalysishasahighcomputationalcomplex- tion, while is the probability to transfer the collec- mw F ity and deserves a study of its own, here we focus on tive spin excitation to the qubit. theefficiencyofsimpleprotocolswhosecomponentshave been proposed in the literature and realized experimen- tally, which are known to allow for a certain robustness A. Light storage againstparameterfluctuations,andinparticularagainst fluctuations in the time needed to perform the protocol. Let us first consider how to map a single photonic ex- Thereareseveralcasesthatarerelevantforexperimen- citation onto a spin excitation of a medium. For this tal realizations. Rare-earth-doped crystals exhibit large purposeweassumethatthespinensembleisnotcoupled inhomogeneous broadening and large optical depth. For to the microwave cavity field, which can be achieved by this case in Ref. [10] we proposed a sequential protocol. setting the cavitymode andqubit outof resonance. The There, the incoming photon is absorbedusing controlled storage protocol we suggest to use is based on EIT [19], reversible inhomogeneous broadening (CRIB). The opti- a phenomenon which occurs in a medium consisting of cal excitation is then mapped into a spin state using a threelevelatomsinaΛconfigurationasinFig. 1(b). Ap- series of π-pulses and subsequently transferred to a su- plying a resonantcontrol field on the s a transition | i−| i perconducting qubit via the microwave cavity. opens a transparency window for the propagating signal InthispaperwefocusonensemblesofNVcentersand field which travels trough the medium with a reduced of cold atoms. Ensembles of cold atoms in the gas phase group velocity. Since the group velocity depends on the [25] are usually weakly coupled with the external envi- control-field Rabi frequency Ω(t), this propagating field ronment, so that the assumptionof homogeneousbroad- can be stored by adiabatically reducing the control field ening is justified. The atomic motion and the collisional strength to zero [20]. A detailed analysis [21, 36] shows dephasing between the atoms play a minor role during that the storage efficiency reaches unity in the limit of the interaction with the single photon and will be ne- infiniteopticaldepthd. Unfortunately,bothgasandNV glected here. We will also assume that the ensemble is center ensembles typically have small optical depths. To small enough so that all atoms feel the same coupling circumventthis issue one canuse anopticalcavity as we g to the optical cavity. In this regime a protocolbased consider here, which increases the optical depth by the ab on EIT is efficient. NV centers in a diamond crystal act numberofpasseswhichaphotonmakesthroughthecav- like a frozen gas of atoms, since the centers are embed- ity before leaking out. This hence leads to an effective ded in a diamond matrix and thus cannot move. The optical depth which is then described by the cooperativ- drawback is that the NV centers are usually inhomoge- ity parameter C = 4g2 N/γ γ of the cavity, where γ ab co a co neously broadened predominantly due to crystal strain andγ arethecavityandatomicdecayrates,respectively a and excessnitrogenwhich is not pairedwith a neighbor- andg √N isthecouplingstrengthbetweencavitymode ab ing vacancy [33]. The latter is actually a limitation to and atomic ensemble. The maximal efficiency in that 5 case is then given by η = C [37]. Furthermore, as- where the qubit (or equivalently: spin) and cavity fre- EIT 1+C sumingahomogeneouslybroadenedmediumandneglect- quency can be tuned in time: δ = δ (t) and ∆ = Q Q c ing decay of the metastable state it was shown in Refs. ∆ (t), while the coupling with the resonator is constant. c [37,38]thatinthe“badcavity”limit(γ g √N)any This time dependence shall be varied so to coherently co ab ≫ smooth input mode with the duration T which satisfies transferthepopulationattimet >t totheSCQ.From 2 1 the adiabaticity condition TCγ 1 can be stored with the form of Hamiltonian (11) it is immediately visible a ≫ maximallypossibleefficiencyintothetargetintermediate that the transfer efficiency is limited by the overlap be- state tween the symmetric Dicke state s obtained by light e | i storage and the collective state s′ maximally coupling e | i |Ψiopt|target =|vaci|0L,0Ri|sie (10) with the cavity, |s′ie = jκj|sjie/ j|κj|2. The am- by suitably shaping the control-field pulse. De- plitudes κj are determinPed by the cqavPity mode function, and thus by the structure of a coplanar waveguide res- tails are reported in Appendix C. The state s = e | i onatormode[11,39]. Thefidelityofthistransferprocess If jtheie(~kp−rk~oLp)·a~rgj|astiijo/n√dNiredcetisocnriboefstthheecsotnotrreodl slapsienrsctoaitne-. has the upper bound Fmw ≤FmSax given by the overlap Pcide with the one of the incident photon, i.e. k~L ≈ ~k, FmSax =|ehs|s′ie|2. the phase term can be neglected and the spin state is then approximated by the symmetric Dicke state s Forthegeneralpurposeofthisdiscussion,wewillassume e majl|striaj/n√sfeNr.thTehteimdiescsucsaslieonofatbhoevsetiomrapglieesprtohcaetsfsosr|hoioputl≈id- κtejm=poκr,alsovatrhiaattio|sn′ioef=δQ|sained. ∆Ocurfoarimwhiischtothideefnotlilfoywtinhge Pbe faster thandetrimentaleffects (whichweneglectedso equations of motion, far). Among these processes is the dephasing due to in- s˙(t)= iκ√Nc(t), (12a) homogeneous broadening which is in particular relevant − γ for the NV center ensembles. c˙(t)= i∆ (t)+ cµ c(t) iκ√Ns(t) iGq(t), c Another sourceoflossesis the coupling with the other − 2 − − (cid:16) (cid:17) (12b) ring cavity mode propagating in the counter clockwise γ direction which is fully included in our analysis. The e q˙(t)= iδ (t)+ q(t) iGc(t), (12c) Q rate of losses associated with this effect is estimated to − 2 − be . e2i~k·~rj 2g2 /N, as shown in Appendix C, and (cid:16) (cid:17) | j | ab couple the initial state s(t1)=1 with the target state at can be rather small provided a sufficiently large number t >t with q(t )=1. In particular, P 2 1 2 ofatomshomogeneouslydistributedinspaceoverseveral wavelengths of light. = q(t )2, mw 2 F | | under the condition that s(t ) = 1, unless otherwise 1 B. Transfer from a spin to a qubit excitation via a stated. In this process we search for solutions which are microwave cavity robustagainsttime andparameterfluctuations,andstill sufficiently fastto minimize the detrimentaleffects, such as for instance qubit and cavity decay. We will focus on We first consider the second part of the protocol, in two different schemes based on (i) adiabatic transfer of which the spin excitation is transferred into a qubit ex- theexcitationbytuningthequbitorthecavityfrequency citation via coupling to the microwave resonator. This [12],andon(ii)pulsedtransferbytuningthecavityfield coupling can be neglected during the light storage pro- so to perform a dynamics which realizes an effective π- tocol assuming the ability to tune the cavity mode and pulse. For convenience, from now on we will restrict our the qubit transition far-off resonance. After storage, the analysistothestatesoftherestrictedHilbertspacecom- coupling can be switched on in a controlled way by set- posed by the microwave cavity, the spin, and the qubit ting these two systems close to resonance with the spin states. transitions. Therefore, we assume that there is an in- stant of time t > 0 at which the photon has been ab- 1 sorbed. In particular, Ω(t ) = 0, and the system is 1 1. Adiabatic transfer in state Ψ(t ) = Ψ (t ) 0 g , with Ψ (t ) = 1 opt 1 cµ opt 1 | i | i| i| i | i vac 0 ,0 s . The dynamics at times t>t are gov- L R e 1 | i| i| i Wenowfocusonadiabatictransfermechanisms,which erned by the sum of Hamiltonians (1) and (2): are realized by changing the cavity and/or the qubit frequency sufficiently slow, so that the system follows N Hm′ w(t) = ~ δs(ib)σˆb(si)†σˆb(si)+~δQσˆQ†σˆQ+~∆caˆ†aˆ the instantaneous eigenstates of Hamiltonian Hm′ w(t), Eq. (11), which we denote by λ (t) such that Xi H′ (t)λ (t) = λ (t)λ (t) , with j =| 1j,2,i3. The adia- N mw | j i j | j i + ~ aˆ† Gσˆ + κ σˆ(i) +H.c. , (11) batictransfercorrespondstomovealongoneofthepaths Q i bs " ! # showninFig. 2byvaryingatransitionfrequencyintime i X 6 7 for j =2,3. One simple limiting case is found by adiabatically 6 tuning the qubit frequency while keeping the cavity 5 mode far-off resonance,as illustrated in the inset of Fig. 2(a). In this way, the cavity field is only virtually ex- 4 cited and the effect of cavity decay on the protocol fi- delity is minimized. This can be realized when ∆ 3 | c| ≫ G,κ√N,max δ (t): thenthedynamicscanbereduced t Q | | 2 toaneffectivetwo-levelsystem,wherequbitandspinex- citations are directly coupled with rate κ˜ = Gκ√N/∆ , c 1 and 0 κ2N δ˜ (t) δ˜ (t)2 λ (t)= + Q Q +κ˜2. (14) -1 1,2 ∆ 2 ∓s 4 c -2-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Here, δ˜ (t) = δ (t) + G2/∆ κ2N/∆ includes the Q Q c c − dynamical Stark shift. The corresponding eigenvector (a) takes the form λ1(t) = cosΘ(t)s e g +sinΘ(t)b e e , | i | i | i | i | i 15 where tan(Θ) = κ˜/λ1(t), and δQ varies from a negative toapositivevalueasafunctionoftime. Here,weassume itfollowsthelinearrelationδ (t)=δ /2(2t/T 1)with Q qk 10 t [0,T] and δ(0) κ˜ . The duration T must −fulfill the ∈ Q ≫| | condition dictated by Eq. (13), thus κ˜ T 1. This | | ≫ 5 condition can be optimized choosing different types of time sweeps, which are faster where the energy gap is larger. 0 We firstanalyze with equations(12) the fidelity of the protocol based on sweeping the frequency of the SCQ -5 through the resonance frequency of the symmetric spin state, while keeping the cavity off resonance, as illus- trated in Fig. 2(a). This requires to sweep the detuning -10 δ sufficiently slow across resonance, so that the system Q remains in the state whose energy is given by the up- -15 perredlineofFig. 2(a)andthespinexcitationisideally -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 adiabaticallytransformedintothequbitexcitationatthe end of the sweep. In Ref. [42], the frequency of a phase (b) qubit can be tuned between 6 and 9 GHz, and we here assumeatuningrangeδ =3GHz. Thedurationofthe FIG. 2: (color online) Instantaneous eigenvalues of the three qk protocol T is chosento be shorter than 10µs, which cor- level system as a function of δQ(t) (a) and of ∆c(t) (b). The respondstothelifetimeoftheSCQ[43]. Wefurthertake durationoftheadiabaticprotocolisdeterminedbytheenergy the qubit-cavity coupling to be G/2π =50 MHz [44, 45] gap at the avoided crossings. The insets illustrate the time variation of the qubit (a) and of the cavity detuning (b). In and set it, for later convenience, equal to the superradi- (b)thecavityfrequencyissweptfirstacrossthespinandthen ant coupling of the cavity with the spins, κ√N =G. across thequbit resonance. Figure 3 displays the fidelity as a function of the mw F cavity detuning ∆ and of the range δ over which the c qk qubit detuning is swept. Note that, since the transfer [40]: when the initial state is an eigenvectorat t , time is here kept constant, larger values of δ imply qk →−∞ this is continuously transformed into the target state, fastersweeps,sothereisanoptimalparameterregimefor which is an eigenvector at the other asymptotic, t . whichtheprotocolisefficient. Theparameterregionwith →∞ The rate of change, which warrants the adiabatic fol- best fidelity corresponds to finite values of ∆ (namely, c lowing, must be smaller than the minimal energy gap namely finite gaps) and sufficiently small values of δ : qk between the eigenvalues. Thus, if Ψ(t ) = λ (t ) , inthisregime,infact,onehasslowquenchratesandsuf- 1 1 1 | i | i with Ψ(t1) = s e 0cµ g , and λ1(t2) = b e 0cµ e , ficiently large tuning ranges of the qubit detuning, so to | i | i | i| i | i | i | i| i then the adiabatic transfer is warranted provided that allow one to performing adiabatic sweeping. We observe the condition below is fulfilled at any instant of time t that average transfer fidelities over 0.9 can be reached [41]: in a sufficiently broad region of parameter centered at δ 3Gand∆ 8G. ThevaluesforthefidelityinFig. qk c λ˙ (t)λ (t) λ (t) λ (t) , (13) 3 co∼rrespondto th∼e occupation of the SCQ excited state 1 j 1 j |h | i|≪| − | 7 at the end of the sweep, which is obtained by averaging 1 over the oscillations observed at the asymptotics. These oscillations are visible in the qubit population shown in 0.9 spin 0.8 qubit Fig4(a),whichdisplaysthedynamicsofspin,cavity,and qubitexcitationasafunctionoftime,whilethedetuning 0.7 ifsacstwtehpatt,acfororstshtehcehsopsiennrveaslouneasnocfe.δT,htehyeaprerodtouceotlodtohees ability 00..65 qk b o not start sufficiently far away from the avoidedcrossing, pr 0.4 sothatinthefinalstate bothcavityandqubitarepopu- 0.3 lated. Suppressionof these oscillations, leading to larger 0.2 fidelities, can be reached for larger values of δqk and/or 0.1 cavity of the detuning ∆c, provided that the transfer times is 00 20 40 60 80 100 scaledup,asshowninFig. 4(b). Here,wetookδqk =4G t(G-1) and ∆c = 50G. The final occupation is about 99%, but (a) the time required for the transfer is one order of magni- 1 tude larger, T = 7650G−1 and the system suffers from spin qubit 0.9 spontaneous decay. 0.8 The fidelity of this protocol is sensitive to imbalances inthe valuesofthecouplingconstants,andrequiresthat 0.7 tohfemcaogunpiltinugdes.treAnngthexGamapnldeκo√f Nthearteraonfstfhere sfiadmeleitoyrdfoerr ability00..65 b κ√N = 0.2G is reported in Fig. 5 and shows a severe pro0.4 reduction of the parameter region where the protocol is 0.3 efficient. 0.2 0.1 cavity 50 1 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 45 0.9 t(G-1) 40 0.8 (b) 35 0.7 30 0.6 FIG. 4: (color online) Dynamics of the spin (blue), cavity 25 0.5 (green),andqubit(redline)populationsasafunctionoftime (in units of G) during thelinear sweep of thequbit detuning 20 0.4 15 0.3 asδQ(t)=δqk/2(2t/T−1)forG=√Nκ=2π×50MHz. The 10 0.2 otitmheerTpa=ra1m00eGte−rs1.aHreer(ea)thδeqkav=er3aGge,d∆qcukb=itp8Gopufolartaiontraantstfheer 5 0.1 end of thesweep is approximately 94%. In (b) δqk =4G and 00 10 20 30 40 50 0 ∆ck =50G for T =7650G−1. The average qubit population at theend of the sweep is 99.05%. FIG. 3: (color online) Fidelity mw of transferring the spin F into the SCQ excitation for the protocol based on sweeping 50 1 the qubit detuning across the spin resonance. The fidelity 5 1 45 0.9 is reported as a function of the cavity detuning ∆c and of 40 4 0.8 0.8 therange δqk overwhich thequbitdetuningis linearly swept 3 0.6 35 0.7 and is obtained by numerically integrating Eqs. (12). The 2 0.4 transfer timeis T =100G−1 and G=√Nκ=2π 50 MHz. 30 0.6 × 25 1 0.2 0.5 00 2 4 6 8 0 Another simple type of adiabatic protocol is depicted 20 0.4 inFig. 2(b). Itsequentiallytransferspopulation(i)from 15 0.3 spintocavity,bykeepingthequbitfar-offresonanceand 10 0.2 sweeping the cavity frequency across the spin resonance, 5 0.1 andthen(ii)fromcavitytoqubit,bysweepingthecavity 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 frequencythroughthequbitresonance. Itthuscombines a sweep of the cavity detuning ∆ and/or of the qubit c detuning δ . This sequential transfer requires the exci- FIG.5: (coloronline)SameasinFig. 3butfor√Nκ=0.2G. Q tation of the microwave resonator and is thus sensitive to cavity losses. In order to preserve adiabaticity, the transfer time T must be larger than 1/κ√N for the first plays the fidelity of the protocol,performed by sweeping part and than 1/G for the second part. Figure 6 dis- ∆ while keeping δ and T constant. This corresponds c Q 8 to ideally following the middle curve in fig. 2(b) in the 1 spin qubit limitofsufficientlylarge∆ck,undertheassumptionthat 0.9 cavity the cavityfrequency sweepsthroughthe qubit frequency 0.8 as shown in the inset of fig. 2(b). We expect then that higher fidelities are found for large ∆ and small δ . 0.7 ck Q The results we found in figure 6 agreewith this expecta- y0.6 Gtio=n. κA√sNin=th2eπprev5i0ouMsHcazs.e,Twhee sdeettuTni=ng1∆00cGi−s1swweitpht babilit0.5 × o linearly with time, and the maximum range is denoted pr0.4 by ∆ck. The region of parameters at fidelity above 0.99 0.3 is manifestly larger. Figure7displaysthe time evolution of the occupation probability for a particular choice of 0.2 the parameters warranting a fidelity of 0.99. 0.1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 50 1 t(G-1) 45 0.9 FIG. 7: (color online) Dynamics of the spin (blue), cavity 40 0.8 (green),andqubit(redline)populationsasafunctionoftime 35 0.7 (inunitsofG)duringthelinearsweepofthecavitydetuning 30 0.6 as ∆c(t) = ∆ck/2(2t/T 1) for G = √Nκ = 2π 50 MHz, 25 0.5 δQ =7.4G and ∆ck =38−G. At the time t=60G−×1 the SCQ 20 0.4 excited-statepopulation is slightly above 0.99. 15 0.3 10 0.2 5 0.1 50 1 5 1 0 0 45 0.9 0 10 20 30 40 50 4 0.8 40 0.8 3 0.6 35 0.7 FIG. 6: (color online) Fidelity of transferring the spin into 2 0.4 30 0.6 the qubit excitation for the protocol based on sequentially 1 0.2 25 0.5 sweeping the cavity detuning across the spin and then the 20 00 5 10 15 20 0 0.4 qubit resonance. The fidelity is reported as a function of the qubit detuning δQ and of the frequency range ∆ck over 15 0.3 which the cavity detuning is linearly swept and is obtained 10 0.2 by numerically integrating Eqs. (12). The transfer time is 5 0.1 T =100G−1 and G=√Nκ=2π 50 MHz. 0 0 × 0 10 20 30 40 50 Figure 8 displays the fidelity of the protocol for the same transfer time as in Fig. 6 but when the strength FIG.8: (coloronline)SameasinFig. 6butfor√Nκ=0.2G. of the collective coupling of spins with the resonator is reduced by a factor 5, namely, for √Nκ = 0.2G. The parameterregions of fidelities above 0.9 is drasticallyre- ation of the detuning, which for the case of the cavity duced,duetothefactthatthegapattheavoidedcrossing sweep can lead to better fidelities for the same transfer (2(b)) is reduced and thus strict adiabaticity would now times. require longer transfer times. Nevertheless,this parame- ter region is still substantially larger than the one found for the protocol, where the qubit detuning is sweeped across resonance (compare with Fig. 5). 2. π-pulse transfer We note that the tuning range of a superconducting cavityistoamaximumof1GHz[46,47]forthe coupling strengthGweconsideredhere. Thisprotocolseemsthus Wenowturntoaprotocolbasedonsettingspin,qubit, more efficient than the one based on sweeping the qubit and cavity frequencies on resonance for a time duration frequency keeping the cavity far-off resonance. Its draw- correspondingtoaneffectiveπpulse,whichideallytrans- back is that the probability that one photon is in the fers the population from the spin to the qubit. This cavity during the protocol is appreciable, hence cavity means that over an interval of time to be identified one decay (which was not accounted for in this calculation) has δ = δ = ∆ = 0. With this assumptions Eqs. sb Q c can affect its efficiency. Before concluding this section, (12) can be simply solved analytically, and after assum- we note that we just focused on linear sweeps. Further ing s(0) = 1, c(0) = q(0) = 0 (t = 0), one finds that 1 optimization can be performed in shaping the time vari- theprobabilityamplitudethatthequbitisintheexcited 9 state at t>0 is protocol √Nκ δQ δqk ∆c ∆ck 2κ√NG Ωt stag-pi G, 0.2G 50G 0 stepwise 50G q(t)= sin2 , (15) − Ω2 2 c-tune G 7.4G 0 linear sweep 38G (cid:18) (cid:19) 0.2G 7.4G 0 linear sweep 26G where Ω = √G2+κ2N. The frequency Ω thus deter- q-tune G linear sweep 4G 50G 0 mines the duration of the transfer pulse, which here 0.2G linear sweep 0.4G 50G 0 means that after the time interval T = π/Ω the qubit and the cavity field are set off resonance. This condi- TABLEI:Parametersandtheirvariationintimeforthedata tion (as well as Eq. (15)) is specifically valid for a rapid points of Fig. 10. In the resonant pulse (”stag-pi”), in the changeofthedetunings,sothatinaveryshorttimethey first pulse δQ = 50G and ∆c = 0. After the excitation has are set on or off resonance,and is clearly modified if one been transferred to the cavity, the two values are swapped. assumes a smooth time variation. Intheadiabaticprotocols, theinitial valueofthedetuningis Equation (15) shows that perfect transfer to the usually taken to beat ∆ck/2 (δqk/2). − qubit excitation occurs provided that the couplings are matched, G = κ√N. Mismatching will provide an- faster than the protocol based on adiabatically sweeping other boundary to the maximal fidelity. For instance let ǫ = G κ√N /Ω be a relative measure of the the cavity detuning, and four orders of magnitude faster | − | thanthe protocolbasedonsweepingthe qubit detuning. mismatch, then the maximal qubit excitation will be max q(t)2 = (1 ǫ2)2. The final fidelity of the pro- The multiple data points for each protocol represent the t | | − maximal, minimal, and mean fidelity. This is extracted tocol will be thus limited by the upper value mw FS (1 ǫ2)2. This problem can be solved by pFerform≤- in different ways depending on the considered protocol. max − Fortheprotocolbasedonadiabaticsweepingthefrequen- ing two subsequent π-pulses: the first transfers the ex- cies, the population of the qubit exhibits oscillations at citation to the cavity, while the qubit is decoupled, the the asymptotics, due to the fact that the initial state secondfromthecavitytothequbit. Inthiscasethetime requiredis π(1/G+1/κ√N)(forsquarepulses). Taking is not a perfect eigenstate of the instantaneous Hamil- 2 tonian. Therefore, the mean value is the average value, G=2π 50MHzand√Nκ=0.2G,ideallyperfecttrans- × whilethe maximalandminimalvaluescorrespondtothe fer is achieved over a time of the order of T 10G. The ∼ correspondingmaximumandminimumoftheoscillation. corresponding dynamics is shown in Fig. 9 and achieves For the resonant pulse, on the other hand, the final fi- fidelities above 0.999 for T <10G. delity is affected by the pulse area, which is here taken into account by introducing an uncertainty in the pulse 1 duration by 1%. qubit 0.9 spin cavity 0.8 0.7 C. Effect of inhomogeneous broadening ability00..65 We nowanalyzehowthe fidelity ofthe wholetrans- ob F pr0.4 fer protocol, including EIT storage, is affected by in- 0.3 homogeneous broadening. For this purpose we take a 0.2 medium composed by NV centers in diamond, and as- 0.1 sume inhomogeneous broadening of the s state of the | i order of 6MHz [34] and of the order of 10MHz of the 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a state[48]. Theincidentphotonhashyperbolicsecant t(G-1) | i shape. The control pulse necessary for EIT storage is FIG.9: (coloronline)Dynamicsofthepopulationsasafunc- identified by solving Eq. (C9), see for instance Ref. [38]. tionoftimeduringtheprotocol, realizingsequentialπ pulses Theotherparametersare: thecouplingstrengthbetween from spin to cavity, and then from cavity to qubit. The pa- opticaltransitionandringresonatorisg =2π 28MHz ab rameters are√Nκ=0.2G, δQ =50G and∆c =0in thefirst [49], the decay of the upper level of the NV cen×ter γa = part of thesequence, then ∆c =50G in the second part. 2π 0.5MHz[49],the microwave-collectivespincoupling × strengthistakentobeκ√N =2π 17MHz[50],andthe × These results show that transfer based on π pulses is microwave-SCQ coupling strength is G = 2π 50MHz × generally faster than adiabatic protocols. We compare [44,45], while the linewidth ofthe ring resonatoris fixed the transfer time required by each type of protocol an- to the value γ = 2π 140MHz, which is consistent co × alyzed so far under the requirement that a final fidelity with the value of existing resonators [48, 49]. Figure 11 mw 0.99isachieved. InFig. 10(a)wetake√Nκ=G, displays the dynamics of spin and qubit excitations as F ≥ whileinFig. 10(b)thecouplingstrengthis√Nκ=0.2G a function of time for a protocol combining EIT storage (withG=2π 50MHz). Here,itisevidentthatthepro- with adiabatic sweeping of the cavity detuning. We also × tocolbasedonresonantpulsesistwoordersofmagnitude reporttheexcitationoftheopticalfield,whichcomprises 10 mean q-tune min q-tune 100.4 max q-tune 1 mean c-tune 100.2 spin min c-tune 100.0 max c-tune 0.8 qubit 99.8 min pi bility99.6 ideal pi ability 0.6 a b prob9999..42 pro 0.4 99.0 0.2 98.8 field 0 98.6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1 10 100 1000 t(G-1) tG (a) FIG. 11: (color online) Time evolution of the probability of mean q-tune spin and qubit excitation for a protocol combining EIT stor- min q-tune 100.4 max q-tune age and adiabatic sweeping of the cavity frequency. We also 100.2 mean c-tune report theexcitation oftheoptical fieldasafunctionof time 100.0 mmianx cc--ttuunnee (see text). The parameters are ∆ck =10G, δQ =1.1G. The bility 9999..68 imdeina ls statagg.p.pii taogteailstpraenrfsofremrdeduroavteiornaitsimabeoTuEtITTt≈otg=a−b516=8n5s.6,8wnhs.ileTEheITcusrtvoers- a are determined by numerically integrating Eqs. (B1). The b 99.4 pro 99.2 inhomogeneousbroadeningwassimulatedbydistributingthe spins in 300 frequency values and the spectral width of the 99.0 incident photon assumed to be ∆ω=0.028G. 98.8 98.6 1 10 100 1000 1E4 1 tG 0.9 field (b) spin 0.8 qubit 0.7 FIG. 10: (color online) Comparison of the three proto- cpoolisn:tsa)d,iaadbiaatbicatsiwcesewpeeopfothfethqeucbaivtitfryefqrueeqnuceync(y”q(-”tcu-ntuen”,e”b,larecdk ability 00..46 b points), and resonant transfer (”stag-pi”, blue points). The pro 0.5 maximal and minimal values of the fidelity for the protocols 0.3 based on adiabatic transfer are plotted as a function of the 0.2 transfer time required for achieving an average fidelity equal 0.1 to0.99. For theadiabatic protocols thefinitevariance is due tooscillations inthequbitpopulationforthechosenparame- 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ters,fortheresonanttransferitisduetoanuncertaintyof1% t(G-1) in the determination of the pulse area. In (a) √Nκ = G, in (b) √Nκ=0.2G. Furtherparameters are given in thetable. FIG. 12: (color online) Same as in Fig. 11 but for a protocol combiningEITstorageandresonanttransferofthespinexci- tation tothequbitexcitation. TheparametersareδQ =28G and ∆ck = 28G. The total transfer time is of the order of 25ns. the fieldmodesoutside the resonatorandthe ring-cavity modes. We evaluate a total fidelity of about 0.75, while thetransferprotocolisperformedoveratimeoftheorder IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS of T =568ns. tot Fidelities of about 0.8 are found by combining EIT We proposeda protocolfor transferringin a reversible storagewith a staggeredπ pulse on times ofthe orderof way a single optical photon into the excitation of a su- T =25 ns, as shown in Fig. 12. These calculations did perconducting qubit. This is realized by means of a tot notinclude the lossesofmicrowavecavityandqubit,nor transducerfromopticalto microwaveregimeconstituted a possible optimization of the time variation of the pa- by a spin ensemble. Depending on the nature of the rameter. The inhomogeneous broadening was simulated spin ensemble, different strategies are appropriate. Here by distributing the spins in 300 frequency values. The we considered an homogeneously-broadenedensemble of parameters we took are not ideal, but of existing exper- cold atoms or by NV centers in diamonds, which shall iments. These results thus demonstrate the viability of exhibit coupled electronic transitions either interfacing the protocol. with the optical or with the microwave fields. We ana-

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