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Interfacial Cracks in Piezoelectric Bimaterials: an approach based on Weight Functions and Boundary Integral Equations PDF

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Preview Interfacial Cracks in Piezoelectric Bimaterials: an approach based on Weight Functions and Boundary Integral Equations

Interfacial Cracks in Piezoelectric Bimaterials: an approach based on Weight Functions and Boundary Integral Equations L. Pryce1, L. Morini2, D. Andreeva1, and A. Zagnetko1 1Department of Mathematics, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3BZ, Wales, UK. 6 2IMT School for Advanced Studies, Piazza S.Francesco 19, 55100 Lucca, Italy. 1 0 2 Abstract t c The focus of this paper is on the analysis of a semi-infinite crack lying along a perfect interface O in a piezoelectric bimaterial with arbitrary loading on the crack faces. Making use of the extended Stroh formalism for piezoelectric materials combined with Riemann-Hilbert formulation, general ex- 1 pressionsareobtainedforbothsymmetricandskew-symmetricweightfunctionsassociatewithplane 1 crack problems at the interface between dissimilar anisotropic piezoelectric media. The effect of the ] coupledelectricalfieldsisincorporatedinthederivedoriginalexpressionsfortheweightfunctionma- h trices. These matrices are used together with Betti’s reciprocity identity in order to obtain singular p integralequationsrelatingtheextendeddisplacementandtractionfieldstotheloadingactingonthe - h crack faces. In order to study the variation of the piezoelectric effect, two different poling directions t are considered. Examples are shown for both poling directions with a number of mechanical and a electrical loadings applied to thecrack faces. m [ Keywords: Interfacial crack, Piezoelectric bimaterial, Weight function, Betti’s identity, Singular integral equations. 4 v 4 1 Introduction 1 1 2 Fracture in piezoelectric materials is an areaof greatinterestdue to their many applications in industry, 0 for example, inpiezoelectric insulators andactuators[1, 2]. The problemofa static semi-infinite interfa- . 1 cial crack between dissimilar anisotropic piezoelectric materials under symmetric loading conditions has 0 been studied in Suo et al. [3] using an approach based on the Stroh formalism [4] and Riemann-Hilbert 5 formulation. As an alternative to this method, singular integral formulations for two-dimensional inter- 1 facial crack problems in piezoelectric bimaterials have been derived by means of approaches based on : v Green’s function method [5]. Applying this procedure, the displacements and the stresses are defined by i X integral relations involving the Green’s functions, for which explicit expressions are required. Although Green’s functions for several crack problems in piezoelectric bimaterials have been derived [6, 7], their r a utilisation in evaluating physical displacements and stress fields on the crack faces requires challenging numericalestimation of integrals for which convergenceshould be assertedcarefully. Moreover,both the complex variable formulation proposed by Suo et al. [3] and the approaches based on Green’s function method work when the tractions applied on the discontinuity surface are symmetric, but not in the case of asymmetric loading acting on the crack faces. In this paper, we illustrate a general procedure for studying plane interfacial crack problems in anisotropic piezoelectric bimaterials in the presence of a general non-symmetric mechanical and elec- trostatic loading distribution acting on the crack faces. The approach developed in Piccolroaz et al. [8] and Piccolroaz and Mishuris [9], based on weight function theory and Betti’s reciprocity theorem, is extended to the case of an interfacial crack in a piezoelectric bimaterial containing a perfect inter- face. Applying this method, the crack problem is also formulated in terms of singular integral equations avoiding the use of Green’s functions and the resulting challenging computations. In fracture mechanics the notion of weight function, defined as the stress intensity factor associated to a point load acting on the crack faces, was originally introduced by Bueckner [10, 11, 12] and Rice 1 [13]. This weight functions concept have been extended for studying crack problems in piezoelectric materials by McMeeking and Ricoeur [14] and Ma and Chen [15]. An alternative formulation where the weight functions are defined as the singular displacement field of the homogeneous traction free problem was proposed by Willis and Movchan [16]. Recently, this weight functions definition has been used in the derivation of stress intensity factors for both static and dynamic crack problems in isotropic and anisotropic bimaterials [8, 17, 18] and in thermodiffusive elastic media [19]. These weight functions havealsobeenusedinthederivationofsingularintegralequationsrelatinginterfacialtractionsandcrack displacementtotheappliedloadingsonthecrackfaces[9,20,21]. Inthispaper,thismethodisgeneralised in order to study interfacial cracks in piezoelectric bimaterials. Explicit weight functions are derived for theclassoftransverselyisotropicpiezoelectricbimaterialsconsideringtwodifferentpolingdirections[22]. Then these weight function matrices are used together with the generalised Betti’s identity to derive singular integral equations relating the tractions and displacements to the electric fields introduced by the piezoelectric effect. Finally, some simple illustrative examples of the application of the obtained singular integral identities are reported. Section2 ofthe paperintroduces the problemgeometryandanumber ofpreliminaryresults required for further analysis. In Section3 we derive weightfunctions for transverselyisotropicpiezoelectric bima- terials considering two different poling directions using the definition introduced by Willis and Movchan [16]. The problem is reduced to only contain the fields affected by the piezoelectric effect. In Section 4 the obtained weight function matrices are used together with Betti’s identity in order to derive singular integral equations relating the physical fields to the applied mechanical and electrical loadings on the crackfaces. InSection5we presenta numberofexamplesforavarietyofmechanicalandelectricalload- ings. For one of the considered examples we also present the results from finite element computations and compare their accuracy to those obtained from our singular integral equations. 2 Problem formulation and preliminary results In this section we introduce the mathematical model used for the remainder of the paper. Some pre- liminary results concerningtwo-dimensionalinterfacialcracksin anisotropicpiezoelectric bimaterials are reported. We consider a semi-infinite crack lying along a perfect interface between two dissimilar piezoelectric half-planes,referredtoasmaterialsIandII.Thecrackoccupiestheregion x <0,x =0 ,asillustrated 1 2 { } inFigure1. Theperfectinterfaceconditionsinapiezoelectricbimaterialarecontinuityofdisplacements, traction,electricpotentialandtheelectriccharge. Theloadingalongthecrackfaces,forx <0,isknown 1 and given by the functions ± ± ± ± p (x )=σ (x ,0 ), for j =1,2,3, p (x )=D (x ,0 ), (1) j 1 2j 1 4 1 2 1 where σ and D represent tractions and electrical displacements respectively. ij i Expressions for the stress fields and displacements for a plane semi-infinite interfacial crack between dissimilar piezoelectric media have been derived by Suo et al. [3], using an approach based on Stroh formalism [4] and Riemann-Hilbert formulation. This method, which is applied in the paper in order to derive explicit weight functions for piezoelectric bimaterials, is summarised in Section 2.1. In Section 2.2, the definition of weight functions proposed in Piccolroaz et al. [23] and Morini et al. [17] is extended to the case of interfacial cracks between dissimilar piezoelectric materials. Finally, in Section 2.3, the expression for the Betti’s formula generalized to piezoelectric media by Hadjesfandiari [24] is reported. Further in the text, weight functions and Betti’s formula are used for formulating the crack problem shown in Fig. 1 in terms of singular integral equations. 2.1 Stroh formalism for piezoelectric materials Undertheconditionsofstaticdeformations,thegoverningequationsforalinearandgenerallyanisotropic piezoelectric body are [25, 26]: σ =0, D =0, (2) ij,i i,i where body forces are assumed to be zero. The strain ǫ and electric field E, are defined by the gradients 1 ε = (u +u ), E = φ , (3) ij i,j j,i i ,i 2 − 2 x p+ 2 3 C ,ω ,e p+ E+ I I I 1 1 p+ E+ 2 2 interface x 1 crack − − p E 2 2 − − p E 1 1 C ,ω ,e II II II − p 3 Figure 1: A semi-infinite crack along an interface between two dissimilar piezoelectric materials subject ± ± to the state of generalised plane strain and short circuit (ε =E =0) 3 3 where u are the components of the displacement field and φ is the electric potential. i The constitutive relations for anisotropic piezoelectric materials are given by Wang and Zhou [27] σ =C ε e E , D =ω E +e ε , (4) ij ijrs rs sji s i is s irs rs − where the tensors C, ω and e representthe stiffness, permittivity and piezoelectricity respectively. Com- bining equations (2), (3) and (4) the following relationships are obtained (C u +e φ) =0, ( ω φ+e u ) =0. (5) ijrs r sji ,si is irs r ,si − Considering the semi-infinite interfacial crack problem shown in Fig. 1, and assuming for both the upper and lower piezoelectric half-planes the state of generalised plane strain and short circuit (ε = 0 3 and E = 0), a solution for equations (5) is derived by applying the procedure described by Suo et al. 3 [3]. The solution is sought in the form (u ,φ)T = af(z) where z = x +px . This yields the following r 1 2 eigenvalue problem [Q+p(R+RT)+p2T]A=0 (6) For general, anisotropic piezoelectric media the matrices have the following form: C C C e C C C e C C C e 11 16 15 11 16 12 14 16 66 26 46 26 C C C e C C C e C C C e Q= 16 66 56 16 , R= 66 26 46 12 , T= 26 22 24 22 . C C C e C C C e C C C e 15 56 55 15 56 25 45 14 46 24 44 24       e e e ω  e e e ω  e e e ω   11 16 15 − 11  21 26 25 − 12  26 22 24 − 22       The eight eigenvalues of (6) are found to be four pairs of complex conjugate For the remainder of this paper u shall be used to the extended vector containing both the physical displacementand electric potential givenby u=(u ,u ,u ,φ)T. The extended tractionvector, t, is also 1 2 3 introduced, given by t=(σ ,D )T. It was shown in Suo et al. [3] that the extended displacements and 2i 2 traction are given by 4 4 u=2Re A f (z ), t=2Re L f′(z ). (7) µ µ µ µ µ µ µ=1 µ=1 X X where 3 L = [(C +p C )A ]+(e +p e )A , for j =1,2,3, jµ 2jr1 µ 2jr2 rµ 1j2 µ 2j2 4µ r=1 X 3 3 L = [(e +p e )A ] (ω +p ω )A . 4µ 2r1 µ 2r2 rµ 12 µ 22 4µ − r=1 X The values of z are given by z = x +p x , where the eigenvalues, p , are taken to be those with µ µ 1 µ 2 µ positive imaginary part and the matrix A are the corresponding eigenvectors. The surface admittance µ tensor B=iAL−1 is introduced and for further analysis the following bimaterial matrices are defined H=B +B¯ , W=B B¯ . (8) I II I II − Assuming vanishing tractions and electrical displacement along the crack faces for x <0, and using 1 expressions (7), in Suo et al. [3] the following Riemann-Hilbert problem was found to exist along the negative x - axis 1 h+(x )+H¯−1Hh−(x )=0, <x <0. (9) 1 1 1 −∞ A solutionis found in the form h(z)=wz−21+iǫ where the branch cut is situated along the negative real axis (which is the crack line). Inserting this solution into equation (9) yields the eigenvalue problem H¯w =e2πǫHw. (10) Four pairs of eigenvectors and eigenvalues are found from (10). They are (ǫ,w), ( ǫ,w¯), ( iκ,w ), (iκ,w ). (11) 3 4 − − Imposingthecontinuityoftractionsandelectricaldisplacementalongtheinterfaceaheadofthecrack tip, the following formula for determining the extended traction vector t is derived [3]: h+(x )+H¯−1Hh−(x )=t(x ), 0<x < . (12) 1 1 1 1 ∞ The extended traction vector, derived by means of equation (12), is therefore given by t(x1)=(2πx1)−21[Kxi1ǫw+K¯x−1iǫw¯ +K3xκ1w3+K4x−1κw4], (13) where K =K +iK . The stress intensity factor vector is given by K=(K,K¯,K ,K )T. 1 2 3 4 The extended displacement jump across the crack, given by JuK(x ) = u+(x ) u−(x ), was found 1 1 1 − to be ( x ) K( x )iǫw K¯( x )−iǫw¯ JuK(x )=(H+H¯) − 1 − 1 + − 1 1 2π (1+2iǫ)coshπǫ (1 2iǫ)coshπǫ r (cid:20) − K ( x )κw K ( x )−κw 3 1 3 4 1 4 + − + − . (14) (1+2κ)cosπκ (1 2κ)cosπκ − (cid:21) Using these expressions for the traction and displacement jump the following equation can be used to find the energy release rate at the crack tip 1 ν G= tT(∆ r)[u](r)dr, (15) 2ν − Z0 for an arbitrary value of ν. Using expressions (13) and (14) it can be shown that w¯T(H+H¯)w wT(H+H¯)w G= K 2+ 3 4K K . (16) 4cosh2πǫ | | 4cos2πκ 3 4 2.2 Weight functions for piezoelectric bimaterials: definition Weight functions, introduced in Bueckner [11, 12], are functions whose weighted integrals can be used in the derivation of important fracture parameters, such as the stress intensity factors. For elastic materials Willis and Movchan [16] introduced a weight function given by the singular displacement field corresponding to a homogeneous, traction-free problem similar to Fig. 1 with the crack occupying the regionx >0andtheperfectinterfacelyingalongtheregionx <0. Thisconceptofaweightfunctionhas 1 1 been adopted in the works of Piccolroaz et al. [23] and Morini et al. [17] for studying interfacial cracks 4 in isotropic and anisotropic bimaterials, respectively. Here, this approach is extended to piezoelectric materials. Theweightfunction forpiezoelectricmaterialsisgivenby the extendedsingulardisplacementfieldU incorporatingboth displacement andelectric potential. The symmetric and skew-symmetricparts of the weight function across the plane x =0 are given by 2 JUK(x )=U(x ,0+) U(x ,0−), (17) 1 1 1 − 1 U (x )= U(x ,0+)+U(x ,0−) . (18) 1 1 1 h i 2 To satisfy the perfect interface conditions it is(cid:2)clear that JUK=0 for(cid:3)x <0. 1 The extended traction field corresponding to the extended displacement U, is denoted Σ. The fol- lowing Riemann-Hilbert problem is found along the positive portion of the x -axis 1 h+(x )+H¯−1Hh−(x)=0, 0<x < . (19) 1 1 ∞ A solution for h(z) is now sought in the form h = v−32+iǫ. The branch cut of h is situated along the positive part of the x axis. Inserting this solution into (19) yields the following eigenvalue problem 1 H¯v=e−2πǫHv. (20) It is immediately clear by comparing equation (10) to (20) that v=w¯, v =w and v =w . 3 4 4 3 Along the negative part of the real axis Σ is given by h+(x )+H¯−1Hh−(x)=Σ(x ), <x <0. (21) 1 1 1 −∞ Therefore the extended traction vector corresponding to the weight function U is given by ( x )−3/2 Σ(x )= − 1 C( x )iǫw¯ +C¯( x )−iǫw+C ( x )−κw +C ( x )κw , (22) 1 1 1 3 1 3 4 1 4 2√2π − − − − (cid:2) (cid:3) where C =C +iC , C and C are constants defined in the same manner as the stress intensity factors 1 2 3 4 for the physical problem. Letus introducethe Fouriertransformofagenericfunctionf withrespecttothe variablex ,defined 1 as follows: +∞ 1 +∞ fˆ(ξ)= [f(x )]= f(x )eiξx1dx , f(x )= −1[fˆ(ξ)]= fˆ(ξ)e−iξx1dξ. (23) 1 1 1 1 F −∞ F 2π −∞ Z Z For anisotropicmaterials it was shownin Morini et al. [17] that the Fourier transforms of the symmetric and skew-symmetric parts of the weight functions are related to Σˆ in the following manner 1 JUˆK+(ξ)= (isign(ξ)Im(H) Re(H))Σˆ−(ξ), (24) ξ − | | 1 Uˆ (ξ)= (isign(ξ)Im(W) Re(W))Σˆ−(ξ), (25) h i 2ξ − | | As the method used in Morini et al. [17] was for general matrices H and W, it is immediately clear that these results also hold for piezoelectric materials. 2.3 The generalised Betti formula In this part of the paper we consider the Betti identity in the context of a semi-infinite crack in a piezoelectric bimaterial. Originally used to relate two different sets of displacement and traction fields satisfying the equilibriumequations [16,23], this approachwasextended to study piezoelectric materials (withelectricpotentialandelectricdisplacement)byHadjesfandiari[24]. ThederivationofBettiformula for piezoelectric solids is briefly reported in Appendix A. This integral formula is now used to form a relationship between the physical fields and the weight function introduced in the previous part of the paper. 5 Applying the generalised Betti formula derived in Hadjesfandiari [24] to the semi-circular domain occupying the upper half plane in the model illustrated in Fig. 1, the following integralrelation is found RU(x′ x ,0+) t(x ,0+) RΣ(x′ x ,0+) u(x ,0+) dx =0, (26) 1− 1 · 1 − 1− 1 · 1 1 Zx2=0+ (cid:2) (cid:3) where u=(u ,u ,u ,φ)T and t=(σ ,σ ,σ ,D )T (see the Appendix for details) and R is given by 1 2 3 21 22 23 2 1 0 0 0 − 0 1 0 0 R= . 0 0 1 0  −   0 0 0 1  −    The equivalent equation for a semi-circular domain in the lower half-plane gives RU(x′ x ,0−) t(x ,0−) RΣ(x′ x ,0−) u(x ,0−) dx =0. (27) Zx2=0− 1− 1 · 1 − 1− 1 · 1 1 (cid:2) (cid:3) Subtracting equation (27) from (26) yields the following relationship RJUK t(+) RΣ(−) JuK= RJUK p R U JpK, (28) ∗ − ∗ − ∗h i− h i∗ where represents the convolution with respect to x and (±) is used to represent the restriction of a 1 ∗ function to the positive or negative portion of the x -axis respectively. It can be easily deduced that 1 in equation (28) the contribution to the generalised traction vector defined on the negative semi-axis x <0 is given by the loading functions t(−) = (σ(−),σ(−),σ(−),D(−))T =(p ,p ,p ,p )T = p, and the 1 21 22 23 2 1 2 3 4 symmetrical and skew-symmetrical part of the load, respectively p and JpK, are defined as follows [9]: h i 1 p = (p++p−), JpK=p+ p−. (29) h i 2 − Applying the Fourier transform to (28) gives the following relationship JUˆKTRˆt+ (Σˆ−)TRJuˆK= JUˆKTR pˆ Uˆ TRJpˆK. (30) − − h i−h i InthenextSections,explicitexpressionsfortheweightfunctionmatrices(24)and(25)arederivedand used together with the the generalised Betti identity (30) for formulating the considered interface crack problem in terms of singular integral equations. Since the bimaterial matrices H and W involved in the weightfunctions (24)and(25)dependonthesurfaceadmittancetensorsofbothpiezoelectrichalf-planes (see definition (8)), in order to derive explicit expressions for these matrices the solution of the Stroh’s eigenvalue problem (6) is needed. In the general fully anisotropic case, this eigenvalue problem must be solvednumerically. Nevertheless,exactalgebraicexpressionsofStroh’seigenvaluesandeigenvectorshave been obtained for the class of transversely isotropic piezoelectric materials in [3, 22, 28] and [29]. This classofmaterialshaspracticalsignificance,becausemanypoledceramicsthatareactuallyinusefallinto this category. The Stroh matrices and surface admittance tensors for transversely isotropic piezoelectric materials with poling direction parallel to x and x axes are reported in the Appendix. Further in the 2 3 text,theseresultswillbeusedtogetherwithexpressions(24)and(25)forderivingexplicitweightfunction matrices corresponding to interfacial cracks between dissimilar transversely isotropic piezoceramics. 3 Weight functions Piezoelectric materials occupying both lower and upper half-planes in Figure 1 are assumed to be trans- versely isotropic. For simplicity, poling direction is assumed to be parallelto the x and x axes,respec- 2 3 tively. Using eigenvalue matrices and surface admittance tensors in the forms reported in the Appendix, explicit weight functions are derived for both these cases. 6 3.1 Poling direction parallel to the x axis 2 − Polingdirectiondirectedalongthex axisisassumedforbothupperandlowerpiezoelectrichalf-planes. 2 − ConsideringthegeometryofthemodelshowninFigure1,itiseasytoobservethatinthiscasethepoling direction is perpendicular to the crack plane. Under these conditions the Mode III component of the solutiondecouplefromModesIandIIandthepiezoelectriceffect[22,28,29],whichfurtherinthetextwe will refer to as Mode IV. This means that the antiplane tractions and displacement have no dependency on the electric field and therefore behave in the same way as they would in an elastic material with no piezoelectric effect. The stiffness, permittivity and piezoelectric tensors corresponding to this case are reported in the Appendix together with explicit forms of the matrices involved in the decoupled part of the eigenvalue problem (6). Theremainderofthissectionofthepaperconsidersonlythein-planecomponentsandelectricaleffects. That is: u=(u ,u ,φ)T and t=(σ ,σ ,D )T. The surface admittance tensor B then becomes 1 2 21 22 2 B iB iB 11 12 14 B= iB B B . (31)  12 22 24 − iB B B 14 24 44 −    The expressionsfor the components of the matrix B, found by Hwu [22] for the two-dimensionalstate of generalized plane strain and open circuit, are quoted in the Appendix of the paper. With an expression for B it is now possible to construct the bimaterial matrices required. The bimaterial matrices H and W can be written as H iH iH W iW iW 11 12 14 11 12 14 H= iH H H , W = iW W W . (32)  12 22 24  12 22 24 − − iH H H iW W W 14 24 44 14 24 44 −  −      Note that explicit expressions for the components of matrices (32) are also reported in the Appendix. KnowingthestructureofthebimaterialmatrixHitisnowpossibletofindexpressionsforthetraction field,Σusingtheeigenvalueproblem(10). From(32) itisonlynecessarytofindthreesetsofeigenvalues (1) and eigenvectors. They have the form (ǫ,w), ( ǫ,w¯), (iκ,w ). 4 − As the Mode III components of the solutions have decoupled and behave purely elastically it is expected that κ=0. Therefore it is expected that the eigenvalues are given by two non-zero real valued numbers, withthe same magnitudebut differinginsign,and0. With theseparticulareigenvaluesandeigenvectors the expression for Σ is given by ( x )−3/2 Σ(x )= − 1 C( x )iǫw¯ +C¯( x )−iǫw+C w . (33) 1 1 1 4 4 2√2π − − (cid:2) (cid:3) To find the eigenvalues from (10) the following equation must be solved H¯ e2πǫH =0. (34) || − || Substituting (32) in (34) the following equation is derived (1) (1 e2πǫ)[(1 e2πǫ)2H (H H H2 ) (1+e2πǫ)2(H2 H +H2 H 2H H H )]=0. (35) − − 11 22 44− 24 − 12 44 14 24− 12 14 24 As expectedsolvingthe equation1 e2πǫ =0 yieldsthe eigenvalue0. The othereigenvaluesaregivenby − 1 1 β ǫ= ln − , (36) ± ±2π 1+β (cid:18) (cid:19) where B β2 = , A=H (H H H2 ), B =2(H2 H +H2 H 2H H H ). A 11 22 44− 24 12 44 14 24− 12 14 24 7 Usingtheseeigenvaluesitispossibletofindexpressionsfortheeigenvectorswandw4. Theexpressions chosen here are made for notational convenience. The expression for w4 is 0 1 w4 = 2 H14 . (37) H 12 −    There are three possible expressions for the eigenvector w. They are iβ(H2 H H ) iβ(H H H H ) iβ(H H H H ) 1 − 24− 22 44 1 − 14 22− 12 24 1 − 14 24− 12 44 w= H H H H , or β2H H H H , or β2H H H2 . 2 44 12− 14 24  2 11 24− 12 14  2 11 44− 14  H H H H H2 β2H H H H β2H H  14 22− 24 12   12− 11 22   12 14− 11 24       (38) For the remainder of this paper the first representation of w from equation (38) shall be used. Using (33) it is possible, using the method described in Piccolroaz et al. [8], to construct three independent traction vectors using the following three cases: 1. C =1,C =C =0, 1 2 4 2. C =1,C =C =0, 2 1 4 3. C =1,C =C =0. 4 1 2 Using (38) the three traction vectors obtained are iβ(H2 H H )[( x )iǫ ( x )−iǫ] ( x )−3/2 24− 22 44 − 1 − − 1 Σ1(x )= − 1 (H H H H )[( x )iǫ+( x )−iǫ] , (39) 1 2√2π  44 12− 14 24 − 1 − 1  (H H H H )[( x )iǫ+( x )−iǫ] 14 22 24 12 1 1  − − −    β(H2 H H )[( x )iǫ+( x )−iǫ] ( x )−3/2 − 24− 22 44 − 1 − 1 Σ2(x )= − 1 i(H H H H )[( x )iǫ ( x )−iǫ] , (40) 1 2√2π  44 12− 14 24 − 1 − − 1  i(H H H H )[( x )iǫ ( x )−iǫ] 14 22 24 12 1 1  − − − −    0 ( x )−3/2 Σ4(x )= − 1 H . (41) 1 2√2π  14  H 12 −    Here, a superscript4 has beenused insteadof 3 inequation(41)so as notto confuse this with the Mode III components which have already been decoupled. InordertocalculateexplicitexpressionsforJUˆK+and Uˆ itisnecessarytofindtheFouriertransforms h i of (39), (40) and (41) iβ(H2 H H ) ( 1 iǫ)Γ(1 +iǫ)(iξ)−iǫ ( 1 +iǫ)Γ(1 iǫ)(iξ)iǫ √2(iξ)1/2 24− 22 44 −2 − 2 − −2 2 − Σˆ1(ξ)= (H H H H ) ( 1 iǫ)Γ(1 +iǫ)(iξ)−iǫ+( 1 +iǫ)Γ(1 iǫ)(iξ)iǫ , (1+4ǫ2)√π  44 12− 14 24(cid:2) −2 − 2 −2 2 − (cid:3)  (H H H H ) ( 1 iǫ)Γ(1 +iǫ)(iξ)−iǫ+( 1 +iǫ)Γ(1 iǫ)(iξ)iǫ  14 22− 24 12 (cid:2) −2 − 2 −2 2 − (cid:3)  (42) (cid:2) (cid:3) β(H2 H H ) ( 1 iǫ)Γ(1 +iǫ)(iξ)−iǫ+( 1 +iǫ)Γ(1 iǫ)(iξ)iǫ √2(iξ)1/2 − 24− 22 44 −2 − 2 −2 2 − Σˆ2(ξ)= i(H H H H ) ( 1 iǫ)Γ(1 +iǫ)(iξ)−iǫ ( 1 +iǫ)Γ(1 iǫ)(iξ)iǫ , (1+4ǫ2)√π  44 12− 14 24(cid:2) −2 − 2 − −2 2 − (cid:3)  i(H H H H ) ( 1 iǫ)Γ(1 +iǫ)(iξ)−iǫ ( 1 +iǫ)Γ(1 iǫ)(iξ)iǫ  14 22− 24 12 (cid:2) −2 − 2 − −2 2 − (cid:3)  (43) (cid:2) (cid:3) 0 (iξ)1/2 Σˆ4(ξ)= H . (44) √2 − 14 H 12     With these expressions it is now possible to use a 3x3 matrix whose columns are the three linearly independent traction vectors found along with equations (24) and (25) to find expressions for JUK and U [8]. h i 8 3.2 Poling direction parallel to the x axis 3 − Observing Figure 1, it can be noted that in the case where both the upper and lower piezoelectric half- planes are assumed to be poled along the x axis, the poling axis coincides with the crack front. For 3 − this particular case it is possible to decouple the Mode I and Mode II components of the displacement and stress fields from the Mode III fields and piezoelectric effects on the material [28, 22]. This means that the in-plane fields will behave similarly to those for purely elastic materials with no piezoelectric behaviour. Alsoforthis case,the explicitformforthestiffness, permittivityandpiezoelectrictensorsare reported in the Appendix. In the remainder of this section only the out-of-plane and piezoelectric components are considered. That is: u=(u ,φ)T and t=(σ ,D )T. The surface admittance tensor then becomes 3 23 2 B B B= 33 34 . (45) B34 B44! Consequently, the bimaterial matrices H and W can be computed and have the form H H δ H γH H= 33 34 , W= 3 33 34 , (46) H34 H44! γH34 δ4H44! where: H =[B ] +[B ] , for α,β =3,4, αβ αβ I αβ II [B ] [B ] αα I αα II δ = − , for α=3,4, α [B ] +[B ] αα I αα II [B ] [B ] 34 I 34 II γ = − . H 34 Explicit expressions for the components of B , are given in the Appendix of the paper. αβ InordertoobtaintheweightfunctionsforthematerialsconsideredheretheRiemann-Hilbertproblem (9) must again be considered. For this case the bimaterial matrix H has no imaginary part, and then substituting expression (46) into equation (9) we get (1) h+(x )+h−(x)=0, <x <0. (47) 1 1 −∞ For this special case it was shown in Suo et al. [3] that the extended traction along the interface and displacement jump across the crack are given by K t(x1)=(2πx1)−12 3 , for x1 >0, (48) K4! 1 2( x ) 2 K JuK(x )= − 1 H 3 for x <0. (49) 1 1 (cid:18) π (cid:19) K4! Knowingthe tractionfieldsmakesitpossibletoevaluatethe weightfunctionUandits corresponding traction Σ for these particular materials. The expression for Σ is Σ(x )= (−x1)−23 C3 , for x <0. (50) 1 1 √2π C4! The Fourier transforms of th symmetric and skew-symmetric parts of the weightfunction, JUˆK and Uˆ , h i are once again given by equations (24) and (25). However,due to H, and therefore W being purely real the expressions simplify to 1 JUˆK+(ξ)= HΣˆ−(ξ), (51) − ξ | | 1 Uˆ (ξ)= WΣˆ−(ξ), (52) h i −2ξ | | 9 where Σˆ is the 2 2 matrix consisting of two independent tractions. The linearly independent tractions × are given by the case C =1,C =0 and C =0,C =1 in equation (50). The results obtained are; 3 4 3 4 Σ3(x )= (−x1)−32 1 , Σ4(x )= (−x1)−32 0 . (53) 1 1 √2π 0! √2π 1! TheFouriertransformsofthesevectors,whichareclearlyveryimportantinderivingtheweightfunctions, are given by √2 0 Σˆ3(ξ)=(iξ)12 − , Σˆ4(ξ)=(iξ)12 . (54) 0 ! √2! − 4 Integral identities In this Section the obtained weight function matrices are used together with the Betti identity (30) to formulate the considered crack problem in terms of singular integral equations. Integral identities relating the applied loading to the resulting crack opening and traction ahead of the tip are derived for transverselyisotropicpiezoelectricmaterialsinboththe caseswhere polingdirectionisparallelto the x 2 and x axes. 3 4.1 Poling direction parallel to the x axis 2 − Considering the case where both upper and lower transversely isotropic piezoelectric half-spaces possess poling direction parallelto the x axis (perpendicular to the crack plane), the in-plane fields and piezo- 2 − electric effect decouple from the antiplane displacement and traction. Consequently, the Betti formula still has the form JUˆKTRˆt+ ΣˆTRJuˆK− = JUˆKTR pˆ Uˆ TRJpˆK, (55) − − h i−h i whereJUˆKand Uˆ aregivenbyexpressions(24)and(25)togetherwithmatrices(32),andtherotational h i matrix R becomes 1 0 0 − R= 0 1 0 .   0 0 1  −    Multiplying both sides of (55) by R−1JUˆK−T yields the following equation ˆt+ NJuˆK− = pˆ MJpˆK, (56) − −h i− where M and N are given by M=R−1JUˆK−T Uˆ TR, N=R−1JUˆK−TΣˆTR. (57) h i Using (24) and (25) full expressions for M and N can be found: 1 ′ ′′ M= (M +isign(ξ)M ), (58) 2D ξ N= | |(N′+isign(ξ)N′′), (59) D where explicit expressions for D,M′,M′′,N′ and N′′ can be found in the Appendix of this paper. Taking the inverse Fourier transform of equation (56), the following equations are found for x < 0 1 and x >0 respectively: 1 −1 [NJuˆK−]= p (x )+ −1 [MJpˆK], x <0, (60) Fx1<0 h i 1 Fx1<0 1 t(+)(x )+ −1 [MJpˆK]= −1 [NJuˆK−], x >0. (61) 1 Fx1>0 Fx1>0 1 The term involving ˆt cancels for x < 0 as it is only defined along the interface and the pˆ does not 1 h i appearforx >0asitisonlydefinedalongthecrack. Inordertoderiveexplicitexpressionsforequations 1 10

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