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Preview Intercomparison of an Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM)

Atmos.Meas.Tech.,7,1929–1941,2014 www.atmos-meas-tech.net/7/1929/2014/ doi:10.5194/amt-7-1929-2014 ©Author(s)2014.CCAttribution3.0License. Intercomparison of an Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM) with ambient fine aerosol measurements in downtown Atlanta, Georgia S.H.Budisulistiorini1,M.R.Canagaratna2,P.L.Croteau2,K.Baumann3,E.S.Edgerton3,M.S.Kollman4, N.L.Ng4,5,V.Verma5,S.L.Shaw6,E.M.Knipping7,D.R.Worsnop2,J.T.Jayne2,R.J.Weber5,andJ.D.Surratt1 1DepartmentofEnvironmentalSciencesandEngineering,GillingsSchoolofGlobalPublicHealth,TheUniversityofNorth CarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC27599,USA 2AerodyneResearch,Inc.,Billerica,MA01821,USA 3AtmosphericResearch&Analysis,Inc.,Cary,NC27513,USA 4SchoolofChemicalandBiomolecularEngineering,GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology,Atlanta,GA30332,USA 5SchoolofEarthandAtmosphericSciences,GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology,Atlanta,GA30332,USA 6ElectricPowerResearchInstitute,PaloAlto,CA94304,USA 7ElectricPowerResearchInstitute,Washington,D.C.20036,USA Correspondenceto:J.D.Surratt([email protected]) Received:6November2013–PublishedinAtmos.Meas.Tech.Discuss.:19December2013 Revised:19May2014–Accepted:22May2014–Published:2July2014 Abstract.Currently,therearealimitednumberoffieldstud- measurements. This suggests that adjusting the ambient iesthatevaluatethelong-termperformanceoftheAerodyne aerosol continuous measurements with results from filter Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM) against es- analysisintroducedadditionalbiastothemeasurements.We tablishedmonitoringnetworks.Inthisstudy,wepresentsea- also recommend to calibrate the ambient aerosol monitor- sonal intercomparisons of the ACSM with collocated fine inginstrumentsusingaerosolstandardsratherthangas-phase aerosol (PM ) measurements at the Southeastern Aerosol standards.ThefittingapproachforACSMrelativeionization 2.5 Research and Characterization (SEARCH) Jefferson Street for sulfate was shown to improve the comparisons between (JST) site near downtown Atlanta, GA, during 2011–2012. ACSM and collocated measurements in the absence of cal- IntercomparisonoftwocollocatedACSMsresultedinstrong ibrated values, suggesting the importance of adding sulfate correlations (r2>0.8) for all chemical species, except chlo- calibrationintotheACSMcalibrationroutine. ride (r2=0.21) indicating that ACSM instruments are ca- pable of stable and reproducible operation. In general, spe- ciated ACSM mass concentrations correlate well (r2>0.7) with the filter-adjusted continuous measurements from JST, 1 Introduction although the correlation for nitrate is weaker (r2=0.55) in summer.CorrelationsoftheACSMNR-PM (non-refractory Atmosphericfineparticulatematterwithaerodynamicdiam- 1 particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than or eters less than or equal to 2.5µm (PM2.5) have adverse ef- equal to 1µm) plus elemental carbon (EC) with tapered el- fectsonhumanhealth(Dockeryetal.,1993),reducevisibil- ementoscillatingmicrobalance(TEOM)PM andFederal ity,andplayaroleinEarth’sclimate(IPCC,2013).Asare- 2.5 ReferenceMethod(FRM)PM massarestrongwithr2>0.7 sult,therehasbeenanongoingneedtoresolvethechemical 1 andr2>0.8,respectively.Discrepanciesmightbeattributed compositionofPM2.5inordertoidentifytheirexactsources, to evaporative losses of semi-volatile species from the fil- andthus,developeffectivecontrolstrategies.Organicmatter ter measurements used to adjust the collocated continuous (OM) contributes a major fraction (25–70%) of the submi- cron (PM ) mass in the troposphere; however, its sources, 1 PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. 1930 S.H.Budisulistiorinietal.:IntercomparisonofanACSMwithambientfineaerosolmeasurements composition, and atmospheric chemical transformations re- integratedPM andPM massmeasurementsbasedonthe 2.5 1 main unclear (Jimenez et al., 2009). Inorganic aerosol con- FederalReferenceMethod(FRM). stituents,suchassulfate(SO2−),nitrate(NO−),ammonium In the discussion that follows, we first compare individ- 4 3 (NH+),andchloride(Cl−)canalsobemajorcomponentsof ualspecies(i.e.,OM,SO2−,NO−,NH+,andCl−)andtotal 4 4 3 4 PM2.5,dependingonlocationandtimeofyear. NR-PM1 mass measured from collocated ACSMs during a Numerous methods for measuring the mass and chemi- shortperiodbetweenJanuaryandFebruary2012.Secondly, calcompositionofPMhavebeenputforward,includingin- wecomparespeciesmeasurements(minuschloride)andto- tegrated filter samplers with subsequent laboratory analysis tal mass from the ACSM with organic carbon (OC), SO2−, 4 − + (e.g., Baumann et al., 2003; Solomon et al., 2003b), semi- NO ,NH ,andPM fromcontinuousandfiltermeasure- 3 4 2.5 continuousmethods(e.g.,Weberetal.,2003a,b;Limetal., ments at the Jefferson Street (JST) site during summer and 2003),andreal-timeinstruments(e.g.,Gardetal.,1997;Lee fall2011.WecomparemassfromtheACSMwithtotalmass etal.,2002;Jimenezetal.,2003).Differencesbetweensam- from integrated FRM measurements in three short periods pling techniques may occur for a host of reasons, including ofJanuary–February,April–May,andJuly2012.Lastly,we design, analysis methods, and assumptions used in data re- estimateaerosoldensityfromcontinuousmeasurementsbe- duction. Hence, comparison of new sampling methods with tween17Octoberto20November2012.Fromthisintercom- establishedtechniquesallowsonetodetermineitssuitability parison,wehavegainedmoreknowledgeoncontinuousam- forlong-termairqualitymonitoring. bientaerosolmeasurements,includingtheimportanceofcal- The Aerodyne Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor ibratingtheroutinemonitoringaerosolinstrumentswithtrue (ACSM, Ng et al., 2011) is designed for reliable long-term aerosolstandardsratherthangas-phasestandards,aswellas operation with minimal user intervention. The key differ- sulfate calibration as additional routine calibration for the ences between the ACSM and the aerosol mass spectrom- ACSM. eter (AMS, Jayne et al., 2000) is that the former lacks a particle beam chopper and uses a relatively lower sen- 2 Experimentalsection sitivity quadrupole and, therefore, data must be averaged over a longer period to obtain sufficient signal-to-noise for 2.1 Sitedescription quantification. Recent studies showed that the ACSM data are strongly correlated (r2>0.8) with the Aerodyne high- Ambient aerosol from Atlanta, Georgia, was collected at resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR- the Jefferson Street (JST) site (33.7775◦N, 84.4166◦W), ToF-AMS) (Ng et al., 2011), time-of-flight ACSM (ToF- whichislocatedinamixedindustrial–residentialareaabout ACSM), and compact time-of-flight AMS (Fröhlich et al., 4.2kmnorthwestofdowntownAtlanta(Hansenetal.,2003; 2013). Comparisons of SO2− aerosol showed good correla- 4 Solomon et al., 2003a). The JST site is one of the research tionsbetweentheACSMandtheparticle-into-liquidsampler sitesofSoutheasternAerosolResearchandCharacterization coupledtoanionchromatograph(PILS-IC),andtheThermo (SEARCH) network that is equipped with a suite of gas, ScientificSulfateParticulateAnalyzer(model5020i),where particle,andmeteorologicalmeasurements.Detailsofthese the ACSM measured 31% lower for SO2− than these two 4 measurements are described in subsequent sections. The − instruments. For NO3 aerosol, the ACSM measured 25% University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) ACSM lower than the PILS-IC (Ng et al., 2011). A recent deploy- wasoperatedcontinuouslyatJSTfrom27July2011through mentoftheACSMinBeijing,China,reportedagoodcorre- 21 September 2012, while the GIT ACSM was deployed at lationbetweenthetotalnon-refractoryPM1 (NR-PM1)esti- thissitefrom31Januarythrough29February2012.Thepe- mated from the sum of all species measured by the ACSM riod when both ACSMs were collocated at JST is used to withthePM2.5 measuredbythetaperedelementoscillating evaluate the ACSM performance, and the extended periods microbalance(TEOM),wheretheACSMNR-PM1 reported in2011and2012areusedtoevaluatetheaccuracyofACSM 64%oftheTEOMPM2.5mass(Sunetal.,2012). measurementsagainstestablishedmonitoringnetworkmea- The present study compares ambient NR-PM1 measured surements. by the ACSM with a suite of collocated particle measure- mentsinAtlanta,Georgia.Thecollocatedparticlemeasure- 2.2 NR-PM andchemicalmeasurementsbytheACSM 1 mentsincludeanotherACSMoperatedbytheGeorgiaInsti- tuteofTechnology(GIT),continuousSO2−,NO−,andNH+ DuringFebruary2012,NR-PM1 wasmeasuredbytwoAC- 4 3 4 measurements operated by Atmospheric Research & Anal- SMs that belong to UNC and GIT, and placed in an air- ysis Inc. (ARA), semi-continuous organic carbon/elemental conditionedtraileratJST.SamplingconditionsforbothAC- carbon(OC/EC)measurements,total PM massmeasured SMsaredescribedinTable1.BothACSMswereoperatedto 2.5 by TEOM, integrated SO2−, NO−, and NH+ by parti- scan150mass-to-charge(m/z)ratiosoffragmentedionsata cle composition monitor (P4CM) d3eveloped by4ARA, and rateof500msamu−1.Vaporizerandheaterbiasesweresetat 600◦Cand100.30V,respectively,withthebiasvoltagecho- sen to maximize the N (m/z28) signal. Particle-laden and 2 Atmos.Meas.Tech.,7,1929–1941,2014 www.atmos-meas-tech.net/7/1929/2014/ S.H.Budisulistiorinietal.:IntercomparisonofanACSMwithambientfineaerosolmeasurements 1931 Table1.UNCandGITACSMssamplingsetupattheJSTsiteforashortperiodbetweenJanuary–February2012. UNC GIT Samplinginlet PM2.5cyclone PM2.5cyclone Samplinglinelength 5.00m 5.00m Samplinglinediameter 0.64cmODand0.46cmID 1.27cmIDfor1moflength stainlesssteeltube 0.95cmIDfor4moflength Sampledrying 50-tubeNafiondryer(PermaPurePD- 200-tubeNafiondryer(PermaPure 50T-24SS)with7.00Lmin−1ofsheath PD-200T-12MPS)runningwith aircomingfromdry/zeroairsystem 0.50Lmin−1sheathairflow(under vacuum) ACSMsamplingflowrate 3.00Lmin−1 3.00Lmin−1 RFNO3 calibration 3.79×10−11 3.97×10−11 RIENH4 calibration 6.00 4.30 RIESO4 fitting 0.79 0.54 RIENO3 default 1.10 1.10 RIECldefault 1.30 1.30 RIEOrganicdefault 1.40 1.40 Referenceflow(Qcalincm3s−1) 1.39 1.35 Dataacquisitionsoftware ACSMDAQv1.4.2.2 ACSMDAQv1.4.2.5 Dataanalysisprocedure ACSMLocalv1.5.2.0 ACSMLocalv1.5.2.0 particle-freeairweresampledinterchangeablyandaveraged An air beam signal (i.e., m/z28) was used to normalize over∼30minintervalsforeachmeasurement.Wecalibrated the measurements with respect to instrument measurement theACSMonsite.TheACSMswerecalibratedforresponse sensitivity (i.e., secondary electron multiplier (SEM) gain factor (RF) and relative ionization efficiency (RIE) using a decay) and sampling flow rate. The effusive naphthalene separatecalibrationsystemforUNCandGIT.Theresulting source was not used due to lower signal-to-noise compared values for each instrument are reported in Table 1, and for tom/z28anditsdependencyoneffusionflowand/orback- UNC ACSM, different calibration values were used for dif- ground contamination. Moreover, the changes in flow rate ferentseasons. needtobeaccountedforbyusingthefilteredairbeam.The Data acquisition software provided by ARI was used to ACSMusesafilteredairmassspectrumtoaccountforback- process the measurements to obtain total organic and inor- grounds(e.g.,N andCO).Thesesignalswillvarywithflow 2 ganic (i.e., SO2−, NO−, NH+, and Cl−) aerosol mass con- rateorslowlydesorbingmaterial.Contributionoftheslowly 4 3 4 centrations. Further details of the concentration calculation desorbingmaterial,however,isgenerallysmallcomparedto arediscussedbyNgetal.(2011)andshowninEq.(1). theN signalatm/z28. 2 RIE for species s was determined from calibrations of s C = CEs × 1012 ×Qcal×Gcal × 1 XIC (1) laboratory-generated aerosols of each species using Aero- s T RIE RF Q×G s,i dyne AMS (Alfarra et al., 2004; Canagaratna et al., 2007). m/z s NO3 alli SincetheACSMparticlevaporizationandionizationsource Speciesmassconcentration(C )iscalculatedbasedonmea- are similar but not identical in design to that of the AMS, s suredioncurrent(ICinamps)atfragmentioni.CE iscol- there may be differences in RIE values compared to those s lectionefficiencyforspeciess,andRF isinstrumentre- referencedabove.ThevaporizerisidenticalbetweenACSM NO3 sponsefactorfromcalibration.T iscorrectionforthem/z andAMSsystems.TheionformationchamberintheACSM m/z dependent ion transmission efficiency of the quadrupole. is somewhat smaller than in the AMS. The ion source vol- Q and G are the volumetric sample flow rate and mul- ume in the ACSM is calculated to be 370mm3 and that of cal cal tipliergain,respectively,andweredeterminedfromcalibra- the AMS is 580mm3. We note, however, that the effective tion,whileQandGareobtainedduringthemeasurements. volume is really defined by the electric fields and it is not During data processing, calibrated and measured Q and G easily calculated. In both systems the diameter of the ex- cancel each other out as part of air beam correction factor traction into the ion optic lens region is 3mm. The smaller (Eq. 2), and no separate correction is applied for flow rate. ionsourcevolume(withtighterspatiallydistributedelectric Theairbeamcorrectionisappliedasitisuncertainwhether fields) in the ACSM could result in larger variability of the airbeamsignalchangesduetogainorflowchanges. relativeionizationefficiencieswithrespecttopreciseparticle beamalignment,whichiscurrentlybeinginvestigated. Q ×G Airbeamcorrectionfactor= cal cal (2) Q×G www.atmos-meas-tech.net/7/1929/2014/ Atmos.Meas.Tech.,7,1929–1941,2014 1932 S.H.Budisulistiorinietal.:IntercomparisonofanACSMwithambientfineaerosolmeasurements Table2.StatisticsofcalibrationvaluesobtainedfromUNCandGITACSMssincemid2011toearly2013. UNCACSM GITACSM ∗ ∗ Date RFNO3 RIENH4 RIESO4 RFNO3 RIENH4 RIESO4 Mean 4.17×10−11 5.71 0.67 3.26×10−11 4.40 0.59 1-stddeviation 1.53×10−11 1.01 0.09 1.26×10−11 0.38 0.04 %uncertainty 37% 18% 14% 39% 9% 7% ∗Sulfateaerosolcalibrationswerenotconducteduntilearly2013. The default RIE value for ammonium (RIE ) was 3.5; dataanalysisduetooperationalandmaintenanceissues,such NH4 the value obtained from ACSM calibrations was approxi- asshutdownduringcalibrations.Aerosolmassspectrometer mately 5.71 (Table 2). The default RIE of sulfate was 1.2, uncertainty was estimated 20–35% (Bahreini et al., 2009) whichtherealvaluecouldbeestimatedbyfittingmeasured which included CE uncertainty of 30%. A recent study of sulfate and predicted sulfate values, derived from NH composition dependent CE parameterization (Middlebrook 4,pred equation(Eq.3).Measuredsulfate(SO )issulfatethat et al., 2012) has substantially contributed to narrow the un- 4,meas ismeasuredbytheACSM,whilepredictedsulfate(SO ) certainty of AMS, which could be used as a guideline for 4,pred is the estimated value of sulfate from ion balance approach ACSMaccuracy(∼30%). (Eq.4). 2.3 Chemical constituents measured by integrated and (cid:18) (cid:19) NH =2 MWNH4 SO (3) continuousparticlemeasurementsatJSTsite 4,pred 4,meas MWSO 4 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) DetailsoftheJSTsitemeasurementsareprovidedelsewhere MWNH MWNH + 4 NO + 4 Cl (Hansenetal.,2003;Edgertonetal.,2005,2006).Inletsfor 3,meas meas MWNO MWChl 3 particlesamplersaremountedontherooftopofthesampling trailer about 5m above ground level. The particle measure- ments consist of 24h filter sampling conducted every third SO = (4) 4,pred day(dailyforPM andPM mass),andofcontinuousand (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) 2.5 1 NH4,meas− MMWWNNOH34 NO3,meas− MMWWNCHhl4 Clmeas semi-continuous measurements by instruments placed in an (cid:16) (cid:17) air-conditionedtrailer.Integrated,semi-continuous,andcon- 2 MWNH4 MWSO4 tinuous PM2.5 measurements are listed in Table 3, and de- scribedbrieflybelow.FieldblankloadingsofJSTsitemea- ThepreviousvalueofRIESO4 1.2isthenmultipliedbyslope surements are generally insignificant for SO24−, NH+4 and obtained from fitting SO versus SO and used as − 4,pred 4,meas OC, but can be significant for NO and EC mostly due to 3 the RIE value of this study. UNC ACSM applied fitted SO4 loadings at or below detection limit of those components RIE values of 0.95, 0.77, 0.79, 1.1, 0.73, and 0.44 for SO4 (Edgerton et al., 2005). We emphasize here that the JST summerandfall2011,winter,spring,summer,andfall2012 siteaerosolinstrumentsarebasedongasphasedetectionof data sets, respectively. Explicit calibration of RIESO4 by at- aerosol conversion products (e.g., SO2 from SO42− and NO omizing(NH4)2SO4usingthesamecalibrationsystemfrom fromNO−),therefore,arecalibratedwithstandardgasesin- UNCduringwinter2013yieldedavalueof0.67±0.09indi- 3 steadofdirectlybyparticlemassgeneratedfromanatomizer catingthatthefittingapproachvalue(0.79±0.22)isconsis- combined with scanning electrical mobility sizer (SEMS) tentwiththecalibrations,withalargeruncertainty(Table2). mixing condensation particle counter (MCPC) as done for WefoundthatSO2− percentdifferencebetweenACSMand 4 theACSM. collocated measurement at JST was improved from about 50%tolessthan30%.Therefore,inadditiontoregularcal- Particlecomponentsmeasurements ibration using NH NO , we recommend additional calibra- 4 3 tionusing(NH ) SO toobtainanRIE valuespecificfor Details of the semi-continuous and continuous PM sam- 4 2 4 SO4 2.5 theACSM. plingandanalysisareprovidedinEdgertonetal.(2006)and A CE of 0.5 was used to calculate mass concentration. in the supporting information. Briefly, PM mass is mea- 2.5 We used a Nafion dryer to dry ambient air samples; inves- sured continuously using an R&P Model 1400a/b TEOM tigationofspecies-dependentCE(Middlebrooketal.,2012) operated at 30◦C to reduce losses of semi-volatile com- suggestedthatCEisnotinfluencedbyhighlyacidicaerosol poundsandwithmainflowrateof3Lmin−1.Sampleairwas (Fig. S1 in the Supplement) or ammonium nitrate (Fig. S2 pulledthroughaPM inletfollowedbyaPM VerySharp 10 2.5 in the Supplement) as provided in the supplemental infor- Cut Cyclone (BGI Incorporated) that goes inside the trailer mation.Somemeasurementperiodswereexcludedfromthe where a multi-tube Nafion drier (Perma Pure) is installed Atmos.Meas.Tech.,7,1929–1941,2014 www.atmos-meas-tech.net/7/1929/2014/ S.H.Budisulistiorinietal.:IntercomparisonofanACSMwithambientfineaerosolmeasurements 1933 Table3.Summaryofintegrated,semi-continuous,andcontinuousPM2.5analysesatJST. Analyte Instrument Analyticalmethod DetectionLimit(mgm−3) Frequency/TimeResolution Integratedsamples Mass FRM(Teflon,47mm) Gravimetry 0.2 daily SO2− PCM1(Teflon,47mm) IC 0.05 3-day 4 − NO PCM1(Teflon,47mm) IC 0.01 3-day 3 + NH PCM1(Teflon,47mm) AC 0.03 3-day 4 − Volatile-NO PCM1(Nylon,47mm) IC 0.02 3-day 3 + Volatile-NH PCM1(Citricacid-coatedcellulose,47mm) AC 0.04 3-day 4 OC PCM3(Quartz,37mm) TOR 0.08 3-day Continuoussamples Mass R&P1400a/bTEOM(modified) Oscillatingmicrobalance 2.0 5min SO24− HSPH(modified) ReductiontoSO2/PF 0.4 1min − NO ThermoScientific ReductiontoNO/CL 0.25 1min 3 + NH ThermoScientific OxidationtoNO/CL 0.07 1min 4 OC/TC SunsetOC/ECAnalyzer CombustiontoCO2/NDIR 0.5 60min Notes:Volatile-NO−3 andVolatile-NH+4 arecollectedonbackfiltersasHNO3andNH3dissociationonthefrontfilter;ICrepresentsionchromatographytechnique;ACrepresentsautomated colorimetrymethod;TORindicatesthermal/opticalreflectancemethod;PFrepresentspulsedfluorescencetechnique;CLindicatesozone-NOchemiluminescencemethod;HSPHstandsforHarvard SchoolofPublicHealth. to dry the sample. SO2− is measured continuously using a PM valueswereobtainedbyaddingblank-correctedPCM 4 2.5 − modified Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) Sulfate measurementstogetherwithvolatileNO fromPCMnylon, 3 ParticulateAnalyzer.NH+ andNO− weremeasuredusinga volatileNH+andvolatileOMfromPCMbackfilter. 4 3 4 three-channelcontinuousdifferencingmethoddevelopedby FRM filter samples were collected for 24h using dual ARA, Inc. (Edgerton et al., 2006). Total carbon (TC) was R&P Model 2025 sequential FRM monitors to determine semi-continuouslymeasuredbyaSunsetOC/ECinstrument both PM and PM mass. 47mm diameter Teflon filters 2.5 1 (model3),whichcollectsparticlesonafilter.Oncecollection (2µmporesize)wereusedforthesemeasurements,andthe iscomplete(after∼50min),theovenispurgedwith10%O2 collection,processing,andanalysisofthesefiltersfollowed inHe,andthenrampeduptoasetpointof850◦Caccording FRMprotocol(CodeofFederalRegulations,2001).PM fil- 1 totheNIOSH5040analysisprotocol. ters were sampled during three separate sampling periods: Inorganics, OC, and total mass concentrations from the JanuarytoFebruary,April,andJuly2012,representingwin- continuousanalyzerswereadjustedtomatchthefilter-based ter,spring,andsummerseasons,respectively. datavialinearregressionsincethecontinuousanalyzershave beenshowntodriftovertime.Newadjustmentsareapplied 2.5 Aerosoldensityestimation every1–2months,dependingonthestabilityoftheindivid- ual analyzer. With respect to carbon measurements, OC is Total PM1 volume measurements were obtained using calculated as the difference between filter-adjusted TC and the Brechtel Manufacturing Incorporated (BMI) SEMS filter-adjusted EC, and OM is estimated from applying an equipped with a cylindrical-geometry differential mobility OM/OCratioof1.4(Edgertonetal.,2006). analyzer (DMA) and coupled to an MCPC (Sorooshian et Thecomponentmassloadingsfromeachfilterwereblank- al., 2008). The DMA was set to size particles between 10– corrected using SEARCH network-wide average loadings 1000nm in diameter for both up and down scans. Differen- from field blanks, then the corrected loading was normal- tialmobilityanalyzersheathairflowratewassetto5Lmin−1 izedbysamplingvolume.Detailsoftheintegratedmeasure- and particles were sampled at 0.5Lmin−1. Particle volume mentsattheJSTsiteareprovidedinEdgertonetal.(2005). concentrationfromeachscanwascollectedevery120s,and This study will focus on comparison between ACSM and bothupanddownscanswereaveragedtogetonedatapoint JST filter-adjusted continuous measurements (Figs. S3, S4 every4minand30s,whichincludesthescanningdelaytime. and S5 in the Supplement). Results of intercomparison be- tween ACSM and filter measurements are presented in the 3 Results supportinginformation(Figs.S6andS7intheSupplement). TheACSMmeasuredabout11.6µgm−3 ofOM,3.2µgm−3 2.4 Totalparticlemassmeasurements ofSO2−,and0.61µgm−3ofNO−duringsummer2011.The 4 3 numbers decreased in the fall 2011, except for nitrate (Ta- PM2.5 mass concentrations were obtained by several meth- bleS1intheSupplement).TheACSMmeasuredchlorideon ods during this campaign. Continuous total mass concen- average of 0.02 to 0.04µgm−3 in summer and fall, respec- trations were obtained with the TEOM (after adjustment to tively. matchtheintegratedPCM-basedPM ).TheJST-integrated 2.5 www.atmos-meas-tech.net/7/1929/2014/ Atmos.Meas.Tech.,7,1929–1941,2014 1934 S.H.Budisulistiorinietal.:IntercomparisonofanACSMwithambientfineaerosolmeasurements 3.1 IntercomparisonbetweentheUNCand Table4.CorrelationsbetweentheACSMandthecollocatedmea- GITACSMs surements at JST site. Slope and intercept±1 standard deviation fromeachlinearregressioncorrelationsarepresented. TheUNCandGITACSMswerecollocatedfrom10January to 23 February 2012. Intercomparisons of chemical species JSTContinuousc betweenthetwoACSMsshowninFig.1indicatestrongcor- Summer2011 Fall2011 relations (r2>0.8), except for chloride (r2=0.21). Slopes Massa and intercepts of the linear regression are provided in Ta- r2 0.71 0.83 ble4.Weakercorrelationsofchloridemightbeduetoitslow Slope 1.50±0.02 2.10±0.02 concentrationinAtlanta. Intercept −2.89±0.31 −4.36±0.20 3.2 IntercomparisonofACSMwithcollocated OMvs.OCb JSTmeasurements r2 0.86 0.93 Slope 4.85±0.05 3.85±0.02 Intercomparisons of species and total mass measurements Intercept −7.34±0.19 −2.99±0.09 by the ACSM, continuous particle measurements from JST, SO2− Sunset OC analyzer (model 3), and TEOM PM2.5 (model r2 4 0.84 0.83 1400a/b) at the JST site are given in Table 4 for summer Slope 1.04±0.01 1.44±0.02 (8 August to 14 September) and fall (17 October to 21 De- Intercept −0.73±0.04 −0.54±0.03 cember)2011samplingperiods.Collocatedmassandchem- − NO ical constituent measurements were averaged to the ACSM 3 r2 0.55 0.81 sampling times to allow for a direct intercomparison. Pre- Slope 2.14±0.04 1.77±0.02 vious intercomparison studies conducted at the same site Intercept 0.06±0.01 0.08±0.02 have been limited to the summer season (Solomon et al., + 2003a); therefore, results from this study could reveal pos- NH 4 sibleaerosolmeasurementsvariationacrossseasonsandin- r2 0.79 0.76 strumentationdifferencesinaerosolmeasurements. Slope 1.20±0.02 1.51±0.02 Intercept −0.19±0.02 −0.61±0.01 3.2.1 Speciescomparison aACSMPM1iscalculatedfromsumofACSMspeciesand SunsetEC.bForACSM-to-ACSMcomparison,itisOMvs. ACSM OM is strongly correlated with OC from the Sunset OM.cJSTmeasuresPM2.5massandchemicalconstituents. OC/EC analyzer (r2 values are 0.86 and 0.92 for summer and fall, respectively); the resulting ratios (from the linear regressionslopesinTable4)ofOM/OCare4.85±0.05and − IntercomparisonsbetweenACSMNO andJSTcontinu- 3.85±0.02insummerandfall,respectively.AerosolChem- ous NO− result in percent differences of3114% (r2=0.55) ical Speciation Monitor OM versus Sunset OC correlations 3 and 77% (r2=0.81) in the summer and fall, respectively. are likely higher since they are both real-time and not af- The weaker correlation and larger discrepancy in the sum- fected by storage related losses, such as that from the filter − mermightbeduetothelowNO loadingsandevaporative measurements. 3 ACSM SO2− is strongly correlated with that from JST lossesfromfiltersthatwillbediscussedlater. 4 continuousmeasurementsinthesummer(r2=0.84)andfor someperiodsinthefall(r2=0.83;September–November); 3.2.2 Totalmasscomparison however, the correlation is weaker for some periods in De- cember (r2=0.22) when JST measured several instances ACSM PM mass was determined from the sum of ACSM 1 of very high SO2− aerosol. Percent differences between OM, SO2−, NO−, NH+, and Cl− as well as EC from the 4 4 3 4 the measurements are 4 and 44% for summer and fall, re- SunsetOC/ECanalyzer.TheintercomparisonoftheACSM spectively. These results are close to previous sulfate inter- PM and TEOM PM shows a good correlation, with r2 1 2.5 comparisons between ACSM and collocated measurements values of 0.71 and 0.83, respectively, and discrepancies of (slope=0.95, 0.69, and 0.69, for HR-ToF-AMS, PILS-IC, 50 and 110% for summer and fall, respectively (Table 4). and sulfate particulate analyzer, respectively) (Ng et al., AsinthespeciatedACSMandPCMmeasurementcompar- 2011). isons,discrepanciesinthefallmighthaveresultedfromposi- For NH+ comparison, correlations are high (r2=∼0.8) tivebiasesofspeciesmeasurementsbytheACSM.Sincethe 4 andinterceptsforbothsummerandfallareinsignificant.Dif- TEOMmeasurementsareadjustedtomatchfiltermasscon- ferences between ACSM and JST measurements are 20% centrations,itisalsopossiblethattheadjustedTEOMvalues (r2=0.79)forsummerand51%(r2=0.76)forfall. arelowerthantheACSMPM valuesbecauseofevaporation 1 Atmos.Meas.Tech.,7,1929–1941,2014 www.atmos-meas-tech.net/7/1929/2014/ S.H.Budisulistiorinietal.:IntercomparisonofanACSMwithambientfineaerosolmeasurements 1935 (a) r2=0.95 r2=0.95 (b) UNC Org GIT Org f(x)=(-0.06±0.07) f(x)=(0.20±0.01) 40 +(1.14±0.01)x 12 +(0.73±0.01)x 30 Org 4300 2-O4180 21000 UNC 2100 UNC S 642 1162 UNC SO42- GIT SO42- 0 0 8 -C NO3 640rf ( 2 x= 1) 0 =G+0.(8(00I9.T.1293 08O±±00r3.g.00021))x40 +C NH432..000rf ( 2 x= ) G0 =4+.(8I(01T2..2 280S1±±O00.14.002212-))x16 -3Concentration (µg m) 3.6420400 UUNNCC N NHO43+- GGIITT NNHO43+- UN 2 UN1.0 ass 2.0 M 1.0 0 0.0 M 0.0 0 G2IT N4O3-6 0.0 G1IT.0 NH42+.0 ACS 4 UNC Cl- GIT Cl- r2=0.21 r2=0.92 3 f(x)=(0.01±0.00) f(x)=(0.08±0.12) 2 0.30 +(0.60±0.04)x +(1.09±0.01)x 1 0.25 M150 0 -UNC Cl0000....21100505 UNC NR-P43210000 5432100000 UNC NR-PM1 GIT NR-PM1 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0 10203040 2/10/2012 2/20/2012 GIT Cl- GIT NR-PM1 Date and Time (Local) Figure1.(a)Linearregressioncorrelationand(b)timeseriesplotsoforganicandinorganicconstituentsmeasuredbytheUNCandGIT ACSMs.ACSMmeasurementsfromUNCarecoloredbyspecieswhilethosefromGITarecoloredinblack. ofsemi-volatileorganicsandnitratesfromthefiltersduring (79%) are due to its significantly lower concentration in storage. Atlanta during the entire sampling period. This resulted in TheACSMdatawereaveragedtotheFRMfiltersampling weaker correlation between the two instruments although times, which was 24h (midnight to midnight) during each bothinstrumentscapturesimilarlargepeaksofCl−forsome sampling period. Comparison between the ACSM NR-PM periods. 1 and FRM PM in winter, spring, and summer 2012 shows 1 a good correlation, with r2 values of >0.80 (Fig. 2), and 4.2 OM/OCratio themassconcentrationsdifferencesvaryfrom10%insum- mer to 73% in winter. For the same period, comparison of TheOM/OCratiosderivedfromtheregressionlinearslopes ACSM NR-PM and FRM-PM shows a good correlation arelargerthanmostOM/OCratiospreviouslyreportedinthe 1 2.5 r2>0.80).Thetightercomparisonsduringsummer(r2>0.8) literature.Thesevaluesaresignificantlyhigherthanthetra- comparedtowinter(r2=∼0.6)mightsuggestmeteorologi- ditionally used values of 1.6 for urban aerosol and 2.1 for calinfluenceontotalmassmeasurementsduetopositivebias non-urban aerosol (Turpin and Lim, 2001; Lim and Turpin, from filter measurement during colder seasons (Solomon et 2002; Russell, 2003). They are also larger than those found al.,2003a,b). fromrecentHR-ToF-AMSintercomparisonswiththeSunset OC/EC analyzer that report ∼1.8 from September in Pitts- burgh(Zhangetal.,2005a),1.8and1.6fromsummerandfall 4 Discussion in Tokyo (Takegawa et al., 2005), 1.41–2.15 from March in Mexico(Aikenetal.,2008),2.59fromAugustinNewYork 4.1 IntercomparisonbetweenACSMinstruments City (Sun et al., 2011) and 3.3 from summer in Pasadena (Hayesetal.,2013).StudiesinAtlantaalsoreportedahigh Slopes of the linear regression from UNC ACSM vs. GIT variabilityofOM/OCratio,from1.23–3.44inAugust1999 ACSM (Table 4) suggest percentage differences of speci- (Baumannetal.,2003)and1.77inDecember1999to2.39in atedmassconcentrationsare4to38%betweentwoindepen- July 1999 (El-Zanan et al., 2009). These suggest variability dentACSMmeasurements.TheSO2−differenceof25%can inOM/OCratiosbasedonlocation,timeandmeteorological 4 be attributed to uncertainty in the instrument RIE fitting re- conditions,and/orthattheACSMismeasuringorganicmass sults.Thepercentuncertaintyofthefittingapproachislarger muchhigherthanitshouldsinceitisusingAMS-basedRIE (28%) than calibration results (7–14%) recently conducted valuesfororganic(i.e.,RIE=1.4)ratherthanthosethathave at both ACSMs. Larger differences of Cl− measurements beenexplicitlymeasuredforACSMinstruments. www.atmos-meas-tech.net/7/1929/2014/ Atmos.Meas.Tech.,7,1929–1941,2014 1936 S.H.Budisulistiorinietal.:IntercomparisonofanACSMwithambientfineaerosolmeasurements (a) r2=0.89 r2=0.88 30 f(x)=(-1.44±1.35)+(1.73±0.14)x 30 f(x)=(-1.55±1.42)+(1.53±0.13)x 20 20 10 10 3) 0 3) 0 -m 0 5 10 15 20 -m 0 5 10 15 20 µg (b) r2=0.86 µg r2=0.83 (1 12 f(x)=(-0.06±0.54)+(0.81±0.06)x (1 12 f(x)=(0.05±0.60)+(0.70±0.06)x M 8 M 8 P P R- 4 R- 4 N N M 0 M 0 S 0 4 8 12 S 0 4 8 12 C C A 25 (c) r2=0.91 A 25 r2=0.76 20 f(x)=(0.40±0.65)+(1.10±0.08)x 20 f(x)=(-1.07±1.30)+(1.07±0.13)x 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16 -3 -3 FRM PM (µg m ) FRM PM (µg m ) 1 2.5 Figure2.CorrelationofACSMNR-PM1measurementswiththoseofFRMPM1andPM2.5methodsduring(a)winter,(b)spring,and(c) summer2012,respectively. ThelargeOM/OCratiosmightalsobeattributedtounder- incomplete photochemical oxidation leading to more labile estimationofOCduetoevaporationofsemi-volatileorganic functional groups and intermediates. An offline polarity- compounds (SVOCs) from the Sunset OC analyzer, and/or based analysis suggested values of 1.9 to 2.1 for OM/OC overestimation of OC due to condensation of SVOC or ad- ratios due to aging and oligomerization processes in the at- sorptionofVOConthefilter(Couvidatetal.,2013).Thisis mosphere(Polidori,2008).Inaddition,water-solubleorganic reflectedinalargeoffsetattheSunsetOC(Figs.S4andS5 aerosol was observed to have higher OM/OC ratios than in the Supplement). The presence of a denuder on the inlet that of less water-soluble organics, ranging from 2.1–2.3 in ofSunsetOC/ECanalyzer,forexample,mightcauseevapo- theGreatSmokyMountainsto3.3indowntownLosAnge- ration of particulate OC from the collection filter due to re- les (Turpin and Lim, 2001). Furthermore, ratios of 2–3.12 partitioning of SVOC after removal of gaseous organics by were observed from organic fractions that could not be ex- the denuder (Grover et al., 2008). Also, 20% of Sunset OC tractedusingorganicsolvent(Polidori,2008),indicatingthat uncertainty(Peltieretal.,2007)togetherwithACSMuncer- compound-specificpolaritymightberelatedtosourcesofor- taintymightpropagatetheOM/OCratio. ganic aerosol. Therefore, besides overestimation of OM by OverestimationofOMbytheACSMcouldarisefromun- ACSM as noted above, high OM/OC ratios might indicate derestimation of the RIE value of organic species. The RIE thattheorganicaerosolismorewater-solubleinnature. values used in this study are based on experiments examin- ing a suite of organic standards using the AMS instrument 4.3 SO2−andNH+measurementsvariations (Jimenez et al., 2003; Alfarra et al., 2004). Since the two 4 4 instruments rely on the same vaporizer and ionization con- ditions (i.e., electron ionization), it was assumed that the SulfatemeasurementsfromACSMandthefiltershowagood RIE values for organics should be similar. However, based trend (r2>0.7, see Fig. S7 in the Supplement) for the De- on the high OM/OC ratios observed from our intercompar- cember period, suggesting that the large discrepancies ob- ison study, sets of authentic organic standards covering a served between the ACSM and JST data might be caused wide range of chemical classes as well as secondary or- by some unknown issues with either the JST continuous ganicaerosolgeneratedfromlaboratoryexperiments,suchas measurements or ACSM during this sampling period. Both isoprene-derivedsecondaryorganicaerosol(SOA)(Kleindi- ACSM and continuous measurements show that the slopes + + enstetal.,2006;Linetal.,2012),needtobesystematically of NH measured versus NH predicted (neutralized) are 4 4 analyzedinfutureworkinordertodeterminetheRIEvalue slightly less than 1 (Fig. S8 in the Supplement). This sug- fororganicsintheACSM. gests during both summer and fall 2011, the aerosol was The large OM/OC ratios might also suggest photochemi- slightly acidic. Investigation of the period where correla- cally,well-aged,andwell-mixedairmassescontainparticle- tion between ACSM and collocated measurement is low in phase organics that are more oxygenated and less-volatile fallseasonsuggestsomeorganicinterferences(hydrocarbon- compared to more stagnant air masses where less polar likeorganicaerosol/HOA)insulfatefragments,inparticular and more volatile organics can be found possibly due to m/z81(Fig.S9intheSupplement). Atmos.Meas.Tech.,7,1929–1941,2014 www.atmos-meas-tech.net/7/1929/2014/ S.H.Budisulistiorinietal.:IntercomparisonofanACSMwithambientfineaerosolmeasurements 1937 -3m) 40 (a) ASECMSMS PNMR1-P vMol1u mmaes cso cnocn.c. (b) 40 rf (2 x= )0 =+.(8(019..3519±±00..1021))x -3µg m; µm c 3200 -3PM (µg m)13200 n ( R- o N ati M centr 10 ACS 10 n o C 0 0 10/21/2012 10/31/2012 11/10/2012 11/20/2012 0 5 10 15 20 25 Date and Time (Local) SEMS PM1 (µm3 cm-3) Figure3.(a)Timeseriesand(b)correlationoftotalaerosolmassmeasuredbyACSM(NR-PM1)andSEMSDMA/MCPCduringperiodof 17Octoberto20November,2012.Aerosoldensitywasestimatedfromthelinearregressionslopeof1.59multipliedby1.10toaccountfor the10%ofelementalcarbon(EC)componentthatisnotmeasuredbyACSM.Thisresultsinestimatedaerosoldensityof1.75gcm−3. Previous comparison of SO2− measurements from the anylonfilter(PCM2)(Edgertonetal.,2005).Bothsystems 4 Thermo Electron 5020 Sulfate Particulate Analyzer with were denuded to remove artifacts of HNO and NH , thus 3 3 filter-based methods from laboratory and field studies ob- thermodynamicsshouldfavormetathesisofNH NO .Sum- 4 3 servedgoodcorrelations(i.e.,slopederivedfromfieldstudy mer results showed that PCM1 agreed with PCM2 within wascloserto1thanthatoflaboratorystudy)(Schwabetal., 5%andthat>95%oftheNO fromPCM1wasontheny- 3 2006).ItshouldbenotedthatSchwabetal.(2006)suggested lonbackupfilter.Fallresultsshowedagreementwithin10% that the slope differences are due to ambient SO2− from and with >90% on the nylon filter (Edgerton et al., 2005). 4 − the field study being catalytically converted to SO faster WhiletheuseofnylonbackupfilterslikelyminimizedNO 2 3 than the laboratory-generated SO2−. During this study, the lossesduringsampling,additionallossesduringfilterstorage 4 ACSMSO2− measurementsdiscrepanciesare4–44%com- andconditioningbeforeoff-linechemicalanalysiscannotbe 4 pared to that of the continuous modified HSPH sulfate an- ruledoutandcouldhavecontributedtotheobserveddiscrep- alyzer, with the largest difference occurring during colder ancy. months (fall season). This difference is within the expected Changesinmeteorologicalconditionsfromsummertofall accuracyoftheACSMmeasurements,butsincetheJSTcon- might influence the equilibrium partitioning behavior of ni- tinuousSO2− valuesareobtainedafteradjustingtothefilter trogenous compounds. Low temperatures and high relative 4 data,thebiascouldbeduetoartifactsfromthefilterdata. humidity (RH) in the fall could create thermodynamic con- − ditions that favor the partitioning of gaseous NO to the 3 4.4 DiscrepanciesofNO−measurements aerosol phase (Hennigan et al., 2008; Rastogi et al., 2011). 3 − The fact that the observed NO discrepancies are larger in 3 ACSM NO− measurements are based on the measured the fall than the summer is consistent with evaporative loss 3 − m/z30 and m/z46 ion signals. Positive biases at m/z30 of NO from the filter samples and reflected in the filter- 3 arepossiblyduetocontributionstothisionfromNO+ frag- adjustedcontinuousdata. − ments of organic nitrates and/or contributions from organic Insummary,itisunclearifthehigherACSMNO load- 3 CH O+ ions. A detailed investigation of the interference of ings reflect true NO− levels which include contributions 2 3 m/z30isprovidedinthesupplementalsection.Therelation- fromorganicnitratenotcapturedbyJSTNO−,orifitisfrom 3 ship of estimated excess signal of m/z30 linked to organic inaccurate subtraction of m/z30 originating from oxidized andoxygenatedorganicaerosolisfoundtobeheteroscedas- organic aerosol. Also, it is possible the discrepancy may be tic.Thus,oxygenatedorganicspeciescouldnotbesuggested due to the underestimation of JST NO− due to volatility 3 todirectlyinfluencenitratefragments. lossesfromthefilterswhichareusedtoscaletheJSTNO− − 3 The continuous NO data are adjusted to the integrated data.Itislikelysomecombinationofalloftheabove,which 3 − NO data, which can impose measurement biases, espe- cannotbeclearlydeterminedfromthisdataset,explainsthe 3 ciallyforsemi-volatilecompoundssuchasNO−.Heringand differencesbetweenNO−measurements. 3 3 − Cass (1999) reported lower aerosol NO mass from Teflon 3 filters compared to that from denuded nylon filters. For this 4.5 Totalmassmeasurementsvariations study, the PCM filter samples utilized both Teflon and ny- lon filters downstream of a denuder in order to account for ACSMPM issumofACSMNR-PM (i.e.,organicandin- 1 1 − − NO losses.PreviousSEARCHresultshavecomparedNO organics) plus EC measurements from JST site. This study 3 3 measurements with parallel systems: one with a Teflon pre- shows that total mass differences between ACSM PM and 1 filterandnylonbackupfilter(PCM1)andtheotherwithjust TEOM PM are 50–110%. Previous intercomparisons of 2.5 www.atmos-meas-tech.net/7/1929/2014/ Atmos.Meas.Tech.,7,1929–1941,2014 1938 S.H.Budisulistiorinietal.:IntercomparisonofanACSMwithambientfineaerosolmeasurements the same instruments in summer in Beijing suggested that 5 Conclusions ACSM NR-PM measured ∼30% less than TEOM PM 1 2.5 (Sun et al., 2012). Since the ACSM PM mass is a sum of Thisstudyaimstocomparespeciesandtotalmassmeasure- 1 species concentrations, the discrepancies in species specific mentsfromtheACSMtothecollocatedmeasurementsatthe intercomparisons described above result in high discrepan- JSTsite(i.e.,ACSM,JSTcontinuousandfiltersamplers,and cies of PM mass. Uncertainties in RIE values, particularly FRMfilters)overdifferentseasons.Massconcentrationsob- 1 for organic species, may be partly responsible for overesti- tainedfromthetwoACSMsagreewithin4–38%,exceptfor mationofcertainspeciesresultinginoverestimationofNR- Cl−.Overall,thepercentagedifferencesofACSMspeciated PM mass. On the other hand, loss of semi-volatile species massconcentrationsagreewithin4–51%fromtheSEARCH 1 − from the filters (which are used together to adjust TEOM network measurements, except for NO (77–114%). Com- 3 loadings)couldalsoresultinlowerTEOMPM concentra- parison of ACSM OM to JST Sunset OC yielded OM/OC 2.5 tion.Thisissupportedbythefactthatinfall,whenthemete- ratiosof4.85and3.85forsummerandfallperiods,respec- orologicalconditionsfavorsemi-volatileorganicaerosolen- tively.DiscrepanciesbetweenACSMPM1andTEOMPM2.5 hancement,theslopeoftheACSMPM toTEOMPM is are50–110%,whilediscrepanciesbetweenACSMPM1and 1 2.5 muchhigherthanthatinsummer(i.e.,slopeof1.80infallto FRMPM1 are10–73%.Estimatedaerosoldensitybasedon 1.19insummer). ratioofmasstovolumeconcentrationis1.75gcm−3. Differences between NR-PM masses measured by the DiscrepanciesfoundintheintercomparisonsoftheACSM 1 ACSM and PM mass measured by the FRM method are andthecollocatedmeasurementsmightbeexplainedbythe 1 about 10–73%, with the lowest difference observed in the following:(1)RIEvaluesoforganicsmighthavedependen- summer data set (Fig. 2; Table S2 in the Supplement). ciesonsourcesoforganicaerosol;(2)possibleinterferences Discrepancies between the ACSM and FRM methods are from organic and organic-nitrate-specific fragments to the − larger during winter and spring compared to that of sum- m/z30ionsignalthatconstituteACSMinorganicNO sig- 3 mer, and the direction of the discrepancy is different in nal;and(3)evaporativelossesofsemi-volatilespeciesfrom spring (ACSM<FRM) as compared to winter and summer the filter measurements used in the collocated continuous (ACSM>FRM).Thismightbeduetopositiveartifactsofthe measurementadjustment.Futureworkshouldsystematically filtersamplingmethod,whicharelikelyenhancedincolder examine all of the possibilities. Additionally, calibration of months(Solomonetal.,2003a,b).Ontheotherhand,uncer- the continuous instruments used at monitoring sites should tainties in RIE values may also result in inaccurate ACSM alsoberoutinelycheckedwithastandardaerosolinaddition chemical constituent measurements leading to over- or un- tothestandardgascalibrationthatistypicallyperformed. derestimationofACSMNR-PM mass. 1 The slope resulting from the intercomparison of ACSM TheSupplementrelatedtothisarticleisavailableonline NR-PM mass concentration and SEMS PM volume con- 1 1 atdoi:10.5194/amt-7-1929-2014-supplement. centrationcan be usedto estimateaerosol density.Compar- ison suggests a slope of 1.59 (Fig. 3); however, this num- berwillbelargerwhentherefractorycomponents(i.e.,EC) are added to NR-PM . Since the EC measurement for this 1 Acknowledgements. We thank the Electric Power Research Insti- period (October–November 2012) are not available, we es- tute(EPRI)fortheirsupport.WethankJerryBrownandMikeBoaz timated that EC contributes about 10% to total PM based of Atmospheric Research and Analysis (ARA) for their mainte- on available data (i.e., October–November 2011). Hence, nance of the ACSM at the JST site. We thank Fred Brechtel for the estimated aerosol density in Atlanta is 1.75gcm−3 for his inputon SEM-MCPCoperation anddata analysis.S. H.Bud- fall2012.Inaddition,weestimatedtypicaldryaerosolden- isulistiorini is supported by a Fulbright Presidential Fellowship sity based on average particle composition of 60.1% of or- (2010–2013) for attending the University of North Carolina at ganics, 30.8% of inorganics, plus 10% of EC, and the as- Chapel Hill. We also thank Wendy Marth for her assistance in sumption of organic, inorganics, and EC densities are 1.2, setting up the ACSM at the JST site and Sriram Suresh for his 1.77, and 1.77gcm−3 (Zhang et al., 2005b, and references assistance in ACSM fitting RIE formula derivation. GIT ACSM measurements were supported by US EPA grant # RD83479901 therein). This approached resulted in typical dry density of 1.61gcm−3.Thesenumbersareconsistentwithrecentambi- as part of the Emory/Georgia Tech Clean Air Center (SCAPE). RegardingtheGITACSMdata;thecontentsofthispaperaresolely entaerosoldensityestimations,suchas1.61gcm−3 inBei- the responsibility of the grantee and do not necessarily represent jing(Huetal.,2012)and1.46gcm−3inPasadena(Hayeset the official views of the US EPA. These agencies do not endorse al.,2013). thepurchaseofanycommercialproductsorservicesmentionedin thepublication. Editedby:P.Herckes Atmos.Meas.Tech.,7,1929–1941,2014 www.atmos-meas-tech.net/7/1929/2014/

(ACSM) with ambient fine aerosol measurements in downtown 1Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Gillings School of Global Public Health, The University .. relations (r2 >0.8), except for chloride (r2 = 0.21).
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