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C a m b r i d g e CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo Cambridge University Press 40 West 20th Street, New York, 10011-4211, USA n y www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521601559 © Cambridge University Press 2005 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2005 2nd printing 2005 Interchange Third Edition Intro Workbook has been developed from New Interchange Intro Workbook, first published by Cambridge University Press in 2000. Printed in Hong Kong, China Typeface New Century Schoolbook System QuarkXPress® ISBN-13 978-0-521-60155-9 paperback ISBN-10 0-521 -60155-X paperback Art direction, book design, photo research, and layout services: Adventure House, NYC Contents Acknowledgments iv 1 It’s nice to meet you. 1 2 W hat’s this? 7 3 Where are you from? 13 4 I’m not wearing boots! 19 5 What are you doing? 25 6 My sister works downtown. 31 7 Does it have a view? 37 8 What do you do? 43 9 Broccoli is good for you. 49 10 I can’t ice-skate very well. 55 11 What are you going to do? 61 12 W hat’s the matter? 67 13 You can’t miss it. 73 14 Did you have fun? 79 15 Where were you born? 85 16 Can she call you later? 91 A c k n o w le d g m e n ts Illustrations Keith Bendis 10, 22, 44, 58, 81 Ben Shannon 11, 12, 19, 27, 39, 64 Tim Foley 7 George Thompson 24 Travis Foster 17 Bill Thomson 41 Adam Hurwitz 49, 51, 52, 55, 66, 93 Dan Vasconcellos 1, 5, 6, 9, 15, 21, 31, 36, 63, 67, 69, 76, 79, Randy Jones 2, 14, 23, 28, 29, 37, 38, 47, 57, 68, 71, 74, 77, 84, 92 82, 94, 96 Photo credits 3 © Ken Reid/Getty Images 53 (top to bottom) © Akira Sakimoto/Alamy; © Richard Gross/ 4 © Uniphoto/Pictor The Stock Market 5 © Getty Images 54 (left to right) © Roy Morsch/Corbis; © Steven Needham/Envision; 8 (top row, left) © Getty Images; (top row, middle and right) © Arthur Beck/The Stock Market © Adventure House; (middle row, left to right) © U.S. Postal 56 (top to bottom) © Robert Brenner/Photo Edit; © Donald Dietz/ Service/AP/Wide World Photos; © Getty Images; © Alamy; Stock Boston {bottom) © Getty Images 59 (clockwise from top right) © Richard Hutchings/Photo Edit; 16 © Chns Pizello/AP/Wide World Photos © Getty Images; © David Turnley/Corbis 18 © Corbis 60 © Nancy Ney/Corbis 20 © Ian Shaw/Getty Images 61 (left to right) © Superstock; © Vito Palmisano/Getty Images; 30 © Jose Luis Pelaez/Corbis © Jerry Howard/Stock Boston; © Henryk Kaiser/Envision 32 © Getty Images 65 (left to right, top to bottom) © Corbis; © Michael Mahovlich/ 33 © Alison Wnght/Corbis; © Paul A. 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Use the names in the box. 21 Sandy John Mr. Valencia □ Ms. Landon It s nice to meet you, Nice to meet you, too, Hi, m e llo , 5 r j i n SB B Hfifi m Complete the conversations. Use my, your, his, or her 1. A: Hi. W hat’s y o u r name? 2. A: W hat’s name? B: name is Carla. And w hat’s B: name is Michael. name? A: And w hat’s name? A: name is David. B: name is Sarah. 1 mamas* m BSSSm Complete the conversations. 1. A: Hello, M r. Jones. B : _________ afternoon, Susan. ________ are you? A: _________ OK, thank you 2. A: Hi. How are , Mrs. Stein? B: I’m ju st , thanks. How about Smith? A: bad, thanks. 3. A: Hello B: evening. How you? I? ? :• ! Sf*’ ll'**" //rn #1ft 1 y i /Irfcl A: Fine, you? V Jf / I 1 v J } j , y 4 / \ V ' y ^ ___ i ?1S» I A 1 I J It \ L J ^ | L^\^LTuvj/ L L, — ?y---- ------ l I 2 • Unit 1 Choose the correct responses. 1. A: Hi, Daniel. B: Hello. ■ Hello. ■ It’s nice to meet you. 2. A: My name is Pam Walker. B: ■ It’s Williams. ■ I’m Jake Williams. 3. A: Hello, Emily. How are you? B: i ■ Fine, thanks. ■ Nice to meet you, too. 4. A: How do you spell your last name? B: ________________________ _ ■ R-O-G-E-R-S ■ It’s Rogers. 5. A: I’m Bill Delgado B: _____________ Nice to meet you, too. It’s nice to meet you. H Complete the crossword puzzle. Spell the numbers. Across (—►) Down ( i ) a. 2 a. 3 c. 8 b. 1 e. 7 d. 10 e. 6 g- 5 h. 0 f. 9 g- 4 It’s nice to meet you. • 3 Write the telephone numbers. 1. two one two - five five five - six one one five (2121 555^6115 2. eight four five - five five five - nine three oh four 3. six oh four — five five five - four seven three one 4. nine four nine — five five five — three eight oh two 5. three oh five — five five five — five six eight six 6. seven seven three - five five five - one seven seven nine 7. nine one four — five five five - two zero zero three 8. five four one — five five five — eight one eight three Complete the conversations. W rite’m, ’re, o r ’s. 1. A: W hat your name? 3. A: W hat his name? 5 B: I Emily Park, B: It Steven Hill, A: It nice to meet you, Emily. A: He in our English class, B: You right! 2. A: Hello. I Josh Evans. I in your English class. B: Yes, and you in my m ath class, too. 4 • Unit 1 Complete the conversations- Use the words in the box. 1 am 1_ he's !U I'm not □ it's ?’ iD you ------ are Z I'm □ is 0 " me □ you're 1. Debra: Excuse me . Are James Lawson? Kevin: No, over there. Debra: Oh, sorry. 2. Debra: Excuse me. you Jam es Lawson? James: Yes, I ____ Debra: Hi, James. My name Debra Marks. James: Oh, in my English class. Debra: That’s right. _______ nice to meet you. James: Nice to meet you, too. Complete the conversation. Use the questions in the box. □ What's your name? □ What's your phone number? □ And how do you spell your last name? □ How do you spell your first name? 21 Are you Ashley Nevins? A: Hi. Are you Ashley Nevins? B: No, I’m not. A: Oh, I’m sorry. B: Kerry Moore. A: B: K-E-R-R-Y. A: B: M-O-O-R-E. A: B: It’s (618) 555-7120. It’s nice to meet you. • 5

Cambridge, 2005. - 96 p. OCR.Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику для самых начинающих.Interchange Third Edition Intro Workbook has been developed from New Interchange Intro Workbook.It's nice to meel you.What's this?Where are you from?What are you doing?My sister work
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