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Interchange 2 (Teacher's Book) - profjoseandre PDF

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Preview Interchange 2 (Teacher's Book) - profjoseandre

ra A es Saher. bee a ll a CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRES ' Han of the Bock ; ~~ & Ls Title opics Functions Grammar . = ‘Atime toremember Tntroducing yourself talking about Past tense used for habitual People; childhood; feminisconces —yourel, exchanging personal actions ‘infrrmation; remembering your ‘hildhood; asking about someone's oe Caughtin the rash ‘hiking a camporain od aeeeeistearan | Lie Gees crteauty — ncorbeecen gehen entantne ‘eetianeg anes eB See Retrial ever” See ne ase man Ree: intomaton tea nate ques fs = iets ‘Deserbing positive and negative Evaluations and comparisons features: making comparisons: adjetives: not. enough, 40, nat talking about lifestyle changes; 8... ah 08. --axyevaluntions ‘expressing wishes ‘and comparisons witb nouns: not ‘rough, as may 08: wich Tve never heard of that! “Talking about food; expressing likes Simwple past va. present porlech Food ecipes:ietrosticns; coking and dislikes; describing a favorite saquonce adverbs firs, then ext, methods ‘nck: giving instructions. ‘afer thet, finally Going places Describing vacation plans; giving Fulbirewith br golag fo anil ‘Travel vacations; plone. travel advice: planning a vacation modal for necessity nd sStggestion: dont have fo, must, ‘ed to, had bole, ought ¢o, should! ‘Sure. No problem! Making request acepting and __‘Two-part verb: il for espooding Complains bowschold shores: refaing request: complaining: requests raquets with modals equena excuse; apoleien apologising! giving excuses find Weald yor ind ‘What's this for? ‘Describing technology giving Technolog instructions instroctions giving Lats celebrate! ‘Deserbing holiday, fh Relative causes of ine; adverbial erlbrations ‘Holidays; festivals; customs, ‘customs, and special events ‘Aauses of timo: before, when, after Listening/Pronunciation ‘Whiting’ Reading Interchange Activity Listoningto people tak about Welling an autobiography “Class profile” Pinding out about a their past; listening fr peronel gan Ghent Reading aboutan classmates childhood information Pessiiecth Reduced form af used to P=. eer trumpet yams ering fr Cea ee Soreeaniias iseret ies Sut inan pete Wat a apes e are mee etn intention in We Gelcnncane potent as nage uss 4 Tinaciogoduciploceor REE Wik inking’ Finding ot partments for rent listening to “Dreams Can Come True”: Bending about classmater' wishes = comparisons listening to people about people who changed thelr talk about lifestyle changes Testes eee Listening te descriptions of foods; Writing a recipe “Risky business ee listening t recipes “Bang Fog ern ination fm ‘Reduced forms of did you and seat how fed acts phyncal——Slasamates hhave you ‘and mental performar S PASSED was inening dit of Wiig vacation “Pan vacoton Deciding on a tip “Gating Bore for La When You ‘Travel Reng aout howto sate Reduced forms of ought to and money on eo arenes ieee ‘inening vo requis toning o ‘Wang peruano eer Than ensue” Aelceng aed complaints excuses, d palopes Sumer inthe Goong: Reading malay exces fire wih tweprt verbo ‘ou the Beth A Pan s Uintenng to pope deserve ow io Weing adewahnu a well em “God advice Giving adc ta rience “Abu eriang Soom Syllable stress Hee 2 Reding tt in theft Listening wo desiptonofepcal Wing abi bigoted “Onc in ue mon’: nding out digrand customs Spite cat ipl seen ‘Stress and rhythm: ‘holidays and unusual costars bn il Title/Topics Functions Grammar Back to the fatare {fe in the pas, present, and feature; changes and contrasts; ‘consequences “Talking about change; comparing time periods; deseribing poms ‘Time contrasts; conditional sentences with ifelauses at Abilities aa shill job proferencos; personality teats careers Describing abilities end skills; talking about jb preferences; describing personality traits Gerunds; shert responses claures with Because It’s really worth seeing! Landmarks and monuments; ‘sepects of countries; world Knowledge “Talking about landmarks and monuments; detribing countries; iscussing facts ‘Passive orth By (simple past, passive without by (simple present) Its been a long time! Information about someone's pas; recent past events ‘Asking about womeone’s past; describing recent experiences Past continuous va simple past; ‘resent perfect continuous “Aterrifie book, but a terrible ‘moviet Eptertainment; movies and books; ‘eactona and opinions Deseribing movie and books; talking about actors and actresses; asking fr and giving reections and Opinions ‘So that’s what it means! Nonverbal communication; ‘estures and meanings; emotions ‘roverbs: signs and meanings: raving conclusions Taterpreting body lenguage; ‘explaining gestures and meanings; Seterbing emotions explaining proverbs; asking about signe and meanings ‘Modals and adverb: might, may, ‘oul, ust, maybe, perhape, ‘probably, permission, obligation, ‘nd prohibition What would you do? ‘Moe: bape: predicament; specu Ce ‘Speculating about past and future events; deseribing a predicament, Fiving advice and maggestions areal conditional sentences with if lnuses; past medals ‘What's your excuse? excuse; invitatons; white es EVEN OFUNTS 18 CEEOL Reporting what people say; making requests; making invitations and ‘Reported epeec: requests; reported speech Ustening/Pronunclation \Witing/ Reading Interchange Activity Listening wo people talk about changes listening to possible Solutions toa peablem Intonation Wilting about ature hopes “Consider the consequence’ “Are Youn Lave? Randing about Agresng and disagreeing with thesiqnscfbeinginlawe — lovsmates Listening for job requirements; listening to people talk abot their Interests; Histening ta personality traits Final ¢in not, don, and can ‘Weitng a personality descripiion Dream jb” Hiring an employee ‘ind the Job Thats Right for ‘You: Reading bout howto find Listening to descriptions of ‘monuments; bstening for Information about a country Linked sounds “Travelers profile’ Finding out Listening to people talk about venta in their careers stenting {or information about someone's recent pot Contrastive stress Wetioga biography —=——“Lifeis ikea gamal™Fnding out “Child Prodigon Reading bout “ch eter es about elassmater lives Listening for opinions listening to ‘a movie review ‘Word and sentence strst Wiese ew he evo Aig ema ee fetes, thou soa uote Solace Listening to people interpret ‘meanings listening to people talk about the meanings of signe Empheti stress oe “What's going on?": Interpreting. body language Listening to people talk about predicamente;latening to advice And sugsation Reduced form of have De the right ching: Deciding what todoina dificult situation : Listening for excuses; receiving telephone messages Reduced forms of had, sould, and was ‘Writing telephone messages “Excuses, excures™ Making up “Te Truth Abat Log” Reading Cuter abectwhiebet Rd a SNAPSHOT sutticuitural cities ‘This grapie presenta te ethnic makeup of various {immigrant groupe living in fous cn, (Note: I would bebelpfl tohaves world mp fortis activity) ‘= Books closed, Ara warm-p, have a quick brainstorming tctivity with the cla: Choose one city fentored in the Snapehor that the Se may know something about and fay (name of ey) halt of immigrants and ‘tine groups: Which countries do some ofthe come fom” Ut necescary, explain that ivmigrants are people coming into «country fom abroad te make their hore there) Write onthe board any sugretions $8 may have. | Books open. $i reed the information in the Snapshot. How many couatree matched the Se earlier suggestions? 1 Make sure that 8s know where each citi Ioente. (Not: If poribl, point out ora volunteers to point jut each ty ena world map) 1 Read the questions aud. Ss work individually to answer them. Then Ss frm pais or groups to compare Sformation. Alternative presentation * Goover the Snapshot as a whole elas activity by ‘reading the information aloud, Then elit Se anewert tothe questions. 2 conversarTION ‘This eereoe presents the past tense to tak about poole Deckerounds. ae ' Books cloned. Set tho eene"T people are Rollerblading and have just crashed into eachother, ‘Write nome questions. onthe board fer Sst feeus their tengo: {the woman from South Amerca? (Yes) Where mas the born? (hn Argentina) id she grow up there? (Yes) Where dd she arm to Rlerblade? nthe park) 1 Play the frst part ofthe audio program. $s listen nd take notes. Then check Se anawers tothe questions ‘on the bord and elarfy any voabulary that Se may find dieu 1 Books open. Prevent the “Lao Up and Say" technique, ‘a elpfl method for Sto uae whenever they practice ‘oaverstions printed in the tot: Ss briefly look at & Sentence onthe page and then lok up at thir partner land way the seatene by roling on thei short-term menor. 1 Play the audio program agai, stopping for ooch sentence, Seiten while looking atthe nentence and ‘hen lok up ad say i aloud, ' Medel how to use this technique to practice the conversation with a partner. Alo, encourage Sto act ‘out their part by using gestures and displaying ‘motions whenever appropriate eg her, Ss could "Show aurpriae on Ui faces and in thr voices when jane bamping into each other; elsewhere, they could smile and use hand gestures when saying “Herein the park, firetincond time," and shake hands while Introducing themselves. 1 Divide th clan int pair to practice the conversation. Walk around and encourage pais tobe enthasastic and tahave fon. Optional Boks closed. Ask for volunter pair to stand ‘up and acl out the dialog. For n more challenging task, hve Sr eubtitate thelr on personal information. Bae 1 Goover the instructions and the quetion. Tell Senet to worry about understanding every word they her: ty Only need to understand the wot of what ssid. Then lay the cond part ef the audio program once oF twice ‘Audio seript (See page 7.145) (ote: Since New Interchange Stadent’s Book 2 eontains longer listening matefals than Stade’ Book I, the sips (or recorded material not printed onthe student's pa appear a the back ofthis Techors Baton.) Anawee "Ted work in tenvel agency. He's a comput ir] Unit fp This grammar focus practices statements and ‘questions fa the past ente. 1 Vee the aud program to present the questions and ‘statements inthe box: Se repent. * Optional: Pay the nudio program agin, his time ‘iiding the class ito two large groups: One group epeata the questions and the other tho answers Switch tasks or edational protice. A * Goover the instructions. Ss work individually to il in the missing words. Pars compare answers + Optional: Before Ss bein the task, model how to fli ‘the minsing words inthe fist conversation. Elicit response to check answers Answers 1A: Cou you tell me «ie about youre? Where ‘were youbarn? ‘BAT waa tom in South Koren. Bids een hr aid grew wp in Canad G4 LisTeNinG (GLY This exercise practices listening for key information. 1 Play the fire interview once or twice. Se only ister Find oat what kinds of things the Ss heard about Yu Hong. Write some of thee corzet suggestions onthe tard in not form Then play the eecnd interview and falow the same procedure. Audio script (Se page 143) ' Books open. Present the five quetins inthe chat. Pint out that Se ned to wit oly key words and ‘hrses not fll entancs, Then play the au program again thi ime stat through, while Ss listen and complete the chart 1 After Ss compare snrwers in pir, check Se answers by ‘aking volunters ta write their espanacs onthe board fn nete orm, ‘ier India in o91 ‘ampoter technician CSvedeetonal system ‘eater, emily, quality ore ic) El GRAMMAR FOCUS Post tense Sey ; S.A: 00 oe suty gh vn oo woe 6c? Rowell on youbepan toy English? dine sti cer fired inerrant Src Up nt Sy teen B Pair work * Cecwe te nari Mee the tak with on ore Sse tten ts uetoats manor 1 pat StaseStte ene chet yest a earratee! Dau povey ther? Prt atare ating the queon sd renoning awe ea end as nd ro tnly dn Asn Tyemnmm pnt pons a pale , SEIU Sociale ater penne eee. ey retin ooctcnae Optional etiviy Think fot Time: 8-10 mits. The goa ofthis activity isto have Se practice making statements or aaking quentons with re- elected veabulary, Te provides fun review of voenbulary ‘ted of grammar. Tis cold be dane in a grouper 083 ‘hole clas actly, (Not: Thi netvity could be adapted Toruse with any units voeabulary and grammar pints) Preparation: Choe words from this unto other words that would be useful for So eevew fn Unit 1, Cycle erb tense the pat tons; verbs Holerblade, move, study nouns ~ English, countries, immigrants). 1 Model how the activity works: Give the asa word nd then ell on one Sto wor the word in a statement or in 8 ‘question; designate the vor eave ihat i alo foes Forexample: “TeMake a statement inthe past tense with he verb move hn. ‘S11 moved to the United States in 1997 (Note Then thie calls ot the ame of anther S, who takes the net sentence.) St: Hanako? ‘5% My parents moved to Ro lt year, «Sec hove far Sx can kep te game going before ving ‘hem another word ene, ope of structure (eg. ‘@vetan, statement, A.time to remember G Germine To know you ‘Ths uency activity enables Sto practice what they have learned far in Gye it alo giver them a chance to ‘expand thei communicative ably A Pair work 1 Introduce this interview activity by reading the Sstracion loud. Then model the tark: Clon one S in the clas and practice the example dialog. Continue the dialog hy asking low-up quetions lke the ones ven or ther questions of our own. ' Ssform pair. Remind Soto take note; they only ned to write down key worde and nusers tous in prt ' While pir ae interviewing euch ether, walk arvund ‘he class and give help a needed B Class activity * Goover the instructions and the example introduction. * Aak as many $08 time allows to introduce their Drtners and to give aa mech iformation as ponsbe Gl WORD POWER hen vas. chia ‘Thin exercise present voeabolary that can be used to talk boat childhood memories it leo practices eneporising ‘words according to ther meanings A * Present the instructions and the word map ' Ask Ss to ook through the vocabulary list. Prosounce ud expan any now words including the category tle in the charg, without ving way a entery thet word ‘may belong i; alternatively, et Ss se ther dictionaries, "complet the word map individually. Remind them ‘add one more word af ther own to each eatery: Ther, ‘Ss form prs to caxpare answers, ' Bilcit Se answers around the class and write then on ‘he board Tell 6 to use this information to 24d any additional words to their own maps, Answers (extra example in boldface) “Habbiee Poss tele come eee Pay chee stomaercamp Pat treehouse, lay computer games smuvement park Pas Powssione an tice sera Shi Socrer al ieay bear bout tern. When one has finished, ether Se nthe «lass can ask additional questions iter the $ who ‘ade the introduction ar the partner whe was Introduced can anower the questions. "= Optional: Whenever posible, invite native and ‘not-native speakers of Reich to visit the tans. I ‘wef fr Ss to realize thet English i spoken in aany ferent accents around the worl, Seen interview the visitors using questions lke those given in par A. Optional netivity: Getting to now you even better 1 See puge 7.160 RE work oor For homework, atsign Exercises 1-4 on pages 1-9 in the Workbook as nla work or for homework, Cheek Se” answers nt a convenient time dving the next cae (Answers canbe fund on page T-191 ofthe Werkcak ‘Answer Key in this Teachers Editon) B Pair work "Gover the tank and the example dialog. Model he tase with ne two Se ' After chooe three word from Uh word map, they fom pies and take turns talking about some of the <uldhood memories, Walk around the class sod give help ae needed. Optional activity: P's the teacher’ turn! Tine 5-10 minutes, This activity practices yen and ‘Wh-question with be and do, Tala allows Se to learn something about you, the teacher, ' Write some questions lke thee on the bord for Seto ask you Where are yeu fom eiginaly? Where did you go fo school? id you major Engh? What languages do you speak? What do you wont to cal you in os? ' Present the questions. Then lit aditina once and write them onthe board, * Ss take turns asking you the questions on the bod as well as thei own follawp questions Alternative prosentation ‘= Tm this activity into enter, Divide the clus nto {e, three oF four ane groups, Explain the role: Groups take turasaeking you questions, Bach group [gets one point foreach gratauatiallyearrec question. ‘Ate ive minutes, the group with the moet points wa 7 ____ Unit + CONVERSATION ‘This conversation introduce the past with wed ta. Aw 1 Books ele, Sethe rene: Two fends are talking ‘hort chided memarien Write some ores questiens Sethe bard uke thee: ‘Where di the woman go erty sumer? Tor nd'bench boar How lg dd se send sere? _(vo week) Vint i she doce dy? Sh gt wp ently and eledalng the each) Weta te woman and mon cot? Shells) 1 Pla the au program. Sone for aniwer tthe {ueton on the band. Check Ss answers 1 Boks open. Tell ook a he pcre andor to reed Ming enty they tent the ai program again. «Proven the convertion lin by ine plain theve onde and expresion 1 Ss practice the conversation in pair Boh 1 Rend the question aloud. Then play the second part of the audio program atleast once. ‘Auto seript (See page 7-145) ' Bick end check S¢ answers around the se, Answer “JelPa favorite childhood memory is sting bi [Grandparents empcialy ding his grandfather's here, Blade EE) GRAMMAR FOCUS Usesto to This grammar oun pretense for habitual omnia past ath ved to und thn pst tense can be wed to derive ‘ng it happened esl nthe ps bat bt 0 Teer pons or exists te conten mae er tat ‘stun pst cine state ringed to, he ft ese omens nore nppropete than wed ef, owe pes uy cid Neen tat do ‘eaten aeiy tat ake pace oer an exert Jerod ere: thesrcture ser be ned frie ‘prc ont in tne recap sed too he ‘ovis et Sturdy. 1 Pty the auto program o present the question and atemente inthe x Sree A ' Before 6 bein theta, model how the sentences cuht ‘becampleted either by giving information about yourself by using the pletures provided. Alternatively, ak Several veneers odo thix about thernelves. For ‘rample, suitable responses fer number 2 might be: used to bea good swinamer, but Pm nat anymore. {aed tbe vary hia, but Tm not anymore. 1 Sado the tas individually, writing their sentences on 2 separate pce of paper. When they finish have Chem compare anwers witha pine. Check answers around the cles. Accept any answer that ie loge and graramatialycoret. B Pair work * Goover the task, Se first work individually to write ive 15 mare used to sentences aboot themselves, Then aire {lake turne reading thelr sentence albod to eachother. 1 Find out which pairs larmed that they bad something Ineommon abt their pst. Ask them to share their discoveries with the ele. Optional activity: Sentence-mahing contest ‘Time; 10-18 minute. Tis utivity reviews describing people their carers, and changes in thei ves Preparation: Inthe class baie the ctvity is dane, each S brings one color magazine picture showing sever] people doing varios atte, Collet the picture and ‘hose the bot ones for tie task. The umber of pctores ‘Should equal the number of groups (gles sae 20 = 4 Sein each group = 5 petures needed). Then number each pete (ea, #7. #2 1 Give each group a plture and explain the game: try to mae a many diferent sentences asthe can in three minute ~ bout the people in the picture. On a separate piece of paper, the group seeretary writes down the picture's mamber and every wetenee the groupes think up. ‘= When the fire theeesminut time iit ie up r00ps ‘xchange pictures (lacks andthe cats) and do the tak again with the net piture.On the same piace ff paper, the group secretary again writes dwn the petur's number and ll the vencences that the group 1 forma, Continae the activity until every group has trritten sentences for eoehpeture pased around. «= Now find out which group has written the most tentence for ench phere. Ten the group bel wp the peta while the group secretary read their Sentences aloud ta the lass. eee se time to remember ED PRONUNCIATION Usesto ‘in exercve ass n the pronation owed, Ass 1 Pay the avi program ace while Sony Hinen Point ut the reduction af wed to fyuwstal The din aed ia Set and o sundae tah 1 hay he aio program apnin. Thi tine, Seiten and Fepeat cach enone bing the reduced pronunciation of nary B Pair work * Goover the task: Ss look again at their sentences frm [Brercne San page S and read them toa partner, paying ‘owe attention tothe pronunciation of used fo. (Note: IF penile, have Ss work with difrent partners from the ‘hes they had in Faorcise 8) 1 Pairs take turns reading aloud thelr sentences with ud to fom parts A and B of Bxercise 8 on page 5. ‘Walkaround the else and discreetly listen Into Se pronunciation of use to; model the correct reduced founds again Sear having ony ica. { memories “This iva fuency activity in which Se have the chance to find out mare abot thee classmates’ A Pair work 1 Gover the instructions. Madel wach question; Se repeat. 1 Se form pare, Have them think of and write down thrce ‘more questions to aekooch other. Tell Sst do this {nil task indivdally or tether with their partners * Optional: If any 8 are having trouble making wp fdditonalquetions, ask volunteers to ruggest some. ‘Wirit any suitable question an the board 1 Pies take turns asking and answering the questions, (Go around and give help ax needed Note If Se doa. ‘want to answer question beeause they cose it on Tertonal tll hemo either make vp an amare o to {ay "Sorry, but 1 rather not ensweer that") 15 Tell Sto save their questions and any notes fr ute in the siting activity in xercive 1 B Coss activity 1S take tras telling the clas two interesting things they learned shou thei partner @@ wanine “Thin writing exerci allows Seto pull together al that ‘they have learned in Bxerines 6-10. Nate: The exercise ‘ral be done either in elas or as homework.) A "Gover the task. oad aloud the example paragraph, Elicit some topic from the model that St may Wish 0 {neude in thle ows compositions Write the toiey on ‘the board ike this My Childhood ny family cout house summer ings moving ‘euldoor games 1 Aak the class to use their questions, notes, and ideas ‘rom Exercise 10 sugnctwdditional topes Write thereon the board as well (ote: For suggestions on how to tench writing, tee the Tntreduction to his Teachers Edin called Cnerl Gaideine for Teaching New Interchange: Teaching Writing Sis poge x) 1 Ask Seto plana composition of tro thee paragrephe ‘bout “cildheed” Encourage thom frst beaintorm formas notes oa tpi for each ofthe paragraphs. "They should then ot that information to help them sorte sist draft 1 Whea Shave almotfniahed writing thle Fiat det, ‘move aro the cass and give individual fedback on the content and orgeniaton ofeach deat ‘lernaively, sk Seto exchange their Gratin pie ‘and Lo give some hepful oomarents to each ether an ‘vt in god end What might be isprved. 1 Ss revise their compenttions in dass or for homework. B Group work * Goover the instrctons. Ask fortwo volunteers to ‘model the tac in font of the caes. When they nish, ‘lit ditional questions from the est ofthe eles. * Se form small groupe and take turns reading thelr ‘compositions aloe Tell hem als to anaver thelr froup members questions * Optional: Colet the compositions and give comments and advice. You may want to have Spt their ‘compositions on he bulletin board for thers read and ex. ‘Seepage T-106 inthis Teachers Bdition for nots. iz)

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