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Interchange 1. 3rd Edition. Teacher´s Book PDF

372 Pages·2016·56.54 MB·English
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Preview Interchange 1. 3rd Edition. Teacher´s Book

i TEACHER'S ENITIC) THIRD EDITION E a Ww ” a LJ T 7 O uanenaipernertes <q | = | Fiatssae 209 se GSS E.Sun Eos Contents Introduction ee ane ein Stidants Hons arerview Teaches ition averse Css components ve Tineaquenl:y weaed yaestivns ; satin nto edenenie aii Cinsar oem emg Teaching Notes 1 2 4 Additicmal Resources lease call ne Bera, Hew an sen spar yer: day? Progress enecle. low nue 91333 Dia yea lke rag? Progress cael Tell oe nhosst your fae Howe nftan da sum exert? Progress check ie he = ares Binal hes yaar neighbarksd Hie? Proprasa everk What aces ane look Ie? ave you eeer rdder 9 22x22? Brnyrevs exes fii ¢ very exeting ware! Heosalay we Peegeras ches Maz Lake yan" arden ‘he alzneae end che nest! Promneaa ches Ih pring ena sonaes roan A change forthe oeltes! Hrogress dees Interchiene astities Sesfatnag, aucis seripts, and arewer key Gam Presi ign Pascacngiahles Language aemamaving Gral gainees rita aiiazes, anaia sort. acd enewer key Weorktiank anawer ser Sppenelis ekmaclenpe ants ype Plan of Book 1 } Speat Grammar ] Tatcoducng siunolt eredunng a wi wel wth sine, suunise sad cational Sxehaniug persosal inpessatoe wns id ; Pre rasta | eens posse adoceee How do you spend your day? Dessibng work apd shoal Slope pre Weer cd ms op tors ar eh Baking nd ving apie Soenente quest em when tine aay Sheaulen sk tree Alesenbing day edule pees nine Seine rt cla wa Stead fe ae CHE. eS 1-16 5 Mow uch st “Talking aboat prices alvin ‘Demonstzeriens hi, tat rea rsonaieseavratsih ekg morse hus and ee nh andi congas ; Do you ike ep? 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Talking aiat post events ving Simple gen anal Chores rations ating about aes Tar eaery whee ta) ‘inegolar vere’ pas 8 WT ESS A ‘What's your nighborhnod like? “Acking abit and describing ‘There father oe; ane, a, 008 Sigs and glacce ia ety Toectsce et Dacen tog about sous remtaone sTrANS eigen ema bn deve Spumante Siting lout Guan Si ho A eect cL OGRE EK OES. 3 7 | Pronuneiation/Listening — Writing/Reading Interchange Activity Tike wut “Walaa arnone warp “Geatng to ene yu Caoting '——Listering fe nee and exuntrios Fetal 'nbrnesion perma intrmain aon | Seifatucy: Listening tr gesonal “Wath i a Nate Roading sen: Shines Sut penn sacs Tila si Wale togmophy a Conn gon Ping "Listing tn decriptions of jobs Cneomste sire claamat iy : sud duly tees avy De You Mov cheats Seats: Linen toa derigsos Beta et peo mh ] ofa wy schedule ned jo ‘Sentence strss Writing a eompariats a! preea in “Flea market: Buying and aelig Tati toprol shor droreteeomies stings Maen or Remy pices "Toe Wil aie rata Betty Tiscaning ws pos Sia ‘taeasing elongation Toraton in cussions ‘Wing ert wesseae "bat the quo: Waking ane enue les Tnteing “Christe Apel Reading anki guar fers and asi Ste Sans entree Sia Liteing a pope Toianaton tv astemonis Wing an 6 al ew ale Family ft Find ot Ustening or teil elationshipe “Te Changing Fey” Reading peau at chasancias akeshae See tile ‘mien Sulfation nan intervie with nek dent “Do you dene Finding ovt about deotater niles Invanation with direct address Waiting about. acute aocivites Listonias to people aking bout “Hag sh wd Pl us Fevteme atte lnenng ta Resting abect as abo ee Akecriplons of epors pat palion Selpary: Lioring mo sia ‘ht faith atl Beseas Rilucion of did you Wing a rear ata Usa Desert Listoning to dsstitions and Vacation Pustoan: Raed ‘terrible vsceton | tinae tse events aad akon ferent kieds ea Sey td Listens to palin ftcor nterowingn ese hit Reduction of there iatthere are Writing a ccommare wanted cd “Neighborhoot ommitioe™: Making isang for alone and “Thy Werke in Orne Neighinina’;_&8Phhborbond better place ‘ieserntins of places [Reading abect a Siew Ynk Cay Sevag: Lining oe heaton "BEE int reigbborhead les/Topics Speaking Grammar UT RES = ‘What doas che look ike? ‘aking ht ne desing iebinine sles page iene eras eng Pepe J sua paroles 2nd wr aes 9 wal isotes Have you evorsdona cane? 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Describing enuntries, wang Comparative and sunerlative Sarris ‘et peor on ts Gepeie ceaetrer ies | csdclitsiae ee, ust tallng abut stances and Si is ig a ie aoe cow ements ah TS TAGES 10-105 =a = Fm going a a ocoer rats Talking shat plans akan cure wish prea cantata aad Ullsineasdesobers iuresine —invitstions/astepting and begeing an messages ®t land testo eephne saane reesei i ee a WTB se peer ralss A change forthe bet! schanging poreonal nformat-on; Dashing eunges mis de poe Eich gen plas pee Bx escrow changes tallung abut tayo, tee pat terse tho tosne Betton plans fr tho fate PAG ee ormaae seb PROGRSSOHITK___ FARES 2-113 eae a Pronunciation/Listening W: interchange Activity Cntaetire atest Fin he iors Com paring Listening te exer pene tno pistes of party ‘anuiinu people Seleatudy: netering te deserptions tops tenting sy inked sound *Liestsle survey": Finding Listening to deception of vonts stout elas’ eae So sud Lenin a ingariog stearate deen. ‘Can and skoelea' "City guide”: Creating « guide to Listening to deceptions of tes fun alaces m6 tv ant homers stoning for inemeet information Self eeu “string to dseripsons 3 vacation denaications pies, ‘Afelp Psp board gun Sottsnudy: stoning te advee for Seomoitg ine Sirs in repens Creating amenu Listening fo restaurant ones Supra: Lining to people fetng about resinonane ordre Questions af choise “How much do ou know Ting See ee eo ‘sgeseral kanoledge us Seay. Lining pense Aamir Chan A eduction of could you and woul Weck plans’: Pidina cut about poe ‘lasamacee weekend lane Eieniny ta tlerhone mone Sefer “istoning te alephone ences lesen erm Tivel ead fnstal Ta “Dy phe Tatar Pano Lisering te destrptions of anges eae tre Bafta: Laering ta poole at The new edition Intorehange Phird Edition isn fully revised wition of New Interchange, the wosld’s ‘most saeeeseful ries for adult and yourggadul learseve ot Bglian. Wallen tc Ameciean English, the eoursevellects the fact that Lng iss the msjor -angxiaze of iernulional forimericatios and fe not fvied to any one wary, sogan, or culate ly vowised to refloos the must cent proud: “eau sins the inpowative ries teuobees acd sedans ave ever to love, while iecorporuting suggestion fone teachers ais ssudeas all ovor thes world This edition wore ical wnent sn eer nt adestunl grouse pee, nad Me ‘oppoctunities develop speaking and listening sl SYLLABUS AND APPROACH Interchange Third Delition uses ighanteresl thames toausecale specking, yon, osabblery pruaansiation, lisiening, wearing, aed weg. hers fs strong farsa hath Feeamtey anid Muon. Lhe undeelsmg phils uf Che sousse reruns the! igaae Tat Yearted when 1 is used for menningt eimmumculioe Topies The course covers sontemparsrs, real-world loples thas axe xelovant:n students ives te. free time, eniotsainenent, Students have sadkgound mnomledge and experience ih ‘those Laps so the com shave npunsons ana iniarmstion pesdactive. 2m eddiven, clear indormmation stimelotes eraer-celtaral comparison ea Functions Afireticnal sau parallels the gama slabs in the eurse, Por esnrsple, at the samp ime scents leurs Do owt... eswationsim Lave! Leg. a yeu ike secs? thy leara how ta expross likes und dislikes e.g. eed cankatand és Taeoueneat course, students Ieuen wsesul fusions, euch aa how tv nteetaee Ubcrzslovs, ov agree ‘and disagree. Each level prosente tte G5 tor.ctiena Grammer Interchange Third Udition bas a graded yamovay alls, evn Level presen the Isic strucianos for complete bese, snc Lave 1 ceviews an exeands em therm, Lael ond present wore acvanesd structares, suet us passives ana eondtirals, Ihe er ‘views mea, form, and seas ve cheee nteructing dimen gas eat students notice th: new grarssrar is context ip the Caneoractinne or Peryetsis, Then hoy lear dl proetiesveing the grezmr Forms in tne Grommar Racuss. Wile they italy pruetiee grammar im controled way tadents soen mre on Lo freer sks at Jead uvcd fuenes Inter vnnda, sade aeyaire nove grammar by ng i trammur isu sieane to an gna coraranientive sunpeteaes, Voesbulary Vocabulary development playe a key vole in Interchange Third dition. Produive svcsbulary“eceaatsary students are encauvaged te ase aresenced sean Poisrs and Snapshots. lceptive vocabulary fs ntenaved srerauriy im As Lssteings. In Word Powers, students wysicaly eacegerize nes vocally che ming ayenizes new words, Theis thay anternalge the ew vueabulary ae using ein A nsvized way: Pemtopiable Laxgunge swentries ite Leaeher’s Latin provi ‘iste cI produetive vocabulary and expressions for aseh ani, ach Level Product worst ary af aba 1,000 40 1.300 wurde, speaking Specie kl sake) Peas uf tnterohenae Phir Reition, wat iss angle ut volar) eur eorsitin lvervaee Theisen, Rule Pry. ie Spektor wsises ae ths Ow fowrrhanpe settee, paved spon yyperi wus Uist syste ey Suit trad Mlveey Uo adage Caersaionslluscr wedilleneyt speabaea sree tas he uopen anideose conceals ach ollew up qucsinass Uke Lures, wed use lee seolsien, eet. wit frau, oneveusalmunt ell sue nerves olf fun, poeeeneciced sag poate ea ep nlbics Us sbure apni Listening The istening ellubss enpbushees task-baves evening svtices ot anecpusatee ba ly diva poses ake fe, rubies praliauons oad ioc peace ‘ea key cede dual wuss Te Bap soli ve Wass Hala # dees & wun Hiagsrlgris provi abs ter eon new. eopevedd) Ate) ean, fave wut lhe fel Salant Book, Reading su Riveting» ecvasen angel oars ATL Use ney nd ayia atic, aon eo we are Toren purse Pewee, slate vets fara aaa Ua Bo onsite oy Leen aad aps My Bo Da Toes they ame wu se aa sae eae! teal gs ed a infbewariya gues ip amen tte aa. The ee Writing Tegel 103 ow oval oy WE te ype ua eo sin wala In ae Whvoey esonets, abies wale a vecthy a, ce Liede, santosh These wserese:sec7 nnd meviowe oes, yuubalery aed eeaumass vv Re uel Sludes.s sepa Toe at vey tds oo thee hat erste They mor anes sta eas 2 rb om an ee Sue Passing ih Kb ee tes Pronunciation ih grins slabs Fao reat fe oes us, Bele, sade wed eins, al Tse soy Fsny wi ne! dios « snr ateoe esate, On syne lesiy Bios aloe boty ast Rance ie Brus aS vise tos Toe ued, ude bypcally rot ue race au cs iar lights Bae ae 9 ab CUSTOMIZATION Ws pn kor uate a: Thy esa ort te heals bones, a son leit tok af see. Pie Tena lees eli green un eh we Fens a els teens ta Jag pr aang es ne del want Far Liang 3d fem 9 yb 8 Tells Tae tin vad Co vena oe fe oven sen seven he fetes Ik une ase racer? ut. alla nitions Qin prvi Pro lcs ASSESSMENT Faderchonge Phird Reition bo souls ny} “eed vosennent wena TRS Ponerse torte in Bag Stacey Baye uneurinontlls Goals seve Says aes Taryshill se flee grey tne oi, Ql gage Mast gusset Hawes Fa arses hot fora ssseyatant Trading J Phannenne and Eee Pachuys isn sal ypousoble tel fa sles tule Che or eae hal al eeyelacly

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