VViirrggiinniiaa CCoommmmoonnwweeaalltthh UUnniivveerrssiittyy VVCCUU SScchhoollaarrss CCoommppaassss Theses and Dissertations Graduate School 1977 IInntteerraaccttiioonnss ooff EEtthhaannooll aanndd MMeetthhaaddoonnee Vijay Aggarwal Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd Part of the Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Commons © The Author DDoowwnnllooaaddeedd ffrroomm https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/4332 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at VCU Scholars Compass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of VCU Scholars Compass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. INTERAOCFTE ITHOANANSNO MDLE THADONE by VijAagyg arwal B.AC.a,sW ee stReersne Urnviev er1s9i7t0y , Thesis submiitnpt aerdt fiuallf ilolftm herene tq uirfeomtreh net s DegroefDe o ctoofPr h iloisnot phDheey p arotfmP ehmnacatro logy att hMee diCcoalll oefVg ier ginia VirgiConmimao nUwneiavletrhs ity RichmVoinrdg,i nia Decem1b9e7r7, ABSTRACT INTERACTOIFEO TNHSA ANNOMDLE THADONE VijAagyg arwPahl.,D . MediCcoalllo efVg ier g-iVniirag Cionmmioan wUenailvtehr1 s9i7t7y., MajPorro fesDsro.rJ :.BR a.t h Theef feocfet tsh aandomlti rnaitsointo hnae n tinocaiccteipvt-ive •i tyl,e tphrapole rtainebdsr acionn cenotfrm aettinhoeawn,de o rien ves tigatTehedef. f oefcet t haonnto hlae n tinocaiccteipovtfimi tevyet ha donweaa ss sebsyst ehhdeo t-panldta atei l-tfelsitcCsko. n centrations ofm ethaidnto hnbeer awienrd ee tenbnyti hnuees doe f3 H -methaasd one welalsb yg alsi qcuhirdo mataongarlaypTshhiisescut . ds yh owtehda t modedroastoeefes t hadniondlo a tl tteari l-ofrhl oitc-kp rleastpeo nse byt hemseHlovweeswv.he ecrno, m bwiintmehed t haedtohnaepn,ro old uced as ignifiinccarinentat shaeen tinoceifccfetepitvieovnfeme estsh adone asm easbuyrb eodta dh e crienat shEeeD 5o0fm ethaadnbodyn an ei n creaisnetde nasnpidrt oyl odnugreadot fim oent haadnotnien ociception. Ethainnoclr etahasene tdi nocaiccteipovtfiim tveyet heai dnbo ontnha ive anmde thadonem-itcoTelh.ei irsna cnrtea acsteidwv ainsto ydt u teo simpalded iotfis ounb threefsfheoocflet dts h annoowrla i std uteoa n ethanol-imnecdriieanawt sheeobd lr ea in·conocfem nettrhaatdIioton nes. ish ypothtehsatithzi een dc reaansteidn ooaiccteipwvtaiitstvh yere e sulotfa ne thanol-imnecdriieanact seeend tn revarolus sy ssteenms itiv� ittyot haen tinocaiccteipovtfimi tevyte h adone. 1 Ethapnroelt repartomdesunictge ndi fi1oc waebnrrt alciyon n centra tioonfms e thacdomopnaetr oec do ntwrhoemlnes t hawdaoasnd emi nistered subtcauneouWshlebyno. td hr uwgesra ed ministereetdh aanodorla lly, ministrreastuiilontbn er dac ionn centorfma ettihoandso ne initially less thacno ntarnoadlt l atteirm es tghraecnao ntterrIo nbl o.te ht hanol anwda ter-prmeitcree atthaeenedr x ec ewlcaloser nrte lbaettiwtoehnee n whoblrea cionn centorfma ettihoaandn oadnn et inoceifcfeepbctutit,v e thaen ntoicc eipv tei efaftae ncbytr a cionn cenotfrma ettihoawnda osn e greaitnee trh anol-pmriecteAr.le tahteoetudhg ahpn roold suicgendi fi canatl teraitnti hobenr sac ionn cenotfrm aettihoatndh obenr ea,ci onn centroafet tihoanwn aogsle nernaoaltll tye bryme edt haaddomnien istra tionI.n vestiogfta hteeix ocnrseo tfmi eotnh aadniodtn msee tabolites antdh hea lf-olfmi efteh aidnto hnbeer afiani lteord e veaanslyi gnif icaentth anola-litnedruacteido ns. Ad osoefe thawnhoilic nhc retahasene tdi nocaiccteipovtfii tvye methaddinodon atel ttehroe r aolrs ubcuta5n0oe fom eutsh aLadDlone, thomuighct eh adti eadsa r esoufle tt haannomdle thaaddomnien istra tiodni eadtl owwehro blrea cionn centorfma ettihoatndhsoa tnnhe o se thadti eadsa r esoulfmt e thaadloonnTeeh .Le D ofe thawnaossli g 50 nificdaenctrleiyan ms iecmdea intoania mn eetdh addoosonef1e 0 m0/g kg/d.a y 2 Thitsh esbiyVs i jAagyg ariwsaa clc epitnie tdsp resent foramss atisftyhitenh ge sriesq uirfeomtreh ndete groefe . Doc.tooPfrh ilosophy Date: Approved: lffe.x If-. ... 7.?. j 1 7.. • .9- • �.:N. J:--!. l.�.1 :1.. )!1�:. . ff..?.?. . ii To Bobbi iii CURRIVCIUTLAUEM iv V ACKl�O\JLEDGEMENTS Mya ppreciisae txipornet soDs reR.da ymBoantdmh ya, d visor, foir1 einsc ouraagnaeddm veindctue r itnhgei snev estigations. Ia lswoi sthot haDnrkR. o rbteB lanfkoheri asd viacned counasneDdlr W.i llDieawmfe oyhr i gsu idaanncdco en cdeurrni ng thfei nsatla goefts h per eperoaftt hiimosan n usacsrw ieplatls fotrh ues oef h ilsa borfaatcoiirtlye s. Spectihaalna krJseu teh mea nfyr ieanndmdse mboefmr ys famiwlhyos suep pmoarditet p ossfiobmrlee t ou nderatnadk e compltehtipser oject. Theef foorfLt lsa Cvliadar nkTd e reJsaami ents y ping this manusacrrgeir patt eafcuklnloyw ledged. Finanscuipap\lo, raptsr ovfirdoetmdhT eo xicTorlaoignye e posiitnit ohnBe u reoafFu o reSncsiiecn Ccoemsm,o nwealth of Virginia. vi TABOLFCE O NTENTS TITPLAEG E DEDICATION .iii CURRIVCIUTLAUEM .i v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .v i TABOLFCE O NT.E NTS .vii LISOTFT ABL.E S .i x LISOTFF IGURES .x i IJffROD.U C.T IOii 1 A)M ethadone 1 B)E thanol 8 C)E thaannoOdlt hDerru gs 12 D)O ther aDnMrdeu tghsa done 17 E)E thaannoMdle thadone 19 F)P resent Study 22 MATERAIlAMiLEDST HODS 24 A)M aterials 24 B)M eth.o ds .2 5 RESULTS .4 1 A)A ntinociAccetpitovifiEv tteyh anol .4 1 B)E ffeocfEt t haonnMo elt haAdnotnien ocicept4i4o n, C)E ffeocfEt t haonnMo elt haDditosrnieb u.t io.n .4 7 D)C orrelBaettiwBoernea nCi onn centorfMa ettihoand one anAdn tinociEcfefpetc.it. v e .. .. . .. 5 4. . . . vii