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Interaction of ultrarelativistic electron and proton bunches with dense plasmas 2 1 0 A. A. Rukhadzea, S. P. Sadykova ∗b 2 aProkhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences 119991, Vavilov n a Str., 38., Moscow, Russia † J bHumboldt-Universit¨at zu Berlin, Germany, Newtonstr. 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany 5 ] h p - Abstract m Herewe discuss thepossibility ofemployment ofultrarelativistic electronand s a proton bunches for generation of high plasma wakefields in dense plasmas l p due to the Cherenkov resonance plasma-bunch interaction. We estimate the . s maximum amplitude of such a wake and minimum system length at which c i the maximum amplitude can be generated at the given bunch parameters. s y h Keywords: p Electron-bunch-driven, proton-bunch-driven plasma wakefield acceleration, [ Ultrarelativistic bunch, Cherenkov resonance, Plasma-bunch interaction 2 v 6 1 1. Introduction 6 0 For the first time in works [1, 2] it was proposed to employ the relativistic . 2 electron bunches propogating through plasma for generation of high plasma 1 wakefields. High-energy bunch electrons generate the wake in such a way 1 1 that the energy from a bunch of electrons is transferred to the plasma wave : v through the Cherenkov resonance radiation producing high electric fields i X (wakefields). Later, in the work [3] it was shown that the ultrarelativistic r electron bunches can generate plasma waves with high relativistic phase ve- a locity including the transverse electromagnetic waves efficiently radiated out of plasma. This led to the birth of a new applied science - high-power pulse ∗Corresponding author: Humboldt-Universit¨at zu Berlin, Germany, Newtonstr. 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany; Tel.: +493020937876, Fax.: +49-30-2093-7638; E-mail adress: [email protected]. †E-mail adress: [email protected] . Preprint submitted to Elsevier January 6, 2012 relativistic superhigh-frequency (SHF) electronics [4],[5] enabling to produce the high-power pulse broadened SHF amplifiers and generators on a base of such plasma-bunch systems [6]. Recently, in works [7, 8] the possibility of generation of high power wake- fields (proton-bunch-driven plasma-wakefield acceleration) of terra-watt am- plitude using the ultrarelativistic proton bunches was introduced. Inthepresent workthisideaalongwiththeemployment ofelectronbunch isdiscussedatthequalitativelevel. Namely, wemakeanestimationofplasma parameters, maximum amplitude of the generated wake when the relativis- tic electron and proton bunches are used and sysem length at which the maximum amplitude of the wake can be gained. 2. Ultrarelativistic electron bunch Let us start our analysis with the ultrarelativistic electron bunch of den- sity n and velocity ~u, noting that b 1 γ = >> 1. (1) (1 u2/c2) − p Suchabunchinteractswiththeplasmaofdensity n >> n andgenerates p b ~ the plane wave E = E exp( iωt+ik ~r). We choose an axis Z directed along 0 − · the velocity of the bunch ~u, and put the external field as absent 1, disperse relation describing the amplification of a plasma wave with the help of a bunch can be written as following [3] : ω2 ω2γ−3 k2u2 ω2ω2γ−1 (k2c2 ω2+ω2+ω2γ−1) 1 p b ⊥ p b = 0, (2) − p b (cid:18) − ω2 − (ω k u)2(cid:19)− ω2 (ω k u)2 z z − − here ω = 4πe2n /m - Langmuir plasma electron frequency, k and k are p p z ⊥ the logitudpinal (directed along the velocity of the bunch ~u ) and transverse ~ components of the wave vector k . ~ The general solution of the equation (2) ω(k) with the positive imaginary 1 In ultrarelativistic bunches bunch divergence can be neglected because when the electronbunchisejectedintothedenseplasma,withinthetimet 1/ω theneutralization p ∼ of the bucnh charge occurs prohibitting the bunch divergence [4]. 2 part ( mω > 0) ℑ ω = k u(1+δ) = ω (1+δ) z p 1+i√3 n 1 u2 ω2 (3) δ = − ( b )1/3(1 p )1/3. 2 2n γ − c2 ω2 +k2u2 p p ⊥ Since the value δ (increment), determining the temporary growth of the plasma wave amplitude generated by the bunch, depends on k , then in ⊥ this way it depends on the transverse size k of the considered plasma-bunch ⊥ system. Forastartwewouldliketobefarawayfromtheconcretemagnitudes of the concrete system parameters and consider two opposite limitting cases: A . In a case of dense plasma when ω2 >> k2u2 (4) p ⊥ Then, the value δ is given by the expression 1+i√3 n 1/3 1 b δ = − . (5) 2 (cid:18)2n (cid:19) γ p B . In a case of rare plasma when the inverse to (4) inequality is satisfied then the value δ becomes 1+i√3 n 1 1/3 b δ = − . (6) 2 (cid:18)2n γ(cid:19) p Let us outline again that while deriving the equations (3-6) we took into account that value δ is negligibly small what is sustained by the inequalities n << n and γ2 >> 1. b p We would like to stress that for the development of instability and plasma wave growth it is necessary that the following constraint for a system length must be satisfied: u L > (7) mδω p ℑ being at the same time limited due to the bunch divergence to the following constraint : u√γ u√γ L < = . ω (n /n )1/2ω b b p p 3 Let us now estimate the maximum amplitude of the generated by the bunch wake, so called the amplitude of saturated instability. For this, we choose the wake as a frame of reference moving with the speed ω/k with respect to the laboratoryframe of reference (plasma in a rest). In accordance with the Lorentz transformations the speed of bunch electrons in the chosen frame will be u mδγ2 u mδγ2 u = ℑ = ℑ . (8) 1 −1 2u2 mδγ2 −1 2 mδ(γ2 1) − c2 ℑ − ℑ − FromEq. (8) follows that in the relativistic limit when (δγ2 << 1) this speed is small u uδγ2 << u, whereas in the ultrarelativistic limit (δγ2 >> 1) 1 ≈ − the speed is high u u/2. 1 ≈ It is obvious that the saturation of instability can occur when the kinetic energy of electrons, in the wake frame of reference, will become less than the amplitude of the potential of the plasma wake measured in the same frame. In this case the bunch electrons get trapped by the wake, i.e. there will be no relative motion between the bunch electrons and the wake, thus, no energy exchange between the bunch and wake occurs, the bunch and the wake become stationary. Hence, the stationary saturation amplitude of the plasma wake potential can be obtained as following eΦ 1 1 0 =  1, (9) mc2 γ  1 u2δ2γ4 −  − c2(1−2δ(γ2−1))2 q   here Φ γ is measured in the wake frame of reference. In the relativistic limit 0 when (δγ2 << 1) we will get the result already obtained in [9] for dense plasma Eq. (5), whereas in the ultrarelativistic limit when (δγ2 >> 1) we obtain eΦ 0.154 0 , (10) mc2 ≈ γ here Φ is measured in the laboratory frame of reference. Eq. (10) leads 0 to the following conclusion: the amplitude of the potential of the plasma wake generated by the electron bunch is dependent on the relativity factor Φ = 0.154mc2. This is demonstrated in the Figure 1. We can obeserve a 0 eγ maximum Φ 770 V for dense plasma at n = 1016cm−3, γ 24 and 0max p 0 ≃ ≃ Φ 15.5 103 V 15.5 k V rare plasma at n = 6 1012cm−3, γ 2.56, 0max p 0 ≃ · ≃ · ≃ see Appendix A. It is quite easy to estimate the amplitude of the electrial 4 field of the wake generated by the bunch. For this in Eq. (9) one needs to take into account that E kΦ leading to the following equation for the 0 0 ∼ relative energy density of the electrostatic field 2 E2 c2 1 1 0  1 . (11) 8πnpmc2γ ≃ u22γ3  1 u2δ2γ4 −  − c2(1−2δ(γ2−1))2 q   In the relativistic limit when (δγ2 << 1) this equation turns into the result obtained in [9] for dense plasma Eq. (5), whereas in the ultrarelativistic limit when (δγ2 >> 1) we get E2 0.012 0 (12) 8πn mc2γ ≃ γ3 p We can readily see that with an increase of relativity the amplitude of the electric field of the wake generated by the electron bunch in its turn is depen- dent on the relativity γ as it is shown in the Figure 1 and is also defined in the ultrarelativistic limit by the plasma density n , E 0.024 4πn mc2/γ. p 0 p ≃ For example, for dense plasma at γ 24, n = 1016cm−3, wephave E 0 p 0max ≃ ≃ 14.5 106 V/cm 14.5 M V/m, whereas for rare plasma at n = 6 1012cm−3, p · ≃ · γ 11.6 we have E 7.2 106 V/cm 7.2 M V/m. 0 0max ≃ ≃ · ≃ 3. Ultrarelativistic proton bunch As it has been mentioned above, in works [7, 8] the possibility of gener- ation of high power wakefields (proton-bunch-driven plasma-wakefield accel- eration) of terra-watt amplitude using the ultrarelativistic proton bunches of giga-electron-volt energy was introduced. The idea is that to slow the protons down using the plasma wakefield is much harder than the electrons and as a result the significantly higher wakefield amplitude can be gained in comparison with that produced by the electron bunch. The disperse relation (2) can be easily generalized for the case of plasma- proton-bunchinteraction. Correspondingly, weneedtomakethesubstitution n n (n - electron bunch density), i.e. substitute the n by the proton b bi b b → bunch density n multiplied by the ratio of electron mass m to the ion mass bi M, m/M. Having solved Eq. (2), we write the solution generalizing Eq. (3) for the 5 F0e(cid:144)mc2 F0e(cid:144)mc2 0.0015 0.0020 Denseplasma 0.0015 Eq.H9L 0.0010 Denseplasma 0.0010 Eq.H10L 0.0005 Eq.H9L 0.0005 Γ Γ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 a) b) F0e(cid:144)mc2 F0e(cid:144)mc2 0.035 0.035 0.030 Rareplasma 0.030 Rareplasma 0.025 0.025 Eq.H9L 0.020 Eq.H9L 0.020 0.015 0.015 Eq.H10L 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.005 Γ 0.000 Γ 0 5 10 15 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 c) d) Figure 1: a) The relative stationary saturation amplitude of the plasma wake potential generated by the electron bunch Eq. (9) for a), b) dense (5) at n = 2 1012cm−3, b np =1016cm−3,γ0 =24andc),d)rare(6)plasmasatnb =2 1012cm−3,np =6· 1012cm−3, · · γ0 =2.6. In b) and d) the relative stationarysaturationamplitude in the ultrarelativistic limit (10) is presented for comparison. 6 proton bunch down ω = k u(1+δ ) = ω (1+δ ) z 1 p 1 1+i√3 n m 1 u2 ω2 (13) δ = − ( b )1/3(1 p )1/3, 1 2 2n M γ − c2 ω2 +k2u2 p p ⊥ here δ differs from δ, from Eq. (3), in n n m. 1 b → biM A . In the dense plasma when the constraint (4) is satisfied (cmpr. with (5)) the value δ takes the following view: 1 1+i√3 n m 1/3 1 bi δ = − . (14) 1 2 (cid:18)2n M(cid:19) γ p B . In the rare plasma when the inverse to (4) inequality is satisfied then the value δ (cmpr. with (6)) becomes 1 1+i√3 n m 1 1/3 bi δ = − . (15) 1 2 (cid:18)2n M γ(cid:19) p We would like to point out again that as in the case for the electron bunch the development of proton bunch instability and plasma wake growth can occur when the following constraint similar to Eq. (7) for a system length must be satisfied u L > . (16) mδ ω 1 p ℑ However, the system length must be limited as well in order to neglect the proton bunch divergence due to the proton charges repulsion u√γ u√γ L < = . ω (nbi m)1/2ω bi np M p Similarly, we estimate the maximum amplitude of the generated by the proton bunch wake, the amplitude of saturated instability. For this, we choose again the wake as a frame of reference moving with the speed ω/k with respect to the laboratory frame of reference. In this case, the speed of bunch protons in this frame (cmpr. with (8)) will be u mδ γ2 u mδ γ2 1 1 u = ℑ = ℑ . (17) 1 −1 2u2 mδ γ2 −1 2 mδ (γ2 1) − c2 ℑ 1 − ℑ 1 − 7 From Eq. (17) we get the following result: in the relativistic limit when (δγ2 << 1) this speed is small u uδ γ2 << u, whereas in the ultrarel- 1 1 ≃ − ativistic limit (δγ2 >> 1) the speed is high u u/2. It is worth to point 1 ≃ out that ultrarelativity of the proton bunch can be reached at much higher proton energies : γ2 should be at least one order of magnitude higher com- pared to that of the electron bunch. For example, when for electron bunch - n /n 10−3 , the ultrarelativity can be reached at γ 10 (electron bunch b p ∼ ≥ energy is higher than 5 MeV), whereas for the proton bunch at the same density ratio - only at γ 50 (proton bunch energy should be higher than ≥ 44 GeV). By analogy with Eq. (9), the stationary saturation amplitude of the plasma wake potential, produced by the proton bunch can be obtained as following eΦ 1 1 0 =  1, (18) Mc2 γ  1 u2δ12γ4 −  q − c2(1−2δ1(γ2−1))2   here Φ γ is measured in the wake frame of reference. Correspondingly, in the 0 ultrarelativistic limit when δ γ2 >> 1 we get an estimate similar to the Eq. 1 (10) eΦ 0.154 0 , (19) Mc2 ≈ γ here Φ is measured in the laboratory frame of reference. Eq. (19) leads the 0 following conclusion: the saturation amplitude of the potential of the plasma wake generated by the ultrarelativistic proton bunch is also dependent on the relativity factor Φ = 0.154Mc2. This can be observed in the Figure 2. As 0 eγ we can see it posesses a maximum. We have estimated it for dense plasma at n = 1016cm−3, γ 289 leading to Φ 1.1 105 V 0.1 M V and p 0 0max ≃ ≃ · ≃ rare plasma at n = 6 1012cm−3, γ 11.6 leading to Φ 5.74 106 V p 0 0max · ≃ ≃ · 5.74 M V, see Appendix A. ≃ Again, it is quite easy to estimate the amplitude of the electrial field of the wake generated by the proton bunch. For this in Eq. (18), taking into account that E kΦ , we obtain the following equation for the relative 0 0 ∼ energy density of the electrostatic field 2 E2 c2 1 1 0  1 (20) 8πnpMc2γ ≃ u22γ3  1 u2δ12γ4 −  q − c2(1−2δ1(γ2−1))2   8 leading in the ultrarelativistic limit for the proton bunch when δ γ2 >> 1 to 1 (cmpr. with (12)) E2 0.012 0 . (21) 8πn Mc2γ ≃ γ3 p We can readily see that the amplitude of the potential as well as that of the electric field of the wake generated by the proton bunch in its turn is defined by the relativity factor as it is shown in the Figure 2 and plasma density n , namely E = 0.024 4πn Mc2/γ. For ex., for dense plasma at p 0 p n = 1016cm−3, γ 289 we hapve E 5 105 V/cm 50 M V/m, for p 0 0max ≃ ≃ · ≃ rare plasma at n = 6 1012cm−3, γ 11.6 we have E 6.3 105 V/cm p 0 0max · ≃ ≃ · 63 M V/m . ≃ 4. Results and Discussions On the basis of the conducted analysis of the resonance Cherenkov inter- actionoftheelectronaswell asprotonbunches withplasma, wecanmakethe following conclusion: the wake amplitude growth produced by the bunches gets saturated with an increase of bunch energy at a quite high level. The highest amplitude of the electric wakefield is produced by the electron bunch in dense plasma at n = 1016cm−3 and is of order 14.5 M V/m, whereas p that produced by the proton bunch is the highest in the rare plasma at n = 6 1012cm−3 and is of order 63 M V/m. These magnitudes are less than p · those gained with the help of contemporary quite powerful pulse lasers (1015 W/cm2). In conclusion it must be noticed that nonlinear plasma Lengmuir wave is unstable and, as it was shown in [10], it breaks down when eΦ > M,m c2γ , 0 w { } where γ = 1/ 1 u2 /c2 and u is the wave phase velocity. In our case w − ph ph q u = u and γ = γ. From the results of our calculations follows that ph w considered resonance Cherenkov instabilities arise as for electron as well as for proton beams when the plasma waves amplitudes are much less than the breakdown threshholds. 9 0.00F001e4(cid:144)Mc2 F0e(cid:144)Mc2 Denseplasma 0.00030 0.00012 0.00025 0.00010 Eq.H18L 0.00020 0.00008 Denseplasma 0.00015 Eq.H19L 0.00006 0.00004 Eq.H18L 0.00010 0.00002 0.00005 Γ Γ 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 a) b) F0e(cid:144)Mc2 F0e(cid:144)Mc2 0.007 0.007 Rareplasma 0.006 Rareplasma 0.006 0.005 0.005 Eq.H18L Eq.H18L 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.003 Eq.H19L 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 Γ Γ 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 50 100 150 200 c) d) Figure 2: a) The relative stationary saturation amplitude of the plasma wake potential generated by the proton bunch Eq. (18) for a), b) dense (14) at n =2 1012cm−3, n = b p 1016cm−3, γ0 =289 and c), d) rare(15) plasmas atnb =2 1012cm−3, n·p =6 1012cm−3, · · γ0 =11.6. Inb)andd)therelativestationarysaturationamplitudeintheultrarelativistic limit (19) is presented for comparison. 10

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