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Inter-universal entanglement in a cyclic multiverse Salvador Robles-Pérez,1,2 Adam Balcerzak,3,4 Mariusz P. Dąbrowski,3,5,4 and Manuel Krämer3 1Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC, Serrano 121, 28006 Madrid, Spain 2Estación Ecológica de Biocosmología, Pedro de Alvarado, 14, 06411 Medellín, Spain. 3Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin, Wielkopolska 15, 70-451 Szczecin, Poland 4Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Sławkowska 17, 31-016 Kraków, Poland 5National Centre for Nuclear Research, Andrzeja Sołtana 7, 05-400 Otwock, Poland (Dated: January 18, 2017) We study scenarios of parallel cyclic multiverses which allow for a different evolution of the physical constants, while having the same geometry. These universes are classically disconnected, butquantum-mechanicallyentangled. Applyingthethermodynamicsofentanglement,wecalculate the temperature and the entropy of entanglement. It emerges that the entropy of entanglement is large at big bang and big crunch singularities of the parallel universes as well as at the maxima of the expansion of these universes. The latter seems to confirm earlier studies that quantum 7 effects are strong at turning points of the evolution of the universe performed in the context of the 1 timelessnatureoftheWheeler-DeWittequationanddecoherence. Ontheotherhand,theentropyof 0 entanglement at big rip singularities is going to zero despite its presumably quantum nature. This 2 may be an effect of total dissociation of the universe structures into infinitely separated patches n violating the null energy condition. However, the temperature of entanglement is large/infinite at a every classically singular point and at maximum expansion and seems to be a better measure of J quantumness. 7 1 PACSnumbers: 98.80.Qc,03.65.Yz ] c I. INTRODUCTION including the entanglement of four photons [16]. q - The most natural framework for investigations of en- gr The idea of parallel universes due to Everett [1] and tanglement is quantum cosmology [17]. However, while [ itsmoreexoticextensions[2,3]hasbeenputintoamore oneofthemainformulationsofcanonicalquantumgrav- mathematical shape within the framework of the super- ity is based on the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, the best 1 string landscape [4] (though not without doubts [5]) and formulation which can be used for calculations with re- v 3 now is taken more and more seriously as a hypothesis gard to the quantum entanglement problem is the third 7 testable by observations. quantization picture in which creation and annihilation 7 operators for universes are postulated [18–20]. This for- One of the key points of a possible verifiability of 4 mulation was used to discuss the problem of entangle- such an idea is the fact that some classically discon- 0 ment in a quantum-cosmological picture [21–23]. nectedregionsofspacetimeoruniversescanbequantum- . 1 mechanically entangled and this entanglement can have Besides, in the third quantization picture, one is able 0 someinfluenceonobservationalquantitiesinouruniverse todescribethequantum-mechanicalschemeforthebirth 7 or in each universe of the whole set known as the multi- of baby universes [18]. An interesting problem is how 1 : verse. In Ref. [6], for example, it was suggested that the onegetsnewuniversesasseparateentities(“theseparate v dark flow of matter in our universe – as represented by universe problem”) within the framework of the classical Xi an extra cosmic microwave background (CMB) temper- and quantum picture [24–30]. ature dipole – could be due to the quantum-mechanical Inthispaper,wewillbeinterestedinextendingthedis- r a interference of our universe with the other universes of cussion of Ref. [31] of classical cyclic universes or multi- the multiverse. More effects, such as the suppression of versesoriginallybasedontheideaofTolman[32,33]and the power spectrum at large angular scales, running of on the idea of varying constants [34] onto the quantum- the spectral index, and a suppression of the σ parame- mechanical picture of entanglement, and relate it to 8 ter have been suggested to result from having an extra the problem of decoherence and the arrow of time in contribution to an average Friedmann equation describ- cosmology [35–37]. As a starting point, the quantum- ing our universe due to quantum entanglement [7]. cosmological picture will be applied [38–40]. A previous Theideaofquantumentanglementisawell-established point related to that was that some strong quantum ef- areaofphysicsandentersintosuchdisciplineslikequan- fects are possible at the turning point of the evolution of tuminformation,quantumcryptography,quantum-dense the universe [35, 41, 42] – later the scenario was dubbed coding, computational algorithms, quantum teleporta- as a simple harmonic universe (SHU) in Refs. [43, 44]. tion and many others [8–10]. It has also been considered The paper is organized as follows: In section II we inthecontextofcosmologyandastrophysicsinnumerous present the classical picture of cyclic universes evolving papers[11–14]. Veryinterestingfeaturesoftheentangle- parallellyinthemultiverse. InsectionIIIwedescribethe ment of particle physics processes have been found [15], formalismofquantumentanglementinthecontextofthe 2 multiverseandinsectionIVwecalculatethetemperature a(t) andentropyofentanglementforthecosmologicalmodels under study. In section V we give our conclusions. a max II. CLASSICAL CYCLIC MULTIVERSES t In Ref. [31] the classical behaviour of cyclic models of the universe (with finite values of the mass density and pressure at the turning points) due to the dynamics of FIG. 1: Scale factor for the cyclic multiverse (sinusoidal thegravitationalconstantwithpulsesstartingfromabig pulse). bang and terminating at a big crunch which then again becomes a big bang has been analysed. These models assumed a special type of the scale factor, which we will AnotherexampleofacyclicuniverseofRef. [31](with refertoas“sinusoidalpulse” inthefollowing(seeFig.1), finitevaluesoftheam(ats)s densityandpressureattheturn- given by ing points) with pulses starting at a big bang and termi- a nating at a big rip (see, Fig. 2), which then connects to max (cid:12) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:12) (cid:12) t (cid:12) a big bang, is possible when one chooses the scale factor a(t)=a0(cid:12)(cid:12)sin πtc (cid:12)(cid:12), (1) to be a max (cid:12) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:12) wsthaenrtegaiv0e,ntcb=y const., and a varying gravitational con- a(t)=a0(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)tan πtts (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12), (8) t1 where a ,t = const., and the gravitational constant to G 0 s G(t)= a2(0t). (2) varty as 2 4G Assuming a closed universe with a constant velocity of G(t)= (cid:16) s (cid:17). (9) light c, the energy density is equal to sin2 2π t ts ρ(t)= 3 (cid:20)π2 (cid:0)a2−a2(cid:1)+c2(cid:21)>0, (3) Thetimelesstrajectoryinconfigurationspacefor(8)and 8πG t2 0 (9) is given by 0 c G (a2+a2)2 where a∈(0,a0). The Friedmann equation reads as G(a)= s 0 , (10) a2 a2 0 1 (cid:18)da(cid:19)2 π2 (cid:18)a2 (cid:19) H2 ≡ = 0 −1 . (4) which shows that at both the big bang (a → 0) and a2 dt t2 a2 c the big rip (a → ∞), the gravitational coupling goes to infinity, G→∞. Choosing again Eventhoughwehavetakenapositivecurvature,k =+1, in (4), this equation can be considered as equivalent to π2 1 theevolutionequationofanopenanti-deSitteruniverse, Λ≡ t2 and a0 = √Λ, (11) for which the Friedmann equation reads as s the Friedmann equation reads 1 H2 =−Λ+ a2, (5) H2 = 1 (cid:0)1+Λa2(cid:1)2 =Λ2a2+2Λ+ 1 , (12) a2 a2 provided that we choose wherethefirsttermontheright-handsidescalesasphan- π2 1 tom matter [45], which drives a big-rip singularity. Λ≡ and a = √ . (6) t2 0 Λ c Besides, the relation (2) gives a timeless trajectory in III. QUANTUM MULTIVERSES AND THE configuration space ENTANGLEMENT G(a)= G0 (7) A. Wheeler-deWitt (second) quantization a2 Letusnowcanonicallyquantizethemodelsbeingclas- for the two variables (a,G) [35]. sicallydepictedinSect.II.Takingintoaccounttheclassi- Following Ref. [31] one is able to extend this cyclic calvalueofthemomentumconjugatedtothescalefactor, model into at least two universes of the same geometry, but with a different evolution of the gravitational con- da stants in each of them. pa =−adt, (13) a(t) a max t 3 a(t) a(t) a max a max t 1 t 2 t FIG. 3: Creation of cyclic universes in entangled pairs (sinu- soidal pulse). FIG. 2: Scale factor for the cyclic multiverse (tangential pulse). Let us notice that for a ∈ (0,a0), with a0 ≡ √1 , the Λ WKB wave function (18) would represent a Lorentzian (classical) universe, whereas for the value a > a , the 0 the Hamiltonian constraint, wah(itc)h can be written as wave function represents the exponential decay of the Euclidean regime or the quantum barrier, as it was ex- p2 −ω2(a)=0, (14) a pected. a(t) The two signs in the exponent of (18) correspond to can easily be derived from the Friedmann equations (5) two different branches of the universe being considered. and (12), with Let us notice that the eigenvalue of the momentum for ω2 (a)≡a2−Λa4. (15) the WKB solutions (18) is given, at first order, by sin t ∂φ for the sinusoidal pulse and 1 pˆφ ≡−i ± ≈±S˙φ =±ωφ , (20) ± ∂a ± ± t ω2 (a)≡Λ2a6+2Λa4+a2. (16) and in the semiclassical limit it must be highly peaked 2 tan around the classical value p , given by Eq. (13). Then, a for the tangential pulse. ada ≈ ∓ω(a), for the two signs given in Eq. (18), and dt By canonically quantizing the classical momentum, thus p → −i ∂ , and with an appropriate choice of factor a ∂a da (cid:112) ordering1, we arrive at the Wheeler-DeWitt equation =± 1−h2a2, (21) dt φ¨+ω2φ=0, (17) whereh2 ≡Λ, andΛisgiveninEq. (6). Wethusobtain two classical branches, one with a scale factor given by where,φ≡φ(a),isthewavefunctionoftheuniverseand 1 the dot indicates a derivative with respect to the scale a(t)= sin[h(t−t )], (22) factor, i.e. φ˙ ≡ dφ. In (17) ω2(a) defined by (15) or (16) h 0 da plays the role of the Wheeler-DeWitt potential which is and the other with scale factor given by the base for the studies of different scenarios due to the 1 boundary conditions for the wave function [17, 38–40]. a(t)= sin[h(t −t)]. (23) h 0 The WKB solutions of (17) are given by They are related by the time symmetry, t → −t (t → 0 1 φ± ∝ √ e±iS, (18) −t0), so they appear to be the same universe for any 2ω internalobserver,providedthattheuniversesarecreated inentangledpairs(seeFig.3)andthatthetimevariables where, S˙ =ω. For the sinusoidal pulse, we then get of the observers follow an antipodal-like symmetry [46, 47]. Before reaching the big crunch singularities, which (cid:90) (cid:0)1−Λa2(cid:1)32 are avoided by the effects of the varying gravitational S = daω (a)=− . (19) sin 3Λ constant (2) (see Ref. [31]), one branch of the universe canundergoaquantumtransitiontothetheotherbranch universe,appearingthereasanewbornuniverse,forming thus a continuous and cyclic multiverse. 1 Adifferentchoiceoffactororderingwouldintroduceamassterm For the tangential pulse, we arrive at in the equation of the generalized harmonic oscillator (17). It wouldnotmodifyneithertheprocedurenorthequalitativemean- S =(cid:90) daω (a)= 1a2(cid:0)2+Λa2(cid:1). (24) ingoftheresults. tan 4 a(t) t 4 they are the other way around, actually. Both observers arethusinitiallylivinginanexpandinguniverseandthe two branches can be combined to form a universe that is classically indistinguishable from the picture depicted in a(t) Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. a(t) B. Third quantization The creation of universes in entangled pairs can prop- erly be described in the framework of the third quanti- t zation, which parallels the formalism of a quantum field 1 theory of the wave function of the universe propagating alongthe(mini-)superspace. Inthatframework,creation t andannihilationoperatorscanformallybedefinedmuch 2 in a similar way to how is done in a usual quantum field theory. Let us first notice that (17) can be considered as the wave equation of a scalar field (the wave function of FIG. 4: Creation of cyclic universes in entangled pairs (tan- gential pulse). the universe, φ) that can be obtained from the Hamilton equationsofthefollowing(third-quantized)Hamiltonian [18, 21, 22] Following a similar reasoning to that made for the si- 1 ω2(a) nusoidal pulse, the evolution of the two branches that H= P2+ φ2, (28) 2 φ 2 correspondtotheplusandminussignsofφ inEq.(18) ± is given now by where, P ≡ φ˙, and ω is given by (15) or (16), for the φ sinusoidal and the tangential pulse, respectively. In the da =±(cid:0)h2a2+1(cid:1), (25) third quantization formalism the wave function of the dt universe, φ, and the conjugate momentum, P , are pro- φ with, h2 ≡ Λ, where Λ is given by Eq. (11). We thus moted to be operators in a similar way as it is done in a quantum field theory. The wave function operator can obtain be written, in the Heisenberg picture, as 1 a(t)= tan[h(t−t )], (26) 1 1 h 0 φˆ(a)= √ eiS(a)ˆb + √ e−iS(a)ˆb† , (29) + − 2ω 2ω and where, ˆb ≡ ˆb (a ) and ˆb† ≡ ˆb† (a ), are constant + + min − − min 1 operators given at some initial value, a=a , at which a(t)= tan[h(t −t)], (27) min h 0 the universes are created. For the sinusoidal pulse, ˆb − and ˆb† would represent the annihilation and creation for the two branches of the tangential pulse. They are − operators, respectively, of the branches of the universe depicted in Fig. 4. We can now describe the creation of cyclic universes given by (22), and ˆb+ and ˆb†+ are the annihilation and in entangled pairs. The universes are not singular at the creation operators, respectively, of the branches of the value a = 0 because the varying constants make finite universe given by (23), both evaluated at the constant the value of the mass density and pressure at the turn- value, a = amin. Analogously for the tangential pulse, ing points [31]. However, it is expected that quantum ˆb− andˆb†− would represent the annihilation and creation effectswouldbecomedominantasweapproachthevalue operators, respectively, of the branches of the universe a=0. Furthermore, if quantum fluctuations of the wave given by (26), and ˆb and ˆb† are the annihilation and + + functionoftheuniverseareconsidered[47],then,amini- creation operators, respectively, of the branches of the mumvaluea appears, belowofwhichnorealsolution universe given by (27), both evaluated at the constant min can be found. In this classically forbidden region, dou- value, a = a . The branches are created in entangled min ble Euclidean instantons can be created giving rise, in pairs because of the quantum symmetry of the Wheeler- the Lorentzian regime, to an entangled pair of universes DeWittequation(17)withrespecttothevalue±ωofthe whose quantum states are quantum-mechanically corre- classicalbranches,quantum-mechanicallyrepresentedby lated (see, Figs. 3–4). The antipodal symmetry [46, 47] φ . This is formally similar to the creation of particles ± makes an observer living in the universe with time vari- in entangled pairs with opposite directions in a quantum able t to consider her branch as the expanding branch field theory because the symmetry of the wave equation 1 and the preceding one as the contracting branch. How- with respect to the values ±k of the momentum of the ever,fortheobserveroftheuniversewithtimevariablet particles. 2 5 The vacuum state of the (b ,b† ) representation is where ± ± given by the state, |0+,0−(cid:105). However, it is not a stable (cid:18) 1(cid:19) vacuumbecauseofthescale-factordependenceofthefre- H0± =Ω(a) c†±c±+ 2 , (34) quencyω(a). Similarlytowhatisdoneinaquantumfield theoryofascalarfieldthatpropagatesinacurvedspace- and, time,whereitisimposedthatthevacuumstateshouldbe H =γ(a)c†c† +γ∗c c , (35) stable(i.e.withnoparticlecreation)alongageodesic,we I + − + − can impose here the boundary condition for the proper with representation for the vacuum state of the minisuper- 1(cid:18) 1 (cid:19) Ω(a) = +R2ω2+R˙2 , (36) space that it has to be stable under the evolution of the 4 R2 universe along a geodesic of the minisuperspace. The minisuperspace that we are considering here is the most γ(a) = −1(cid:40)(cid:18)R˙ + i (cid:19)2+ω2R2(cid:41). (37) simplified one and it is just formed by the scale factor 4 R as the configuration variable. However, in more detailed cosmologicalmodels,theminisuperspaceisformedbythe The Hamiltonian (33) can be interpreted as the Hamil- scale factor and the scalar field, ϕ, that represents the tonian of two interacting universes with a Hamiltonian energy-matter content of the universe. Then, a geodesic of interaction given by HI. The picture is then the fol- of the minisuperspace is precisely the path given by the lowing. Ahypotheticalexternalobservermovingalonga classical relation, ϕ = ϕ(a). The boundary condition geodesic of the minisuperspace would perceive it in the thatthecosmologicalvacuumisstablealongthegeodesic vacuumstate. Theonlyuniversesthatwouldbecreated, of the minisuperspace means that it is stable under the from this point of view, would be virtual universes cre- classical evolution of the universes, i.e., once the multi- atedinentangledpairsduetothesymmetryofthequan- verse is in the state2 |N(cid:105) of the invariant representation tumcomponentsofclassicalsolutionsgivenby,pa =±ω. for some value a > a , then, it will remain in that The entanglement between the universes of each entan- 0 min state at any other value of the scale factor a(t) along the gled pair can be seen as a non-local interaction given by evolution of any universe. HI that goes to zero as the entanglement disappears. In that limit, the invariant representation becomes the di- The proper representation for the vacuum state of the agonal representation of the Hamiltonian (28), multiverse is then given by an invariant representation. For the generalized harmonic oscillator (17), it can be (cid:114)ω (cid:18) i (cid:19) given by3 [21, 22, 49] b+(a) = 2 φ+ ωPφ , (38) (cid:114) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:114)1(cid:18)1 (cid:19) b† (a) = ω φ− iP , (39) c+ = 2 Rφ+i(RPφ−R˙φ) , (30) − 2 ω φ (cid:114) (cid:18) (cid:19) withω ≡ω(a)givenby(15)or(16)forthesinusoidaland 1 1 c† = φ−i(RP −R˙φ) , (31) thetangentialpulse,respectively. Forthevaluea=a , − 2 R φ min it is the Schrödinger picture of the representation (29). However, the representation (38)–(39) can represent the (cid:112) where R = φ21+φ22, with φ1 and φ2 being two real state of the universe for any other value of the scale fac- solutions of (17) satisfying4 tor. For instance, it may represent the quantum state of an evolved universe like ours, with a (cid:29) a , with in- min φ φ˙ −φ˙ φ =1. (32) habitants living on a planet there. For such an observer, 1 2 1 2 i.e. for an internal observer, b(a) and b†(a) would not However, in terms of the invariant representation (30)– describe annihilation and creation of universes because (31), the Hamiltonian (28) reads these observers can only perceive their own universe. In- stead,theywouldrepresenttheannihilationandcreation H =H−+H++H , (33) of quantum modes of the general quantum state of their 0 0 I single universes. 2 Ormoreexactlyinasuperpositionstate(cid:80)cN|N(cid:105). IV. THERMODYNAMICS OF 3 This invariant representation is not unique, see for instance ENTANGLEMENT Ref. [48]. Moreover, the operators c and c† are given in the Schrödinger representation, i.e., φ = √12ω(b+ +b†−) and A. General framework (cid:113) Pφ=i ω2(b†−−b+). (cid:113) The scenario is then the following: the multiverse is 4 Moregenerally,RcanbegivenbyR= Aφ21+Bφ22+2Cφ1φ2, in the vacuum state, which is quantum-mechanically de- where AB −C2 = W−2, being W the wronskian of the two particularsolutionsφ1 andφ2, i.e. W =φ1φ˙2−φ˙1φ2 (seeRef. scribed by the ground state of the invariant represen- [50]). tation of the minisuperspace, |0+0−(cid:105)c. Given that the 6 ground state |0 0 (cid:105) is a pure state, its entropy is zero, tion in (43) is typically a thermal state, given by [22] + − c and because it follows a unitary evolution in the min- isuperspace, the entropy is constantly zero. From this 1 (cid:88) (cid:18)|β|(cid:19)n+m ρ = (cid:104)l |m (cid:105)|n (cid:105) (cid:104)n |(cid:104)m |l (cid:105) pointofview, therefore, therewouldbenoarrowoftime − |α|2 |α| + + − b − + + n,m,l in the multiverse as it corresponds to a steady system. However, itisreasonabletothinkthattherealevolution 1 (cid:88)(cid:18)|β|(cid:19)2n = |n (cid:105) (cid:104)n | and the appearance of a physical arrow of time would |α|2 |α| − b − n onlymakesenseinthecontextofasingleuniverseforan internal observer. Such an arrow of time could be given 1 (cid:88)(cid:18)|β|(cid:19)2n+1 = |n (cid:105) (cid:104)n | by the entropy of entanglement of each single universe, |α||β| |α| − b − n which not only is not zero but it evolves with respect to the value of the scale factor, and provides a relation- = Z1 (cid:88)e−Tω(n+21)|n−(cid:105)b(cid:104)n−|, (45) ship between the physical and the mathematical arrows n of time in each individual universe, as it corresponds to where, Z−1 =2sinh ω , with the point of view of an internal observer who does not 2T see the rest of the multiverse. ω(a) T ≡T(a)= , (46) Let us therefore consider the ground state of the in- 2lncothr variantrepresentation,|0 0 (cid:105) . Intermsofthediagonal + − c where representation, (ˆb ,ˆb ), whichwould represent the state + − of the universe for an internal observer, it is given by5 |β| tanhr ≡ , (47) |α| 1 (cid:88)∞ (cid:18)|β|(cid:19)n with r playing the role of the entanglement parameter |0 0 (cid:105) = |n ,n (cid:105) , (40) + − c |α| |α| − + b [9, 12]. Moreover, in order to obtain (45), we have used n=0 ω Z−1 = 2sinh =2sinhlncothr where |n ,n (cid:105) are the entangled mode states of the di- 2T − + b agonal representation given by (38)–(39), and α and β 1 = cothr−tanhr = . (48) aretheBogoliubovcoefficientsthatrelatebothrepresen- sinhrcoshr tations, i.e. In fact, we have derived the corresponding thermal state thatrepresentsthestateofasingleuniverseoftheentan- cˆ = αˆb −βˆb†, (41) gled pair for an internal observer from the zero entropy − − + cˆ† = α∗ˆb† −β∗ˆb , (42) vacuum state of the superspace of an external observer. − − + The quantum entropy or entropy of entanglement of the universecannowbeeasilyobtainedfrom(45)[8–10,12– with, |α|2 −|β|2 = 1. The plus and minus signs corre- 14]. It is given by the von Neumann entropy spond to the two branches of the universe. We can now obtain the quantum state of a single universe of the en- S(ρ)=−Tr(ρlnρ), (49) tangledpairinthe(ˆb ,ˆb )representationbytracingout + − applied to the thermal state ρ , and yields [22] the degrees of freedom of the partner universe. In the − formalism of the density matrix S (a)=cosh2r lncosh2r−sinh2r lnsinh2r. (50) ent The dependence of the entropy of entanglement on the ∞ (cid:88) ρ =Tr ρ≡ (cid:104)n |ρ|n (cid:105) , (43) scale factor means that the evolution of each single uni- − + b + + b verse is no longer unitary due to the non-local interac- n=0 tion that produces the entanglement. The evolution of where an entangled pair, however, is unitary and so there is no information paradox for an external observer. It is also worth noticing that the same value of en- ρ = |0 0 (cid:105) (cid:104)0 0 | + − c + − tropy would be obtained for the partner universe, i.e. = 1 (cid:88)(cid:18)|β|(cid:19)n+m|n ,n (cid:105) (cid:104)m ,m |, (44) Sent(ρ+) = Sent(ρ−), satisfying the subadditivity of en- |α|2 |α| − + b − + tropy theorem [51] n,m S(ρ)≤S(ρ )+S(ρ )=2S(ρ ), (51) − + ± where (40) has been used. The result of the trace opera- where the inequality is saturated whenever ρ and ρ + − correspondtotwouncorrelated(classical)universeswith dS dS + = −, (52) 5 TheformalismparallelsthatgiveninRef.[22]. da da 7 and S ≡S(ρ ). A change of the entropies with respect B. The sinusoidal pulse – entanglement quantities ± ± to the internal time variables is We can now compute the entropy of entanglement for dS dS dS dS + = − ⇒ + =− −, (53) the cyclic multiverse considered in Sections II and III. dt dt dt dt 1 2 1,2 1,2 Firstly, one derives φ and P from (38) and (39), then φ inserts them into (30) and (31), in order to get that the providedthatthetimevariablest andt ofthebranches 1 2 values of α and β in (41) and (42) are given by arerelatedbytheantipodalsymmetrycommentedearlier after Eq. (23). 1(cid:32) 1 √ iR˙ (cid:33) Otherparametersofquantumthermodynamicscanbe α = √ +R ω− √ , (60) 2 R ω ω defined as well [22] (see also, Refs. [52, 53]). The mean (cid:32) (cid:33) value of the Hamiltonian 1 1 √ iR˙ β = − √ −R ω− √ , (61) (cid:18) (cid:19) 2 R ω ω 1 Hˆ =ω ˆb†ˆb + , (54) − − − 2 (cid:112) with R = φ2+φ2, being φ and φ two real solutions 1 2 1 2 oftheWheeler-DeWittequation(17). Consideringlinear turns out to be combinationsoftheWKBsolutions(18),anaturalchoice (cid:18) (cid:19) for φ and φ is 1 1 2 E (a)≡(cid:104)Hˆ (cid:105)=Trρˆ Hˆ =ω (cid:104)Nˆ(a)(cid:105)+ , (55) − − − − 2 1 φ = √ cosS, (62) 1 ω with 1 φ = √ sinS, (63) (cid:104)Nˆ(a)(cid:105)=sinh2r. (56) 2 ω √ which yields R ω =1, and Changesinthequantuminformationalanaloguesofheat and work are [22] iω˙ α = 1+ , (64) 4ω2 (cid:32) dHˆ (cid:33) ∂ω (cid:18) 1(cid:19) iω˙ δW = Tr ρˆ − = (cid:104)Nˆ(a)(cid:105)+ , (57) β = − , (65) − − da ∂a 2 4ω2 δQ = Tr(cid:18)dρˆ−Hˆ (cid:19)=ω∂(cid:104)Nˆ(a)(cid:105). (58) with |α|2−|β|2 = 1, and where R˙ = −12ω˙ω−23 has been − da − ∂a used. Then, |β| ω˙ 1 It can easily be checked that the first law of thermody- tanhr = = √ = , (66) (cid:113) namics is satisfied, i.e. dE− = δW−+δQ−. It can also |α| 16ω4+ω˙2 1+(cid:0)4ω2(cid:1)2 ω˙ be checked that the production of entropy is zero, with, ω˙ ≡ dω, and ω(a) given by (15), so that dS 1 δQ da σ = ent − =0, (59) da T da 1 tanhr = ≡q. (67) (cid:113) 1+16a4 (1−Λa2)3 with T being defined in Eq. (46). It thus corresponds to (1−2Λa2)2 a reversible process. This was expected because no dis- Notethatq =1atzerosoftheWheeler-DeWittpotential sipative process has been taken into account. It means √ (15) present at a = 0 and a = 1/ Λ, while q = 0 at that the entanglement alone does not provide us with √ max an arrow of time because the evolution leading to an its maximum for ac = 2Λ [40]. The temperature of increasing value of the scale factor or that leading to entanglement (46) and the entropy of entanglement (50) a decreasing value are both allowed. However, if local are both measures of the rate of entanglement between dissipative processes are taken into account, then, the the universes and can be rewritten using (67) as production of entropy must necessarily be positive, i.e. √ a 1−Λa2 σ ≥0, making the evolution of the universe irreversible. T = − , (68) Let us notice that by local processes in the context of 2lnq the multiverse we mean any process that may happen 1 (cid:20) 1 (cid:21) q2 (cid:20) q2 (cid:21) S = ln − ln . (69) inside a single universe like, for instance, the creation of 1−q2 1−q2 1−q2 1−q2 cosmic structures or even customary non-local processes in the context of the spacetime non-locality of quantum The entropy is plotted in Fig. 5 in terms of the value mechanics, i.e. any process that is not correlated with of the scale factor a, and using Eqs. (22) and (23), it is any other process of the partner universe. depictedinFig.6intermsofthecosmictimet. Itcanbe 8 a(t) a(t) a(t) t 2 a(t) t 1 t 2 t 1 FIG.5: Theentropyofentanglementforthesinusoidalpulse FIG. 7: Creation of entangled branches of cyclic universes. plotted in terms of the scale factor, where a=1 corresponds At the big bang as well as at the maximum expansion the to a . branches they become maximally entangled. max tanglement between otherwise classical universes (let us recall that the momentum (20) is highly peaked around theclassicalvalue(13), givingrisetothe(semi)-classical branches (22)–(23) and (26)–(27) for the sinusoidal and the tangential pulses, respectively). Therefore, the con- ditionbetweenclassicalityandentanglementmustbere- vised as well in the context of the quantum multiverse. In the case of the sinusoidal pulse, the universes orig- inate as an entangled pair. Their quantum states be- come more and more separable as they evolve towards the value a of the scale factor, where the separability c of their quantum states is maximum (their entropy of entanglement is minimum). Afterwards, the entangle- ment between their states starts growing again to reach a maximum value at the turning point, a , where the max universesbecomemaximallyentangledagain. Onecould FIG.6: Theentropyofentanglementforthesinusoidalpulse then state that at the points of maximum entanglement plotted in terms of the cosmic time, where t = π/2 corre- thequantumeffectsinthemultiversesareexpectedtobe sponds to the point of maximum expansion and t=π to the dominant. Thisisthecase, butnotbecauseofthemaxi- point of the big crunch. mumamountofentanglementbetweentheuniverses(we shall see a counterexample in the tangential pulse). The quantum effects become dominant because the proxim- checked that the entanglement is maximum – in fact, it ity of the points a=0 and a=a of the configuration goes to infinity – for both the smallest value of the scale max space to the classically forbidden region of a < 0 and factorandalsoforthemaximumvalueofthescalefactor a > a , respectively. This is something which fully – the turning point of expansion at amax = √1Λ. confirmmsaxearlier studies of Refs. [35, 36, 42–44]. Entanglement is usually associated to non-locality. However, there is no need for a common spacetime be- tween the universes of the multiverse. Therefore, the C. The tangential pulse – entanglement quantities questionaboutlocalityornon-localityhastobeextended inthequantummultiversetotheindependenceorthein- The same development of the sinusoidal pulse can be terdependence,respectively,ofthequantumstatesofthe madenowforthetangentialpulsebyusingthefrequency universes. On the other hand, entanglement is also in- (16) instead of (15). In that case, the parameter q turns terpreted as a sharp quantum effect having no classical out to be counterpart. This is so in the sense that the probability distribution of the number of particles in an entangled 1 statemayviolatecertainclassicalinequalities[54]. How- q ≡tanhr = (cid:113) . (70) ever, we have presented here an example of quantum en- 1+ 16(Λa3+a)4 (3Λa2+1)2 9 ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� � � � � � � FIG. 10: Scale factor (blue, dotted), parameter q (green, FIG.8: Theentropyofentanglementforthetangentialpulse dashed), entropy of entanglement (yellow, solid line), and plotted in terms of the scale factor. temperature of entanglement (red, dot-dashed) for the sinu- soidal pulse. Unlike the entropy of entanglement, the pa- rameter q turns out to be a non-divergent measure of the entanglement. ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� FIG.9: Theentropyofentanglementforthetangentialpulse ��� plotted in terms of the cosmic time, where t = π/2 corre- sponds to the point of the big rip. ��� � � � � � � Then, the temperature (68) now reads FIG. 11: Scale factor (blue, dotted), parameter q (green, dashed), entropy of entanglement (yellow, solid line), and a(Λa2+1) T =− , (71) temperature of entanglement (red, dot-dashed) for the tan- 2lnq gential pulse. The temperature of entanglement might be an indicator of the quantumness of the universes. and the entropy of entanglement is given by Eq. (69) with the value of q given by (70). The respective plots for S are depicted in Figs. 8 and 9. It can easily be seen that the entropy of entanglement is maximum – in fact, again infinite – at the big bang, butthenmonotonicallydecreasesandreacheszeroatthe and more separable and the non-local interaction given big rip singularity. This is an example that shows that by HI in (33) goes to zero. They can be considered then the amount of entanglement is not correlated, at least as individual, non-interacting universes. However, this in the case of the quantum multiverse, with the classi- has nothing to do with the quantum effects of the mat- cality of the universes because quantum effects become terfieldsthatpropagatetherein. Infact,asithappensin dominantastheuniverseapproachthebigripsingularity thesinusoidalpulse,thesemaybecomedominantbecause [37]. However, we have shown that the amount of entan- the proximity of the scale factor to a classical forbidden glementdecreasestowardszeroastheuniversesapproach region, which in the case of the tangential pulse is given thebigrip. Theirquantumrepresentationsbecomemore by a→∞ at the value, t=t + (2n+1)π (see Fig. 4). 0 2h 10 V. CONCLUSIONS in the minisuperspace. It implies that if we consider themultiverseasthemostgeneralscenarioincosmology, which is favored by fundamental theories like the string We have studied the possible creation and evolution theories, then, we are forced to consider as well interac- of parallel cyclic universes evolving within the multi- tionsamongtheuniversesofthemultiverse. Inthatcase, verse which may allow different physical constants and the properties and the evolution of the universe, mainly the same geometry. These universes are classically dis- during the very early phase of its evolution but, as we connected, but quantum-mechanically entangled and so have shown, as well during other stages like the turning one is able to apply the thermodynamics of entangle- point in the case of cyclic universes, would depend not ment theory which is known from many physical con- only on the internal properties of the universe but also texts. We have shown that the entropy of entanglement on the global properties of the whole multiversal state. is large at the big bang and big crunch singularities of the parallel universes as well as at the maxima of the A different question is the quantum nature of the uni- expansion of individual universes. The latter confirms verse in terms of the fluctuations of the matter fields. some earlier studies that quantum effects are strong at Let us first notice that the entangled universes consid- the turning points of the evolution of the universes (i.e. ered in the paper are quantum-mechanically represented for macroscopic universes) – the result was obtained on by WKB wave functions that are valid for values of the thebaseoftheformalismofthetimelessWheeler-DeWitt scalefactorforwhich,S(a)(cid:29)(cid:126). Inthatcase,thefluctu- equation and decoherence. Such effects (though related ationsofthespacetimearelargelysuppressed,theeigen- to the same universe) were studied already in quantum valueofthequantummomentumishighlypickedaround cosmology [42–44]. In our scenario it requires at least the classical value and, thus, a time variable can be cho- twoparalleluniverses(the“doubleverse” ofRef.[31]),for sen so that the scale factor satisfies the momentum con- whichonecanhaveoneuniversebeingreplacedquantum- straint, which is the Friedmann equation. In that sense, mechanically due to a tunnelling effect into the second the evolution of the spacetime is classical. universe at their maximum expansion points. However, we know that quantum fluctuations become Our studies have also shown that the entropy of en- dominantnotonlyatthebigbangandbigcrunchsingu- tanglement at the big rip singularities goes to zero de- larities but also at the turning point of a cyclic universe spite the fact that we deal with apparently Planck den- [35] as well as at the big rip singularity [37]. Then, if sitymacroscopicuniverses(whichviolatethenullenergy thedegreeofentanglementbetweenthestatesoftheuni- condition)andtheyshould,accordingtotheabovestate- versesisrelatedtothequantumnessoftheirmatterfields, ment, be of a quantum nature. However, the vanishing then,theentropyofentanglement,whichisthestandard of the entanglement seems to be the property of a big measure of entanglement, might not be the most reliable rip singularity which leads to a total dissociation of the measure of quantumness because, at least in the case of universe/multiverse structures into infinitely separated the big rip singularity, it goes to zero despite the quan- patches which loose any sign of entanglement. tumbehaviourofthematterfieldthatpropagatetherein [37]. It seems that a more reliable indicator of the quan- The multiverse that we have studied is quantum- tum character of the universes could be the temperature mechanically entangled and there are periods of its evo- of entanglement, which grows to infinity whenever the lutionwheretheentanglementmatters(heretheclassical state of the universe approaches a classically forbidden singularities such as the big bang and the big rip as well region, at least in the cases considered in this paper: big as maximum expansion points) and can lead to an effect bang, big crunch, turning point, and big rip, (a → 0 in of an exchange of the universes by quantum-mechanical tunneling. However,therelationbetweenclassicalityand the first two cases, a → √1 in the turning point of the Λ entanglement still should be sorted out in the context of sinusoidal pulse, and t → √π in the tangential pulse, 2 Λ the quantum multiverse. see Figs. 10-11). In quantum optics, the sharp quantum character of On the other hand, the results obtained in this paper the entangled states comes from the fact that the pho- clearly show that entanglement is directly related to the ton distribution that corresponds to a two-mode entan- separability of the quantum states of a given representa- gled state of the electromagnetic field does not satisfy tion. In our case, this is represented by the quantum in- certain classical inequalities [54]. This violation clearly dependence of the opposite modes of the diagonal repre- reveals that the description of the electromagnetic field sentation,i.e.themodesthatrepresentoppositebranches in terms of photons as individual and independent enti- fromthepointofviewofinternalobservers,providedthat tiesisnotappropriateintheregimeswherethisviolation the multiverse stays in the ground state of an invariant occurs unless we consider as well non-local interactions representation, regardless of the semiclassical character among them, irrespective of the distance they are sepa- of the branches. The representations considered here are rated, which is a highly non-classical assumption. the physically relevant in the cosmological problem we On cosmological grounds, it means that the quantum are dealing with. However, it is worth noticing that the character of the inter-universal entanglement is directly consideration of different representations, which would related to the independence of the state of the universes ultimately be induced by the consideration of different and the presence or the absence of non-local interactions boundaryconditions,couldhavethrowndifferentratesof

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