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SUBJECT INDEX paediatric ICU practice, 74 needs, literature review and report of modified Delphi study, 66 parents of, see Parents Circulatory assessment, 283 Clinical effectiveness, 159 A Colony stimulating factors, 49 Advance Directives, 57 Consulting on critical care, mental health Advanced practitioners, identifying practice component, 261 characteristics, 308 Coronary heart disease Advocacy, 179 cardiac rehabilitation in, evidence for Ageing population, 1 effectiveness, 38 Anaesthetic nurse intervention affecting gender-related referral behaviour patterns perioperative stress, 276 with chest pain, 192 Analgesics in chronic pain Cystic fibrosis, dornase-alfa, 101 general principles, 153 step 1, 213 D step 2, 258 Death step 3, 318 brain, and nursing care challenges Arglaes vs. Tegaderm dressing for peripheral concerning patients and families, 21 arterial/central vascular catheters, 187 murder charge as occupational hazard, 208 Arterial catheters, peripheral, Arglaes vs. sudden, in cardiac care units, care of Tegaderm dressing, 187 bereaved, 144 Australia Delphi study of needs of critically ill child, contextualizing critical care family needs modified, 66 through triangulation, 161 Distance learning, paediatric intensive care education of registered nurses for paediatric education by, Canadian example, 137 ICU practice, 74 Dornase-alfa for cystic fibrosis, 101 Dying patient in ICU, nursing the families of, B 59 Bagging, 239 Bereaved, suddenly, in cardiac care units, care, 144 ECG and nurse-initiated thrombolysis, 219 Brain death and nursing care challenges Education about paediatric intensive care, see concerning patients and families, 21 Children Breast cancer, anaesthetic nurse intervention Electrocardiography and nurse-initiated affecting perioperative stress, 276 thrombolysis, 219 Endotracheal suctioning, 124 Cc short-term ventilated patients, assessing Canada, paediatric intensive care education by need, 170 distance learning, 137 Evidence-based practice Cardiac arrest, staff attitudes to relatives’ barriers to, 231 presence during cardiopulmonary establishing, 30 resuscitation, 288 Evolution of intensive care (1962-1983), 252 Cardiac assessment, 283 Experiences of patients of critical illness or Cardiac care units severe injury and care in ICU, 294 care of suddenly bereaved in, 144 thrombolytics, nurse-initiated, 219 F Cardiac output, augmenting, 244 Families and relatives, see also Parents Cardiac rehabilitation, evidence for brain death and challenges concerning, 21 effectiveness, 38 nursing/care/needs of, 117, 203 Cardiac-related chest pain, gender-related contextualizing through triangulation, referral behaviour patterns, 192 Australian Study, 161 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, see with dying patient, 59 Resuscitation suddenly bereaved in cardiac care units, Catheters, peripheral arterial/central vascular, 144 Arglaes vs. Tegaderm dressing, 187 resuscitation and, see Resuscitation Central vascular catheters, Arglaes vs. visiting, nurses’ beliefs about/attitudes Tegaderm dressing, 187 towards, in three district general Chest pain, cardiac-related, gender-related hospitals, 262 referral behaviour patterns, 192 Flaps, microvascular free, after maxillofacial Children surgery, 225 education about intensive care by distance learning, Canadian example, 137 Gender-related referral behaviour patterns of registered nurses in Australia/NZ for with cardiac-related chest pain, 192 Intensive and Critical Care Nursing (1998) 14, 323-324 © 1998 Harcourt Brace and Co. Ltd intensive and Critical Care Nursing H injury and care in ICU, 294 Peripheral arterial catheters, Arglaes vs. Heart, see entries under Cardiac Tegaderm dressing, 187 Hip replacement, anaesthetic nurse Polyurethane vs. silver ion-containing dressing intervention affecting perioperative for peripheral arterial/central vascular stress, 276 catheters, 187 History of intensive care Preoperative information affecting of future, 217 perioperative stress, 276 1962-1983, 252 Psychological stress, perioperative, Homicide charge as occupational hazard, 208 preoperative information affecting, 276 Hyperinflation, manual, 239 Psychological well-being 1 in intensive care patient’s experiences concerning, 294 Information, preoperative, effects on psychiatric nurse role, 261 perioperative stress, 276 long-term following intensive care, Injury, severe, patients’ experiences of, and assessment, 108 care in ICU, 294 Publishing one’s work, 107 Intensive care unit syndrome, 294 R K Reflection, 96 Killing a patient, accusation, 208 Registered nurses in Australia/NZ, education for paediatric ICU practice, 74 M Relatives, see Families; Parents Manual hyperinflation, 239 Resuscitation, cardiopulmonary, staff attitudes Maxillofacial surgery, microvascular free flaps to family/relatives’ presence during after, 225 cardiac arrest patients, 288 Meningococcal disease, 91 child patients, 3 Mental health, see Psychological well-being Role extension or expansion, perceptions Microvascular free flaps after maxillofacial nursing and medical staff on, 11, 82 surgery, 225 Murder charge as occupational hazard, 208 Ss Myocardial infarction Sedation, parental anxiety due to abnormal gender-related referral behaviour patterns behaviour on withdrawal of, 8 with chest pain, 192 Sepsis, meningococcal, 91 thrombolytics, determination of suitability Sex differences in referral behaviour patterns for, 219 with cardiac-related chest pain, 192 Silver ion-containing vs. polyurethane dressing N for peripheral arterial/central vascular Needs catheters, 187 critically ill child, literature review and Stress, perioperative, preoperative information report of modified Delphi study, 66 affecting, 276 family, see Families Suctioning, endotracheal, see Endotracheal New Zealand, education of registered nurses suctioning for paediatric ICU practice, 74 Surgery Nitric oxide, inhaled, safety issues, 271 maxillofacial, microvascular free flaps after, Nurse practitioners, advanced, identifying 225 practice characteristics, 308 preoperative information affecting perioperative stress, 276 oO Opioid analgesics, 258, 318 T Organ donation, 21 Tegaderm vs. Arglaes dressing for peripheral arterial/central vascular catheters, 187 R Thrombolysis, nurse-initiated, 219 Paediatrics, see Children Tracheal suctioning, see Endotracheal Pain suctioning cardiac-related chest, gender-related referral Trauma, severe, patients’ experiences of, and behaviour patterns, 192 care in ICU, 294 chronic, analgesics, see Analgesics v Parents, see also Families anxiety due to abnormal behaviour on Ventilated patients, manual hyperinflation withdrawal of sedation, 8 with, 239 staff attitudes to presence during w resuscitation, 3 Patients’ experiences of critical illness or severe Writing up one’s work, 107 AUTHOR INDEX K King N, 108 Kirkby V, 187 A L Andrew CM, 59 Lilja Y, 276 Ashworth P, 1, 57, 107, 159, 217, 261 Lindahl B, 179 Lundberg D, 294 B Bergbom-Engberg I, 21 m Bowler S. 11 MacDermott A, 219 Bowman GS, 38 McGrath A, 283 Burr G. 161 Madeo M, 187 : Mallik M, 11, 192 e Martin CR, 187 Carver J,8 2 Moore E, 91 CauntJ , 219 N ChoonaraI , 8 4 Coll:i ngsJ ,12 08 Newwmma n M, Zz 231 Cox CL, 288 oO E Offord RJ, 288 Edwards L, 144 P Endacott R, 66 ; Papadopoulos I, 231 Engberg IB, 294 PerrinsJ , 108 F Plowright Cl, 262 Foster S, 192 Q Frid I, 21 Quinn T, 219 Fridlund B, 276 R G Robb YA, 117, 203 Gordon I], 252 Robson WP, 239 Granberg A, 294 Rydén S, 276 H Ss Hagaland MR, 96 Sandman P-O, 179 Haljamie H, 21 Shaw DG, 144 Haskins N, 219 Sigsworth J, 231 Hatchett R, 244 Healy N, 91 T Hewitt-TaylorJ ,7 4, 137 Taylor-Piliae RE, 30 HughesJ , 8 Thompson DR, 38, 187 J Turner C, 187 Jarvis AS, 3 Ww Jones C, 208, 271 Wood CJ, 124, 161 Jones ES, 252 Woods LP, 308 Indexer: Dr Laurence Errington Intensive and Critical Care Nursing (1998) 14,325 © 1998 Harcourt Brace and Co. Ltd

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