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Intense Fires Promote Uncommon Post-fire Ephemerals In Currawang 'Acacia Doratoxylon' Dry Scrubs of Little River Gorge, East Gippsland PDF

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Preview Intense Fires Promote Uncommon Post-fire Ephemerals In Currawang 'Acacia Doratoxylon' Dry Scrubs of Little River Gorge, East Gippsland

) Research Report Intense fires promote uncommon post-fire ephemerals in CurrawangAcacia doratoxylon dry scrubs of Little River Gorge, East Gippsland Suzanne M Prober', Kevin RThiele’ and M Bramwell" 'CSIROSustainableEcosystems,PrivateBag5,Wembley,WesternAustralia6913 'DepartmentofEnvironmentandConservation,LMB 104,BentleyDeliveryCentre,WesternAustralia6983 'DepartmentofSustainabilityandEnvironment,574MainStreet,Bairnsdale,Victoria3875 Abstract Acacia scrubs are an unusual vegetation community in the Upper Snowy River region ofVictoria and New South Wales, occurring as sharply-delineated patches amongst eucalypt forest on steep, rocky, north towestfacing slopes. Theycan be dominatedbyarange ofAcacia species, butunder- storeys ofAcacia scrubs are generally reported as sparse and species poor, and little is known of their ecology. Extensive wildfires in 2003 provided an opportunity to compare the effects ofmild and intense fireson plantspecies composition and vigourinAcaciascrubcommunities ofthe Little River Gorge in eastern Victoria. Acacia scrubs atthis site were dominated byAcaciadoratoxylon, notpreviouslydescribedasadominantinAcaciascrubsinVictoria.Consistentwithearlierobserva- tions, understoreys in unburnt scrubs were usually sparse. Light burns led to minimal change in understoreyabundance,andsporadicestablishmentofarangeofspeciesthatwere uncommon inthe understorey ofunburnt sites. By contrast, burns that were intense enough to kill the Acacia over- storey stimulated dense establishmentand profuse growth ofspeciesthatwere rare or absent in the understoreyofunburntplots, leadingtoadramatic increase in nativeshrubrichnessandunderstorey abundance. Processes leading to these understorey changes are likely to involve both effects offire on seed dormancy, and release from intense competition for resources after overstorey death. Infrequent, intensefireshavepreviouslybeenrecognisedas importantforstimulatingrecruitmentof overstorey species and thus the perpetuation ofAcacia scrubs in far south-eastern Australia. This study indicated that a diverse range ofunderstorey species are also dependent on intense fires in these communities, where they appear to behave as post-fire ephemerals. Further, many ofthese species are listed as rare or vulnerable in Victoria, and thus the appropriate fire management of Acaciascrubsisofsignificantconservation interest. (The VictorianNaturalist124(6),2007,320-331 Introduction Dry sclerophyll forests or ‘scrubs’ dominat- kettlewelliae and A. silvestris') have been ed by Acacia species form an anomalous recorded as dominants in different scrub vegetation community in the Snowy River patches (Costin 1954, Clayton-Greene and region of eastern Victoria. They oceur as Wimbush 1988, Keith and Bedward 1999). sharply-delineated patches on steep, rocky In the Snowy River region, Clayton-Greene northandwestfacingslopeswithinamatrix andWimbush (1988)foundAcaciasilvestris ofeucalypt-dominated vegetation. Together was dominant in most stands. The under- with related scrubs ofsouth-eastern NSW, storey ofAcacia scrubs is usually reported these scrubs form the only class ofvegeta- as sparse,with scattered shrubs andminimal tion east ofthe Great Dividing Range in ground cover, but a dense shrub layer, par- which Acacia is the dominant tree (Keith ticularly ofPhilotheca trachyphylla (some- 2004). They are not closely related to any times without the Acacia overstorey) can other classes ofvegetation in the region, also occur (Forbes et al. 1982, Clayton- although they share some floristic similari- Greene and Wimbush 1988, Keith 2004). ties with rocky outcrops in the adjacent Keith (2004) describes the community as sclerophyll forests (Keith 2004). In eastern typically species-poor, with only about a Victoria, they are known as rocky outcrop dozen speciesper0.1 hectare. scrubs(EVC27, Woodgateetal. 1994; pre- Little is known about the ecology ofdry viously rocky-outcrop open scrubland com- Acacia scrubs (Clayton-Greene and munityofForbesetal. 1982). Wimbush 1988). The even-aged nature of Various Acacia species (A. binervia, A. matureAcacia stands indicates that intense blayana, A. doratoxylon, A.falciformis, A. fires are important for their regeneration. 320 The Victorian Naturalist Research Report In these conditions, mature trees are killed fuel loads and weather conditions, leading and gennination andgrowth ofseedlings is to a mosaic of unburnt, lightly burnt and stimulated (Clayton-Greene and Wimbush intensely burntareas acrossthegorge. 1988). However, there is little documenta- Methods tion of effects of fire on other species in Sampling these communities, and patterns in species composition relating to other environmen- Floristic sampling focused on two areas of tal factors arepoorly understood. known Petrogalepenicillata habitat on the Extensive wildfires in 2003 provided an northern slopes of Little River (37° 06’ S, opportunity to study the effects of fire on 148° 20’ E) and Fann Creek (a tributary of dry Acacia scrub communities on Lower Little River, 37° 07’ S, 148° 20’ E). Devonian volcanics of the Little River Vegetation was dominated by tall Acacia Gorge in East Gippsland, Victoria. We scrubon dryslopesand spurs, withE. alhens undertook stratified floristic surveys to woodlands on locallycooler(eastern) aspects, assess short-term impacts of mild and and shrubland dominated by P. trachyphylla intense fire on understorey composition on exposed rocky outcrops. Some intergrad- and vigour, and to establish benchmarks ingoccurred amongthese communities, espe- for monitoring vegetation response to fires ciallyatFarmCreek. over a longer time frame. Surveys were Sampling was undertaken in November also relevant to management of habitat of 2004 to January 2005, and was confined to the Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby Petrogale vegetation with a prominent Acacia over- penicillata (.IE Gray 1825), as the Little storey. Quadrats were 10 x 10 m, and per- River Gorge area provides the last remain- manentlymarkedto allow long-term moni- ingrefuge forthis species in Victoria. toring. Although the study was undertaken almost two years after the Bogong The StudyArea Complex fires, a range of fire intensities The Little River, upstream of its junction was easily distinguishable: with the Snowy River in East Gippsland, • Sites with deep, non-charred, ground- forms Victoria’s deepest gorge. The area is layer litter and occasional live shrubs highly dissected, with steep slopes and deep with sparse to abundant twig-lichens valleys ranging in elevation from 200 to [Usnea sp.), wereclassed as unburnt. 1000 m A.S.L., and occupies a rain shadow • Sites with visible charcoal and partially mm with an average ofaround 600 rainfall burnt twigs, llre-scars on trees and larger per annum. Soils are derived from Lower shrubs, no twig-lichens, and <20% kill of Devonian volcanics (rhyodacites), and con- theAcacia canopy were classed as lightly trast with the coarse grained granodiorites burnt. and UpperOrdovician sediments(siltstones. • Sites with >80% kill of the overstorey schists, slates, shales and claystones) occur- Acacia trees were classed as intenselv ring immediately to the north and east burnt. (Clayton-Green andWimbush 1988). At each site we aimed to sample four Typical vegetation ofthe local region is replicates each of unburnt, lightly burnt grassy woodland dominated by White Box and intensely burnt Acacia scrub. Eucalyptus alhens, grading to other euca- However, no unburnt sites were found at lypt forests and woodlands at higher alti- Little River, so the final sampling design tudes and on poorer soils. Dry Acacia comprised four unbumt plots (Farm Creek scrubs occuras scatteredpatches associated only), eight lightly burnt plots and eight with steep rocky valleys and slopes intenselyburntplots (both sites). amongst these vegetation types, both on Plots were placed so as to sample the rhyodacites and sediments, but rarely on rangeoftopographicclassespresentateach granodiorites (Clayton-Greene and site (NE to NW slopes, drainage lines and Wimbush 1988). rocky spurs). Within each topographic Large areas of the Little River valley class, we sought to place plots ofeach fire were burnt in the extensive Bogong intensityclasswithin close proximity, lead- Complex wildfires during .lanuary 2003. ing to paired (lightly-burnt and intensely- Fire intensity varied depending on aspect. burnt) plotsat Little River, and sets ofthree Vol. 124 (6) 2007 321 Research Report (unburnt, lightly-burnt and intensely-burnt sional solutions, compared with minimal plots) at Farm Creek. Plots were randomly improvement in higher dimensions, led to placedwithintheseconstraints. selection ofthe three-dimensional solution for further exploration. Stress values of Floristicmonitoring Percentage foliage projective cover was the selected solutions were 0.1 1 for the presence-absence and 0.10 for the quanti- visually estimated for all higher plant and tative analysis. <rfeo1rcn%ksvcpioesvcueiarel.scaoSnvpdeercfioweresrbeatrhaealtlgorwcoeaurtneedd,parleintsoteemrnitnaanaldt wiCtohrrtehleatdiiosntsriobfuteionnviorfonsmietenstaolnatthteribfuitnaels cover of0.5%. This may have led to over- eoradcihnadtiiroencstlwyeornetoextahmeinoreddinbaytipolnotatnidn,g eofstteinmaptreesseonftattotvalercyolveorw,coavsers.peAcireasngweeroef wofhemraexaipmpruompricaotrer,elabtyiocnal(cRumlaaxt)inugsivnegctotrhes other variables (richness and cumulative vector-fitting procedure of DECODA. cover for native and shrub cover including and excluding P. trachyphylla. forb cover, Monte-Carlo tests, using 1000 random per- fgrraosmspcroivmearraynddateax.oticcover)werecalculated mmuattaettihoenssiogfnitfhiecandcatea,ofweearceh uvescetdortocoersrtei-- lation. For the purposes ofvector correla- Dataanalysis tions, topographic class was treated as a Richness and cover estimates were sequence fromgullyto slopetorocky spur, analysed in GenStat (2003), using general and aspect a sequence from north-west to linear regression to perform analysis of north-east. Where appropriate, vectors variance ofthe unbalanced 8 block (pairor were used to order sites and species into triplet) X 3 fire intensity design. It was two way tables indicating species con- assumed that effects offire intensity were tributingtorelevanttrends. consistent across sites (i.e. that there was Results no sitex fire intensity interaction), and that Acaciascrubs ofthe studyareawere domi- fire intensity and pre-fire vegetation com- nated by CtirrawangA. doratoxylon, which position were not significantly confounded. formed small trees to 20 m on lower For each variable showing a significant slopes, and became smaller (to 3 m) on overall effect, treatment means adjusted upper slopes and rocky spurs. A. silvestris pfoarrbeldocukseifnfgectpsowsetr-ehoccalctuelsattsed(aFnidshceorm’-s wdaosmioncacnastioonnalthateLritotclkeieRsivters,itaensdatbeFcaarmme Protected Least Significant Differences, Creek. Other overstorey trees included Steel andTorrie 1981). patches ofE. alhens, emergent Eucalyptus Ordination was used to explore patterns in understorey composition. Two ordina- sEauxcaatliylpitsusatsmLiitthtilieaRtiFvaerrmaCnrdeemka,lalnede-ofcocram- tions were performed and compared, one sional Allocasuaritia verticillata at Farm using presence-absence floristic data and Creek. On very rocky sites P. trachyphylla one using quantitative floristic data. For replaced A. doratoxylon as the dominant, each analysis, floristic data (excluding tree though usuallywith scatteredemergentaca- species) were used to produce a distance cias. The understorey ofthe Acacia scrubs matrix usingthe Bray-Curtis coefficientof was generally sparse beneath the intact driicssimmuillatriidtiym(eFnaistihonetalal.sc1a9l87i)n.gN(onn-MmDeSt)- caAnotpoyta(le.go.fF6ig4.nlaa)t.ive plant species was analyses were performed on the distance recorded across the 20 plots (39 at Little matrices using the software package DECODA River and 54 at Farm Creek), including (Minchin 1989), and results were transferred to PC-ORD (McCune asenvdensugbrasssh,ruobn,etsweodgev,in3e0afnodrb,se1v7enshtrruebe and Mefford 1999) for plotting and visual species. A high proportion (20%) ofthese analysis. Analyses were performed in one species are classified as rare or vulnerable atondfivgelodbiamlennsMioDnSs.usCionngsi10derraanbdloemssttraerstss ainndViEcntovriiraon(mDeenptar2t0m0e5n)t.oOfnSluystsaiixnaebxioltiitcy reduction from the two to the three dimen- species were recorded, all ofwhich were 322 The Victorian Naturalist Research Report herbaceous. Native species richness per 10 X 10 m plot ranged from 3 to 22 species, and exotic richness from 0 to 4. Total (cumulative) native cover was highly vari- able (range 6-71%), while exotic species cover was consistently very low (<2%). Understorey composition ranged from grass to shrub dominated and was generally different from surrounding grassy wood- landsanddryforests. Unburnt plots had a dense litter layer of Acacia phyllodes and twigs, with small amounts ofbare soil and variable amounts of outcropping rock. Lightly burnt plots had approximately halfthe litter cover of unbumt plots (comprising litteraccumulated since the fire and/or incomplete combus- tion ofthe pre-fire litter layer), and signifi- cantly more bare soil. On intensely burnt plots, the litter layer was largely removed by the fire and had not been replaced owing to canopy death. Bare soil levels of intenselyburnt plots were similarto lightly burntplots (Table I). Understorey cover at tw'o years post-fire was significantly and dramatically infin- enced by fire intensity. Unburnt and lightly burnt plots generally had a sparse under- storey of scattered shrubs and grass tus- socks, with the exception ofone unburnt plot located on arockyspurandwith avery dense cover (70%) ofthe shrub Philotbeca trachyphylla (Fig la and b). Understorey cover increased to an average of35% on intensely burnt plots (Fig. Ic). an increase ofover 400% (excluding the anomalous P. trachyphylla plot. Table 1 ). Increases in cover due to intense burns were significant for the native shrub, grass and forb compo- nents ofthe understorey, but there were no significant effects on weed cover. Native shrub richness also increased on intensely burntplots (Table I). Despite considerable variation in under- storey composition between differing sets or pairs of plots, fire intensity correlated significantly with the nMDS ordinations (Figs. 2a. b; Table 2). On the presence- absence ordination, the correlation was rel- atively weak (R|„ax“ 0-65). Unburnt plots were usually separated from burnt plots, wbuetrelipgohotlrylybudrinsttianngudisihnetdenfserloymbeuarcnht optlhoetsr AFicga.ci1.aTsycpriucbals raatngLeittilneunRdievresrtoirneyredleantsiiotnytion (Fig. 2a). On the quantitative ordination. burning intensity a) unburnt, b) lightly burnt, c) intenselyburnt Vol. 123 (6) 2006 323 Research Report Table 1. Adjusted means for understorey and ground cover characteristics Acacia doraloxylon scrub twoyears afterburningat different fire intensities. Means with different superscripts are sig- nificantlydifferentfromeachother(P<0.05). Unburnt Lightly Intensely P Burnt Burnt Baresoil 6-0^ 27-9'’ 244b 0.01 Exposedrock 360^ 37-9“ 26-6“ ns Litter 49.3a 274!“ 1-(R <0.001 Nativerichness 114“ 12-5“ 15-34“ ns Nativecover(%) 254“ 8-3'“ 35-5“ 0.021 Nativecover(%)excl.Philolheca 81“ 7.7a 34-7“ <0.001 Shrubrichness 2-2“ 3.3a 4.9b 0.006 Shrubcover(%) 21-8“ 14“ 18-6“ ns Shrubcover(%)excl.Philotheca 4-5“ 0-9“ 17.9b 0.003 Grassrichness 14“ 1-6“ ns GFroarsbsrcicohvneerss(%) -07--01““ 27-.09“a 190--91“*’ 0n.s002 Forbcover(%) 3-6“ 4.9a 7.3b 0.006 Weedrichness 04“ 0-6“ 1-4“ ns Weedcover(%) 0-2“ 0-3“ 0-7“ ns *negativevalueduetoadjustment;actualmean I-9 Table 2. Vectorcorrelations (R„a,) ofplotcharacteristics with ordinations using presence-absence andabundancedata. Pindicatessignificanceofcorrelations. Presence/Absence Abundance Plotcharacteristics Rmax P '^max P Fireintensity 0-65 0-031 0-87 0-000 Topography 0-74 0-002 0-69 0-019 Site 0-62 0-064 0-66 0-021 Aspect 0-23 0-823 0-15 0-930 (a) Q unburnt # lightlyburnt intenselyburnt Axis1 Fig. 2. nMDS ordination results for (a) presence-absence data showing relationships with burning intensity.Axesshowingmostdistinctdifferencesarepresented. 324 The Victorian Naturalist Research Report (b) O Burn • onburnt # lnigthetnlsyebluyrnbturnt Philolhecathicket_ CN (A < o o o Axis1 Burn O unburnt # lightlyburnt intenselyburnt O oPhilothecathicket co Xc» < Axis2 Fig.2.cntd.nMDSordinationresultsfor(b)abundancedata(axes I versusaxes2andaxes2versus axes3,showingrelationshipswithburningintensity.. Vol. 123 (6) 2006 325 Research Report Ri„„^ increased to 0.87 and intensely burnt rocky spurs (Table 4). There was little plots were distinctly separated from all effect ofaspect within these topographic others (Fig. 2b). This suggests that abun- classes, probably reflecting the limited dance of species played an important role range of aspects occupied by Acacia in distinguishing lightly burnt from scrubs (NE toNW,Table2). intensely burnt plots, consistent with There was also some distinction in under- analysesofcoverestimates. storey composition between the two sites Differences in floristic composition related (significant on quantitative ordination only. to fire intensity arc indicated in Table 3. A Table 2). This separation could be attrib- numberofspecies, suchasPlaty’sacelanceo- uted to the absence from the Little River lata, E. albens, Oxalis peremians, Galium plots ofspecies such as Gonocarpus elalus liratiim and Dichondra repens showed no (present at Little River, but not in the detectable relationship. Few understorey plots), Cheilanthessieberiand Ozothumnus species were clearly more prominent in thyrsoideus, and absence from the Farm unbumtorlightly burnt plots, but it is possi- Creek plots of Cynoglossum australe, ble thatP. IrachyphyllaandDkmellare\’olu- Parietaria debilis and Cyphanthera albi- ta were disadvantaged by intense fires. As cans, as well as a greater frequency of well, the overstorey species AUocastiarina species such as Dodonea rhombifolia, verticillata andA. doratoxylon were less fre- Senecio hispidulus and Nicotiana suave- quent or abundant in intensely burnt plots olensat Little River, owing to canopy death, consistent with our Discussion samplingstrategy, A distinct suite of species were absent Acacia doratoxylon has not previously from the understorey of unburnt plots, been described as dominant in Acacia sparseorsporadic in lightly burntplots, and scrubs in Victoria, but A. doratoxylon scrubs are noted from the adjoining D(frToeadqbuolenenate3o)ar.arbThuhonemdbsaienftoilinnicail,ntuedMneisdieleythhlbeeurnnsbthercplukoibtuss CBlyaaydtboonw-iGlrdeerenneessaonfdNWSiWmb(uKseihth(21090848)). dicliua, Cyphanthera albicans (absent from sampled a range ofAcacia scrubs in the Farm Creek), Solantim linearifolium, and Upper Snowy region, and found A. sil- the forbs Nicotiana suaveolens and vestris was dominant in nine of 11 stands. Sigesbeckia aiistraliensis. A number of However, they did not sample scrubs on rhyodacites owing to poor accessibility. otherspecies occurredoccasionallyorinfre- Further surveys to elucidate the extent, quently in unburnt plots, but increased markedly in frequency or abundance with status and environmental determinants of increasingfire intensity, e.g. Notodanthonia A. doratoxylon scrubs in Victoria would thus be ofvalue. longifolia, Einadia hastala. Solariumprino- phyllum and Lepidium pseudotasmanicum. The structure and fioristic composition of Cynoglossum australe and Senecio hispidu- A. doratoxylon compared with otherAcacia lus increased inburntplots but with noclear scrubs is also ofinterest. In our study area. A. doratoxylon formed low forests to tall effectsoffireintensity. shrublands with open understorey, but did Ordinations using either presence- not form dense, impenetrable thickets as absence or abundance data also correlated commonly reported forA. silvestris scrubs significantly with topography (Table 2), (Clayton-Greene and Wimbush 1988). A with all five samples from rocky spurs dis- high proportion ofthe component plant tinguished from other topographic classes (slopes and drainage lines). A range of species recorded in this study are listed as species (e.g. Goodenia macmillanii, rare or vulnerable in Victoria (Department Lepidosperma laterals, NicoHana suave- ofSustainability and Environment 2005), olens, Arthropodium rnilleflorum, tbyupticitalisonfototkhneorwtnypwehsetohfeArctahceisae sspcercuibe.sWaree Dichondra repens, Cheilanthessieberi and Sigesbeckia aiistraliensis) was absent from also noted relatively sparse and slow-grow- ing regeneration of doratoxylon (e.g. live plots on rocky spurs, while Isotoma axil- cover values in intensely burnt plots were plahryils,laA.wesirlevesmtroisstanfdrePqhuielnotthiencapltortaschoyn- usually<1%,withseedlingsmostlylessthan 326 The Victorian Naturalist Research Report Table 3. Two way table indicating the influence offire intensity (U=unburnt, L=lightly burnt, ^intensely burnt)on understoreycomposition in 20AcaciascrubsamplesatLittle RiverGorgeand Farm Creek. Sites were ordered using the vector ofmaximum correlation for fire intensity for the quantitative nMDS ordination, and species were ordered according to their weighted average loca- tionsalongthisvector. Percentabundance is represented bythe followingclasses; I,<1%; 2, 1-2%; 3,3-5%;4, 6-10%; 5, 11-15%; 6, 16-25%; 7,26-50%; 8, 51-75%;9, 76-100%. Allspeciesthatwere recorded from 3 or more plots are included. Note that tree species (bold text) were not included in ordinationanalyses; lowtreeabundanceon intenselyburntplotsisduetocanopydeath. LUULULULLLLL lllllll Fireintensity 1 -8I2---22--- 3---1-- Philolhecatrachyphylla --3-I1I---2- ------- Allocasiiarinaverticillala -243----I--- 1-1--12 AcaciasUvestris 868898777887 1111211 I Acaciacloratoxylon --1-11---11- ------- 1 Dianeiiarevolutas.l. 1---111----- -]----- Lepidospermatalerale I----11----- Clemalismicropinila I----11----- ---]--- GaliumhinifoHum --I-1-----1- |- -- -- AGuosntorcoasrUppuasdeelnasti(ifslora ----2-----1- --- 1l--.-.----- OzolhammisIhyrsoideus l-ll-l11l-l--- --111-- PClaaltaynsdarcienilaanccaeloylpaitraata 414-3--131--6---3-2-21-- 6- 2I-32-5-1--1 Eucalyptusaibens -----11----- ----]-- 2 Ptewosorusmtifolius I--I---1-1-- ---1--1 Crasstilasieheriana l-l-lll-llll llllll- Oxalispereimans --i--||----. --ll|-- Arthropodiummilleflonim I-I----II1-- 1-1--1- Galiumliratum --II--- ---. ------l 1 Isotomaaxillaris 1-1--II-1-1-- --1211- l Dichondrarepens ----1II---I- -21---- Cheilanthessieheri -----11I1--I l-llll- Lepidiumpseiidolasmanicum --1----1---- ii-|l-- Solantimprinophylltim 1111-22-22-3 4-22321 Einadiahastata --1--1--11-- --11--I 1 Sonchusoleraceus --1--1 ------ I Sonchusasper -- ----l-lll-l ---1-11- 1 Seneciohispidtihis -------1---- 221211- 2 Solam/mlinearifoliiim 111121112231 4642552 NolodanlhonialongifoUa ---------1-1 ---2-1- 3 Cynoglossmnausirale ---- 2-2 --3321- 1 Nicolianasuaveolens 1-- ---1-11 I Parietariadebilis I----I1----2 ---I5-- SGiogoedsehneickaimaaacumsiilrlaalniienisis .- --I--------1!---- -.---1I2 -I-32- 1 Cyphaniheraalbicans ---1---I11I- 2134343 2 Muehlenbeckiadiclina ------- I--I --24-26 5 DodonaearhombifoUa 1 ------3 6 EucalyptussuxatUis 3 0-5 m), compared with dense and robust al. 1982, Clayton-Greene and Wimbush regeneration in nearby A. sUvestris scrubs 1988, Keith and Bedward 1999). Richness (post-fire live cover to 50%, with many ranged from 3-19 species (average 12) in seedlingsto2m inheight,pers. obs.). unburnt plots; higher than reported by Keith (2004) torAcaciascrubs in NSW. Effects offtreon vegetationstruciureand Surveys indicated that light burns led to Jlofistics minimal change in total understorey abun- Consistent with earlier reports, the under- dance, and sporadic establishment of a storey of the Acacia scrubs ofthis study range ofspecies that were rare orabsent in was sparse beneath the intact canopy (e.g. the understoreys ofunburnt sites. By con- Fig. la), ordominated bydensePhilotheca trast, burnsthatwere intenseenough to kill trachyphylla in rocky situations (Forbes et the Acacia overstorey stimulated dense Vol. 123 (6) 2006 327 ResearchReport Table4.Twow'aytable indicatingtheinfluenceoftopography(G=gully, S=slope,R=rockyspur)on underslorey composition in 20Acacia scrub samples at Little River Gorge and Farm Creek. Sites were ordered using the vector ofmaximum correlation for topography for the quantitative nMDS ordination,andspecieswereorderedaccordingtotheirweightedaverage locationsalongthisvector. Percent abundance is represented by the followingclasses: 1, <1%; 2, 1-2%; 3, 3-5%; 4, 6-10%; 5, 11-15%; 6, 16-25%; 7, 26-50%; 8, 51-75%; 9, 76-100%. All species that were recorded from 3 or moreplotsareincluded. Topography G S S S S GS S S S S S S S R S R R R R Pleiirosorusrutifolius - 1 1 1 Goodeniamacmillanii 2 1 1 5 - 1 1 Ozotbanmusthvrsoideus - 1 1 1 Clematismicrophvlla - 1 1 - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Galiumhimfolimn - 1 1 - - 1 1 Lepidospermalaterale - 1 1 - 1 1 1 Nicotianasuaveolens 2 - - 2 3 3 - 1 2 - - - 1 - - - - - - - Arthropodiurnmilleflonmi - 1 1 1 1 1 - - 1 Dichondrarepens - 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - Cheilanthessieberi - 1 1 - 1 - - - - 2 1 1 Cvnoglosswnaustrale 1 - - - - 2 - 1 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - Sigesbeckiaauslraiiensis - - - 1 1 2 - 1 1 Oxalisperennans 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 - - - Lepidiwnpseudofaswanicnm 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 Sonchnsasper 1 1 1 Calandriniacalvptrata - 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - 1 - Notodantbonialongifolia 1 1 1 5 4 2 1 5 2 6 2 3 3 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 Einadiabastata 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 - - - 1 2 1 1 4 - 1 1 DianellarevoJuta - - 1 ~ “ 1 1 1 - 1 Aiistrostipadensiflora 1 2 1 : : Parietariadebilis - - - - - 1 - 1 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - Seneciohispidiihis 1 - 1 - - 1 - 1 1 - - - 2 1 1 - - 1 - - Sonchnsoleraceus - - 1 - 1 1 - - 1 - - - 1 1 I 1 - - - - Muehlenbeckiadiclina - - - 3 3 4 - 4 1 1 - 1 5 1 3 - 2 1 1 - Gonocarpuselatus 1 1 1 - - - 1 - - - - Acaciadoratoxylon 7 7 8 2 1 1 8 1 8 1 9 8 1 7 1 8 1 7 8 6 Solamim linearifolium - - 1 1 2 - 1 - 2 - - - - - - 2 1 - - Cypbantberaalbicans - - - - - 1 - 3 1 - - - 2 - 2 - - - 1 - AUocasuarinaverticiHata - 1 1 - - - - - - - 1 2 - - - 3 - - - - Eucalyptusalbens - 6 - 5 3 2 4 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 - 3 6 - - 4 Dodonaearbombifolia 1 - - - 2 4 - 2 - - - - 1 6 - - 1 - " Platvsacelanceolata - 1 1 1 1 - - 1 - - - 1 - Solannmprinopbvlhim 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 - - Galiumliratum - - - - 1 - 1 1 1 - - - 1 1 - 1 1 1 - - Eucalyptussaxatilis - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 3 - 3 - - - - - Crassulasieberiana - - - - - 1 1 - 1 - - - - - 1 - - 1 1 - Isotomaaxillaris 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - Acaciasilvestris 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 - 3 2 Philothecatrachyphylla 1 2 - 1 3 2 2 8 establishmentandrobustgrowth ofspecies with the breakdown of root systems of absent from understoreys ofunbumt plots, deadAcacias (FisherandBinkley2000). leading to a significant increase in native Theimportanceoftheoverstoreyforsup- shrub richness and understorey abundance. pressing understorey species is further evi- As well, intense burns promoted lush dent from field observations, where sharp growth ofthegrassNotadanthonia longifo- boundaries between dense and sparse liaand forbs suchasEinadiahastata. understorey are coincidentwith boundaries Processes leading to these understorey between killed and live canopy respective- changes are likely to involve both direct ly(e.g. Fig. 3). effects offire on seed dormancy and ger- Infrequent, intense fires have previously mination, and release from intense compe- been recognized as important for stimulat- tition for light, soil moisture and/or soil ing recruitment ofoverstorey species and nutrients after overstorey death. As well, a thus the perpetuation ofAcacia scrubs in flush ofsoil nutrients may have occurred farsouth-easternAustralia(Clayton-Greene 328 The Victorian Naturalist Research Report and Wimbush 1988). This study indicated urally somewhat denser than in unburnt that a range ofunderstorey species are also areas. Nevertheless, observations ofthe dependent on intense fires in these commu- vegetation before the fire (R Martin, pers. nities, where they oecur mostly as post-fire comm.) confirm that many species that ephemerals (sensu Gill 1993, becoming flourished after the fire (e.g. Cyphanthera abundant only after intense fires, and exist- albicans, Muehlenheckia diclina, ing as scattered individuals and/or a dor- Dodonaea rhombifolia) were uncommon mant seed bank for long periods). Many of to very rare in the understorey before the these species in Little River Gorge are vul- fire, and that other species were common nerable, rare or disjunct in Victoria (Table but less robust and abundant than after the 5), and thus the appropriate fire manage- fire(e.g. Goodeniamacmillanii). mentofAcacia scrubs is ofsignificantcon- Implicationsforfiremanagement servation interest. Some preliminary conclusions regarding While the dramatic effects of canopy burns on understorey composition and appropriate fire regimes for managing Acacia scrubs and Petrogale penicillata vigour were readily evident in the field, a caveat must be placed on conclusions of habitatin Little RiverGorgemightbedrawn this study. Because monitoring plots were basedon conditionsattwoyearspost-fire. In established after the fire, some confound- particular, the strong differentiation of ing of understorey composition with fire intensely-burntplots from unbtimtand light- intensity may have occurred due to the ly-burnt plots suggests that only intense, influence of pre-fire vegetation on fire canopy-killingfiresaresuitableforreleasing behaviour. For example, observations many fire-recruiting species from the seed- bseugfgoersettthheatfisroem(eRarMeaarstihna,dpheirgsh. ccoovmerm.o)f bstaonrke,yagnrdowftohripnrAo.modtoirnatgoxvyilgoonrosucsrubusn.deBry- dmroyrgerasfsltahmatmcah,blaendtthheasne moatyhehravearbeeaes.n cuosnutarlalsyt,apcpolniterdolilnedm,alnoawg-einmteenntsibtyumfisremsaays vCeognesteaqtuieonntilny,intietnisselpyosbsuirbnlteartehaastwparse-fniart-e nportomboetseufsfiigcniiefnitctaontkirllectrhueictmaennotpyanadndgrhoewntche ofunderstoreyspecies. Fig. 3. Sharp boundaries in underslorcy abundance relating to canopy death were typical across burntareasat Little Riverand Farm Creek. All ofthe area in this image was burntduring the 2003 lire. However, canopy on the left was killed, corresponding with lush underslorcy growth, while canopyontherightwaslargelyintactandunderstoreyremainssparse. Vol. 123 (6) 2006 329

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