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Preview Intellivision Amico · Q 4 2021 Updates, P... — Republic

 Invest Lern Rise cpitl Log in Sign up Jn 10 Q4 2021 - Updtes, Progress, 2022 Reviews & New Videos! We hope everyone hd n mzing Christms/Hnukkh/Kwnz/Holidy s well s  sfe nd Hppy New Yer with fmily & friends! As 2022 begins we wnted to provide you with  plethor of informtion nd updtes tht occurred during Q4 of 2021 s we continue to work hrd to get Amico to mrket. Although 2021 ws  very chllenging yer due to continued mnufcturing, component pricing/scrcity, shipping nd supply chin issues; we re doing everything we cn to nvigte these unprecedented times while the entire tem continues to push hrd every dy to build the best possible products. As we progress nd ccomplish gols in the production phse of mnufcturing, we wnt to shre one of our recent chievements s we nvigte our initil relese dte for 2022. These re the pilot production plstics used for the finl verifiction of mss production tooling setup for our Vintge Woodgrin edition. This tooling will be used in our initil run with our contrct mnufcturer, giving the mnufcturing tem n opportunity to vlidte vrious ssembly nd qulity control processes in preprtion for mss production. Live Public Events & Rection Videos Slt Lke City, UT Hundreds of people cme out to ply Amico for the first time in October t  big event we held in prtnership with the Museum of Nturl Curiosity t event we held in prtnership with the Museum of Nturl Curiosity t Thnksgiving Point in Uth. Thnksgiving Point is known to be one of the most populr hubs for fmilies in the re nd we were thrilled to work with them to put on such  successful event. It ws gret to see so mny fmilies instntly loving Amico! Some feel tht this is the best video rection yet! Intellivision® Amico™ Demo Reactions | Thanksgiving Point - … https://youtu.be/Z0s9PgoxkM8 We lso held  few events in the Boston, MA re in November. Although smller in nture, these events sw mny fmilies nd populr gming influencers trying out Amico for the first time nd generted  lot of excitement for wht we re doing. Here is one of our fvorite in-depth rection videos. If you re interested in getting  lot of detiled informtion bout wht Amico is like from  first time plyer, THIS is definitely the video to wtch! https://youtu.be/BfrZcTjPI1Y Plese mke sure to sign up to our miling list (if you're not lredy) so you won't miss out on new informtion or live events in 2022. You cn sign up to our Miling List here: https://intellivision.com/subscribe Deep Dive video series! This winter we lso lunched our Deep Dive video series where myself nd Chief Technology Officer John Alvrdo wlk you through n in-depth review of our gmes. Ech Deep Dive video tkes  comprehensive look t individul Amico titles, providing viewers with history, insight nd tips nd tricks bout gmeply. Here re the first four tht we relesed. Astrosmsh Amico™ Deep Dive - Intellivision® Astrosmash® https://youtu.be/3KwBd6TKdwg Shrk! Shrk! Amico™ Deep Dive - Intellivision® Shark! Shark! https://youtu.be/Eg0L2lN4wtA Missile Commnd Amico™ Deep Dive - Intellivision® Missile Command® https://youtu.be/isB5F86SpKI Armor Bttle / Tnk Bttle Amico™ Deep Dive - Intellivision® Tank Battle (Cnal name TBD) https://youtu.be/6-VPGTj4o-M https://youtu.be/6-VPGTj4o-M The ltest video we relesed t the end of the yer ws  new Snek Peek video reveling our User Interfce (U.I.). Intellivision® Amico™ Sneak Peek | User Interface https://youtu.be/oi8SoVv04Os In Q4 of 2021 we lso reveled our Limited Collector's Boxed Edition physicl products which will be sold t retil nd currently cn be purchsed s bundles directly from Intellivision. We hve creted  relly unique nd fun wy for collectors to enjoy getting their gmes s well s giving us more in-store retil presence to consumers. Physical "Boxed Edition" Product Reveal | Intellivision® Amico™ https://youtu.be/1c6y_-SQsqk Plese mke sure to SUBSCRIBE to the Intellivision YouTube chnnel (nd click the Notifiction bell) so you'll be notified s soon s ny new videos re posted. SUBSCRIBE HERE! One of our min gols t Intellivision hs lwys been to build  pltform nd gmes tht everyone cn enjoy, no mtter wht your skill level or interest in video gmes. This fundmentl gol hs driven everything from our hrdwre nd controller design, to our User Interfce s well s the gme grphics nd gmeply experience. So it's lwys gret to see fns of Amico doing rection videos to our gmes with their non-gmer significnt others. Here is  couple from the UK who give their in-depth rections to our Amico Deep Dive gmes nd videos. Amico Deep Dive! - Our Reaction to Astrosmash Gameplay! https://youtu.be/bsObxsHo2es AMICO DEEP DIVE! - WE REACT TO THE INTELLIVISION SHAR… https://youtu.be/xYCxnpM46oM Intellivision Amico Club on Fcebook! We strted  privte Fcebook group where thousnds of fns hve signed up lredy to hve dily converstions bout Amico. It's  positive, light-herted, fun filled, drm-free group to celebrte nything Intellivision relted (including the originl system which turned 42 yers old on December 3rd, 2021!). YOU CAN JOIN HERE! Best Buy Cnd Pre-Orders SOLD OUT! This pst October, Best Buy Cnd nnounced pre-orders for Intellivision Amico on their website. The Best Buy uthor of the rticle stted on Twitter tht the entire Best Buy Cnd pre-order llocted stock hd sold out within 48 hours. Officil Intellivision FAQ Updted Unfortuntely in this dy nd ge of the internet nd socil medi, there is  lot of misinformtion out there bout products nd Amico is no exception. In order to ensure tht ll of the ltest informtion nd fcts cn be viewed in one centrlized loction, we hve updted, expnded nd dded to the FAQ section of our website. You cn check it out here: https://intellivision.com/fq Press & Medi Here re some of our fvorite press/medi mentions from Q4 of 2021. Here's  hnds on first impression from Eurogmer nd two of their Germn femle reviewers. Eurogmer is one of the biggest gming websites in Europe femle reviewers. Eurogmer is one of the biggest gming websites in Europe nd Germny is consistently in the top five countries for video gme revenue. This is the Google trnslted link from Germn to English. We mde the front pge of their website nd the gls mentioned in their byline tht "Anyone who misses the (Nintendo) Wii will mke friends with the Amico". In the fll nd winter of 2021, we continued to be  highlighted on both the AARP website nd in their mgzine. For those not fmilir, AARP The Mgzine is the world’s lrgest-circultion mgzine with more thn 36 million reders. Here's  relly cool three pge interview nd feture in Old School Gmer mgzine. We hd  gret Itlin GmePro mgzine feture on Amico which ws so well received tht they decided to do n English version s well. Itlin version: ]Here's  nice write-up in ImgineFX mgzine bout our retro reimgined rt for our Collector’s Boxed Edition gmes. Our super tlented Intellivision Art Director Mike Dietz ws lso the Art Director for Disney's Alddin (Genesis/MegDrive), Globl Glditors, Cool Spot nd of course Erthworm Jim 1 & 2! Thnk you s lwys for your support nd ptience. The tem here is doing everything in its power to crete  successful lunch of Amico. As soon s we hve  more firm relese nd shipping dte we will mke sure tht you re ll some of the first people to know. We couldn't hve come this fr without you nd we look forwrd to  successful 2022! Tommy Tllrico Founder / President / Chief Cretive Officer Tommy Tllrico Intellivision Amico  Like(23)  Comments (36) Joy Kovcs 6 months go Hey Everyone! I ws so excited to invest in this incredible opportunity. Just wondering if there re updtes? Ws relly expecting this to explode fter Christms 2021?  Like  Reply Shri Allison 6 months go

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