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Intelligent Orthopaedics: Artificial Intelligence and Smart Image-guided Technology for Orthopaedics PDF

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Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1093 Guoyan Zheng · Wei Tian · Xiahai Zhuang Editors Intelligent Orthopaedics Artifi cial Intelligence and Smart Image- guided Technology for Orthopaedics Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Volume1093 EditorialBoard IRUNR.COHEN,TheWeizmannInstituteofScience,Rehovot,Israel ABELLAJTHA,N.S.KlineInstituteforPsychiatricResearch,Orangeburg, NY,USA JOHND.LAMBRIS,UniversityofPennsylvania,Philadelphia,PA,USA RODOLFOPAOLETTI,UniversityofMilan,Milan,Italy NIMAREZAEI,TehranUniversityofMedicalSciences,Children’sMedical CenterHospital,Tehran,Iran Moreinformationaboutthisseriesathttp://www.springer.com/series/5584 Guoyan Zheng • Wei Tian (cid:129) Xiahai Zhuang Editors Intelligent Orthopaedics Artificial Intelligence and Smart Image-guided Technology for Orthopaedics 123 Editor GuoyanZheng WeiTian UniversityofBern BeijingJishuitanHospital Bern,Switzerland PekingUniversity Beijing,Beijing,China XiahaiZhuang FudanUniversity Shanghai,China ISSN0065-2598 ISSN2214-8019 (electronic) AdvancesinExperimentalMedicineandBiology ISBN978-981-13-1395-0 ISBN978-981-13-1396-7 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1396-7 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2018958708 ©SpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd.2018 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewhole orpartofthematerialisconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseof illustrations,recitation,broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway, andtransmissionorinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware, orbysimilarordissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthis publication doesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesare exemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthorsandtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationin thisbookarebelievedtobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication.Neitherthepublisher northeauthorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerial containedhereinorforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremains neutralwithregardtojurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd. The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721,Singapore Contents 1 Computer-Aided Orthopaedic Surgery: State-of-the-Art andFuturePerspectives .................................. 1 GuoyanZhengandLutz-P.Nolte 2 Computer-AidedOrthopedicSurgery:IncrementalShift orParadigmChange?.................................... 21 LeoJoskowiczandEricJ.Hazan 3 CAMISSConceptandItsClinicalApplication .............. 31 WeiTian,YajunLiu,MingxingFan,JingweiZhao,PeihaoJin, andChengZeng 4 SurgicalNavigationinOrthopedics:WorkflowandSystem Review ................................................. 47 ChidozieH.Ewurum,YingyingGuo,SeangPagnha,ZhaoFeng, andXiongbiaoLuo 5 Multi-object Model-Based Multi-atlas Segmentation Constrained Grid Cut for Automatic Segmentation of LumbarVertebraefromCTImages ....................... 65 Weimin Yu, Wenyong Liu, Liwen Tan, Shaoxiang Zhang, andGuoyanZheng 6 Deep Learning-Based Automatic Segmentation of the ProximalFemurfromMRImages ......................... 73 GuodongZengandGuoyanZheng 7 MuscleSegmentationforOrthopedicInterventions.......... 81 NaokiKamiya 8 3X-Knee:ANovelTechnologyfor3DPreoperativePlanning andPostoperativeEvaluationofTKABasedon2DX-Rays... 93 Guoyan Zheng, Alper Alcoltekin, Benedikt Thelen, andLutz-P.Nolte 9 Atlas-Based3DIntensityVolumeReconstructionfrom2D LongLegStandingX-Rays:ApplicationtoHardandSoft TissuesinLowerExtremity ............................... 105 WeiminYuandGuoyanZheng 10 3DUltrasoundforOrthopedicInterventions................ 113 IlkerHacihaliloglu v vi Contents 11 A Novel Ultrasound-Based Lower Extremity Motion TrackingSystem ........................................ 131 KenanNiu,VictorSluiter,JasperHomminga,AndréSprengers, andNicoVerdonschot 12 Computer-AssistedPlanning,Simulation,andNavigation SystemforPeriacetabularOsteotomy ..................... 143 LiLiu,KlausSiebenrock,Lutz-P.Nolte,andGuoyanZheng 13 Biomechanical Optimization-Based Planning ofPeriacetabularOsteotomy ............................. 157 LiLiu,KlausSiebenrock,Lutz-P.Nolte,andGuoyanZheng 14 Biomechanical Guidance System for Periacetabular Osteotomy.............................................. 169 MehranArmand,RobertGrupp,RyanMurphy,RachelHegman, Robert Armiger, Russell Taylor, Benjamin McArthur, andJyriLepisto 15 Gravity-Assisted Navigation System for Total HipArthroplasty........................................ 181 GuoyanZheng 16 3DVisualizationandAugmentedRealityforOrthopedics.... 193 Longfei Ma, Zhencheng Fan, Guochen Ning, Xinran Zhang, andHongenLiao 17 IntelligentHMIinOrthopedicNavigation ................. 207 GuangzhiWang,LiangLi,ShuweiXing,andHuiDing 18 Patient-SpecificSurgicalGuidanceSystemforIntelligent Orthopaedics ........................................... 225 ManuelaKunzandJohnF.Rudan 19 Intelligent Control for Human-Robot Cooperation inOrthopedicsSurgery .................................. 245 Shaolong Kuang, Yucun Tang, Andi Lin, Shumei Yu, andLiningSun 20 Multilevel Fuzzy Control Based on Force Information inRobot-AssistedDecompressiveLaminectomy ............ 263 Xiaozhi Qi, Yu Sun, Xiaohang Ma, Ying Hu, Jianwei Zhang, andWeiTian 21 Potential Risk of Intelligent Technologies in Clinical Orthopedics ............................................ 281 YajunLiu 22 ClinicalApplicationofNavigationintheSurgicalTreatment ofaPelvicRingInjuryandAcetabularFracture............ 289 Masaki Takao, Hidetoshi Hamada, Takashi Sakai, andNobuhikoSugano Contents vii 23 Patient-SpecificSurgicalGuideforTotalHipArthroplasty ... 307 TakashiSakai 24 ComputerNavigationinOrthopaedicTumourSurgery ...... 315 Kwok-Chuen Wong, Xiaohui Niu, Hairong Xu, Yuan Li, andShekharKumta 25 Sensor-Based Soft Tissue Balancing in Total KneeArthroplasty....................................... 327 JimmyChow,TsunYeeLaw,andMartinRoche 26 Implant Orientation Measurement After THA Using theEOSX-RayImageAcquisitionSystem.................. 335 KunihikoTokunaga,MasashiOkamoto,andKenji Watanabe 27 3DPrintinginSpineSurgery.............................. 345 Hong Cai, Zhongjun Liu, Feng Wei, Miao Yu, Nanfang Xu, andZiheLi 1 Computer-Aided Orthopaedic Surgery: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives GuoyanZheng andLutz-P.Nolte Abstract Keywords Introduced more than two decades ago, Computer-aidedorthopaedicsurgery computer-aided orthopaedic surgery (CAOS) (CAOS)·Smartinstrumentation·Medical has emerged as a new and independent robotics·Artificialintelligence·Machine area, due to the importance of treatment learning·Deeplearning·Bigdataanalytics· of musculoskeletal diseases in orthopaedics Intelligentorthopaedics and traumatology, increasing availability of different imaging modalities and advances in analytics and navigation tools. The aim of this chapter is to present the basic elements 1.1 Introduction of CAOS devices and to review state-of-the- art examples of different imaging modalities The human musculoskeletal system is an organ used to create the virtual representations, systemthatincludesthebonesoftheskeletonand of different position tracking devices for the cartilages, ligaments, and other connective navigation systems, of different surgical tissuesthatbindtissuesandorganstogether.The robots, of different methods for registration mainfunctionsofthissystemaretoprovideform, and referencing, and of CAOS modules that support, stability, and movement to the body. have been realized for different surgical pro- Bones,besidessupportingtheweightofthebody, cedures. Future perspectives will be outlined. work together with muscles to maintain body It is expected that the recent advancement positionandtoproducecontrolled,precisemove- on smart instrumentation, medical robotics, ments. Musculoskeletal disease is among the artificial intelligence, machine learning, and mostcommoncausesofseverelong-termdisabil- deeplearningtechniques,incombinationwith ity and practical pain in industrialized societies big data analytics, may lead to smart CAOS [1].Theimpactandimportanceofmusculoskele- systems and intelligent orthopaedics in the tal diseases are critical not only for individual nearfuture. health and mobility but also for social function- G.Zheng((cid:2))·L.-P.Nolte ing and productivity and economic growth on a InstituteforSurgicalTechnologyandBiomechanics, largerscale,reflectedbytheproclamationofthe UniversityofBern,Bern,Switzerland BoneandJointDecade2000–2010[1]. e-mail:[email protected] ©SpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd.2018 1 G.Zhengetal.(eds.),IntelligentOrthopaedics,AdvancesinExperimentalMedicine andBiology1093,https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1396-7_1 2 G.ZhengandL.-P.Nolte Both traumatology and orthopaedic surgery breviation, which is the target of the treatment), aim at the treatment of musculoskeletal tissues. a virtual object (VO in abbreviation, which is Surgical steps such as the placement of an im- the virtual representation in the planning and plant component, the reduction and fixation of navigation computer), and a so-called navigator a fracture, ligament reconstruction, osteotomy, thatlinksbothobjects.Forreasonsofsimplicity, tumour resection, and the cutting or drilling of theterm“CAOSsystem”willbeusedwithinthis boneshouldideallybecarriedoutaspreciselyas article to refer to both navigation systems and possible.Notonlywilloptimalprecisionimprove roboticdevices. the post-operative outcome of the treatment, but The central element of each CAOS system is it will also minimize the risk factors for intra- the navigator. It is a device that establishes a and post-operative complications. To this end, global, three-dimensional (3-D) coordinate sys- a large number of pure mechanical guides have tem (COS) in which the target is to be treated beendevelopedforvariousclinicalapplications. and the current location and orientation of the The pure mechanical guides, though easy to use utilized end effectors (EE) are mathematically andeasytohandle,donotrespecttheindividual described. End effectors are usually passive sur- patient’s morphology. Thus, their general ben- gical instruments but can also be semi-active or efit has been questioned (see for example [2]). active devices. One of the main functions of Additionally, surgeons often encounter the chal- the navigator is to enable the transmission of lenge of limited visibility of the surgical situs, positionalinformationbetweentheendeffectors, which makes it difficult to achieve the intended theTOandtheVO.Forroboticdevices,therobot procedure as accurately as desired. Moreover, itself plays the role of the navigator, while for the recent trend towards increased minimally surgical navigation a position tracking device is invasive surgery makes it more and more im- used. portant to gain feedback about surgical actions For the purpose of establishment of a CAOS that take place subcutaneously. Just as a Global system through coactions of these three entities, Positioning System (GPS)-based car navigation three key procedural requirements have to be providesvisualinstructiontoadriverbydisplay- fulfilled. The first is the calibration of the end ingthelocationofthecaronamap,acomputer- effectors, which means to describe the end ef- aided orthopaedic surgery (CAOS) module al- fectors’ geometry and shape in the coordinate lowsthesurgeontogetreal-timefeedbackabout system of the navigator. For this purpose, it is theperformedsurgicalactionsusinginformation requiredtoestablishphysicallyalocalcoordinate conveyed through a virtual scene of the situs system at the end effectors. When an optical presented on a display device [3, 4]. Parallel to tracker is used, this is done via rigid attach- theCAOSmoduletopotentiallyimprovesurgical mentofthreeormoreopticalmarkersontoeach outcome is the employment of surgical robots end effector. The second is registration, which that actively or semi-actively participate in the aims to provide a geometrical transformation surgery[5]. between the TO and the VO in order to display Introducedmorethantwodecadesago[3–5], the end effect’s localization with respect to the CAOS has emerged as a new and independent virtual representation, just like the display of areaandstandsforapproachesthatusecomputer- the location of a car in a map in a GPS-based enabled tracking systems or robotic devices to navigation system. The geometrical transforma- improve visibility to the surgical field and in- tion could be rigid or non-rigid. In literature, crease application accuracy in a variety of sur- a wide variety of registration concepts and as- gical procedures. Although CAOS modules use sociated algorithms exist (see the next section numeroustechnicalmethodstorealizeindividual for more details). The third key ingredient to a aspects of a procedure, their basic conceptual CAOSsystemisreferencing,whichisnecessary designisverysimilar.Theyallinvolvethreema- to compensate for possible motion of the navi- jor components: a therapeutic object (TO in ab- gator and/or the TO during the surgical actions

This book introduces readers to the latest technological advances in the emerging field of intelligent orthopaedics. Artificial intelligence and smart instrumentation techniques are now revolutionizing every area of our lives, including medicine. The applications of these techniques in orthopaedic i
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