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INTELLIGENCE IN THE RUM WAR AT SEA, 1920-1933 by LT Eric S. Ensign, USCG With an Introduction by Admiral Robert E. Kramek, USCG (Ret.) Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, 1994-1998 INTELLIGENCE IN THE RUM WAR AT SEA, 1920-1933 Fated by Russell. Season Commandant, United Sten Coan (ord et) Jolnt \ititary tmetigence College ‘The Joint Miltary Intelligence College supports and encourages research on Intelligence issues that distil lessons and improves support to policy-level and ‘operational consumers. Iateak race axe sci erent a est ee en who 8 chara fu us fe ta ate yor Tne renee wat ess Stlanttts tere tn yo store Seon Sra ei he st en ne wes eng win rg he ag neem ns US toa Gige asa fer seutt cqatane Isnisioten slasareoareed Pe vay see alas soar carl et ere Ico suru des ae o> (Seduoat jr rns Cale gauge ray 9 ign cocks Spenser ato piss Tartan, Me lcatnet Uden Hes Coen “sacs ox spe ler ti ron yt in ot Se romsrtie Mg ie Pespobeton eae mses OU Gem ret state atatpattongsbetehind vet een ° ° ssl Serena INTELLIGENCE IN THE RUM WAR AT SEA, 1920-1933 Contents Irsradoton, by Adm Reber E. Keach. [Chaps 1. The Coast Gua and the Onset of Pebiition ‘Soope of the Problem cing te Cost Guard (Coast Guurd Orsanizaton athe Beeining oft Rure War. (Chuper 2 sing to the Occasion: nicl Mesures vo Combut tie ur Rumnes ‘Coast Guu Zhlagenteat Mcagh Vessel Acquisidon and Reeitwea Gir Mewutes 0 En the Seo, “Tae Eectveness of Early Etfors Against Rum-Ruaning (Chaps 3 Inligense Asa Forse Mlipior (Oxgnization and Lars Operucon of th Coes Guard Inligence Seton, ‘bvoltsn nf incelisesce Disciplines Witin tne Coss Gta, Inset Azerey Cooperation ta Inligene String. Alsou nel sence Suporte Hes (Chapter 4. Rum-Runpes' Use of Intlgenie und Coumtenseligence Ivaigence Colston Again te Cx hed, (Ghuitsrimel gone Tactin al econ To ie, (Chaps 8. The Con Gert’ Coumtrreligence Stay (Ozentons Sevurcy Meusuos ane Tei Efetvenes (Coreuniatons Secure Mesures nd The: Liestivenss, Chop, The Coast Chan ad dhe Fad of Potton ‘Goos CiurCpratons nthe Wang Yeas, Appen iting ay 8 thors bogey st Biogeaply of ADM Rober E Kian, oe List of Figures ‘gure 1, Rum-Running Spedbet 3 gue 2. Destroyers Comered foe Coast Guard Use a pe The 25 Deseo 10 Sed 7S Pail Rots (Sion) " ‘gue 5. 125-Lot Stel Hull Purol Boats " igue6. Cons Gant Pek os e Sree end Cin 13 gue 8. Doubling the Latised Foss 4 me 9. Consolidated Fapons? Communications Sytem 28 ine 17S" Peale ME Ray Diet Fe 30 jure 11, Sanpete Kum-Ruring Submarine au nce 13. The Coat Gua’ Fst Apne 35 lg 14 Hack Loca Hise on tle, 2 Teme 1. Selig Phasutions ith Moan Phases 4 Figie 15. Nav Opsrtons Chae baie a ode Ves Psion 8 INTRODUCTION “Te “sono hstey” are mpi in forming the sat, polly and in tpn cr naira ert, The lesson eed om hee a nigece inthe ‘Run War a Sea ar lly apliabe std Wagon Deg. Oeste peat tho deigs at reach ou Toedoe eaiguate ow souce ccucs tht ely on mite stougaling ts. The sles of ialiganc owe muluplie a the Dog Wae like hs ‘hel the the forthe Kom War, capn be werstmut SH, ess lesson id tobe kamed unc in fs Pru Wor tn ligerce waa Factor inapresimatly Bi ‘Goa peecat of dep iterdiueas By 1998 i as te ese Tater espnsile for ose ipuyfive yeron! fll editors is isa ning to ow ta toak ever a dee (e somitas the Inteligense Communi. as wal as othe esponsible gents at al Seacrest re pr cnet eine es ageicy cooper, al-sousce iligccs, coun iatligence oeitonl seu, co ‘huis socurtyawel y HUMINT, COMINT cn Inngry-—tavs dist ples to's kine cetia peins, b hs ep,i ok a eu pise Te Mary ofthe challenges att dh se falls itligence fr hone ton porns ate aly agave Tn peeatine, bs interdasion isthe espe ‘onic ages Invent i sow mca police pein” i pie ithe epimers er icy at The phon ge bene som eons esis tn domestic ci tte "non-tneri ares pli Asa neu othe an foes. the U.S Cast Ca, with domes pice power has ‘ound salt nw igue poston wus llssuveilgense and led lrccton ellen, Ini inertia onoe de Dru sr epesert me huaded peat of be Drug Adin ‘teatro enced ofthe US. Cos Sevie ast erent ofthe Cs hunt’ budget, and one arr of ne poet of te Departmen of Defers xe, The Toit brergency Task aves (ATF should wily fe called dnt Ween “el zune” Ths unos lf nlligenve Kem ll sous, forall wien. Ths nelligense Drdst fs become to eaten weapon i the peteten sf cur border td un nese ee pers tlkons of dolla athe cost of wes ara opens. ocala the kat Militar Ietlgens Cage nesting eae neipense person ein Tot” envinnmers, making em egnizant othe sso ef isn ad he vale inline in roving or nna ners This opponent as rode tot ‘meaty aosorplsh hs eeah ee mpl is alae sel work, ) Pps ff santa llsusucd. Pera eet ae ieee reat Chapter 1 THE COAST GUARD AND THE ONSET OF PROHIBITION AL might or 16 Janswry 192) Ameicu oli went dy, Unaiilly t never lied up. As Aricu ben its noble experimen wth Poisiton no ope cul uve fre ‘een the ragiid of ieglliquer "portation, leans to rampant opeerts st. over tment eerapor. a gunz erie, Peoncion mae he Reding Iwenes ra Anis rive and callanging time the Coast Gusnd cams of wg, asthe mii serie takod ‘rl sopping the cuboene low of legal ior Fusing toe monumental sk of detencing the Au, Pate, Gt of Mesico and Great Las shorelines, te Cost Gace cured tointlignce io brdge th eapuligesgupPetwoenwellogomied eagles wd under escured law eafrsment Anum cust tht appears not wo ave bee ese is “Whatrle dhe nell ese elle: playin sombtirs sate operas” Dervng pan desnssited Ceos sl Inline Missa sn he Nien foerad he hackhone of ona Ci pera ts "Ram We San Heshows hoe through x cencaried ff to inet poration Bisel om ilipence, the Coot Guard tervihle to oksinarl runtsn dant hatespocs knoe (99K) the um Cnlorcement agency Ip suntan on ¢ fete level nf deere to heuer smuggling Thin snesyfal mriage cf islligence end operations wo a medal af iegeaey ‘operation in applying imeligens ea pevbler atonal intrest At the conclusion ‘hrs enexcenon tate ted Gre wali, losing he Cana aed 1S PK tis advange defeating eerie oe ‘SCOPE OF THE PROBLEM FACING THE COAST GUARD “The Volstead Ack passed snove the Tis Arendt oaialy sled mie's popular reso ve ey we. bough it cullsved the anuloce. sa, an rasp tion of alto it mide no provisions agaist buying of driakng alcool! The isk revking the lu mans h te sells. As Ames this for alcohol ese 0 did tbs runs of hove wing to supply. Blunokctrng sa! inorting wool mmedinely cue «very lacus Pune. va though many mdsiduals reson to dsiling alco fer themselves, legal» sequiing aloo! meant tee medicinal unl sisious pur Posts, oc axtacinz algoto fom other preparations he pnp de i eel ch ‘cured fyough tt immoration of tregn ale! ite the U.S. by seu ewes agaist ths game plana the Cosst Guard waged an ureeneag campaign Wo eee, omer append. and suppor the peostuson those whe sma weabol on tne MS Aste demand fr sleainl ineeased,Fneign dss wee oa wo happy lanspend in essence teking over fe Averisan Tqusr indus? Ta Geet i, cowesic Hou Ses wor ssagiag eed Pri ow pene He doo ee he exportation of Bets eae Tei rowa eolnns ia the Westra Hemi. athe Balanss aloe, Tejon Fiot CietFrisin rose fon 27.127 gsllensin 1918 to 867.940 pals (921 the 0 225 million gallons in 1922 The Tiga ws then ld tose app is eps ize cvime yids ho “impo iinet U.S. This sive eatin was eee for the Batis own colo of Belize and the Frech islands af Sant iene and Mique loa, vated of tho cout of Newfoundland. Europe and Canaliea liquor pe lato these eujosts, whore it was wai sed avitng earsabipnenc io fe US, Vercsof ll types and opis called on thew lead, wacaforming gui, iuolaed wns wo ome thing Tike Amevicen misiag sottemeas) ia the dass oft gold cs Ta lta 0 Coast Gauid Conmundat Fessiick C. Bild? the AaiSaloen Leagae of Amsice rspostad He vu «S500 milios was capocted to be smugled ut the US. in sng tse the po oop $0 soneang Amma, logh arg, Derr ew Nr sory apa, Gs Soho a Ae te Seen New Yor ‘Mio Wilsugy: CDR USCRIT) an Marat Seu Wasa, DC: CPO, 162. * Weleoss 23 Ret Adal Hild the Coast Gul Concha 1921 832 dig te ain Cost Gat tft suf Pah iat. His pss as Rear Aa Retold Comsat linn 919 to 1821 abs sucenr as Rene Adel Hane cane Coca it 1925 aa he Cot us unt 13 1924" atte sume time, Gommandaot Billard hime indicated chs bythe sunene> of 1934, some 290 ves iaeluding searners and aling vestels, were sly insoved Sa the mei. “The close promt of lund suc the Bena an St, Fore wn Miguel othe WS, Adunic eousine ected aldioaalpeoBlems for enforce fa 1920, US, Leal Iam ser etendd only to tse miles frm shoe, mkng he sea o anno US. Hagged vessel opecuing outside thu mit ouside she junslicioa ef the Cou. ‘Gucrd, "The Britsh goverment urd «liad eve to Americar Probibioa, an inthe ‘Bahumus and in Bsize this compounded the poblew as “aes peton of he) Amer ‘an smuggling Hest tas ow sing trom (British) em eoloies. with a care a Seorh whshey. ner the prscetion ofthe Brdsh ibe" By the summer of 1921, ‘etal Rute Row” had boca estiblised of the Nev Jersey ad New York cols, wes Tovegr-apaod ram summers supp! with liquor om tae Bahsmst, Ucis, ead Sl ‘ree ane Miquelon Wate Ue piso she for Amercan oni oss come ot and parca tei liqucecatzes."” This was in gun stand ma to the chascn of ‘Americaneaforcment oli, By the end of 1921, a as 20 known ese ma thet home alone Run Rowe” Figure 1. Rum-Running Speedboat Sou US, es Qua Seostone stotoaay net Cua Hata fen, Wahnge, 30 ore 12 ‘Waste B_ Woes Gn Coun te Aa-Sion Laps of Ane ero Coa bey odo eau for be upon asee was "Cun Suk ted by Bay Bas, Lauer igh io Basen Puss Soin 28 Soi * Wiley 23, * waaay 2 ‘Wile many larger vessels forma the foundason of the Amseun “rum cet” erly rumumnigg opparunits also employee solr yess inclulice speesrou’, some ‘apuble of exeseding 40 kao. 1 nut Cast Gus dense," Publis seniment 2 Frohidon wis ambialent,o evidenesd by some murine engine comnts giving way [ree mchne gums an neendive for would-be im rts to parva ther engines. ° It ras lavles: end dangerous time. Liquor was stu oss ofthe slonererforceneatyesels andthe aumber of smugeline vests involve in the rurn wade Was tails incresing.” By 1924, liquor was onering the U.S. om seu rot only sia Rum Row, ste Bobi. and St. Pls aod Miquslo, but ls ror Camu, athe Great Lakes, rom Meso via te Pei eutne a the Gul of Mei and trom Cubs nd the West ladies ithe Soh! US." The LS. ws ander sige by umercun uni foreigr opparuniss deers ash iron Prosbion COAST GUARD ORGANZATION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE RUM WAR Although the Coost Gused would evenly become te sal U.S. apetey changed wit enticing the Prion Iams tsa, enfencemeat ia te fst few yee of Desi tio wae conte gui by ott lw enferentet cfs wh dhe lp of 1,500 fedetl agents from do Tecssey Dopatmen's cv etablsed Busca of Prolbiton.” From 192010 1923, tho Coss Gus, alo Falling unde tho Teesues Depa sa the sfegseunst of thy Pobibiia lon as analy dat, suberdinctet ie pinay ti Sow of such ead vee. cooing, rhibiten saa elied only ineldctlly and nen wo au emphasis Ua ay oli: Const Gua mission. But by 1923 it wos © et ‘nscica adn iaegion of aiding by is senypse ban on abe Iwas also ct ihe Coast Guard woul! se cowed to ply gleadiog clei he sugpession of Hauer suggling io he US. by Se As te Hof figuor conus ost joel issues ose bec the Chas Guns the Custos Sei, andthe Fst Proiidn Duveat. Ts Cou Gua sa Folibioneafecensut as u Customs Sesice wespanniiiy. whereas Cusons eed "Lew Tey Pri Aen Ba of Pin, ee Cel, Sura Wilh 22

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