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Available online at www.sciencedirect.com & ae | FD) science @joinecr a ros ea) FS ] NTELLIGENCE ELSEVIER Intelligence 33 (2005) 675-67 Index Volume 3, 2005 Author/Title A Buehner, M., Krumm, S., Pick, M. Arendasy, M., Sommer, M. “The effect of “Reasonin1g =working memoryattention”, different types of perceptual manipulations Volume 3 3(3): 251-272 on the dimensionality of automatically C generated figural matrices”, Volume 33(3): 307-324 Colom, R., Abad, F.J., Rebollo, 1., Chun Shih, Asbury, K., Wachs, T.D., Plomin, R. P. “Memory span and general intelligence: A “Environmental moderators of genetic latent-variable approach”, Volume 3+ 3(6): influence on verbal and nonverbal abilities 623-642 in early childhood”, Volume 33(6): 643-661 Colom, R., Lluis-Font, J.M., Andrés-Pueyo, A. Ashton, M.C., Lee, K. “Problems with the “The generational intelligence gains are method of correlated vectors”, Volume 33(4): caused by decreasing variance in the lower 431-444 half of the distribution: Supporting evidence for the nutrition hypothesis”, Volume 33(1): B 83-9] Barber, N. “Educational and ecological correlates of !Q: A cross-national investigation”, Volume D 33(3): 273-284 Danthiir, V., Wilhelm, O., Schulze, R., Roberts, Beaujean, A.A. “Heritability of cognitive R.D. “Factor structure and validity of paper- abilities as measured by mental chrono- and-pencil measures of mental speed: metric tasks: A meta-analysis’, Volume Evidence for a higher-order model?”, Volume 33(2): 187-201 33(5): 491-514 Blair, C., Gamson, D., Thorne, S., Baker, D. Day, E.A., Arthur Jr, W., Bell, S.T., Edwards, “Rising mean IQ: Cognitive demand of B.D., Bennett Jr., W., Mendoza, J.L., Tubre, mathematics education for young children, r.C. “Ability-based pairing strategies in the population exposure to formal schooling, and team-based training of a complex skill: Does the neurobiology of the prefrontal cortex”, the intelligence of your training partner Volume 33(1): 93-106 matter?”, Volume 33(1): 39-65 33 (2005) 675-6 Deary. I.J.. Der, G., Shenkin, S.D. “Does Johnson, W., Bouchard Jr., T.J. “Constructive mother’s IQ explain the association between replication of the visual—perceptual-image birth weight and cognitive ability in child- rotation model in Thurstone’s (1941) battery hood?”, Volume 33(5): 445-454 of 60 tests of mental ability’, Volume 33(4): Deary. I.J.. Taylor, M.D., Hart, C.1 Wilson, 417-430 \ Smith, G.D., Blane, D., Starr, J.M “Intergenerational social mobility and mid- kK life status attainment: Influences of childhood Kanaya, T., Ceci, S.J., Scullin, M.H. “Age intelligence, childhood social factors, and differences within secular IQ trends: An education”, Volume 33(5): 455-472 individual growth modeling approach”, Demetriou, A., Kui, Z.X., Spanoudis, G., Chris- Volume 33(6): 613-621 tou. C., Kyriakides, L., Platsidou, M. “The Kempel, P., Gohlke, B., Klempau, J., Zinsberger, architecture, dynamics, and development of P., Reuter, M., Hennig, J. “Second-to-fourth mental processing: Greek, Chinese, or Univer- digit length, testosterone and spatial ability”, sal?”, Volume 33(2): 109-14] Volume 33(3): 215-230 Detterman, D.K. “International Handbook of Kovas, Y., Harlaar, N., Petrill, S.A., Plomin, R. Intelligence”, Volume 33(1): 107-108 “Generalist genes’ and mathematics in 7-year- old twins”, Volume 33(5): 473-489 bk Kroner, S., Plass, J.L., Leutner, D. “Intelligence Fink, A., Neubauer, A.C. “Individual differences assessment with computer simulations”, in time estimation related to cognitive ability, Volume 33(4): 347-368 speed of information ] processing and working memory’, Volume 3 (4 1(1 ): 5~ -26 L Lykken, D.T. “Mental energy”, Volume 33(4): G 331-335 Ghisletta, P., Lindenberger, U. “Exploring Lynn, R., Raine, A., Venables, P.H., Med- structural dynamics within and between nick, S.A., Irwing, P. “Sex differences on sensory and intellectual functioning in old and the WISC-R in Mauritius”, Volume 33(5): very old age: Longitudinal evidence from the 527-533 Berlin Aging Study”, Volume 33(6): 555-587 Gignac, G.E. “Openness to experience, general M intelligence and crystallized intelligence: A methodological extension”, Volume 33(2): 161—167 Mackintosh, N.J., Bennett, E.S. “What do Gonzalez, C Thomas, R.P., Vanyukov, P. “The Raven’s Matrices measure? An analysis in relationships between cognitive ability and terms of sex differences”, Volume 33(6): dynamic decision making”, Volume 33(2): 663-674 McDaniel, M.A. “Big-brained people are smarter: A 169-186 meta-analysis of the relationship between in vivo J brain volume and intelligence”, Volume 33(4): Johnson, W Bouchard Jr., T.J. “The 337-346 structure of human intelligence: It is McDaniel, M.A., Whetzel, D.L. “Situational verbal, perceptual, and image rotation judgment test research: Informing the debate (VPR), not fluid and crystallized”, Volume on practical intelligence theory”, Volume 33(5): 33(4): 393-416 515-525 P Schulze, D., Beauducel, A., Brocke, B. Palmer, B.R., Gignac, G., Manocha, R.., “Semantically meaningful and abstract figural Stough, C. “A_ psychometric evaluation reasoning in the context of fluid and crystallized of the Mayer—Salovey—Caruso Emotional intelligence”, Volume 33(2): 143-159 Intelligence Test Version 2.0°, Volume Schweizer, K., Moosbrugger, H., Goldhammer, F. 33(3): 285-305 “The structure of the relationship between ykosch, M.D., Yeo, R.A., Miller, G.F. attention and intelligence”, Volume 33(6): 589-61 | “Intelligence tests with higher g-loadings Sesardic, N. “Measuring Intelligence: Facts and show higher correlations with body symmetry: Fallacies, 2004", Volume 33(3): 325-327 Evidence for a general fitness factor mediated 1 by developmental stability’, Volume 33(2): 203-213 Thoma, R.J., Yeo, R.A., Gangestad, S.W., Halgren, E., Sanchez, N.M., Lewine, J.D. “Cortical R volume and developmental instability are Reeve, C.L., Lam, H. “The psychometric independent predictors of general intellectual paradox of practice effects due to retesting: ability’, Volume 33(1): 27-38 Measurement invariance and stable ability estimates in the face of observed score l changes”, Volume 33(5): 535-549 Unsworth, N., Engle, R.W. “Working memory Rose, S.A., Feldman, J.F., Jankowski, J.J. “The capacity and fluid abilities: Examining the structure of infant cognition at | year’, Volume correlation between Operation Span and Rav- 33(3): 231-250 en”, Volume 33(1): 67-81 Rushton, J.P. “Douglas N. Jackson, 1929-2004”, Volume 33(1): 1-3+ Z Zeidner, M., Shani-Zinovich, 1, Matthews, G., S Roberts, R.D. “Assessing emotional intelligence Salthouse, T. “Developmental Influences on in gifted and non-gifted high school students: Adult Intelligence: The Seattle Longitudinal Outcomes depend on the measure”, Volume 33(4): Study”, Volume 33(5): 551-554 369-39]

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