Available online at www.sciencedirect.com science @oinecr: NTELLIGENCE R Intelligence 32 (2004) 655-65 Index Volume 32, 2004 Author/Title B D Bates, T.C., Rock, A. “Personality and Deary, I.J., Whalley, L.J., Crawford, J.R. information processing speed: Independent “An ‘instantaneous’ estimate of a life- influences on intelligent performance”, Volume time’s cognitive change”, Volume 32(2): 32(1): 33-46 113-119 Beier, M.E., Ackerman, P.L. “A reappraisal of Delgado, A.R., Prieto, G. “Cognitive mediators the relationship between span memory and and sex-related differences in mathematics”, intelligence via “best evidence synthesis”, Volume 32(1): 25-32 Volume 32(6): 607-619 Dolan, C.V., Roorda, W., Wicherts, J.M. “Two Bélte, S., Poustka, F. “Comparing the intelligence failures of Spearman’s hypothesis: The GATB profiles of savant and nonsavant individuals in Holland and the JAT in South Africa”, with autistic disorder’, Volume 32(2): 121—131 Volume 32(2): 155—17“3—7 Bowden, S.C., Cook, M.J., Bardenhagen, F.J., F Shores, E.A., Carstairs, J.R. “Measurement invariance of core cognitive abilities in Facon, B. “Are correlations between heterogeneous neurological and community cognitive abilities highest in low-IQ samples”, Volume 32(4): 363-389 groups during childhood?”, Volume 32(4): 391—401 Cc G Colom, R., Rebollo, I., Palacios, A., Juan-Espinosa, M., Kyllonen, P.C. “Working memory is Gignac, G.E., Stough, C., Loukomitis, S. 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