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INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ASSETS IN MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS Editors Lanning Bryer Ladas & Parry New York, New York Melvin Simensky Visiting Scholar in Intellectual Property Law New York Law School JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ASSETS IN MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS Dedication To Stuart, who has the best business instincts but also the largest heart; to Nicole and Joseph, who are always fun and wise; and to Van, who is the true academic of the family. —Lanning G. Bryer For my beautiful wife for being there for me. —Melvin Simensky Wiley Intellectual Property Series Early-Stage Technologies:Valuation and Pricingby Richard Razgaitis Edison in the Boardroom:How Leading Companies Realize Value from Their Intellectual Assetsby Julie L. Davis and Suzanne S. Harrison From Ideas to Assets:Investing Wisely in Intellectual Propertyby Bruce Berman Intellectual Property Assets in Mergers and Acquisitionsby Lanning Bryer and Melvin Simensky Intellectual Property in the Global Marketplace,Volume 1:Valuation,Protection,Exploitation,and Electronic Commerce,Second Editionby Melvin Simensky,Lanning Bryer,and Neil J. Wilkof Intellectual Property in the Global Marketplace,Volume 2:Country-by-Country Profiles,Second Editionby Melvin Simensky,Lanning Bryer,and Neil J. Wilkof Intellectual Property Infringement Damages:A Litigation Support Handbook,Second Editionby Russell L. Parr Intellectual Property:Licensing and Joint Venture Profit Strategies,Second Editionby Gordon V. Smith and Russell L. Parr Licensing Intellectual Property:Legal,Business,and Market Dynamicsby John W. Schlicher Patent Strategy:The Manager’s Guide to Profiting from Patent Portfoliosby Anthony L. Miele Profiting from Intellectual Capital:Extracting Value from Innovationby Patrick H. Sullivan Technology Licensing:Corporate Strategies for Maximizing Valueby Russell L. Parr and Patrick H. Sullivan Technology Management:Developing and Impelementing Effective Technology Licensing Programs by Robert C. Megantz Trademark Valuationby Gordon V. Smith Valuation of Intellectual Property and Intangible Assets,Third Editionby Gordon V. Smith,Russell L. Parr Value-Driven Intellectual Capital:How to Convert Intangible Corporate Assets Into Market Value by Patrick H. Sullivan Technology Management:Developing and Implementing Effective Technology Licensing Programs by Robert C. Megantz INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ASSETS IN MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS Editors Lanning Bryer Ladas & Parry New York, New York Melvin Simensky Visiting Scholar in Intellectual Property Law New York Law School JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. Copyright ©2002 by Lanning G. Bryer and Melvin Simensky. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley & Sons,Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,scanning or otherwise,except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act,without either the prior written permission of the Publisher,or authoriza- tion through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive,Danvers,MA 01923,(978) 750-8400,fax (978) 750-4744. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Depart- ment,John Wiley & Sons,Inc.,605 Third Avenue,New York,NY 10158-0012,(212) 850-6011,fax (212) 850-6008,E-Mail:PERMREQ @ WILEY.COM. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required,the services of a competent professional person should be sought. This title is also available in print as ISBN 0-471-41437-9. Some content that appears in the print version of this book may not be available in this electronic edition. For more information about Wiley products,visit our web site at www.Wiley.com ABOUT THE EDITORS LANNING G. BRYER Lanning G. Bryer is a Partner in the New York office of Ladas & Parry and is Director of the firm’s Mergers,Acquisitions,and Licensing Group. Mr. Bryer is an active committee member of several intellectual property organizations,including the Trademark Licensing Committee of Licensing Executive Society (United States and Canada) and the Editorial Board of The Trademark Reporter. He recently served on the International Editorial Board of The International Trademark Association (formerly the U.S. Trademark Association) and currently serves as co-chairman of The International Annual Review. Mr. Bryer has written and lectured extensively on foreign trademark practice and commercial transac- tions involving the acquisition,financing,and licensing of intellectual property. Mr. Bryer is coauthor and coeditor of a treatise titled Worldwide Trademark Transfersand the two- volume John Wiley & Sons treatise titled Intellectual Property in the Global Marketplace. He is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and Hofstra University School of Law. MELVIN SIMENSKY Melvin Simensky is Visiting Scholar in Intellectual Property Law at New York Law School. Prior to this engagement,he was a partner at several law firms where he both counseled and litigated trademark,copyright,advertising,and entertainment law mat- ters. Mr. Simensky specializes in the intellectual property aspects of commercial trans- actions involving both mergers and acquisitions and financings. Mr. Simensky was previously adjunct professor of law at New York University School of Law,where he taught a graduate school seminar on the intellectual property aspects of the entertain- ment business. He is formerly a columnist on entertainment and intellectual property law issues for the New York Law Journal. Mr. Simensky has been on the Board of Edi- tors of The Trademark ReporterandCopyright Worldand has been an expert witness on U.S. intellectual property law in numerous domestic and foreign court proceedings. Mr. Simensky is coauthor of both a five-volume treatise titled Entertainment Law as well as a casebook of the same name. Mr. Simensky has published many articles and has lectured at numerous conferences on intellectual property and entertainment law. He is a graduate of Yale University and New York University School of Law. v ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTORS Benedict BirdandAnna Carboniare partners and Deborah Lincolnis a consultant in the international law firm of Linklaters & Alliance. They are all based in its Intellectual Property and Technology Department in London. They have been assisted in writing this chapter by Steven Altham and Brian Sher,both associates in the EU/Competition Department of Linklaters & Alliance,and by their conti- nental colleagues,Patrick Rignell based in Paris and Markus Deck and Jiri Philippi based in Cologne. Sheldon Burshteinis a partner of Blake,Cassels & Graydon LLP,and practices in the Intellectual Property Group in the Toronto,Canada,office. He is a member of the Bar of Ontario and is registered as a professional engineer in Ontario. He is also a patent agent and a trademark agent,and he has an engineering degree as well as civil law and common law degrees from McGill. He is certified as a Specialist in Intellectual Property (Patent,Trade-mark and Copyright) Law by the Law Society of Upper Canada. Andrew W. Carteris a managing director of InteCap,Inc.,the largest consulting firm in the coun- try that focuses on the economic,strategic,and valuation issues surrounding intellectual property. He assists clients with their intellectual property licensing programs and is frequently a damages expert witness in patent infringement lawsuits. He is a licensed CPA and holds an MBA in Business Policy and a BS in Chemical Engineering. Marie-Eve Coteis a lawyer with Leger Robic Richard,Lawyers,and Robic,Patent & Trademark Agents, Business Law. Her practice is mainly focused in commercial and corporate law, which includes the negotiating and drafting of commercial agreements,namely mergers and acquisitions, reorganizations,and shareholder and partnership agreements. She is also developing an expertise in due diligence. She also practices in the commercial fields of intellectual property, particularly the negotiation and drafting of license agreements,distribution agreements,transfer of technology,and related agreements. Christian Danisis a lawyer with Leger Robic Richard,Lawyers,and Robic,Patent & Trademark Agents,Commercial and Corporate Law. His practice focuses mainly on the negotiating and drafting of commercial agreements, including mergers and acquisitions, reorganizations, and shareholder agreements,as well as the commercial aspects of intellectual property,with an emphasis on licensing, transfers of technology,and research and development agreements. Patrick A. Gaughanis president of Economatrix Research Associates,Inc.,an economic and finan- cial consulting firm,located on Wall Street,that analyzes damages and conducts valuations for liti- gation purposes. He is a professor of economics and finance at Fairleigh Dickinson University and has authored numerous publications,including Mergers,Acquisitions and Corporate Restructurings. Louis-Pierre Gravelle,is a patent agent and lawyer with Leger Robic Richard,Lawyers,and Robic, Patent & Trademark Agents,Intellectual Property Law. His practice focuses on patent law,specifi- cally on drafting and prosecuting patent applications,particularly in the telecommunications field. He vi ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTORS vii also handles infringement,validity,and patentability opinion and is involved in technology transfer, particularly in due diligence matters. He is a member of the Quebec Bar Association as well as of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada. Tira Greeneis an international lawyer specializing in intellectual property law as well as legislative reform and the drafting of intellectual property law for developing countries. She currently works as an independent consultant and also undertakes projects on behalf of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Glenn Gundersenis a partner at Dechert in Philadelphia,where he has practiced since graduating from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1980. He is the author of the book Trademark Searching:A Practical and Strategic Guide to the Clearance of New Marks,the second edition of which was published by the International Trademark Association in 2000. He is a frequent speaker on trademark,copyright,and other intellectual property issues for the major organizations in the IP field, including the American Bar Association,International Trademark Association,American Intellectual Property Law Association,and Practicing Law Institute,and has written numerous articles for the National Law Journaland other publications. William M. Hebereris an attorney with Hall Dickler Kent Goldstein & Wood LLP in New York. He practices in the areas of intellectual property,advertising,marketing,and entertainment law. Thomas G. Jacksonis a partner in the law firm of Phillips Nizer Benjamin Krim & Ballon LLP. He is a member of the Clayton Act,Section 7,Intellectual Property and Internet Committees of the Section of Antitrust Law of the American Bar Association,a past member of the Antitrust and Trade Regula- tions Committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York and past chair of the Technol- ogy in the Courts subcommittee of the Federal Courts Committee of the Federal Bar Council. Panagiota (Betty) Koutsogiannisis a lawyer with Leger Robic Richard,Lawyers,and Robic,Patent & Trademark Agents,Business Law. Her practice focuses on commercial aspects of intellectual prop- erty and technology transfers,license agreements,research and development agreements,and joint ventures. She also practices in other fields of commercial and corporate law,such as mergers and acquisitions,and has developed a particular expertise in due diligence and audits in the higher tech sectors. She is a member of various organizations such as the Licensing Executives Society (USA and Canada),Inc.,and the Information,Telecommunications and Intellectual Property Section (Quebec Division) of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Bar Association. Robert B. Lamb isa clinical full professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business. He previously taught at Wharton and Columbia. He has published a number of books on corporate strat- egy,mergers and acquisitions,and public finance. He has also published four chapters in Intellectual Property in the Global Marketplace, dealing with Financial Valuations of Intellectual Property in Financial Transactions. Professor Lamb is a consultant to major financial institutions,corporations and to the US Government. He has often been quoted in the Wall Street Journal,and other business media. Michael Lasinskiis a managing director at InteCap,Inc.,a professional services firm focused on IP management issues. His focus is on IP valuation and related issues in licensing,sale,merger,acqui- sition,and tax-related transactions. Prior to joining InteCap,Inc.,he was with Coopers & Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers) and Ford Motor Company. He holds both an MBA and BSEE from the University of Michigan,is a licensed CPA in the state of Illinois,and is co-chairman of the Valu- ation and Taxation Committee of the Licensing Executives Society.

An up-to-date and in-depth examination of intellectual property issues in mergers and acquisitionsIn mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property assets can be especially difficult to accurately value, most notably in rapidly evolving high-tech industries. Understanding the factors that create va
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