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INTEGRATION ON ARTIN TORIC STACKS AND EULER CHARACTERISTICS 2 DAN EDIDIN AND YOGESH MORE 1 0 2 Abstract. There is a well-developed intersection theory on smooth Artin stacks n with quasi-affine diagonal [Gil, Vis, EG98, Kre]. However, for Artin stacks whose a diagonal is not quasi-finite the notion of the degree of a Chow cycle is not defined. J In this paper we propose a definition for the degree of a cycle on Artin toric stacks 0 1 whose underlying toric varieties are complete. As an application we define the Euler characteristic of an Artin toric stack with complete good moduli space - extending ] the definition of the orbifold Euler characteristic. An explicit combinatorial formula G is given for 3-dimensional Artin toric stacks. A . h t a m [ 1. Introduction 1 v Let X be complete Deligne-Mumford stack. There is a well-developed intersection 4 0 theory on such stacks [Vis, EG98, Kre] which includes the notion of the degree of 0- 1 cycle. Over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 if x is a point of X with 2 stabilizer G then the degree of the 0-cycle [x] ∈ A (X) is 1/|G |. As a consequence . x 0 x 1 one can compute the integral of an algebraic cohomology class on a complete Deligne- 0 2 Mumford stack. This theory of integration plays a crucial role in Gromov-Witten, 1 Donaldson-Thomas and other invariants in modern algebraic geometry. : v i A natural problem is to extend the notion of degree to stacks with non-finite diagonal. X While such stacks are not separated (and hence cannot be proper over the ground r a field) there is a class of Artin stacks which in many ways behave like complete Deligne- Mumford stacks. Specifically we consider Artin stacks which are generically Deligne- Mumford and have a complete good moduli space (in the sense of [Al]). If X is such a stack then there is a well-defined pushforward of Grothendieck groups p : K(X) → ∗ K(pt) = Z thereby defining Euler characteristics of sheaves on such stacks. Thus it is naturaltoexpect theretobeacorrespondingpushforwardforalgebraiccycles aswell as aRiemann-RochtheoremrelatingtheK-theoreticandtheChow-theoreticpushforward via some analogue of the Chern character. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 14M25, 14C15, 14D23. The first author was partially supported by NSA grant H98230-08-1-0059 while preparing this article. 1 2 DAN EDIDINANDYOGESH MORE The purpose of the present paper is to take a first step in this direction by defining the degree of a 0-cycle on a toric Artin stack in the sense of [BCS]. Our definition is based on our previous paper [EM] where we showed that if X(Σ) is a toric Artin stack with complete good moduli space X(Σ) then there is a canonical birational morphism f of toric stacks X(Σ′) → X(Σ) such that X(Σ′) is Deligne-Mumford and such that the induced morphism of the underlying toric varieties is proper and birational. The degree of a 0-cycle on X(Σ) is then defined as the degree of its pullback to the Deligne- Mumford stack X(Σ′). As anapplication we define the stacky Euler characteristic ofan Artintoricstack to be the degree of the Euler class of the tangent bundle stack, and we give a combinatorial formula for this Euler characteristic in dimension 3. Along the way we prove that the integral Chow ring of an Artin toric stack equals the Stanley–Reisner ring of the associated fan. Iwanari [Iwa] proves this for Deligne- Mumford toric stacks; our proof is different. 2. Toric stacks and Stanley–Reisner rings In this section, we recall the definition of toric stacks and in the process establish the notation we will use for toric stacks. As in [Iwa], for simplicity we will restrict our at- tention to stacky fans for which N is torsion free. A stacky fan Σ = (N,Σ,{v ,...,v }) 1 n consists of: 1. a finitely generated free abelian group N = Zd, 2. a (not neccesarily simplicial) fan Σ ⊂ N , whose rays we will denote by Q ρ ,...,ρ , 1 n 3. for every 1 ≤ i ≤ n, an element v ∈ N such that v lies on the ray ρ . i i i 2.1. Toric stacks via the Cox construction. We now recall the construction [BCS] of the toric stack X(Σ) associated to a stacky fan Σ = (N,Σ,{v ,...,v }). Let S = 1 n C[X | ρ ∈ Σ(1)], where Σ(1) denotes the rays in Σ. Define the ideal (of S) B(Σ) = ρ (Xσb | σ ∈ Σ)S, where Xσb = ρ∈Σ(1)rσXρ. The Cox space C(Σ) is defined to be SpecS rV(B(Σ)), where V(B(Σ)) is the vanishing locus of the ideal B(Σ). Let Q G(Σ) = {(t ) ∈ (C∗)n | thm,vρi = 1 ∀m ∈ M}, ρ ρ∈Σ(1) ρ ρ∈Σ(1) Y where M = Hom(N,Z) and h·,·i : M×N → Z is the natural pairing. The group G(Σ) acts on C(Σ) by restricting the natural action of (C∗)n on C(Σ) ⊆ Cn = SpecS. The toric stack X(Σ) associated to the stacky fan Σ = (N,Σ,{v ,...,v }) is the quotient 1 n stack [C(Σ)/G(Σ)]. INTEGRATION ON ARTIN TORIC STACKS AND EULER CHARACTERISTICS 3 2.2. Chow rings of Artin toric stacks. Our first result is a description of the Chow ring of an Artin toric stack in terms of the combinatorics of its stacky fan. Definition 2.1. [Iwa, Definition 2.1] Given a stacky fan Σ = (N,Σ,{v } }), let ρ ρ∈Σ(1) S(Σ) = Z[x | ρ ∈ Σ(1)]. Let I be the ideal of S(Σ) generated by hm,v ix ρ Σ ρ∈Σ(1) ρ ρ as m ranges over M. Let J be the ideal of S(Σ) generated by monomials x ···x Σ P ρ1 ρs such that the rays ρ ,...,ρ are not contained in any cone in Σ: 1 s (1) J = hx ···x | {ρ ,...,ρ } * τ ∈ Σi Σ ρ1 ρs 1 s We will call J the Stanley–Reisner ideal of Σ. Following [Iwa, Definition 2.1] (but not Σ exactly the possibly more standard terminology in [CLS, Definition 12.4.10], see also [MS]), define the Stanley–Reisner ring SR(Σ) to be (2) SR(Σ) = S(Σ)/(I +J ) Σ Σ Suppose a group G acts on a smooth scheme X, and let X = [X/G] be the resulting quotient stack. The integral Chow ring A∗(X) of X is the G-equivariant Chow ring A∗(X) of X [EG98]. We prove that the integral Chow ring of an Artin toric stack G X(Σ) is the Stanley–Reisner ring of the stacky fan Σ. Iwanari [Iwa] proved the same result for toric Deligne-Mumford stacks. Our proof is different: rather than computing the equivariant Chow groups directly from the definition, we use the excision sequence for equivariant Chow groups. Proposition 2.2. Let Σ = (N,Σ,{v } ) be a stacky fan. There is an isomor- ρ ρ∈Σ(1) phism between the integral Chow ring A∗(X(Σ)) of the smooth toric Artin stack X(Σ) and the Stanley–Reisner ring SR(Σ), sending [V(X )] → x . Here [V(X )] ∈ ρ G(Σ) ρ ρ G(Σ) A∗ (C(Σ)) = A∗(X(Σ)) denotes the equivariant fundamental class of the divisor G(Σ) V(X ) of C(Σ). ρ Proof. As before, let S(Σ) = Z[x | ρ ∈ Σ(1)], S = C[X | ρ ∈ Σ(1)], and G = G(Σ). ρ ρ The excision sequence in equivariant Chow groups is the exact sequence: A∗(V(B(Σ))) → A∗(SpecS) → A∗(C(Σ)) → 0 G G G Since SpecS is an affine bundle over pt = SpecC, we have A∗(SpecS) = A∗(pt) = G G S(Σ)/I . By the following lemma, the image of A∗(V(B(Σ))) in A∗(SpecS) is the Σ G G Stanley–Reisner ideal J (equation 1). Hence A∗(C(Σ)) = S(Σ)/(I +J ) = SR(Σ), Σ G Σ Σ (cid:3) the Stanley–Reisner ring of Σ. Lemma 2.3. Let B(Σ) = (Xσb | σ ∈ Σ)S be as in Section 2.1. Then we have a primary decomposition (3) B(Σ) = (X ,...,X ) ρ1 ρs {ρ1,...,\ρs}*τ∈Σ 4 DAN EDIDINANDYOGESH MORE where the intersection ranges over sets of rays {ρ ,...,ρ } that are not contained in 1 s some cone in Σ. Proof. First we show the “⊆” inclusion. Fix σ ∈ Σ. For any {ρ ,...,ρ } not contained 1 s in a cone in Σ, there is some ρ (where 1 ≤ i ≤ s) such that ρ ∈/ σ, (for otherwise i i {ρ1,...,ρs} ⊆ σ). Hence Xσb ∈ (Xρ1,...,Xρs), and hence we have proved the “⊆” inclusion. To show the opposite inclusion, let RI denote the ideal on the right hand side of equation 3. Since RI is a monomial ideal, it suffices to show that monomials in RI belong to B(Σ), i.e. we need to show if a monomial X ···X lies in RI, then it ρ1 ρs lies in B(Σ). We will show the contrapositive, namely that if X ···X ∈/ B(Σ), ρ1 ρs then X ···X ∈/ RI. If X ···X ∈/ B(Σ), then the set Σ(1) r {ρ ,...,ρ } is not ρ1 ρs ρ1 ρs 1 s contained in any cone of Σ (because if Σ(1)r{ρ ,...,ρ } ⊆ τ(1) for some cone τ ∈ Σ, 1 s then taking complements gives {ρ ,...,ρ } ⊇ Σ(1)rτ(1), and hence X ···X would 1 s ρ1 ρs be a multiple (in S) of Xτb ∈ B(Σ)). If we let {q1,...,qt} = Σ(1) r{ρ1,...,ρs} then X ···X ∈/ (X ,...,X ), and hence X ···X ∈/ RI. ρ1 ρs q1 qt ρ1 ρs (cid:3) In the remainder of this article, by virtue of the isomorphism SR(Σ) ≃ A∗(X(Σ)) given inProp. 2.2, we will write x to mean [V(X )] ∈ A∗(X(Σ)) (where ρ ∈ Σ(1)). ρ ρ G(Σ) 3. Integration on complete toric Deligne-Mumford stacks In this section, we will study intersection theory on complete toric Deligne-Mumford stacks. In this case, we have an isomorphism φ : A∗(X(Σ)) → A∗(X(Σ)) [EG98] and Q Q for the rest of this paper, we will work with the rational (as opposed to integral) Chow ring A∗(X(Σ)) of toric stacks. Q Definition 3.1 (D , stacky multiplicity of a cone). Let N be a lattice and let σ be σ,Σ simplicial cone N , and let s = dimσ. Suppose v ,...,v are elements of N such that R 1 s σ = R hv ,...,v i (inparticular, each v is a latticepoint onexactly oneray of σ). Let ≥0 1 s i N = ZhN ∩σi be the lattice generated by N ∩σ. We define the (stacky) multiplicity σ of the stacky cone σ = (N,σ,{v ,...,v }) to be the order of N /Zhv ,...,v i, and 1 s σ 1 s denote this positive integer by D . Let Σ = (N,Σ,{v ,v ,...,v }) be a stacky fan σ 1 2 n and σ a simplicial cone in Σ. Label the v so that v ,...,v are on the rays of σ. Let i 1 s σ = (N,σ,{v ,...,v }). Define the stacky multiplicity of σ with respect to Σ to be 1 s D , and denote this quantity by D . σ σ,Σ Proposition 3.2. [EG03, p.3749] Let Σ be a complete simplicial stacky fan, and let π : X(Σ) → X(Σ) be the coarse moduli space of X(Σ). Given distinct rays ρ ,...,ρ 1 s of Σ forming a cone σ = hρ ,...,ρ i in Σ, let V(σ) ⊆ X(Σ) be the orbit closure 1 s INTEGRATION ON ARTIN TORIC STACKS AND EULER CHARACTERISTICS 5 associated to σ. Let φ : A∗(X(Σ)) → A∗(X(Σ)) be the isomorphism of Chow rings Q Q ([EG98, Theorems 3,4]). Then 1 (4) φ(x ···x ) = [V(σ)], ρ1 ρs D σ,Σ where D is the stacky multiplicity of σ in Σ (Definition 3.1). σ,Σ 3.1. Self-intersections on toric Deligne-Mumford stacks. If ρ ,...,ρ are not 1 s distinct, then to compute φ(x ···x ), we can express x ···x as a rational linear ρ1 ρs ρ1 ρs combination of monomials with no factor x appearing more than once, and then we ρ can apply Proposition 3.2 to compute φ. The following theorem gives a procedure for finding such a linear combination. Theorem 3.3 (Recursive formula for self-intersections). Let Σ = (Zd,Σ,{v } ) be ρ ρ∈Σ(1) a complete simplicial stacky fan. Let ρ ,...,ρ be distinct rays in Σ, and let a ,...,a 1 s 1 s be positive integers and assume a ≥ 2 for some 1 ≤ i ≤ s. If ρ ,...,ρ are not i0 0 1 s contained in a cone in Σ, then s x = 0 (in A∗(X(Σ)) and hence s xai = 0. i=1 ρi i=1 ρi Otherwise, fix a (maximal) d-dimensional cone σ = hρ ,...,ρ ,ρ ,...,ρ i ∈ Σ(d) 1 s s+1 d Q Q containing ρ ,...,ρ . Let C = {ρ ∈ Σ(1) r {ρ ,...,ρ } | hρ,ρ ,...,ρ i ∈ Σ} (note 1 s 1 d 1 s C 6= ∅ since Σ is complete). For a ray ρ ∈ C, let b be rational numbers such that ρi,ρ d (5) v + b v = 0 ρ ρi,ρ ρi i=1 X (Such a relation always exists and is unique since v ,...,v form a basis of Rd.) ρ1 ρd Then s s (6) xai = b x xai0−1 xai ρi ρi0,ρ ρ ρi0 ρi Yi=1 Xρ∈C i=Y1,i6=i0 in A∗(X(Σ)) . Q Remark 3.4. Note that on the right-hand side of eq. 6, the exponent of x is one less ρi0 thanontheleft-handside, but fori 6= i (and1 ≤ i ≤ s)theexponent ofx isthesame 0 ρi on both sides. Since there was nothing special about x (other than a ≥ 2), we can ρ1 1 repeatedly apply Theorem 3.3 to express any monomial s xai as a rational linear i=1 ρi combination of monomials with no factor x appearing more than once. We can then ρ Q apply Proposition 3.2 to compute φ. Hence Theorem 3.3 gives a method to compute the integral of (or more generally, φ applied to) any Chow cohomology class on X(Σ). We give an example after the proof. Proof. For notational convenience, assume i = 1. Let P = xa1−1 s xai. For every 0 ρ1 i=2 ρi m ∈ M, we have hm,v ix = 0 in the Chow ring A∗(X(Σ)) . Multiplying by ρ∈Σ(1) ρ ρ QQ P 6 DAN EDIDINANDYOGESH MORE P we get d (7) hm,v ix P + hm,v ix P = 0 ρ ρ ρi ρi ρ∈C i=1 X X where we used x P = 0 for ρ ∈/ C ∪{ρ ,...,ρ } (by Proposition 2.2). By eq. 5 ρ 1 d d v = − b v ρ ρi,ρ ρi i=1 X Substituting this expression for v in the first term of eq. 7 gives ρ d d (8) hm,− b v ix P ++ hm,v ix P = 0 ρi,ρ ρi ρ ρi ρi ρ∈C i=1 i=1 X X X and collecting the coefficients of hm,v i gives: ρi d (9) hm,v i(x P − b x P) = 0 ρi ρi ρi,ρ ρ i=1 ρ∈C X X Equation 9 holds for all m ∈ M. Since v ,...,v are linearly independent, we con- ρ1 ρd clude that x P − b x P = 0 ∈ A∗(X(Σ)) for 1 ≤ i ≤ d. ρi ρ∈C ρi,ρ ρ Q In particular, takiPng i = 1, we conclude x P = b x P, i.e. ρ1 ρ∈C ρ1,ρ ρ s P s xai = b x xa1−1 xai ρi ρ1,ρ ρ ρ1 ρi i=1 ρ∈C i=2 Y X Y (cid:3) Example 3.5. Let v = (1,0,1), v = (0,2,1), v = (−1,0,1), v = (0,−1,1), 1 2 3 4 v = (0,0,−1). Let Σ ⊆ R3 be the fan whose maximal cones are (the R -spans 5 ≥0 of) σ = hv ,v ,v ,v i, and for (i,j) ∈ {(1,2),(2,3),(3,4),(1,4)}, σ = hv ,v ,v i. 1 2 3 4 ij5 i j 5 The only nonsimplicial cone is σ and its star subdivision is formed by splitting it into four 3-cones, each having the ray through v = v + v + v + v = (0,1,4) as a ray. 0 1 2 3 4 The cones in Σ (3) r Σ are σ = hv ,v ,v i for (i,j) ∈ {(1,2),(2,3),(3,4),(1,4)}. σ 0ij 0 i j Let Σ = (Z3,Σ,{v ,v ,v ,v ,v }) and Σ = (Z3,Σ ,{v ,v ,v ,v ,v ,v }) be the 1 2 3 4 5 σ σ 0 1 2 3 4 5 corresponding toric stack. For brevity, let Dijk = D . Computing the deter- σijk,Σσ minants of the appropriate triples of lattice vectors v , we get that D125 = D235 = 2, i D345 = D145 = 1, D012 = D023 = 7, D034 = D014 = 5. INTEGRATION ON ARTIN TORIC STACKS AND EULER CHARACTERISTICS 7 For brevity let x = x ∈ A∗(X(Σ )) . We use Theorem 3.3 to compute φ(x2) and i hvii s Q 0 φ(x3). We will extend v to the basis v ,v ,v . Then C = {hv i,hv i}. A calculation 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 shows that eq. 5 reads v + −4v + v + 2v = 0 and v + −3v + 0 · v + 5v = 0. 3 7 0 1 7 2 4 7 0 1 7 2 Hence eq. 6 reads x3 = −4x2x + −3x2x . We have to do another iteration to simplify 0 7 0 3 7 0 4 x2x and x2x . This time, we extend the basis v ,v to v ,v ,v . Then eq. 5 becomes 0 3 0 4 0 3 0 3 4 v +−2v +v +−2v = 0,andv +−3v +0·v +7v = 0.Theneq.6givesx2x = −3x x x 1 5 0 3 5 4 2 5 0 3 5 4 0 3 5 0 2 3 and x2x = −2x x x . Hence x3 = 12x x x + 6 x x x , and we have eliminated all the 0 4 5 0 1 4 0 35 0 2 3 35 0 2 4 self intersections. Then by Proposition 3.2 x3 = φ(x3) = 121 + 6 1 = 102 . X(Σσ) 0 0 357 355 1225 Similarly,x2 = −4x x +−3x x .ApplyingPRroposition3.2givestherelation[V(ρ )]2 = 0 7 0 3 7 0 4 0 −4[V(hv ,v i)]+−31[V(hv ,v i)]inA∗(X(Σ )) intherationalChowgroupofthetoric 7 0 3 7 5 0 4 σ Q variety X(Σ ). σ As a special case of Theorem 3.3, we recover a formula for x2 x ···x , equivalent ρ1 ρ2 ρd−1 to the one given in [CLS, Prop. 6.4.4]: Corollary 3.6. Let Σ = (Zd,Σ,{v } ) be a complete simplicial stacky fan. Let ρ ρ∈Σ(1) τ+ and τ− be distinct (maximal) d-dimensional cones of Σ such that σ = τ+ ∩τ− is a cone of dimension d−1. Let ρ+ and ρ− be the two rays of Σ such that τ+ = hρ+,σi and τ− = hρ−,σi. Let β+,β−,b be rational numbers such that we have a relation ρ (10) β+vρ+ +β−vρ− + bρvρ = 0 ρ∈σ(1) X Then for any ρ ∈ σ(1), b ρ x x = x x ρ σ ρ+ σ β+ in A∗(X(Σ)). Proof. Simply take s = d−1, a = 2, a = 1 for 2 ≤ i ≤ s in Theorem 3.3. (cid:3) 1 i Remark 3.7. Applying the ring isomorphism φ : A∗(X(Σ)) → A∗(X(Σ)) to the Q Q result in Corollary 3.6 gives φ(x )φ(x ) = bρ φ(x x ). By Prop. 3.2, this equality ρ σ β+ ρ+ σ becomes 1 b 1 [V(ρ)]·[ V(σ)] = ρ [ V(τ+)], D β+ D σ,Σ τ+,Σ which rearranges to the formula given in [CLS, Prop. 6.4.4]: b D [V(ρ)]·[V(σ)] = ρ σ,Σ [V(τ+)], β+D τ+,Σ for any ρ ∈ σ(1). 8 DAN EDIDINANDYOGESH MORE 3.2. Euler characteristic of toric Deligne-Mumford stacks. Definition 3.8. If X is an n-dimensional smooth complete Deligne-Mumford stack we define the Euler characteristic of X as χ(X) := c (T) where T is the tangent bundle X n of X. R Remark 3.9. The Euler characteristic we define is a rational number and should not be confused with the orbifold Euler characteristic defined by physicists. There is an orbifold version of the Gauss-Bonet theorem which implies that our definition is equivalent to the following topological definition for stacks of the form [M/G], where G is a finite group and M is a manifold. The manifold M has a CW decomposition where the stabilizer has constant order g on the interior of each cell c. Then χ([M/G]) := c (−1)dimc. Since every Deligne-Mumford stack (with finite stabilizer) is locally of the c gc form [M/G] the definition of Euler characteristic can be extended to arbitrary Deligne- P Mumford stacks, but we do not need this here. The following is well-known but we include a proof for lack of a suitable reference. Proposition 3.10. Let Σ = (N,Σ,{v ,v ,...,v }) be a complete simplicial stacky fan 1 2 n (i.e Σ is simplicial and complete). Let Σ denote the set of maximal cones in Σ. For max a maximal cone σ ∈ Σ , let D denote the multiplicity of σ. Then max σ 1 χ(X(Σ)) = D σ,Σ σ∈XΣmax Proof. Let X = X(Σ) = [C/G] where C = C(Σ) ⊆ An = SpecC[X ,...,X ] is the 1 n Cox space of Σ, and G = G(Σ) is as in Section 2.1. The coarse moduli space of X is X = X(Σ), the toric variety associated to Σ. The equivariant tangent bundle T is C ⊕O(X ) ([EG03, p.3751]) so i n χ(X(Σ)) = (1+x ) = φ( (1+x )) i i ZC i=1 ZX Y Y If v ,...,v are not contained in a cone of Σ, then [V(X ,...,X )] = 0 in A∗(C) i1 is i1 is G G n (Proposition 2.2). Hence if we expand the product (1+x ), the only monomials i=1 i x ···x that can contribute to φ( 1 + x ) are ones where v ,...,v span a i1 is X i Q i1 is maximalcone(werequiremaximalconessincetheintegralonlyconsidersthedimension R Q 0 part of the cycle). In this case, the image of V(X ,...,X ) is a point in X(Σ), i1 is and Prop. 3.2 tells us to assign a factor of 1 to the class [pt] of this point. The Dσ,Σ usual identification of A (X(Σ)) with Z sending [pt] ∈ A∗(X(Σ)) to 1 ∈ Z gives the 0 (cid:3) result. Remark 3.11. Note that Prop. 3.10 recovers the result (e.g. [CLS, Theorem 12.3.9]) that the Euler characteristic of a smooth toric variety is the number of maximal cones. INTEGRATION ON ARTIN TORIC STACKS AND EULER CHARACTERISTICS 9 The following result gives expresses how the Euler characteristic increases after a stacky star subdivision [EM, Definition 4.1] of a simplicial stacky fan. Lemma 3.12. Let Σ = (Zd,Σ,{v ,...,v }) be a complete simplicial stacky fan and 1 n let σ be a cone in Σ. Let Σ = (Zd,Σ ,{v ,v ,...,v }) be the stacky fan formed by σ σ 0 1 n stacky star subdivision of Σ with respect to σ. Then χ(X(Σ )) = χ(X(Σ)) + s−1 , σ Dσ,Σ where s = dimσ. Proof. Label the v such that σ = hv ,...,v i. Hence v = v +···+v . For 1 ≤ i ≤ s, i 1 s 0 1 s let σ = hv ,...,v ,...,v i be the cone of Σ spanned by v and all the rays of σ except i 1 i s σ 0 for hv i. Then by properties of determinants, we have D = D . Then apply Prop. i σi,Σσ σ,Σ (cid:3) 3.10. b 4. Integration on Artin toric stacks We now come to the main definitions of the paper. Let Σ be a (not necessarily sim- plicial) stacky fan and let X(Σ) be the associated Artin toric stack. By [EM, Theorem 5.2] there is a simplicial stacky fan Σ′ canonically obtained from Σ by stacky star subdivisions and a commutative diagram of stacks and toric varieties f X(Σ′) → X(Σ) π′ ↓ π ↓ g X(Σ′) → X(Σ) where f is birational, π′ is finite and g is proper and birational. Definition 4.1. Ifα ∈ A∗(X(Σ))defineπ α := g π′f∗α.Inparticular iftheassociated ∗ ∗ ∗ toric variety X(Σ) is complete we define for any α ∈ Ad(X(Σ)) α := f∗α ZX(Σ) ZX(Σ′) 4.1. The Euler characteristic of an Artin toric stack with complete good moduli space. We now turn to the definition of the Euler characteristic of an Artin toric stack. If X = [X/G] is a smooth Artin stack then the tangent bundle stack to X equals the vector bundle stack TX = [TX/Lie(G)]. The restriction of TX to the open set XDM where X is Deligne-Mumford is the usual tangent bundle to XDM. Identifying the Chow groups of X with the G-equivariant Chow groups of X we may define the Chern series of TX as the formal series c (TX) = c (TX)c (Lie(G))−1 ∈ t t t ∞ Ai (X) ⊗ Z[[t]]. Moreover, when G is diagonalizable the Lie algebra of G is a i=0 G trivial G-module so c (Lie(G)) = 1 so the Chern series of TX is actually a polynomial. t Q We can extend the definition of the Euler characteristic to toric Artin stacks. Definition 4.2. Let Σ be a stacky fan and suppose that associated toric variety X(Σ) has dimension d then we set χ(X(Σ)) := c (TX). X(Σ) d R 10 DAN EDIDINANDYOGESH MORE 4.2. Formulas for Euler characteristics of 3-dimensional toric Artin stacks. As an application of Theorem 3.3, we derive a formula for the Euler characteristic of a 3-dimensional toric Artin stack. Lemma 4.3. Let Σ = (Z3,Σ,{v ,...,v }) be a 3-dimensional complete stacky fan with 1 n only one nonsimplicial cone, call it σ, and label the v so that σ = R hv ,...,v i. Let i ≥0 1 s Σ = (Z3,Σ ,{v ,v ,...,v }) be the stacky fan formed by stacky star subdivision of Σ σ σ 0 1 n with respect to σ, and let f : X(Σ ) → X(Σ) be the induced morphism. For 0 ≤ i ≤ n, σ let y ∈ A∗(X(Σ )) be the equivariant fundamental class of the coordinate hyperplanes i σ restricted to Cox space C(Σ ). Let Σ (3) r Σ(3) be the set of maximal cones in Σ σ σ σ that are not in Σ. Then the difference between the Euler characteristic of X(Σ) and the Euler characteristic of its simplicialization X(Σ ) is given by σ (11) χ(X(Σ))−χ(X(Σ )) = σ s−3 s−1 s (12) + y2( y )+ y3. D 2 0 i 3 0 τ∈ΣσX(3)rΣ(3) τ,Σσ (cid:18) (cid:19)ZX(Σσ) 1X≤i≤s (cid:18) (cid:19)ZX(Σσ) Proof. With the notation as in 2.1, for 1 ≤ i ≤ s, we have f∗(x ) = y0+y . Also, for i i i ≥ s, f∗(x ) = y . Then χ(X(Σ)) = f∗( n (1+x )) = ( s (1+y + i i X(Σσ) i=1 i X(Σσ) i=1 0 y )) (1+y ) i i>s i R Q R Q ByQProposition 2.2 and Equations 2, 1, we have that yi1···yit = 0 in A∗G(C) if v ,...,v are not contained in a cone. In particular, y y = 0 for any i > s. Hence i1 it 0 i s when we expand ( (1+y +y )) (1+y ) and collect the degree 3, we get (note i=1 0 i i>s i that some monomials in the following equation are zero): Q Q s−2 s−1 s y y y + y y y + y2y + y3 i j k 1 0 j k 2 0 k 3 0 ZX(Σσ) 0<i<j<k 0<j<k≤s(cid:18) (cid:19) 0<k≤s(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) ! X X X We have ( y y y )+( y y y ) = χ(X(Σ )). (cid:3) 0<i<j<k i j k 0<j<k≤s 0 j k σ Remark 4P.4. The above prooPf easily extends to the case when Σ has more than one nonsimplicial cone. Suppose σ and σ are two different nonsimplicial cones of Σ, then 1 2 the above proof shows that the equivariant fundamental class of the exceptional divisor of the blowup of V(σ ) (resp. V(σ )) has nonzero product only with divisors coming 1 2 from rays of σ (resp. σ ). 1 2 By applying Theorem 3.3, we can give a combinatorial formula to the self-intersection integrals on the right hand side of equation 11. Fix i satisfying 1 ≤ i ≤ s. We will give a formula for y2y . Let v+ and v− be X(Σσ) 0 i i i the two lattice vectors (among v ,...,v ) such that τ+ = R hv+,v ,v i and τ− = 1 s iR ≥0 i 0 i i R hv−,v ,v i are the two maximal cones in Σ having γ = R hv ,v i as a common ≥0 i 0 i σ i ≥0 0 i

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