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Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna DEIS - DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS, COMPUTER SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS PhD Course in Electronics, Computer Science and Telecommunications XXII cycle – scientific-disciplinary sector ING/INF05 Integration of symbolic and connectionist AI techniques in the development of Decision Support Systems applied to biochemical processes Candidate: Supervisor: Davide Sottara Prof. Paola Mello PhD Course Coordinator: Prof. Paola Mello Final Examination Year 2010 To my family ABSTRACT Thereexistcomplexsystems,suchasbio-chemicalplants,which require a constant management to be kept in optimal operating conditions. To this end, automation is the only feasible option: the tasks involved, ranging from fault detection to diagnosis to control, can hardly be performed by traditional model-based controllers alone, but instead require the additional application of artificial intelligence-based techniques. AI is a vast field, covering many technologies which can be roughly classified in “Hard” or “Soft” techniques: the former typicallyuseasymbolicrepresentationofthedataandelaborate it by logic reasoning; the latter, instead, process information at a sub-symbolic level, exploiting the interactions of many simple elaboration units - hence they are also known as connectionist techniques. Sincedifferenttechniquesaremoresuitablefordifferentprob- lems, a complex management infrastructure is likely to include morethanonemodule.Thesemodulesshouldbeabletointeract inordertoexploitthemutualpotentialitieswhenprocessingthe information coming from the managed system. Moreover, this information is likely to be imperfect - vague and/or uncertain and/or incomplete - so the modules should be able to deal with it appropriately. In this dissertation, we claim not only that taking imperfec- tion into account is a necessary feature of an “intelligent” mod- ule interfaced to a real-world system, but also that extending formal logical reasoning with imperfection allows to obtain a deeper integration of “Hard” and “Soft” computing techniques than simply using them together, in cascade or in parallel, ob- taining strongly hybrid modules which can be simpler and yet more robust than their pure counterparts. Moreover, it will be shown that such hybrid modules can be deployed effectively within an infrastructure which combines the concepts of service, agent and event in a natural way. v SOMMARIO Esistonosistemicomplessi,qualiireattoribio-chimici,chehanno bisogno di un monitoraggio costante per essere mantenuti nelle condizionioperativeottimali.Perfarció,l’automazioneél’unica stradapercorribile:lefunzionalitánecessarie,chevannodalladi- agnosi al controllo, possono difficilmente essere svolte soltanto dai controllori tradizionali, basati sui modelli, ma richiedono, in aggiunta, l’applicazione di tecniche di intelligenza artificiale. L’AI é un dominio molto vasto, che copre diverse tecnologie che possono essere divise, con buona approssimazione, in tec- niche di “Hard” e “Soft” Computing. Le prime usano solita- mente una rappresentazione simbolica delle informazioni e le elaborano per mezzo di ragionamenti logici; le seconde, invece, processano le informazioni ad un livello sub-simbolico, sfrut- tando le interazioni di molte unitá di elaborazione semplici - motivo per cui sono anche note come tecniche “connessioniste”. Dato che tecnologie diverse sono piú adatte per problemi di- versi, una infrastruttura di gestione complessa includerá proba- bilmente piú di un modulo al suo interno. Tali moduli dovreb- beroessereingradodiinteragirepersfruttarealmegliolerispet- tive potenzialitá nel processare le informazioni provenienti dal sistema gestito. Inoltre, questa informazione é spesso imperfetta -vagae/oincertae/oincompleta-pertantoimodulidovrebbero poterla gestire in modo appropriato. In questa dissertazione, si sostengono due tesi: non solo che gestire l’imperfezione é una caratteristica necessaria di un mod- ulo “intelligente” interfacciato ad un sistema reale, ma anche che introdurre l’imperfezione nel ragionamento formale perme- ttediottenereunlivellodiintegrazionetratecnologiedi“Hard” e “Soft” Computing piú profondo del semplice usarle insieme, in cascata o in parallelo, ottenendo cosí dei moduli fortemente ibridi che possono essere piú semplici e allo stesso tempo piú robusti delle loro controparti “pure”. Inoltre, si mostra che tali moduli ibridi possono essere usati efficacementeall’internodiunainfrastrutturachecombinaicon- cetti di servizio, agente ed evento in modo naturale. vii PUBLICATIONS OF THE AUTHOR [1] G. L. Bragadin, G. Colombini, L. Luccarini, M. Mancini, P. Mello, M. Montali, and D. Sottara. Formal verification of wastewater treatment processes using events detected from continuous sig- nalsbymeansofartificialneuralnetworks.Casestudy:SBRplant. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING AND SOFTWARE. ISSN 1364- 8152. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2009.05.013. URL http://dx.medra. org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2009.05.013. ArticleinPress. (Citedon pages204,207,223,237,247,and255.) [2] Sottara D., P.Mello, L.Luccarini, and G.Colombini. Controllo e gestione intelligente degli impianti di depurazione. In Europadel Recupero:lericerche,letecnologie,glistrumentieicasistudioperuna culturadellaresponsabilità ambientale,pages156–161,S.Arcangelo di Romagna (RN) – ITA, 5-8 Novembre 2008. Maggioli Editore (ITALY). [3] D.Sottara, L.Luccarini, and P.Mello. Strumenti di IA per il con- trollo e la diagnosi dei processi biologici negli impianti a fanghi attivi.InEuropadelrecupero:lericerche,letecnologie,glistrumentiei casistudioperunaculturadellaresponsabilità ambientale,pages150 – 155, S.Arcangelo di Romagna (RN) – ITA, 5-8 Novembre 2008. MaggioliEditore(ITALY). [4] L. Luccarini, P. Mello, D. Sottara, and A. Spagni. Artificial Intel- ligence based rules for event recognition and control applied to SBR systems. In Conference Proceedings of the 4th Sequencing Batch ReactorConference,pages155–158,ROMA–ITA,7-10April,2008. s.n. (Citedonpages203,239,and247.) [5] P.Mello,M.Proctor,andD.Sottara. AconfigurableRETE-OOen- gine for reasoning with different types of imperfect information. IEEETransactionsonKnowledgeandDataEngineering(TKDE)-Spe- cial Issue on Rule Representation, Interchange and Reasoning in Dis- tributed,HeterogeneousEnvironments,2010. ArticleinPress. (Cited onpage118.) [6] M. Nickles and D. Sottara. Approaches to Uncertain or Impre- cise Rules - A survey. In G. Governatori, J. Hall, and A. Paschke, editors, Rule Interchange and Applications, International Symposium, RuleML2009,LasVegas,Nevada,USA,November5-7,2009.Proceed- ings,volume5858ofLectureNotesinComputerScience,pages323– 336.Springer,2009. ISBN978-3-642-04984-2. (Citedonpage103.) [7] D.SottaraandP.Mello. Modellingradialbasisfunctionswithra- tional logic rules. In E. Corchado, A. Abraham, and W. Pedrycz, ix editors, Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Third International Workshop,HAIS2008,Burgos,Spain,September24-26,2008.Proceed- ings,volume5271ofLectureNotesinComputerScience,pages337– 344.Springer,2008. [8] D. Sottara, L. Luccarini, P. Mello, S. Grilli, M. Mancini, and G.L. Bragadin. Tecniche di intelligenza artificiale per la gestione e il controllodiimpiantididepurazione.casodistudio:SBRinscala pilota alimentato con refluo reale. In Luciano Morselli, editor, Ambiente:tecnologie,controlliecertificazioniperilrecuperoelavaloriz- zazione di materiali ed energie. ECOMONDO X Fiera Internazionale delRecuperodiMateriaedEnergiaedelloSviluppoSostenibile.Rimini. 8-11 novembre 2006, volume 1, pages 106 – 111. Maggioli Editore (ITALY),2006. ISBN88-387-3887-1. [9] D. Sottara, L. Luccarini, and P. Mello. AI techniques for Waste Water Treatment Plant control. Case study: Denitrification in a pilot-scale SBR. In B. Apolloni, R. J. Howlett, and L. C. Jain, ed- itors, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Sys- tems,11thInternationalConference,KES2007,XVIIItalianWorkshop onNeuralNetworks,VietrisulMare,Italy,September12-14,2007.Pro- ceedings, Part I, volume 4692 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages639–646.Springer,2007. ISBN978-3-540-74817-5. (Citedon pages203and239.) [10] D. Sottara, P. Mello, and M. Proctor. Adding uncertainty to a RETE-OO inference engine. In N. Bassiliades, G. Governatori, and A. Paschke, editors, Rule Representation, Interchange and Rea- soning on the Web, International Symposium, RuleML 2008, Orlando, FL, USA, October 30-31, 2008. Proceedings, volume 5321 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 104–118. Springer, 2008. ISBN 978-3-540-88807-9. [11] D. Sottara, G. Colombini, L. Luccarini, and P. Mello. A Pool of Experts to evaluate the evolution of biological processes in SBR plants. InE.Corchado,X.Wu,E.Oja,Á.Herrero,andB.Baruque, editors, Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 4th International Con- ference, HAIS 2009, Salamanca, Spain, June 10-12, 2009. Proceedings, volume 5572 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 368–375. Springer,2009. ISBN978-3-642-02318-7. (Citedonpages203,205, 207,and247.) [12] D. Sottara, G. Colombini, L. Luccarini, and P. Mello. A wavelet based heuristic to dimension neural networks for simple signal approximation. In Bruno Apolloni, Simone Bassis, and Carlo F. Morabito, editors, Proceeding of the 2009 conference on Neural Nets, WIRN2009,VietrisulMare(SA),Italy,May28-30,2009,pages337– 344.IOSPress,2009. ISBN978-1-60750-072-8. (Citedonpage204.) [13] D. Sottara, L. Luccarini, G.L. Bragadin, M.L. Mancini, P. Mello, andM.Montali. Processqualityassessmentinautomaticmanage- x

ule interfaced to a real-world system, but also that extending formal logical .. 6.2 .2. Results and Considerations. 106. 6.3. Drools. 110. 6.3.1. Drools Expert. 110.
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