Integration of Metabolism, Energetics, and Signal Transduction Integration of Metabolism, Energetics, and Signal Transduction Unifying Foundations in Cell Growth and Death, Cancer, Atherosclerosis, and Alzheimer Disease Robert K. Ockner, M.D. University of California, San Francisco San Francisco, California KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS NEW YORK,BOSTON, DORDRECHT, LONDON, MOSCOW eBookISBN: 0-306-48529-X Print ISBN: 0-306-48471-4 ©2004 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. Print ©2004 Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers New York All rights reserved No part of this eBook maybe reproducedor transmitted inanyform or byanymeans,electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise,withoutwritten consent from the Publisher Createdin the UnitedStates of America Visit Springer's eBookstore at: and the Springer Global Website Online at: DEDICATION This book is dedicated to my wife Elaine; my sons Jim, Matt, and Peter; my brother Steve; and to my parents, the late Lee and Sara Ockner. v PREFACE Complex and unexplained phenomena tend to foster unorthodox perspectives. This publication is an example, as is a prior publication that emphasized the concept that intermediary metabolism might play a significant and determining role in hepatocyte proliferation and tumorigenesis1. Formulation of this hypothesis was based on an attempt to clarify several poorly understood phenomena; including the observations: 1) that xenobiotic peroxisome proliferators such as the fibrate hypolipidemic agents induce hepatocyte proliferation and carcinogenesis in rodents; 2) that benign and malignant liver tumors complicate the human syndrome of glycogen storage disease type I (glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency); and 3) that in this same syndrome, administration of glucose exerts an anti-tumor effect. Fatty acid and glucose metabolism are tightly linked in a well- established and profoundly inportant interplay. This connection, together with the fact that peroxisome proliferator-induced hepatocyte proliferation and carcinogenesis reflects inhibition of mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I and fatty acid oxidation, suggested the possibility that regulation of fatty acid metabolism could prove to be a pivotal determinant in the control of cell growth. In 1993, the year in which the paper cited above was published, insight into the importance of growth factors and signal transduction pathways in cell cycle regulation was increasing rapidly, but metabolic and energetic aspects of cell proliferation had attracted relatively little attention. Despite this, the concept seemed inescapable that the two seemingly distinct and unrelated determinants — signal transduction and metabolism — were integrally linked. Moreover, it is known that growth regulation in the earliest eukaryotes was governed largely or exclusively by nutritional, metabolic, and energetic factors hundreds of millions of years before the appearance of intercellular signaling in higher organisms. It seemed vii viii Preface plausible, therefore, that these factors had retained a dominant regulatory role, at least under certain conditions, throughout the evolution of today’s more advanced and complex species. What has emerged through the development of this treatise is evidence strongly suggesting that metabolism and energetics, while at times referred to as “housekeeping” functions, are intimately and directly linked to those signal transduction pathways that are essential to survival of the cell, the organism, and the species. Initial work on the project (later to become Part II of the present volume) involved review of published contributions of many insightful and productive scientists. These addressed a broad range of relevant issues, including intermediary metabolism, signal transduction, and cell cycle regulation, and the effects of alternative substrates on mitochondrial energetics. Our preliminary2 and unpublished experiments addressed the effects of endogenous and xenobiotic growth modulators on fatty acid metabolism and mitochondrial function, and provided critically important early insight and stimulus. Unexpectedly, it also became appreciated during this time that, despite suppression of glucose utilization in brain regions affected by Alzheimer disease, neurons in those regions remained viable. Viewed in the context of the current project, this otherwise seemingly unrelated observation suggested the possibility that utilization of alternative substrates might also prove to be a critical determinant in the energetics, function, and injury of the neuron. Pursuit of published research related to this hypothesis led to the recognition of what appeared to be important parallels in intermediary metabolism and signal transduction between neuronal activation (Part III of this volume) and cell proliferation (Part II). Initially, Parts II and III were developed as separate analytical reviews. With the passage of time, however, their sustained growth in size, scope, and relatedness made separate publication less feasible and less desireable. As a result, they are included in the present combined format, along with short introductory and concluding sections (Parts I and IV, respectively) that provide overall perspective. As work on the project progressed, it required ongoing review of increasing numbers of new publications in diverse fields; those findings most relevant to the integrated approach were selected for incorporation. Encouragingly, few published reports offered serious challenge to the present interpretations and hypotheses; of those, the more important are cited and discussed. Moreover, with continuing development of the project, its fundamental concepts became applicable to a growing number of surprisingly diverse additional areas, ranging from an early focus on liver regeneration to include programmed cell death3, cancer cachexia, atherosclerosis, ischemia-reperfusion injury, regulation of feeding behavior, aspects of synaptic function, and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. Preface ix While their broad relevance has provided additional support to many of the concepts, it has also required considerable stringency in the selection of publications for citation. As the regrettable but inevitable result, it was not possible to include reference to numerous other excellent publications that seemed less related to the present focus or less essential to its development. In any case, the project’s very nature dictates that it will remain a work in progress. REFERENCES 1.R. Ockner, R. Kaikaus, and N. Bass, Fatty acid metabolism and the pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma: review and hypothesis, Hepatology 18:669-676 (1993). 2.R. Ockner, N. Lysenko, N. Wu, and N. Bass, Hepatocyte growth inhibitors modulate mitochondrial and extramitochondrial fatty acid oxidation, Hepatology 24:253A (Abstract) (1996). 3.R. Ockner, Apoptosis and liver diseases: Recent concepts of mechanisms and significance, J Gastroenterol Hepatol 16:248-260 (2001). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank my bright, creative, and collegial former associates in fatty acid and fatty acid binding protein research at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), among them Nathan M. Bass, Ruth Brandes, David A. Burnett, Alfred Gangl, John L. Gollan, Albert L. Jones, Raja M. Kaikaus, Richard A. Weisiger, Nina Lysenko, Joan A. Manning, and, in collaborative projects, David H. Alpers, Jeffrey I. Gordon, and E. Raghupathy. I also wish to express appreciation for encouragement in the present project by other colleagues at UCSF: Rudi Schmid, D. Montgomery Bissell, Stephen DeArmond, Richard J. Havel, the late Ira Herskowitz, John Kane, Young S. Kim, Robert Mahley, Frank McCormick, Bruce Miller, R. Curtis Morris, and Marvin H. Sleisenger. Members of the UCSF Liver Center, Division of Gastroenterology, and Comprehensive Cancer Center have represented an ongoing and congenial source of information and stimulation. Sadie McFarlane provided expert assistance in preparation and formatting of the manuscript; she also accomplished the digital transformation of my original drawings to clear and informative illustrations. The project was supported in part at its inception by research grant R01 AM13328, and throughout its development by Liver Center Grant P30 DK26743, both from the National Institutes of Health. Figures 1 and 2 from Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2001;16:248-260, are used with the permission of Blackwell Publishing. Finally, to the extent that my time and energies became increasingly devoted to this project, others in the Division of Gastroenterology and Liver Center have carried a correspondingly increased workload; their efforts are truly appreciated. xi CONTENTS PART I: PROLOGUE 1 1.DISPARATE THEMES: ORIGINS AND INTEGRATION 3 PART II: FATTY ACIDS, MITOCHONDRIA, AND SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION: INTEGRATED CONTROL OF CELL PROLIFERATION, INJURY, AND DEATH 11 2. INTRODUCTION TO PART II 13 3. NUTRIENT AND ENERGY METABOLISM IN CELL PROLIFERATION 19 3.1. INTRODUCTION 19 3.2. INTERMEDIARY METABOLISM: GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 19 3.3. ATP GENERATION, CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM, AND CELL GROWTH 22 3.3.1.AerobicGlycolysis, Mitochondrial Respiration, and OxidativePhosphorylation 23 3.3.2. Wingless/Wnt-Like Signaling: Convergence of Antecedents and the Unpredictable 27 Broader Significance of wg/Wnt-Like Signaling 31 Lithium 33 Reactive Oxygen Species 33 3.4. REFERENCES 35 4. FATTY ACIDS AND GROWTH REGULATION 47 4.1. INTRODUCTION 47 4.2. OMEGA-6 FATTY ACIDS 48 4.3. OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS 51 4.3.1. Metabolic Effects 51 4.3.2. Growth Effects 52 xiii xiv Contents 4.4. FATTY ACIDS, MODULATION OF CELL GROWTH, AND THE AMP-ACTIVATED PROTEIN KINASE 53 4.4.1. AMP-Activated Protein Kinase 57 4.4.2. Stoichiometric Considerations 58 4.5. METABOLIC INTERACTION BETWEEN TUMOR AND HOST: CANCER CACHEXIA 61 4.6. REFERENCES 64 5. MITOCHONDRIALFUNCTION IN CELL GROWTH AND DEATH 77 5.1. INTRODUCTION 77 5.2. PEROXISOME PROLIFERATOR-ACTIVATED RECEPTORS (PPAR) AND LIGANDS: MITOCHONDRIAL REDOX,MACROPHAGES, AND MITOSIS 78 5.2.1. 78 5.2.2. 84 5.2.3. 85 5.3. MITOCHONDRIAL FUNCTION IN APOPTOSIS 85 5.3.1.The Bcl-2 Protein Family 88 5.3.2. wg/Wnt-Like Signaling: Convergence of Mitochondria, p53, and Telomerase 90 5.3.3.Mitochondria and FasL-Independent Activation of Fas 93 5.3.4. Apoptosis and the Cell Cycle: Chronic Viral Hepatitis and Cancer 95 5.4. REFERENCES 98 6. METABOLIC EFFECTS OF ANTIPROLIFERATIVE AGENTS 121 6.1. INTRODUCTION 121 6.2. BUTYRATE 121 6.3. TRANSFORMING GROWTH 125 6.4. SALICYLATES AND OTHER NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS) 127 6.5. REFERENCES 132 7. FATTY ACIDS AND MITOCHONDRIA, CELL GROWTH AND INJURY: BROADER IMPLICATIONS 143 7.1. INTRODUCTION 143 7.2. ADVERSE EFFECTS OF FATTY ACIDS ON MITOCHONDRIAL FUNCTION AND CELL REDOX BALANCE 143 7.3. ORIGINS OF INTRAMITOCHONDRIAL OXIDATIVE STRESS 145 7.4. CONSEQUENCES OF INTRAMITOCHONDRIAL OXIDATIVE STRESS: ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND BEYOND 148 7.4.1. Atherosclerosis and Arterial Hypertension 149