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JournalofBiogeography(J.Biogeogr.)(2015) Integration of global fossil and modern ORIGINAL ARTICLE biodiversity data reveals dynamism and stasis in ant macroecological patterns Benoit Gu(cid:1)enard1,2*, Vincent Perrichot3 and Evan P. Economo1,4 1OkinawaInstituteofScienceandTechnology ABSTRACT GraduateUniversity,Onna-son,Okinawa Aim We investigate the dynamics of ant biodiversity patterns and community 904-0495,Japan,2SchoolofBiological structure from the Eocene until the present. Our goal is to empirically test Sciences,TheUniversityofHongKong,Pok hypotheses regarding the similarities in composition and structure of fossil and FuLamRoad,HongKongSAR,China, 3CNRSUMR6118 G(cid:1)eosciences,Universit(cid:1)ede modern ant faunas to understand the historical processes influencing modern global biodiversity patterns. Rennes1,RennesCedex35042,France, 4DepartmentofEcologyandEvolutionary Location Global. Biology,UniversityofMichigan,AnnArbor MI48104,USA Methods We integrated two recently developed databases of the geographical distributions of fossil and modern ant genera and analysed the evolution of diversityandcompositionsincetheEocene,c. 55 Ma.Weassembledathirdnew database on community structure of ants, and used it to compare community structureoffossilassemblageswithmoderncommunitiesindifferentbioregions. Results The analyses of generic composition and community structure were congruent, supporting a strong affinity between the Western Palaearctic ant fauna and modern Indomalayan and Australasian assemblages, and of a wide- spread Holarctic ant palaeofauna, and affinity between fossil Caribbean and modern Neotropical faunas. In addition, neither generic composition nor com- munity structure of fossil assemblages showed evidence of taphonomic bias towards arboreal taxa. Main Conclusions The aggregated fossil record reveals the dynamic nature of macroecological patterns in ant biodiversity during the Cenozoic, with conti- nental-scale generic extinctions common and important in shaping modern ant assemblages. Our results suggest major compositional changes for the Western Palaearctic bioregion and the Caribbean bioregions. The ant palaeofauna of the Western Palaearctic bioregion was then very similar in composition and struc- ture to the one observed now in the Indomalayan bioregion, supporting the notion that modern-day ‘tropical’ biomes were historically much more wide- spread, while temperate biotas are more recently evolved. Our results under- score the importance of a palaeogeographical perspective in understanding modern-day macroecological patterns. *Correspondence:BenoitGu(cid:1)enard,Schoolof Keywords BiologicalSciences,TheUniversityofHong Cenozoic, community structure, extinctions, Formicidae, fossils, generic Kong,PokFuLamRoad,HongKongSAR, diversity, global diversity patterns, historical biogeography, neofauna, palaeo- China. fauna. E-mail:[email protected] efforts have been bolstered by new informatic tools allowing INTRODUCTION for aggregations of vast amounts of data. As noted by Biologists have long strived to understand the macroecologi- others (Manchester et al., 2009; Jones & Safi, 2011), the cal patterns such as the latitudinal diversity gradient and large-scale biodiversity patterns we observe today are an the distribution of Earth’s biomes. In recent years, these outcome of a long and dynamic evolutionary history driven ª2015JohnWiley&SonsLtd http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jbi 1 doi:10.1111/jbi.12614 B.Gu(cid:1)enard et al. by climatological, geological and ecological shifts. The towards certain habitats or strata. We first review large-scale aggregation and synthesis of fossil data is critical for resolv- ant biogeography to establish some context and hypotheses ing the temporal dimension of biodiversity dynamics and for ouranalysis. understand the processes driving patterns. While data syntheses have advanced rapidly for vertebrates Background and hypotheses and plants, invertebrates lag behind despite constituting the large majority of the global diversity. Among invertebrates, Recent work on ant evolution including molecular phyloge- ants are one of the most ecologically dominant and well- netic analyses (Brady et al., 2006; Moreau et al., 2006; Mor- studied groups. Understanding the mechanisms and the eau & Bell, 2013), diversification hypotheses (Wilson & pathways by which this group achieved such ecological and Ho€lldobler, 2005; Moreau et al., 2006; Perrichot et al., evolutionary success represents a major endeavour. Recently, 2008b), and new description of ancient fossils nearly 100 Ma a global database on the distribution of modern ant genera old (Nel et al., 2004; Perrichot et al., 2008a; Barden & Gri- was compiled revealing large-scale patterns in richness and maldi, 2012), indicate that all the genus-level taxa known composition (Gu(cid:1)enard et al., 2012). Work on fossil ants has from the first 50–60 Myr following their first appearance are mainly focused on taxonomic analysis of individual speci- now extinct. The rise of the modern ant fauna is a more mens (e.g. Baroni Urbani, 1980; Perrichot et al., 2008a; recent phenomenon occurring probably during the early Dlussky & Wedmann, 2012). Only a few synthetic analyses Cenozoic and continuing until the present (Brady et al., existonparticulardepositswitharichantpalaeocommunity, 2006; Moreau et al.,2006; LaPollaet al., 2013). such as Baltic and Dominican ambers (Wheeler, 1915; Wil- son, 1985; Dlussky & Rasnitsyn, 2009; Dlussky & Putyatina, The Fossil West Palaearctic–Modern Indomalayan- 2014). Recently, a world catalogue of fossil ants was com- Australasian Affinity piled (Perrichot, 2014), and the updated global fossil record was reviewed (LaPolla et al., 2013). However, our macro- One of the pioneering -and still most impressive- studies on scopic view of ant biodiversity, across all genera and across fossil ants to-date was conducted by Wheeler (1915) on 9527 theglobe, remains firmlyrootedinthepresent. ant specimens from Eocene (37–42 Ma) Baltic amber. Here, for the first time, we assemble a comprehensive Wheeler noted then that modern American and African ele- global database of ant genera known both from fossil and ments are nearly completely missing from Baltic amber, and modern species, providing relevant historical context to the he described this ant palaeofauna as a ‘mixture of what at patternsobservedinextantgenericdistributions.Weevaluate the present day we are able to recognize as at least four dif- the extent to which historical assemblages of genera resemble ferent faunas, the Palaearctic, the Indian, the Malayan and modern faunas, both in the same and in distant geographical the Australian, with a little more than ⅓ of the genera and regions. We use these data on generic composition to evalu- nearly ½ of the species Palaearctic and the reminder belong- ate biogeographical hypotheses developed to explain modern ing to Indomalayan and Australian types’ (Wheeler, 1915, p. ant composition patterns. 12). Wheeler’s observations and conclusions followed those While generic composition varies in informative ways of Emery (1892), who previously noticed the strong affinity across major bioregions, the distribution of diversity at of much smaller sample of Sicilian amber ant fossils with the higher taxonomic levels also varies in important ways that modern Indo-Australian fauna. However, these authors ver- are not captured by the presence–absence of genera. For bally described patterns but did not test them quantitatively. example, compared with faunas in other continents, both Furthermore, as those original studies, subsequent work has local and regional ant faunas of Australia are much more enriched our understanding of both the fossil and modern dominated by species of the subfamily Dolichoderinae than ant faunal distributions, with studies on new deposits avail- other regions. These broad differences in community organi- able (Europe: Dlussky & Rasnitsyn, 2009; Dlussky & Wed- zation also help us interpret the organization of historical mann, 2012; Dominican amber: Wilson, 1985; Baroni ant assemblages. Likewise fossil records may be biased Urbani, 1995; Chiapas: Solo(cid:1)rzano Kraemer, 2007), and towards ants living in certain habitats (forest, open, etc.) and improvements in taxonomy of both modern and fossil taxa in different ecological strata (arboreal, epigaeic, hypogaeic) (Ward, 2007). The aggregation of the most recent data for as noted for instance by Dlussky et al. (2009) on the domi- both the fossil and modern ant distributions (Gu(cid:1)enard et al., nanceofarborealantindividualsintheOligoceneBembridge 2010; Perrichot, 2014) allow now for more rigorous compar- Marls deposits. ison oftheaffinities between thosedifferent assemblages. To compare community organization of fossiland modern assemblages, we compiled a global database of modern ant The East Palaearctic–East Nearctic Disjunction community structure from all major biomes and habitat types, as characterized by the distribution of species richness Forover 150 years, plant ecologists havenoticed strongsimi- across subfamilies. Using this data set, we evaluated whether larities between plant communities found in East Asia and the organization of fossil communities resembles any mod- East North America, both sharing similar genera, while those ern-day faunas, and if there is evidence of a taphonomic bias were absent from Europe or West America (Wen, 1999). 2 JournalofBiogeography ª2015JohnWiley&SonsLtd Historical biogeographyof ants Those observations led to the hypothesis that during most of However, such patterns may be influenced by taphonomic the Cenozoic a large mixed mesophytic forest covered the bias. Several studies of European fossil deposits found that Northern Hemisphere (Tiffney, 1985; Manchester, 1999; the abundance and richness of ant species from the subfam- Greenwood et al., 2005), with the North Atlantic and Bering ily Dolichoderinae in ant communities was much higher land bridges connecting Eurasia and North America facilitat- than usually observed in modern communities (Wheeler, ing transcontinental dispersal of plant and animal lineages. 1915; Dlussky & Rasnitsyn, 2002; LaPolla et al., 2013). This By the late Tertiary and during the Quaternary, major cool- led these authors to suggest that because modern Doli- ing events provoked massive extinctions in Europe and part choderinae are most commonly arboreal, the taphonomy of of the Nearctic bioregion (Tiffney, 1985) and closed overland amber fossilization could be biased towards arboreal species. dispersal routes. Despite support from numerous plants and However, more general palaeoecological studies have shown vertebrate studies (Tiffney, 1985; Manchester, 1999; San- that a significant fraction of organisms embedded in amber martin et al., 2001), this hypothesis has received less atten- were representatives of the litter and low vegetation of the tion for entire communities of insects groups (but see Von forest (Henwood, 1993; Perrichot, 2004). Thus, it is possible Dohlen et al., 2002). If valid, we predict that the fossil ant that it is the preponderance of Dolichoderines on other sub- assemblages known from the Holarctic bioregion (East family-level taxa which (according to the hypothesis Palaearctic, West Palaearctic and Nearctic bioregions) should described above) may reflect similarities to modern Indoma- be aligned with the current faunas of the Eastern Asian and layan and Australasian faunas. In contrast, if the taphonomy Eastern Nearctic bioregions. Alternatively, regions that were of ant fossils is biased towards arboreal taxa, then we should affected by extinctions should present limited affinities find greater affinities with community structure found in between their Palaeo-and Neofauna. contemporary arboreal communities, but not particularly allied withagiven bioregion. To summarize, in this study we use three recently devel- Similarity between the current Neotropical bioregion and oped databases to address the following goals. (1) By com- the Miocene Caribbean fauna paring past and modern distributions of ant genera, we A comparison of the Hispaniolan modern fauna and palaeo- explore the validity of multiple biogeographical hypotheses fauna conducted by Wilson (1985) showed the similarity of developed to explain modern ant composition patterns, the past Dominican amber ant fauna with the current ant namely (i) the fossil West Palaearctic ant fauna affinity with fauna of the Neotropical bioregion. A similar pattern with the modern Indomalayan-Australasian fauna, (ii) the East moderate similarity between modern and palaeo-Hispaniolan Nearctic–East Palaearctic disjunction, and (iii) the fossil Car- fauna, and strong similarities between palaeo-Hispaniolan ibbean affinity with the modern Neotropical fauna. (2) We and modern South and North American fauna has been study the relative species richness of ant subfamilies within observed in several groups of insects (Solo(cid:1)rzano Kraemer, communities present in multiple modern bioregions and 2007)and spiders (Penney, 2008).Incontrast, Baroni Urbani habitats in order to characterize the structural affinities of and de Andrade highlighted examples of Dominican fossils European fossil assemblages of the Palaeogene period. (3) that had strong affinities with extant Old World ant fauna, We test the hypothesis that the generic representation and in particular the current Australasian taxa (Baroni Urbani, community structure within the European fossil record is 1980, 1995; Baroni Urbani & de Andrade, 2003), a pattern biasedtowards anover-representation of arborealspecies. also observed occasionally in other insect groups (Grimaldi et al.,2013).Weuseourdatatoevaluatetheextent towhich METHODS the Caribbean ant palaeofauna is related to the Neotropical faunaversus faunasof other bioregions. Fossil generadatabase We focusedon ant generaknown from both thefossilrecord Community organization across bioregions and the modern ant fauna, as these provide information In addition to the presence–absence of genera, other aspects about affinities between historical and extant faunas. Fossils of community organization exhibit biogeographical variation. ofantswereassignedtospecificdeposits representing agiven In ant assemblages, the relative proportion of the species area and a specific geological period. We assigned each from the different subfamilies varies at both local and large deposit to a bioregion in order to compare generic fossil and scales, and across habitat strata. In tropical forests, stratifica- modern ant records. Table S1 (see Appendix S2 in Support- tion among microhabitats are well documented, with few ing Information) presents the main geological deposits where overlaps between species inhabiting the arboreal stratum and ants have been collected and the bioregions and periods to those living on the ground surface or deeper in the leaf litter which they were assigned. Controversial fossil records were (Wilson, 1959; Bru€hl et al., 1998). At a continental-scale, excluded (seedetails inAppendix S1). Ward (2000) briefly described major geographical differences Nine bioregions were considered in this study: the West in how species richness is partitioned among subfamilies in Palaearctic, East Palaearctic, Indomalayan, Australasian, leaf-litter assemblages. Afrotropical, Malagasy, Nearctic, Caribbean and the JournalofBiogeography 3 ª2015JohnWiley&SonsLtd B.Gu(cid:1)enard et al. Neotropical bioregion (see Appendix S1). Figure S1 in (Dlussky & Rasnitsyn, 2009). Our null hypothesis considers Appendix S2 presents how the political regions used that all else equal, the proportion of genera known from in Gu(cid:1)enard et al. (2012) were assigned to each bioregion. In each category (arboreal, epigaeic, hypogaeic) should be equal order to evaluate the similarity between the ant fossil fauna if unbiased towards one category. The tested hypothesis here of the Dominican amber with other bioregions, we consid- is that the proportion of genera known to live within each ered the Caribbean as its own bioregion. This choice was stratum does not show a bias towards a specialized habitat motivated by the results of previous studies on the dissimi- life style. This represents the simplest hypothesis to show larity between the modern and the Dominican ant palaeo- that all strata-inhabitants could be preserved in fossilization fauna(Wilson, 1985;Baroni Urbani, 1995). processes. We used a chi-square analysis to test this hypothe- sis both including and excluding alate individuals from the records. Community database Using our databases of fossil and extant community com- To compare the community structure of fossil and modern position, we asked if fossil assemblages resemble any extant ant assemblages, we built a database from 1060 publica- communities somewhere on the globe (bioregion, habitat, tions, providing species composition at local and regional and ecological stratum) based on the distribution of richness scales. Species richness for each of the 16 extant ant sub- across subfamilies. We took two approaches to answering families was extracted, and the relative proportion of spe- this question. First, we used nonmetric multidimensional cies richness (number of species in a subfamily/total species scaling (NMDS) to characterize the variability in community richness collected) was calculated. Other relevant data, such composition within and across bioregions, and place the fos- as spatial coordinates, elevation, habitat type, collection sil communities in this context. Second, we used a multino- techniques and target strata (hypogaeic, epigaeic, arboreal mial regression approach to statistically assess which modern or any combination of those) were also noted. After filter- faunasmost closely resemblethefossil data. ing the sites due to certain criteria (see Appendix S1), 1736 sites representative of modern communities were used for Ordinations the analysis. Details on the number of sites within each bioregion and for each habitat are given in Table S2 in Nonmetric multidimensional scaling and related ordination Appendix S2. techniques take high dimensional data and arrange it in a Modern ant assemblages were compared to the fossil low-dimensional form where distance between points in the assemblages of the Baltic, Bitterfeld, Rovno and Scandinavian low dimensional space is representative of distance in the amberdeposits compiled byDlussky &Rasnitsyn (2009) rep- higher dimensional space. We performed this analysis to resenting over 16,700 inclusions (respectively Baltic = 14,915, visualize where the fossil communities fall in the context of Bitterfeld = 1039; Rovno = 501; and Scandinavian = 271). the extant communities. We first calculated the proportion Similar species-level data were not readily available for other of the species richness found in each subfamily. We then cal- deposits. For this analysis, all taxa, independently of their culated the Euclidean distance between all community pairs, status of extinct or extant, were included in the fossil ant and performed a 2-dimensional NMDS using Matlab and community assessment. thesum ofsquareddistance asthestress criterion. Analyses Multinomial logistic regression analysis To evaluate affinities between historical and modern biore- We used multinomial logistic regression to fit a model for gions, we calculated the fraction of genera present in each community composition (distribution of species richness fossildepositthatarealsopresentintheextantfaunaofeach across subfamilies), using bioregion, habitat type, and stra- bioregion, considering only those genera from the fossil tum as predictor variables. Then, using the models fitted to record that arestillextant somewhereintheworld. extant communities, we ask which one best predicts the To evaluate taphonomic bias based on generic composi- observed composition of the fossil assemblage. The model tion, we classified the extant genera known from the fossil predicts the vector of frequencies across each subfamily, and records into one of the following categories: arboreal, epi- a community of k species is treated as a multinomial draw k gaeic, hypogaeic, arboreal + epigaeic, epigaeic + hypogaeic, times from that generating distribution. This multinomial arboreal + epigaeic + hypogaeic (no genera were classified as regression approach accounts for the noise introduced by arboreal + hypogaeic). Furthermore, we considered if the sampling effects in low richness sites (due either to actual fossil specimens for each genus were known as worker (non- low richness or undersampling), thus we could include low flying individual) or alate (flying gyne or male). This is an richness sites giving us a total of 1736 communities in the important consideration as most compression fossils analysis. (through sedimentation in water) are represented by alate We coded the nine bioregions and four habitat types as individuals and many hypogaeic species are over-represented binary indicator variables in the analysis. For the three strata by alate individuals trapped in resin during mating flights (ground, arboreal, hypogaeic), some sampling efforts focused 4 JournalofBiogeography ª2015JohnWiley&SonsLtd Historical biogeographyof ants on more than one stratum. For those we used a dummy Caribbean bioregion (83%). Other bioregions present less coefficient of either 1/2 if two of the three were used or 1/3 affinity with the fossil fauna of the Nearctic bioregion (39– if all three were used. In this way we let some community 57%). Those values differ, however, for the two geological samples be a mixture of different strata. After fitting the periods considered. The Nearctic Eocene fauna presents model to the extant community data set, we used the fitted stronger affinities with the Eastern Palaearctic, the Indoma- model to predict a probability vector for each combination layan and the Western Palaearctic bioregions (80% overlap of predictors (each biome times each habitat type times all of generic composition for all; Fig. 1). In contrast, the over- combinations of strata). We then calculated the likelihood of lap with the Caribbean bioregion is less pronounced (60%; each multinomial model given each set of fossil data from Fig. 1). It is important tonote that thenumber offossil gen- thefour deposits andallfossil datacombined. eraknownfromthisperiodislimited(n = 11).TheMiocene fauna is comparable to the overall pattern described above with, however, lower similarity values with the Eastern and RESULTS Western Palaearctic bioregions and the Indomalayan biore- We gathered 227 unique fossil per period records for 74 ant gion, but with higher similarity value with the Caribbean genera spread over 10 subfamilies, which represent c. 23% of bioregion. all modern ant genera and 63% of modern ant subfamilies. The fossil fauna of the East Palaearctic is most aligned Based on the age estimation given to each fossil deposit (see with the modern ant fauna of the Indomalayan bioregion Table S1 in Appendix S2), 35, 25 and 64 genera are known (Fig. 1). The affinity of the fossil and modern ant fauna of respectively from the Eocene, the Oligocene, and the Mio- the Eastern Palaearctic bioregion present strong affinities, cene (see Fig.S2 inAppendix S2). with 83% of the genera known from the fossil records still Within the set of the genera studied, the Caribbean and present in this bioregion. The overlap of the East Palaearctic the Western Palaearctic bioregions were the most diverse fossil fauna with the modern Nearctic bioregion is also with 47 and 39 fossil genera collected respectively (see noticeable (67%). However, the highest affinity between Fig. S2 in Appendix S2). The Nearctic and the Eastern those two bioregions is found between the Eocene Nearctic Palaearctic bioregions were less diverse with 25 and 12 fossil palaeofauna andthemodern EastPalaearctic fauna (80%). genera collected respectively. The fossil records from the Australasian, Afrotropical, Indomalayan, Malagasy or Taphonomic biasof generic records Neotropical bioregions for the periods considered were scarce or totally absent. From 74 extant genera known also to have fossil species, our results did not support the hypothesis that arboreal genera were overrepresented in the fossil record (Table 1, n = 96, Generic overlaps v2 = 0.53, P = 0.77), even when considering only the genera We evaluated the fraction of fossil genera of different biore- known from the worker caste (n = 66, v2 = 1.09, P = 0.58). gions that are present in the modern faunas of those same Those results may be limited as many genera could not be bioregions, using genera that are present in both time peri- associated to a strict category (arboreal, epigaeic or hypo- ods. The palaeofauna of the West Palaearctic bioregion, for gaeic) as several of their extant species are known to occupy all periods considered, shows its strongest overlap with the more than one stratum. The multinomial logistic regression modern ant fauna of the Indomalayan, Eastern Palaearctic analysis (Table 2) supports an epigaeic origin of the species and Australasian bioregions (95%, 90% and 79.5% of fossil richness across subfamilies when all fossil deposits sites are genera are present in the modern faunas respectively). In considered. This result is, however, slightly different when contrast, the fossil ant generic composition of the West fossil deposits are considered individually. While the Baltic Palaearctic bioregion show limited overlap to its modern amber and Bitterfeld amber deposits relate more strongly to equivalent, with only 64% of fossil genera occurring in mod- an epigaeic or epigaeic + hypogaeic origin, the Rovno and ern faunas; a percentage similar to those observed in the Scandinavian amber deposits appear biased towards an arbo- Nearctic (67%), Afrotropical (64%) or Neotropical biore- real community composition origin. gions (64%). Overlap values are similar between the geologi- calperiods considered (Fig. 1). Community structure comparison The Caribbean ant palaeofauna has the highest overlap with the Neotropical and Nearctic bioregions (98% and 87% The clustering analysis shows that the different modern com- similarity of genera respectively) and to a lesser extent with munities present a specific biogeographical signature that is the modern Caribbean bioregion (74%). There is limited evi- translated in the relative presence and species richness of the dence for overlap with other bioregions (52% to 37% simi- different ant subfamilies (Fig. 2). The fossil assemblages con- larities, Fig. 1). sidered also strongly clumped together indicating important The fossil fauna of the Nearctic bioregion shows its stron- affinities in their species composition at the subfamily level gest affinity with its own modern fauna (100% overlap), the relative to modern assemblages. The fossil assemblages show Neotropical bioregion (91%) and to a lesser extent with the particular affinities with modern communities of the JournalofBiogeography 5 ª2015JohnWiley&SonsLtd B.Gu(cid:1)enard et al. Modern Ant Faunas CarribeanNearcNtiecotropicaElthiopianMWaleagsta PsyalaEeaasrtc PtiaclaeaIrncdtioc-MalayaAnustralian Carribean Miocene 0.74 0.87 0.98 0.43 0.39 0.37 0.43 0.52 0.50 Fossil Ant Nearctic Miocene 0.85 1.00 0.95 0.45 0.45 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.50 Faunas Nearctic Eocene 0.60 1.00 0.80 0.30 0.30 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.40 East Palaearctic Miocene 0.42 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.42 0.67 0.83 1.00 0.75 Figure 1Genericsimilaritybetweentheant West Palaearctic Miocene 0.40 0.65 0.60 0.50 0.45 0.65 0.90 0.95 0.75 palaeofaunaknownfromthedifferent geologicalperiodsandthemodernant West Palaearctic Oligocene 0.54 0.69 0.65 0.62 0.50 0.73 0.92 1.00 0.77 faunawithineachbioregion.Lightercolours indicatehighersimilarities.Valuescanrange West Palaearctic Eocene 0.52 0.71 0.65 0.58 0.45 0.68 0.90 1.00 0.74 from0(nogeneraincommon)to1(all generaknownareshared). Table 1Numberofantgeneraknowninthefossilrecordin Table 2Resultsofthemultinomiallogisticregressionanalysis functionoftheknowncaste(workerorsexual)asfossilandthe presentingthespecificaffinitiesforallantfossildepositsand microhabitattheypresumablyoccupied(basedoncurrent eachofthefourantfossildepositsstudiedwiththemodernant ecologyofeachgenus). compositioninspeciesrichnessacrosssubfamiliesinfunctionof theirorigin(bioregion),habitatandstrataofcollection. Knownonly Numberof Knownfrom fromsexual Nodata Likelihood Genera workercaste caste available value Bioregion Habitat Strata Arboreal 14 12 1 1 Allfossils (cid:1)152.906 Indomalaya Primaryforest E Epigaeic 18 14 1 3 (cid:1)153.638 Australasia Primaryforest E Hypogaeic 17 9 5 3 (cid:1)166.142 Australasia Primaryforest E+H Epigaeicand 20 15 2 3 Baltic (cid:1)82.120 Indomalaya Primaryforest E arboreal Amber (cid:1)87.315 Australasia Primaryforest E+H Epigaeicand 1 0 1 0 (cid:1)89.854 Australasia Primaryforest E hypogaeic Bitterfeld (cid:1)57.308 Australasia Primaryforest E Allstrata 4 3 1 0 Amber (cid:1)58.419 Australasia Primaryforest E+H (cid:1)60.256 Indomalaya Primaryforest E Rovno (cid:1)17.409 Oceania Primaryforest A Indomalayan, Australasian, and Neotropical bioregions Amber (cid:1)17.532 Australasia Primaryforest A (Fig. 2). The West Palaearctic modern ant communities are (cid:1)18.951 Indomalaya Primaryforest A distinct from their fossil equivalent, a pattern also observed Scandinavian (cid:1)10.626 Oceania Primaryforest A with modern Nearctic and East Palaearctic communities Amber (cid:1)11.367 Indomalaya Primaryforest A (Fig. 2). (cid:1)12.421 Australasia Primaryforest A The multinomial logistic regression analysis (Table 2) A,arboreal;E,epigaeic;H,hypogaeic. shows several consistent features among all fossil deposits based on species richness across subfamilies. The structure of fossilsdeposit communities isgenerally mostsimilartomod- generic level is one of the most noticeable features of the ern communities in the Indomalayan and Australasian biore- data and analyses. For example, the generic extinction rates gions. The Rovno amber and Scandinavian amber deposits of the Caribbean and Western Palaearctic bioregions follow- also show some similarities with the modern assemblages in ing the Miocene period are at least 26% and 36% respec- the Oceania bioregion. For all fossil deposits considered or tively. In addition, from 39 genera known from the individually, themodel predictsaprimary forest origin. European deposits and with modern representatives some- where in the world, 14 (or 36%) have gone extinct from this bioregion or remain only in the southern portion of this DISCUSSION bioregion. The aggregated fossil record reveals the dynamic nature of These numbers would undoubtedly increase significantly macroecological patterns in ant biodiversity during the with the inclusion of genera only known from the fossil Cenozoic. The commonness of large-scale extinctions on the record, which were excluded in our analysis. For example, 6 JournalofBiogeography ª2015JohnWiley&SonsLtd Historical biogeographyof ants Nearctic West Palaearctic East Palaearctic Afrotropical Malagasy Oceania 2 s i x A S D M N Neotropical Indo-Malayan Australian NMDS Axis 1 Figure 2Nonmetricmultidimensionalscalingofvariabilityinantspeciesrichnesscompositionacrosssubfamiliesinfunctionofthe differentbioregionsoftheworld.Oneachfigure,fossildepositscommunitiesappearinred,moderncommunitiesforthespecific bioregionappearinblueandingreytherestofthepointsnotspecifictothestudiedbioregion.Sizeofthedotisproportionaltothe speciesrichnesswithbiggerdotsrepresentingrichercommunities. extinct genera of the subfamily Aneuretinae are present in genera. For example the genus Perissomyrmex is only known European Tertiary fossil deposits but the subfamily is cur- from a few localities in Central America and Southeast Asia rently restricted to Sri Lanka (Dlussky, 2012). Similarly, (Ogata &Okido, 2007). extinct ant genera of the subfamily Myrmeciinae are present in Nearctic and European fossil faunas (Archibald et al., Thefossil West Palaearctic–modernIndomalayan- 2006), but the subfamily is now restricted to Australasia. Australasian affinity Regional extinction also occurred even within themost ubiq- uitous ant genus, Camponotus (Gu(cid:1)enard et al., 2010), known Our analyses using several data sets and analytical in the fossil record from England but now extinct in the Bri- approaches support the hypothesis of Emery (1892), and tish Isles. This pattern of widespread, large-scale extinction Wheeler (1915) that the ant fauna of Europe during the helps to explain some of the 20 extreme biogeographical dis- Eocene-Miocene has affinities with the Indomalayan biore- junctions in ant genera observed today (Gu(cid:1)enard et al., gion and to a lesser extent the Australasian bioregion. In 2010), suggesting a broader historical distribution of those addition to the strong generic composition similarities, we JournalofBiogeography 7 ª2015JohnWiley&SonsLtd B.Gu(cid:1)enard et al. also demonstrate a structural similarity in species richness of 2006).Thegenericcompositionofallthefossildepositsfrom the extant subfamilies between the Cenozoic ant fauna of the Holarctic bioregion show high similarity with the current Europe and the modern ant fauna of the Indomalayan and East Palaearctic or Indomalayan bioregions supporting the Australasian bioregions. Without well-studied ant fossil hypothesis of a widespread ant assemblage in the Northern records from the latter bioregions, it is difficult to determine Hemisphere possibly facilitated by intermittent land connec- whether these cases represent contractions of a historically tions accessible to both cold and warm-adapted lineages (e.g. wide-rangedgenera,orwhetherrangeshaveshiftedovertime Archibald et al., 2011). As discussed above, the overlap into new bioregions. Studies conducted on other organisms between the now-extinct West Palaearctic fauna and the such as plants (Manchester et al., 2009) and bees (Michez currentAsian ant faunawasespecially important. et al., 2009), have suggested the former. One open question iswhetherthesimilarityofWestPalaearcticfaunaswithAus- Similaritybetween thecurrent Neotropical bioregion tralasia is mostly due to recent arrivals of Indomalayan lin- andthe MioceneCaribbean fauna eages, and thus the true historical similarity is with Indomalaya. Although it is difficult to be conclusive with the Our results support Wilson’s conclusion that the Dominican available data, of the 39 genera that were previously present palaeofauna has strongest affinities with current Neotropical in the West Palaearctic and are now restricted to the Indo- faunas. From 47 genera known from the fossil records of malayan or Australasian bioregions, most (30) are present in Dominican amber, only one genus, Leptomyrmex, is not both Indomalaya and Australasia. Eight are restricted to encountered in the Neotropical bioregion, and six genera are Indomalaya, and only one isrestricted toAustralasia. Further unknown from the modern Nearctic. Leptomyrmex remains study, including consideration of the phylogenetic positions an enigmatic case. A recent molecular phylogeny of the Doli- of different genera and the ages of colonization events, could choderines (Ward et al., 2010)indicated that thesister group more rigorously addressthis question. to Leptomyrmex is Neotropical, lending credence to the idea Our analyses of community structure, the distribution of that a lineage colonized Australasia from the Neotropics and species richness across subfamilies, also support an affinity gave rise to the current genus. However, Dlussky et al. between the Western Palaearctic palaeofauna and modern (2014) recently argued based on morphology that the Indomalayan and Australasian ant fauna. First, the four fossil Neotropical Leptomyrmex was nested within Old World Lep- assemblages used in this study present strong similarities as tomyrmex. Further work is needed to better understand this shown in the clustering analysis (Fig. 2). Second, fossil enigma. Additionally, although subgeneric patterns are not assemblages show higher affinities with the modern commu- the focus of our analysis, recent work sheds light on a nities observed in the Indomalayan and Australasian biore- prominent example in the genus Pheidole that influenced gions (Fig. 1). Finally, these results are also supported by the Baroni Urbani’s conclusions (Baroni Urbani, 1995). The modelling approach where fossil assemblages from the West presence of highly spinescent Pheidole (e.g. P. primigenia) in Palaearctic bioregion are best predicted by models represent- the Dominican amber has been interpreted as presence of a ing theIndomalayan orAustralasian bioregions (Table 2). lineage that is now restricted to the Old World, as all extant Interestingly, the affinity of the European ant palaeofauna spinescent Pheidole are restricted to the IndoMalayan and withthecurrent Afrotropical bioregion is verylimited. While Oceanian bioregions. However, recent phylogenetic analysis seemingly counterintuitive based on the modern configura- of Pheidole (Sarnat & Moreau, 2011; Economo et al., 2015) tion of continents, this could be explained by the separation showed that spinescence has evolved multiple times in the of the African and Eurasian plates until the middle Miocene Old World, thus it seems likely that the spinescent forms in period(McQuarrie et al., 2003). Dominican Pheidole reflect convergent evolution as intercon- These results, based on three approaches, support the tinental dispersal and subsequent extinction, and such dis- hypothesis that the fossil assemblages of Europe during the persal is otherwise exceedingly rare in Pheidole (Economo Palaeogene were most similar in generic composition and et al.,2015). community structure with the modern ant fauna of the Indomalayan and Australasian bioregions. These results are Taphonomic bias also consistent with studies in other taxa, including (but not limited to) Salticid spiders (Pro(cid:1)szn(cid:1)ski & Z_abka, 1980), bees Finally, our results indicate that ant fossil assemblages are (Engel, 2001), Hemiptera (Popov et al., 2011), and plants not systematically biased towards arboreal communities. This (Reid & Chandler, 1933; Manchester, 1999; Manchester result is supported both in terms of composition, where no et al.,2009; Teodoridis et al., 2012). difference in the overall presence of hypogaeic-epigaeic-arbo- real genera was retrieved, as well as in the subfamily compo- sition in ant assemblages. Two fossils deposits, namely the TheEast Palaearctic–EastNearctic disjunction Rovno and the Scandinavian amber deposits, show modest Support for the East Palaearctic–East Nearctic disjunction is support for a bias towards arboreal strata. It is unclear common in plants and ferns (Wen, 1999), but scarcer for whether this reflects noise due to sampling effects or the insects (for fossil examples, see Archibald & Makarkin, signal of real biological differences. Other comparisons 8 JournalofBiogeography ª2015JohnWiley&SonsLtd Historical biogeographyof ants between the Rovno and Baltic amber arthropods assemblages and B.G. were supported by OIST and an NSF grant to showed that those deposits represent two different fauna, E.P.E. (NSFDEB-1145989). with the Rovno amber fauna probably formed within a more xeric subtropical forest (Perkovsky, 2009). While we cannot rule out the presence of taphonomic REFERENCES biases of various kinds based on these data alone, the lack of Archibald, S.B. & Farrell, B.D. (2003) Wheeler’s dilemma. a strong arboreal bias in amber fossilization is somewhat Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia, 46, 17–23. non-intuitive. However, although resin is produced on the Archibald, S.B. & Makarkin, V.N. (2006) Tertiary giant trunks and branches of trees, it is also produced by roots at lacewings (Neuroptera: Polystoechotidae) revision and the ground level or underground (Mart(cid:1)ınez-Delclo(cid:3)s et al., description of new taxa from western North America 2004), which in principle could catch soil-dwelling ants. and Denmark. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 4, Some amber deposits yield a large amount of such ‘litter 119–155. amber’ (Perrichot, 2004), providing fossils of litter-living Archibald, S.B., Cover, S.P. & Moreau, C.S. (2006) Bulldog organisms. ants of the Eocene Okanagan Highlands and history of the subfamily (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmeciinae). An- CONCLUSIONS nalsoftheEntomologicalSocietyofAmerica,99,487–523. Archibald, S.B., Bossert, W.H., Greenwood, D.R. & Farrell, Our results highlight the dynamic nature of biogeographical B.D. (2010) Seasonality, the latitudinal gradient of diver- processes shaping modern ant assemblages. 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American Museum havenotgoneextinctareallstillpresentintheNearctic,with Novitates,3755,1–16. theexceptionofthesubfamilyMyrmeciinaewhichwasinthe Baroni Urbani, C. (1980) The first fossil species of the Aus- Nearctic and West Palaearctic during the Eocene and is now tralian antgenusLeptomyrmexinamberfrom theDomini- restrictedtoAustralasia(Archibaldet al.,2006;Dlussky,2012). can Republic (Amber Collectio Stuttgart: Hymenoptera, The shift seen in Europe hints at a common explanation Formicidae. III: Leptomyrmicini). Stuttgarter Beitr€age zur for the latitudinal diversity gradient; that tropical areas have Naturkunde SerieB, 62,1–10. been bigger for longer, whereas temperate areas are relatively Baroni Urbani, C. (1995) Invasion and extinction in the new biomes that may have not had time to build up diverse West Indian ant fauna revised: the example of Pheidole floras and faunas adapted to those climates (Fischer, 1960; (Amber Collection Stuttgart: Hymenoptera, Formicidae. Wiens & Donoghue, 2004). Relevant climate changes could VIII: Myrmicinae, partim). Stuttgarter Beitr€age zur Natur- involve general cooling trends in temperature and/or an kunde. SerieB, 222, 1–29. increase in seasonality in the Northern Hemisphere (Archi- Baroni Urbani, C. & de Andrade, M.L. (2003) The ant genus bald&Farrell, 2003; Archibaldet al., 2010). Proceratium in the extant and fossil record (Hymenoptera: Recent advances in the systematics and biogeography of Formicidae). Monograph Museo Regionale di Scienze Natu- modern ants, and the new tools available for analysing fossils (e.g. X-ray lCT), open a new era for the understanding of rali Bollettino (Torino),36, 1–492. Brady, S.G., Schultz, T.R., Fisher, B.L. & Ward, P.S. (2006) ant biogeography and evolution. In this context, we strongly Evaluating alternative hypotheses for the early evolution advocate for increased research in palaeoentomology. Further and diversification of ants. Proceedings of the National work on existing deposits, and analysis of newly discovered Academy ofSciences USA, 103,18172–18177. fossil deposits in India (Cambay amber; Rust et al., 2010), Bru€hl,C.A.,Gunsalam,G.&Linsenmair,K.E.(1998)Stratifica- Australia(CapeYorkamber;Handet al.,2010),France(Oise tionofants(Hymenoptera,Formicidae)inaprimaryrainfor- amber), and New Zealand, will no doubt enrich our knowl- estinSabah,Borneo.JournalofTropicalEcology,14,285–297. edge ofant evolution andbiogeography. Dlussky, G.M. (2012) New fossil ants of the subfamily Myrmeciinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Germany. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Paleontological Journal, 46,288–292. We warmly thank all the contributors to the Ant Genera of Dlussky, G.M. & Putyatina, T.S. (2014) Early Miocene ants the World Project who provided data to B.G. We thank (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Radoboj, Croatia. Neues three anonymous referees for comments on the ms. E.P.E. Jahrbuch fu€rGeologieund Pal€aontologie, 272,237–285. 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munity structure of fossil assemblages showed evidence of taphonomic bias towards arboreal taxa. Main Conclusions The aggregated fossil record
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