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Integrating SAP BusinessObjects 4.x BI Platform with SAP NetWeaver PDF

441 Pages·2012·18.708 MB·English
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SAP PRESS is a joint initiative of SAP and Galileo Press. The know-how offered by SAP specialists combined with the expertise of the Galileo Press publishing house offers the reader expert books in the field. SAP PRESS features first-hand informa- tion and expert advice, and provides useful skills for professional decision-making. SAP PRESS offers a variety of books on technical and business related topics for the SAP user. For further information, please visit our website: http://www.sap-press.com. Ingo Hilgefort Inside SAP Business Objects Advanced Analysis 2011, 343 pp., hardcover 978-1-59229-371-1 Ingo Hilgefort Inside SAP Business Objects Explorer 2010, 307 pp., hardcover 978-1-59229-340-7 Jim Brogden, Heather Sinkwitz, Mac Holden SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence 2010, 583 pp., hardcover 978-1-59229-322-3 Ingo Hilgefort Reporting and Analytics with SAP Business Objects (Second Edition) 2012, app. 675 pp., hardcover 978-1-59229-387-2 Ingo Hilgefort Integrating SAP® Business Objects™ BI Platform 4.x with SAP NetWeaver® Bonn (cid:31) Boston Dear Reader, The 4.0 release of the SAP Business Objects BI platform was long-awaited and much anticipated—and I daresay that the same can be said of this book. Indeed, readers of the best-selling first edition may not even recognize this as a second edition, as its greatly expanded content and brand new format give it an identity all its own. Inside these pages, you will find a veritable bounty of both updated and brand new information, giving you the ammunition you need to effectively integrate the SAP Business Objects BI platform with your SAP NetWeaver system. Ingo Hilgefort is a well-known name in the SAP Business Objects community. He is also one of SAP PRESS’ most prolific authors: He wrote his first title back in April of 2009, and produced three additional titles in the next year and a half. The book that you are reading now is the second edition of his first book…making it his fifth book overall. I hope you will find, as I did, that this fifth book reflects the quality of content of his four other titles. (This I say as his third—and most annoying, I trust he would tell you—editor.) We at SAP PRESS are always eager to hear reader feedback, as your comments and suggestions are the most useful tools to help us make our books the best they can be. We encourage you to visit our website at www.sap-press.com and share your feedback about this work. Thank you for purchasing a book from SAP PRESS! Kelly Grace Harris Editor, SAP PRESS Galileo Press Boston, MA kelly.harris@galileo-press.com http://www.sap-press.com Notes on Usage This e-book is protected by copyright. By purchasing this e-book, you have agreed to accept and adhere to the copyrights. You are entitled to use this e-book for personal purposes. You may print and copy it, too, but also only for personal use. Sharing an electronic or printed copy with others, however, is not permitted, neither as a whole nor in parts. Of course, making them available on the Internet or in a company network is illegal as well. For detailed and legally binding usage conditions, please refer to the section Legal Notes. This e-book copy contains a digital watermark, a signature that indicates which person may use this copy: Copy No. sngy-dk4r-vbec-wp82 for personal use of Daniel Gallego Garcia, user id b6a0d31b-389f-46ba-a7d8-3072ddb8595c Imprint This e-book is a publication many contributed to, specifically: Editor Kelly Grace Harris Copyeditor Pamela Siska Cover Design Graham Geary Photo Credit iStockphoto/173217/Robert Kyllo Production E-Book Kelly O’Callaghan Typesetting E-Book Publishers’ Design and Production Services, Inc. We hope that you liked this e-book. Please share your feedback with us and read the Service Pages to find out how to contact us. The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows: Manara, Massimo. 100 things you should know about authorizations in SAP / Massimo Manara, Andrea Cavalleri. — 1st ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-59229-406-0 — ISBN 1-59229-406-5 1. Computers—Access control. 2. Computer networks—Security measures. 3. SAP ERP. I. Cavalleri, Andrea. II. Title. III. Title: One hundred things you should know about authorizations in SAP. QA76.9.A25M31847 2012 005.8—dc23 2012005022 ISBN 978-1-59229-395-7 (print) ISBN 978-1-59229-787-0 (e-book) ISBN 978-1-59229-788-7 (print and e-book) © 2012 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA) 1st edition 2012 Contents Introduction ............................................................................................... 15 1 SAP Business Objects 4.x and SAP NetWeaver ........................ 21 1.1 User Interaction .......................................................................... 22 1.2 BI Tools and Clients .................................................................... 22 1.3 Management Tools ..................................................................... 22 1.3.1 Central Management Console ...................................... 23 1.3.2 Central Configuration Manager ..................................... 23 1.3.3 Lifecycle Management Tool ........................................... 23 1.4 Platform Service .......................................................................... 24 1.4.1 Central Management Server ......................................... 24 1.4.2 File Repository Services ................................................. 24 1.4.3 Processing Tier .............................................................. 25 1.4.4 Server Intelligence Agent ............................................. 25 1.4.5 Publication and Publishing Services .............................. 25 1.5 SAP Business Objects BI Client Tools ............................................ 26 1.5.1 SAP Crystal Reports ...................................................... 26 1.5.2 SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence .......................... 27 1.5.3 SAP Business Objects Dashboards (formerly Xcelsius) ..... 29 1.5.4 SAP Business Objects Analysis ....................................... 30 1.5.5 SAP Business Objects Explorer ....................................... 32 1.5.6 Semantic Layer ............................................................. 33 1.6 Components for Integration with SAP Landscapes ....................... 33 1.6.1 Data Connectivity ......................................................... 33 1.6.2 SAP Authentication ....................................................... 34 1.6.3 BW Publisher ................................................................ 35 1.6.4 Content Administration Workbench .............................. 35 1.6.5 SAP NetWeaver Portal—Knowledge Management ........ 35 1.6.6 SAP NetWeaver Portal—iView Templates and Sample iViews .............................................................. 35 1.6.7 Lifecycle Management with CTS+ ................................. 36 1.7 Summary .................................................................................... 36 7 Contents 2 Installation and Configuration ................................................. 37 2.1 Verifying Your SAP Landscape ..................................................... 38 2.2 SAP Business Objects—Server-Side Installation ............................ 39 2.2.1 Technical Prerequisites .................................................. 40 2.2.2 Installation Routine ...................................................... 41 2.3 SAP Business Objects—Client-Side Installation ............................. 52 2.3.1 SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise ................................. 54 2.3.2 SAP Business Objects Dashboards .................................. 57 2.3.3 SAP Business Objects Live Office ................................... 60 2.3.4 SAP Business Objects BI Platform Client Tools ................ 62 2.3.5 SAP Business Objects Analysis, Edition for Microsoft Office ............................................................ 64 2.4 SAP NetWeaver—Server-Side Configuration ................................ 66 2.4.1 Server Patch Level ......................................................... 67 2.4.2 Supported Platforms ..................................................... 68 2.4.3 ABAP Transport ............................................................ 68 2.4.4 Single Sign-On .............................................................. 69 2.4.5 User Authorization ........................................................ 70 2.5 Integrating SAP Business Objects and SAP NetWeaver ................. 70 2.5.1 Configuration of SAP Authentication ............................. 70 2.5.2 Setting up the Publishing Process for SAP Crystal Reports 2011 ................................................................ 79 2.5.3 Viewing Reports within the SAP System Frontend ......... 102 2.5.4 Publishing Summary ..................................................... 103 2.5.5 Hosting SAP BEx Web Applications in SAP Business Objects ........................................................... 104 2.5.6 Configuring the SSO Token Service as Part of SAP Business Objects ........................................................... 120 2.6 Summary .................................................................................... 129 3 Semantic Layer and Data Connectivity .................................... 131 3.1 Semantic Layer Technology ......................................................... 131 3.2 SAP Business Objects Semantic Layer Terms ................................. 132 3.3 Data Connectivity for SAP Landscapes ........................................ 133 3.3.1 Direct Access to SAP NetWeaver BW using BICS ........... 135 3.3.2 Relational Access to SAP NetWeaver BW ...................... 137 8 Contents 3.3.3 Recommendation for SAP NetWeaver BW Data Connectivity ................................................................. 139 3.4 Relational Access to SAP ECC ...................................................... 143 3.4.1 Recommendation for SAP ERP Access ........................... 147 3.5 Summary .................................................................................... 147 4 SAP Crystal Reports and SAP Landscapes ................................ 149 4.1 SAP Crystal Reports 2011 or SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise ... 149 4.2 Crystal Reports for Enterprise and SAP NetWeaver BW ............... 151 4.2.1 Data Connectivity Overview for SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise ................................................................ 151 4.2.2 Supported and Unsupported SAP NetWeaver BW Elements for SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise ............ 151 4.2.3 Creating Your First Report with SAP Crystal Report for Enterprise and SAP NetWeaver BW .............................. 156 4.3 SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise and SAP ERP .......................... 170 4.4 Crystal Reports 2011 and SAP ERP .............................................. 185 4.4.1 Data Connectivity Overview ......................................... 185 4.4.2 Data-Level Security Editor ............................................ 188 4.4.3 Creating Your First Report with SAP Crystal Reports 2011 and SAP ERP ........................................................ 191 4.5 Migrating from SAP Crystal Reports 2008 to SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise ................................................................. 195 4.6 Summary .................................................................................... 200 5 SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence and SAP NetWeaver BW ......................................................................... 201 5.1 SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence and SAP BW ................... 201 5.1.1 Data Connectivity Overview ......................................... 202 5.1.2 Supported and Unsupported SAP NetWeaver BW Elements ....................................................................... 203 5.2 SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence and SAP ERP ................... 207 5.3 Creating Your First Report for SAP NetWeaver BW (BICS) ........... 208 5.4 Creating Your First Report for SAP NetWeaver BW (Relational Universe) .................................................................................... 215 9 Contents 5.5 Migration from SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence XI 3.1 to 4.x .......................................................................................... 224 5.6 Summary .................................................................................... 227 6 SAP Business Objects Analysis, Edition for Microsoft Office and SAP NetWeaver BW .......................................................... 229 6.1 Data Connectivity Overview ........................................................ 229 6.2 Supported and Unsupported SAP NetWeaver BW Elements ........ 231 6.3 Creating Your First Workbook in SAP Business Objects Analysis, Edition for Microsoft Office ........................................................ 236 6.4 Summary .................................................................................... 246 7 SAP Business Objects Analysis, Edition for OLAP and SAP NetWeaver BW ................................................................. 247 7.1 Data Connectivity Overview ........................................................ 247 7.2 Supported and Unsupported SAP NetWeaver BW Elements ........ 248 7.3 Creating Your First Workbook in SAP Business Objects Analysis, Edition for OLAP ........................................................................ 252 7.4 Summary .................................................................................... 262 8 SAP Business Objects Dashboards and SAP Landscapes .......... 263 8.1 SAP Business Objects Dashboards and SAP NetWeaver BW ......... 263 8.1.1 Data Connectivity Overview ......................................... 263 8.1.2 Supported and Unsupported SAP NetWeaver BW Elements ....................................................................... 265 8.2 SAP Business Objects Dashboards and SAP ERP ........................... 271 8.3 Creating Your First Dashboard with SAP Business Objects Dashboards ................................................................................ 272 8.3.1 SAP Business Objects Dashboards and Direct Access via SAP NetWeaver BW ................................................ 272 8.3.2 SAP Business Objects Dashboards and Direct Access to SAP NetWeaver BW via SAP Business Objects .......... 282 8.4 Summary .................................................................................... 290 10

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