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Integrating Complementary and Conventional Medicine Myra Coyle-Demetriou SRNSCMHEdCertCounsellingCerts ReikiMasterandHolisticTherapist and Andrew Demetriou MBChBDRCOGDCHMRCGPMFHom GeneralPractitioner HomeopathicPhysician SpecialistRegister,FacultyofHomeopathy Foreword by Michael Dixon Chair,NHSAlliance Radcliffe Publishing Oxford (cid:1)NewYork CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2007 by Myra Coyle-Demetriou, and Andrew Demetriou CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S. Government works Version Date: 20160525 International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4987-9998-0 (eBook - PDF) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. While all reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, neither the author[s] nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publishers wish to make clear that any views or opinions expressed in this book by individual editors, authors or contributors are personal to them and do not necessarily reflect the views/opinions of the publishers. The information or guidance contained in this book is intended for use by medical, scientific or health-care professionals and is provided strictly as a supple- ment to the medical or other professional’s own judgement, their knowledge of the patient’s medical history, relevant manufacturer’s instructions and the appropriate best practice guidelines. Because of the rapid advances in medical science, any information or advice on dosages, procedures or diagnoses should be independently verified. The reader is strongly urged to consult the relevant national drug formulary and the drug companies’ and device or material manufacturers’ printed instructions, and their websites, before administering or utilizing any of the drugs, devices or materials mentioned in this book. This book does not indicate whether a particular treatment is appropriate or suitable for a particular individual. Ultimately it is the sole responsibility of the medical professional to make his or her own professional judgements, so as to advise and treat patients appropriately. The authors and publishers have also attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint. Except as permitted under U.S. Copyright Law, no part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, please access www.copyright.com (http://www.copyright.com/) or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400. CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses and registration for a variety of users. For organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by the CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the CRC Press Web site at http://www.crcpress.com Conventionalmedicinesaveslife, Complementarymedicineaddsqualitytolife. MyraCoyle-Demetriou AsanintegratedGreekdoctor,itismydutytoremindyouthatHippocratesis regardedasthefatherofmodernmedicine.Also,itwasHippocrateswhofirst proposedtreating‘likewithlike’leadingtotheoriginalideaofhomeopathy. So,ishealsothefatherofintegratedhealth? DrAndrewDemetriou InauguralConference ThePrince’sFoundationforIntegratedHealth StJames’sPalace,London,2005 Contents Foreword vi Abouttheauthors vii Acknowledgements viii 1 Whyintegratedhealthcare? 1 PSYCHOLOGICALILLNESS 5 2 Anxiety 7 3 Stress 15 4 Depression 21 5 Theprocessofdeathanddying 28 6 Bereavement 36 THERAPIES,HEALTHANDLIFESTYLE 43 7 Acupuncture 45 8 Aromatherapy 49 9 Ayurvedicmedicine 53 10 Counselling 56 11 Herbalmedicine 61 12 Homeopathy 68 13 Hypnotherapy 78 14 Massage 83 15 Meditation 87 16 Osteopathyandchiropractic:physicalmanipulationtherapies 91 17 Prayer 97 18 Reflexology 100 19 Reiki 104 20 TraditionalChinesemedicine 108 21 Yoga 111 22 Healthandlifestyle 115 PHYSICALDISEASE 123 23 Chronicdisease 125 24 Dermatology 139 25 Ear,noseandthroat 146 26 Headaches 155 27 Obstetricsandgynaecology 158 28 Paediatricmedicine 167 29 Palliativecare 174 EVALUATIONANDEVIDENCE-BASEDMEDICINE 179 30 Settingupanintegratedhealthservice 181 31 Evaluation 184 32 Theevidenceforcomplementarytherapies 187 Contents v 33 Aninvestigationintotheimpactofintegratingcomplementary andalternativemedicineintoconventionalgeneralpractice 194 Index 201 Foreword Itisarealpleasuretowritetheforewordforthisveryspecialbook.Ononelevelit is a compendium of integrated care that covers every aspect of integration from differenttreatmentsanddifferentdiseasestoresearch,evidenceandhowtoprovide anintegratedservice.Onanotherandmorepracticallevelitwillbeofimmenseuse toanyclinicianorpatientwhowishestostartonthejourneytowardsanintegrated healthapproach,andtothosealreadyfamiliarwiththesubjectwhowishtoimprove theirskills. InMay2006,inaspeechtotheWorldHealthOrganization,HRHThePrinceof Walessaidthatintegratedhealthcarewasnolongeraquestionof‘if’but‘how’and ‘how much’. With over 50% of UK general practitioners (GPs) offering patients access to complementary medicine (two-thirds in Scotland) and 75% of patients wantingcomplementarymedicineavailablewithintheNHS,itappearsthattheera ofintegratedhealthcarehasfinallyarrived.Nowweneedtodefineexactlywhatit offers to whom and in what circumstances. That is the theme of this pioneering book.Itisamapofwheremedicineandcaringwillgonext,andprovidesavoiceof hopeinthefuture. Thisisalsoanimmenselypracticalbookwrittenbyauthors,whoarethemselvesa conventional GP and a therapist, providing integrated care in a deprived area of GreaterManchester.ForGPsandotherfrontlinecliniciansandforpatientsalike,it describes,foreachpresentingproblem,therangeofchoicesthatareavailablefor cliniciansandpatientspursuinganintegratedapproach.Itopensdoorsandpossi- bilitiesforhealingthatsimplydonotexistwithinastrictlyconventionalmedical approach.Idefyanyonetoreadthebookorevenjustdipintoitwithoutcoming awaywithsomenewtipsandthoughtsonhealing. Furthermorethisisanextremelyreadablepieceofworkwithdelightfulquotes andfullofimaginativeideasandusefulcontactswithineachdiseasearea.Defying thecoldrigourofaconventionaltextbook,itismorepracticalandindividuallyuseful because it embodies the warmth and experience of its authors. Integrated careis aboutopeningtherangeofhealingpossibilitiesforbothcliniciansandpatients.Indi- vidualpreferencesandexperiencesmeanthatresponsetotreatmentandsuccessare bound to vary, and this represents a necessary part of the emancipating role of integratedcare.So,too,istheencouragementandliberationofpatientstohealthem- selvesandalsotakeamoreactivepartintheirownhealthandhealing.Onceaclinician orpatienthasembarkedonthisvoyage,Ihaveneverknownanytoturnback. Theauthorsshouldbecongratulatedonproducingsuchalivelyandusefulpiece ofwork,whichwillbeofpracticalusetoeveryclinicianandpatient,whetherthey areexperiencedorarejustembarkingforthefirsttimeonanintegratedapproachto healthandcare. DrMichaelDixon Chair,NHSAlliance VisitingProfessor,InstituteofIntegratedHealth,WestminsterUniversity HonorarySeniorLecturer,PeninsulaMedicalSchool January2007 About the authors Myra has been married to Andrew for 30 years and they have three grown up children. She has worked inhealth care for most of that time, initially as a ward sister running a vascular unit and she also qualified as a midwife. Following the birth of her children, she worked in primary care with Andrew on screening programmesfortheelderly,coronaryheartdisease(CHD)preventionandhealth promotion,whichincludedstressmanagement,exercise,healtheducation,medi- tationandrelaxation.Shestudiedhomeopathy,healtheducationandcounselling subsequently.Forthenext14yearssheworkedasacounsellorinprimarycareina deprivedarea,withspecialinterestsinhealthandlifestyle,bereavement,stressand anxietymanagement.Thiswasfollowedwithakeeninterestinenergyhealingand shesubsequentlyqualifiedasaReikimaster.Sherunsabereavementsupportand marriagepreparationgroupforherlocalCatholicchurchandcontinuestoworkasa holistictherapisttoraisefundsforanorphanageinAfrica. Andrew is a 1974 Liverpool Medical School graduate. As a GP principal since 1980 and a Homeopathic Physician since 1988, he gained recognition to the Specialist Register of the Faculty of Homeopathy. His main interests have been undergraduate and postgraduate teaching as a GP trainer, research and medical writing,contributingtoseveralbooksandjournals.HeheldthepostofGPtutorin Bury Postgraduate Centre and with Myra runs regional workshops in the north westonmotivationandprevention.Hepresentedhisresearchon‘Integration of Complementary Therapies in a GP Setting’ at the inaugural conference of the Prince’s Foundation for Integrated Health at St James’s Palace. He has always emphasisedthepreventionandholisticaspectsinhisteachingsandclinicalcareof hispatients. Acknowledgements OurgratitudeandthanksmustfirstgotoalltheteamatHuntleyMountMedical Centre.Theirsupportandkindnesstoall,goesbeyondthecallofduty.Theyfaced thetaskofdecipheringourmanuscriptscribblesandtapeswithgreatenthusiasm andendlesspatience.Botheyesightandcomputerskillsweresorelytested.Thank youtoJanetMorley,MaureenFoster,DeniseIves,HilaryCornwellandalsotoKath Adamson,ValerieWinstanleyandJuneSturmanforsupportingthemintheirtask. OurappreciationmustgotheAssociationofComplementaryTherapists,underthe leadershipofBarbaraHeron,whoforthreeyearsrantheschemeatourcentreand helpedtoprovidetheevidenceforourresearchstudy.Forexpertstatisticalanalysis in Chapter 33 we are indebted to Timothy Sendall. Many thanks to Christopher Demetriou,VeryRevPaulCannonandSharonBeechfortheirexpertiseincom- puting, and for printing the many versions of the manuscript. Our gratitude and thankstoDrsKimandPatrickScottfortheirenthusiasticandpainstakingreadingof thebookfromamedicalperspective. AbelatedthanksgoestoAndrew’sgrandfather,AndreasPattichisMaos(1893– 1985), who was the first to spark our interest in holistic therapy. He was a self- taughthypnotherapistofsomerepute,inCyprus.Aspecialacknowledgementmust gotoourchildren,Christopher,LydiaandNatasha,whoinadvertentlywereguinea pigs in all our integrated and holistic ventures. A special mention to Lydia for keeping us both focused, not being afraid to speak her mind, and for setting the standardontheevidenceforintegratedhealthcare.Ahugedebtofgratitudemust gotoourpatientsoverthelast30yearsforenthusiasticallyjoiningusinourquestto find appropriate integrated health care to suit their needs. We truly believe that everyonewemeetisourteacher,therefore,itisaprivilegetohavebeengiventhe opportunitytohelpinsomewaywiththehealthandhealingprocessofthehuman condition.OurthankstoGillianNineham,JamieEtheringtonandRadcliffePublishing Ltd for having the vision and respect for the subject matter and for publishing IntegratingComplementaryandConventionalMedicine. Tobothsetsofparents,whohavenowpassedon,wededicatethisbookfortheirpart inourjourney.Forourchildren,Christopher,LydiaandNatasha,whoareblessed withabeautifulspirit.Toour24childrenthatwe‘adopted’inAfrica,whostruggle dailyfortheirsurvivalandanuncertainfuture.

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