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Integrated Yoga: Yoga with a Sensory Integrative Approach PDF

105 Pages·2007·2.8 MB·English
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Sundberg, Ph.D., BCBA ISBN 978 1 84310 852 8 Integrated Yoga Yoga with a Sensory Integrative Approach Nicole Cuomo Jessica Kingsley Publishers London and Philadelphia Firstpublishedin2007 byJessicaKingsleyPublishers 116PentonvilleRoad LondonN19JB,UK and 400MarketStreet,Suite400 Philadelphia,PA19106,USA www.jkp.com Copyright©NicoleCuomo2007 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedinanymaterialform(includingAllrights reserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedinanymaterialform(includingphotocopyingor storingitinanymediumbyelectronicmeansandwhetherornottransientlyorincidentallytosomeotheruse ofthispublication)withoutthewrittenpermissionofthecopyrightownerexceptinaccordancewiththe provisionsoftheCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988orunderthetermsofalicenceissuedbythe CopyrightLicensingAgencyLtd,SaffronHouse,6-10KirbyStreet,LondonEC1N8TS.Applicationsforthe copyrightowner’swrittenpermissiontoreproduceanypartofthispublicationshouldbeaddressedtothe publisher. Warning:Thedoingofanunauthorizedactinrelationtoacopyrightworkmayresultinbothacivilclaim fordamagesandcriminalprosecution. Disclaimer Theauthorofthismaterialisnotliableorresponsibletoanypersonforanydamagecaused orallegedtobecauseddirectlyorindirectlybytheinformationcontainedinthisbook. LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Cuomo,NicoleC.,1965- Integratedyoga:yogawithasensoryintegrativeapproach/NicoleCuomo. p.cm. ISBN-13:978-1-84310-862-7(pb) ISBN-10:1-84310-862-3(pb) 1. Hathayogaforchildren.2. Sensorimotorintegration. I.Title. RJ133.7.C862007 613.7'046083--dc22 2006101869 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData ACIPcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN9781843108627 ISBNpdfeBook9781846426773 PrintedandboundintheUnitedStatesby Thomson-Shore,Inc. Contents Acknowledgements 6 Introduction 7 1: What is Yoga? 9 2: Sensory Integration – A Brief Overview 11 3: How do Yoga and Sensory Integration Work Together? 17 4: Yoga Practice and Age Groups 19 5: Integration of the Practices 21 6: Basic Postures 23 Suggested Reading 97 List of Poses 99 Index 101 Acknowledgements I would like to thank my husband Doug, my son Neal, and friends, family,andstudentsfortheencouragementandsupportduringmylong years of education and practice. My thanks also to the children I have workedwithoverthelast15yearsfortheirgreatideas.Finally,Iwould especially like to thank my niece, Erica R. Buehler, for posing for the photographs in this book. 6 Introduction TheideaforIntegratedYogacametomeafteryearsofpracticeasanoccu- pationaltherapistandyogapractitioner.Ihaveworkedwithavarietyof children and adults with different sensory systems and through this came to understand that my own sensory system fluctuated and that I needed to vary my yoga practice in order to stay focused and present. Therearesomanywonderfulbooksonbothyogaandsensoryintegra- tionitjustdidnotmakesensetoreinventthewheel,sothisbookgivesa brief introduction to both topics and, importantly, how they are com- plementary to each other. I offer suggestions for practice with children and these concepts can also be adapted for use with adults. This book is not intended to be a sensory integration treatment book, that takes the place of working with a qualified professional therapist, butratherasanenhancementtotreatment.Asalltherapistsandparents knowthereisnocookbookforworkingwithchildren,onlyguidelines that have to be tweaked so that the fit is perfect. Approach the subject with an open heart and an open mind, and don’t forget to breathe. Peace, Nicole 7

Practicing yoga creates a sense of calm and focus and heightens awareness of the body's functions and movements. For children with sensory processing difficulties - because they either have low sensory thresholds and are overwhelmed by sensory stimulation or because they have high thresholds and do
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