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Integrated malaria vector control in different agro-ecosystems in western Kenya Susan S. Imbahale Thesis committee Thesis supervisors Prof. dr. ir. Willem Takken Personal chair at the Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University Prof. dr. Marcel Dicke Professor of Entomology, Wageningen University Thesis co-supervisor Dr. ir. Ron J.A. van Lammeren Associate professor at the Laboratory of Geo-information science and remote sensing, Wageningen University Other members Prof. dr. ir. Johannes S.C. Wiskerke Wageningen University Dr.ir. Leo A.J. Nagelkerke Wageningen University Prof. dr. Ellen van Donk Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Maarssen Prof. dr. Robert W. Sauerwein Radboud University Nijmegen Prof. dr. Ken E. Giller Wageningen University This research was conducted under the auspices of the C.T. de Wit Graduate School for Production Ecology & Resource Conservation Susan S. Imbahale Integrated malaria vector control in different agro-ecosystems in western Kenya Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor at Wageningen University by the authority of the Rector Magnificus Prof. dr. M.J. Kropff, in the presence of the Thesis Committee appointed by the Doctorate Board to be defended in public on Thursday 29 October 2009 at 11 AM in the Aula. Imbahale S.S. (2009) Integrated malaria vector control in different agro-ecosystems in western Kenya PhD-thesis, Wageningen University – with references – with summary in Dutch ISBN 978-90-8585-475-3 To the Imbahale’s (Alex, Evelyne, Nancy, Ann, Ruth and Lindah) and the future generations. Abstract Malaria is a complex disease and its transmission is a function of the interaction between the Anopheles mosquito vector, the Plasmodium parasite, the hosts and the environment. Malaria control has mainly tar- geted the Plasmodium parasite or the adult anopheline mosquitoes. However, development of resistant parasites and mosquito vectors re- quires the development of other strategies, such as larval control, which can be integrated in the current control programmes. To develop a lar- val control programme, the local vector species and their breeding char- acteristics need to be known. This thesis describes the results of a study on mosquito ecology, with an emphasis on malaria vectors in different agricultural settings within two highland sites (Fort Ternan and Lunyerere) and a peri-urban area (Nyalenda) in western Kenya, and the development of practical and ef- fective mosquito larval control strategies. To provide information about the ecology of local vectors, a longitudinal two-year study on the popu- lation dynamics and breeding characteristics of local mosquito species and malaria prevalence was undertaken in the respective study sites. In addition, community perception and knowledge on malaria, causes of malaria and the control of mosquito vectors were established through a questionnaire. This information allowed for the development of small- scale mosquito larval control strategies combining source reduction, en- vironmental manipulation through provision of shade and biological con- trol using predatory fish (Gambusia affinis) and application of the bio- larvicide, Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis (Bti). The main malaria vector species, Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu stricto and An. arabiensis Patton, were both present in all sites as larvae, while An. funestus Giles was only recorded in the highland villages. The ma- jority (86%) of mosquito breeding sites were a result of human activi- ties. Anopheles arabiensis was the main vector species in Nyalenda, Anopheles gambiae s.s. was dominant in Lunyerere while An. funestus was common in Fort Ternan. Lunyerere had the highest percentage (12.5%) of adult indoor resting An. arabiensis mosquitoes ever re- corded in the western Kenyan highlands. Fort Ternan had the highest percentage (71%) of larval An. arabiensis ever recorded at such high altitude. Plasmodium falciparum, the main malaria parasite in the re- gion, was present in the schoolchildren cohort examined and no signifi- cant differences in malaria prevalence were observed among the study sites.The inhabitants of the respective communities regarded malaria as a burden and they expressed a willingness to take part in mosquito con- trol, although they did not know how this could be done. A pilot study of larval control strategies conducted in Nyalenda demonstrated the feasi- bility of environmental and biological control methods in man-made, mostly agricultural, mosquito habitats. The larval control strategies that were applied in the highland villages led to complete elimination of both early and late instar mosquito populations and com- pared well with the effects of Bti application. The results suggest that the larval control strategies developed in this study will contribute significantly to a reduction in adult mosquitoes and hence, malaria transmission. Larval control strategies need to be devel- oped that take into account the breeding habits of the local vectors as well as the suitability of habitats for a given control strategy. An inte- grated approach using various larval control strategies that are locally available, can easily be adopted by the communities concerned. Com- munity involvement in disease control will lead to knowledge on how the peoples’ activities affect their health and this can empower them to take charge of their health. Abstract 7 Chapter 1 General introduction 11 Chapter 2 Farming systems, water management and malaria mosque 21 toes in Africa Chapter 3 A longitudinal study on the ecology of aquatic stages of 35 malaria mosquitoes in distinct geographical and environ- mental settings in western Kenya 57 Chapter 4 Dynamics of malaria transmission in different agricultural settings in western Kenya Chapter 5 Community perception of malaria in areas having different 77 transmission levels in western Kenya Chapter 6 Strategies of controlling malaria mosquito larvae using en- 103 vironmental management and biological control: a case study of Nyalenda, western Kenya 123 Chapter 7 Integrated control of malaria mosquito larvae in two high- land villages in western Kenya. 143 Chapter 8 Summarizing discussion 152 References 173 Nederlandse samenvatting (Dutch summary) 177 Acknowledgements (Dankwoord) 181 Curriculum Vitae 183 List of publications 185 Education statement 187 Appendix: Supplemental figure Chapter 3

scale mosquito larval control strategies combining source reduction, en- Chapter 6 Strategies of controlling malaria mosquito larvae using en- .. wamba. (2001). Horticulture. Vector densi- ties. Anopheline sp. +. Senegal. Trape et . of the adult or may lead to sterility or deformation of the adult
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