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Integrated Korean Workbook: Beginning 1 PDF

236 Pages·2009·10.79 MB·English
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Preview Integrated Korean Workbook: Beginning 1

Integrated Korean Workbook Beginning 1 SECOND EDITION Mee-leong Park Joowon Suh Mary Shi Kim Sang-Suk Oh KLEAR Textbuuks in Korean Language Hangtae Cha ® CONTENTS Introduction “of [Haa'yil: Lhe Kurean Alphabet! ‘Vowels and Consonants able Hiocks Tlow to Use Hictionaries 8] A144 Lesson Bs Greetings} : Chnversation i Ceswersatiun 2 Wrap-np Sources 2.8 of 9 had Lesson 2: The Uoivesity Cownpush Conversation | ‘ Conversation 2 : irap-up Frercies Bsn. cepey $a nosed Korean Largan Che] Convarsion Gonerston? ‘rapup Taenses 424 22 {Leeson ds At Home Hl Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Wrapaup Trenives 4) gasson & Atle Bookstore] : Cranvetsetian 1 Caneersation 2 i irapenp Eaencizes - 62} 49) 31 {Leman b: My Day Convessation | Conversation 2 i) Wenp-up Pxercies 2019 Tao of rea Allg eared Priest he Fs See face B 54 “Tis seh ta eee Aessloned by tt hensth Lasoo dn Reser ‘Seer LEAL id Ue spar of de Kea Founda Isa ona-inetsi.t ‘so ee thin ms be emg a Rel 0° MP am aneaoaretb con Ase of eenrpareajnsio Cum fr Bink eno tlle pants Ee, mis Yes Koll See i fee HET uss Mon Amer FOR. SEG 3S area at ba ide Be KLE ‘vey of tats then ea rnc i reperand auth sos fr ener nese sat ‘arabsy of the Coan ae Lt Renae ‘rey at evading Capen INTRODUCTION Vulumes 1 and 2 of this workbook acrumpany vohornest Sand 2. af Inayratial Kura, sing, second edition, respectively. On a pat with the main éext, volume T ot this workbook is composed of activities on Han’git, the Korean alphabet, covering lessons durough 3, while volume 2 consists of aciivities covering lessons 9 dough 17, ‘he ust signilicanl diflerence in the seccisd edition of the workbook seCleets che curtont trené agsong Kerean language learners in U.S. universities. Traditianaliy, dhe primary Korean languuge leaner in 1S, universities were stadnte nf Karsan hesitige. Within recent years, huwever, the auinber of wonveritege leathers has iewreased und thus, tomee: their necds, wevising the workhavk content appropriately way 27 Unmediate nezessity, The editors decided lo compose new eontent far she workbook zalher than simply to revise the fist ed-foa. While the warligr eellion locusts] on the fre laeguoge skitls iadivideelly, Ue seeund edition adupls an Blegrsted approudr; by encompassing grammar ane vocabulary in addition to the four langnage skills. To maximize ivarning, fitting for bath, nonberilage and heritage leamers, lf areas (vocabulary, expression, graminer, listening, spenising, weicingy have beer, reoxganized according to the level of difficulty. Overall, Ue second edition of Une woukSook alias Lo hexps students leaan elfeclively anu is e fan ‘way inva short period ol Hime. Kucthesnuore, starting with simpte vocabulary’ xa the new ndition af the weirkbook forises on Brtegrasing Beanie wed Lue tion bes develop the lypes of exercises applicable to modern. daily situations. The second edition gives salience fo the importance of vocabsulary and pravides vocabulary exercises Bough a variety of questions, ‘Tlustrations are used hore .o repfaee the snechawicelly repetitive exercises of ke first edition with oore exgnitively challenging practices. Che use of illustrations is believed lo be move effective iz maximuzing the students’ concentration, and nolsiing ‘their bueres, Whercus the first edition wes veg ed only attereac lesson was completed, the second edilion consists uf pre- ais, and posl-exereises, exaliaig sturlents to use the warkhook strmManeousty with the textbook. Daily practice is ncoessary [oe language improvement, and this new organization of the workbook witl increasa the level af efficiency. Exercises are intoginted into new iesson pointe with previously leurned graznmar anal visable cei wabe In audition, post cxcirise (rein cach Tesson include varivus applicitiuns suc as fask-ur’enlation aud infurnation gablsocing, They ure further belstered dy two review lessors—the fiest Includes reateriats xrvered ‘in lessons: 1 through 4, and [ke second includes maleciels covered in les ins 5 through &. iy Contents 7% EAE [Lisson 7: The Weekend} Conversation 1 Conversation? Wiap-up Fercies AS} AS OVAl [essen 8: In Sov] Conversations | Conversation 2 Wrap-up Exercises +4 Ml [Revies WH: Lansons 5— BL ota [Han’gitl: The Korean Aiphabet] ‘Vowels: Simple vowels A, Pravties reading and wwviting simple vowvels, The basic lop to buttom Hs 1} Simple vowels Writing practice

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