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Integrated design and manufacture using fibre-reinforced polymeric composites Edited by M J Owen, V Middleton and I A Jones CRCPress BocaRaton, Boston NewYork Washington,DC WOODHEAD PUBLISHING LIMITED Cambridge England PublishedbyWoodheadPublishingLimited,Abington Hall,Abington Cambridge CB1 6AH,England www.woodhead-publishing.com Publishedin NorthandSouthAmericabyeRePressLLC,2000Corporate Blvd,NW BocaRatonFL33431,USA Firstpublished2000,WoodheadPublishingLtdandeRePressLLC ©2000,WoodheadPublishingLtdexceptChapter7©SlingsbyAviation Limited, Chapters11 & 12© 1999FordMotorCompanyand Chapter14©Pennabond Division,NationalStarch& ChemicalLtd Theauthors have asserted theirmoralrights. Thisbookcontainsinformationobtainedfrom authenticandhighlyregarded sources.Reprintedmaterialisquotedwithpermission,andsourcesare indicated. Reasonableeffortshave beenmade topublishreliabledataandinformation,but the authorsandthepublisherscannotassume responsibilityfor the validityofall materials.Neitherthe authors northe publishers,noranyone else associatedwith thispublication,shallbeliablefor anyloss,damage orliabilitydirectlyor indirectlycausedoralleged to becausedbythis book. Neitherthis book nor anypartmaybe reproducedortransmittedin anyform orbyanymeans,electronicormechanical,includingphotocopying,microfilming andrecording,orbyanyinformationstorage orretrievalsystem,without permissioninwritingfrom the publishers. TheconsentofWoodheadPublishingand CRCPressdoes notextendto copyingfor generaldistribution,for promotion,for creatingnewworks,orfor resale.Specificpermissionmustbe obtainedinwritingfromWoodheadPublishing orCRCPressfor suchcopying. Trademarknotice: Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksorregistered trademarks,andare used onlyfor identification and explanation,withoutintentto infringe. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData A cataloguerecordfor this bookis availablefrom the BritishLibrary. LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData A catalogrecordfor this bookis availablefrom the LibraryofCongress. WoodheadPublishingISBN185573 4532 eRePressISBN0-8493-0858-5 eRePressordernumber:WP0858 CoverdesignbyThe ColourStudio TYPesetbyBest-setTYPesetterLtd.,HongKong Printed byTJInternationalLtd,Cornwall,England This book is dedicated to the hundreds of people who have been involved over the last 37 years with the composites programme in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Nottingham Preface This book is about fibre-reinforced polymers (FRPs) excluding rubber matrix materials.Although some contributors refer to 'composites','com positematerials'or'fibre-reinforcedcompositematerials'therestrictionto fibre-reinforcedthermoplasticandthermosettingpolymersstillappliesand rubber, metal and ceramic matrix composites are excluded. The overall intention is to show that material selection,manufacturing feasibility and material properties are strongly inter-related factors that have to be con sidered at an early stage in the design process in order to achieve cost effective products. Often this can be done without recourse to elaborate calculations. Followinganintroductorychapterthatisintendedtosetthescene,there are three main parts to the book. Part I describes the main material con stituents and the main manufacturing processes. Part II is based on case studies of some recent successful applications. The authors explain their development approach for both product and manufacturing process. Part II also includes chapters on adhesive technology and the growing impor tance of closed mould processes. Part III is an introduction to design methods with due regard to manufacturing feasibility. Three substantial appendices coverlaminate analysis,sample materialpropertiesand a glos sary ofterms. The provenance of the book lies in courses offered regularly by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nottingham, over the past 20 years. These comprise short intensive continuing professional development (CPD) courses and final year undergraduate and master's degree modules. CPD courses have also been presented at the premises of individual firms and trade associations both in the UK and around the world including South Africa, Singapore and other countries. The editors intend the book to be-useful for similar courses and particularly to individual engineers, scientists and managers in industry who might be considering new products for which FRPs are unfamiliar candidate materials. xv xvi Preface The editors have only acknowledged by name friends and colleagues whohave made directcontributions to the book. However,overthe years therehave beenhundredsofindustrialcollaborators,academiccolleagues, research assistants and research students who have participated in spon sored research programmes, who have also helped with courses and who havemadeindirectcontributionswithoutwhichthepresentoutcomewould not have beenpossible. About the contributors Dr R Brooks Dr Richard Brooks is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Mechanical, Materials,Manufacturing Engineering and Management at the University of Nottingham. Following a period in industry working for Courtaulds he gained a PhD in Engineering from the University of Cambridge in 1982 and joined the University of Nottingham in 1984 as a Lectur.er in PolymerApplications. Since that time he has worked on the development ofdesignproceduresandhigh-volumemanufacturingmethodsforthermo plastic composites. He has published extensively and has supervised a number of large collaborative research projects. Current research interests include orientation in short fibre composites and design with these materials, glass mat thermoplastics, co-mingled composites for structural automotive applications and the use of composites in sports equipment. MrP Bryant Peter Bryant, now retired, was formerly Managing Director of Adams Hydraulics Ltd,York, manufacturers ofsewage treatment equipment and purpose-designed composites products. Most recently he was Director responsible for Quality, R&D, and Project Manager for several DTI sponsoreddevelopmentprojectsforhighlystressedequipmentconstructed in composites. Prior to that, after training with C A Parsons & Co Ltd, Newcastle upon l.Yne, manufacturers of turbo-generators, he worked for many years in Engineering and Production Management positions within the Baker Perkins group, becoming Managing Director of Baker Perkins (latterlyAPV) ChemicalMachinery Ltd,Stoke onTrent,manufacturers of mixing,compounding and extrusion equipmentfor the plastics and chemi cal industries. xvii xviii About the contributors DrJ Dominy John Dominy is a graduate of Middlesex University, gaining his PhD for work on high-speed transmissions. Following a period at Rolls-Royce, he first learned aboutcomposites duringhis time as a designer and race engi neerfor aFormula1racing team.He thenreturned to Rolls-Royce where, for the lasttenyears,hehasbeenaspecialistinthe CompositesGroup.He has recently completed terms as Chairman of the two leading UK com posites groups - the Nottingham University Composites Club and the Institute of Materials Polymer Composites Committee. In addition to his post at Rolls-Royce pIc,he maintains a practical interest in composites as Chairman andTechnicalDirector ofCarbon Concepts Limited. Dr G Eckold Geoff Eckold was educated at University of Manchester Institute of ScienceandTechnology.AftercompletingaPhDthesisconcernedwiththe design offilament woundstructureshejoinedPlasticsDesign& Engineer ing (PDE) as a Design Engineer. His responsibilities covered the design, manufacture and installation of composite process plant. While at PDE he became involved in the development of design codes and standards for composite design. In 1984 he joined the Harwell Laboratory ofAEA Technologyandbecameinvolvedinthedesignandprototypestudyofcom posite components for automotive, offshore, aerospace, process and engi neering industries.He also was concerned with process modelling and the integration of CAD techniques for composite manufacture. Geoff Eckold is currently a Senior Manager within the engineering business of AEA Technology with overall responsibility for a wide range of materials and engineeringprojectswithin the industrial sector. MrN G Foster Nevile Foster is a Principal Design Engineer at Slingsby Aviation. He graduated in Aeronautical Engineering at Kingston Polytechnic and com pletedanEngineeringApprenticeshipatBritishAircraftCorporation(now BritishAerospace). He subsequentlyworkedin theAcoustics Department ofBAC and the StressDepartments ofBritishAerospace and Boeing,and for the past 11 years has specialised in composite structures at Slingsby Aviation. He is a Chartered Engineer and a Member of the Royal Aeronautical Society. MrA R Harrison Alan Harrison is the supervisor for advanced materials and processing development in the Advanced Vehicle Technology Group of the Ford About the contributors xix Motor Company Ltd at Dunton, UK. He was an apprentice at Borg Warner (York Division) and subsequently had experience with them in component design and manufacturing quality control before joining Ford as a component engineer. For the past 15 years he has been involved in materials engineering, especially fibre-reinforced plastics. He has a BA degree in Materials Engineering from the Open University and an MSc degree in Advanced Automotive Engineering from the University of Loughborough. DrIAJones Arthur Jones is a Senior Lecturer in the School ofMechanical, Materials, Manufacturing Engineering and Management at the University of Nottingham. He studied Engineering Manufacture and Management at UMIST,duringwhichtime he gainedexperienceofprocessindustrieswith Vickers and ICI. On graduation he worked for two years for Rolls-Royce pIc on the manufacture of civil aero-engines, before joining the lecturing staffatthe UniversityofNottinghamin1989.Sincethenhe has developed research interests in the design, manufacture and analysis of composite structures,with particularreference to the analysis oflaminatedshells and the development of novel composites for biomedical applications. He gained his doctorate as astaffcandidatein1993 for his research intofinite element analysis offilament wound structures. He also conducts research into computer-aided experimental stress analysis. DrWALees BillLeesobtainedbothhisBScandPhDdegreesinorganicchemistryfrom ManchesterUniversity and after a briefperiod in the paint industry spent his working life in the field ofengineering adhesives. He was instrumental in developing products for civil,mechanical,structural,electrical and elec tronic applications. As a founder member of the Permabond Division of NSC Ltd - now an ICI Group Company - and its Technical Director for more than 20 years he was responsible for the initial UK manufacture of both the cyanoacrylate and anaerobic adhesives. He also assisted in the establishmentandexploitationofthenowubiquitoustoughenedadhesives. Heis both authorandeditor andpreparedthe logicfor boththe PALand EASel software - acknowledged expert systems for the selection of engi neeringadhesives.DrLeeshasservedonanumberofBScommittees.Now recentlyretired,heisanindependentconsultantcurrentlyengagedinCEN onthe preparation ofEuro standards for structural adhesives.He is also a memberofthe DTI's IndustrialAdvisory Group. xx About the contributors ProfV Middleton Vic Middleton is Professor of Engineering Design in the Division of MechanicalEngineering,UniversityofNottingham.He undertookhispro fessional training with Rolls-Royce, Derby, as a University Apprentice during which time hegraduatedfrom the UniversityofNottinghamwitha BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering. He was subsequently awarded a PhD degree for research on dynamically loaded bearings before working for Glacier Metals. Since joining the university as a lecturer he has spe cialisedin the application ofcomposite materials and the design processes associated with this. He developed the CADFIL suite ofsoftware for fila ment winding composite components which was subsequently licensed to Crescent Consultants by the university and is marketed on a world-wide basis by that company. He has also been associated with the resin transfer moulding programmeswith theFordMotorCompanywithin the Division. He is currently involved in the design and manufacturing programme for the applicationofstructuralcompositesinthewatertreatmentindustry.He has been a directorofCrescent ConsultantsLtd,acompanyspecialisingin the design and development of composite artefacts, since its inception in 1985. DrJA Nixon After graduation in Metallurgy and Materials Science at Nottingham University in 1980John Nixon conducted research into the flow and cure behaviour of sheet moulding compounds which led to a PhD in 1984. Following afurther period ofresearch into mouldingandNDTtechniques for thermoplasticcomposites at BathUniversity hejoinedVosperThorny croft(UK) Ltdtoworkoncompositeshipconstructionandthe application ofcompositesintheoffshoreoilandgasindustry.HejoinedtheScottBader CoLtdin 1993to work onfabrication process development where he now manages the Applications andTesting Group. ProfMJ Owen Mike Owen was Professor ofReinforced Plastics in the Mechanical Engi neeringDepartmentoftheUniversityofNottinghamuntilhisrecentretire ment.AfterNationalServiceheobtainedaBScinMechanicalEngineering from the University ofBirmingham before spending three years in North America.AfterreturningtoNottinghamhewasawardedaPhDdegreefor fatigue studies ofgas turbine compressor disks and he was appointed to a lectureship.For over30 years he was involved with FRPresearch projects incollaborationwithindustry,especiallyFordMotorCompany.He was the

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