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Integrated and Differential Accuracy in Resummed Cross Sections Daniele Bertolini,1,2 Mikhail P. Solon,1,2 and Jonathan R. Walsh1,2 1Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, U.S.A. 2Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, U.S.A. Standard QCD resummation techniques provide precise predictions for the spectrum and the cumulant of a given observable. The integrated spectrum and the cumulant differ by higher-order terms which, however, can be numerically significant. In this paper we propose a method, which we call the σ-improved scheme, to resolve this issue. It consists of two steps: (i) include higher- order terms in the spectrum to improve the agreement with the cumulant central value, and (ii) employ profile scales that encode correlations between different points to give robust uncertainty estimates for the integrated spectrum. We provide a generic algorithm for determining such profile scales, and show the application to the thrust distribution in e+e− collisions at NLL(cid:48)+NLO and 7 NNLL(cid:48)+NNLO. 1 0 2 I. INTRODUCTION cross section and its uncertainties. However, standard resummationmethodsdonotaccuratelymodelthelong- n a Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is essential for un- range correlations in the spectrum, and when the spec- J derstanding data from collider experiments. Countless trum is integrated this leads to the inconsistency with 7 measurementsattheLargeHadronCollider(LHC),from the cumulant. Taking τ →∞ in Eq. (1), a simple state- 2 Higgs coupling measurements to new physics searches, ment is that the integral of the spectrum does not give rely on precision QCD predictions. The success of these the correct inclusive cross section and its uncertainties ] h programshasbeenenabledthroughremarkableadvances at the relevant fixed order accuracy. On the other hand, p inthecommunity’sabilitytocalculatecrosssectionswith while these quantities are correctly predicted by the cu- - a level of precision that keeps pace with constantly im- mulant, itisapoormodeloftheshort-rangeuncertainty p e proving experimental measurements. This will continue correlations, and so its derivative fails to accurately pre- h tobethecasefortheremainderoftheLHCprogramand dictthepoint-by-pointuncertaintiesinthespectrum. We [ for future colliders. willresolvethisbasicproblem,makingthespectrumand This paper focuses on predictions for observables in cumulant predictions consistent. 1 The inconsistency in Eq. (1) arises from the fact that v QCDthatrequireresummationoflargelogarithms. Such the renormalization and factorization scales are chosen 9 observables are standard at collider experiments, from 1 event and jet shape observables to classical observables (by necessity) to be τ-dependent. We will show that a 9 like q , the transverse momentum of the vector boson in simpleconstraintontheseτ-dependentscaleswillrender T 7 thespectrumandcumulantconsistent,allowingthespec- Drell-Yan production. The most precise calculations of 0 trum to correctly predict the inclusive cross section and these observables match resummed and fixed order re- . 1 sults to obtain an accurate prediction across the entire its uncertainties. We will provide a generic algorithm, 0 which we call Bolzano’s algorithm, to choose scales that range of the observable. However, there is a common in- 7 satisfy this constraint. consistency in resummed predictions, one which we ad- 1 dress in this work. The layout of this paper is as follows. In Sec. II, we : v Resummedcalculationsforagenericobservableτ make discuss the spectrum and cumulant predictions and the i sourceoftheinconsistencyinEq.(1)indetail. InSec.III, X two predictions: the spectrum dσ/dτ (cross section dif- we present a technique to make the spectrum and cumu- ferentialinτ),andthecumulantΣ(τ)(crosssectioninte- r a grated over τ). Using standard resummation techniques, lant consistent, and in Sec. IV we implement the solu- tion for the example of the thrust distribution in e+e− these predictions differ by higher-order terms (see, e.g., collisions. We conclude in Sec. V and describe a specific Ref. [1]), implementation of the algorithm in Appendix A. (cid:90) τ dσ dτ(cid:48) =Σ(τ)+higher order, (1) dτ(cid:48) 0 II. THE RESUMMED SPECTRUM, whichcanbenumericallysignificant. Anequivalentform CUMULANT, AND THEIR UNCERTAINTIES oftheinconsistencyisthatthederivativeofthecumulant is inconsistent with the spectrum: dσ/dτ =dΣ(τ)/dτ + Resummed calculations generally operate within one higher order. of two frameworks: soft-collinear effective theory Each prediction is internally consistent and valid: the (SCET)[2–5],ordirectQCD(dQCD)(see,e.g.,Refs.[6, spectrum accurately predicts the value of the differen- 7]). Both frameworks provide equivalent predictions, tial cross section and its uncertainties point-by-point in built by factorizing the cross section in terms of more τ, while the cumulant accurately predicts the integrated universal matrix elements that depend on a restricted 2 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 FIG.1: Comparisonofthecumulantwiththeintegratedresummedspectrumforthrustine+e− collisionsatNLL(cid:48)+NLOand at NNLL(cid:48)+NNLO. The cumulant matches onto the inclusive cross section at large τ, while the standard integrated spectrum differs in both value and uncertainty. The integrated spectrum with the σ-improved scheme gives a consistent prediction. set of dynamics and scales [1, 8–10]. The scales at which arenolongerlarge)willyieldaccuratepredictionsforthe the factorization occurs are handles by which uncertain- distribution. This feature is nontrivial, as the singular tiescanbeassigned;thisprocessiscalledscalevariation. (which is resummed) and nonsingular (which is typically There are many schemes to perform scale variation, and not)componentsofthespectrumhavelargecancellations the assessment of uncertainties can be subjective. How- atlargeτ,andthematchingmustpreservethesecancella- ever,bycomparingdifferentordersofthecalculation(e.g. tions. Thisistantamounttothestatementthatonemust NLL(cid:48)+NLOversusNNLL(cid:48)+NNLO)togetasenseofcon- be careful when, and how, the resummation is turned off vergence, one can judge the robustness of an uncertainty at large τ. Additionally, robust uncertainty models will scheme. yield accurate uncertainty estimates point-by-point in τ. One feature common to factorization theorems for re- For the cumulant, consistent matching to fixed order summedcalculationsisthatsomefactorizationscalesare predictions will ensure the following condition is met: naturally observable-dependent. For example, if we have Σ(τ →∞;µ )→σ (µ), (3) a resummed cross section for an e+e− dijet event shape i incl τ, the factorization theorem for the spectrum in SCET where µ represents the set of factorization scales and µ i has the form is the renormalization scale (or represents the renormal- ization and factorization scales for hadronic collisions). dσ (cid:2) (cid:3) =H(Q,µ )U (µ ,µ ) J(Q,τ,µ )U (µ ,µ ) That is, the fixed order inclusive cross section is recov- dτ H H H 0 J J J 0 ered in the large τ (inclusive) limit, which is precisely (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) ⊗ J(Q,τ,µ )U (µ ,µ ) ⊗ S(τ,µ )U (µ ,µ ) , J J J 0 S S S 0 where fixed order predictions are robust. This implies (2) that the cumulant is accurately modeling the long-range scale uncertainties in the cross section, while the spec- where Q is the center of mass energy, and H, J, and trum is accurately modeling the short-range scale uncer- S are the hard, jet, and soft functions with correspond- tainties. ing evolution factors U , U , and U , and factorization H J S These features of the spectrum and cumulant become scales µ , µ , and µ [11–13]. The evolution factors H J S inconsistent because of the τ-dependence in the factor- sumthelargelogarithmsofthefactorizationscalestothe ization scales (see, e.g., Ref. [1]). Consider the spectrum arbitrary common scale µ , and the factorization scales 0 and cumulant before scales are chosen: by construction are chosen to be similar to the “natural” scales in the they obey the relation functions. In this example, this means that the jet and soft factorization scales will be τ-dependent; we refer to ∂ dσ Σ(τ;µ )= (µ ). (4) themasprofilescales(see, e.g., Refs[14–24]foradiscus- ∂τ i dτ i sionofprofilescalesinvariouscontexts). Aconstruction Because the only τ dependence is through the explicit τ, in dQCD will give the same essential features (see, e.g., we can convert the partial derivative to a full derivative Refs. [13, 25]). without penalty. However, once we choose factorization Thespectrumandcumulantpredictionsforagivenob- scales to be τ-dependent (e.g., µ and µ ), we have J S servable each have de facto features guaranteed by their d ∂ dµ ∂ dµ ∂ definitions. For the spectrum, robust matching to fixed = + J + S . (5) order calculations in the large τ limit (where logarithms dτ ∂τ dτ ∂µJ dτ ∂µS 3 This introduces a difference between the cumulant III. A SPECTRUM WITH INTEGRATED derivative and the spectrum: ACCURACY d Σ(τ;µ )− dσ(µ )= (cid:88) dµF ∂ Σ(τ;µ ). (6) In this section we describe the general approach used dτ i dτ i dτ ∂µF i inthisworktoobtainconsistentpredictionsforthespec- F=J,S trumandcumulant. Asdiscussedabove,thesequantities Becausethescaledependencecancelsthroughtheresum- have complementary advantages and disadvantages, and mation order achieved, this difference is strictly higher ourmethodisawayofcapturingtheadvantagesofboth. order. This nonzero difference shows explicitly that the It consists of two steps: integralofthespectrumisnotequaltotheinclusivecross 1. Addhigher-ordertermstotheresummedspectrum section; rather it is to improve the agreement with the inclusive cross (cid:90) dσ (cid:88) (cid:90) ∂ section. dτ (µ )=σ (µ)− dµ Σ(τ;µ ). dτ i incl F ∂µF i 2. Asses the resummation uncertainty using profile F=J,S (7) scalesthatpreservetheintegratedvalueofthespec- trum. Thislasttermcanbenumericallysignificanteventhough Thefirststepresolvesthenumericaldifferencebetween it is higher order, as it accumulates over the entire spec- theintegratedspectrumandthecumulant, whichcanbe trum. Furthermore, the value of this term will generally outsidetheuncertaintiesofeitherprediction(seeFig.1). vary for different scale variations, implying that the un- Thehigher-ordertermsarealsousefultoensurethespec- certaintyoftheintegratedspectrumcanalsobedifferent trum matches the inclusive cross section for the cen- from the fixed order value. tral, up, and down scale variations (each with a different In Fig. 1, we compare the cumulant to the inte- renormalization scale µ). grated spectrum for thrust in e+e− collisions, at both The second step allows for resummation variations to NLL(cid:48)+NLOandNNLL(cid:48)+NNLO[26–28]. Theplotsillus- befullyuncorrelatedwiththeuncertaintyintheinclusive trate the discrepancy between the two predictions: the crosssection,whichisgovernedbyfixedordervariations. integratedspectrumdoesnotmatchthecumulantincen- Note that this is not guaranteed using standard profile tral value or uncertainty over most of the range in τ. In scales (as one can see in Fig. 1, standard profile varia- particular, at large τ, the integrated spectrum does not tions lead to large uncertainties in the integrated spec- match the inclusive cross section or its uncertainties. trum). We have devised an algorithm to generate such The uncertainties are estimated through two types of cross section-preserving profile scales, requiring them to scale variations: those that probe the size of the loga- satisfy basic criteria such as monotonicity, smoothness, rithms being resummed (resummation variations), and and boundedness. thosethatprobetheabsolutesizeofthescales,including The following subsections describe these two steps in the renormalization scale (fixed order variations). Re- further detail. summation variations probe the size of the logarithms of scale ratios by varying the profile scales. For the case of thrust, e.g., thelogarithmsofscaleratiosareoftheform A. Step 1: Higher-Order Terms µ2 µ2 ln H , ln J , (8) We add the following higher-order terms to the stan- µ2 µ2 J S dard resummed spectrum: and there is a canonical relationship between the scales, (cid:16) d dσ (cid:17) µ2J =µHµS, that can be used to define the µJ profile in δσR(τ;µ(cid:101)i)=κ(τ) dτΣ(τ;µ(cid:101)i)− dτ(µ(cid:101)i) , (9) terms of the µ profile. One may choose the following S resummation scale variations: whichrestoretheinclusivecrosssectioninthespectrum, (cid:90) (cid:104)dσ (cid:105) • Vary µ by a factor f (τ) (and its inverse). S S dτ (µ )+δσ (τ;µ ) =σ (µ). (10) dτ i R (cid:101)i incl • Varyµ byafactorf (τ)andµ byf2(τ),keeping J J S J Above,theµ arespecialprofileswithtwofeatures. First, the canonical relationship intact. (cid:101)i sincethedifferencebetweenthespectrumandthederiva- Additionally, one may choose to vary the profile shapes tive of the cumulant is proportional to dµ /dτ, we want (cid:101)i to quantify the uncertainty associated with the choice of these profiles to have smooth derivatives. Second, they profile scales. For the fixed order variations, a standard aredesignedtoturnofftheresummationearlierthanthe procedureistovaryallscalesbyacommonfactorof2or standard profiles. This ensures that the cancellation be- 1/2. This maintains the size of the logarithms but varies tween the nonsingular and resummed singular parts of therenormalizationscaledependenceintheresummation the matched spectrum are preserved in the tail region of as well as the matching. the distribution. 4 The function κ(τ) is a smooth function of τ that goes to zero at large τ and whose maximum is an O(1) value. 1.0 Since κ(τ) enables us to tune the effect of the higher order terms, we will take them to be such that the inte- 0.8 gral of the spectrum exactly matches the inclusive cross section for all fixed order scale variations (variations of 0.6 the matching scale). This ensures that the fixed order variations preservethe inclusivecross sectionand itsun- 0.4 certainties. Of course, tuning the higher order terms to precisely match the inclusive cross section is not neces- 0.2 sary,butitsimplifiesthelatterstepofproducingprofiles that preserve the inclusive cross section (e.g., it allows the straightforward identification of the central scale). 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Including the higher-order terms, the spectrum is dσ dσ R(µ )= (µ )+δσ (τ;µ ), (11) dτ i dτ i R (cid:101)i FIG.2: OurmethodtofindsolutionstoEq.(12)isbasedon determining profiles that give an inclusive cross section less where dσ/dτ is the standard resummed spectrum (with- than (down-type profiles) or greater than (up-type profiles) out any higher-order terms added). We will call dσ /dτ the true inclusive cross section, and then identifying for each R the σ-improved spectrum. A similar procedure was pair the combination that solves the equation and is mono- adopted in Ref. [29]. For the thrust example discussed tonic, smooth, and bounded. in Sec. IV, we give the explicit form of µ and κ(τ) in (cid:101)i Appendix A. τ region, to preserve the cancellations between singular and nonsingular terms, we fix the shape of profiles for τ > τ . We have the freedom to change the profile B. Step 2: Bolzano’s Algorithm tail scales in the range τ <τ <τ . NP tail Thethirdconditionensuresthattheprofilescalespro- Finding profile scales µ that give a spectrum whose i duce reasonable uncertainty estimates, consistent with integral is the inclusive cross section can be phrased in convergence between different orders of resummed per- terms of solving an integral equation: turbationtheoryandtherelativesizeofthesingularand (cid:90) dσ non-singular contributions. In practice, we choose the dτ dτR(µi)=σincl, (12) boundary functions µmSin(τ) and µmSax(τ) to be the stan- dardminimumandmaximumvariationsfromthecentral wheretherenormalizationscaledependenceoftheinclu- profile, so that the goal is to fill the standard band with sive cross section is implicit. Given the complex depen- profiles µS(τ) that solve Eq. (12). denceofthespectrumonthefactorizationscales,anana- Our strategy to generate profile scales satisfying these lyticapproachisnotfeasiblebutwecandeviseanumeric constraints is based on the intermediate value theorem algorithmtofindprofilescalesthatsolvetheequationto (also known as Bolzano’s theorem), and we will refer to within a negligible tolerance. We will discuss the algo- it as Bolzano’s algorithm. Bolzano’s theorem states that rithm in terms of finding profile scales µ (τ), but the if a continuous function takes values of opposite sign at S same ideas carry through straightforwardly for µ (τ). the endpoints of an interval, then there is at least one J We will identify profile scales obeying the following point within the interval where the function vanishes: constraints: continuous f :[a,b]→R, f(a)<0<f(b) • µ (τ) is monotonic and smooth. ⇒∃c∈(a,b) such that f(c)=0. (13) S • µS(τ) has fixed shapes near the endpoints. Suppose we have two profiles µdS(τ) and µuS(τ) which givespectrathatintegratetovaluesbelowandabovethe • µ (τ) is bounded; µmin(τ)<µ (τ)<µmax(τ) . S S S S inclusive cross section, respectively: Thefirstconditionensuresthesmoothnessofthespec- (cid:90) dσ trum but not necessarily its monotonicity, which should dτ dτR(µdS)=σidncl <σincl, be further checked. (cid:90) dσ The second condition imposes canonical profile shapes dτ R(µu)=σu >σ . (14) dτ S incl incl neartheendpoints. Inthelowτ region, nonperturbative effects on the resummed distribution can be large and Then, defining often determine the profile scales [12, 30–33]. Thus, for τ < τNP, we fix the profile to a given shape normalized dσR(d,u)(α) =αdσR(µu)+(1−α)dσR(µd), (15) by the value of the profile at τ . Similarly, in the large dτ dτ S dτ S NP 5 ��� �� ��� ��� �� ��� �� ��� ��� � ��� � ��� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� FIG.3: Convergenceofthethrustσ-improvedspectruminthepeak(upperleftpanel)andtransition(upperrightpanel)regions, andofthecumulant(lowerleftpanel)andintegratedσ-improvedspectrum(lowerrightpanel). Theslightnon-convergencein thepeakregionisanartifactofpinchingintheresummationscaledependenceandexistsalsointhestandardcase. Incontrast to the standard case, the integrated σ-improved spectrum exhibits the convergence properties of the cumulant, as expected. Bolzano’s theorem guarantees that there exists an α ∈ exists an α for which 0 ∗ [0,1], in this case (cid:90) dτdσR(cid:0)µ(d,u)(α )(cid:1)=σ . (19) σ −σd dτ S ∗ incl α = incl incl , (16) 0 σu −σd incl incl Thisapproachdoesnotrequireinvertingthespectrumto findtheprofile,butitrequiressolvingforα numerically. such that ∗ Let us give a formulation of Bolzano’s algorithm: (cid:90) dσ(d,u)(α ) dτ R 0 =σ . (17) 1. Generate a set of smooth profiles that have fixed dτ incl shapes near the endpoints. The corresponding profile scale is found by inverting the 2. Sort the profiles into down-type and up-type. scale dependence of the spectrum. 3. For each pair of down-type and up-type profiles, Alternatively, one can also use the same concept to determine the combination whose spectrum inte- directly solve for profile functions that give a spectrum grates to the inclusive cross section. with the inclusive cross section. Defining 4. Selectthesolutionsthatarecorrectlyboundedand µ(Sd,u)(α)=αµuS(τ)+(1−α)µdS(τ), (18) monotonic. α smoothly interpolates between the down-type profile 5. Define a default central profile, if not assumed to µd and up-type profile µu in Eq. (14), and thus there be the standard central profile. S S 6 thattheintegratedσ-improvedspectrumhastheconver- 0.06 gence properties of the cumulant. We stress that the point-by-point uncertainties in the 0.05 spectrum are equivalent to the standard case since the profile variations obtained with the Bolzano algorithm 0.04 fill the standard fiducial band. However, in contrast to the standard case, each profile variation obtained with 0.03 the Bolzano algorithm preserves the inclusive cross sec- 0.02 tion,andthusencodescorrelationsbetweenuncertainties atdifferentpointsofthespectrum. Thisleadstothesig- 0.01 nificant difference in uncertainties between the standard and σ-improved integrated spectra shown in Fig. 1. We 0.00 illustrate this further in Fig. 4 by comparing the uncer- 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 tainty ∆(τ) of the integrated spectrum from the resum- mation variations in both schemes as well as from the fixed order variations. FIG.4: Uncertaintiesofthethrustintegratedspectrumfrom As expected, the resummation uncertainty in the resummationvariationsinboththestandardandσ-improved σ-improved scheme goes to zero at large τ, leaving only schemes and from fixed order variations. the fixed order uncertainty. Thus, in the σ-improved scheme, the resummation uncertainty is fully uncorre- This is illustrated in Fig. 2. Note that, in the first step, lated with the inclusive cross section, while the fixed or- we include profiles that are slightly non-monotonic or deruncertaintyisfullycorrelatedwiththeinclusivecross slightly outside the bounds since they may still lead to section. This makes it straightforward to build a covari- monotonicandboundedsolutions. Particularimplemen- ance matrix from uncertainties in different bins of the tations of the algorithm are discussed in Appendix A. observable. For example, in the case of two bins, the resummation and fixed order uncertainties exactly map intomigrationandyielduncertaintiesdefinedinRef.[34] IV. EXAMPLE: THRUST (see also Refs. [35, 36]), and they are given in Fig. 4 for the 2-jet bin defined by the interval [0,τ]. In this section we apply the σ-improved scheme to the resummedthrustdistributionine+e− collisions[26]. We define thrust as V. CONCLUSIONS (cid:80) |p(cid:126) ·(cid:126)n| τ =1−max (cid:80)i i , (20) Resummed predictions for cumulants and spectra of (cid:126)n i|p(cid:126)i| generic QCD observables are often inconsistent. Even where p(cid:126) are the three-momenta of the particles in the though the difference is formally higher-order, it can be i eventandthemaximizationoverunitthree-vectors(cid:126)nde- numerically relevant, and furthermore, uncertainty cor- termines the thrust axis. The limit τ → 0 corresponds relations across the spectrum are not properly included to two collimated back-to-back jets. The distribution of in standard resummation schemes. τ depends on different energy scales such as the collision In this paper, we defined the σ-improved scheme, a √ center of mass energy Q, the typical jet mass Q τ, and two-step procedure that makes cumulants, spectra, and the typical energy of soft emissions Qτ. As discussed their uncertainties consistent. In the first step, we pro- in Sec. II, logarithms of ratios of these scales appear in videdaprescriptiontoaddhigher-ordertermsthatmake thefixedorderpredictionofthespectrumandcumulant, thevaluefortheintegratedspectrumconsistentwiththe and, near the threshold region τ → 0, these logarithms inclusive cross section. In the second step, we devised become large and have to be resummed. Bolzano’s algorithm to select profile scales that preserve Figure 1 shows the integrated σ-improved spectrum the inclusive cross section, thus encoding proper uncer- at NLL(cid:48)+NLO and NNLL(cid:48)+NNLO [27, 28]. The tainty correlations across the spectrum. We applied the σ-improved spectrum is consistent with the cumulant: scheme to the thrust distribution at NLL(cid:48)+NLO and it integrates to the inclusive cross section and repro- NNLL(cid:48)+NNLO,demonstratingconsistentpredictionsfor duces its uncertainty. Convergence is also preserved in thecumulantandtheintegratedspectrum(Fig.1),good the new scheme as shown in Fig. 3. The upper panels convergence properties (Fig. 3), and robust uncertainty show the peak and transition regions of the σ-improved estimation (Fig. 4). As discussed in Sec. IV, in the spectrum at NLL(cid:48)+NLO and NNLL(cid:48)+NNLO. The lower σ-improved scheme, resummation and fixed order uncer- panels show a comparison between the NLL(cid:48)+NLO and tainties exactly map onto migration and yield uncertain- NNLL(cid:48)+NNLO predictions of the cumulant and of the ties,andthusacovariancefordifferentbinsofanobserv- integrated σ-improved spectrum. These are the same able can be straightforwardly computed [34]. curves in Fig. 1 but are reproduced here to emphasize The σ-improved scheme defines a general strategy 7 which can be applied to other observables. For exam- The shape of profiles in the region τ ≤ τ is fixed by NP ple, it would be interesting to consider the Higgs trans- the value at τ as NP verse momentum and C−parameter distributions [37– µ (τ ) 42]. Furthermore, we have implemented a simple version µ (τ)= i NP µ (τ), 0≤τ <τ , (A6) of Bolzano’s algorithm; improvements to the computa- i µc(τNP) c NP tional efficiency and to the matching of the integrated so that the cumulant depends on µ (τ ). Above, µ (τ) spectrum and cumulant (e.g., by matching at additional i NP c is the default central profile, here taken to be the stan- intermediate points) can be pursued. In this paper, we dard central profile. In general, Eq. (A5) is no longer worked with resummation within the SCET framework, linear in the spectrum, and the solution in Eq. (16) is but the same techniques can be applied to resummed invalid. However, if we consider profiles with the same spectra in dQCD. value at τ , the boundary term is simply a constant, NP and we recover, with appropriate redefinition, the linear system solved by Eq. (16). The complete set of solutions Acknowledgments that fill the bounding functions can then be obtained by considering various values of µ (τ ). i NP We thank Frank Tackmann for collaboration in the The first step is to generate profiles, and it is done by early stages of this work, as well as Christopher Lee and interpolating a curve through randomly sampled points. Iain Stewart for useful discussions. This work used re- Gridded sampling can also be done, but may be less ef- sources of the National Energy Research Scientific Com- ficient given the unknown distribution of solutions and puting Center and was supported by the DOE under the high dimensionality required for coverage. To obtain Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. solutions with the properties listed below Eq. (12), the generated profiles have the following properties: Appendix A: Implementation Details 1. Fixedshapesnearendpoints. Inparticular,allpro- files have the same value at τ . NP In this appendix we discuss an implementation of the 2. Roughly bounded: µmin (cid:46)µ (cid:46)µmax. i i i σ-improved scheme for the thrust distribution. We first added higher-order terms to the thrust spec- 3. Roughly monotonic: 0(cid:46) dµi. dτ trum to restore consistency between its integral and the 4. Smooth and artifact-free. inclusive cross section, according to Eqs. (9) and (11). The explicit form of the suppression factor κ(τ) we used The first property enforces standard behavior in is given by the non-perturbative and tail regions, as discussed in Sec.IIIB.Werequirethatsolutionsobtainedinthesub- κ(τ) =0.90625(1−tanh(8τ −0.56)), (A1) NLL(cid:48) domain connect smoothly at τ to the functional form NP κ(τ)NNLL(cid:48) =0.8475(1−tanh(8τ −0.56)). (A2) given in Eq. (A6). In the tail region, imposing strict boundedness, For the profiles µ (τ) in the higher-order terms in (cid:101)S,J Eq. (9), we used the form µmin(τ)≤µ (τ)≤µmax(τ), τ >τ , (A7) i i i tail µ (τ)=0.003+0.4985(1+tanh(10τ −2)), (A3) is sufficient for obtaining solutions that reduce to unity (cid:101)S µ (τ)=(cid:112)Qµ (τ), (A4) since both boundary functions obey µmi in,max(τ) → 1. (cid:101)J (cid:101)S Notethatinstandardapproaches,additionaluncertainty is accounted for by varying the value of τ . Here, this where Q is the center of mass energy. tail uncertainty is effectively accounted for by appropriate We now discuss Bolzano’s algorithm, based on the so- choice of the boundary function µmax(τ). lution presented in Sec. IIIB. The goal is to fill a band, i The second property follows from the µ-range of the definedbyboundaryfunctionsµmin(τ)andµmax(τ),with i i chosen sampling regions. Note that profiles that are profiles whose integrated spectrum is equal (within tol- slightly unbounded or non-monotonic may still lead to erances) to the inclusive cross section. Additionally, we solution profiles that are bounded and monotonic. For require that the profiles are monotonic, smooth (at least example, considering profiles outside the boundary func- C1), and have fixed shapes near the endpoints. tions may be useful for obtaining solutions close to (and As mentioned in Sec. IIIB, we will solve Eq. (12) in within) the boundaries. On the other hand, profiles that the subdomain [τ ,∞), assuming that the contribution NP are too far outside the bounds, or are highly oscillatory, to the total cross section from [0,τ ) is given by the NP are unlikely to yield acceptable solutions, and are not cumulant. Thus, Eq. (12) is replaced by considered. Thethirdandfourthpropertiesrequireacarefulchoice σ =Σ(cid:0)τ ;µ (τ )(cid:1)+(cid:90) ∞ dτdσR(cid:0)µ (cid:1). (A5) of the τ-range of sampling regions, and of the interpo- incl NP i NP dτ i τNP lation method employed. For example, we may avoid 8 highly oscillatory profiles by controlling the number, depends not only on the solver but also on the strategy range and locations of the sampling regions, or by us- for generating initial candidate profiles, and the guide- ing a monotone interpolation method. Similarly, we are lines for step one described above are useful to increase careful to choose sampling and interpolation strategies theyieldofsolutionswiththerequiredproperties. Inter- that do not lead to profiles that exhibit artifacts such as estingly,theremaybesmallregionswithintheboundary kinks, nodes, and gaps. functions that are hard to fill with solutions, demanding StepstwothroughfivedescribedattheendofSec.IIIB precisecorrelationsatsmallandlargeτ toyieldtheright arestraightforwardandwewillnotdiscussthemfurther. crosssectionwhilemaintainingmonotonicity. Thesegaps In our basic implementation of the algorithm, it takes can be supplemented by focusing the initial sampling re- O(0.01) seconds on a standard laptop to generate one gions, but in practice, the remaining gaps are not large profile solution. We also obtain similar efficiencies when enough to significantly impact the point-by-point uncer- solving directly for the profiles using Eq. (18) and a nu- tainty estimation. merical root-finding method. Note that the efficiency [1] L. G. Almeida, S. D. Ellis, C. Lee, G. Sterman, I. Sung, JHEP 09, 120 (2013), 1211.7049. and J. R. Walsh, JHEP 04, 174 (2014), 1401.4460. [22] C.W.Bauer,F.J.Tackmann,J.R.Walsh,andS.Zuberi, [2] C. W. Bauer, S. Fleming, and M. E. Luke, Phys. Rev. Phys. Rev. D85, 074006 (2012), 1106.6047. D63, 014006 (2000), hep-ph/0005275. [23] T. T. Jouttenus, I. W. Stewart, F. J. Tackmann, and [3] C. W. Bauer, S. Fleming, D. Pirjol, and I. W. Stewart, W. J. Waalewijn, Phys. Rev. D88, 054031 (2013), Phys. Rev. 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