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Integral Biomathics Plamen L. Simeonov, Leslie S. Smith, and Andrée C. Ehresmann (Eds.) Integral Biomathics Tracing the Road to Reality ABC Editors PlamenL.Simeonov AndréeC.Ehresmann JSRC FacultédesSciences,Mathématiques Wilhelmstrasse91 UniversityofPicardieJulesVerne Berlin Amiens Germany France LeslieS.Smith Dept.ofComputingScienceand Mathematics UniversityofStirling Scotland UK ISBN978-3-642-28110-5 e-ISBN978-3-642-28111-2 DOI10.1007/978-3-642-28111-2 SpringerHeidelbergNewYorkDordrechtLondon LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2012935108 (cid:2)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2012 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartofthe materialisconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broad- casting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionorinformationstorage andretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodologynowknown orhereafterdeveloped.Exemptedfromthislegalreservationarebriefexcerptsinconnectionwithreviews orscholarly analysis ormaterial suppliedspecifically forthepurposeofbeingentered andexecuted ona computersystem,forexclusive usebythepurchaser ofthework.Duplication ofthis publication orparts thereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheCopyrightLawofthePublisher’slocation,initscur- rentversion,andpermissionforusemustalways beobtained fromSpringer. Permissionsforusemaybe obtainedthroughRightsLinkattheCopyrightClearanceCenter.Violationsareliabletoprosecutionunder therespectiveCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublication doesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevant protectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Whiletheadviceandinformationinthisbookarebelievedtobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication, neither the authors northe editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissionsthatmaybemade.Thepublishermakesnowarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerial containedherein. Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) This bookisdedicatedto thememories ofAlanTuring, ErwinSchrödinger,NicolasRashevsky,GregoryBateson, MichaelConrad,RobertRosen,FranciscoVarela, ValentinoBraitenbergand allbraveresearch pioneers who daredto questiontheriddlesoflife. TheEditors AdaptedfromanillustrationtothepoemJabberwocky AworkbyEnglishillustratorSirJohnTenniel(1820–1914) FirstpublishedinCarroll,Lewis.1871.ThroughtheLooking-Glass, andWhatAliceFoundThere Acknowledgement This book is the outcome of 12 months work thanks to the CSA project INBIOSA (ECFP7FETgrantnumber269961).http://www.inbiosa.eu/ TheprojectINBIOSAacknowledgesthefinancialsupportoftheFutureandEmerging Technologies (FET) programme within the ICT theme of the Seventh Framework ProgrammeforResearchoftheEuropeanCommission. Editorial This book arises primarily from the INtegral BIOmathics Support Action (INBIOSA), funded by the EU Future and Emerging Technologies initiative under the Framework 7 programme. The main idea driving the project is that it is not possible to make significant progress in the overall transdisciplinary area delineated by computational systems biology, autonomic computing and communications without a breakthrough paradigm change towards biologically driven mathematics and computation. Turing Machines used in biology and elsewhere in science today are Newtonian in a broad sense because they deal exclusively with syntax and inference rules based on discrete logic in absolute space and time to deliver predictable behaviour. Despite this ap- proach being extraordinarily useful in engineering human processes, the interactions within the real world have proven to be vague and relational in many ways. A pro- foundly new understanding of the role of biology in natural and engineering sciences needs to be set out. Our driving argument is that living systems have fundamentally different notions of self-organization from those in engineering sciences. We there- fore propose a research programme to investigate the imperatives of computation in a new way by comprehending the fundamental principles of emergence, development and evolution in biology. The eventual goal will be a set of novel mathematical formalisms capable of addressing the multiple facets of an integral model and a general theory of living sys- tems within an adequate frame of relevance. INBIOSA’s task was to identify, consoli- date and organize transdisciplinary research in Europe around this focus. However, the gestation of the work reported here is far longer than this one-year project. At its base will be a long-term fundamental research programme in mathematics, biology and computation on a global scale that we call Integral Biomathics. The critical issue in this new field is finding a way forward that brings together the various communities of researchers who are interested in novel mathematical formal- isms for addressing living/non-living and 1st/3rd person issues, and seeking to develop novel approaches to biocomputation. The INBIOSA project (as funded) aims to eluci- date and illuminate the area, rather than to determine a specific set of solutions to these issues, or even to define the “right” way forward. Its goal was the creation of a European based worldwide community of scientific and technical experts to produce a structured and cohesive vision of the future natural and biosynthetic ecosystems. In the course of the project we were able to recruit and involve some distinguished thinkers from a number of disciplines worldwide in our internal discourse, 36 of which are members of our Scientific Advisory Council and 24 subscribed as scientific collaboration partners. Our work is organized through an Advanced Online Scientific Community Service (AO-SCS), also developed in the INBIOSA project. XII Editorial The articles in this book are partly invited, and partly from the meetings organized under INBIOSA’s auspices. These were • iBioMath-Am workshop (4 August 2011), held in conjunction with the Inter- national Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2011) in San Jose, California, • iBioMath 2011-Eu workshop (12 August 2011), held in conjunction with the European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2011) in Paris, and • First Annual Conference on Integral Biomathics (ACIB’11), 29-31 August 2011, at Stirling University, Scotland, UK. All the papers (both invited and submitted) have been refereed. The book starts with an Introduction by Judith Rosen, daughter of Robert Rosen, dis- cussing his contribution to science, particularly to the aspects of science discussed in depth in this volume. The primary material of the book is divided into five sections. Section I (Biology and Neuroscience) contains a range of papers discussing both the nature of biological living entities and the underlying neurophysiological issues for biocomputation. Section II (Mathematics and Computation) tackles the problem from the other end: what can mathematical and computational approaches tell us about biocomputation. Section III (Models and Applications) considers both actual animals and models of living systems, as well as some specific issues in modeling biocomputational systems. Section IV (Physics and Philosophy) contains papers with a variety of viewpoints that generally fit into the area of physics (which at one time, in the old Scottish Universi- ties was called Natural Philosophy) and philosophical issues, although they are not mainstream philosophical papers. The final outcome of the INBIOSA project is a White Paper, motivating the need for action, reflecting the impact foreseen in science, technology and society and defin- ing goals and directions for research. This forms section V of the book. We believe that it is a defining document that can be used to direct future research in this area. The volume finishes with an Epilogue by Arran Gare, which explains how Integral Biomathics could change the nature of science, fostering “a different way of under- standing nature, society and people”. The editors would like to thank all the contributors and all the reviewers, in par- ticular Stanley Salthe, Koichiro Matsuno, Felix T. Hong, Marcin Schroeder, Robert S. Root-Bernstein, Brian D. Josephson, Ron Cottam, Edwin Brezina, Pridi Siregar, Jaime Gomez-Ramirez, Bruno Marchal, Otto E. Rössler, Gordana Dodig-Crncovic, Michel Petitjean, David Finkelstein, Ted Goranson, Thomas S. Ray, Yukio-Pegio Gunji, Bill Seaman, William Philipps, Igor Alexander, Aloisus Louie, William C. Hoffman and Arran Gare from the INBIOSA project for their hard work, as well as Leontina di Cecco and Holger Schaepe from Springer for their encouragement and advice to produce this volume. 9th December, 2011 Plamen Simeonov Andrée Ehresmann Leslie Smith Introduction: The Contribution of Robert Rosen to Science By Judith Rosen When I go to conferences, among the questions I have consistently been asked about my father’s work are the following: “What was he saying that was so different from mainstream science?”; “Do you think his work should change the way we do science? Why?”; and, “What are the most important aspects of his work — and why are they important?”. The answers to these questions turn out to provide a good, concise over- view of Robert Rosen’s total body of scientific work as well as a useful primer for those who wish to begin a study of that work for themselves via his published papers and books. From the outset, I think it is useful to know what problem Robert Rosen was trying to solve — what question he was working to answer, as he developed into the Theo- retical Biologist history knows him as. His internal focus never wavered from this one, main question (which he has referred to as his “Imperative”). He wanted to fig- ure out “Why are living organisms ALIVE?”. He wanted to understand completely what the causal entailments are for generating the emergent systemic effect we refer to as “life”. By the end of his career, he had found his answers but they sure weren’t what he initially thought they would be… And the journey to find them also took him places he never expected to go! At first, he tried to find answers to his question via Physics, Thermodynamics, Ma- thematics and all the mainstream scientific practices and tools that have been based on their collective development. He discovered, rather quickly (even before his PhD, in fact), that it was not going to be possible to achieve his ends using those means. Just as killing and dissecting an organism somehow loses the essence of what it is we are trying to study—without any way to go back to the original, living system — current reductionist scientific theory cannot explain what living organisms ARE DOING. In- deed, the situation is even worse than that: Living organisms routinely manifest beha- viors — at all levels of their systemic organization — that are explicitly not allowed to happen, according to the current foundations of science. I have, many times, heard and read the statement; “Nature must obey the Laws of Physics”. Such hubris! I like to picture any scientist intoning such a statement as bedeviled by a large and rather grumpy Bumblebee (an insect that science once tried to tell us should not be able to fly — according to those Laws of Physics). In the inner universe of my imagination, Lady Bumblebee then proceeds to sting said physicist on the nose. Hubris always has consequences but why should the rest of us always have to pay the price for it along with those who are guilty of it? That strikes me as being decidedly unfair. XIV Introduction: The Contribution of Robert Rosen to Science The current foundations of science tell us that our universe is one in which there is only past and present and stipulate that the future can NEVER act as a causal force in the present; instead we are only allowed to react to what is happening now, or what has happened in the past. Yet… trees in temperate climate zones go dormant before winter arrives, an entire reef of coral — millions of individuals — all somehow man- aging to ovulate in unison, birds build nests for the offspring they haven’t given birth to yet, and all normal human female infants are born with ovaries full of eggs despite the fact that a girl won’t be using them for more than a decade. The examples are eve- rywhere and they are literally endless. The future DOES act as a causal force on the present behavior of living organisms. Nature, apparently, has Laws of its own. This was the situation my father found himself in, as he contemplated his options. He chose to make a temporary detour from pursuing his “imperative” in order to do a de- tailed analysis of the historical development of science. Specifically, he was looking for errors such as mistaken assumptions or unsupported conclusions that were missed initial- ly during the early development of science and then were never revisited again. He found several. The worst and most damaging error was Rene Descartes’ “Machine Metaphor” — the presumption that all systems in the universe can be thought of as being “just like ma- chines”. That turns out to be just plain wrong. However, compounding this error is the fact that a great many of the other errors, which have been woven into the fabric of science over time are further iterations or ramifications of this one. For example: The prohibition against the very idea of Final Causation or functional entailments; The defini- tion of “objectivity” according to a total lack of any value for optimality (which in Biolo- gy and Medicine, leaves no room for any scientific notion of “health”); The Cartesian “Scientific Method” specifying a reductionist approach which, we are taught, is always proper and appropriate for learning about ANY system. There are many such examples and although time and space limit our discussion of them here, they are described in de- tail in Robert Rosen’s published work. The bottom line is that, as a result of the machine metaphor and its ramifications, the foundations of science currently do not differentiate between systems, which are merely big and complicated (or otherwise intricate enough to be unwieldy yet still amenable to reductionist approaches) and relationally complex sys- tems that are always permanently destroyed by fractionation. On top of that, there is cur- rently no way within mainstream science to figure out WHY that happens. What my father found when he went back to a period in scientific thought prior to Descartes, et al, was that there already were modes of approach available to build on for use with biological systems. These proved to be far more fruitful because using them doesn’t destroy what we seek to study as part of the process of studying. Aris- totle’s Four Categories of Causation, in particular, provided a framework for a more productive type of analysis that allowed for four distinctly different perspectives from which to consider questions about the universe. It also allowed for such notions as op- timality, function, and the complexity of TIME in the Fourth Category: Final Causa- tion. Time, according to Robert Rosen’s work, is not the linear, simple entity we often think of and represent it as. Nowhere is that more apparent to human observation than when studying biological phenomena. Imposing a linear concept of time on living phenomena leads to conundrums such as, “Which came first; the chicken or the egg?” Life, instead, reveals the existence of repeating cycles, and cycles within cycles, which can interact with one another even at multiple different scales of organization,

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